For example, when Krillin was killed by Frieza, it drove Goku to the point of unlocking the Super Saiyan transformation which was once thought to be a mere legend. This technique has the ultimate ability to reflect most attacks; Physical, Ki-Based, Reality-Based, Soul-Based, Time-Based, Void-Based, Intangible or Non-Corporeal, and much more with the only known attacks to bypass this being the Hakai of Gods of Destruction. Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Dark Demon Realm Mission! JavaScript is disabled. This all makes up the Dragon Ball history which now can be scaled to a hyperversal cosmology. Kamehameha: Goku's signature energy attack, even though it was invented by Master Roshi. Goku getting no respect. Xeno Goku is capable of fighting Xeno Nuova Shenron, who is stronger than the ordinary Nuova Shenron. This puts him beyond spatial dimensionality which makes demigra Outerversal. Still. Name: Son Goku, Kakarot (Saiyan birth-name), Xeno Goku, Goku: Xeno, "Red Goku" (according to Fu), "Monkey" (according to alotta people), "Mortal"/"Filthy Mortal" (according to Zamasu), etc. Shenron mode: In Dragon Ball Heroes, Goku can call upon Shenron or Super Shenron and gain their powers for use in-combat. He can also use them in his Super Saiyan forms. Xeno goku did this in base meanwhile demigra was in his final transforma. Salsa suggests that Xeno Goku do the same thing he did against the Shadow Dragons once before, and with little other choice, Xeno Goku asks for Goku, Vegeta, Xeno Trunks and Xeno Pan to share their energy with both himself and Xeno Vegeta. It also stated demigra controls all of time and space on a conceptual level of existence and is also beyond time and space. @ttbenimarushin: It literally breaks the fourth wall. It would be either: 7th to 8th dimensional World, just being Infinitely Higher than the DBH World. As a Super Saiyan, fought and defeat Final Form Cooler, who is superior to Frieza and was implied by Takao Koyama to be above Lord Slug. Followers. As Prometheus essentially treats the Jump Worlds as fiction, even attempting to link them with the real world, he also views constructs like the "Real World" transcended by Demigra and The Void as such), Speed: Massively Hypersonic (Dodged Piccolo's ki blasts, which were moving at such speeds). Xeno Goku heard about Fu scheming on a strange planet and so, allowed himself to be captured while out on patrol in order to investigate the Prison Planet for himself. As such, Xeno Goku did not experience the events of Dragon Ball Super, and so was unaware of many of his main timeline counterpart's forms, especially Super Saiyan Blue, until they both met. Gender: Male (Most of strongest fiction characters are male) Age: New born baby. When Xeno Goku appears in the Dark Demon Realm Saga of Dark Demon Realm Mission he is said to be "the strongest warrior", suggesting that he is more powerful than Demon God Demigra, who had appeared before him. Demigra could destroy this infinite Dragonball History and that is not his best feats. deactivated-61ffbb71d792f. Shortly after, Mira also appears through a portal and absorbs the unconscious Towa to enter a more powerful form which he then uses to battle Broly. Goku, highballed is low multiversal at best, while you can get Dante to multiversal. God243 said: If he can ,It not Is low complex multiversal. She then performs a technique that allows the two Saiyans to merge their Ki together. My overall conclusion can go in 3 directions. Is it really that hard to put 2 & 2 together? They quickly take them down before setting sights on each other as the prospect of facing another Goku is too exciting to pass up. During Super Saiyan 4 Xeno Goku's brief battle against his main timeline counterpart as a Super Saiyan Blue, the two Gokus appear to be equal to one another, with neither Goku appearing to gain a major advantage. Absolute Master in Martial Arts and Combat Tactics (Is the most combat-ready, experienced and intuitive Goku throughout an entire infinite Magniverse). Let us dive deeper into the feats and understand of Dragon Ball lore. 6th Sense: An ability Goku mysteriously gained one day; it allows Goku to see next moves of his opponent even if there's no future to look at, get a general grasp of his opponent's moves and sense people through impossible barriers. stomp Demigra who was going to destroy all the DB. Instead, at the suggestion of Putine and Salsa, Super Saiyan Blue Goku and Vegeta, along with Super Saiyan God Xeno Trunks and Xeno Pan, transfered all their Saiya power onto both Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta. He Is High outerversal to boundless. As shown in the link below, Universe 7's macrocosm is a (low) multiverse sized structure. and the third one is,ok,but the problem with this,is that is not probe the fact that for being outerversal . This has been brought up so many times, and a lot of the scans mentioned are literally fake. A writer for a comic book could erase any comic book character or choose to get rid comic book multiverse if he wanted too. Wiki Points. Albeit, he is a 5D-6D being and is immune to reality. Though his canon adaptations show him often letting his guard down and typically holding back his power, Xeno Goku, or Goku: Xeno, has shown that he is much more to-the-point and serious when it comes to getting the job done. The battle rages on with neither having a clear advantage. Standard Equipment: The Power Pole, Senzu Beans, the Zen' Button, Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius (Over only one night of actual studying, was able to follow Xeno Bulma's formulas and scientific talk despite it involving extreme Quantum, Temporal and Astral Physics; Fields of science extremely difficult even for the smartest of the Kaioshins to learn). Weaknesses: Ultra Instinct is very draining, as it lasts for a short period of time and leaves Goku almost completely vulnerable after it runs out. Fought Kid Buu, who was stated to be able to destroy the universe) | Varies from Country level to High Multiverse level+ (Overpowered and defeated Piccolo, who could casually destroy countries. Hasshu-ken: A technique, used to counter Tien Shinhan's Four Witches Technique, in which Goku moves his two arms so fast that they each appear to be in four places at once, effectively giving him eight arms to use in combat. This technique was apparently invented by the Grand Priest. Like his counterparts, Xeno Goku is a spitting image of his father, Xeno Bardock, possessing the same unique spiky black hairstyle, dark eyes, and facial features. During the Universe Creation Saga, Super Saiyan 4 Xeno Goku, even when fighting alongside Xeno Vegeta, Xeno Trunks, Xeno Pan, Goku, Vegeta, Putine and Salsa are outmatched by the newly powered Janemba. Goku does not use it much after achieving Super Saiyan. We have no problems with you AnimationRewind and I hope ya'll don't have any problems with us but, just because sonic has Plot Manipulation that doesn't make. This topic is locked from further discussion. Yeah you can say that going by wank meta. Shortly after the battle, he rejoins the rest of the Time Patrol in the Demon Realm as they attempt to stop Mechikabura from having his wish granted by Dark Shenron. x10,000,000. Xeno Goku ( , Son Gok: Zeno)[2] is an incarnation of Son Goku (, Son Gok) from a world separate to the main timeline. After the Future Trunks Saga, he was capable of battling and defeating Hit just in Super Saiyan Blue, when he previously required the power of Kaioken x10 stacked on top of it in order to briefly overpower him, meaning Goku's base form got at least 10x stronger due to training, warranting 2-B for his it as well. This is a long read. This world sees DBH as fiction and is trascendental of it. Goku almost always has an upbeat and cheerful personality and is always enticed by the thought of growing in strength and encountering powerful opponents. The truth is, in order to understand how strong Xeno Goku is, would imply that you must understand where Xeno Goku comes from, in addition to the Dragonball lore. Extended Melee Range to Planetary via the Power Pole. Xeno Goku defeats Xeno Turles and the Turles Crusher Corps without needing to transform. But to fake characters that don't exist we are, if you go by the literal definition of Outerversal. Survived a Hakai from God of Destruction Sidra, which was intended to defeat Frieza), Resistance to: Reality Warping, Power Nullification, Memory Manipulation, BFR, Law Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation (Type 2, possibly 1), Time Manipulation, Time Stop, Void Manipulation, Space-Time Manipulation, Durability Negation, Life Manipulation, Thought Manipulation, Transmutation (Far superior to, and is one half of, Super Vegito during the Buu Saga, who was capable of overwhelming Buuhan despite the latter turning him into a piece of candy), Toon Force (Superior to Beerus, who was stated and shown to be completely unaffected by Arale's Toon Force, the latter of whom was capable of performing feats such as cutting the manga panel, farting to the moon, cracking the Sun and splitting the Earth, only for it to be perfectly fine in the next panel), Plot Manipulation (His 4th Wall Breaking is essentially treated as such), and Resistance & Immunity Negation (Is capable of resisting Probability Manipulation and Fate Manipulation able to negate Acausality, as well as Demigra's resistance-bypassing Mind Manipulation), Acausality (Types 1 and 5), Attack Potency: Planet level+ (Fought and killed King Piccolo, who stated that he can destroy the world. the first is wrong,because calling something the real world is not enough,practically,there is series that call the real world,to the world that is not another world. Crazy Fist: This is a distraction move designed to confuse and taunt the opponent. 0. You should use pre debunk akuto if you want a fight. Alongside the Xenoverse 2 Future Warrior, fought Mira, who was capable of performing Giant Demon God Demigra's most impressive feats just in his base form prior to even absorbing Toki-Toki's egg and transforming, both of which massively boosted his power if not possibly as much as they did Demigra. Multi-Universal via Ki Blasts. In the opening cutscene for Chapter 3, Sub Chapter 2: "Sealas Arrives! Even after the third usage of Ultra Instinct -Sign-, Goku was still not able to fully utilize attack and defense, which prevented Goku from fighting on an equal playing field with Jiren. Later when Xeno Goku was captured by Towa, along with Xeno Vegeta, Xeno Trunks, and Xeno Pan, Xeno Goku was the only one (using his Super Saiyan 4 might) who was able to break free from Towa's Evil Aura restraints, greatly surprising his foe. Xeno Goku is amazed at what Goku has become but quickly realises that now is the time to teleport everyone away from the planet before it explodes. When Dabura slices Buu in half he turns his attention to Goku but dropping his guard the conflict started to escalate when Buu absorbs Dabura. The first (and only time in the manga) was when he used it to dig a hole in the Namekian ground to bury Vegeta's corpse in after he was killed by Frieza. Question about what is Canon to Dragon Ball Heroes. Xeno Goku along with a few of his fellow Time Patrollers, enter into Aeos' Space-Time Tournament. This article is about the Goku who joined the Time Patrol. Upon seeing Xeno Goku, Broly goes into a fit of rage and attacks him immediately. After recovering, Xeno Goku and the others travel through a rift to the now desolate Time Nest to assist Xeno Trunks and Chronoa in their final battle against Mechikabura. For other incarnations of Goku, see. Chronoa heals the pairs injuries and asks that the two power up to their limit. This has the side effect of leaving a momentary "after image" until the opponent's senses adapt and realize their target has moved. Fought against and is somewhat comparable to Broly. Again we're using the vs battle wiki definition and a few other interpretations to gain our product. The only time it was used, it was able to completely and utterly seal away a Time Breaker Alternate-Universe Xeno Goku permanently despite his non-corporeality. At least Class 10 | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown | Unknown, Striking Strength: Planet Class+ | High Universal | Varies from Country Class to High Multiversal+ | High Universal. And for the record (Low Multiverse = Multi-Universe). . In this form, where he has mastered both instinctual attack and defense, he was easily able to speed-blitz and injure Jiren, as well as nullify a full-powered strike meant to incapacitate him. It doesn't say the Other World is 5D. Universal+ in Super Saiyan 4. 0. Goku is outerversal. Multi-Universal to at least High Hyperversal, possibly Outerversal via hax | Standard Melee Range. Xeno Goku in game is high outerversal. Xeno Goku in game is high outerversal. 2 Alex starting at 8-C, with the hax of both being restricted to the level of a 1-A reality and speed was equalized)The following article is designed to describe the raw power output of Goku from Dragon Ball Heros. Outerversal Goku one shots.. Xeno Goku alone is enough and Zeno makes it a massive mismatch. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Each one of the macro cosmo each universe has is that thanks to heaven being transcendent of the mortal realm which is infinite. ), Statistics Amplification (Can use Kaioken up to x10,000,000), Fusionism (Using the Potara Earrings or the Metamoran Fusion Dance, Goku and a fuse, normally Vegeta, can fuse into one incredibly powerful warrior - Gogeta or Vegito. smh. Again, we always have the argument that Demigra is beyond all space- and all time. This form multiples his power exponentially, from ten times to fifty times depending on the sources stated by guidebooks and commentaries from the creator himself. His speed is irrelevant since he scales faster than the Dark Dragonballs which move above and faster than time and space. Xeno Vegito is the Potara Fusion of Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta. Xeno Goku (Super Saiyan 4) and Xeno Vegeta (Super Saiyan 4) vs. Xeno Goku (Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker) and Xeno Vegeta (Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker) vs. Janemba (Black), Xeno Goku (Super Saiyan 4) and Goku (Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Fu (Dark King (Dogidogi Completely Absorbed)). Is significantly more powerful by the end of the DLC missions in his Ultra Instinct form) | At least High Hyperverse level, possibly Outerverse level (Just in his base form [or in Super Saiyan at most, as it is available in the mission should the player fail], Xeno Goku defeated Demigra; who transcended the entirety of Dragon Ball Heroes, which is comprised of a likely infinite-dimensional macrocosm; and reached the "Real World", a dimension which views Dragon Ball Heroes as a fictional videogame, in addition to requiring "Dimensional Transfers" and Dimensional/Space-Time Doors in order to interact with it. However, Zen is non-combat applicable, since he counts as outside interference), which grants Reality Warping, Resurrection and Wish Granting, BFR (Via "Space-Time Transfer"), Invulnerability (Is surrounded by an aura that won't let any attack near him), Status Effect Inducement and Power Nullification (Can halve his opponent's speed and strength. That being said, this profile is not intended to insult or poke fun at any other scaling of Dragon Ball characters, nor does it reflect my stance on Composite Goku. Shadow Crane Strike: The user performs a crane pose, folds their arms across their chest, and then launches a blast of wind from their right hand. Xeno Goku in this timeline performed the Super Saiyan God ritual and absorbed his "God Ki" into his various Super Saiyan transformations. In this form, his hair reaches down to his thighs and his eyebrows vanish completely while making the forehead and eye ridges larger and more prominent. But how strong is he? In Ultimate Mission X, Xeno Goku is unsure of who would win between himself and Super Saiyan God Goku from Battle of Gods.[4]. High Universal via Ki Blasts. Xeno Goku reveals that he allowed himself to be captured to investigate. Chronoa then summons Xeno Goku from his timeline to have him assist Xeno Trunks for a limited time, inducting him into the Time Patrol. Countered the Devil Castle Cannon's beam, which was going to destroy the sun, with his Kamehameha. Noice. Multi-Universal to at least High Hyperversal, possibly Outerversal via hax | Standard Melee Range. C. Outerversal Range of Motion (Can move outside of existence), We are like gods to them because we control their destiny. As a baby, Goku was sent to Earth prior to the destruction of Planet Vegeta in order to fulfill his mission and wipe out all life on the planet, conquering it. When a dark portal opens up above the two, the time limit for Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta's Fusion runs out. Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta arrive on Earth and intervene in the battle between Goku, Vegeta and Xeno Trunks against Beerus, telling them that their fight is pointless as they point out the growing Universe Tree that has appeared in the sky. The resulting Saiyan power allows the two to enter into the Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker state where they quickly display superiority over Janemba and destroy him using the Limit Breaker Double Ultimate Dragon Fist technique. Afterimage Technique: This technique is a short burst of extremely high speed, moving faster than the opponent can sense. Xeno Goku is not even close to outerversal. Xeno Goku fires a Kamehameha but Salsa swings his sword, producing a gale of wind that sends the energy blast back, causing it to hit Xeno Goku directly. With Towa and Mira having no further use of them, the Time Patrol are sucked through a vacuum to another location. In the game, Xeno Goku is ambushed by Majin Ozotto, who steals his Special Dragon Ball and runs off. During the Super Space-Time Tournament, although his primary duty is to investigate the host Aeos's sinister intentions and retake the Scrolls of Eternity, he deliberately seeks the main Goku out during the first round for a one-on-one brawl. Classification: Saiyan God, Time Patroller, Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Toon Force, Fourth Wall Breaking and Plot Manipulation (Managed to break the manga panel as a child. During Xeno Goku's time aiding the Time Patrol, seen in Dragon Ball Heroes, Xeno Goku wears a black form-fitting short-sleeved shirt and black pants with black kung fu shoes and blue stockings. They attack with a combined Kamehameha, which breaks through all of Fu's barriers, forcing him to block it himself. In the description itself it says that to be low 1-C you would have to affect, create or destroy a 5D or 6D dimension, Koyama says the other world is 5D, I don't see how that wouldn't be low 1-C. However, due to falling down a ravine and sustaining what would be a fatal injury to the average human, Goku lost all of his memories relating to his mission and his origins. However after entering into the Super Full Power Saiyan 4 Limit Breaker state, Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta easily overwhelm and obliterate Janemba. 10th Dimensional, assuming our world follows this algorithm. Learn to breath in space. He used this once against Nam. could you not downplay god tiers are outerversal. Grew immensely more powerful and managed to fight against and defeat Piccolo Junior). It is used to seal away evil entities into a container - the container can be anything, even an electric rice cooker. 1 year ago. [High-Ball]- 10 [High Complex Multiversal] or 12 Dimensional Hyperversal via defeating God Broly, whom was above Demigra potentially+ moreHigh end interpretation- could destroy our world as audience outside of the fictional barriers of Dragon Ball Heros + One Piece.