Tweak the Taskbar to your liking on Windows 11. In the Value Data field, enter either 0, 1, or 2. Restart or log out for it to take effect. Click to reveal After a reboot, the Windows 11 taskbar will return to its normal size. Another way to make your icons look smaller is to change the display resolution and/or scaling. In User From there, choose the icon you'd like to change to, then confirm with OK. Get the Latest Tech News Delivered Every Day. Way 5. So, yes, this guide can also be used to make the taskbar smaller or larger. This number corresponds to the size of the taskbar: 0 as opposed to unlocking the taskbar and resizing it the old fashioned way. We select and review products independently. 5. You can change the icon for most folders in Windows 11, including regular folders, special desktop icon folders, and hard drives. Heres how it works. To do so, select all the icons that you want to make smaller. Click Yes to continue. Even though you cant make the Taskbar bigger or smaller on Windows 11 as easily as you can on Windows 10, a little know-how can help. To do so, click onScale. The window will prompt you to enter a name. I tried a method I found online for hacking the registry to make the taskbar smaller in height but it had no effect. Its best to store them on the desktop or in the documents folder. When you make a purchase using links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Your taskbar should now appear at the top of the screen. That is, if you increase the size of icons, the taskbar size will also be increased automatically to accommodate larger icons and vice versa. Your desktop icon will now have changed. You can do by hitting Windows key + R and typing regedit or by searching for regedit, using the search menu. Simply right-click on the desktop and hover over theViewoption. this method seems to have its problems Leave Regedit open. This will show the available size options Large icons, Medium icons, and Small icons. How do I change desktop icons in Windows 11? To change the size of your Windows 11 taskbar, you can either edit your Windows Registry yourself or download our one-click hack ZIP file in the section below. How-To Geek is where you turn when you want experts to explain technology. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Bags\1\Desktop. To open Registry Editor, click the search button on your taskbar and then type Regedit. Your email address will not be published. Which of the above methods did you use? 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Configurable state of HDR video streaming when running on battery. The default Medium icon size is 3, so if you want icons to be smaller, select 4. How do I change icon sizes in the Windows 11 taskbar? Although Windows 11 is supposed to be a more user-friendly operating system than its predecessors, it comes with a few surprising changes. This will also change taskbar size overall, as it will shrink or grow to match the icon size. If you accidentally delete or edit a different value, restoring the registry backup is always an option. He's written for publications such as Digital Trends, KitGuru, and ITProPortal. And as long as you followed the instructions mentioned above correctly, you shouldnt worry about messing up the Windows Registry. Build 22621.1616 = New features off by default. The search box should no longer be cropped at the top when the window is maximized. One of the biggest changes in Windows 11 is the taskbar. A new entry will be added to the list in the rightmost pane of the Registry Editor window. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced. If the options provided dont quite cut it for you, you can also enter your own custom scaling. On Windows 11, the icons are a little bigger than usual possibly to make it more accessible to users. Chifundo is a writer for MakeUseOf. We encourage Insiders toread this blog post that outlines the ways well try things out with Insiders in both the Dev and Beta Channels. Place the cursor over the taskbar, right-click, and select the Show the Task View button option. And I can not find any way to make the icons smaller. Were entering 30 as our value data to make the icons even smaller. Right-click or tap and hold on the desktop to bring up the context menu. This feature will be removed in the next release version, just like the reposition of the Start Menu. Although the Windows 11 taskbar features a different appearance, it doesnt have to spoil your user experience. Resizing the Windows 11 taskbar can also be done with a reg file. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, You could also just roll back the update until they properly fix it with some other workaround. Filed Under: Windows 11 Tagged: Customize Taskbar, windows is so wack, i cant believe you have to go to regedit to do this, when mac has a simple feature to change task bar size individually, Jeez 2022 and u still gotta use reg edit to achieve this smh. Unlike Windows 10, you cant just unlock the Taskbar and adjust its size freely in Windows 11. Web627 views 1 year ago In this tutorial, Ill show you how to change the taskbar size in Windows 11. Whether you want to build your own home theater or just learn more about TVs, displays, projectors, and more, we've got you covered. Click on the top result. He's been writing about tech for more than two decades and serves as the SVP and General Manager of Lifewire. Ryan has had a passion for gaming and technology since early childhood. Paste the following address in your Registry Editor address bar: Right-click any empty space in the main pane and choose New > DWORD (32-bit) Value. Because the Dev and Beta Channels represent parallel development paths from our engineers, there may be cases where features and experiences show up in the Beta Channel first. You can learn more about using the registry here, but as long as you follow along carefully and back up the registry beforehand, it should be straightforward and safe. Last Updated on August 23, 2021 by admin 4 Comments. Step 2: In the address bar of the Registry Editor, copy and paste the following path and hit the Enter key. Currently, the only way to do this is with a registry tweak. When you purchase through our links we may earn a commission. The icons on Windows 11 can seem a little in your face, a design feature that was possibly preferred for better accessibility. The new features for app defaults in Windows 11 as mentioned here in this blog post are included in this build. Once the download is finished, unzip it to extract the files to a new location. Launch Start11 when done. It does not work any more. First, press and hold the Control key on your keyboard. Making the Windows 11 taskbar smaller is relatively straightforward through the Registry Editor. 7 Ways to Make Windows 11 Look Like Windows 10, How to Disable the News and Interests Taskbar Widget in Windows 11, How to Make the Taskbar Smaller on Windows 10, What to Do When Windows 11 Doesn't Support a Processor, How to Disable Taskbar Button Grouping in Windows, How to Add, Change, & Delete Registry Keys & Values, How to Disable Low Disk Space Checks in Windows. The default Medium icon size is 3, so if you want icons to be smaller, select 4. Heres how: 1. Resizing the taskbar itself also changes the size of the icons. You can change the size right from the desktop, but there are other ways, too. If thats the case, you can change its size to suit your needs by making it bigger or smaller. iPhone v. Android: Which Is Best For You? Confirmed. Double clicking Task Managers title bar to maximize the window should work again now. Once youre there, right-click Advanced in the sidebar and select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. At the moment, Microsoft has added the feature to RELATED: 5 Ways Windows 11's Taskbar Is Worse Than Windows 10's. Double-tap the win11_taskbar_medium.reg option and press the, A pop-up window will inform you that your system has been modified. Related: How to Install PIP on Windows 11. Navigate to the win11_taskbar_small.reg file and double-tap it. Right-click on an empty space and select New followed by DWORD (32-bit value). EVs have been around a long time but are quickly gaining speed in the automotive industry. It will appear again when the mouse runs along the bottom of the screen. WebEnable Small Taskbar in Windows 11 using Registry Editor First, you have to open the Start menu by clicking on the Windows button on the Taskbar or pressing the How to Ungroup Icons on Windows 11 Taskbar With a Registry Hack (and 2 More Ways), Windows 11 Memory Integrity is off issue: How to fix. In addition, search, Widgets, task view, and Chat icons appear by default on the taskbar, but they can be turned off. The default icon size is Medium. It's also possible to resize taskbar icons without adjusting screen resolution or the taskbar's size, but you'll need to download one of three specific .bat files. In the Value Data field, enter either 0, 1, or 2. I might just keep it though. Its pretty easy as well. Heres how to go about it: Follow the link above and click on Download. Another way of restoring the medium size is with a downloaded reg file, meaning you wont have to change the data value manually. Right-click the app's icon and select Properties > Shortcut > Change Icon. Alternatively, press Win+I to open Settings. I cant believe that Microsoft has done another Vista on us. Now, he is an AI and Machine Learning Reporter forArs Technica. Heres how to do so manually: Since the Registry Editor is one of the operative systems most powerful programs, some users may feel uncertain about manually changing their system. The simplest way to change desktop icon sizes in Windows 11 is using its bespoke context menu. Simply right-click on the desktop and hover over the View By default, Windows 11's taskbar is a decent size, but what if you want it a little bigger so you can see the icons better? We originally published this article during the beta period, but we've tested with the release version of Windows 11 and this tip still works. Then, click Yes on the UAC prompt to launch the Registry Check your icons are small. To do so, press Ctrl+Shift+Esc to open the Task Manager. Its important that you remember to run the .bat file as an admin or it wont be able to apply the changes. Open the folder and save the files in a new location to unzip them. Is there a way of increasing the size of taskbar icons without changing the display scaling from 100% ? They are not applied to the Secure Kernel. Then, select one of the three sizes that work best for you from the expanded context menu or press these shortcut buttons: Large icons Ctrl + Shift + 2. Have you resized your taskbar? Do note, making it smaller may make Required fields are marked *. Once downloaded, run the setup and follow the on-screen instructions to install it. Disclaimer: Some pages on this site may include an affiliate link. Read more As of October 2021, the taskbar size in Windows 11 cant be adjusted with the Settings app. You set the value by double clicking on TaskbarSi. Then hit Enter. Now select an icon from the list and clickOK. 2. Signing in to Remote Desktop Services might fail. I have set the TaskbarSi to 0 and the size is reduced to small but the date widget, laguage widget and wifi network widget is hidden halfway and only a portion visible. Benj Edwards is a former Associate Editor for How-To Geek. You can skip over accessing the desktop context menu on Windows 11 and use shortcuts to change desktop icon size instead. Now, next toCustom scaling, enter a new number (the lower the better). Right-click the Advanced key and select New -> DWORD (32-bit) Value . This occurs because of an exception. A new window will notify you the file has finished modifying the system. > On the sidebar of the Settings app, select Personalization. You can alternatively just restart the Explorer process by following the link in the section below. Did not work after I had to do a restore. The basic registry tweak For TaskbarSi 0=small <----------mine is set here, cause I want the icons to be small. Right-click Start, go to Control Panel (view by large or small icons) > System > Advanced system settings, and click Settings in the User Profiles section. Fixes [Taskbar & System Tray] Fixed a few explorer.exe crashes that were impacting taskbar reliability. In 2005, he created Vintage Computing and Gaming, a blog devoted to tech history. If you don't like it, you can always go back and change it. Tim Fisher has more than 30 years' of professional technology experience. However, you will need to uninstall any speech pack entries in Settings > Apps > Installed apps which were installed before the Language & region settings fix and re-install from Language & region settings. Don't you remember the Windows 8 fiasco? We show you how to make taskbar icons bigger or smaller in Windows 11, both using the registry and a pre-made .bat file. You can also change the icon size by pressing. Reboot the PC and log in with your account information. Doing this will automatically hide the taskbar each time your mouse moves off of it, instantly providing more screen space. We are beginning to roll out animated icons for Widgets on the taskbar. Fixed an issue impacting Task Manager reliability. To modify the taskbars size with a downloaded file: When you sign back in, the operating system will change the taskbars appearance and make it smaller. When youre done, click OK.. Follow the steps to access the Windows 11 Registry Editor to change the default taskbar icons size: Click the Windows/Start button to launch the Start menu. Select the size of desktop icons that you want from the list of options. Resize the Windows taskbar in a few steps. Making the Windows 11 taskbar smaller is relatively straightforward through the Registry Editor. Moving the cursor along the lower end of the desktop will bring up the taskbar. Step 4: Finally, double-click on the TaskbarSi value, set 0 for small, 1 for medium, and 2 for large icons. Hold the Control and Shift keys on your keyboard, and then press either 1, 2, 3, or 4. Here they are for quick reference: So, to make the icons small, simply press Ctrl+Shift+4. 2. In this guide, we take a look at how to make the icons smaller on Windows 11, be it on the desktop, Windows Explorer, or anywhere else. Ctrl + Shift + 2: Change to small icons Ctrl + Shift + 3: Change to medium icons Ctrl + Shift + 4: Change to large icons Go ahead and press any of those key As previously mentioned, you can move the icons on the taskbar (including the Start button) to the left side of the screen in Windows 11, but you cant resize the taskbar itself. They do the following: 0 Click on. Related: How to Change Brightness on Windows 11. Whats the Difference Between a DOS and DDoS Attack? Turning on the new toggle under Settings > Windows Update for getting the latest updates as soon as they are available introduced in the previous build should now offer a Windows configuration update offered via Windows Update for How to Use Cron With Your Docker Containers, How to Use Docker to Containerize PHP and Apache, How to Pass Environment Variables to Docker Containers, How to Check If Your Server Is Vulnerable to the log4j Java Exploit (Log4Shell), How to Use State in Functional React Components, How to Restart Kubernetes Pods With Kubectl, How to Find Your Apache Configuration Folder, How to Assign a Static IP to a Docker Container, How to Get Started With Portainer, a Web UI for Docker, How to Configure Cache-Control Headers in NGINX, How to Set Variables In Your GitLab CI Pipelines, How to Use an NVIDIA GPU with Docker Containers, How Does Git Reset Actually Work? WebThis is a short video tutorial on how to reduce the taskbar height on windows 11 using Regedit. When you minimize a window that has protected content, the content displays when it should not. Luckily, weve discovered a registry hack that can make the taskbar larger or smaller. > Launch the Windows 11 Settings app by pressing the Windows logo key + I keyboard shortcut. When the Registry Editor app opens, navigate to this key using the sidebar, or paste it in the address line near the top of the window: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced. For additional methods, refer to our guide above. Click the Start button, type regedit, and select the Registry Editor icon when it appears in the results. You can read ourHow to Restart Explorer.exe guideto learn how to do this in Windows 10 and Windows 11. This article explains how to make your Windows 11 taskbar bigger or smaller. > From the Personalization page, click on Taskbar on the left sidebar. Search for Registry Editor and then open it. Step 1: Right-click on an empty spot on the desktop and click Display settings to open Settings > System > Display page. Fortunately, its possible to resize the taskbar with a .bat file. GPResult and Resultant Set of Policy did not report them. Alternatively, click on Taskbar in the left pane. Though there isnt an in-built setting to change the taskbar icon size in Windows 11, weve provided .bat files that will do it all for you automatically. Or maybe you feel it could be a little smaller? Alternatively, if you want more flexibility with the sizes, select the icons whose size you want to change, hold down the Ctrl key and scroll down with your mouse wheel.