But what if, instead of simply answering the question, you used it as an opportunity to flirt? How To Tinder: Ultimate Beginners Guide To Tinder [2023], The photos that get you 99+ Likes in one hour, 5 Simple tips to tease your way into her heart, 4 Reasons why youre not getting any hookups (+ how to get the hookup), Shot from the pecs up (although I slightly cropped it for Tinder), And an angle that shows off my best features, You want to use Tinder Boost in a populated area so you increase the odds of being liked. I made progress toward something important today! Here are 21 fun and flirty responses to how was your day: You never know unless you try; you might just impress someone you like and get an even hotter response in return! It all depends on your face and expression. Use your sense of smell as a transition during your day. Sakib | codeburst, What do you want the highlight of your day to be? But please dont respond with Im good, hbu because 1) its Im well and 2) I want to hear about something exciting or boring that you did recently. And making it a night to remember. Thats what you should write. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. If you swipe on Tinder, you may notice something weird. My advice for how to respond on Tinder is to switch it up a little. But sometimes, the standard How was your day? can feel a bit bland. Liking every girl sends Tinder a bad message: What does Tinder do to users with a broken Nope button? Usually women prefer to drop hints in the conversation. By keeping it dynamic, youre lowering stress. Depending on your child, you may only get one chance to ask a question and receive an answer. First, lets talk about how long you should wait before you respond to her. Save time by auto-matching, dismissing, and expanding profiles directly from the Likes You grid. Now Facebook likes are kept a secret, there is ZERO advantage to using Facebook. It was great! Interestingto say the least. An honest recount: My day was okay, Molly, my pet butterfly, passed away. 3. 3. No need to reply, Hi! Now the worst date ideas are the average Joes favorite. How to answer how was your day? text from a guy, 12 Flirty Responses to How Did you Sleep?, 110 Positive Self-Love Affirmations to Cultivate Self-Love, 15+ Cute and Flirty Responses to Guess what?, Is It Bad To Have Too Many Affirmations? After all, most days are a mix of good and bad experiences. 1. You keep the answer as neutral as possible:First of all I am here out of curiosity. But how do you answer the question now? Depending on your child, you may only get one chance to ask a question and receive an answer. I seem to have lost my phone number, and I cant find it. But youre wrong. Hieronder kan je aangeven of je dat goed vindt (meer info: Privacy Policy). Ask her whats shes been binging on today or tell her your favorite show right now. Create an irresistible first photo 7. This is one area everyone loves to put a number on. Keep the selfies for yourself 2. So unless you like Zuckerberg ogling the nudes you get from your Tinder matches, sign up with your phone number. If she doesnt like what she sees, she instantly swipes left. I had a great day, but it was even better when I saw you. Because 99% of people are focused on tricking people into liking them by being something theyre not. Use your sense of smell as a transition during your day. - Quora, How to Answer Interview Questions About Your Work Style, Bored Teachers - Does that answer your question? Does this mean youlike me? Make use of contrast 4. The Answer Wall. Just Suck It Up and Tell Your Partner How Your Day Was | Fatherly, Q&A A Day: 5 Year Journal Book Review | Polka Spots and Freckle Dots, 125 Common Interview Questions and Answers (With Tips) | Indeed.com, This Question A Day Journal Is A Perfect Dose Of Self-Care, 4 Ways to Answer when Someone Asks How You Are - wikiHow, How Was Your Day? Back in the day, if you wanted to swipe cuties on Tinder you needed Facebook. It was pretty good! In reality, as long as youre not responding instantly or making her wait a week, it really doesnt matter. If you need a good how was your day reply we have 15 answers for what to text or say back. Most men, bless their hearts, are bad texters. If she sees what she likes, she dives deeper. Are you looking for the answer for April 30, 2023? With Top Picks, members can choose 1 out of 10 categorized profiles a day while paid subscribers will get a chance to view a curated list of 10 people. Hows your day? 2023 Mental Style Project | Privacy | Disclosure | Terms. The goal of how was your day? as a filler question is to find a new topic for the conversation. Even though many ladies have Tinder bios like this: (Translation: No One Night Stand/Friends With Benefits.). Well, I cant tell you all the details just yet but it was definitely an adventure! A great conversation sets the foundation for a good relationship. An honest recount: My day was okay, Molly, my pet butterfly, passed away. About 2 sentences or 140 characters. Because then your playful tease will quickly turn to a serious insult. I had a blast today, trying new things and stepping out of my comfort zone. Whether its online or offline, the biggest turn on for women is. Although useful, seduction is mostly about raising attraction through playful banter. There will be other matches and opportunities -- no need to try forcing this one. The prettier she is, the messier her inbox. Instead, think of it like responding to a friend that sent you this message. I dare say this combination is what leads you to ask how to answer a "how was your day" text in the first place. So what type of bio moves a girl to message you first? Today wasnt my best day but Im here now, so things are looking up! Instead, think of it as a less awkward version of saying, Hi, please talk to me or "Is our date still on?" To keep it brief, Im a full time member of team Textgod and coach in the Mentoring Program. Unfortunately, we can be very effective at convincing ourselves that we arent enough -- that were reading into the message too much and shes just being friendly. But what if you want to imply that your life is very exciting, and reply with a bit of mystery? My patience was tested today! Flirting can be difficult, and the more excited and nervous you are, the better, as it shows that you care about the person youre speaking with. Interchange 1. If shes texted you first and asking how your day was, shes giving you an easy out in case youre not really interested in her. Get it here for free. Put all your focus on the conversation, avoid thinking about work or your to-do list, and give your child your full attention. Back in 2018, Tinder revealed Sunday was the busiest day of the week. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. So basically, short and to the point. When it comes to getting matches, the worlds best Tinder photos will still fail. Do you want to go out with me tonight? ( Straight to the point!) Texting a woman should be similar to any other conversation and we all need to stop overthinking things. We can do this either casually, neutrally, or formally. With these fifteen easy ways to respond when someone asks how your day was, hopefully, next time, you wont have trouble coming up with something original and meaningful instead of just saying good as usual. Everyone who says they enjoy olives is lying. Relaxing after a busy weekend hiking etc. It can be tough to come up with a flirty response to the question, how was your day? after a long day at work. The easier it is to seduce the woman of your dreams. Not great, lets talk about it over dinner or drinks sometime. If youve been dating anytime recently, youve had to deal with texting back and forth. I had a great day, but I missed you. If you respond instantly, it suggests that you have nothing else going on and youre way too excited to message her. Here are 25 of the top responses to how was your weekend to describe your time: Some weekends, its understandable to want to just stay home and have time to yourself. A vital piece of the puzzle is still missing. When she sees youre completely okay with yourself, you almost seem like a superhero. Be quiet and really look at your child while they speak. Tinder is a dating app, it allows you to chat with other users and potentially meet up with them. Reply when you can without interrupting whatever youre doing and forget about the antiquated three-day rule! Then it is as simple as swiping left or right. Is this a valid message before a first date? How To Answer What Is Your Work Style | 20 Guides & Examples! If you know the persons name, use it when greeting him or her. My patience was tested today! Tell good stories 3. Accept your imperfections Lets explain how Tinder checks your location. Relaxing after a busy weekend hiking etc. Rubbing up against your matches is impossible unless you can seduce her, which youll find out here. Yugioh IS for adults and I dont care what you say!. It was amazing! You have no standards and are probably desperate. Its probably the first time anyone has mentioned her floor (instead of her looks). The conversation will typically look something like this: Me: Its been pretty chill. Scroll through for the different questions to ask on Tinder. **This is not a place to post personals or "looking for" or hookups.**. A shot of you in a roller coaster? My day was okay, but its about to get much better now that were together. Weve finally arrived at the most important step of your Tinder profile. Sometimes the dating app asks for re-authentication, 3+ months after account creation. This is perhaps another complication with learning how to answer a "how was your day" text. Shoot the shit. Now, all you have to do is look at a persons picture or profile. Keep it light and talk about your hobbies or go deep and talk about what youre looking for in a match. My advice for how to respond on Tinder is to switch it up a little. Sometimes the dating app asks for re-authentication, 3+ months after account creation. Dating apps like Tinder have largely replaced the old way of meeting people through mutual friends. Today brought me closer to my goals! Okay, time to talk about your actual response to this message. Stop the conversation if you are not interested in talking to this person. So I've put together 10 Texts That Always Work. We use formal responses to people we dont necessarily treat as equals like those we see as authority figures or strangers. Briona Baker on unsplash My day was okay, but its about to get much better now that were together. Fantastic! These will keep your talk exciting and help you build a good connection. At the other end of the spectrum, if youre waiting a week to respond to her, it seems like youre not interested. So many women aren't meeting guys anywhere else. Back-and Before you fire off your Boost, I must warn you. If you want to wow the ladies with your selfies, you must first know how to keep them from gagging. It is your responsibility to read the situation, so observe how the other person reacts. Never try to force a conversation with someone whom you dont like much. A catapult recount: Yeah, I was trying out a new cake recipe. So when youre assembling your best photos, you always want to think, Will this photo make a girl look at my next photo?. Almost at my limit for studying today, how about you?, Her: Ugh, I gave up on that hours ago lol. Only you know how your weekend was, but weve compiled a list of responses to how was your weekend so it can be easier to come up with one, especially for the introverts among us. Although its convenient, online dating is NOT easy. Find your country code then enter your number in the box on the right. All the answers are hidden from view, so don't worry about any accidental spoilers. But that only launches our bros into the friendzone. In an angle that shows off your best features, or hides your worst features. (Read: rejects you. It was much needed! This is a good response whenever you spend an intimate weekend with a lover. Be quiet and really look at your child while they speak. It was a day of hustle and grind, but Im getting closer to my dreams every day. It was good! I'm feeling a little off today. Increasing excitement. Thats what you should write. WebYou want to know how my day was? If the answer to these ques | New job quotes, New job, Job, Seth Godin Quote: How was your day? The checking is constant. 2023 Match Group, LLC, All Rights Reserved. By looking for the silver lining, you can end your day on a positive note. How can you get attractive photos with an average face? When you get asked how was your weekend? after spending it with friends and family, here are some ways you can respond: 11 My girlfriend/boyfriend and I rented a cabin/hotel room and had a romantic getaway. by Annie Parkers Store. With a verified phone, Tinder will ask you for your email: Your gender: And your name: Use your sense of smell. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. All rights reserved. I find this to be the best way to handle it because it keeps me from overthinking things. I had a few challenging moments, but now I feel better. But please dont respond with Im good, hbu because 1) its Im well and 2) I want to hear about something exciting or boring that you did recently. Daarnaast gebruiken we andere cookies voor promotie en het testen van nieuwe functionaliteiten. Was it filled with lots of logical conversation, or lots of random mini convos that made you both laugh? Relaxing after a busy weekend hiking etc. You can do away with all of those other rules and enjoy chatting with an attractive woman! You can also just drag the file into the Drop PDF here section. #supermalkarawaci #today #howsyourday #dirumahaja | Facebook, BUKU IMPORT - HOW TO HEAR FROM GOD - JOYCE MEYER | Shopee Indonesia, Write, Play, and Hear Your Theory Every Day, Answer Key, Book 2 The FJH Music Company inc, KUNCI JAWABAN bahasa inggris kelas 7 halaman 137 138 chapter 6 - Ilmu Edukasi, Buku Barron Practice Exercises for the TOEFL with CD 7th Edition | Shopee Indonesia, 11 Simple Ways to Respond to Good Morning Text - wikiHow, At least three times every day take a moment and ask yourself… | Picture Quotes. Anything from general conversation to a date invite is entirely acceptable. Whether you're looking for a friendship or something more, swiping to find the right person is more than just a game. When someone asks how your day was, theyre usually just making small talk. Add some normal mobile phone photos into the mix for a more real and authentic vibe. Verified profiles will have a blue checkmark and we strongly suggest you get onethey look good on everyone and help keep our community safe. Once you activate Boost, your profile shoots to the top of the swiping stack of all the women in your area. You see what happens, you meet and then you just look at what develops. We tend to be super conscious of what were saying, and that makes building any rapport that much harder. | Elementary lesson, Question of the day, Education lesson plans, AITA for trying to figure out Tinder? ), 11+ Things to Say When Someone Says You Dont Have Friends. Dating apps like Tinder have largely replaced the old way of meeting people through mutual friends. If youre looking for love, youve come to the right placeanything is possible on Tinder, and weve got the vows to prove it. WebThe right answer to What are you looking for? I cant wait to tell you about my day later tonight ;). My day was a bit like a spy movie, with secret meetings and covert operations. Dating apps like Tinder have largely replaced the old way of meeting people through mutual friends. Tinder can be downloaded for free in the. What about you? Photos where you show off your Model S Tesla? You were kinda cool yesterday. So theres no EXACT way to know how often Tinder calculates your location. How was your day? This brings me to my next point . Even if she texts first, a boring answer is enough to put the conversation to rest. Required fields are marked *. Make use of contrast 4. Here are 5 ways to respond to how was your weekend? during the COVID-19 pandemic: 12 Professional Responses to a Sick Day Request, 25+ of the Best Instagram Captions for St Patricks Day Posts, https://tosaylib.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/15-boy-in-white-tank-top-holding-blue-green-paint-painting-a-bird-house-with-another-kids.jpg, Leprechaun Cheer: 39 Hilarious Memes for this Saint Patricks Day, 5 Sentimental Examples of a Miss You, Dad Message from a Daughter, A Fun-Filled Celebration: 8 Maid of Honor Speeches for Your Big Sisters Wedding, A Toast to True Love: 8 Funny Maid of Honor Speeches for Your Little Sisters Big Day, Raising a Glass: 8 Hilarious Maid of Honor Speeches for Your Best Friends Wedding. Hows your day been? A catapult recount: Yeah, I was trying out a new cake recipe. Stay fun 9. by Annie Parkers Store. I enjoyed [reference a specific part of the date] and your company wasnt bad either. The second option is to be honest about how youre feeling. For a while, I thought anyone who looked directly into the camera should be smiling, or else youd look too aggressive and scare off the girls. Fantastic! Do you think any of these bullet points get her in the mood for a game of Hide The Salami? But how do you answer the question now? Swipe with dignity 8. Jawab dengan emoji ya di kolom komentar . Dating Over Thirty is a sub for discussion and advice on dating and the dating phase of relationships for people over the age of 30. Now, all you have to do is look at a persons picture or profile. For example, you can say Im doing well! We've got a breakdown of all the letters, some general word clues, or, if you just want the full answer, we've got that here too. It can be an innocent enough question, but if you listen to it daily, the same response can start to feel stale. I seem to have lost my phone number, and I cant find it. So feel free to get creative with your answers; after all, life sometimes has predictable responses waiting around every corner! I had a great day, but I missed you. Today wasnt my best day but Im here now, so things are looking up! Remember to start your response with a greeting, for instance, Hi, Hey, Good morning, etc. So long as you arent replying insanely fast or slow, youre in the clear. My day was like a treasure hunt, and I think I may have found something really special. Because thats exactly what Tinder should be leading to a real life date! The reason you want to avoid each of these extremes is the message it sends. Heres how to respond to how was your day text from a guy: The first is to focus on the positive. Obviously, its good to know the difference. Too bland. Steal my lines instead! Xx Hey It Was Good Tah You? There will be other matches and opportunities -- no need to try forcing this one. Since weekends such as these can be spent doing different things, its better to give a summary of events than to potentially overwhelm your colleague or boss with all that information. 2023 Mental Style Project | Privacy | Disclosure | Terms. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Mental Style Project is a premier outlet to guide you as you navigate through life, with the right tools and resources that will upgrade your life, enable you to take charge of your personal growth, and improve your wellness journey. Look, were not one to play favorites, but our top-tier subscription, Platinum, has got it all. Avoid time-sucking activities. Your email address will not be published. Like most people I work, have a social life, study, etc., so sometimes it could be a few hours. Pretty hot., Haha, his friends are silly. Click on the Drop PDF here section and select the PDF you want to upload to the chatbot. So, let's say, in the context of texting her before your first date, you might say that you're excited about your date. This is how you send a good text after the first date. Hows your day been going so far? Selfies are staged and unnatural. It goes over everything, including finding, approaching and attracting women. 2023 TextGod.com. See the evening as a series of mini-dates. Plus, show you a bit of my profile that got me 99+ Likes within 60 minutes. Fantastic! It is appropriate to give a list of changes, such as a promotion or the success of a new hobby, to the one who is asking. If we believe Tinder, you can reach up to 10x more women than normal. She likely doesnt want to ask you outright for a date for fear of getting turned down. If you want more advice on what to text, download my 10 Texts That Always Work. Thats why copy-pasted bios usually dont work.