This web page shows only a small excerpt of our Hagen research. us and we'll take a look. Kirkehavn church, Hidra, Vest-Agder county. Landvik - A former municipality in Norway. Jrgensen (11,426) - 28. The same for us. This is one reason why outlining my family tree stalled somewhat a number of years ago. The mark over the A =Aa, Very interesting article my husbands family was from Norway my family plus from Denmark, What about Sorensen my grand Parents were both from Norway one was upper Norway and one was bottom Norway Tromso and Christian sorry about the spelling and my married name is Anderson and his parents were from Oslo, My Dad was also from Northern Norway its name was Sorensen. Moen Family Crest 29. As many uneducated farmers did not know their own birthday, dates (and years!) Probably Husum ((lots of houses). He is half Norwegian and half Swedish. Great reading! Thank you. Soooooo interesting! Wondering about the name Akervold, I assume it was spelled differently way back when. Passenger lists are your ticket to knowing when your ancestors arrived in the USA, and how they made the journey - from the ship name to ports of arrival and departure. Most of the questions His mother was named Mary Walker, married to another John Hayes. He could have decided to shorten his surname from (as an example) Ovesen, son of Ove to Ove. We use the oldest coat of arms or surname history that is in Modum is a district in Buskerud County. There is a well known writer named Kjell Askildsen who Ive never met but looks a lot like Andreassen(12,100)19. The Norwegian National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design (Nasjonalmuseet) has been granted free access to roam Hagen's collection, a 2000-piece compilation of Nordic and Northern European . He was born in 1899. Swedish names also use suffix son sson. and last name meaning, but the first few apply to everyone. A resource for burial places in the USA, sometimes accompanied by obituaries or memorials of the deceased that provide a birthplace or -date. Gerhard Gjerdings samlinger/Statsarkivet i Kristiansand. They may also contain the names of peoples parents and their homestead, and even godparents or witnesses, revealing other branches of the family. But i have no clue on where my name comes from.? gift. "What are the 5,000 Most Common Last Names in the U.S.?". my norwegian family name was known as kro. I was told is it derived from old Norse meaning lowlander or people of the swamp. My father was born in Norway. Ive traced my family name Wigum back as far as 1844 in Smola but have nothing prior. It seems to be fairly rare. it was a farm. Hagen's lawyer denies the property and. Two Petersons are therefore not necessarily related, they both just happened to have a father named Peter. If you're curious, check out this article on banned names in Norway. Sorensen Family Crest 26. What might the parish registers reveal? r = to do with a river (a stream) or rivers, probably the same origin as avon (Engl), aqua (Latin), Aue (Germ.). privacy policy l merchant policy, Frequently The SSDI is a searchable database of more than 70 million names. If you have concerns about processing times you may email those concerns prior to placing your order. The most common surnames in Sweden are also patronymic. Surname in the USA is ROA in Norway it was Aslaksen. Settled near Madison, WI. I wonder if you could tell me anything about my maiden name. Im trying to find out why they took the surname of Barkve. mistaken belief that a particular family coat of arms / crest is theirs I recently learned the people who could write, wrote their own names so they probably were not Americanized by Americans. Oslo: Samlaget, 2016). The average life expectancy for Hagen in 1942 was 36, and 76 in 2004. We host family-friendly events throughout the year celebrating Norway's rich . Start learning Norwegian. Thanks Lynn( Wisland) Mccutchen. When they came to SA they changed our surname from Forster to Vorster and lost their inheritance many years ago. I enjoyed reading your article, would like to point out one small error. My great grandfather John Johnson Berg was born in Norway in 1850. and that service is discussed here. my fathers brother except for on e changed Wik My mothers name was Wiik or Wik and they both came from Vik? Would very much appreciate any information you have. Also, the Norsemen never wore horned helmets, they were worn by Germanic Pagan priests during special circumstances. I cant find any info on the surname Barkve. Source: Dictionary of American Family Names 2nd edition, 2022. He was from Bergen. For the veterans among your Hagen ancestors, military collections provide insights into where and when they served, and even physical descriptions. I was adopted at birth. Tracing your family ancestry in Norway is a relatively straightforward affair, that is until you get to the pivotal year of 1923. The most Haugen families were found in USA in 1920. by himself right after graduating from University. My ggma is Katherine Engel hellberg or Engel Katherine Hellberg. Thank you. For example the surname SMITH Green Family Crest Wine Glasses. It's a jiaolong, which can be translated to marine dragon but a jiao is not technically a dragon yet. Metling was my mothers maiden name. It could either be Patronymic or Toponymic, suspect the latter as Ive been to Kristiansand to see the steps of my 5th grandfathers farm house. are in regards to customization to family tree charts, family coat The Tree Maker asks Ive been searching for my husbands family for some time. My maiden name is Areklett. Taking your fathers first name opens up a much broader pool of names, those that cahnged with each generation. There were several different types of viking ship, the largest & strongest for long distance sea journeys, and smaller, more manoeuvrable flatter hulled boats for navigating rivers and shallower water conditions. His surname was Burlem (first name Thorwald). Our original family name would be Lyngen, it was changed by our ancestor that came to America in the 1800s to Peterson. Hagen(14,073)17. The Complete Guide to Apartments in Norway, Funerals in Norway: Unique Traditions of Norwegian Burials, I am related to Berit Kullander on my mothers side. I was wondering what the origin of his family name is? Although research in the origin of a surname is a service we do offer I thought my maternal grandfathers family name (Ruud) would be common too but it isnt on the list. I thought it would be on the list. @Asbjrn aye sililar names mines sbjrn. could be from the occupation of a black smith, tin smith, and silver Does that mean he was from the city of Kol? Does anyone know where Hov-i-land is? The Hagen family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920. Wagners depiction of Vikings gave the world a highly distorted image of the Norsemen. Is that true, and what does it mean? My grandfather came from Trondheim Name Olof Gabrielsen ( youngest son ) he arrived in NZ ( around 1920s ) sailor , I stumbled on to this article by inserting surnames which has been of great reading for me , thanks to those who have been writing their questions and answers ( Jim Brooking ). Due to Covid-19 our hours of availability and order processing have been shortened to Mondays and Fridays only as we are a small family business. Any information would be welcome. The farm they came from dneskr was in Adneskaar Vest-Agder. The second name, the patronymic (Greek for fathers name), is what most people associate with Nordic names today. The playwrights literary exploits have ensured his surnames recognisability. I have heard creamery and mire like swamp. It is also spelled in Norway as Owe. Could Otterdahl be Scandinavian? Overby was the farm where he was born. Came to America in 1858. I am researching my family which originated on Finnoy. Approximately one-third of the Danish population bear one of the ten most common surnames. Is this true? Must do that DNA test lol. My grandfather took the name Hill when he met and married my grandmother. As a result of this, surnames like Larsen, Hansen and Johansen are now commonplace in modern day Norway. Hint: Try searching for a relative alive in 1940. But before we get in into the history of the naming rituals and traditions, lets take a look at some key words in this field. Ive never seen the name other than people who I know are my relatives. In the United States, the name Hagen is the 1,584th most popular surname with an estimated 19,896 people with that name. He landed in Philadelphia on May 28,1879 and was in Eau Claire by May 31. My birth name Fredriksen father Mother Johansen ) There was a lot by my last name growing up Never see it much now My first name Laila Anything is helpful since I was adopter to the name Stende. Her birth father (Anders) died and her mother remarried to Anton. Does ayone have a tranlsation for Kalhovde? For example, Schmidt smith or Fisker fisher. I know bakvant means backward. My Maiden name is Carr. Keep up the good work. Bjerke means a birch tree. You ever heard of that? My name is Anne Steenstrup-Duch also Collett is in our family. So my last name is Wicks, believed to come from Vickse, also farm name Vik in Rogaland I think. alnus) the tree, so it may help to know how the name was written in ancient times. Most of these can be digitally accessed online: A record covers a parish, its content ordered chronologically. I know that Thore Kristoffersen Barkve was born 1864 in Strand, Norway and died 1931 in Cylinder, Iowa, USA. Are you sure you want to delete this item from your shopping cart? However, the Ch and ph were an Americanization that occurred when my grandfather came to the US. Surname Count1. He quoted one Norwegian immigrant who said the immigration office couldnt get his accent and mistook his name with his Norwegian home town and said is this your family name? The Norwegian said he quickly thought ok new country new name so he accepted what the immigration official put down which was Roebeck, (The town he came from in Norway was Drobak on the Oslo fjord). I cant find any information about her either. A persons address at a given time, as well as the names of other people in the household and their family relation. We went to Norway about 15 years ago and found the landscape to be beautiful. As my DNA shows that Im 4.6% Scandinavian, and the perimeter of the dates fits exactly, Im hoping that this is the connection. My husbands last name is Odegard. .My Dad was Jakobus Daniel Vorster. These names will absolutely help with that so again, thank you! It comes from Old Danish and Old Norse name and can mean edge of a sword or terror, so it was a name originally given to warriors, then to boys in hopes that they would have the same strong warrior qualities. Were looking at 1700s or earlier. The extra farm used during summer. I am in search of information on the last name Stende. Once we got there, the family tree could be traced to the late 1500s. My hra d dads names were Petrus Benjamin Theodorus Vorster. He dropped Olson, likely in Minnesota as this is where they first arrived and lived until claiming land in alberta, canada. What an interesting and enlightening article! Do you know of any other resources that could be helpful as well? Another 96 words (7 lines of text) covering the years 1741, 1761, and 1803 are included under the topic Early Hagen History in all our PDF Extended History products and printed products wherever possible. Susan. The Retrieved from, HMS Prince of Wales Crew members. Ahhh so much to learn so little time lol. This does not mean it is the only coat of arms or surname Paternal grandmother is Svensen Eglun. Not sure if spelling changed. Hi our grandmothers maiden name was norvock her father was from Norway Fredrick Norvock is this the correct spelling. Only part of the tree yet to be expanded on. Names also included names comprised of geographical features. Indexed church records from Norway. Hagen Coat of Arms, Family Crest 8.5x11 Print - Surname Origin: Norway / Norwegian: Posters & Prints Female family names operate in the same way: dotter or datter meaning daughter of. Like the last comment, we were also told Great Grandpa jumped ship, except he did it in New York Harbor. My husbands mother was Aadnesgaard. Haugen(14 346)16. Thanks. North German and Dutch: topographic name from Middle Low German, Do not sell or share my personal information. Or a reference to a seed sower? The Steenstrup name is Danish. Norwegian names today are composed of a first and last name, as in other western countries, but in the 19th century, a name acted as an important clue to someones place on the family tree. Thanking you in advance. [2]. So, is there another spelling for his name? Any help? Norwegian: habitational name from any of numerous farmsteads so named from the definite singular form of hage from Old Norse hagi 'enclosure'. Your Own Coat of Arms Symbol, surname history, family rings, Her mother was a Theisdatter and we have been able to trace her lineage to Theis Jacob Torkildsen Lundegaard, a well known Norwegian from Austad. Your Own Coat of Arms Symbol, Wedding and Anniversary My maternal grandmothers maiden name was either Pettersen or Pedersen. (Called Leavy). I was a Christophersen until I got married. Swedish (also Hagn): ornamental or topographic name from hage enclosed pasture in the definite singular form or formed with the adjectival suffix -n/-en a derivative of Latin -enius relating to. I know nothing of his birthplace. As with the patronymics, these were not names in the modern sense. Does Modum Surname come from Buskerud? Thank you! Is there any possibility that BRACK has Norwegian roots? My surname is Gundersen, which literally means son of Gunder. I was born in Oslo.,,,, Contemporary Notables of the name Hagen (post 1700), Johann Hagen, who landed in Georgia in 1739, John Hagen, who arrived in Georgia in 1740, Nicklaus P Hagen, who arrived in Pennsylvania in 1750, Wolfgang Joh Hagen, who landed in Pennsylvania in 1750, Joh Daniel Hagen, who arrived in Pennsylvania in 1753, J J Hagen, who landed in Pennsylvania in 1804, Andrew Hagen, aged 25, who arrived in Pennsylvania in 1812, H Von Hagen, who landed in North America in 1832-1849, Valentine Hagen, who landed in Allegany (Allegheny) County, Pennsylvania in 1838, Michael Hagen, aged 25, who arrived in Missouri in 1840, John Hagen, aged 21, a labourer, who arrived in Saint John, New Brunswick aboard the ship "Cupid" in 1834, John Hagen, aged 25, a farm servant, who arrived in, Miss Caroline H Hagen, (b. He came to the US in his 20s and married my grandmother. Hallo! I did not see our surname on the list either. Am I correct in that assumption. They came from southern norway all the way up to the Lofoten and further north. Korsvol, changed to Korswold when grandfather went through Elis island , any idea? Thank you. What might the censuses reveal? I cant figure out what this is for. Changed to Daastol in US, My grandparents were Einar and Jenny Daastol. Is it possible that you had an ancestor who emigrated from Norway to the United states? My DNA report indicated a strong Norwegian as well as a Finland and Ukrainian count. Frsaker is a small place close to Gjvik, Norway. -Wick or -wich in Scotland. It is a topographical name. Am I right to assume that he came from the Lyngen Alp area with last name? (Retrieved 2014, March 10) . Hansen(213,339)4. Is there any way I could find medical records of my fathers operation in Norway? An encyclopedia of Norwegian farm names, developed in the early 20th century, can be digitally accessed here: My great great grandfather name was Ole Andersson Sjurseater. Norwegian County Road 17 follows the entire . These records include both births/baptisms, marriages, confirmations and often lists of the congregation. (subscription site). Our family has traced our history back to 1400 when our greatgrandfather Bjorn of Pettersvik moved up from the Lofotens to settle on Senja. My grandfather ended up owning a farm in Rusk County Wisconsin and is buried there. I love this page, very helpful, my maiden name was Sunde and this has proved to be very difficult. They may include a general history of the area or a compilation of extracts from church records and censuses, listing the owners and histories of farms in the area. In any case, she never had a matronymic name. My grandfather Halvor Fredrik married to Annette Andrea Johnson (17th December 1898 in Brevik) was a mechanic with the surname of Myhre who allegedly died on the same day in 1926 as his father Fredrik married to Hanna (unrelated deaths. Its also possible that his name was changed by an immigration officer. My surname is Moen, grandparents were olsens, andersen s I thought Moen meant from a town called mo or a paradeground, but I somewhere it might mean pasture or farmer. Henriksen Family Crest 24. My family is Husom. My grandfathers name was Erick Olsen Gjengedal. Very interesting article and comments. My father was Harald Sivertsen and my grandfather Olaf Nicholai Sivertsen whom I was named after..Thanks. 22% of Hagen men worked as a Farmer and 8% of Hagen women worked as a Stenographer. She had brothers named both Hanson and Johnsrud. I found a death certificate for Tomas and his fathers name was Swenum Stoli. Thanks! Eriksson (147,514). My last name is Swenson in America. What is the origin of the suffix zen?I assume it is some form of a patronymic name.son of Lenhart? I learned it meant Hill-Meadow. In Gaelic, it comes from the patronymic surname O'Hogain or O'Hagain, meaning son of the youthful one. In order to find a specific entry, you need to know where and approximately when the baptism, marriage or funeral took place. Melhus. Both parents passed away and family came to raise the children and care for their farm. There is a house on the coast in Kristiansand, once owned by my great grandfather which is now owned by the chairman of the Pulitzer Prize committee! Forebears, State Records of South Australia. It was his mothers maiden name. But, did you know that it is actually a name of Danish origin? These are known as Li/Lie. He changed it to Melsom because that was where he was from. I believe it was changed from Tveit when my ancestors came to the US. I have no idea where or when either was born or any other information about them. Other than direct family members, I do not find it anywhere. so probably names after a river through the front yard=Aartun There are 29,000 immigration records available for the last name Hagen. S. o. n and Shotwell, Ayres, Pike and Fletcher. My Great Grandfather Andrew Olson Kneastang came to the U.S. from Ringerike in the 1860s I was foolish to assume that my surname Knudson would be common in Norway. ( In Canada I go by Trudy as Turid pronunciation is not complimentary lol ). My DNA test revealed I am 25% Norwegian. And out of personal interest, I discovered that Gundersenmy own surnamecame in at number 28 in the list.