The NCA board have approved a 3% pay award for 2022/23, applied as follows: A) Extending capability-based pay, delivered through spot sates, B) Investing in capability-Based pay, through spot rate uplifts, C) Applying increases to the standard pay ranges, D) Applying anomaly correction to South-East Weighting arrangements. The impact of COVID-19 has seen on average a 50% significant reduction in leavers from the Agency. 84. *Officers funded by NCA Margin are either in process of being redeployed or whose costs cannot be attributed to a command budgetary line. An overview of our annual People Plan and progress against it can be found at table 8. The Home Secretary has accountability for the pay process and has developed a positive, partnership approach to working with the NCA. The NCAs strategy is to extend capability-based pay fully across eligible roles and to invest in the framework to provide an incentive for officers to develop their careers in the Agency. From Grade 4 the difference shows a higher ratio of males to females, with males more than twice as likely to be in a senior role at grade 1. For example, the Investigations command ran an internal campaign to increase officers in hard to fill roles in the South-East. We have redesigned the way we run lateral campaigns, to move away from an annual event, and aligning it more to surging capacity to meet the operational needs. A diverse workforce enables a culture where different perspectives and knowledge are embraced to innovatively combat newly emerging criminal threats. Where we have applied reform, attrition has reduced, and we have seen increased numbers of applications for roles that are on capability-based pay. 73. It undermines sovereignty and corrodes economies worldwide. Table 6: Workforce by command powers split. . The Agency will apply these uplifts through our differentiated approach, rather than applying a blanket award. Whilst we are tailoring future recruitment to target these roles, it is important that we continue to apply capability-based pay, and address anomalies in location allowances in the South-East, as our data suggests that applying reform is having a positive impact. The role requires a skill set that requires significant training investment to and experience to achieve level of proficiency required. These roles are categorised by the following headings: Firearms These are Specialist roles within our Armed Operations Unit (AOU), these roles can receive the Expert Spot Rate salary. The senior leadership team is conducting more on-site and virtual visits to hear directly from officers across the Agency. Achieving alignment with comparators in our capability based pay framework. 68. Table 9 NCA People Survey Overview 2021. 19. 76. To support this, the Agency has a number of pay processes, policies and procedures that are subject to negotiation with Trade Unions. Table 45: Exit Questionnaire Reasons for working at NCA, Table 46: Exit Questionnaire consideration period for leaving, Table 47: Exit Questionnaire command leavers, Table 48: Exit Questionnaire reasons for choosing new employer. Table 1: Progress against capability-based pay ambition, Figure 2: Current Powers VS. Non-Powers Split. Table 1 shows the progress that we have made against our capability-based pay ambition, the impact of the 22/23 proposal, and the residual gap across operational roles. We continued to recruit where we could carry out assessments effectively remotely, though for some critical roles, face to face assessment is required and explains some of our vacancy gaps, as campaigns were extended. Related jobs include researcher or language specialist. The NCAs mission is critical to our national security. Continue roll-out of capability based pay. 24. We operate across all four nations, with different rules applied at different times. This is set out in chapter 3, Section C of our pay proposals. 41. Is the role considered as a hard to fill role. Table 40: productivity statistics by grade. The NCARRB feedback from their 2021 visits is reflective of the Agency engaging more, directly with the workforce. The NCA has communicated more this year on pay than in previous years. 46. B)Investing in capability-based pay (through spot rates). 66. Targeted investment at grade 3 to reduce overtime reliance. In December 2021, the Agency ran a series of all-staff virtual events, to bring the organisation together, to listen to the challenges faced and celebrate success. Table 19 shows that there is a higher proportion of females than males at Grade 6 and 5. This estimate is based upon 14 The National Crime Agency Officer salary report (s) provided by employees or estimated based upon statistical methods. Employers are expecting to offer pay awards of up to 2.5% when averaged across 2021. We have started to move officers from Recruitment and Retention Allowances (RRA)** to capability based pay. Details Reference number 280580 Salary 30,740 Roles based in London will also receive an additional London Weighting of 3,595. 71. Our Intelligent Officer/Analyst and Investigations Officer campaigns have improved considerably, however specialist recruitment has become more challenging. The leadership team have engaged more through blogs, FAQs, webchats and the Proud to Protect all officer event. For example, grade 4 on spot rate 2 has received an additional 4,387 (or 11.2%). For example, the NCA are a proactive, rather than reactive, organisation, and we operate on different contractual terms and working patterns. The officers who were successful were from across the Agency. The below table shows the grade breakdown of the payments made, Grade 4 was the highest claim with Grades 5 and 3 following closely behind. Table 11: Criteria for extending capability-based pay. Responsible for planning and driving the most effective and impactful whole system response to the SOC threats. We have developed a People Plan, which identifies keys areas of delivery for 21/22 in culture, learning, recruitment, and pay and benefits. Specialist Intelligence Our specialist Intelligence teams include Forensic roles (physical or digital), Technical Operations and Human Intelligence (HUMINT). The NCA protects the public by targeting and pursuing criminal groups who pose the greatest risk to the UK. Their collective skills and diversity of experience are crucial to our operational success. This work will form the basis of our 23/24 NCARRB submission. SOC affects more UK citizens, more often, than any other national security threat, and is estimated to cost the UK economy at least 37 billion a year, with this cost increasing annually. The NCA acknowledges that the NCARRBs 2021 report contained some areas of feedback for consideration. 90. Table 23: Spot rate eligibility by ethnicity, Table 24: Spot rate eligibility by disability, Table 25: Spot rate eligibility by sexual orientation. We are devising a three year proposal which, subject to approval, would allow us to implement our full ambition. We achieved our highest level of disruptions during this time. This evidence submission is embargoed until it is published as part of the annual cycle. Officers are satisfied with the level of support received from managers and team members, and that they are encouraged to come up with new and innovative ideas. The NCA became operational in October 2013. This precedes the development of our full three year People and Pay Strategies which aims to form the basis of the NCARRB submission for 23/24. We have engaged with the workforce more on our prioritisation, and have provided more opportunities for the workforce to develop in these areas. The results are approximately 2-3 percentage points down in comparison to 2020. 8. The 22/23 submission continues to execute the current pay strategy through applying the 3% IRC in line with our strategy principles of attractiveness, fairness, sustainability and looking forwards. Across the standard pay ranges, we have been able to apply some meaningful increases, with pay range minimums increasing by up to 3,933. The Agency is evaluating the success of this through our hybrid working pilot. The DG will maintain a pivotal role in UK and international law enforcement, and will continue to be directly accountable to the Home Secretary against a number of ambitions set out in the Governments Beating Crime Plan and Integrated Review. The NCA has a differentiated strategy due to the varied markets that we operate in; some officers have received significant pay increases since reform began in 2017, particularly where we have focussed on targeting investment in spot rate values. United Kingdom Average salaries at National Crime Agency Popular roles Deputy Director 91,938 per year Commander 40,863 per year Senior Operations Manager 54,514 per year Management Operations Manager 45,818 per year Operations Officer 32,371 per year Head of Operations 70,782 per year Software Development Senior Software Engineer Operation VENETIC led to the arrest of 1,550 people across the UK, and the seizure of 115 firearms and 54million in cash, following international partners successful extraction of data from an encrypted communications platform. When looking at the recruitment of operational roles we can see the challenges the Agency faces. The pilot will help us test new working practices that could be adopted as we emerge from the pandemic. 1. The Agency will not be able to achieve this strategy using the remuneration lever alone, and this will require an integrated transformation programme to be approved and delivered. Many of the operational roles that are designated as hard to fill remain out of scope for capability-based pay, such as forensics and social workers. Table 66: Spot Rate Values by grade and ethnicity. Following the successes in 2020 we are now expanding growth in specialist areas which matches with our goals of expanding the spot rate framework into these role types. Operating across geographical and virtual borders, SOC perpetuates serious violence, and harm to the UK from across the globe. However, the NCA expects to continue to own our skills framework, whereby we determine the coverage of capability-based pay in line with operational need. Satisfaction with pay and benefits has reduced by 5% in 2021. It is imperative that we align our pay strategy to support this, in order to stay ahead of the threat. 49. 2. The total cost of this was 211,392. 81. Intelligence Analyst 3 salaries Intelligence Analyst 1 salary View More Media & Communications Based on 5 salaries Internal Communications Manager 1 salary Senior Communications Officer 1 salary View More Product & Project Management Based on 5 salaries Project Manager 1 salary Project Manager 1 salary View More Administrative Based on 4 salaries It is evident that although spot rate officers are working three hours extra a week, the data suggests that sickness levels are lower than those officers on the standard pay range. The NCA has generally looked to policing as our key comparator, given the similarity in the types of skills that are required in our operational roles. This includes remaining competitive, attracting new entrants and reducing the time it takes to onboard new starters at the beginning of the employment journey. Whilst the NCARRB process covers officers with powers, non-powered officers pay is determined through a collective bargaining process with the Trade Unions. Tackling SOC requires a coordinated and national response. The percentage breakdowns broadly reflect the NCA workforce, with there being minor differences in some areas. 79. A request from the NCARRB as part of their seventh report in 2021, and from officers feedback, is to set out how pay works in the NCA as part of our annual submission. Overtime claims by Command follows a similar distribution as overtime, with operational areas having the largest total. These were supported by all employee blogs, where officers could directly contribute to the conversation. Wed like to set additional cookies to understand how you use GOV.UK, remember your settings and improve government services. 35. Though, the NCA operate as one workforce, so there is consensus that both parts of the process should cover the entire pay award to ensure it is fair and equitable. Intelligence Officer/Analyst These are campaigns which fill vacancies across the NCAs Intelligence command, as either an Intelligence Officer or within an Analyst team. Accountable for developing and delivering the intelligence in response to support the 4 P planning developed by Threat Leadership. In our enabling functions, we have also seen attrition increase, particularly where we have not been able to implement pay reform. To fund additional investment in subsequent years, we will need to make additional cost savings through seeking contractual reform that we will direct back into pay. It is important we provide female officers with opportunities to progress up the grade structure. 44. Whilst we have made positive progress, there is more to do realise our strategic ambition.