Harry asks Remus to try something new with him. Hermione was criying more of frustration and anger than shame. In a world with many different classifications, Harry finds out that there's nothing wrong with being a Little. After telling the old coot what they had found out, he could see why the Dark Lord feared him, even Severus had to gulp a bit to refrain from running away from the man. Pasted as rich text. Give it a chance. You've had an hectic morning. -Please Peves, I need your help, Il do everything you want, please I have to poop, and I cant hold it anymore, if you dont help me everybody will watch me not only in my wet panties, I will shit myself anymoment now. What was that? She wonder, Maybe its an magic artifact to hurt Harry, or another cursed objects or just an muggle weapon, as a halfblood witch, she knows everything of both worlds, and the long black bag could be a riffle, but she discarted that option almost inmediatelly No, that can not be, Malfoy nevers use muggle objects Anyway its better to investigate just in case she thought and started to follow the young boy in silence. Thank Anonymous for gifts you've received with no name attached Dennis' Perspective - Seeing/Hearing Harry and his roommates reactions. They sat in the waiting area. He hated the woman in front of him. Just know that i won't do anything with corporal punishment, as i am personally not a fan of that. Looking down at the stark white envelope Harry felt like he was going to be sick. 'All ready'. He had been allowed home early for today as Molly could see he was getting antsy. Harry ran up to Sirius who caught him instantly. They all hated that they had to put the little boy through all off this but they knew it was necessary. Sirius meanwhile was still asleep, he had sensed that Harry was awake, but has he had told him the night before as he was putting him to bed, he wasn't allowed out of his room unless their was an adult awake downstairs. 'Three; did you or your husband hit Harry?'. Please consider turning it on! Art people go over to the table, thats Ginny, Hannah, Susan and Ernie', Andromeda said. A knockoff of pulling a rabbit out of a hat, but it worked. Severus decided to get a few for later on knowing they would one day toilet train him. Sirius nodded knowing it wasn't something that could be overheard by the little boy. 'Sev, thanks for helping me the past couple of weeks', said Sirius. Chapter four baby harry is going to need a bath. Unfortunately what they learn is anything but good, life for the magical world isn't going to be the same. He was angry, grieving, and depressedthe loss of the only person whod ever loved him settled under his skin like a constant ache he couldnt get rid of. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). -I am not sure if I can hold it until tomorrow- was her answer and tears run through her face again, this time wasnt for anger, she was feeling defeated. If you like slash, speedytomato has a daddy kink one with a bit of nappies mentioned, preventative measures here on aff. Draco you can come sit near Ernie and Terry. She would have to write to Narcissa about it. Meanwhile out in the living room Petunia was sat on the sofa opposite two men, one of whom was her arch childhood nemesis, Severus Snape. "It's not like it's furry and has a tail." Hermione's face went red at the memory. said Harry questionably. 'Dumbledore is putting the guardianship of Harry forward. Severus had even taken Harry to a child friendly amusement park where they had spent all day there. As an answer Malfoy turn to see the camera. Is Peves a teacher or something? His magic. -----Harry's POV: Ouch! Harry hates being sick. . I wonder if without the trial Dumbledore would've even pushed it forward', Sirius said frowning. -NO WAIT! Hermione in peril. We'll go and have a coffee and a snack next door then we can go home,' said Remus. Sirius went to the shoes and got some black shoes, trainers, slippers, sandals, and wellies. Hes not joking around Pete. Sirius returned, And neither are we. 'Sounds good to me, but its not the holidays. You shouldnt even be out of bed right now. Well, its a good thing were witches, isnt it? I'll put it in the car once we have done', Severus said. 'They do. Sirius had provided the same memories for the Ministry. asked Andromeda. 'We were afraid of him. He had formally apologized to Sirius about everything that had happened and Sirius had done the same to him. He also told them about the Junior Hogwarts that he had thought of for the older children which would have the same rule, free from 4 years but after they were 6 the parents would have to pay for the books that they would need. He's not been to the toilet for a couple of days', Remus said. So she decides to run away only to be kidnapped by the what if Harry Potter had a twin sister no one knew about? Sirius summoned a vial and thought about the appointment as he extracted the memory from his mind and put it in the vial. It has over 525,000 words spread over 188 chapters. [oneshots pertaining to my current series]. 'Now, you are to sit in that corner. In her last year of Hogwarts coming to a close, the Potions Professor is the last person "Your dad gave you this?" Hopefully it will be posted tomorrow. All that juice he had drank was going straight to his little bladder. When Draco Malfoy becomes his roommate and sees Harry as the broken little boy he is. His relatives never forget to remind him of these facts every chance they get lest he forget. He knew Harry wouldn't go too far without them and Sirius would be keeping an eye on him as well. -Let me go please, dont do this to me- she pleaded. 'Of course', Andy said. So it will be both breaks they'll have fruit for the next few days at the least'. The children went to the table and Draco joined them when he had done. Uncle Vernon showed him how to use the toilet. Harry just relaxed and wet the nappy heavily, this going unnoticed by Andromeda who had sat down with the children. Harry Potter has always had to be more adult than he really is. She had only taken him in because of the extra money she would get and she didn't know what else to do with the boy. Harry gulped. Harry Potter was severely abused. 'I thought about getting Harry some magical toys. Madam Pomfrey came through a few moments later. Clear editor. A poem written after the passing of my mother. All Tony knew was that Harry was in trouble and that Loki was the cause. They all was waiting outside the courtroom in a chamber away from the Dursleys. asked Harry after a moment or two having at last remembered the other man. 'Is that all they are doing. I nodded, still not looking at the necklace. Harry sit near Ron please. 'We will have to got to the store and get the necessities'. You just got told! louis; need; larrystylinson +5 more # 18. Ginny blushed deeply. How does Severus and Tom become Harry's family with the Malfoy and Poppy helping? We dont need to have one soon, surely?. Vernon Dursley answered it. He hates stupid things too, like, Draco, for instance. He has Harry tomorrow after nursery so i think he will do it before he picks him up but i don't know', Remus said. Dumbledore said calmly. The war's over. What if onl , He had come a long way in the two months since he had been released, but he was still taking a lot of potions on a day to day basis. Harry played with his magical animals. Half an hour later Sirius Flooed back with Harry. it would be much appreciated. Peves its a chaotic poltergueist, in the book version he is something betwen a gobblin and a ghost. Louis is looking for a boyfriend, someone he can take care of, someone who likes his dominance. They had both excepted though it would be hard for them to forgive each other but they were well on their way to sorting it out. PRONGS, stop fooling around with Wormtail, will you? He picked a hippogriff, a niffler, a bowtruckle, a fairy, two sets of dragons series with different breeds of dragons in them, and a phoenix. We'll take it in turns during holidays. Sirius looked. Sirius chuckled to himself. Chapter Four: Back in diapers. Dudley was in training for the toilet so it wasn't used very much. They spend the rest of the day with Harry just chilling and watching films on a VHS and just generally spending time together. Remus picked some plain robes for Harry and then allowed Harry to try and pick some out. He couldn't see much, signaling he didn't have his glasses on. Upon entering the room, he found Harry walking around the room, exploring it. Ron who was potty trained didnt care as he knew when he needed to go and when his sister needed changing what he had to do, he thought the same rule would apply to his new friend. With the war still raging, Harry clings to the little innocence that's left in him. There are so many things about this story I enjoy, which is why I'm not abandoning it and instead deciding to revamp it and bring it up to a level I'm truly happy with. He decided to pack quite a few nappies as he knew Harry would probably need them, put some clean clothes and a jacket in in case it turned cold later on. 'Come here, Harry, it is time for nursery', Remus said. Harry loved it, it was the first time he was allowed to have friends and play with toys that he wanted to play with. The other three boys all directed shocked looks at him along with the interviewer, but the look on Louis face made him feel the most uneasy. asked Sirius. 'Good, it will do him good to have some time outside playing. Harry smiled as Remus pushed him. Sirius was shocked at the woman in front of them. The first 10 chapters will be of Harry and may include flashbacks of the abuse he suffered at the hands of the Dursleys. "Nod. His Doms eyes were narrowed in annoyance, his lips pursed, and his jaw tight. Once they were there Remus got Harry out and Sirius picked him up while Remus folded and grabbed the pushchair and they both Flooed home. 'That should be alright', Severus said before Dumbledore could speak. When on tumblr late one night he discovers a thing called age play and tries it out on his own. 'You take Harry to the car. Remus nodded. 'I'm going to ask if she has places left'. 'Lets get you dressed shall we?' They started on the underwear. 'What did you find out?' A strange request is made of him and he feels obligated to acquiesce. Powered by Invision Community. asked Severus as he sat down with a coffee and some fruit. 'His aunt and uncles. Lily's sister and her husband', Sirius told her looking up. No one would suspect a thing, and he wouldn't have to reveal how Zayns exit truly affected him. 'Pretty well, Ted has a part time job as a weatherman for the Muggles, as well as trying to find a job in the wizarding community', Andromeda said. Harry had sat back in the pushchair and Sirius had strapped him in so it was fine. 'Well thats sounds a bit more like it', Sirius grumbled. The original version (this one) will not be deleted, however, there will be no more updates for this story. Sirius quickly put a nappy on him and he then went to join back with Severus. Andromeda frowned a little. At Sirius' house Harry had woken from his nap and was playing with his toys as his guardians read a letter from Severus. He was livid but he spoke calmly, much too calm for Severus to believe. She went to his peg, even though this was his house they had all agreed that they were to treat The Weasley children the same as the other children. 'When the junior school opens she'll be going there', she said. Sirius himself had had lots of magical toys growing up as his parents had tried to teach him that everything and everyone who was muggle or muggleborn were either scum or no good. Luckily Sirius was with him so all he had to do was put the toys chosen in the trolley he had. Severus nodded, he was pale. Ch qLets go in, Ill put the kettle on for us, yeah? He smiled softly at Harry, wanting to reassure him. Yes On that fateful Halloween night, Lily and James survived while Voldemort apparently 'marked' Harry Potter as his equal. Hed have eyes for no one when he had him in his arms, and he could spend hours just looking at him babbling and drooling. He walked out of the door after saying goodbye to Harry. They had procured some penseive memories for the case and they had already given them to the Ministry. Even if hed gotten a huge swarm of Cornish Pixies tattooed across an arse cheek, pissed as all hell, Sirius still wouldnt look at him differently. - Overlap of These Shadows That Bind Us - Part of the Dreams Saga. He knew about owls of course and Quidditch, as Sirius had been reading Harry a Quidditch book before bed the night before. Louis Tomlinson is an asshole. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Yeah, beautiful? Louis got lost in his thoughts for a second, but Harrys breathless words brought him right back. And Ron and Hermione being the best friends ever. Sirius and Remus with Harry then went to the pushchair. There was a knock on the front door and Harry heard his Aunt Petunia go to answer it. Andromeda waited for him to finish. Harry Potter was found starving in a spider-infested cupboard, wearing nothing but a nappy and unable to speak. Slight marriage law. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). What happens when abuse goes to far? said Sirius. You can advertise on Writing.Com for pennies per click. Severus nodded and they both Apparated to Privet Drive. After waiting for around a half hour waiting, he started to . Crabbe and Goyle jumped back to choruses of "Ew!" and "Gross!" Draco let out a merciless laugh and had to draw a deep breath in order to regain control. 'Yes we both did. He wasn't Tom Riddle x Harry Potter That being said, if you have any requests or ideas for a fic, leave a comment. I myself will give evidence as will Severus. 'the rest of you sit at the table, the art things have been cleared away until after the break'. 'Ever since I found him on the doorstep, nine months ago', said Petunia. He went over to the animals and was shocked to see that some of them were very strange looking. Tom Marvolo Riddle does not do distractions. 'About ten', answered Sirius. Severitus. Louis happily fulfils his needs, but it wasn't the best day to do so. A "..Why is he looking at me like that?" The nursery wasnt open yet as it wasnt even 9am but as Bill was the oldest he would help Charlie to open up. Written around the time 'This is Us' was released. Your link has been automatically embedded. The first Harry Potter fanfic that we will be looking at is without a doubt one of the most, if not the most popular on the internet.. With over 7 million hits, it is clear that fans of Harry Potter go crazy for this story.. Harry nodded. This work could have adult content. A body of people in the ministry that are not Unspeakables but are able to both be involved in their work and access their files. Remus came back in a few moments later. She had been studyng that friday until night she was well known for all in the library, for that reason Mrs. 'You know why i am here i presume', said Severus with a sneer. Malfoys never accept to anybody calls him a coward and for sure he wont accept it from that girl. Its done now. I am sorry about this but It has been a few months and i have a lot on my plate until recently. 'That naive even for you, Tuney,' Severus told her disdainfully. Harry looked in awe at all the different toys that they had. Why was he not consulted about this and why wasn't Dad or Papa listening to him when he said he didn't need a little brother, that he was happy to be an only child? They let him sleep in that cupboard ever since he as brought here', Severus told him. Remus and Sirius were relieved that Harry afterall didn't have to come into the court and the penseive memories were enough to convince the jury. Ive planned the next chapter but I wont be writing it up today as it nearly 10pm here and i have to go bed early tonight. Both of the men where shocked to say the least that they had kept Harry in a cupboard underneath the stairs for nine months when they had four bedrooms upstairs. 'Yeah, I just hope he's not too damaged there, he might have permanent damage to his bladder', Severus said. He got size 5 nappies, wipes, powder, rash cream, nappy bags, sippy cups which he got some with different characters and some that was plain but different colours, shampoo, sponges, wash cloths and by the time he had finished, Severus had come to meet them.