The base and rim diameters are the same, and of course, its still a .30-caliber, which has been Americas favorite bullet diameter for generations. Soon, Zach was shooting skeet and fell in love with the sport. They are chock-full of information, with plenty of detail for both the beginner and seasoned reloader. Learn the difference between revolvers and semi-auto pistols and what makes them different. You can find Hodgdons CFE Pistol powder at Midsouth Shooters Supply or buy directly from Hodgdon. Hornady vol II lists it for 45 to 60 grain slugs. This includes the majority of mainstream handgun rounds including the 9mm, 38 Special, 40 S&W, and 45 ACP. A couple months later, Zach shot USAYESS competition in Grand Island. The short-barreled Remington Model Seven averaged 1.17 inches for all nine loads tested. Re: 125 gr .308 load. The .308 Win.s popularity is well deserved; it is a potent and versatile round. In her free time, she shoots in NRL22 club matches around the Kansas City area, where she lives with her husband Shane and where she works as a pharmacist. All published data will show a starting load and then a "top" (min/max) load. Such popularity also means that thousands of shooters load their own .308 Win. This means you have the option to read your magazine on most popular phones and tablets. Vihtavuori N150. CFE 223 yields top velocities in many cartridges such as the 204 Ruger, 223 Remington/5.56mm NATO, 22-250 Remington and the 308 Winchester/7.62mm NATO, plus many, many more. Improved Military Rifle IMR 4064. Last Update: June 19, 2022. You are using an out of date browser. These are two fine game bullets. For the purposes of this article, Hornady Match and NoslerCustom cases were chosen that had a capacity of 55.9 and 56.0 grains, respectively. 3 0 obj The five test loads from its 22-inch barrel averaged 0.83 inch. Poll: What Reloading Components Cant You Find? I consider a 230 grain bullet at nearly 900 fps to be a pretty stout 45 ACP load and would not hesitate to rely on this load for self defense. Swift offers the Scirocco II and A-Frame with two distinctly different types of performance, while Sierra and Speer offer more traditional cup-and-core lead tipped bullets that are suitable for the distances that the majority of big game is shot. For example, standard full-length sizing dies are favored for general use in bolt-action rifles, especially if ammunition is to be used in multiple rifles. He also placed second in the World Elk Calling competition. case turned out to be slightly more efficient than the .30-06 and was found to be capable of excellent accuracy with a wide range of bullet weights and types. provides almost endless combinations for test loads that make reloaders absolutely giddy. The Barnes Tipped Triple Shock X-Bullet and Hornady GMX solid copper expanding hunting bullets are popular in the .308 Winchester. Plus, the .308s moderate powder capacity wont produce enough velocity with heavier bullets to cause reliable expansion. Nosler Ballistic Tip; 125-gr. Hodgdon TiteGroup Pistol Reloading Powder gives top performance for cowboy action shooting, bullseye matches, and IDPA disciplines. It was very hot in my Keltec RFB and my Savage 10, even with the starting loads I was getting bolt marks on the casehead and flat primers. CFE Pistol is a medium-fast pistol powder on the burn rate chart. Phillip is a 10-year Marine Corps veteran having served his whole career in the Scout Sniper community. The anvil for them is in the primer pocket, not in the primer itself. 4 Powder. An avid shooter and outdoorsman, George takes pride in the quality custom rifles that G.A. His proven expertise in firearm manipulation and shooting techniques has enhanced the skills of countless individuals and agencies. It is always recommended to begin with start loads and work up carefully to maximum charges while carefully watching for signs of excess pressure. Nov 25, 2012 I like Varget powder and CCI BR-2 primers. has been a phenomenal success in the big-game fields, on target ranges, and just about everywhere gunpowder is burned. Always start low at least by 5% if not 10%. If the reloader wants to crimp in a bullets cannelure, having cases all the same length is pretty much mandatory. The load produced good accuracy, reasonable recoil, and averaged 892 fps. I hate to be a party-pooper, but I have not noticed any appreciable differences in performance with any of the excellent primers available these days. They were my brother and stepfather's guns and are completely factory guns. As for powder suggestions, the potential bullet and powder combinations are almost endless, and the ones shown in the accompanying chart are just a few suggestions. Generally you can use the "same weight" bullet on listed information. Average velocities from each of those loads were recorded at 2,758, 2,761, 2,765, 2,741 and 2,765 fps, respectively, while extreme velocity spreads were 29, 16, 22, 14 and 8 fps. Free Shipping On Orders Over $99! into something it isnt with handloads. If youre looking for a versatile powder for revolvers or semi-auto handguns, CFE Pistol certainly deserves your attention. Hornady V-Max; 110-gr. This allows shooters to clean their barrels less often. Hailing from the Kansas City-area, Jaclyn is a rifle shooter specializing in precision rifle shooting. She has been named as a co-host on Shooting Gallery on the Outdoor Channel. She remains the only female to take home overall wins in national level precision rifle competitions when she won the 2016 NorCal Tactical Bolt Rifle Challenge and 2018 K&M Kahles Precision Rifle Competition. CFE 223 contains our Copper Fouling Eraser ingredient, originally used in military propellant, which greatly deters copper fouling and contributes to longer periods of top accuracy with less barrel cleaning time. I have not loaded CFE 223 with the GMX nor the Barnes bullets, but have loaded it with the flat base and the 150-gr FMJ boat tail Hornady bullets. Midsouth Shooters is THE powder and primer source! Todd is also a sought-after firearms instructor for military, law enforcement, and competitive shooters around the world. However, a uniform technique in operating the measure is an important factor in accurate reloads. 2023 Outdoor Sportsman Group. While there was no huge velocity difference produced by each primer (24 fps at most), all the standard large rifle primers generated less than 60,000 psi pressure, while the Federal 215M Large Rifle Magnum primer increased pressure to more than 63,000 psi, which again exceeds industry standards. She has since entered the Open division and has competed all over the country at numerous national level events, including the PRS Finale in 2018. charge and normally is reduced 10%. First, one must define the role of the intended reload. If youre looking for a versatile powder for revolvers or semi-auto handguns. But its short-action influence has inspired many additional cartridge designs, including the popular short. Poll: What Rifle Cartridge Do You Reload Most Often? With the Nosler 150-grain AccuBond, 47.5 grains of CFE 223 clocked 2,713 fps and averaged 0.83 inch. The Hodgdon data for these bullets is 44.0 to 49.0 grains. The reason you start low and work up is so you can look for "obvious" signs of pressure. A charge of 42.0 grains of IMR 8208 XBR propelled the Hornady 165-grain GMX lead-free bullet to 2,612 fps and averaged accuracy of 0.94 inch. In addition, if you inadvertently let a Berdan-primed case slip into the batch youre resizing, it will probably break the decapping stem in your die. <>>> However, many reloaders dote on match-grade primers, such as the Federal GM210M and the CCI BR-2 primers. All Rights Reserved. 2019 Alabama Precision Long Range Challenge 5th, 2021 Alabama Precision Long Range Classic 3rd. Working and enjoying the outdoors were just a normal part of day to day life. BL-C (2) works extremely well in the 204 Ruger, 223 Remington, 17 Remington, 22 PPC and many more. A World Record Attempt and everyone is out at the range shooting and practicing. Pass it up. It was interesting to compare the sizes and styles of the various powders. Federal has created a safer, easier and more reliable way to shoot a muzzleloader. CFE Pistol contains our Copper Fouling Eraser ingredient, originally used in military propellant, which greatly deters copper fouling and contributes to longer periods of top accuracy with less barrel cleaning time. Re: Hodgdon CFE 223 powder for the .308 Win. The astute marketing wizards at Winchester were well aware of the Armys developments and that military cartridges almost always become popular commercial cartridges. Apr 13, 2015 Really poor choice for for such a small case. Make sure to watch till the end. This would officially become the 7.62x51mm (aka 7.62 NATO) in 1954. Joseph Von Benedikt visits with Aaron Oelger from Hodgdon about the unprecedented demand on the shooting supply industry. Material connection (partnerships) information available at I used Hornady XTP hollow point jacketed bullets in both loads. Subscriber Services. Varget powder, also from Hodgdon. In 1999, George opened GA Precision after apprenticing with three gunsmiths. For the 220 gr. CFE means Copper Fouling Eraser and the powders in the CFE line have chemical ingredients that retard jacket fouling. The Speer 165-grain Grand Slam and 48.3 grains of VihtaVuori N550 produced 2,415 fps and a 0.94-inch group average. I've got lots of powder to try, varget, IMR 4895, 3031, 4320. After charging the cases, shine the light into each case to see if they all have the same amount of powder in them and that you havent missed one. A broad selection of powders with the correct burn rate can be used to optimize .308 Winchester velocity and accuracy. Sponsored by many of the hunting industries leading manufacturers, he has conducted over a thousand hunting and fishing seminars across the United States and has hunted and fished extensively around the world. .308 WIN Lapua Rifle Brass Since our target velocity is 1050fps, I began load development starting high and working my way down. Some shooters prefer using a neck sizing die when ammunition is to be used in a single bolt-action or single-shot rifle. Anyone try that combo? 1 0 obj Suitable bullets weighing from 150 to 165 grains fill the bill here. If Hodgdon says start at 26.0 grains? Tough projectiles of 178 and 180 grains are about perfect. Hodgdon's listing of 18.0 grains of CFE BLK as maximum for 30- and 35-grain bullets needs clarification. Most companies make a decapping-only die. Hodgdon H414. In 150 and 165 Hornady SP and SST loads. Precision is making and looks forward to the future of creating the best professional custom rifles on the market. Yes, you read that right. These are some of the powders that work well in reloading the .308 Winchester. For 155gr. Joseph Von Benedikt shows his custom 500 and how well it shoots. Its accuracy and performance on game has been exemplary. Your email address will not be published. I shot a lot of Sta-Ball 6.5 and it worked well beyond expectations. Handloading the 308. Dont exceed them! In the ensuing 70 years, the .308 Win. Feb 7, 2014. reloads in the bolt-action rifles listed. The terrific selection of bullets, cases, and powders for the .308 Win. One or more will surely turn out to be winners. Ryan earned a Bachelors of Science in Chemistry and Plastics Engineering as well as a Masters of Science in Engineering Technologies. It falls right next to Winchester Auto Comp, burning faster than Alliant 2400, yet slower than Alliant Unique or Hodgdon Universal. I went with a COAL of 2.820" as this puts the bullet .050" off the lands in my rifle (Barnes recommends .030" to .070"). Thats the powder thats front and center in this story! Notes: case: Winchester; barrel length: 24"; twist: 1:12"; trim length: 2.005"; primer: Federal 210M; bullet diam . You can find Ryan on Shooting Gallery on The Outdoor Channel, and ammo. I was intrigued with 3-Gun since, as a police officer, I relied on all three platforms at work. In checking water capacity of many commercial .308 Winchester cases, variances were significant. This is mild load though, only going 2750fps at a QL predicted 51k psi. He has over 35 years experience in shooting, with approximately 50 tons of projectiles downrange with the assistance of Hodgdon Powder. That debate has been pretty much settled with the advent of superior drum-type powder measures and lots of powders that meter with great uniformity. Phillip Velayo currently serves as Gunwerks Long Range University Lead Instructor. Ryan and Dianna continue to not only compete, but train and film all over the country. In her off time, Regina writes for many publications in both print and digital mediums, trains other shooters, and mentors several up-and-coming female competitors in the precision rifle discipline. Ryan still has a passion for hunting, but 3-gun gives Ryan and wife Dianna the opportunity to travel together and compete with and against amazing people. Hodgdon CFE Pistol is a spherical powder that was originally developed for US military application. After serving his country, George spent 20 years serving his community as a police officer. Dealer Locator. 'http':'https';if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=p+'://';fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document, 'script', 'twitter-wjs'); 2023 Copyright 2023 Ultimate Reloader LLC. endobj After cleaning and inspecting cases for splits and defects, the sizing die should be set to barely touch the case shoulder, so as to not set it back much: 0.002 to 0.003 inch is about right. Don't have an AR308 yet, but I will soon for a new deer gun. Early factory loads were advertised with 110-grain bullets at 3,340 fps, 150s at 2,860 fps, 180s at 2,610 fps and 200-grain bullets at 2,450 fps. Poll: Where are you finding reloading primers and powder? Varget is what I'm starting with when the build is complete, just out of experience with the bolt gun. It's been a go-to powder for several cartridges i shoot.