Breakfast is included as the name implies.Mount Airy Gem: Beautiful, old style but, updated place. If you arent planning to walk across the entire state but want a challenging hike at Pilot Mountain, check out the segment of the Mountains to Sea trail within the park. The history of Mount Pilot is a long and storied one. Owners are warm and welcoming! As a native North Carolinian, I grew up watching Andy Griffith and cant help myself from humming the series theme song. It was on my must-see list. Where does Andy Griffith live in Mount Airy NC? How far apart are Mayberry and Mount Pilot? The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Some sections of the Yadkin River are suitable for rafting at times so check at the visitor center for complete details before launching. Mayberry tourism drives a lot of visitation to Surry County North Carolina. Pilot lies southeast of Mayberry. Finally, a Hey from Mayberry mural is also located at the Andy Griffith Playhouse. Mayberry "Sentimental Waltz" 5.0 Exceptional. The best view of Pilot Mountain is at Little Pinnacles Overlook. I cant resist the option to visit an odd roadside superlative like this. "Mayberry" is mentioned many times in television shows such as Cheers, House, Criminal Minds, Supernatural, How I Met Your Mother, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Scrubs. Mount Airy NC is Mayberry on the Andy Griffith show on tv. It is home to the nations second-longest-running radio show, WPAQ Merry-Go-Round. Most visitors to Mount Airy are there because of one man, Andy Griffith. A no-frills diner located downtown, Snappys is famous for its pork chop sandwich. Pilot Mountain is located in the North Carolina foothills and weather varies seasonally. Miles: 2 miles within Pilot Mountain State Park (165 miles paddle route down Yadkin River) Difficulty: conditions vary based on water flow and levels Location: Bean Shoals (GPS coordinates in directions section) or one of 37 other access points outside the park Surface Type: wet (its a paddle route) Blaze Trail Markers: N/A. Sadly, the Pilot Mountain State Park hiking trails do not offer any waterfalls. Airy. Advertisement Free tours of the home are available Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturdays from 11 am 4 pm. If you want to reminisce, the Andy Griffith show is available to stream on Prime video. Main Street. Located 40 minutes northwest of Winston-Salem, Mount Airy has embraced its role with a number of attractions that honor its native son and his show. . The entire park is closed on Christmas Day. Top 22 Things to Do in Mount Airy NC: How to Spend a Perfect Day in Mayberry, Best Places to Eat in Mount Airy including Bonus Recommendations for Sweets, Beer and Wine, Pinnacles National Park: Conquering a Fear of Heights on the Steep and Narrow Trail, One Day at Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument: Some of Utahs Best Hikes outside the Big 5 National Parks, What Everyone Wants to Know about Full Time RV Living: Top 23 Questions We Get Asked. Make sure to grab a picture of the restored squad cars from across the street and the multiple vintage tow trucks. There is no food service in the park. At that point, horses must circle back on the 2-mile loop. The largest is known as Big Pinnacle. The Bryson Inn is not a luxury choice but is adequate for most visitors. Visitors shouldnt miss walking the quaint downtown and snapping a few pictures of the Mayberry sites. The town of Mount Airy has embraced its appeal to visitors. The Mayberry Days festival is held in late September in Andys hometown of Mount Airy, North Carolina. Through a grassroots effort, the Pilot Mountain area was adopted as a North Carolina State Park in 1968. What are the qualities of an accurate map? However, both the mountain and river park sections offer easy and strenuous trail options. The Cherokee Indians eventually drove the Saura Indians out of the area. Visitors are encouraged to bring chairs or blankets to enjoy the show. Follow Pine to Renfro St., turn left. According to show episodes, the community of Mayberry was named for fictional founder John Mayberry. And for 25 cents more, visitors could climb a set of wooden stairs to the summit. Pilot lies southeast of Mayberry. At birth, they were joined at the chest by a small band of cartilage. It is the largest city near Mayberry, home to many visitors and law enforcement that have come and gone through the years. The trail starts at the visitor center and climbs the mountain to the summit picnic area. 89. It all has to do with the shows creator, Aaron Ruben. Hikers can take the Grindstone trail to the mountain base and explore the area but you cannot access the top of the mountain. Mayberry is a great place to raise a family or retire. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. They are located at the Andy Griffith theater. If you cant get to Mount Airy, dont worry you can get some cute Andy Griffith gear online. During this time for a small fee, visitors could enjoy the unique, natural features of the mountain. My husband, Kevin, and I are exploring North America in our 37 motorhome, Pippi. The town was named after a nearby mountain, Pilot Mountain. Emmits Fix-It Shop is located in the same lot at Wallys and the Mayberry Replica Jailhouse. This is The Chamber of Commerce Building and the Visitors Center is located in the Chamber of Commerce Building at, 200 N. Main Street. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Miles: 1.5 miles one way Difficulty: moderate Location: Visitor Center or Pinnacle Hotel (GPS coordinates in the directions section) Surface Type: natural with water crossings Blaze Trail Markers: white triangles. Mayberry is a small town with a close-knit community and a number of unique landmarks. Floyds Barber Shop is a fully functional barbershop on modern-day Main Street Mount Airy. It is named for the nearby landmark of Pilot Mountain, a distinctive geological formation. The Andy Griffith Museum is located next to the Andy Griffith Theater a mile from downtown Mount Airy. We decided to try Miss Angels and werent disappointed with a cookie and brownie. Mt. It is said that the town of Mayberry was modeled after Andy's hometown, Mt. Currently, it runs from Clingmans Dome in the Great Smoky Mountains to Jockeys Ridge on the Outer Banks. If you dont care about Andy Griffith, the small town will be a quick stop. Pilot from The Andy Griffith show. The trail is primarily wooded with good shade when leaves are on the trees. It is located near the parking lot and is free to visit. Mayberry is a small town with a big heart. The Yadkin River State Trail is a designated 165-mile paddle route on the Yadkin River. By consulting a map of North Carolina and using these clues, it's possible to get a pretty good idea of where Mayberry is. Highlights are a 70-foot scale model railroad, old Model Ts and fire engines, the history of the nearby worlds largest open-face granite quarry, and several exhibits on life through history in the Yadkin Valley including Native and Victorian household items. (1968-1971), Mayberry was also the setting for a 1986 reunion television film titled Return to Mayberry. Everyone says you have to visit the real-life Mayberry in Mount Airy. From I-74: Take Exit 101 to Mount Airy. Downtown Pilot Mountain is home to several antique, gift, and retail stores along with several restaurants. Miles: 1.3 miles one way Difficulty: moderate Location: Ivy Bluff access (GPS coordinates in directions section) Surface Type: uneven natural surfaces with water crossings Blaze Trail Markers: red circles. Upcoming shows, including ticket links, are listed on the Surry Arts Council Live Theatre page. $1 - $2. Pilot Mountain rises 1,400 feet above the surrounding land and is visible for many miles. Nearby the actual town is Pilot Mount State Park which is known for its Big Pinnacle peak seen for several miles. Visitors shouldn't miss walking the quaint downtown and snapping a few pictures of the Mayberry sites. In fact, its said to be about 300 miles away. There is also a large parking area for those lacking time, desire or ability to hike to the summit. Continue with Recommended Cookies, Pilot Mountain is one of 42 North Carolina state park sites. Mount Pilot is a 15-minute drive from Mayberry. A 3.5 miles strenuous one-way hike on the Grindstone trail will get you to the top of Pilot Mountain. Built by her family in 1903, the home is on the National Register of Historic Places. Mt. Many people often ask, Where is Mayberry or Where is Mount Airy, North Carolina? Mount Airy is located in the upper Yadkin Valley in Northwest North Carolina near the Virginia-North Carolina state line. While visiting Mount Airy, a great outdoor thing to do is to explore nearby Pilot Mountain State Park. The population is growing as more people discover all that Mayberry has to offer. Visit "Mayberry" in Mount Airy, NC | Attraction "Mayberry" Mount Airy NC Website (336) 786-6116 Directions Map Enjoy many attractions in downtown Mount Airy. Pilot Mountain became the 14th State Park in 1968 when it was purchased from Mrs. J.W. Mount Airy North Carolina is best known as the real-life home of Andy Griffith. We love supporting local and unique businesses in our travels. In addition to Mayberry-themed attractions open year round, thousands of fans visit Mount Airy each September for its Mayberry Days celebration. Little Pinnacle Overlook is one of three overlooks at the Upper Summit Parking area. Airy. Pilot as well as Aunt Bee's butter and egg man Mr. Hendricks. There are multiple parking areas. Mayberry is a small town with a population of just over 6,000 people. Why the discrepancy? The islands in the Yadkin River in Pilot Mountain State Park are 15 acres and 45 acres in size. The small town of Mount Airy lies at the edge of the Blue Ridge Parkway in the North Carolina mountains. Beasley, thereby helping to preserve the natural resources of North Carolina. Hampton Inn Mount Airy 4.6 Superb. Located next to, Andy Griffith attended elementary school here and performed on stage here during the 1930s and 1940s. A random claim to fame for Mount Airy is their famous residents, Chang and Eng Bunker. You will see the Blue Signs that say Visitors Center. The town is named after Mayberry R. Floyd, who was the real-life sheriff of Surry County, North Carolina from 1948 to 1950. We did this hike and enjoyed the moderate walk through beautiful forests. The sandwich has been featured in magazines and on TV shows. In later years of the show, Emmits Fix-It Shop was located in Floyds Barber Shop following Floyds retirement. Look closely and youll notice the cars are all different models. Mt. Check out Pilot Mountain Hiking Trails: Everything You Need to Know for complete details about hiking at Pilot Mountain State Park. The park offers climbing, mountain biking and hiking. Aunt Bee logged more Mayberry years (ten) than any other character. Free electric car chargers (J-1772) are also available at the Pilot Mountain State Park Visitor Center. It was commissioned by TV Land in the early 2000s as part of a series honoring TV greats from the 50s, 60s, and 70s. #mc_embed_signup{background:#fff;clear:left;font:14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif}
, Learn more about us and our Cheap and Cheerful travel style, Complete Listing of Hiking, Equestrian and Paddle Trails at Pilot Mountain, Summary Hiking Trails at Pilot Mountain NC, Top 3 Local Spots for Good Food plus Sweets, Beer and Wine, Best Things to do in Twin Falls: Maximizing your trip to the Idaho Magic Valley. I enjoyed a Cheerwine on their rocking chair front porch. The 2022 Summer Art Series show schedule is available here. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. A Currituck County is located in eastern North Carolina. In episode 3 "The Guitar Player" played by James Best, who later played Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane on The Dukes of Hazzard, Best's character Jim Lindsey buys his guitar picks in Winston-Salem, which is actually the nearest big city to Mount Airy (37 miles). Is this pet friendly? While the two towns are not explicitly compared or contrasted in the show, there are some notable differences between them. These trails are generally shorter and not too difficult. Then-student Andy Griffith frequented this quaint diner for a quick lunch before local schools had cafeterias on campus. Top 22 Things to do in Mount Airy (Mayberry) North Carolina in 2023: [Bonus] Itinerary A Perfect Day in Mayberry Sharing is caring! Griffith, however, told Larry King in 2003 that Artie Stander is the person who thought of the name Mayberry; Stander was one of the show's creators and writers.[1]. The Bunker twins were the first known Siamese twins. The cherry cola is delicious and reminds me of a cherry Coke. Andy made numerous references to travel to this wonderful place the locals simply know as Pilot. [citation needed] According to the episode "The Battle of Mayberry", the town was almost named Taylortown in honor of Colonel Carleton Taylor, who was one of the first settlers in the town. Admission to the park is free. The best route to take when driving from Mayberry to Mount Pilot is to take the scenic route. The town of Mayberry was originally created as a fictional town for the show. Dedicated as a National Natural Landmark in 1974, this solitary peak is the centerpiece of Pilot Mountain State Park. The small town of Mount Airy lies at the edge of the Blue Ridge Parkway in the North Carolina mountains. Watch Allison Andrew's video coverage of her weekend trip to Mount Airy & Mayberry . The city is located in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains on the Ararat and Yadkin Rivers, and the recreation options for outdoor enthusiasts are endless. In 1881, they were born in Siam (modern-day Thailand). But how far apart are these two towns? Dedicated as a National Natural Landmark in 1974, this solitary peak is the centerpiece of Pilot Mountain State Park. Mayberry, the idyllic hometown made famous on The Andy Griffith Show, has long been considered a fictional place, but the real Mayberry does exist. Mount Pilot is also one of the most popular hiking destinations in the country, with thousands of people visiting each year to take in the stunning views. Follow Pine to Renfro St., turn left. The drive up Pilot Mountain is winding and slow but can easily be done in a few minutes. Ticket prices vary per show with a maximum of $15. Go Interstate 40 soon as you get into NC a bit, to Winston Salem NC, from Highway 52 North to Mount Airy NC. The iconic statue didnt disappoint. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. 89. Mayberry is a fictional town that serves as the primary setting for The Andy Griffith Show. Follow Pine to Renfro St., turn left. Miles: 6.6 miles one way Difficulty: strenuous Location: Pinnacle Hotel/Culler Road parking area or Hauser Road parking area (GPS coordinates in directions section) Surface Type: uneven natural surfaces Blaze Trail Markers: white triangles. 52 N: Take Hwy 52 S. to the Hwy. Absolutely, there are many great hiking trails at Pilot Mountain. The quartzite rock that makes up Pilot Mountain was never a volcano but is the westernmost point of the Sauratown mountains. After years of worldwide promotional tours, the brothers used their earnings to settle in Mount Airy. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Performing arts is a popular form of expression in the small town of Mount Airy. I spend a lot of time researching reviews and online photos to pick the best places. Mayberry is a fictional town that serves as the primary setting for The Andy Griffith Show. Go Interstate 95 to Interstate 40 in NC going west. What are the duties of a sanitary prefect in a school? Keep in mind both of these places arent real but they are based on real locations. There are several rental company options but Ill let you do your own research since I only enjoyed the hiking trails at Pilot Mountain on our visit. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Miles: 12.6 miles one way in Pilot Mountain State Park Difficulty: strenuous Location: Bean Shoals Access (GPS coordinates in directions section) Surface Type: natural surfaces, railroad crossing, water crossings Blaze Trail Markers: white circles. Hikers can continue another 0.5 miles to the Bean Shoals Canal trail. Let us help plan your next trip with less research and without breaking the bank. Crossing an active railroad track is necessary at the beginning of the trail. Today, the town of Mayberry is a popular tourist destination. The Corridor hiking trail connects the River and Mountain sections of Pilot Mountain State Park. There are also a few creek crossings on the Corridor Trail. The one you saw in every episode? Mount Pilot does not have any landmarks that are nearly as iconic or well-known as these Mayberry staples. From Highway 52 S: Take Hwy. Mayberry, North Carolina is a fictional community that was the setting for two popular American television sitcoms, The Andy Griffith Show (1960-1968) and Mayberry R.F.D. Mayberry had one traffic light and little in the way of indigenous crime with the exception perhaps of moonshining and bootlegging. Definitely returning and highly recommending!. The festival date was chosen to align with the first episode launching on October 3, 1960. Pilot Mountain was the inspiration for the fictional town of Mount Pilot in The Andy Griffith Show, a nearby larger town near Mayberry. It might sound odd, but the tangy and crunch combo is addictive. But then, you might miss some of the scenic beauty along the way! The population of Mount Pilot is 4,562. U.S. Route 52 passes through the town of Pilot Mountain near the mountain, which is about 20 miles northwest of Winston-Salem, and the city of Mount Airy is 14 miles farther north.. Exhibits about the Siamese twins are at both the Andy Griffith Museum and Mount Airy Museum of Regional History. My husband, Kevin, and I are exploring North America in our 37 motorhome, Pippi. Expect some elevation gain on this sloping trail. It is located in the fictional state of North Carolina. The answer may surprise you. Tours are $40 per person and the cars seat up to 4. They likely associate Mount Airy with a small town they grew up watching on TV, Mayberry. We wear long, lightweight hiking pants year-round to protect ourselves from poison ivy, ticks and other undesirable trail inhabitants. The trail is natural so it may be uneven in some places. In episode 17 "Alcohol And Old Lace" while looking for moonshine stills, Barney suggests looking into Fancy Gap, Virginia, a town just across the state line from Mt. They are great for those young at heart as well. Do Eric benet and Lisa bonet have a child together? 200 N Main Street. We personally like apartments and have had great luck using to avoid all of the silly AirBnB fees. The trail to Little Pinnacle Overlook is primarily natural surfaces including uneven stone stairs. Lower Cascades Falls at Hanging Rock only requires 0.9-mile hike and is beautiful year-round. I feel cute wearing them around town on non-hiking days. Pilot The town of. It shares some segments with the Grindstone, Corridor and Mountain trails. Tourists are also welcome for photos. But it is a great opportunity to enjoy nature while getting some exercise. However, after the show became popular, the town of Mount Airy, North Carolina began promoting itself as Mayberry and even held an annual Mayberry Days festival. If you only have one day in Mount Airy, the perfect itinerary will vary but there are a few must-dos. The town of Pilot Mountain is best recognized as Mt. Website (336) 444-5100 Directions The town is located in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina. The TV Land Andy and Opie statue is located in front of the Andy Griffith Playhouse and Andy Griffith Museum. There are several famous landmarks in Mayberry and Mount Pilot. We even listened to the theme song on our phones here. A live performance, music or theater, at one of the towns venues is a great way to experience the local vibe. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know before a hike. If you are curious about the sweet shops, check out the Best Places to Eat in Mount Airy NC for more details. The Mountain to Sea trail will eventually traverse the entire state of North Carolina. The summit picnic area is also accessible by vehicle if time or fitness levels do not align with hiking the Grindstone. All TRACK trails are part of the national Kids in Parks program. Finally, as expected, there are several shops in downtown Mount Airy offering Andy Griffith souvenirs. Most visitors take pictures from the sidewalk but die-hard fans can rent the house for their Mount Airy trip. There is crime in Mount Pilot, and the town does not have the same level of innocence and simplicity as Mayberry. The community theater is housed in a historic schoolhouse. With 9.0 overall out of 10 stars, the Hampton Inn offers double rooms (two queen beds) and rates include breakfast. It has served as a visual navigational guide for hundreds of years. In episode 136 "Opie's Fortune", a man from Bannertown lost $50. Weve visited some pretty epic waterfalls in our full-time RV life. Kuhl uses premium fabrics that are built to last a lifetime of adventure with function forefront in their design. Airy.-- Paul Mulik How far is Mt. This is The Chamber of Commerce Building and the Visitors Center is located in the Chamber of Commerce Building at, 200 N. Main Street. Second, only to the Grand Ole Opry. Youll need a car to visit Pilot Mountain. Everyone says you have to visit the real-life Mayberry in Mount Airy. Chang and Eng lived to 62. Mayberry is said to be based on Andy Griffith's hometown of Mount Airy, North Carolina. The walk from downtown to Wallys is through a gorgeous historic residential district. It is a remnant of the ancient chain of Sauratown Mountains.Pilot Mountain (North Carolina). It can be combined with the Grindstone trail for a 6-mile loop around the mountain through mostly woody, shaded areas. Visitors are welcome to visit the active granite quarry. Pilot Mountain State Park offers over 40 miles of hiking trails ranging from easy to difficult. It then loops around the Big Pinnacle before ending up at the same trail for the return trip. Once completed the trail will run 1,400 miles from the breathtaking mountains to the magical coast. It offers scenic views of the Big Pinnacle and several vistas over the surrounding mountains. The photo-worthy old-time heritage music hall hosts weekly events. Is there a real town called Mayberry in North Carolina? You may have more questions about Mount Airy so weve compiled a list of commonly asked questions. It is close enough to Yellowstone National Park to combine the two for an epic road trip. Expect roots, rocks, a few boulders, stone stairs and an overall challenging hike. Pilot Mountain State Park is made up of 3,703 acres of land, with an elevation of 2420 feet. If you havent seen The Andy Griffith Show in a while (or nevergasp), I recommend tuning into TV Land for a few episodes before visiting Mount Airy. Pilot lies southeast of Mayberry. The park even has a paddle route in the Yadkin River and several bridle trails for horseback riding. Owners are warm and welcoming! Pilot Mountain is a popular destination for Winston Salem residents looking for a short break from the city. The town is home to a variety of businesses, including a winery, a brewery, and a distillery. In a song by Rascal Flatts titled "Mayberry", the town is mentioned: "Well I miss Mayberry sitting on the porch drinking ice cold Cherry Coke where everything is black and white.". The Bryon Inn is located less than 8 miles from downtown Mount Airy. The museum houses the worlds largest collection of Andy Griffith memorabilia. There are many attractions in Mount Pilot, NC. Mount Pilot, on the other hand, is a real town in North Carolina with a population of just over 2,000 people. Miles: 0.5 miles one way Difficulty: easy Location: Bean Shoals access or Hauser Road parking (GPS coordinates in directions section) Surface Type: natural surfaces with railroad crossings Blaze Trail Markers: red circles. Check out Pilot Mountain Hiking Trails: Everything You Need to Know before you go. The TV-show town was based on Griffiths hometown of Mount Airy. Stokes County, which borders Surry County to the east, is mentioned as the location of Myers Lake in episode 140 "Andy And Helen Have Their Day". A Mayberry-themed mural spanning three walls was completed in summer 2013 by Greensboros Chip Holton, artist in residence at O.Henry and Proximity hotels. As a waterfall fanatic, I try to find hikes that lead to water. Exit at Milepost 199.4. The park is separated into two sections: Mountain and River. The town of Pilot Mountain is home to Pilot Mountain State Park, which is a remnant of the ancient Sauratown Mountains. It was operated as a commercial tourist attraction. If you love National Park sites like the Blue Ridge Parkway, check out our ridiculously detailed guide to the America the Beautiful National Park Pass. The Yadkin Island trail is 1.5 miles one way from the Hauser Road parking area to the Bean Shoals canal trail.Many hikers explore the 2 small islands in the river as part of this hike. Mount Airy North Carolina is home to Andy Griffith and the Mayberry-themed dominates the list of things to do. What does Defarge do as they approach the door? There are also a few creek crossings on the Corridor Trail. Mayberry is also the fictional setting of The Andy Griffith Show. Pilot Mountain and Hanging Rock are both within 30 minutes from Mount Airy. This is the fastest route from Mount Airy, NC to Pilot Mountain, NC. Faster, more advanced hikers can possibly complete the Grindstone out and back trail in a shorter time. During our visit, most visitors were enjoying a sweet treat from one of the many bakeries and ice cream shops in downtown Mount Airy. Additionally, Pilot Mountain has two paddle-in campsites along the Yadkin River near Ivy Bluffs. Depending upon the time available and fitness level, everyone can find a hiking trail for them. Due to elevation gain and uneven natural surfaces (primarily rocks and roots), it is classified as a strenuous hike. Suite with a view is a private apartment that offers unique accommodations to those visiting Mount Airy. For 50 cents, visitors could take the scenic two-mile drive to Little Pinnacles Peak. Pilot Mountain was the inspiration for the fictional town of Mount Pilot in "The Andy Griffith Show," a nearby larger town near Mayberry. The family-friendlyfestival, hosted by the Surry Arts Council, features a parade, golf tournament, Andy Griffith trivia contests, screenings of show episodes, live entertainment and more. This is a shared hiking and horse trail until it reaches the Yadkin River parking area. The TRACK hiking trail at Pilot Mountain is 0.3 miles one way. If youve never heard it, heres a sample. 15 Unique Things to Do in Nederland: Our Favorite Colorado Hippie Town, Complete Guide to the Tobacco Heritage Trail: Everything You Need to Know Before You Visit this Virginia Rail Trail, Top 12 Things to Do in Winslow Arizona: Cheap or Free Route 66 Attraction, Know about Full Time RV Living: Top 23 Questions We Get Asked, The Whittler which represents the history of the wall, Ralph Epperson, the founder of WPAQ Radio Station still broadcasting from the Historic Earle Theater, Donna Fargo, a famous country singer and songwriter, L.H. Use caution. No hookups or dump station available. The Parkway speed limit is 45 mph and there are scenic overlooks every few miles. Horne Creek hiking trail is sloped with some slight elevation gains. Mayberry is technically located in a small town in Virginia but the real Mayberry is on full display in Mount Airy NC. Mayberry is a small town in North Carolina that was the setting for the popular television show The Andy Griffith Show. You will also have the opportunity to stop at some of the local attractions along the way. Bring snacks. The population of Mayberry is a friendly and welcoming community that is always ready to help out a neighbor in need. Mount Airy and Pilot Mountain are 15 minutes far apart, if you drive non-stop . You will see the Blue Signs that say Visitors Center. This quaint North Carolina town was Andy Griffiths childhood home and the inspiration for Mayberry in the beloved 1960s sitcom The Andy Griffith Show. Sonkers are a Yadkin County local specialty available in Mount Airy. how far is mayberry from mount pilot how far is mayberry from mount pilot (No Ratings Yet) Jackie Goldschneider Sister , Create A Purple Mash Account , Articles H The 0.25-mile walk to the Little Pinnacles overlook is on uneven surfaces and requires some stairs but the views are worth the effort if you are physically able. Hours vary but we noticed most are closed are Sunday and Monday. What is wrong with reporter Susan Raff's arm on WFSB news? Snap a picture of the Andy & Opie statue and the Hey from Mayberry mural. But being a must see doesnt mean it cant surprise you. They are a great place to see native plants and animals. The Mountain trail at Pilot Mountain can be used for hiking and horseback riding. Mount Airy was the inspiration for Mayberry but there is a town really named Mayberry. The Mayberry Trading Post, home of the Mayberry, Virginia post office until it closed in 1922, told local TV station WGHP that Griffith and his father made many trips to the Mayberry Trading Post. Pilot Mountain likely was the inspiration for the fictional town of "Mount Pilot", a nearby larger town in relation to Mayberry, often referred to and occasionally visited by the characters in The Andy Griffith Show.