Real Raw News was created in April 2020, according to domain registration records. Many of these involved elites are currently suited with an ankle monitor or microchip tracker. The story of mass Air Force pilot resignations was fabricated, however. In time, the Bush administration bowed to pressure from the courts and released the names of many of the men and boys who were brought to the U.S. military detention center as enemy combatants. But by the time the Pentagon let the lawyers visit, hundreds of the detainees were already gone, many of them sent back to Afghanistan and Pakistan. A small number of detainees have died in custody or have been transferred after serving out sentences imposed by the military commission. The second August 2020 indictment charged Wong Ong Hua, 46, and Ling Yang Ching, 32, both Malaysian nationals and residents, with 23 counts of racketeering, conspiracy, identity theft, aggravated identity theft, access device fraud, money laundering, violations of the CFAA, and falsely registering domain names. Of course, none of that is true. Readers and researchers can now clearly see which men were held by the C.I.A. Video shows someone impersonating Joe Biden in a mask. ", "I have no doubt that it is the same Michael Baxter," Greig told PolitiFact, after he reviewed the website for Real Raw News. Greig agreed to host a June 30, 2017, live streamed discussion with Baxter. St. Petersburg, FL "I mean, this Real Raw News is literally a WordPress site. GITMO TRIBUNALS & QUIET ARRESTS INTEL UPDATE (NOV 01, 2022) - TRUMP NEWS Embed 13.7K 9 GITMO TRIBUNALS & QUIET ARRESTS INTEL UPDATE (NOV 01, 2022) - TRUMP NEWS Thank you for your comments that have helped us have a wonderful result !!! CHUCK SCHUMER ARRESTED & AT GITMO RUTH BADER GINSBURG ARRESTED & EXECUTED Also: Crimes Against Humanity, List of Indictments, Arrests and Executions PETER STRZOK ARRESTED & AT GITMO ELIJA CUMMINGS ARRESTED & EXECUTED JACINDA ADERN ARRESTED & UNDER HOUSE ARREST TOM HANKS ARRESTED & EXECUTED RITA WILSON HANKS ARRESTED & EXECUTED He wore the camouflaged mask throughout his live discussion with Greig. Christina Aguilera ARRESTED SERVING LIFE. Among the claims Greig checked were several relating to conspiracy theories about the hypothetical planet Nibiru. Featured Blogs. ", In the comments section of one story, Tuffin wrote as "Michael Baxter" that the disclaimer he added in April was "to somewhat indemnify myself against potential legal ramification. Updated: Mar 6. But some do trace what became of the men books they wrote, art they made and, in a few instances, post-release designations as global terrorists or information sought through the State Departments Rewards for Justice program. Held in law-of-war detention but recommended for transfer if security conditions met, Held in indefinite law-of-war detention and not recommended for transfer, How detainees were evaluated and transferred, Known to have died after being transferred (30 detainees). He is so obviously concealing an ankle monitor and this just makes it undeniable. Evil + Extras, Guide To Begin Researching & Exposing The Deep State, Guide To Raise Your Vibrational Frequency & Consciousness, Politically Biased Censorship, Paid Discreditation Shills, & Fact Checkers. In another podcast we found from 2018, Baxter said he also ran another website, This category is incomplete and requires further information. Click To View: Full Document - Human Rights Tribunal International vs. But the organizers name wasnt "Michael Baxter." These equate to roughly 222,00 sealed indictments and pertain to the most disturbing and corrupt crimes against humanity. Additional development by Andrew Chavez, Asmaa Elkeurti and Matt Ruby. A former detainee of Guantanamo Bay is taking legal action against the Canadian government over its alleged role in his 14 years behind bars marked by torture and intimidation. Do you have a story youd like us to cover, information the world needs to hear, or would you like to become a contributor to HMM News? We need your help. Stories filed under Opinion contain information from various sources that may be both, verified and unverified. President Biden has renewed the Obama administrations efforts to close the prison. The danger of the vaccine. The FBI executed the warrants in coordination with other actions by several private-sector companies, which included disabling numerous accounts for violations of the companies terms of service. Johns Hopkins University confirms: You can be vaccinated Mid-2020 GITMO Update: Arrests, Indictments, & Executions. His real name is Michael Tuffin. Forty remain there today, while the. on February 26, 2020. Related coverage >. RT @NotOpCue: On @CNN Sept 6, 2018 @JohnKasich confirmed @SenJohnMcCain's execution during a @ChrisCuomo interview, which explained the wrinkled flag on his funeral casket (traitor comms) days prior. A Times team has revamped an online database that makes it easier to learn about the roughly 780 prisoners who were taken there, including the 40 who remain. Anyone can be a journalist," Gregory said. Gov. You can plug and play and make anything look like a news site.". In this video Juan O Savin says our nation has to fix the terrible mess it's in (caused . Anyone can read what you share. In August 2019 and August 2020, a federal grand jury in Washington, D.C., returned two separate indictments charging five computer hackers, all of whom were residents and nationals of the Peoples Republic of China (PRC), with computer intrusions affecting over 100 victim companies in the United States and abroad, including software development companies, computer hardware manufacturers, telecommunications providers, social media companies, video game companies, non-profit organizations, universities, think tanks, and foreign governments, as well as pro-democracy politicians and activists in Hong Kong. 801 3rd St. S They will arrest 160,000 people in 90 days, including members of the mainstream media and Barry Soetoro. As of June 11, 2020 images of lists with elites' names began surfacing on social media and circulating around in groups and group chats. The FBIs Cyber Division assisted in the investigation and, along with FBIs Cyber Assistant Legal Attachs and Legal Attachs in countries around the world, provided essential support. Click To View: Full Document - Human Rights Tribunal International vs. Gates et al. The articles routinely rack up thousands of likes, shares and other engagements across social media, according to BuzzSumo, an audience metrics tool. These equate to roughly. Now, 31 remain. UTSAVA: PUTIN RESIGNS, GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN, STOCK MARKET CRASH, CURRENCYRESET. Many had been handed over to the United States by allied Afghan and Pakistani security forces early in the U.S. invasion meant to crush Al Qaeda and topple the Taliban. Since 2002, roughly 780 detainees have been held at the American military prison at Guantnamo Bay, Cuba. ", The author of Twisted Truth, which has not posted an article since February 2020, also goes by "Michael Baxter." CURRENT STATUS PENDING ARRESTS>>>USA. According to the majority opinion, the . See who did what and who's going to jail. Copyright 2020 Cosmicworld - All Rights Reserved. Our only agenda is to publish the truth so you can be an informed participant in democracy. un-verified-gitmo-update-arrests-indictments-executions_2020_files.xml: 16-Mar-2022 14:32: 1.7K: un-verified-gitmo-update-arrests-indictments-executions_2020_meta.sqlite: 16-Mar-2022 14:27: 20.0K: un-verified-gitmo-update-arrests-indictments-executions_2020_meta.xml: 16-Mar-2022 14:32: 1.1K . Note: Documents include some assertions that cannot be independently verified. From 2013 to the present, a parolelike panel made up of six agencies has taken recurring looks at law-of-war detainees to determine whether it remained necessary to continue holding them. Gewoon Francesca Battistelli "This Could Change Everything". "The style is much the same.". "That if you go on Google, and you cant find the story anywhere, that is confirming to you that its true. The Secrecy Behind Military Tribunals at GITMO - America Out Loud The disclaimer is tucked in the "About Us" page and not highlighted on individual stories, a tactic that misinformation experts said is common among pages that promote falsehoods. Please allow me to enlighten you. Google also banned ads from at least two Real Raw News stories that promoted coronavirus and vaccine misinformation after PolitiFact inquired about them. The false theories claim the targets are arrested and incarcerated at the detention camp at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base (GTMO) to await trial before a military tribunal that finds them guilty and they are subsequently executed. RUSSIA WILL WIPEOUT EVERYTHING IN COMINGDAYS, Fall Morning Coffee Shop Ambience with Relaxing Jazz and RainSounds, Benjamin Fulford Friday Q&A Video10/28/2022. There Is No Preview Available For This Item, This item does not appear to have any files that can be experienced on He promises to check back with them regularly. Me too. In the first years of the war in Afghanistan, Guantnamo Bay was off limits to lawyers seeking to represent the detainees there, and the Bush administration refused to disclose the prisoners names. January 29, 2021. And in a tagline posted at the bottom of some stories, he has claimed that PolitiFact and other fact-checkers have "waged war" against Real Raw News. They seem to identify who is currently on house arrest, in prison, awaiting tribunal, at GITMO, or already executed. As the cyber threat continues to evolve larger than any one agency can address, the FBI remains committed to being an indispensable partner to ourfederal, international and private sector partners to stop rampantcyber crimeandhold those carrying out these kind of actions accountable., The scope and sophistication of the crimes in these unsealed indictments is unprecedented. In an interview with PolitiFact, Greig said that he was inspired to begin his own online fact-checking in 2011, after New Zealand had a deadly earthquake, promptingthe spread of numerous fear-mongering claims. This scheme also contained a new and troubling cyber-criminal component the targeting and utilization of gaming platforms to both defraud video game companies and launder illicit proceeds., The actions announced today reflect a years-long commitment by the FBI Washington Field Office to pursue the perpetrators of the computer intrusion campaigns described in the indictments, and to bring those perpetrators to justice, said Acting Assistant Director in Charge James A. Dawson, FBI Washington Field Office. PolitiFact asked Facebook why the Real Raw News page was permitted to post misinformation and conspiratorial content on the platform. On Sept. 14, 2020, pursuant to a provisional arrest request from the United States with a view to their extradition, Malaysian authorities arrested them in Sitiawan. On February 23, 2021 February 23, 2021 By sanora1. By Sarah Almukhtar, Carol Rosenberg, Charlie Savage, Andrew Fischer, Rachel Shorey, Andrei Scheinkman, Alan McLean, Jeremy Ashkenas, Archie Tse, Jacob Harris, Derek Willis, Jeremy Bowers and Margot Williams. After the Pentagon mandated the COVID-19 vaccines for the U.S. military in late August, a viral story describing an intense backlash among service members exploded online. And when the time is right, Trump will order the indictments unsealed, prompting a massive wave of arrests, with the accused tried in the field and sent to Guantanamo Bay for indefinite detention. This can be clearly confirmed by the following visuals, identifying a significant amount of expansion for what is expected to be tens of thousands of new ex-elite prisoners. Equally, there has been numerous documents published on the Human Rights Tribunal International website relating to violations of all 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) including war crimes to commit mass genocide involving ANTIFA, CDC, Fauci, Gates Foundation, National Lawyers Guild, National Governors Association, The Rothschild Family, and WHO. NURSE DIES AND GETS TRUTH ABOUT ENERGY ( MIRRORED), DOUGLAS MACGREGOR: UKRAINE AIR DEFENCE COLLAPSED. A disclaimer added to its "About Us" page in April says the website contains "humor, parody and satire," yet Baxter has defended the accuracy of his writings dozens of times in the comments sections on various articles. The facts implicated included thousands of sealed indictments enforced by U.S. Special Forces, and soon the disclosures of classified technologies which. Because the intelligence community and members of the military adopt a pick-and-choose approach to the legacy of detention there, the digital project is where researchers, reporters, lawyers, scholars, human rights activists and the just plain curious go when they try to unravel the mysteries of reclusive Guantnamo Bay.