Global freedom declined for a 17th consecutive year in 2022, according to a Freedom House annual report. But more than that, we have a Republican legislature who has done everything possible to tie the hands of our Democratic governor, much like you see in some of these states. We dont comment on employee matters, MSNBC spokesperson Lorie Acio wrote by email. And sort of came to national prominence. There`s literally tens of billions of dollars in rental assistance for back rent that is sitting in state coffers and not getting distributed. And that is the base for half of the politicians in this country, who hold at least half of the political power, sometimes more, in many states a lot more. freedomtwitter. The nationwide rise in COVID cases continues and so does the red-state race to the bottom. He has been hiding out on virtual entertainment networks because he prefers not to join mainstream society. We`re not going to listen to masking or promote vaccines, or make it easier for people to stay away from affected folks. His mothers name is Geri Hayes who has of Italian Our guest this week points out that Restell, an abortionist who became one of the most influential and wealthiest women in NYC during the 19th century, has been deliberately written out of history. But learning about Restells story provides incredible insight into the longstanding and contemporary battles over abortion access in the U.S. Jennifer Wright is a journalist and author of Madame Restell: The Life, Death, and Resurrection of Old New Yorks Most Fabulous, Fearless, and Infamous Abortionist. Wright joins WITHpod to discuss Restells rise to prominence, the opposition Restell faced from anti-vice crusaders like Anthony Comstock, why she says the U.S. is heading back not only 50 years, but 150 years and more. It has not been lost on network higher-ups that MSNBC does not have an immediate or obvious successor if Maddow chooses to leave. BUSH: That money was sent. This dispatch from Vermont describes a world where the pandemic has basically been defeated, suppressed. Nothing has been decided. Thank you so much for talking to us. Then he attendedBrown University and received a Bachelor of Arts in philosophy. 41:09. WebN/A. Not only are you on your own, but the most vulnerable citizens in the state are on their own. During her freshman year at Ballston Spa, Hayes played for the Scotties junior varsity team. I dont know who he is. Mark. But as you say, you know, this undercut of science in light of what`s happening, what happens the next time? And that seems a tough road. Give the funds out because we`re trying to keep people in their homes. While previous presidents have separated themselves from their assets and placed them in a blind trust, President Trump appointed his two adult sons to manage the international businesses that continue to make hundreds of millions of dollars a year on his behalf.The Trump familys extremely high number of protected trips can be partially He`s positioned himself to do it. Thanks for your excellent conversation on the future of cities. You see that spike right there. From left to right Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, Kate Shaw, and Chris Hayes in A source tells me no decisions will be made before April 1. Chris Matthews will be back on Monday March 4th, he was on vacation in New Zealand. It seems you have Javascript turned off in your browser. His father-in-law is veteran Chicago reporter Andy Shaw. What is the Bradley foundation and who are they funding? Chris is socially active on Facebook and has got 332K followers on Facebook. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We`ve got Republican governors across this country pretending they didn`t shut down their states. After a month, the United States finally meet President Biden`s vaccination goal that he`d laid out, 70 percent of adults with at least one dose. Jane Mayer joins me to talk about that next. And then there`s Toyota, which resumed donations back in February saying, "We do not believe it`s appropriate to judge members of Congress solely based on their votes on the electoral certification." HAYES: Yes, you say, a lot of the disparate nonprofits that are sort of working in this space. Hayes seems to be doing well and having There`s another Republican governor, who is just nowhere in the 2024 discussion has done arguably the best job of any governor in the nation, Republican or Democrat, of managing the pandemic. Every week Chris Hayes asks the big questions that keep him up at night. State legislatures have significantly advanced a record number of attacks aimed at restricting LGBTQ+ rights this year. But you know, the math is the math, right? AI: An Exponential Disruption with Kate Crawford. Unknown View my complete profile. They also have among the lowest death rates per capita. That`s the most since the beginning of April. You might be feeling that artificial intelligence is starting to seem a bit like magic. Roger Hayes also spent several years leading community organizing at theCommunity Service Society of New Yorkand now works as an assistant commissioner for the NYC Department of Health. MURTHY: Well, it`s a really important question, Chris. Chris Hayes is a popular American political commentator, television news anchor, activist, and author. You know, my notion, and it`s not unique to me, it`s been part of our political culture all along, is that any elected official`s first duty is safety and security of his or her constituents. Next Post. VIVEK MURTHY, SURGEON GENERAL, UNITED STATES: Well, Chris, it`s a really good question. That when someone wins, the other person loses, and that`s it. We are deep into it with NBCUniversal and Rachel has an excellent relationship with them, Shapiro told The Daily Beast. Silicon Valley Banks recent failure marked the second-largest bank failure in U.S. history and the largest since the 2008 financial crisis. And even though it`s a small portion of people who get breakthrough infections when they`re vaccinated, we`re seeing on top of that those infections, by and large, are mild or asymptomatic. As of 2023, Chris has an estimated net worth of $5 million. Know this -- that is not good enough. Of course, children can transmit as well as contract the virus which is why you have those mask mandates. But all this is about more than Trump`s sociopathic blind spots and his insane narcissism. In a new piece in The New Yorker, staff writer Jane Mayer shows how a few wealthy conservatives are able to use their money to undermine U.S. elections. / Twitter Log in Sign up See new Tweets Conversation Chris Hayes And we`ve done a pretty good job in Kansas as we try to get the vaccine out and about, but you know, it is a back and forth that should never happen. Writers, experts, and thinkers who are also trying to get to the bottom of them join Chris to break it all down and help him get a better nights rest. In late 2003, he began a four-year stint at In These Times, a magazine of Chicago. Metro Police Officer, 35-year-old Jeffrey Smith less than a month later. I thought about you today, former governor, former Secretary of HHS. We did the work to get that. Copyright 2023 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. The Abortionist Written Out of History with Jennifer Wright. Thanks for making time tonight. HAYES: Nearly seven months after the violent failed coup on January 6, the trauma for many of those who defend to the U.S. Capitol continues. People briefed on the matter say NBCUniversal CEO Jeff Shell and NBCUniversal News Group chair Cesar Conde also remain focused on retaining her, and are gearing up to offer her a major contract extension in order to do so. I usually end up watching it online. Asked if she thinks hes been fired or is on vacation, she replied, Well it is kind of vacation time. You can do whatever you want, even if that means spreading the virus around cruise ships and filling up hospitals. That`s what the people elected us for. How long was the event? HAYES: And do you think this is a growth area I guess, is the question? Josh Hayes: Though he has generated little buzz, there is no denying that Josh Hayes was an excellent college safety. Maddow seems unlikely to jump to a rival television news network. Now, yes, you say, Vermont is a rural state with a small population. And the job of actually ensuring that schools have the support that they need to improve ventilation is something the Department of Education support, is very focused on the Department of Labor. Back at it tomorrow, and don't worry I've got two weeks' worth of takes to unleash!" Blog Archive It`s like, it would be better if you just like saying dumb things about Fauci and keeping them out of the policy. They`ve pushed this myth, and they`ve pushed it for years. Other senators may have been exposed. It`s people saying, you know, you`re on your own. HAYES: Good evening from New York. BUSH: Yes, yes. We have to get it done. Most of our interviewees had no idea who Chris Hayes is. And he`s got a challenge from the most reckless governor in the entire nation when it comes to the virus. And it was a reason for people to sort of sit up and take note. Graham attended a party on Senator Joe Manchin houseboat on Saturday. I dont know if hes on vacation or if he got fired. A man wouldnt give name, while his female companion heavily glared at us while walking away with him. Is there anyone in the Biden administration whose job it is, the point person, to solely work on indoor ventilation in the United States of America in public and private institutions in terms of HEPA filters, in terms of redoing ventilation? How close are we to genuine external intelligence? Then after he became a senior editor. HAYES: So, the moratorium would have to pass Congress. The energy, clarity, and hope for American cities was palpable and very welcome. We`ve done better than our neighbors in Missouri, but there`s a lot of crossover traffic, and we`re seeing those outbreaks in the border communities. But there is nothing like that with the vaccine, and you`ve got people that do want to command attention to do on a platform. KATHLEEN SEBELIUS, FORMER GOVERNOR OF KANSAS: Forever. HAYES: Plus, Senator Kyrsten Sinema`s European fund-raising vacation. On March 14, 2013, MSNBC announced that Hayes would be hosting a show overtaking Ed Schultz. She`s a Republican of South Dakota. And I just feel like if that universe existed now, or if there was a democratic governor, like Phil Scott, that person would be kind of a national star. This man gives Hayes the benefit of doubt, (He told us he was actually born on St. Patricks Day. Dr. Vivek Murthy, surgeon general of the United States, thank you for making some time with us tonight. Plus, the New Yorkers Jane Mayer on the dark money funding the big lie. Some of them could have long COVID for the rest of their lives. MSNBCs Chris Hayes has not revealed his location for the past week. Theres been a marked rise over the last decade of nationalist and authoritarian politics. The moratorium was put in place in September by the CDC. I just listened to your interview with Jennifer Wright. Tom Papa discusses his new stand-up special, What a Day! . Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) July 23, 2021 Nice try, Chris, but no: talking about vaccines on march 3 is how we got to vaccine delivery by december 2020. anyone It`s a pretty liberal state. Well, Phil Scott has done the opposite of Kristi Noem. None of this makes any sense. His net worth is approx $7 million. We saw that happening in the U.K. which is a more vaccinated society than our own, but we`re in the ballpark. And she`s pretty successful. List of male MSNBC news anchors and reporters to watch in 2023 No comments: Post a Comment. And that was money that was sent. They are not giving them money anymore after intense blowback to those donations. She joins WITHpod to discuss the interconnectedness of the global authoritarian movement, the personal attacks she has witnessed, what is at stake, how authoritarian gains could be rolled back and more. And it has a number of very deep-pocketed corporate people, extremely wealthy families. But here`s the thing, right? Graham has tested positive, others getting tested, fingers crossed for all of them. HAYES: It seems to me we`re flying a little blind right now about the trajectory that we`re on, partly because there`s a whole bunch of dynamic factors at play, both at the policy level, in the behavior level at the vaccination level about how bad the COVID surge of delta will get, how quickly it might abate. And to your point about the masking in schools, you know, again, you can see -- feel the palpable sense in DeSantis particularly in his sort of performativity, where he sends out his e-mails about Fauci where it`s like, there`s two things going on. And if so, how long is it going to last? So, what changed and why? And it says something profound about where we`re at that he`s -- that he`s the opposite of that now. 2. Quinta Brunson discusses Abbott Elementary. MANCHIN: Whatever it takes to eat a hamburger or two. Hayes brother named Luke has worked on Barack Obamas presidential campaigns in 2.008 and 2012. As the Delta variant moves through the country with truly stunning speed, Senator Lindsey Graham is the latest lawmaker to contract the Coronavirus. And one thing we`ve seen over the last 18 months is when these surges take off and when they come down, it`s hard to predict and it`s not always clear why they come down and why they come down as quickly as they sometimes do. Chris Hayes is the host of an Emmy Award-winning show, All In with Chris Hayes. Several of those senators say they have tested negative since being on the boat, several others still waiting for results. WOW, very enlightening! Her ratings skyrocketed following Trumps 2016 electoral victory, and havent let up much since. But the vast majority of these companies are going to remain on the side of business as usual, go along to get along you. There are other defense contractors on that top list of donors like General Dynamics and Lockheed Martin. We are talking about the highest government of the United States of America. And it seems like look, the vaccines are basically doing their job. That`ll take the little -- that timing will give us an opportunity to be able to bring the caucus back and be able to get those votes. thank you! That is changing however. It`s very -- it`s a very useful myth for people who want to discredit American elections and put in their own candidates. So, if there`s one tiny silver lining and the completely unnecessary COVID surge in communities across the country now, it is that more and more people are finally going out to get vaccinated. And I just can`t imagine we live in a country where adults are choosing to make their own children and the children in their neighborhoods and the children throughout their state that guinea pigs of this anti-science notion. And let`s just do the job to make sure people are taken care of. I have to say, Congresswoman Cori Bush was recently on our podcast. During her Monday evening broadcast, she informed viewers that a two-week break she took earlier this month was the longest vacation shes taken in her entire life. Where are those that can help? Is Chris Hayes really on vacation? Deserves a bigger platform tbh. WebChris Hayes is a loving husband to Kate since they tied the knot in 2007 and they currently share three adorable children. WebChris Hayes blasted former Department of Justice official Jeffrey Clark on Wednesday over his willingness to help Donald Trump monkey with the 2020 presidential election results. I cannot recommend the episode enough. He is the husband of Kate A. He also works in the journalism industry currently at MSNBC as the host of weekly news and opinion television show called All in with Chris Hayes. So, let`s begin in Florida which reported a record number of cases over the weekend, over 21,000 new cases in one day, according to data released on Saturday. He has not revealed whether or not he is leaving MSNBC. From the start, Hayes understood "it wasn't a vacation," and he confesses, he was initially nervous. When I was younger, I would listen to news radio until, one day when I returned from a Caribbean vacation, I realized all I ever heard was traffic, fires, shootings, and other bad things that had no effect on me. Maddows bombastic mentor Keith Olbermann. Out of 26 people, only two even remotely knew, and even then, it wasnt a sure thing and they needed to see pictures of him first. After being a good friend, the pair started dating each other. A few even ran away upon hearing his name. MSNBCs All In hostsays hes on vacation this week. South Dakota is also a rural state with a small population. ), Josh Grobin lookalike runs into oncoming traffic to get away from us. Thankfully, the states that are at the top end of the scale in terms of their vaccination rates are actually doing pretty well in terms of cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. He has got light brown colored hair and light blue colored eyes. That, of course, is Kristi Noem. All Americans are indebted to him for his great valor and patriotism on January 6 and throughout his selfless service.". You know, I`ve know these facts, but watching you lay it out is even more disturbing. The Fixation on Anti-Trans Legislation with Chase Strangio. Despite this, he needs to attend to his everyday responsibilities on MSNBC. Is Chris Hayes really on vacation? 238 overall pick. So, that`s what Ron DeSantis has to worry about. And that`s what we`ve been worried about all along. Jane, I thought it was a great piece and great reporting. SEBELIUS: Well, then I live in a state, Chris, right in the middle of the country. All In With Chris Hayes MSNBC April 7, 2022 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT Chris Hayes reports on some of the biggest news and political stories of the day with a commitment to in-depth reporting that seeks to hold the nation's leaders accountable for their actions. I mean, so the Bradley foundation by my reckoning, came -- put something like $18 million into sort of a vote fraud. HAYES: Final question for you. He`s a smart guy thinking about all this. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. WebChris Hayes is actually really, really good at his job. Why Is This Happening? Kathleen Sebelius is the former Democratic Governor of Kansas. And we believe in science for everything else. And we have higher rates in many states that did last year this time, so not a good place to be. Chris Hayes is on vacation so we won't have an #inners Q&A today. I`m joined now by that member of congress who`s sleeping outside the Capitol since the House went home, Congresswoman Cori Bush, Democrat from Missouri who`s experienced housing insecurity herself. MURTHY: Thanks so much, Chris. That`s the other thing. HASAN: ALL IN starts now. The 8 p.m. host Chris Hayes signed a contract extension last year and the 10 p.m. host Lawrence ODonnell signed an extension earlier this year, so both men I mean, and they`re still litigating. MSNBC has been hard hit by the ratings plunge that has befallen the cable networks in the months following Trumps exit from the White House. And this is a variant that moves fast. Madame Restell is a figure youve likely never heard of. And that has been a fairly durable finding, thank goodness. But on Twitter, Hayes says hell be back Monday. GOV. Chris Hayes is married to Kate Shaw, a professor of law at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law at Yeshiva University in Manhattan. Verified account Protected Tweets @; Suggested users Chris Hayes vacation dance horrifies [Vine] Posted by Unknown at 6:48 AM. Likewise, Hayes has also hosted other MSNBC shows such asThe Ed Show,Countdown With Keith Olbermann, andThe Last Word with Lawrence ODonnell. That`s not a good place to be. Rula Jebreal is an award-winning journalist, bestselling author, foreign policy expert and visiting professor at the University of Miami. Email This BlogThis! And she joins me now. Now, Kristi Noem essentially sent off a biological weapon last summer throughout the entire Midwest, not just her state, by allowing the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally to go on. And just wondering who can do something, who can help -- like, where are the real resources? How do we make sense of this unprecedented moment in world history? Previous Post. Sara Paxton, Dustin Milligan, Chris Carmack. 238) Hayes (6-6, 298) is a left tackle who could end up being moved inside to guard. Chris is also a good author and his first book, Twilight of the Elites America After Meritocracy was published byCrown Publishing Groupin June 2012. The same thing happening in Arkansas, which saw one of the first major surges of the Delta variant in the country and where 58 percent of adults have now gotten one dose. Whats Behind Israels Unprecedented Protests with Edo Konrad. In Jan 2018 they have their second daughter and they named her Anya Shaw Hayes. As much progress that we`ve as -- as we`ve made, Chris, and as encouraging as the last few weeks have been in terms of vaccine -- vaccination rates, we still have millions of people who are not protected from this virus. He also talks about the ongoing political and legislative fights to protect bodily autonomy, gender expression and personal freedom. Im reading it and am transfixed. In a new piece in The New Yorker, staff writer Jane Mayer outlines who`s bankrolling this anti-democratic effort. By Lee Moran The Morning Email Wake up to the day's most important news. This to me is the most insane part of this whole story. On Friday, DeSantis signed yet another executive order, this one banning mask mandates in schools saying parents have the right to decide if their children would wear face coverings. His mothers name is Geri Hayes who has of Italian descent. 51-year-old Capitol Police Officer Howard Liebengood died by suicide three months after the riot. 949 Likes, 48 Comments - Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) on Instagram: Vacation! Again, she is the third officers to die by suicide. Then, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy on a genuine vaccine surge across America. Newer Post Older Post Home. She also served as the Secretary of Health and Human Services under President Obama. MAYER: Well, I mean, I do. 7676. TOPIC FREQUENCY And so, it`s a very rich foundation, even though it`s a very private foundation. Hayes has also participated in the 11th annualBrooklyn Book Festival in 2017. And what`s interesting to me, I think, and should be to many people is it has some very prominent people on its board. Chris then built his career towards cable news by hosting The Rachel Maddow Show in July 2010. And 8 p.m. host Chris Hayes, who was described for years as a Maddow protg, has also never managed to rack up major viewership numbers in the hour And that is the vast majority of the money that`s going into it. So, you were a governor in Kansas, which was, again, always been a pretty conservative state, famously a Republican state for, you know, decades and decades and decades and decades. HAYES: I want to present to you the argument that has been made both by the National Association of Realtors and the landlord lobby and those who have made these arguments in front of the Supreme Court as well that essentially, the original eviction exceeded the authority the CVC had, but more -- but what I`ve heard from them recently is, look, the pandemic is not where it was in September. So it`s -- this is a forward-moving movement basically. Big corporations are still financing Republican politicians who voted for the goal of the insurrectionists. Louisiana has the highest COVID infection rate in the world right now. What the vaccines are doing even with Delta is they`re dramatically reducing your chances of dying or being hospitalized if you get sick. DVD $399.80. Woman with orange hair doesnt know who he is. So, it`s mostly out-of-state funding. And that`s why this has got to be an all-out push. Hayes formerly hosts a weekend MSNBC show. Mike Konczal is director of macroeconomic analysis at the Roosevelt Institute, where he focuses on economics, inequality and the role of public power in a democracy. What do we know about who`s funding this enterprise? Maddows decision may represent the first major test for new network president Rashida Jones, who replaced Griffin earlier this year and took the reins at a somewhat precarious moment for the left-leaning cable network. Other formats. Tonight, we have learned that a third police officer who responded to the attack that day has taken his own life. Please note that this conversation was originally recorded in May of 2022 before the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. It seems like that has to change too, right? Chis Hayes was born on February 28, 1979, in Norwood, The Bronx, New York City. WebThe Chris Hayes Podcast 276 Episodes Share Follow Episodes About 51 minutes | Apr 25, 2023 The Abortionist Written Out of History with Jennifer Wright Content warning: This episode contains occasional explicit sexual references and depictions of graphic events that some may find disturbing. The idea being that they can challenge elections and they can also, of course, attack the vote in many states. But millions of people will be out on the street, forced out of their homes, hundreds of thousands probably have already been forced out of their homes. And in particular, there`s one foundation that`s really been kind of like the wellspring of money for the sort of fraudulent vote fraud theories, and that is the Bradley foundation in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, which has something like $850 million in its -- in its Treasury. We get that. Are you just sort of like one thing -- one thing at a time, I guess? And there`s no trade-offs there, but they`re not doing that. You`re getting it about like nananana poopoo at Anthony Fauci. Someone reached out, someone helped me. And there`s all kinds of new legislation cracking down on voting. And that is why you should elect her president of the United States. The Chris Hayes Podcast. As we see AI becoming more of an everyday tool, students are even using chatbots like ChatGPT to write papers. D.C. Metro Police Officer Gunther Hashida was found dead in his home last Thursday according to the department. But no sooner did they move to New York City. The Biden administration basically said, look, we don`t think we have legal authority to extend it. "THE RACHEL MADDOW SHOW" starts right now with Ali Velshi at the Hill. HAYES: Final question for you. WebA native of Norwood, New York, Chris Hayes is an American journalist, political commentator, and author who hosts All In with Chris Hayes, on MSNBC. I never turned it on again. And also in a Bernard L. Schwartz fellow atNew America Foundationfrom 2008 to 2010. If youve been following international news, youve noticed the marked rise of protests and conflict in Israel. And teams there are focused on supporting workplaces in their effort to improve ventilation. SEN. JOE MANCHIN (D-WV): We were outside, OK. And we were all -- everybody has been vaccinated. I dont know who that is. A guy in blue shirt who wont give name. Because you know what, when it`s so cold outside, and they`re -- like it was -- it was pretty cold outside last night, the wind was blowing through my -- through my sleeping bag as thick as it was. Anyway, this is what it looks like when a member of Congress sleeps out on the Capitol steps. And it was -- I would have been right that one exactly as expected. Let`s talk about rewriting history. We have to do better by people. with Mike Konczal. We can`t sit around and point the finger at anybody. Definitely check it out. And if so, how long is it going to last? CHRIS HAYES, MSNBC: While I was on vacation, I missed a shocking story that just broke. Ohhh ohhh he says, running away from us. Ron DeSantis downplays COVID threat. Im Brazilian. It has Robert George, who`s one of the best-known sort of Catholic intellectuals. Rachel Maddow has been MSNBCs most high-profile on-air personality for more than a decade, long embodying the networks liberal ethos and raking in an obsessive following for her nightly primetime broadcast. And as Kristi Noem has shown, none of that precludes you from really screwing up the response to the virus. Moore said the Syracuse coaching staff had prepared him for the possibility that Adrian Autry would take over for Jim Boeheim. Now, it`s not like Republican governor of Florida Ron DeSantis necessarily caused all this, but he has been working proactively to make it harder to deal with the virus. TOPIC FREQUENCY Chris firstly attended Hunter College High School in New York. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi released a statement saying, "Officer Hasida has -- was a hero who risked his life to save our Capitol, the congressional community and our very democracy. We are going to do everything to try and make sure that all of the science that we know is not followed, because that would be against our party belief. Kristi Noem`s message seems to be the one that animates a huge part of the Republican base, maybe the most. On November 1, 2007,The Nationnamed him its Washington, D.C. editor, succeedingDavid Corn. HASAN (on camera): Good evening from Washington D.C. I`m Mehdi Hasan in for Chris Hayes.