Generally only groups of cheetahs (coalitions or mother and cubs) will try to kill larger prey; mothers with cubs especially look out for larger prey and tend to be more successful than females without cubs. [1] The reduced genetic variability makes cheetahs more vulnerable to diseases;[47] however, the threat posed by infectious diseases may be minor, given the low population densities and hence a reduced chance of infection. The oldest cheetah fossils, found in eastern and southern Africa, are approximately 3.5 to 3 million years old. The role of these streaks is not well understoodthey may protect the eyes from the sun's glare (a helpful feature as the cheetah hunts mainly during the day), or they could be used to define facial expressions. [64] The ears are small, short and rounded; they are tawny at the base and on the edges and marked with black patches on the back. Alf Alf is a Norse name meaning "elf." In Norse mythology, a king named Alf proposed to a woman, Alfhild. The cheetah lives in three main social groups: females and their cubs, male "coalitions", and solitary males. [5][180], Mortality under captivity is generally high; in 2014, 23% of the captive cheetahs worldwide died under one year of age, mostly within a month of birth. The lightly built, streamlined, agile body of the cheetah makes it an efficient sprinter. [58][66], Cheetahs can decelerate dramatically towards the end of the hunt, slowing down from 93km/h (58mph) to 23km/h (14mph) in just three strides, and can easily follow any twists and turns the prey makes as it tries to flee. [187] Chances of successful mating in captive males can be improved by replicating social groups such as coalitions observed in the wild. [177] Cheetahs continued to be used into the Byzantine period of the Roman empire, with "hunting leopards" being mentioned in the Cynegetica (283/284 AD). Chirping: A chirp (or a "stutter-bark") is an intense bird-like call and lasts less than a second. A stalking cheetah assumes a partially crouched posture, with the head lower than the shoulders; it will move slowly and be still at times. [64][63] Cheetahs in the Kalahari have been reported feeding on citron melons for their water content. [55] However, in the absence of proof to support his claim, he withdrew his proposal in 1939. Its head is small and rounded, with a short snout and black tear-like facial streaks. [2][10] Unlike other cats, the cheetah's canines have no gap behind them when the jaws close, as the top and bottom cheek teeth show extensive overlap; this equips the upper and lower teeth to effectively tear through the meat. The limbs of the cheetah are longer than what is typical for other cats its size; the thigh muscles are large, and the tibia and fibula are held close together making the lower legs less likely to rotate. The range covered most of eastern and southern Africa, except for the desert region on the western coast of modern-day Angola and Namibia. [12] In 1917, Reginald Innes Pocock placed the cheetah in a subfamily of its own, Acinonychinae,[13] given its striking morphological resemblance to the greyhound and significant deviation from typical felid features; the cheetah was classified in Felinae in later taxonomic revisions. [158][159] In 2004, the Iranian Centre for Sustainable Development (CENESTA) conducted an international workshop to discuss conservation plans with local stakeholders. I have been fascinated by our natural world and am here to share that wonder with you. Cheetah was given the name Gene O'Connor on February 18th, 1955 in Cleveland. This reduces the risk of losing balance during runs, but compromises the cat's ability to climb trees. [57] The appearance is caused by reinforcement of a recessive allele; hence if two mating cheetahs are heterozygous carriers of the mutated allele, a quarter of their offspring can be expected to be king cheetahs. [53] In 1926 Major A.Cooper wrote about a cheetah-like animal he had shot near modern-day Harare, with fur as thick as that of a snow leopard and spots that merged to form stripes. [148] Illegal wildlife trade and trafficking is another problem in some places (like Ethiopia). [156] In December 2016 the results of an extensive survey detailing the distribution and demography of cheetahs throughout the range were published; the researchers recommended listing the cheetah as Endangered on the IUCN Red List. [64] The exceptionally long and muscular tail, with a bushy white tuft at the end, measures 6080cm (2431in). A perfect choice for your furry feline friend! The word cheetah comes from the ancient Indian Sanskrit word chita or chitra, meaning "distinctively marked" or "variegated, bright, or speckled.". Popularity: Back to Top Notable Persons With the Last Name Cheetah Cheetah Cheetah is a comics character. [64] To kill medium- to large-sized prey, the cheetah bites the prey's throat to suffocate it, maintaining the bite for around five minutes, within which the prey stops struggling. The cheetah lingers in the extreme south of the Jerid; so also does the caracal lynx. 7 Cute Cheetah Names Best Cheetah Names Blaze Frida Felix Sarah Sandy Zaza Marvin Oscar Prada Dobby Loki Ingrid Merlin Goldie Jinx Lucifer Robert Aslan Dice or Dicey Arizona Sparky Raider Ducatti Chase Bella Nana Kai Rajah Simba Xena Pipe Savannah Dom Flo Venus Camille Cody Pixel Amala Winston Source: Stella Chester Dottie Chutney Hunter [58][61] A commonly quoted value is 112km/h (70mph), recorded in 1957, but this measurement is disputed. [1], The cheetah has been classified as Vulnerable by the IUCN; it is listed under AppendixI of the CMS and AppendixI of CITES. The small, flat canines are used to bite the throat and suffocate the prey. This allows cheetahs to rapidly regain their stamina after a chase. [121] However, on a daily basis, a cheetah feeds on around 4kg (8.8lb) meat. Popularity: Cheetah Chrome Cheetah Chrome is a punk rock and garage rock musician. [92], Contrary to the common belief that cheetahs hunt by simply chasing its prey at high speeds, the findings of two studies in 2013 observing hunting cheetahs using GPS collars show that cheetahs hunt at speeds much lower than the highest recorded for them during most of the chase, interspersed with a few short bursts (lasting only seconds) when they attain peak speeds. Cheetah name especially used for 'Boy' Gender. In September 2022, they were reintroduced to India after being extinct in the country for 70 years. The name Cheetah has seven characters. The physiological reasons for speed in cheetahs are: Cheetahs are active mainly during the day,[66] whereas other carnivores such as leopards and lions are active mainly at night;[63][97] These larger carnivores can kill cheetahs and steal their kills;[58] hence, the diurnal tendency of cheetahs helps them avoid larger predators in areas where they are sympatric, such as the Okavango Delta. Gradually the understanding of cheetah ecology increased and their falling numbers became a matter of concern. [5] Iran declared 31August as National Cheetah Day in 2006. [19] Together, these three species form the Puma lineage, one of the eight lineages of the extant felids; the Puma lineage diverged from the rest 6.7 mya. Alp [141], The cheetah occurs mostly in eastern and southern Africa; its presence in Asia is limited to the central deserts of Iran, though there have been unconfirmed reports of sightings in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan in the last few decades. [79][172] His son Jahangir wrote in his memoirs, Tuzk-e-Jahangiri, that only one of them gave birth. The rest of the body is covered with around 2,000 evenly spaced, oval or round solid black spots, each measuring roughly 35cm (1.22.0in). [8][66] There is a short, rough mane, covering at least 8cm (3.1in) along the neck and the shoulders; this feature is more prominent in males. [14], In the 19th and 20th centuries, several cheetah specimens were described; some were proposed as subspecies. [97], One stride of a galloping cheetah measures 4 to 7m (13 to 23ft); the stride length and the number of jumps increases with speed. [64] Cheetahs can travel long stretches overland in search of food; a study in the Kalahari Desert recorded an average displacement of nearly 11km (6.8mi) every day and walking speeds ranged between 2.5 and 3.8km/h (1.6 and 2.4mph). [176] A Roman hunting cheetah is depicted in a 4thcentury mosaic from Lod, Israel. No courtship behaviour is observed; the male immediately secures hold of the female's nape, and copulation takes place. An example is the South African specimen known as the "woolly cheetah", named for its notably dense furthis was described as a new species (Felis lanea) by Philip Sclater in 1877,[15] but the classification was mostly disputed. [72][73] The cheetah has often been likened to the greyhound, as both have similar morphology and the ability to reach tremendous speeds in a shorter time than other mammals,[66][69] but the cheetah can attain much higher maximum speeds. [61][64], Males in a coalition are affectionate toward each other, grooming mutually and calling out if any member is lost; unrelated males may face some aversion in their initial days in the group. The mother is extremely vigilant at this stage; she stays within 1km (0.62mi) of the lair, frequently visits her cubs, moves them every five to six days, and remains with them after dark. The cheetah will stalk its prey, trying to conceal itself in cover, and approach as close as possible, often within 60 to 70m (200 to 230ft) of the prey (or even farther for less alert prey). [64], Prey preferences and hunting success vary with the age, sex and number of cheetahs involved in the hunt and on the vigilance of the prey. The lunar cycle can also influence the cheetah's routineactivity might increase on moonlit nights as prey can be sighted easily, though this comes with the danger of encountering larger predators. The mane starts out as a cape of long, loose blue to grey hair in juveniles. [34] However, subsequent research has shown that Miracinonyx is phylogenetically closer to the cougar than the cheetah;[36] the similarities to cheetahs have been attributed to convergent evolution. Skin grafts exchanged between unrelated cheetahs are accepted well and heal, as if their genetic makeup were the same. [143][144][145] Moreover, the species apparently requires a sizeable area to live in as indicated by its low population densities. Esmaria: For the baby with the greenest eyes, Esmaria is Spanish for "emerald". [7] A similar meaning can be obtained by the combination of the Greek prefix a (implying a lack of) and (kn) meaning 'to move' or 'to set in motion'. The cheetah occurs in a variety of habitats such as savannahs in the Serengeti, arid mountain ranges in the Sahara and hilly desert terrain in Iran. Your vibration is full of life. [25][139], The first survey of cheetah populations in Africa by Norman Myers in 1975 estimated a population of 15,000 individuals throughout Sub-Saharan Africa. Cheetahs are among the largest cats in the world, with males reaching up to 160 lbs. Smaller antelopes like the common duiker are a frequent prey in the southern Kalahari. Is a cheetah African? Instead, their paws are more similar to those of a dog. Javelin - Named after the projectile. [10][59] Cheetahs typically reach 6794cm (2637in) at the shoulder and the head-and-body length is between 1.1 and 1.5m (3ft 7in and 4ft 11in). In 2016, the global cheetah population was estimated at 7,100 individuals in the wild; it is listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List. For other uses, see. The mouth can not be opened as widely as in other cats given the shorter length of muscles between the jaw and the skull. Male cheetahs, just like their female counterparts, need badass names. [68] The pronounced tear streaks (or malar stripes), unique to the cheetah, originate from the corners of the eyes and run down the nose to the mouth. [93][94] The speeds attained by the cheetah may be only slightly greater than those achieved by the pronghorn at 88.5km/h (55.0mph)[95] and the springbok at 88km/h (55mph),[96] but the cheetah additionally has an exceptional acceleration. Please find below many ways to say cheetah in different languages. Females tend to lead a solitary life or live with offspring in undefended home ranges; young females often stay close to their mothers for life but young males leave their mother's range to live elsewhere. All males in the coalition typically have equal access to kills when the group hunts together, and possibly also to females who may enter their territory. Opponents stated the plan was "not a case of intentional movement of an organism into a part of its native range". At this point the mother nurses less and brings solid food to the cubs; they retreat away from the carcass in fear initially, but gradually start eating it. Cheetah skeleton. [170] The eight cheetahs were released into Kuno on September 17th, 2022 by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Acinonyx means no move claw in Greek a reference to its non-retractile claws. During the New Kingdom (16th to 11th centuriesBC), cheetahs were common pets for royalty, who adorned them with ornate collars and leashes. Shortage of prey and conflict with other species such as humans and large carnivores are other major threats. thing > animal, carnivore, feline, lifeform, mammal > cheetah. Elvire: ( ehl-veer) An exotic French name meaning "truth" or "all true". A. jubatus is believed to have existed 3 million years ago, roughly the same time as the now extinct Acinonyx pardinensis , an Eurasian cheetah species that was . Cheetahs generally prefer to prey upon wild species and avoid hunting domestic livestock. Habitat loss is caused mainly by the introduction of commercial land use, such as agriculture and industry. They seldom occur in tropical forests. A female can conceive again after 17 to 20 months from giving birth, or even sooner if a whole litter is lost. As such, the size of their home range depends on the distribution of prey in a region. This may also happen in highly arid regions such as the Sahara, where daytime temperatures can reach 43C (109F). [5] The CCF runs a cheetah genetics laboratory, the only one of its kind, in Otjiwarongo (Namibia);[151] "Bushblok" is an initiative to restore habitat systematically through targeted bush thinning and biomass utilisation. It is restricted to notable cheetah characters from the world of fiction. Can be shortened to Kenna or Qenna. In Namibia cheetahs are the major predators of livestock. Here is a list of some traditional and creative male names to choose from. A tibia and radius as long as or longer than the femur and humerus. Noting this, palaeontologist Daniel Adams proposed Miracinonyx, a new subgenus under Acinonyx, in 1979 for the North American cheetah-like cats;[34] this was later elevated to genus rank. In Egyptian lore, one of the earliest Cat-headed Goddesses in history was Mafdet, who bore the likeness of a Cheetah. Askari: this is a male cheetah name that means soldier in Swahili. In one of the studies, the average speed recorded during the high speed phase was 53.64km/h (33.3mph), or within the range 41.465.88km/h (25.740.9mph) including error. The De Wildt Cheetah and Wildlife Centre was set up in 1971 in South Africa to provide care for wild cheetahs regularly trapped or injured by Namibian farmers. [1] It is further aggravated by ecological degradation, like bush encroachment, which is common in southern Africa. Considered the fastest land animal on the planet, cheetahs are known for their incredible speed and agility. [76][77][78] The large nasal passages, accommodated well due to the smaller size of the canine teeth, ensure fast flow of sufficient air, and the enlarged heart and lungs allow the enrichment of blood with oxygen in a short time. [4] In the past, the cheetah was often called "hunting leopard" because they could be tamed and used for coursing. Aderfi: Aderfi means 'the released', and gives a sense of freedom and independence. It diverged genetically from the southeast African cheetah 72,00016,000 years ago. If true, you might want to give it a name. [48] The remarkable homogeneity in cheetah genes has been demonstrated by experiments involving the major histocompatibility complex (MHC); unless the MHC genes are highly homogeneous in a population, skin grafts exchanged between a pair of unrelated individuals would be rejected. [182] In a study in the Serengeti, females were found to have a 95% success rate in breeding, compared to 20% recorded for North American captive cheetahs in another study. [175] Hunting with cheetahs became more prevalent toward the seventh centuryAD. Names That Mean Miracle Workout Nicknames Playlist Names for Country Music [172], Hunting cheetahs are known in pre-Islamic Arabic art from Yemen. [58][64][65] Each cheetah has a distinct pattern of spots which can be used to identify unique individuals. [125], Urine-marking in males can become more pronounced when a female in their vicinity comes into oestrus. The cheetah is a vocal felid with a broad repertoire of calls and sounds; the acoustic features and the use of many of these have been studied in detail. [174] Tomb figurines from the Mongol empire, dating back to the reign of Kublai Khan (12601294AD), represent cheetahs on horseback. Elongated and slender long bones of the limbs in general, as well as the pelvis, specially the ischium. [36][41] The cheetah is thought to have experienced two population bottlenecks that greatly decreased the genetic variability in populations; one occurred about 100,000 years ago that has been correlated to migration from North America to Asia, and the second 10,00012,000 years ago in Africa, possibly as part of the Late Pleistocene extinction event. [34][37] Some suggest that North American cheetahs possibly migrated to Asia via the Bering Strait, then dispersed southward to Africa through Eurasia at least 100,000 years ago;[38][39][40] some authors have expressed doubt over the occurrence of cheetah-like cats in North America, and instead suppose the modern cheetah to have evolved from Asian populations that eventually spread to Africa. [190] The 1896 painting The Caress by the 19th-century Belgian symbolist painter Fernand Khnopff is a representation of the myth of Oedipus and the Sphinx and portrays a creature with a woman's head and a cheetah's body. Another population in Kenya and Tanzania comprises about 1,000 individuals. "Recent reported cheetah deaths suggest that some of the cats had their stomachs ripped open by hidden branches." Noun A large wild cat, typically with a spotted coat and native to Africa and Asia leopard panther wild cat cougar catamount puma cat jaguar cat-a-mountain mountain lion Types of Types of large species in the family Felidae cat lion [64] Cheetahs in the Sahara and Maasai Mara in Kenya hunt after sunset to escape the high temperatures of the day. Saying cheetah in European Languages. It's not what you'd expect", "Wow! Chinese emperors would use cheetahs and caracals as gifts. [64] When a female enters a territory, the males will surround her; if she tries to escape, the males will bite or snap at her. Churring and chirping have been noted for their similarity to the soft and loud roars of the lion. In most cases, a coalition will consist of brothers born in the same litter who stayed together after weaning, but biologically unrelated males are often allowed into the group; in the Serengeti 30% members in coalitions are unrelated males. [160] The Iranian Cheetah Strategic Planning meet in 2010 formulated a five-year conservation plan for Asiatic cheetahs. Cubs born in the wild weigh 150300g (5.310.6oz) at birth, while those born in captivity tend to be larger and weigh around 500g (18oz). Elqenna: ( ehl-ken-nah) A pretty exotic girl name meaning "superior". [58][66] Melanistic cheetahs are rare and have been seen in Zambia and Zimbabwe. This is the translation of the word "cheetah" to over 100 other languages. They may smell the spot she was sitting or lying on to determine if she was in oestrus.[108]. King cheetahs have lengthwise stripes and are very rare. [127] Mating begins with the male approaching the female, who lies down on the ground; individuals often chirp, purr or yelp at this time. However, they seldom lean on or rub their flanks against each other. [107], Males are generally less nomadic than females; often males in coalitions (and sometimes solitary males staying far from coalitions) establish territories. Recommended management practices for cheetahs include spacious and ample access to outdoors, stress minimisation by exercise and limited handling, and following proper hand-rearing protocols (especially for pregnant females). Females can have their first litter at two to three years of age. These baby name lists are organised alphabetically. Subsequently with GPS-IMU collars, running speed was measured for wild cheetahs during hunts with turns and maneuvers, and the maximum speed recorded was 58mph (93km/h) sustained for 12 seconds. [8][58][117] The diet of the Asiatic cheetah consists of chinkara, desert hare, goitered gazelle, urial, wild goats and livestock; in India cheetahs used to prey mostly on blackbuck. [199] The Mac OS X 10.0 was code-named "Cheetah".[200]. The run lasted 2.25 seconds and was supposed to have been 73m (240ft) long, but was later found to have been 59m (194ft) long. Taming was an elaborate process and could take a year to complete. Males, sometimes even those in coalitions, fight among one another to secure access to the female. She presided over matters of Death and Rebirth, Fair Treatment, and Wise Decision Making. [126] Often one male will eventually win dominance over the others and mate with the female, though a female can mate with different males. Individuals typically avoid one another but are generally amicable; males may fight over territories or access to females in oestrus, and on rare occasions such fights can result in severe injury and death. [61] The whiskers, shorter and fewer than those of other felids, are fine and inconspicuous. [133], Cubs as young as six months try to capture small prey like hares and young gazelles. [30], The oldest cheetah fossils, excavated in eastern and southern Africa, date to 3.53 mya; the earliest known specimen from South Africa is from the lowermost deposits of the Silberberg Grotto (Sterkfontein). Historically ranging throughout most of Sub-Saharan Africa and extending eastward into the Middle East and to central India, the cheetah is now distributed mainly in small, fragmented populations in central Iran and southern, eastern and northwestern Africa.