Our oldest congregation has been in continuous existence since 1688. Dr. Taylor is a member of the prestigious Martin Luther King Jr. International College of Ministers and Laity at Morehouse College, and inducted into its Board of Preachers. In addition, all pages on Bizapedia will be Feel encouraged. Our Beliefs. Nurses Auxiliary Sis. 2840 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[2824 109]/Info 2823 0 R/Length 86/Prev 193840/Root 2825 0 R/Size 2933/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream GILKES, Pastor. On behalf of the General Baptist Convention of New Jersey, I welcome you to the official website of our convention. Terry is also the former vice-president of External Relations at Taylor Seminary and has taught courses at the school for many years. Scotch Plains, New Jersey East New Jersey Baptist Association By J. C. Buchanan, Pastor, 1871 . (BGAV) - Baptist General Association of Virginia. Without a pastor, we are waiting on God to send us one whom He is preparing to lead us. company profile page along with the rest of the general data. Contents 2023 NJNet / North Jersey Network , Church Website Builder by mychurchwebsite.net. With churches as far north as Lincoln and as far south as San Jose, the majority of churches are situated in the area around Sacramento, the state capital. No special communication. Rejoice in their reunion with the old Association. Illinois Baptist State Convention- (MF); 1807-1940 . NJNet - North Jersey Network of Churches. Brad Seifert. Mrs. Martha H. Turner-Riddick. His goal is to serve this present age through ministries that speak to today's issues. A pastor for many years, he is now the minister for the Alberta Baptist Association. Streamed live on Apr 20, 2016: Dr. Taylor delivers It's Time For A Change! %%EOF OMG! They have three daughters and two granddaughters. NORTH CHURCH, NEWARK. E. D. BENTLY, Pastor. His ministry is one of empowerment and encouragement. Regional Minister Dr. Bob Krahn serves twenty-eight NAB churches in fourteen cities, including one just south of the CanadianUnited States border in the state of Washington. Directories Faith Webs. Dan enjoys technology, golfing, and a good mystery show. Rev. GEO. If you are in need of enterprise level search, please consider signing up for a Bizapedia Pro Search account as described on this page. Rejoice in the formation of the new Association. PA-S. Jersey - Baptist Resource Network of Pennsylvania-South Jersey. Still favored with the faithful and able pastorate of Bro. Financial audits are prepared annually. S. J. KNAPP, Pastor. Rev. Fill out the form and a representative from the Benevolent Committee will contact you. The North American Baptist Conference is a collection of more than four hundred churches dispersed across twelve regions. No Pastor. It is the mission of the North Jersey District Missionary Baptist. Your entire office will be able to use your search subscription. Ric Olsen serves as the regional minister. SAMUEL DAVIS, Supply. CBC offers various assistance to our members. Itinerary. Dr. Taylor is committed to the gospel of Jesus Christ. He has led this congregation since 1993 offering a ministry of hope and restoration. "An Association Committed to Kingdom Building through Christ-Centered Ministry" Acts 1:8 . The church was officially incorporated in 1905, and had joined the North Jersey Baptist Association and the Afro American Baptist State Convention. Cedric J. McKoy to serve as a vehicle for economic and community development in Newark and all of Essex County. At Johnson's funeral service, Dr. Edward W. Verner, president of the Newark North Jersey Committee of Black Churchmen, praised him as 'one of the greatest pastors in our time.' Mayor Sharpe James referred to him as 'a tower of strength who helped thousands of people.' This document was obtained from a photocopy of the original at The Rare Books and Special Collections Library, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ. Leslie E. Martin, Associate Regional Pastor for Bridge Pastor Ministry, ABC of New Jersey, 3752 Nottingham Way, Ste 101, Trenton, NJ 08690, 609.587.8700, Fax 609.587.7474,lmartin@abcnj.net, Rev. Pastor Taylor is an anointed and gifted musician. To request a dedication ceremony for your infant or young child. Brad lives in Junction City, Kansas, with his wife, Tami. Announcements. The American Baptist Churches of New Jersey is a diverse network of congregations seeking to be the hands and feet of Christ through camping, evangelistic ministries, public mission, social action, new church planting, and cross-cultural missions. Dr. Taylor's life scripture is John 15:16 which says, "Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in My name, he may give it you. Point Community Church, North Brunswick 25 Linwood Place, North Brunswick, NJ 08902 . JERSEY CITY, FIRST. Labor to uphold the cause of Christ, and not without tokens of God's favor. Slavery, however, soon caused disagreements between Southern and Northern Baptists, and in 1845 the Southern Baptists set up their own organization. Dr. Luciano Marquez, Jr., Associate Regional Pastor for Latino Ministries, ABC of New Jersey, 3752 Nottingham Way, Ste 101, Trenton, NJ 08690, 609.587.8700, Fax 609.587.7474,lmarquez@abcnj.net, Rev. Presently, Dr. Taylor serves as the Vice President of the Northeast Region of the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. No letter. Dr. Frank G. Reeder, Associate Regional Pastor for Pastor to Pastor Minister, ABC of New Jersey, 3752 Nottingham Way, Ste 101, Trenton, NJ 08690, 609.587.8700, Fax 609.587.7474,freeder@abcnj.net, Rev. WV - West Virginia Convention of Southern Baptists . Persson received his Bachelors degree from the University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL, in 1980 and his Masters of Religious Education from SouthwesternBaptist Theological Seminary, Ft. Worth, TX, in 1989. N.C. Baptists are a movement of churches on mission together. We believe much blessing is in store for us. 2020-2024 General Baptist Convention of New Jersey February 19, 2021 February 25, 2021 The Positive Community Magazine Parent Body. 1ST PATERSON. Hojin Yu, Associate Regional Pastor for Asian Ministries, ABC of New Jersey, 3752 Nottingham Way, Ste 101, Trenton, NJ 08690, 609.587.8700, Fax 609.587.7474,hyu@abcnj.net. Have to rejoice in the faithful preaching of the word, and labors of a beloved Pastor. The Northern Plains Region consists of fifty-two churches that make up the Manitoba Baptist Association and the North Central Association. Our late and much-loved pastor, Geo. Since I've been coming, I have grown a lot. Each region is led by a Regional Minister, a pastor to the pastors and churches within their region. Dr. Lester W. Taylor Jr., the husband of Lady Gayle Green-Taylor, father of two wonderful children, and two adorable grandchildren, is the senior pastor and visionary leader of the Community Baptist Church of Englewood, New Jersey. Having grown up on a dairy farm in north central Iowa, Randy is a farm boy at heart and still enjoys working outside in his garden. ", Copyright 2017-23 Community Baptist Church of Englewood all rights reserved. OHIO OKLAHOMA. NJ 08816 . 3611 NE 132nd Ave Vancouver, WA 98682-7647 1 Church 2533 N John B Dennis Hwy Kingsport, TN 37660 1 Church Loganville 4037 Bailey Cir Loganville, GA 30052-2909 1 Iglesia Bautista Hispana 440 Upper Peachtree Rd Murphy, NC 28906-9116 1025 Church 1025 E Spring St Monroe, GA 30655-2470 1040 Global 5972 Kilbeggan St Galloway, OH 43119 W. H. PARMLY, Pastor. Filing Jurisdiction, Entity Type, Registered Agent, File Number, Filing Status, and Business Category. Monumental Baptist Church called Rev. Sunday School attractive to the children, piano and silk class and prize banners having been added to what already makes it so interesting. Sunday School spiritually prosperous. New Jersey Chinese Baptist Church 568 Ryders Lane, East Brunswick, NJ 08816 . United among themselves, they are blessed in faithful pastoral labor. Covering Alberta, Canada, as well as a bit of British Columbia and Saskatchewan, the Alberta Baptist Association is not the largest region in the NAB, but it contains the most churches, totaling sixty. Phone: 615.228.6292 B. Horr, with twenty (20) of our members, withdrew to, with other brethren, constitute a new Baptist church in the western part of the city. My Pastor comes from humble beginnings and he is not afraid to share it, nor is he ashamed of it. It is actively searching for the person God has planned to serve as the next regional minister. Each region is led by a Regional Minister, a pastor to the pastors and churches within their region. North Jersey District. NEWTON. As far as he has come, he never looks down on anyone. Mr. Donald Smith, Regional Director for Camps, Conferences and Retreats, Baptist Camp and Conference Center, ABC of New Jersey, 79 Blossom Hill Road, Lebanon, NJ 08833; 908.236.2638; Fax 908.236.0550; Website: www.camplebanon.com, Facebook: www.facebook.com/baptistcamplebanon, email: dsmith@abcnj.net PO Box 606 Boonton, New Jersey 07005. The Conference's Headquarters are located in Roseville, California. W. B. Harris, and are praying and laboring for the prosperity of Zion and the conversion of sinners. HAMBURGH. He is the Past Moderator of the North JerseyDistrict Missionary Baptist Association and former President of the Black Clergy Council of Teaneck, Englewood and Vicinity. Our congregations increased. Faith Webs. He and his wife, Monica, have three adult children and five grandchildren. New Hope Missionary Baptist Association 1002 Rivington St. Roselle, NJ 07203 (908) 241-7688 Brad was ordained in the Southwest Association in 1994, two years after he graduated from North American Baptist Seminary now Sioux Falls Seminary. We pray for sympathy. The Upper Mississippi Region contains forty-one churches, some young church plants and others much more established, including one that is more than 150 years old. Our Sunday School large and prosperous. Under his leadership the church is experiencing tremendous growth and development. Speaking Request Sabbath School in excellent condition. Even so, the churches that form the SoCal Association are quite diverse. Hes been married to Tamara for over thirty-seven years, and they have six children and four grandchildren. DAVID SILVER, Pastor. You won't want to miss our upcoming Generosity Project Webinar "A Live Zoom Event with Tod Bolsinger" on Monday, May 22 at 1:00 PM ET . James L. Brown is the Youth Pastor of the Greater Shiloh Baptist Church in the Great State of Oklahoma where Rev. The Beulah Grove Community Development Corporation, also known as Beulah Grove CDC is a nonprofit 501 (3) community based organization located in Newark, New Jersey. In 2011, God favored him to lead the congregation in the completion of their new worship facility. Nashville, TN 37207 Dr. Derrick R. Dumas. He has led this congregation since 1993 offering a ministry of hope and restoration. SCHOOLEY'S MOUNTAIN. We propose building a church edifice and parsonage for which $3,000 is already subscribed. Average attendance of congregation and prayer meetings nearly 35 per cent, over that of former years. Dana Goodnough is the regional minister. David was blessed to beon a number of dynamicchurch staff teams throughout the country such as: Riverside Baptist Church in Miami, FL, Prestonwood Baptist Church in Dallas, TX, and McGregor Baptist Church is Ft. Myers, FL, prior to coming to New Jersey. 275 people! Bob has worked a diverse collection of jobs, including as an underground miner, a heavy equipment operator, a big game guide, and a plumbers helper. The company's File Number is listed as 0100275374. THE WESTERN REGION is presently constituted by the following states and territories: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Kansas, Nevada, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Utah, and Washington. [3] [4] In 1920 a collegiate department was founded, and the . Bob has been the regional minister for the British Columbia Baptist Association since 2005. hbbd``b`@^ P H0XAD; X-Htg`bd100C}2 star of hope website Star of Hope Ministries The regional minister is Rev. Larrys favorite movie is. No Pastor. Steve and his wife, Roslyn, have two grown children. served to you completely ad free and you will be granted access to view every profile in its entirety, even The New Hope Missionary Baptist Association fosters the Kingdom of Jesus Christ throughout the world, supports home, foreign. Influenced greatly by his parents and the pastor of his home church in Marshall, he answered Gods call to full-time ministry while attending a small Bible college. With gratitude we record the goodness and mercy of cur Heavenly Father. John 5:1-8 at the Union Baptist Church Spring Revival. The churches of the UMR also range in size from a few dozen to a thousand. The company's principal address is Englewood, NJ 07631. Held a series of meetings during the winter which resulted in the salvation of some. To protect our site, we cannot process your request right now. American Baptist Churches USA Graphics & Logos; Board Director Log-In; You're invited to the next Everyday ABC Conversation "Congregational Innovations" on Thursday, May 18 at 3:00 PM ET - Register here. J. M. Carpenter left us last September, since which, the pulpit has been regularly and faithfully supplied by Bro. with up to 5 times the number of maximum matches per search vs. non-subscribers. In addition to his role as RM, he serves as the lead equipper/pastor at The Beacon in Orange, California, the fire department chaplain for Orange, and the executive director of LoveOrange, a nonprofit serving the city. What is now known as the Atlantic Association was the location of some of the first German Baptist Churches in North America. Here you'll find information on available resources and services at CBC. Nothing of particular interest to communicate. endstream endobj startxref North American Mission Board; International Mission Board; Send Relief; Rev. Banvard, who is at present making a brief foreign tour and in his absence are dependent upon other ministering brethren. Our prospects as a church are decidedly more encouraging at this time, than they have for years past. Mary Ann Darby, Trinity BC, Newark, Kareem, New Hope District. BRANCHVILLE. A graduate of the Philadelphia Biblical University (1985), the New York Theological Seminary (1999), and the Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary (2002), Dr. Taylor is known for his strong bible teaching and preaching that's practical enough to live on a daily basis. Some souls have been converted and baptized. Toll Free: 866.531.3054 2932 0 obj <>stream Have hope in a large number of its members that they are followers of Jesus. The Seminary was founded in 1913 by the Second Baptist Church of Chicago under the name Northern Baptist Theological Seminary as a theologically conservative alternative within the framework of its association with the American Baptist Churches USA (Northern Baptist Convention). MILLINGTON. We have been hoping for a more general interest during the past year, but are grateful for present mercies and privileges. Email. More Biography They have a working relationship with our General Baptist Convention and National Baptist Convention Nurses Auxiliary. NEW DURHAM. THOS. He has been married to Dawn for more than forty-three years, and they have two married children and six grandchildren. God has been, and is with us, our Sunday School in a flourishing condition. Congregations good, Sabbath School prosperous, two of its members have during the year been baptized, and others are seeking the ordinance. Connect With Us. First Baptist Church . Executive Minister/Senior Regional Pastor:Rev. Calvary BC, Newark, North Jersey District. It's also about consistency and fairness. CALDWELL. He has a passion for developing those wrestling with the call to ministry. Have during the past year enjoyed one of almost unexampled prosperity. Miriam Mndez, ABC of New Jersey, 3752 Nottingham Way, Ste 101, Trenton, NJ 08690, 609.587.8700, Fax 609.587.7474,mmendez@abcnj.net, Mrs. Linda E. Porter, Accountant & Region Office Coordinator, ABC of New Jersey, 3752 Nottingham Way, Ste 101, Trenton, NJ 08690, 609.587.8700, Fax 609.587.7474,lporter@abcnj.net, Rev. Beginning in January 2009, David became the Director of NJNet, (The North Jersey Network of Churches), a new Southern Baptist Association of Churches in Northern New Jersey, that started with 26 churches and now serves some 56 Churches. NORTH JERSEY DISTRICT MISSIONARY BAPTIST ASSOCIATION, INC. is a New Jersey Domestic Non-Profit Corporation filed on October 1, 1985. Have a preaching station at Summit. A blessing resting on the Sabbath School, and prayer meetings spiritually profitable. Please reach out to the contact listed under your area of interest, or call the church office at 201-568-6369 for questions or more information. Check back soon for more announcements. William Sylvester Smith to the pastorate in 1903 and began to take shape as the church we know today. Greater Mount Moriah Baptist Church Linden, NJ. In his leisure time, Dana enjoys a good book in an Adirondack chair by a quiet lake. Welcome the Association to our hearts and homes. Use our easy and secure online giving for your one time or recurring contribution. The regional minister is Dr. Terry Fossen. Financial audits are prepared annually. The North American Baptist Conference has two schools - the Sioux Falls Seminary in Sioux Falls, South Dakota in the United States and Taylor Seminary in Edmonton, Alberta in Canada. Brad enjoys coaching youth sports in his spare time. Dana splits his time between serving as the Eastern Association regional minister and pastor of Discipleship at Pittsford Community Church in the Rochester, New York, area, where he has served since 1985. Contact Us, 1700 Baptist World Center Drive Our Sabbath School is in a promising condition. Copyright 2017-23 Community Baptist Church. Our church property worth $11,000, with small indebtedness. T. M. GRENELL, Pastor. Fred Daugherty, Retired Pastors Ministry, ABC of New Jersey, 3752 Nottingham Way, Ste 101, Trenton, NJ 08690, 609.587.8700, Fax 609.587.7474,wcoleman@abcnj.netandfdaugherty@abcnj.net, Mr. Donald Smith, Regional Director for Camps, Conferences and Retreats, Baptist Camp and Conference Center, ABC of New Jersey, 79 Blossom Hill Road, Lebanon, NJ 08833; 908.236.2638; Fax 908.236.0550; Website:www.camplebanon.com, Facebook:www.facebook.com/baptistcamplebanon, email:dsmith@abcnj.net, Mr. Hilary Gierman, Site Manager, Baptist Camp and Conference Center, ABC of New Jersey, 79 Blossom Hill Road, Lebanon, NJ 08833; 908.236.2638; Fax 908.236.0550;hgierman@abcnj.net, Mrs. Penny Kenyon, Secretary and Registrar, Baptist Camp and Conference Center, ABC of New Jersey, 79 Blossom Hill Road, Lebanon, NJ 08833; 908.236.2638; Fax 908.236.0550; email:pkenyon@abcnj.net, Mailing Address: PO Box 851 Valley Forge, PA 19482, Street Address: 1015 W. 9thAve. King of Prussia, PA 19406, 10 Facts You Should Know About American Baptists, Supporting Congregations, Regions and National Organizations, Creating Space for Local and Global Issues, American Baptist Mission Support Overview, Office of the General Secretary Resources, American Baptist Churches USA Graphics & Logos. MILLBURN. Steve earned his doctorate in 2019 and currently teaches leadership classes part time for William Jessup University's master's program. We are blessed with the same peace and harmony which have so long marked our history; although but few accessions have been made to our number, there is evidence that the seed sown is ripening into a harvest. Our history for the past year has been financially easy, socially quiet, spiritually progressive. Parted with one pastor, Bro. The regional minister is Rev. We are sorry, but your computer or network may be sending automated queries. hR_(CasFq IKV QXy^)twQ`Z""jiLBjn&|w $dn+C9OgYf?Rq. NORTHFIELD. |. He was first introduced to Jesus his senior year of high school. He has led this congregation since 1993 offering a ministry of hope and restoration. SOUTH DAKOTA TENNESSEE. GLENWOOD. Enjoy the labors of their pastor, and have had a few added to their number. Pastor Taylor's honesty, sincerity and southern roots connect with me! Site by Mere. 2023 Southern Baptist Convention. He was ordained to the ministry by Riverside Baptist Church, Miami, FL, in 1989. if we've collected "Sales Lead Information" for a given company, it will be displayed on the David's first ministry and best blessing is his family, with his wonderful wife, Wendy, and their two children. PETER GIBB, Pastor. Our pulpit supply regular, and from the best talent in the denomination, and our prayer and conference meetings well sustained. Today, the vision is yet unfolding as he, along with the CBC family, pursues excellence in every aspect of ministry. We are also praying for our colleagues in the Niagara Area Baptist Association as they . Beginning in January 2009, David became the Director of NJNet, (The North Jersey Network of Churches), a new Southern Baptist Association of Churches in Northern New Jersey, that started with 26 churches and now serves some 56 Churches. E. D. BENTLY, Pastor. Copyright 2017-23 Community Baptist Church. He is currently working on his doctor of ministry degree through Sioux Falls Seminary. In the 19th century the Baptist churches and associations in the North and South cooperated on a national level in organizing foreign and home missions and religious publications. Give Now. Our Sunday Schools very prosperous. We want you to know about the work we are doing and the opportunities for you to share in ministry. Pastor's labors most faithful. If you would like more information about Beulah Grove CDC and or make donation please fill out the form below or contact Beulahgrovecdc@gmail.com. We look forward with hope. The year just closed marked by many changes. 13 were here. Have to mourn the exclusion of some members and the indifference of many in their attendance at prayer meeting. Dr. Edgard Nicolas, Associate Regional Pastor for Haitian Ministries, ABC of New Jersey, 3752 Nottingham Way, Ste 101, Trenton, NJ 08690, 609.587.8700, Fax 609.587.7474,enicolas@abcnj.net, Rev. E. SCHAEFER, Pastor. All rights reserved. B. Horr, Pastor. From 2016 to 2020, he served as the vice president of Leadership Formation for the NAB International Office. Interesting Sabbath School and Bible class. General Baptist Convention of NJ, Inc.www.gbcofnewjersey.org, North Jersey District Missionary Baptist Associationwww.njdmba.com, National Baptist Convention www.nationalbaptist.com, American Baptist Churches USA www.abc-usa.org, Copyright 2017-23 Community Baptist Church of Englewood all rights reserved. The Southern California Association is the smallest region, both in number of churches and geographically, mostly consisting of the greater Los Angeles area, with a handful of churches further south. Site Developed & Maintained by System Savvy: Elevate! 2nd Vice-Moderator. Joseph Sheppard, A. M. Colonial New Jersey Baptist Minister Reverend John H. Gamble - Moderator Reverend Johnnie Brooker - 1st. Dr. Lester W. Taylor Jr., the husband of Lady Gayle Green-Taylor, father of two wonderful children, and two adorable grandchildren, is the senior pastor and visionary leader of the Community Baptist Church of Englewood, New Jersey. Rev. Weekly prayer meetings well attended. Rev. An official with the National Association of Evangelicals said the religious freedom implications of the New Jersey situation are clear. The regional minister is Rev. He has been in full time ministry since 1980 serving the Lord Jesus in a variety of capacities, including: The Miami Area Director for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Chaplain for the University of Miami Hurricanes Football Team, Youth Minister, College and Career Minister, Minister to Single Adults, Associate Pastor, and Senior Pastor for twelve years in Central New Jersey. GERMAN PILGRIM. Though Ric grew up all over the US, he is a sixth-generation Californian. We Praise God for the great turn out of. Staff Assistant. Terry has a passion for pastoral leadership and development. He is a man of God first and he keeps it real when speaking to men. Terry enjoys the Lord of the Rings movies and Viktor Frankls, Larry served as the pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Easton, Pennsylvania, for thirty-three years until September 2016, when he went on a nine-month sabbatical, after which he returned to Calvary on a part-time basis. H. Cordo, and four of our deacons. In addition to his role with NJNet, from 2012 - 2015 David served as a Missionary for the North American Mission Board, as a Church Planting Catalyst in Northern New Jersey. He has been married to Kristy since 1979; together they raised five children, who have since gifted them with three grandchildren. Draw attention to the necessity of occupying many important fields open for missionary work. Dr. Orlando J. We are thankful for the many evidences we have of Gods favor. MOUNT SALEM. We need more than all else a genuine revival of religion. JOSEPH BANVARD, Pastor. The regional minister is Pastor Ken Solberg. F. HENDRICKSON, Pastor. David Persson 14 S. Rockaway Drive Boonton, NJ 07005 Map It 973-334-5168 D.Persson@NJersey.net www.njersey.net Legal Name:North Jersey Network - NJNet About About the SBC Beliefs Governing Documents Entities & Seminaries State Conventions & Local Associations Conway Johnson. W. F. STUBBERT, Pastor. He is a gospel preacher! Financially improved, in past year. JERSEY CITY HEIGHTS. ABCNJ is one of thirty-four regions of the American Baptist Churches USA and a member of the New Jersey Council of Churches. %PDF-1.5 % back to PA-S. Jersey - Baptist Resource Network of Pennsylvania-South Jersey South Jersey Baptist Association , . Have been blessed during the past year in the conversion of some precious souls, and reception of others by letters. Dr. Taylor Introduction. Brotherly love and harmony prevail. |. Regional Minister Kent Carlson serves the forty-two churches that make up the Northern California Association. The Great Lakes Association consists of twenty-seven churches as far north as Alpena, close to the northern tip of the southern Michigan peninsula, and as far south as Hebron, Kentucky, just across the Ohio River from Cincinnati, Ohio. Get the latest news, information, sports, food, entertainment, real estate, video and opinion in Bergen, Passaic, Morris and Essex counties in NJ. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. Situated in a beautiful and rapidly growing neighborhood, with a tasteful house of worship, faithful and beloved pastor, and earnest working brethren and sisters, we feel greatly encouraged. WM. He has been the lead pastor at two church, the most recent of which he served for twenty-two years before becoming the regional minister. VA (SBCV) - Southern Baptist Convention of Virginia. Wesley T. Allen, Associate Regional Pastor for Technology, ABC of New Jersey, 3752 Nottingham Way, Ste 101, Trenton, NJ 08690, 609.587.8700, Fax 609.587.7474,wallen@abcnj.net, Rev. Beulah Grove CDC seeks to: Develop partnerships with public and private entities to improve the quality of life for residents Develop programs and provide services to address the wide scope of socio-economic needs of residents Develop programs that enhance the educational opportunities for the youth in the community. ORANGE, FIRST. Are building a parsonage costing $3,000. Beliefs. He has served as the president of the General Baptist Convention of New Jersey, Inc., the moderator of the North Jersey District Missionary Baptist Association, and the president of the Black Clergy Council of Englewood, Teaneck, and vicinity. There are four clusters that the thirty-two churches in the association are broken into: the Ottawa Valley, from Montreal to Killaloe; the Golden Horseshoe, from Toronto to Kitchener and St. Catharines; western Pennsylvania, from Pittsburgh to Erie; and western New York, from Niagara Falls and Buffalo to Rochester.