Provide a hand-drawn document that identifies the consumers primary residence by identifying the nearest crossroads (or mile markers), identifiable landmarks, and distance between the locations. Consumers are only allowed one ACP benefit per household, not per person. Webcam: Log in to My Q Link to take a picture of your proof with a webcam. State Fees. Plan Add-ons If you do not know your enrollment ID, provide your phone number for us to reach you. Any non-ETC broadband provider seeking to qualify for expedited approval must file an application describing: Provider applications for review must establish a sufficient showing that the provider has met the criteria for expedited review and approval, as outlined above. You will have to show proof of income, like pay stubs or a tax return, when you apply for the EBB Program. PO Box 9100 Step Two: Fill out and sign the ISA. All Rights Reserved. FAQs See the coverage map on this website for a detailed map and check if service is available in your area. Broadband providers wishing to participate in the ACP should review all applicable program requirements and procedures in the Commissions Order (FCC 22-2) and any subsequent guidance for compliance with the ACPs requirements. On November 15, 2021, Congress created the Affordable Connectivity Program, a long-term, $14 billion program, which will replaced the EBB Program. The National Verifier (NV) is Lifelines centralized application system. The application is also available inSpanish. To download and print out this pre-paid mailing label and send your proof documents by mail, follow these simple steps: Document Support 2023 Q Link Wireless. Log in or create a new account to the National Verifier online portal to upload pictures and documents. Please providea copy of the document that shows your Benefits allotted income. The Infrastructure Act provided $14.2 billion to modify and extend the Emergency Broadband Benefit Program (EBB Program) to a longer-term broadband affordability program called the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). We will be expanding to new areas in the future, so please check back with us soon. 2023 Q Link Wireless. Net Neutrality National Lifeline Eligibility Verifier - Assurance Wireless Find out if you qualify for Assurance Wireless Apply Now Now Assurance Wireless is part of T-Mobile with T-Mobile Network Experience Coverage. If consumers are mailing in documents, they should always include a cover letter with their application ID and name so that USAC can match their documents to their application. Step 2: Choose Service > Upload Proofs ." Choose upload proof service at AirTalk Wireless Decide on what kind of signature to create. It also gives you 3 GB of RAM, so you can keep multiple apps open and move effortlessly between them. Offer limited to eligible customers residing in selected geographic areas, is non-transferable, and only one wireless or wireline discounted Lifeline service is available per household. Dania, FL 33004. a description, supported by documentation, of the established program with which the provider seeks to qualify for automatic admission to the EBB Program. You cancheck your documents status onlineat any time. You are likely eligible if your household's income is below 200% of the Federal Poverty Line, or if you or someone you live with currently receives a government benefit like SNAP, Medicaid, SSI, WIC, Pell Grant, or Free and Reduced-Price Lunch. For more information, please watch this video. More information regarding the election process is available on the USAC webpage at: Also, please make sure your proof documents copy is not too blurry, too dark, or have important information cut off. Wilkes-Barre, PA 18773. In order to qualify for the Lifeline Program, you may need to submit copies of proof of identity, proof of participation in a government program, or proof of income. What if my proof documents are not approved? Here are all of the types we accept: Make sure the proof document you submit fully shows your low income. Forthefastest possible processing, upload your documents online viawebcam,mobile device. To check your status, follow these simple steps: Once we receive your documents, it will take up to 7-10 business days for us toprocess and verify them. On November 18, 2021, the Commissions Wireline Competition Bureau issued a Public Notice seeking comment on the rules and administration of the ACP. Privacy Center Find out if you qualify for Assurance Wireless. Consumers can mail completed applications to: ACP Support Center Proof documents are copies of your documents that show you are currently eligible to receive Lifeline service. Your email address will not be published. As a result, eligible consumers may not apply for Lifeline. Copies or pictures should be clear and easy to read, and they should not be dark or blurry. 2023 Q Link Wireless. After submitting your proof of documents, you may have some of these questions: By sending your proof documents we are able to verify your eligibility and identity, and connect you to the Q Link Wireless network. Call us toll free Current income statement from an employer or paycheck stub. Consumers should always submit copies of their documentation, never originals. The Bureau provided interim guidance (DA 21-1524) that to enable the orderly transition of the EBB Program to the Affordable Connectivity Program, the Bureau and USAC stopped accepting EBB Program provider participation applications and election notices on December 20, 2021. How do I upload or submit proof documents? Here's what you need to apply: 1) Government Issued Photo ID or driver's license. This enables Lifeline consumers to apply to Lifeline through a provider's website. AT&T, Cox, Mediacom, and Xfinity from Comcast all offer low-income internet for about $10 per month. Consumers may also apply to the Lifeline program on their own through the NV consumer portal, or by mail. If you have not qualified for ACP The National Verifier Eligibility Check allows Lifeline service providers to connect their online applications with the National Verifier. The federal guidelines of the Lifeline Program require us to verify proof of identity. Assurance Wireless What proof of government programs do you accept? Before you begin uploading your documents explore some of our frequently asked questions about the submit proof process. Please call us first! For Texas customers, follow the steps below to submit proof to Q Link and complete your order: To submit your proof now, loginto yourMy Q Link account,and enter your email as your username and your zip code as your password,unless youve already changed it. Submit your proof documentation using any of the options below: Log in or create a new account and upload copies of your proof documentation. USAC manages the NV and provides customer service to consumers through the Lifeline Support Center. It determines whether consumers are eligible for Lifeline. Both the Bureau and USAC will begin accepting new Affordable Connectivity Program provider applications and election notices on December 27, 2021 for any new provider that did not participate in the EBB Program or existing participating provider seeking to expand to new jurisdictions for the Affordable Connectivity Program. Beneficiary and Contributor Audit Program (BCAP), Emergency Broadband Benefit Program (EBBP), Develop Evaluation Criteria & Select Services, Review Your Funding Commitment Letter (FCL), Prepare For Competitive Bidding & Request Services, National Lifeline Accountability Database (NLAD), Representative Accountability Database (RAD), Visit their participating broadband providers store location and provide them with copies. Snap a picture of your proof document, then tap. Yes. Enter your zip code for your state offer: Lifeline service is available in your area, but network coverage may be limited. The API Specifications will assist technical teams with development. automatic applications where the non-ETC provider demonstrates it has an established program as of April 1, 2020, that is widely available and offers Internet service offerings to eligible households and maintains verification processes that are sufficient to avoid fraud, waste, and abuse; or. The elections will collect information that includes: (1) the states in which the provider plans to participate in the ACP; (2) a statement that, in each such state, the provider was a broadband provider; (3) a list of states where the provider is an existing ETC, if any; (4) a list of states where the provider received FCC approval, whether automatic or expedited, to participate, if any; (5) whether the provider intends to distribute connected devices under the ACP and supporting documentation; and, (8) any other administrative information necessary for USAC to establish participating providers in the ACP. expedited applications where the non-ETC provider without an established program demonstrates it provided qualifying broadband service to eligible households. If your documents are denied, you will receive an email providing options for you to resubmit your proof documents. 4 0 obj The Infrastructure Act also expressly authorized the Commission to conduct outreach for the ACP, including providing grants to outreach partners. Charleston, IL 61920-9907, Questions? If a consumer receives one or more of the errors listed below, they may submit the information under Documentation Required via mail to the Lifeline Support Center or online using the service provider or consumer portal. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information IMPORTANT Documents must be dated within 12 months of application date. Read more information on error messages relating to eligibility, identity, or address. If you dont have your Enrollment ID, click Forgot your Enrollment ID? and look up your account using your birthday, SSN, and Zip Code. an{M'i;!xQd-gIvt] 2'6eg|+a>~B'}v +i; ACEW+N//ek8 How long will it take for you to verify my proof documents? Check Availability The EBB is a temporary program through which a participating provider can apply discounts to the same service plan on which you receive Lifeline service or a different service plan. What kind of file formats are allowed for uploading my proof documents online? Fully and accurately complete all fields marked with an asterisk (*). What proof of ID do you accept? In this case, try usingGoogle Chrome. What kind of phone does safelink send you 2021? Do I need cable or phone service to qualify for . On August 5, 2022, the Commission adopted rules establishing the Affordable Connectivity Outreach Grant Program and the Your Home, Your Internet Pilot Program, which is designed to increase awareness of the ACP, specifically among recipients of federal housing assistance. How do I upload my proof documents by mobile phone? The Bureau provided interim guidance (DA 21-1524) that to enable the orderly transition of the EBB Program to the Affordable Connectivity Program, the Bureau and USAC stopped accepting EBB Program provider participation applications and election notices on December 20, 2021. You still have to bring in all of the physical papers (I used passport, cable bill, and car reg.). 5|JPF4{I6M.sje25Pzg\TU7yvpPP9 8{V6-^ OkU=bf2pfu^Le3Qd.!6^x3e2HLTybRpNy$e! Make sure the photo is clear and that your documents are legible. How to Qualify A broadband provider that is not an ETC in the state or territory where it would like to participate in the ACP must seek approval from the Bureau. All Rights Reserved. You will then receive an automated email to verify your accounts email address and activate your account. All rights reserved. If you titled your document, you can enter it into your computer's search bar. How do I upload or submit proof documents? If they have not created an API ID yet, the ETC Administrator within the company will be able to create an API account in NLAD. See Terms and Conditions (including arbitration provision) for additional information. The Commission adopted the rules and policies creating and governing the EBB Program on February 25, 2021. Use It, Don't Lose It, About Us When eligibility cannot be verified through any of the National Verifiers automated data sources, the consumer can submit eligibility documentation to the Lifeline Support Center, which will initiate a manual review process to determine if the consumer is eligible. Providers that would like to verify household eligibility in the ACP through their own alternative eligibility verification process in addition to or instead of using the Lifeline National Verifier must submit documentation to the Bureau demonstrating how the process safeguards against waste, fraud, and abuse. Make copies or take pictures of your documents using a scanner, copy machine, camera, or smartphone. What types of proof of government programs do you accept. The prior years state, federal, or Tribal tax return, Current income statement from an employer or paycheck stub, A Veterans Administration statement of benefits, A retirement/pension statement of benefits, Unemployment/workers compensation statement of benefit, Federal or Tribal notice letter of participation in General Assistance, Divorce decree, child support award, or other official document containing income information. If the alternative verification process fails to include any of the above information, the provider should explain why it thinks such information is not necessary to prevent waste, fraud, and abuse. Once these have been uploaded, youre all done! endobj To help consumers resolve specific address errors, see below. The Affordable Connectivity Pilot Programs are meant to increase awareness of and facilitate enrollment in the ACP. How do I upload my proof documents by fax? The Infrastructure Act directed the Federal Communications Commission (Commission) to undertake a proceeding to adopt final rules for the ACP. A broadband provider can be an ETC or a non-ETC, and could include cable providers, wireless Internet service providers, or non-traditional broadband providers like community-owned networks, electric cooperatives, or municipal governments. If you have any questions, please reach out to us! You can get the Emergency Broadband Benefit if your income is 135% or less than the federal poverty guidelines. To upload your proof documents by email, follow these simple steps: To help us verify your proof documents more quickly, be sure to put yourenrollment ID in the subject line, and your full name in the body of the email. Thats the only way we can improve. The National Verifier is a system designed to get potential Lifeline customers approved. Once youve placed your proof into an envelope and affixed the prepaid mailing label, ship it to: Once logged in, check the Required Proof Documents table and look at the Status column. A broadband provider must have provided broadband Internet access service as defined by Section 8.1 of the Commissions rules to end-users prior to submitting the application. 1-888 321-5880, What is Lifeline <5ITYx8Bw Z. We will contact you to let you know if you need to submit proof. Consumers can make copies or take pictures of the documents using a scanner, copy machine, camera, or smartphone. The money goes straight to your ISP, which will deduct it from your bill every month until six months after the pandemic is officially over or, more likely, until the program runs out of money. To resolve a duplicate address error, consumers must prove they are an independent economic household by submitting aHousehold Worksheet(Spanish Version). The provider must also explain how it trains its employees and agents to prevent ineligible enrollments, including enrollments based upon fabricated documents. 2023 FAQS Clear - All Rights Reserved Consumers who are attempting to resolve an error should visit ourACP consumer website. How do I upload my proof documents online? Can the Lifeline and EBB Program benefit be applied to the same service? Ask your company for assistance with submitting your proof documentation. What types of proof of government programs do you accept? Benefit Check Stub from the Social Security Administration, Other official documentation from a State Agency indicating current participation, Public Housing Assistance Lease Agreement, Other official documentation from Public Housing Agency, Income Statement from Employer, W-2, or 1099-MISC, Unemployment / Workers Compensation Statement with DOB /SSN, Retirement or Pension Statement of Benefits, Unemployment or Workers Comp Statement of Benefits, Veterans Administration (VA) Statement of Benefits, Federal or Tribal notice letter of participation in General Assistance. The provider must describe the processes it (or a third-party) uses to verify the requested information above, including the applicants identity and eligibility, and must explain why the providers alternative process will be sufficient to avoid waste, fraud, and abuse. Technical work is required to establish an API connection. There are three variants; a typed, drawn or uploaded signature. 2023 Assurance Wireless USA, L.P. All rights reserved. Step 1: Head to the AirTalk Wireless website at . * Review theAMS Resolution Guidefor more details on the error resolution process outlined below. To check the status of your free government phone service application, enter the information below to see if: Please note: you created an application PIN/Application ID when you applied for Assurance Wireless. Check On Your Lifeline Cell Service Application. An API, or application program interface, allows two software programs to interact with one another. We will never share or distribute your personal information under any circumstance. Phone Unlocking Verify the information you have submitted so far is correct and click "Continue". To qualify for the Lifeline program and receive your FREE monthly service, youll need to provide proof of your Social Security number. Home | About | Contact | Copyright | Privacy | Cookie Policy | Terms & Conditions | Sitemap. Only persons who have been determined to be eligible by the USAC National Verifier should complete this Enrollment Form. After you provide the required information and submit, CORES will generate a new FRN for you. Click "Continue". Because this is a government benefit program, some customers may be required to submit documents showing they are eligible for the Lifeline and ACP. Assurance Wireless is a Lifeline Assistance program supported by the federal Universal Service Fund. The ACP also began to accept enrollments on December 31, 2021 and the Commission adopted final rules for the ACP on January 14, 2022. That leaves more than $2.7 billion still available to help low-income households get broadband service at a reduced cost, according to an FCC tracker page. The National Verifier is a centralized system established by the FCC and operated by USAC that verifies Lifeline applicants' eligibility and recertifies subscriber eligibility annually. Additional explanations of these requirements are available in the Provider FCC Approvals Tab of this webpage. The online application is available at the ServiceNow portal. First, set up an account in CORES by creating a username and password. Enter your social security number and click "Continue". Suite 200 Click Account. Click Check Enrollment Status. You will need to enter your Enrollment ID Number and the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number (SSN). Specific documentation submissions will be prompted, and this includes established programs, alternative eligibility verification processes, ETC designations, authorities to operate.