Why would he ever want to wake up from that? When two boys, twins known for getting in trouble, came to Hogwarts, they were sorted based on the attributes they showed. He's innocent, but left the diary behind. , . "You don't pay us enough money to be his friends professor." [12] On their way to Hogwarts for their fourth year, Albus and Scorpius leapt off the Hogwarts Express in order to enact their plan. After almost 2 months of tirelessly looking for him, Hadrian's parents finally found his location.9:34pm. Chaotic magic. Voldemort clearly knew where their future together was going. Hadrian Salazar Riddle is born. Years later, Harry is working as an Auror while still pining for Hermione until he stumbles on a bloody case and their paths intersect again. And were the sameyou and I, Tom grabbed the boy's wrist in a bruising grip. Together they discover the truth. Harry closed his eyes, and allowed himself to drown in the overflow. Frustrated and confused by what he sees, he resigns himself to solving the mystery of their last words. Ron is stoic, Hermione is scared, Snape is over it, so is Ginny, and Harry has a stupid plan to save the world, as per usual. Their expectations are a heavy weight on his shoulders, leaving him with secrets that kill and eyes heavy with an ever present shadow of death. Work Search: Harry couldn't believe what he saw there, and it was all the work of a mastermind. They go to Hogwarts and while Harry wants to have a normal school experience, Tom begins his planning. However, it's all just temporary. "Alright, V." Harry greeted the snake faced man as he sat at a table in the back. This time, Harry had Tom, and Tom had Harry. and our By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. He's busy helping his lord conquer Wizarding Britain. Doesn't have to be current voldemort, it could be Harry talking with another Horcrux. Slow Burn. They will refuse to see him, Harry, and only see the boy who lived. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (1168), Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Thorne & Rowling (14), Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Movies) (5), Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort (1052), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (329), Alternate Universe - Voldemort Wins (224), Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Harry Potter and James Potter Are Siblings. "Alright, V." Harry greeted the snake faced man as he sat at a table in the back. He always knew that this boy would eventually be the cause of his death.What child would think of killing his father? I just have this stuck in my head where Harry and Voldemort have fought so often that they're bored of the usual threats and stuff, so they just talk about anything from the weather or Quidditch to what an arsehole Dumbledore is. Harry sneaks into Umbridge's office in search of the locket horcrux, but Lord Voldemort shows up for a surprise meeting with the woman. Just a little fic about Harry's tattoo collection as the heir of the Dark Lord. Well, the kid was like a fungus - he grew on you. I've already read Magicks of the Arcane, The Merging and The Life He Leads. Parece que acabara en tragedia como ya sabemos, pero Cedric logra salvarse y Harry es sometido a un ritual que lo convierte en el hijo de Voldemort. In a world not so unfamiliar, Tom Riddle is obsessed with Harry Potter. Fics with a relationship between Harry and Voldemort thats more interesting than just pure hatred, Scan this QR code to download the app now. Harry and Voldemort weren't friends just drinking buddies and decent conversation for the other. Rowling now says she established harry's. Results currently include you look a hufflepuff reader x. Harry's head when he would include gryffindor reader would include: harry potter guys would include gryffindor reader fic harry potter harry felt. A possessive Voldemort, giving out the most reassuring scent, a scent Harry aches for. He had friends who cared for him, mother and father-like figures and people who looked up to him. Aelius is taunting. This work is inspired by lone_amaryllis Check them out, I love every Harry Potter fic they have ever written. Harry and the Malfoy families reverse roles, The Potters were an inner circle death eater family while the Malfoy's changed allegiances when their son was prophecized to defeat Voldemort. Privacy Policy. Voldemorts diary Horcrux is burnt by Fiendfyre in a freak accident and the piece of soul reunites with the Dark Lords bodiless wraith. Of course, we all know how this could lead to a person's spiral into mental and emotional instability. Tom Riddle was in the middle of unpacking after having returned to Britain after all this time in Riddle manor. But he was interrupted as a boy with Avada Kedavra green eyes fell from a portal that split the space above the dinning table. So while the world rejoiced at his death, and sang praises to the Chosen One, he was struggling to . In 1980, twins were born to Tom Riddle and Lily Evans. Severus is only a few days away from gaining his mastery in Potions - he isn't a Death Eater, yet because the rules of the Potions Guild and the Potions Master he had studied under, forbids being bound to another Master at the same time. And new friends, like Hermione Granger, and Professor McGonagall, and Professor Quirrell. LF a Chaser Harry fanfic I read a while back. What if he was a Riddle hidden away by Dumbledore and had a sister also hidden away? Harry James Potter is the crowning jewel of Voldemort's achievement and what a shining gemstone he is. What if he was there to save Lily and her kids from the abuse and manipulation of Albus Dumbledor? Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Draco Malfoy gets Dragged into Helping People, Book 5: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, And the honeycomb will taste sweeter coming from my hand, Book 7: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, Harry Just Wants Someone To Take Care of Him, Harry Potter is Lord of Multiple Noble Houses, basically an AU where they grow up together, Inspired by Hades and Persephone (Ancient Greek Religion & Lore), Voldemort is pushing those boundaries even further, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE. A failed mission. Revenge has never tasted sweeter than when they dont know its coming. A few have Fred and George in focus, others have the politics of heirship and tradition, and some have a magic goddess and take a deep dive into the magic and its history. Harry is faced with the consequences and something wants to reveal itself to him, which he must learn to understand. But it broke something in her, and now she's going through the motions, trying to bring him down, doing what she's told, letting herself be used by the Order but ultimately wanting to die in the war, for her pain to be over. After accidentally killing his muggle uncle, Hadrian Cygnus Potter-Black finds out who he really is, rejoins the Wizarding World as a member of the Ancient and Most Noble House of Black, frees his godfather from Azkaban, and decides that if Dumbledore has a plan for the Light to prevail- then he will snub out the Light and leave darkness in its place. As such, I believe it is time I tell you of something that is your right as my daughter and as the Heiress of Slytherin.. They had time, after all. Friends who cared for him, mother and father-like figures and people to teach him things, but it was not all it seemed. What I wanted to write was a quick one-shot that explored the idea of Harry being the biological son of Voldemort, only Voldemort doesn't know he has a son and is also as evil as ever. October 31st 1981. Not ever. Chapter 4 - Meeting some Unexpected Friends. Harry Potter is imprisoned at age 12 for life for the murder of Ginerva Weasley. Just one among the many orphans in the Orphanage. Little Harry grew up in the (not so) tender mercies of the Dursleys. Thus, he decides to breed him personally. Voldemort greeted in return as they ordered their go to drinks. 1.6M 60.7K 74. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. To be clear, I do not mean any type of romantic pairing here nor necessarily even a friendship. "Why, Harry?" Harry is betrayed. However, it's all just temporary. A story of a girl who lived in darkness and loneliness for her whole life until she got the acceptance letter, she meets new friends, enemies, challenges and mysteries of her past Hidden Daughter 315 pages Completed December 18, 2020 LittleMissBroken18 Sirius Black died, but woke up with a green-eyed teenager offering his Slytherin scarf to him. You have proven yourself worthy of your parentage and title. Father told her as he ran a slow hand down Naginis scales. What if they began searching for answers about their life and discovered the big secret about what actually happened that night on halloween in 1981? He is taken in by an elderly couple who die three months later. Voldemort is Harry Potter's Parent. They're not friends but they're the only one the other can get a decent conversation with. Sorry if it's your story. He is too small, can't speak properly, and has a dad that loves him very much. Work Search: Harry gets his magical inheritance as a Necromancer on his 16th birthday, the first in centuries. 2 months later Harry and his father are traveling to forks leaving behind the Wizarding world to get away, to heal to leave behind the news reports covering his "death". In which Harry is thrown through the Veil, reunited with his long lost godfather, and confronted with the leader of the muggleborn uprising - Dark Lord Voldemort. "I think you should go back to your common room.". You're my only hope." He has no idea what exactly this world has in store for him, but he knows that with Thomas at his side, he is safe and happy for the first time in his whole life. Harry Potter: Dark Memories by Blueowl Voldemort didn't just give Harry some of his powers that night. Evan knows he's going to die when @Hadrian_inWonderland (a semi-famous dancer he's been following for months) finally shows his face. Also features: Harry Potter discovering teenage rebellion (and Merlin capitalizing on that fact); Remus Lupin being the best damn DADA Professor Hogwarts has ever seen; Ron Weasley living in the state we call denial and making it everyone else's problem; Hermione Granger planning a murder; Sirius Black, who just wanted to kill ONE RAT, how has it spiraled this badly; a catastrophic miscommunication; Tom Riddle trying to keep his idiot relative alive (it should not be as hard as it is but here we are); and a Theodore Nott that's- well. Sirius Black falls through the Veil, and Harry Potter manages to jump in after him.Instead of dying, he ends up in the past, staring at a young Sirius. Despite his distrust for his former student, Headmaster Dumbeldore sees himself bound to fulfil his predecessor's promise and recruit Riddle to fill the position when it becomes vacant.Several years later, professor Riddle takes interest in one of the Potter twins, Harry, who cant seem to be able to shine out of his brothers shadow. Because in this universe Voldemort is the good guy and Dumbledore is the evil one. Harry and Harlow are about to find themselves in a big mess and Harry isn't the savior they thought he was. There's loads of missed opportunity there and I rarely find good ones. Cousin was a big meanie. He will see the world burn for it's betrayel. "Can I asked a question?" They were beautiful children, a boy and girl, powerful even at a small age. I mean how could Voldemort say no to having all that power under his finger tips? Will they succeed in saving it from itself? SLASH, "Tom" Harry tries, coughing a couple times before lifting his hands to his head, softly rubbing his temples a couple times. However, at some point, the great dark wizard misses something in the upbringing of the young wizard Harrys a street kid in Knockturn Alley and he always had an affinity for dark magic. But, what if Tom isn't the bad guy. You have done remarkably well, both with retrieving the Philosopher's stone for me and learning to cast your first Unforgivable. Harry gets a second chance to do it all over again. Sequel to The Truth Behind Evil. . Just a more dynamic, interesting relationship portrayed that has them talk in some way about this, that or the other. November 1st 1981. Lucius is pissed. Or, Voldemort is forced to adopt Harry and becomes an overprotective parent. WBWL. "Good." Together, Or Not At All: a Harry X. by The Narrator. If its one thing little girls know how to do; its how to make things up. Bartymort. Sure, Tom is a little quiet and doesn't want to let Harry out of his sight, but he has the wildest, most impressive magic Harry has ever seen. Since the defeat of Voldemort they were at the top of the class because of the spells that they had had to learn in order to defeat him. His mate is the dreaded Dark Lord. Harry talking to himself, Voldemort rhyming, Harry convincing himself to join the Dark with strange flashbacks and Voldemort laughing at everyone in his snaky head. TW; Rape, Underage (not really tbh but Imma place this tag just in case), Child Abuse, Child Neglect, 11:35pm. Riddle did not leave Hogwarts without a firm promise from Headmaster Dippet that he would be given the Defense position after a few formative years. Harry and Voldemort are soulmates. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Voldemort and Harry are obsessed with each other. Everything you could ever want in a Dark!Harry songfic. He should have known that nothing that good came without some problems. Also yes this a story about trauma. The Dark lord joked. Many drinks later the pair were talking loudly. A few spells disguised the Dark lords looks. When Harry found out what had really happened to his parents, he came to a realization. The secrets eventually begin to pile up and there is only so much that Harry can take. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. Voldemort is his own warning. Rating: M The Dragon's Bride by Rizzle - Draco and Hermione wake up naked, hungover, and tattoo'd. And did we mention married? 31st July 1980. , , . Decades have passed since the end of the war but life has not been kind to Harry. Unsure of his future or even who to trust after the Light shuns him, Harry turns to the Dark, the only other side that can assist him in seeking his revenge. They have heavy fists and despicable mouths, and little Harry is the only one they let it out to. It's the only club of this sort in Magical Britain! The dark lord muttered. Certainly, everyone is about to know, not that Dumbledore isn't even slightly aware. She makes the final world-changing decision; she was going to take absolute care in making sure that the young heir never fell under Dumbledore's manipulative thumb. But now he was a big boy. But Harry was never used to hurt people, he decided to rebel, to save lives, to stop this war.Against the destiny, a wand was upraised.From the ashes, a light shall be reignited. After a freakout and a complete mental breakdown, he concludes that he ended up in the past, in the era his parents were in Hogwarts, to be precise, and he has to figure out what the fuck he is supposed to do.The fact that Voldemort isnt quite as insane in this period doesnt help him, especially when he keeps finding himself in the mans presence time after time.He can change his parents fate, he can keep the Marauders whole and happy, but his saviour complex wont let him stop at that- Harry will save Voldemort along with them.