For a moment, everybody is quiet, taking in the news, until Storm breaks the silence, saying that's ridiculous they can't "cure" being a mutant since when have they become a disease? In the mid-credits scene from X-Men: Apocalypse, Bryan Singer and Simon Kinberg included a shot of someone walking through the carnage left by Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) and the recast X-Men at the Weapon X facility. How many times can Magneto's anguish and Xavier's futile attempts to save him be rehashed? She also tells them that the mutants they now know as heroes were just once like them - young, untrained, and dangerous. As they walk hurriedly to get set, Angel overhears them, realizing his father's in danger and needs help. The president says that he's never seen this information, and Xavier says he knows that. Russell Crowe was Bryan Singer's first choice to play Wolverine, along with Glenn Danzig, Dougray Scott, Keanu Reeves, Gary Sinise, Mel Gibson, Aaron Eckhart, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Viggo Mortensen, Edward Norton and Bob Hoskins were considered. Jean explains to Logan that she and Storm are heading to Boston and says that they won't be gone long the Professor wants them to track down a mutant who attacked the President. while Logan sarcastically says to her "What do you want an apology?". Timeline Jumps: Let's start with a continuity problem. . Knowing the children need his help, Logan makes the fatal decision to use the serum left to him by Rictor to restore his healing factor which rapidly heals all his past scars and injuries but also has dangerous side effects once it wears off. In 2023, Wolverine starts violently shaking and stabs Shadowcat with his claws. In 2028 Charles Xavier would develop Alzheimer's and suffer a massive seizure that injured 600 people and killed several members of the X-Men. No wonder Wolverine is so moody in Logan. Wolverine attacks it but Magneto stabs him with reinforcement steel then drowns him in a nearby river. However, upon learning of his estranged biological daughter Laura and a series of events to help her, Wolverine ultimately regains his compassion and hope from years ago. Wolverine starts using his claws to move around, sticking them into the ceiling and pulling himself towards the living room, struggling with Jean's telekinesis keeping him glued to the ceiling. Or so we thought. On the porch, Logan tells Jean that no one's left in the Institute soldiers came. [10], Despite his willingness to use violence, he is still a moral person who does not do so needlessly, nor does he attack innocent people. Wolverine placed in a machine by Viper along with Silver Samurai. Wolverine then goes to the X-Mansion where he makes a rough encounter with Hank McCoy. Originally, in the first two movies, Wolverine's healing powers (at their peak) and their various benefits have been portrayed differently. Milbury Hospital is also named after one of Mr. Sinister's aliases. Gambit and Logan then briefly split up, with Gambit going to help the children and Logan attending to Kayla. In the underground part, Xavier and Cyclops are trying to figure out what Magneto wants with Wolverine. They fight which ends with Logan defeating him however before he kills him Logan finds that he has the same dog tags as him. However, neither of them appear in the spin-off. Logan puts forth his best effort but is pinned down. He answers that the best defense is a good offense or was it the other way around? X-Men: Apocalypse had bags of potential, especially with Oscar Isaac as the eponymous villain. ", and he shoots, blasting Sabretooth through the wall, who crashes into a boat anchored off Liberty Island, as Wolverine releases the others. Bitter and resentful, Essex came across Apocalypse, who transformed him into the powerful and immortal mutant known as Mr. Sinister. Xavier introduces them as Ororo Munroe, AKA Storm, and Scott Summers, AKA Cyclops. The professor tells Logan he has no idea what Jean is capable of, but Logan corrects him that he had no idea what the professor was capable of. In the crowd sit Marie D'Ancanto, Bobby Drake, Kitty Pryde, Peter Rasputin, Hank McCoy and many other students and friends of Xavier's. He yells at her to look at him and focus, but she closes her eyes, her mind tortured by the personality struggle in her head. Back at the mansion, Logan is washing his face. He hides from some mutant kids running around, and then keeps running straight into a classroom, where Xavier is teaching a class. He walks downstairs, and hears the TV is on. She had at some point been recruited by Stryker for the purpose of seducing Logan and creating an incident where he was compelled to join the Weapon X program and participating in the adamantium procedure - in this case, her faked death. Logan tells Jean to read his mind, but she initially refuses. After running away, Victor, who was also a mutant, caught up and overtook James. He tells him that they are not all that he thinks, and Kelly tells him to tell that to the ones who did this to him. X-Men: Apocalypse (2016) Logan (2017) Deadpool 2 (2018) X-Men: Dark Phoenix (2019) . Wolverine's weight without adamantium is 195 lbs. Logan is looking down at his Dog Tag, when suddenly Jean enters and kisses him. The X-Men are seemingly. Deadpool's appearance in "Origins" was only for hype and ended up betraying that character's appeal by sealing his mouth shut midway through the film. Long speeches about heroism and brooding, serious characters are so played out that films like "Deadpool" are satirizing them. But had X-Men: Apocalypse been a bigger success than it was, and had The New Mutants released as planned to a better critical reception, the pieces would have been in place for the two movies' worlds to collide. Logan battles X-24 but is unable to overcome X-24's savagery as Caliban blows himself to let Laura and Logan escape by setting off two grenades which destroys the van he is in. The elderly couple who owns the barn offers him food and shelter. Referring to the epilogue in Days of Future Past where Wolverine (Hugh Jackman) wakes up to a peaceful present at Xaviers School, Mangold said he used that as a starting point in order to go far enough past the X-Men timeline. In front of their amazed eyes, the two X-Men see small rocks, leaves and drops of water floating around in the air. Prior to the adamantium procedure, Logan asks for new dog tags with the name "Wolverine" on them - a reference to the story Kayla told him. Pyro is constantly playing with his lighter. The students are running through the chaos, and Storm flies, avoiding getting hit. Juggernaut says he'll do it with pleasure, and runs towards the building, letting nothing stand in his way. Cyclops asks what the problem is, and Logan says that he cannot move. Logan and Laura proceed to fight X-24, with Rictor using his seismic powers to lift the earth under an armored truck and slam it on X-24. Wolverine believes it's Jean Grey who wants to keep him company. Stryker, himself surprised to see Wolverine - the man he had worked with, experimented on, and severely injured decades earlier - in the mansion, reveals that he knows much about Wolverine. Wanting answers, Logan asks Stryker who he is, but Stryker tells him that he's nothing but a failed experiment, provoking Logan into digging his claws deeper into Stryker's arm. Logan says he's going in, but Ororo stops him, reminding him the professor told them to wait outside. Intrigued, Logan asks about what the place was. What kind of coward will take it just to fit in? The common threadthat ties The New Mutants, X-Men: Apocalypse, Logan, and Deadpool 2 together is Essex Corp. - the evil conglomerate run by Nathaniel Essex a.k.a. The effect of the brainwashing turned Wolverine feral and primal, causing him to become instinctively aggressive and berserk. Scott smiles and Jean rolls her eyes. Xavier explains that these lights represent every living person on the world the white lights are human, the red are the mutants through Cerebro he's connected to them and them to him. Storm finds cover behind a column, but is almost hit. Suddenly, they hear an alarm going off then water burst out of the dam. On the jet, Jean tells Wolverine that they're close to the mansion. The wars the two brothers participated in throughout their years together included the American Civil War (both participating on the Union side led by American President Abraham Lincoln), World War I (on the Western Front), World War II (both participating in the D-Day Invasion), and the Vietnam War using their mutant powers. In "Apocalypse," set in 1983, Col. William Stryker has experimented on Logan in order to try to turn him into a killing machine known as Weapon X. Logan escapes during the course of. Suddenly, Sabretooth jumps out of the woods and throws Wolverine. Logan and Scott leave, and Logan tells Scott that Jean did make a choice it was Scott. Haunted and guilt-ridden by Jean Grey's death, as well as the memories of the deaths and war he encountered in his past, Logan again seeks the quiet life, attempting to renounce his life of violence. Scott orders Storm to fry him, but Magneto reminds him that it's not a good idea to send a bolted lightning into a huge conductive. Wolverine in the snow after the car accident caused by Sabretooth. Downstairs, Logan tries to contact Jean through Scott's communicator but it's not working. Cyclops is hooked in a way that his visor is directed at Jean's head, preventing him from shooting. Logan discovers that Magneto is using Rogue to power the device. Eight years later Wolverine, Storm, Professor X and Magneto arrive to find their fellowFree Mutants in China where they plan to send Wolverine back to 1973 to stop Mystique from killing Bolivar Trask, which triggered the Sentinel Program. Wolverine visits Professor X and reveals he has just finished time traveling and asks what happened in the last fifty years, apparently possessing no memory of the events of the new timeline. He then walks out and looks at the school that he and Storm are now left in charge of. As Deadpool fires his optic blasts, Victor attacks Deadpool as he fires on Logan with his optic blasts. The information broker that showed up in X-Men: Apocalypse isn't the Caliban of the comic books in any recognizable way, beyond the fact that both have an innate ability to "track" mutants. She tells him that a boy in school told her the professor is mad at her. Wolverine finally sees Charles and asks his help, who reluctantly agrees. Logan says she looks pretty peaceful to him, but Xavier says that's because he's keeping her that way, trying to restore the psychic blocks to cage the beast again. He falls down and sticks his claws to the wall to hang on it, almost killing Scott and Jean who are at the other side of the wall. Jean uses her abilities to free him from his cell and Logan emerges in a feral rage, mowing down Stryker's men. Then, it stops, and he looks up at Xavier's face sculptured in the memorial. Logan asks if she's okay, and she says she's more than okay. She sits up on the table and leans closer to him, telling him that it's okay. Wolverine prepares to fight against Shingen Yashida. Kayla manipulated him into a state of complacency with her power, calming him though the nightmares of the past. Storm shows up upstairs, and they follow her up. Wolverine attacks Victor and they battle each other, with Logan ultimately gaining the upper-hand, and after defeating him in combat, Wolverine manages to pin his half-brother down and is in a position to kill Victor. They apologize to each other about what happened the previous night, and he asks her if she is running again. Ronny, listening from upstairs, calls the police. She then cries and begs Logan to kill her before she kills someone else, but he doesnt want to hear it. Logan drops to his knees, helpless, yelling "No!" 1944: X-Men Origins: Wolverine Logan and half-brother Victor Creed fight in World War II and are at the D-Day invasion of Normandy. After saving Cyclops and Professor X, all the mutants run through the halls to the spillway, believing it to be their only escape. Logan ordered the others to find another way out so that he could engage this new abomination on his own. There, they all take their uniforms. Logan. He awakens to find Mariko getting the motel owner's grandson, a veterinarian, to stitch him up. This time it's Jean's eyes' turn to glow orange, and she gets one of the torpedoes off track with her telekinesis. He apologizes for hurting her earlier, and tries to flirt with her, to which Jean responds with a sharp look and promptly puts him into the scanning machine. Outside, Logan walks to Xavier's memorial. Jean asks him if he's okay, and he says that he is now. Unfortunately, the unethical experiments he proposed to further investigate these mutations caused him to be exiled by society. Rogue looks at him, as Ororo continues her eulogy: "Charles was more than a leader, more than a teacher, he was a friend. Hugh Jackman suggested in an interview following the release of the second trailer that Logan would take place in a different universe than the revised timeline, similar to how the original comic, Old Man Logan took place in a separate timeline from Earth 616. Logan can't understand why she left the plane, and Xavier says that she made a choice. Wolverine then leaves the mansion on Cyclops' motorcycle heading to Alkali Lake. Logan's final words [src] Wolverine (born James "Jimmy" Howlett ), also referred to as The Wolverine and also known as Logan, was a mutant born with retractable forearm claws, enhanced physical parameters, and a powerful healing factor. The Blackbird lands and the X-Men get out. James then heard gunfire and went to investigate, finding him dead. He calls them to follow him, and they run after him. Wolverine and Storm run to Professor X's aid. While Wolverine is incapacitated, his actions lead to the past Charles Xavier finishing what he started and changing the future. Six years after leaving Team X, Logan is living in western Canada, residing in a cabin high in the Canadian Rockies, working as a lumberjack and living with a school teacher named Kayla. After leading the X-Men for many years and earning a legendary reputation, Logan became old and vulnerable due to the poisoning of his admantium skeleton, resulting in his healing factor failing. ReelBlend cohost. They shake hands and Bobby tells him to call him Iceman as he slightly freezes Logan's hand. Logan asks to hold this for him, which she does. Rogue asks if anyone has seen John, and Jean answers after a short telepathic scan that he's with Magneto, to everyone's disappointment. Suddenly, Stryker's voice is heard, telling them not to shoot him yet. Much to James' horror, with his dying breath, Thomas revealed that he was James' true father by telling him he is also his son. He's frequently found on Twitter at @Sean_OConnell. Logan goes to berserker rage and pops his claws in the soldier's chest, killing him in front of Bobby's eyes. Essex Corp mentioned in the "X-Men: Apocalypse" post-credit was meant to tease Mr. Sinister's appearance in "Logan," but James Mangold had other plans. Still, he's victorious, as Spike is in a much worse shape, hit by his claws. Rogue enters and tries to wake him up, but as he wakes up, still tense from the nightmare, he screams and his claws unsheathe in her chest. Logan climbs back onto the reactor and just as Weapon XI is blasting Victor into the ground. Heres how it works. The X-Men: Apocalypse version of Caliban was as an eccentric information broker in the 1980s. He agrees, saying they're not ready. At first, the new person seems to have the upper hand, but then the winner recovers at amazing speed and fights back, easily defeating the new person in mere seconds. He agrees to help her as Logan and Kayla then proceed to free the mutant prisoners. Xavier admits it appears to be true, but Storm refuses to accept it, saying they can't cure them because there's nothing to cure. Logan carries her a few steps before Stryker shoots him in the back. A few minutes later, Beast and Wolverine are already in uniforms in the mansion's tunnels. If there's anything worth knowing about mutants, Caliban knows it." Caliban to Mystique [src] He sniffs around to find the exact location. He hears the door open and retracts the claws, as Bobby's parents and brother enter and find him. He would also ask for the assistance of Caliban to help care for Charles. The torch smashes and the machine begins to work. Wolverine was the only character to meet two different families from the two timelines which gave him food, rest and shelter for the meantime, until the families were ambushed and killed. Wolverine is still recovering from his injuries, when Lady Deathstryke suddenly jumps at him from below and stabs him again. He has no doubt that Logan's amnesia, his adamantium skeleton and the claws are all connected, but sometimes the mind needs to discover things for itself. Xavier approaches him and introduces himself. Kayla is dead and understands that this is Victor's doing. She sees images of fire and the operation he went through, and stops. The two powerful X-Men are left alone in the wrecked house in front of an empty wheelchair, sobbing. Suddenly, the jet shows up spinning uncontrollably in the air. Xavier says that the results will be the same as before the mind is not a box that can simply be unlocked and opened. He manages to escape her easily and runs away through the tunnels of Xavier's mansion. Later in the school's infirmary, Logan and Professor X are at Jean's side. Wolverine and Storm step out carefully and start walking around, though none of them really wants to be there. Scott asks why does he care, and Logan answers that he had to cover for him. They look up, and see the machine on top of the torch. [1], It was under this grief-stricken incident that, in an act of vengeance, James' mutation began to manifest as he sprout bone claws, slowly emerging from his fists and knuckles. All of a sudden, during their conversation, Logan's acute senses pick up on the intruders footsteps. Logan sees through Mystique's abilities while using his sense of smell. A surprising moment in The New Mutantsrevealsthat Milbury Hospital is controlled by the same shadowy figures that createdLauraand her fellow young mutants in Logan. Frustrated with her inability to touch her boyfriend, Rogue packs a bag and walks out of her room. Bobby answers, a couple of years. The following contains light spoilers for Logan. Indeed, Logan prefers to be alone due to him disliking and distrusting the company of others. Cyclops puts his hand to his visor, but Jean asks him to wait. With its release date having been delayed over and over again (the first trailer was released almost three years ago), The New Mutants is a relic of the over-arching plan that 20th Century Fox once had to build up Mr. Sinister as the next big bad of the X-Men franchise. Movie Madeline tells Bobby that they still love him, but these mutant problems are complicated. With no words, the mutant acknowledges her, removes his additional gear, and flees into the wilderness. Logan is one of only two people who can see through Mystique's disguises, the other being Stryker.