Royal Caribbean allows guests to bring wine onboard but charge a $15 corkage fee if you consume in public areas of the ship. Sticker Shock - Even if you are not on a tight budget, drink prices on a Royal Caribbean cruise can be somewhat shocking. There are also lots of other free dinks included on your Royal Caribbean cruise and in some instances even free alcohol. Drinks-wise you are both covered, and although less alcohol between you, you have the opportunity to share some. For example I drink a lot of water during the day so I will at least have 6 bottles of water. It is impossible to completely cheat the Royal Caribbean drinks package. Cheating the Royal Caribbean Drink Package can be done with a few simple tricks. Manage Settings What to think about before buying a Royal Caribbean drink package, Fountain sodas / Coca-Cola Freestyle beverages. On top of what I already paid for the two unlimited packages? All I can see is my cruise planner prices which are $95+ per day!! ? Another difference from the other drink packages is you are allowed to share the coffee card benefits with another guest. If you have questions, ask them there, too. The most popular method of sneaking booze on a cruise ship is with a flask that looks like a shampoo bottle. The Deluxe Beverage Package includes any single beverage item with a value of up to $12: Fountain soda and refills at any venue. The first trick is to purchase multiple packages for one person. If drink package already purchased, can we take advantage of the lower priced one offered. Meanwhile at the Koningsdam's bars, that same Bombay gin and tonic comes to $8.34, after the 15% service fee. Sterilisers? Im sure intentionally just over the 12.00 limit for the ultimate drink package. Check your Cruise Planner and see if it comes up to purchase. While there are a few ways you can do it, I wouldnt recommend that you try, as the consequences of doing so can be serious. If the other adult(s) in the same stateroom do not wish to purchase a Deluxe Beverage Package, you can call Royal Caribbean and ask for an exemption. Royal Caribbean would not roll out something that offers no savings and expect people to pay for it, right? Diamond and above members get complimentary drinks every evening, which can be a big money saver. Coffee - $4. Jenni. Dont ask you dont get! Heres how I get the lowest price when I book a cruise. Jenni Fielding is the founder of Cruise Mummy. Still, I wouldnt recommend cheating the drink package in this way. Jenni. The prices that are on the menus are reasonable if in Au Dollars. Superb article, i am new to cruising and only used NCL which seems to have cheap drink package and this helps me no end, thanks a million, Im so pleased that you found this helpful Jenni. Royal Caribbean's newest cruise planner sale kicks off today with up to 35% off pre-cruise add-ons. The drink packagescanmake sense for some people and others no sense at all. It is debatable how much any drink should cost. Royal Caribbean no longer offers a wine package. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached, or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Royal Caribbean Blog. I hope this helps. Hi Rebecca. You can read more about this here: The Best Time to Buy A Royal Caribbean Drink Package. Here is what is included during the sale: How do I purchase a drink package for 1 and a soft drinks package for 1 because of a medical condition, Hi Jill, Im considering booking a drinks package with Royal Caribbean. For cruises that start elsewhere, its 18. Once purchased, you must pay for the package for the duration of your cruise. Each card is good for 15 punches. None of the packagesinclude mini bar items, Evian water, canned sodas, bottled juice and souvenir glassware, specialty beers as listed on bar menus, or super premium category beverages. Classic Soda: $12.99 per person, per day. I believe so, yes. They worked for about half a drink before they collapse. If not, just leave blank, 2023 Royal Caribbean Drink Package Info, Tips, Pros & Cons, How to purchase Royal Caribbean's unlimited drink packages, Spotted: Deluxe Beverage and Ultimate Dining Package combo, Clarification on Royal Caribbean's drink package premium coffee benefit, Royal Caribbean offering free Royal Replenish package with any Ultimate Refreshment Package purchase, Pros and Cons of Royal Caribbean's unlimited drink packages. My gf is a big tea drinker and is considering the package purely for that. Be the first to rate this post. Yes, thats correct. In addition, guests that are members of Royal Caribbean's Crown and Anchor Society are eligible to receive discounted and complimentary drinks during the cruise. Im guessing it does not? 1 Buy your drink package before the cruise. Ill be cruising in November on Oasis of the Seas. Fresh squeezed orange juice and sodas etc. You can see a full list of those here: List of Free Drinks on Royal Caribbean Cruises. So you wont have to pay any more for your drinks unless you order something really specialist. Whilst you could easily drink five cocktails by the pool and then a couple of glasses of wine in the evening on a sea day, how much would you drink if you were off the ship from 9 am until 6 pm most days? Thank you in advance. This is extremely helpful. For those who drink mostly coffee, Royal Caribbean offers a Cafe Select Coffee Card. Great blog. Did you know you can take your free water bottles off the ship on excursion days? It is foolish to assume any drink package is a good or bad value without first considering how you cruise. pineapples) arenotincluded with the drink package, however a portion of the drink price is subsidized by the beverage package. Royal Caribbean offers a choice of three all-inclusive drinks packages: Deluxe Beverage Package Refreshment Package (No alcohol) Classic Soda Package Deluxe Beverage Package $63 - $89 per day Royal Caribbean's alcohol drinks package includes: Beer Wine by the glass Cocktails and mocktails Spirits and liquors Premium teas and coffees I have a general question I am booked on the Adventure of the Sea in February wondering if the muster station is done outside standing or inside able to sit down.. Hi Jill. Note that if you live in the UK, youll see your drink packages prices in GBP on the Cruise Planner. Weve never bought a drink package, always paid per drinkbut are considering this trip. Coca-Cola (including diet, zero, caffeine-free and many different flavours like strawberry, cherry and lime), Fanta, Sprite and Dr Pepper (and zero versions), Powerade (and zero version), Vitamin water and Hi C, Barrys root beer and creme soda (and diet versions), Minute Maid orange and lemonade (and light versions), You cannot use a Coffee Card in Royal Caribbeans Starbucks cafes, Brewed coffee is always free from the Windjammer buffet, Specialty coffee is included in both the alcohol and no alcohol drink packages, On the first formal night of the cruise, attend the, Guests who have spent more than 30 nights at sea with Royal Caribbean (Platinum members and above) can attend a, Guests who have spent more than 80 nights at sea with Royal Caribbean (Diamond members and above) get free drinks between 5 pm and 8.30 pm for. I have a question Ive not seen answered. I have some photos of the drink menus here: This may help you to find the answer to your question. With your support, we can create more exciting content and share with everyone! This drink package pretty much includes all beverages onboard that do not contain any booze. Its not always about getting more drinks than you are entitled to. If purchased prior to your cruise on the Cruise Planner site, the Deluxe Beverage package often costs between $48 - $79per guest, per night (excluding gratuity). How to Cheat Royal Caribbean Drink Package? We love the convenience of the drink package too, especially to have the freedom of trying new drinks without fear of ordering something we do not like and being "stuck" with it. Pack Your Own Wine First is one way is one Royal Caribbean allows which is bringing your own wine onboard the ship. The only places you cannot use your drink package are withroom service, minibar or Starbucks. (Of course Ill be waiting for a discount before booking it as you have advised! Royal Caribbean offers a fewdrink packages to consider. You can ask for a jug of iced water in any restaurant or get iced water by the glass for free at any bar. But in most cases, it probably isnt. All of this contributes to bringing down the cost of drinks on a cruise, especially if you forgo a drink package and pay a la carte for your drinks. Should you purchase the drinks package on your next cruise? So you cant get the Royal Cribbean alcohol package for one person and the soft drink package for another. There is no limit on a Royal Caribbean drink package in terms of how many drinks a guest may consume in a day or throughout the cruise. Because of the high drinks prices and the limited amount of alcohol you can bring on the cruise, some people cheat on the drinks package by attempting to sneak alcohol on the cruise ship. Therefore they know its less likely you will be able to consume the maximum amount, therefore more profitable, whether its a sea day or port day, you have to have drinks package all days or none. It reminds us of cell phone plans and why so many people prefer unlimited data plans rather than fixed-data plans. You can even request the brands to be used in making your cocktails. Im going on a cruise in October and would like the full drinks package for myself. Is the alcohol package for you? Sure, it is nice to have, but far from essential. Cheating the Royal Caribbean drinks package completely isn't really possible. Otherwise, bar-tender will likely give you the cheaper or unknown house brands if you request generic drinks. It does not mean you will actually save any money, as you still need to drink enough each day of your cruise to make a drink package worthwhile. There are some exceptions to this rule. The easiest way is to purchase it via Royal Caribbean's Cruise Planner site. For some folks, 5-6 drinks per day is easy, while others may think that isa lot every day of a cruise. Keep in mind you'll not only be charged for the drink, but also the 18% gratuity automatically added. However, prices seem to have increased recently, with an upcoming cruise quoting a sale price of $83.99 and an onboard price of $105! The bar staff were always encouraging me to let them make up drinks rather than stick the menu, so Im sure they wouldnt mind you asking. Why wouldnt they have the limit at $13 or do I have incorrect info? Or is that extra? Can I please get the link to the calculator? Bringing Weed on a Cruise: Everything You Need to Know, It varies depending on the sailing, and prices also go up and down as the sailing date nears. While there are a few ways you can do it, I wouldn't recommend that you try, as the consequences of doing so can be serious. Jenni. The price per night of the Classic Soda Package is $12.99per guest(excluding gratuity). What is your experience with Royal Caribbean's beverage package? Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Thanks for all the great info. Required fields are marked *. Any tips taking a 7 mths old . Your bottle of vino. That seems pretty good to me. Could you please tell me how I can improve it? Be sure to join my email list for my best cruise tips and handpicked deals each week. However, you can get all-inclusive cruise package deals that have drinks included. Hello we r doing a three night cruise out of Brisbane in November. So, you can get an alcohol or soft drink package for the adults without being required to buy any kind of package for your children. I will take the deluxe beverage package. The best way to save money on your Royal Caribbean drink package is to buy it a few days after booking your cruise. You can usually find other drink specials throughout your cruise. Whole Cabin everyone in the cabin has to buy it. Do you know the difference in the tea? I leave from Miami and happy to pop to a Walmart beforehand to pick up some things to save money on board. Whilst it was nice to be able to fill up my drink from the machine, I didnt like that I had to carry the cup everywhere with me. Enjoy virtually unlimited combinations on everything from cocktails with top-shelf spirits to premium teas and every beverage in between. You can also get cold coffee drinks at the coffee bars. Jenni. Take a look: Royal Caribbean drinks menus with prices. Royal Caribbean always price in US dollars no matter the itinerary. Yes, you can just cancel it and buy it again. So, could you order an orange juice for your kid and then go back to get your own drink 15 minutes later? You can use my free drinks package calculator to work out what your bar bill would be with no drink package. Star Class staterooms are the highest . I'm so sorry that this post wasn't useful for you! This saves you from having to buy bottled water when in ports.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'cruiseshiptraveller_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_0',115,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-cruiseshiptraveller_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'cruiseshiptraveller_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_1',115,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-cruiseshiptraveller_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0_1');.large-mobile-banner-1-multi-115{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. If I purchase a bottle of wine for my table does that get calculated into the $89. In this section, Ill answer the most commonly-asked questions about Royal Caribbean drink packages. Moreover, guests are allowed to bring up to two bottles of wine per stateroom on their Royal Caribbean cruise. Cruise lines rarely use the word free, instead they use included. The Royal Caribbean drinks packages are structured to make a profit. We are sailing on Anthem of the seas June for two weeks going for the de lux drinks package offered us 43 per day is that fair price or should I wait in case prices go down. There's usually always a good sale for Black Friday, too. Here we have covered sharing the Royal Caribbean drinks packages in more depth.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'cruiseshiptraveller_com-leader-1','ezslot_13',111,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-cruiseshiptraveller_com-leader-1-0'); One way to cheat the Royal Caribbean drink package is to get it for the cheapest possible price in the first place. Purchasing the Royal Caribbean drink package online is the most convenient way to find the best deal. Once purchased, you must pay for the package for the duration of your cruise. Glass of wine - $9 to $16+. If a drink is over 12 Dollars to I have the entire price or just the difference. Great blog exactly the sort of information I was looking for to make in informed decision. Royal Caribbean offers just one unlimited alcohol package, the Deluxe Beverage package. Cheating the Royal Caribbean drinks package completely isnt really possible. Is is possible to buy the package for less days than those of your cruise? Heck, there is not even the concern about if you can afford to get a drink or not. It is important to note that you are not always forced into paying full prices for drinks. If I am having a soda can i order another right after 10 minutes or to I have to wait a certain time. On the other hand, your local restaurants may serve up drinks for a fraction of the cost of what you will find at Boleros. At worst, you are going to overpay for a drink package or for drinks on your own. Then click Order History. Royal Caribbean features a "drink of the day," and it costs roughly $2 to $4 less than the average cocktail. That is probably enough background on Royal Caribbean's drink packages. Hi Jeff. Theres not a time limit between drinks with Royal Caribbean, but you can only order one drink per person at a time. Hi Karen. For the best price, you should always book your drinks package in advance before your cruise and not wait until you get on board the ship. Got it for 39 pppd day! Royal Caribbean has a new pre-cruise purchase option on select sailings that combines the deluxe beverage package and, Earlier this month, Royal Caribbean changed the drink package rules to exclude Starbucks beverages, but there is now, UPDATE: Royal Caribbean confirmed the original offer advertisement was "an error" and the promotion is actually for a, Royal Caribbean's unlimited drink packages have been available for a few years and are quite popular with guests who, If you have a Royal Caribbean cruise booked, you might be wondering if it is worth it to get a drink package.Drink, Royal Caribbean's unlimited drink packages have becomebecome incredibly popular with guests who love the idea of. For most sailings, when you buy a drinks package online, an 18% gratuity charge is added at the checkout. Instead, the other person will have to purchase the Royal Refreshment package for non-alcoholic drinks. When booking a Royal Caribbean cruise, one very important question to consider is Should I get a drinks package or not?. You can use the coffee card atRoyal Caribbean coffee locations, such as Cafe Promenade or Cafe Latte-tudes. First-time cruisers will hopefully find this post as a good jumping off point for further reading on the drink packages. Not sure if Id risk it though! The price will be higher if purchased onboard, usually between $63 - $89.00 per guest, per night. However, you can order a bottle of water at the bar and put it in your mini bar fridge for later if you like. Lets get more into the nitty-gritty of the 2023 Royal Caribbean drink package. If you buy your drinks package in advance and then see that the price drops due to a promotion, you can cancel your drinks package, get a refund and then buy it again at the lower price. We know the drink package is expensive and people are searching for this information and are simply providing it. Keep in mind that you can always purchase a drink package even after your cruise begins, if you find yourself drinking more than you thought. Likewise, shorter cruises have a tendency to have more of a party atmosphere than longer cruises. Im Diamond and wondered what the upcharge might be since Ill be getting four free drink vouchers per day. And with so many tantalizing choices on each bar menu, the temptation to grab a drink is always present. Your email address will not be published. Royal Caribbean's website listed the Deluxe Beverage Package for $18 per day, per person on select 2020 sailings that got a lot of people's attention. Some people wonder if they can get the Deluxe Beverage Package for one person and a cheaper Refreshment Package or Soda Package for the other and then swap drinks sometimes. My question is, what happens if I buy the beverage package of only soft drinks and non-alcoholic beverages, and at some point during the trip I want to order, for example, a pina colada with alcohol? One thing which I noticed is that the bigger the freebie, the higher the base price. Does the menu price already include the per drink gratuity? This includes the gratuities for any beverages you order. Just like sneaking your own alcohol on board the ship, this isnt technically allowed, but people do it. This costs $31 and gives you 15 specialty coffees throughout your cruise. The drink packages can be redeemed at pretty much any restaurant or bar on a Royal Caribbean cruise ship or private destination. You have to call Royal and they will book it for you. On the first day of your cruise, you may see signs offering Buy One Get One Free deals on drinks packages. You can see a price comparison of drinks across all cruise lines here. Whipped cream etc. Or BYO seltzer, and make wine spritzers. Usually, Royal Caribbean will allow the other adult(s) to purchase a less-expensive drink package, such as the Refreshment Package. Is the drink package worth it on Royal Caribbean? Can I ask there is a limit of bringing drinks on board yourselves but how do they actually know if you have brought more than the allowance? Free drink packages are rare. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Package includes: Fountain soda and refills at any venue Coca-Cola Freestyle beverages* Coca-Cola souvenir cup Non-alcoholic cocktails (mockta. Jenni. The thing is, the number one reason to buy a drink package is to save money, otherwise why would it exist. Even if they are easy-going and might turn a blind eye, if you are blatant, it can put them in an awkward position. The only limit on a drink package is that you may only order one drink per order, per drink package. If the price does drop, you can always call Royal Carribbean to cancel it and book it again at the lower price. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Royal Caribbean guests wishing to purchase a drink package can do so either prior to their cruise via the Cruise Planner web site or once onboard their ship. Thank you. Instead, Id recommend that you buy your drink package at the best time to take advantage of any sales or special offers that can make it a bit more affordable for you. That said, if you pour a glass of wine in your stateroom and then take it to the restaurant with you, the waiters would have no idea that you didnt buy the wine in the bar before dinner. Also, should I bring my own sweetener or do they supply that? Size of travel cots? Good luck! would i be charged the difference between a virgin pina colada and a pina colada with alcohol? The price per night of the Refreshment Packageis $29.00per guest (excludinggratuity). She has worked in the cruise industry since 2015 and has taken over 20 cruises. You should think about how much time you plan to spend on the ship. That adds up. Hi, I have harmony of the seas booked for next may but when I have tried to book a drinks package there is no option for this. And they also make it very hard for anyone to actually do that. When you log into Royal Caribbeans cruise planner, look out for special offers like this one. Water. But, heres what some people have been known to do. It's not like you can just stick the drink package sticker on your cruise card and get free drinks throughout your cruise. Does the deluxe drink package include adding items to your mini bar? You cant pick and choose what days to have the package, you have to have it every day. Ive just used $USD in this guide to keep things consistent for most readers. It was quite good to fill up and take off the ship with me. If it doesnt, then Im sorry I dont know about that particular drink. If you book a Star Class suite on an Oasis or Quantum Class ship, complimentary Deluxe Beverage Package is included for every guest in the room. Whether you cruise multiple times per year or you're new to cruising, the goal of Royal Caribbean Blog is for it to bea useful resource for keeping up to date with what's new and exciting with Royal Caribbean. For those who are unfamiliar with it, Royal Caribbean's drink packages are a fixed daily cost plan offered on all Royal Caribbean ships so guests can budget their beverage costs in advance and (potentially) save money. We tend to fall somewhere in the middle, disagreeing with both extremes. Buy Drinks at Port. If Im a simple coffee and tea drinker. This means if you are a couple and only one of you wants to buy the drinks package, it simply wont wont you complete the purchase. However, in your stateroom will be a corkscrew, so you could simply open the bottle in your room, take your wine bottle and glass of wine out, and drink elsewhere onboard. For a simple system, it can be surprisingly complex, do not feel bad if it takes some reading before you fully understand how the drink package works and whether it is a good for for your party.