Cade has a thriving business for high school, and I know its not his only business. Do they? Folks, yall have been listening to Casey Stafford CICC Outdoor Adventures. And they said it would just start twisting out there and ripping through the air. So they cut us off December 21st inside this box, this imaginary box, and we cant shoot them from the 21st of December till the end of the season. Tetra HearingDelivers premium technology thats specifically calibrated for the users own hearing and is comfortable, giving hunters a natural hearing experience, while still protecting their hearing. Thats foremost on my list, is a Tule goose. Ramsey Russell: Yeah. Casey Stafford: We get a lot of California day hunters. But the biggest thing I think Ive seen is in years past, up until about ten or fifteen years ago, every bird, once it got cold, they come out of Canada and they ended up here, they made their way here eventually. Wool is natures miracle fiber. Casey Stafford: Yeah, and Modoc and all that stuff there. I mean you hunted with my boy this morning, his friends, theyre die hard. For two decades, weve delivered real duck hunts for real duck hunters. Ramsey Russell: He likes those ducks. But they grew up here. Ive seen teal hit it. So you had that water, you pretty much had them birds at your mercy. You deserve nothing less. Search our database of proven US and Canadian outfits. Ramsey Russell: Thats incredible. And in my mind, one of the most important parts. I absolutely never leave home without one. I mean its like you go to Jackson Square in New Orleans, and theres millions of freaking pigeons. DO NOT TRESSPASS!!! Ramsey Russell: Yeah. Ramsey Russell: Fifteen. Ramsey Russell: Okay. . Ramsey Russell: Ive never even heard of it. And if not, Im coming back to see you, Im coming back to see you. I mean, if it can be done out of a pair of cord, you can explain to him what you want. The natural levees that border the Sacramento-Feather River system create backwater basins of heavy clay soils that sustain rice farms and duck clubs. Ramsey Russell: Banks of fog kind of came and went, we could see fifty yards, we could see a hundred fifty yards. He brought it here. Butte Ranch Duck Club - Live Oak, CA - Stromer Realty California Farmland Brokers (530) 671-2770 Butte Ranch Duck Club - Live Oak, CA LOCATION: This hunting club is located in the world-renowned Butte Sink. How to pool your resources with others to secure your own piece of waterfowling heaven. During Covid, layoff, the zombie apocalypse. You seem to be enjoying it. There is. They would come over that tree line of that refuge and see that thing, and they would dive straight for it. And now with all the water, it spreads them out a lot more, but its good for all species, its good for any species of waterfowler. I mean they were, for lack of better words, dirt poor. Ill find out, Im going to hunt it. The tree lined center section of the property would be an ideal location for a tree stand! Speaking of Yuba City, so I woke up this morning. Theres a lot of almonds, a lot of walnuts and stuff going in. Can you tell me more stories about your dad and your uncles? But he said hes got it written down, in one month he did fifty-six. I rent seasonal duck blinds too, and I dont care if I have fifty, if I have a hundred, those seats dont sit unfilled. But the thing I think that makes it stand out is now if you fly over this valley and look down at every duck blind on a given day, youre going to see one Mojo decoy, two Mojos, five Mojos, ten Mojos flashing at every blind. This wasnt coordinated, nothing. As a duck hunter, its worrisome that for whatever reason, and I dont hang it on any particular habitat or user group up the Flyway as much as just the weather. Learn More The Ultimate Goose & Duck Hunting Experience In Northern California! Thanks to Tetra Hearing! And we get done, and were sitting there and I said, Well, what do you think Cade, do you like it? Casey Stafford: Yeah. We strive to keep our members happy! Those seasons actually go into February, I think. True or false: Way back in the day, fifty, sixty years ago as a little boy, you once saw somebody shoot eight geese out of ten shots in the air with a 22 long rifle. But with that fog, it confuses them a little and kept them out in the fields a little longer. He sure does. Thats how I put myself through college. You hunt them like Specks? You go to Carls Jr down the road, and theres twenty of them standing in the yard. Outdoor Adventures is the exclusive guide service of the Colusa Indian Community and Colusa Casino Resort, offering full service fishing and hunting trips for waterfowl, big game, and upland game birds as well as exciting sport fishing trips on the Sacramento River. I was surprised because we had stopped somewhere along the way as were coming in, we had stopped and rolled down the windows and listened, and I heard tons of pintails that I really expected to see. And I want to say, maybe at a certain point we couldnt shoot them, kind of like the whole Tule goose thing is right now. She likes it when Im on the road, but go ahead. And I think two or three is what most of states back home are having to shoot, just two or three a day. I mean were talking into the first week of March, ten birds a day. The Sacramento Valley has mild winters and hot, dry summers. It really was, it was pretty darn cool. And we didnt have no money. Using patent-pending Specialized Target Optimization (STO), the worlds first hearing technology designed optimize hearing for hunters in their specific hunting environments. This morning, we had them trapped out there with that fog, they were underneath it and trying to get back to the refuge. Three or four decades ago, they werent hunted? That gets it down there, the water starts breaking it down, and you get the microbes and everything to break that straw. Whats up with that? The food, the atmosphere, the service, the effort, the people and the places for which this wonderful tradition of ours is revered. Ramsey Russell: It puts off a big flash, and I was impressed because I shot my first Sac Valley, California greenhead this morning that was coming right into that flash. I was just thinking about that. Sophomore in high school. We are a premiere waterfowl hunting club located in the Sacramento Valley of Northern California near all major wildlife refuges of the Upper Butte Basin. Can you hear me now?! Casey Stafford: Yeah, that was his gig. You show up. What else are you all killing out here? We provide an environment that is welcoming to everyone, including families, wives, and children. Its just their same routine they do every day. And they noticed that when ducks would see it, they would all lock on those fans on the side of the greenhouse. Then birds get out there, they get lost, they get confused, and they dont know where theyre going or where theyre getting back to. Location: The Mallard Pacific is located inside the Sutter Bypass approximately 1/2 miles South of the 113 Bridge. I am good, buddy., your proven source for the very best waterfowl hunting adventures. Ramsey Russell: A Peruvian wedding singer. The G1 Duck Club, based in Roseville/Granite Bay, CA, is a Christian values-based community duck club. Some of our other stuff, we will not chop it, we harvest it and use a big forty-two inch double disc and turn that straw right under the ground. It is absolute Real America once you get outside those crazy cities, thank you all for listening. Did all this rice exist back thirty, forty years ago, or was it mostly marsh? But Ive heard it called Goalpost, Ive heard it called blades, Ive heard it called Davis-something, Ive heard all kinds of names, but it doesnt even look like a Mojo, it doesnt look like a bird, it doesnt look like a duck, it looks like a goalpost with a two and a half foot long blade going down the middle, and you turn it on, and it flashes. No, I would like to see us be able to do more in California. I mean the motel you stayed at this morning, thats the center of town. I mean have you ever heard the origins of how that thing came to be or who invented it? And its all flooded, so it can be decomped, thats seven hundred thousand acres of just rice habitat sitting out here flooded. This is the third morning Ive hunted in California. Im like, what in the heck is up with all these chickens in Yuba City? Yall have been doing it a long time. Is that conventional? And it is duck season in California. We get gadwall, we got a lot of specklebellies, a lot of snow geese, the occasional honker. If you cant tell it yet, you can tell I love California. And so the time of year that theyre supposedly here and using those refuges is about mid-December through the end of the season. When I pranked Terry Denman in Mexico with a smiling mallard nobody ever dreamed it would become the most talked about decoy of the century. And I dont know. Guided ducks hunts are the way to go for the best hunting experience. Duck Club: Colusa County Assessor Parcel Number: 012-100-082 Duck Club: The duck club is east of the Sacramento Valley Wildlife Refuge. I do get guys from the East Coast. Well, it got to where you couldnt find those motors. Ramsey Russell: Yeah. We always do Christmas Eve, thats our thing. Pretty dang impressed. Worked for Merlot Waterfowl when I was going to college up at Chico State. People just like you across the country volunteer for DU Varsity (high school), Ducks University (collegiate) and local fundraising chapters, all while supporting DU's conservation mission. And by the way, what the heck is up with all the free-ranging chickens in Yuba City?! Duck Clubs For Sale Properties (2) West Gustine Gun Club Merced County, CA $1,699,000 316 Acres Gustine is synonymous with great duck hunting. Right about the time I think Ive seen and done it all, Im in Sac Valley in California hunting over a 1994 edition of an original spinning wing decoy incarnation. I want one of them old spinning winged decoy dinosaurs I can paint up and use. Ramsey Russell: There you go. Ramsey Russell: So its not even originally a Speck zone. Casey Stafford: Theres not a standard. Ive always said, your best hunting partners are the ones you raise. Casey Stafford: Typically theyre going to be a larger bird. What did they teach you about shooting geese? And Ive seen them as big when they first started being made that were thirty-six inches long. I think my dad was in fifth grade or sixth grade. You go into the Raleys parking lot, and you got to fight them off to get into your car. And, in fact, I can remember being in my jon boat over in Lowndes County, Mississippi wrapping up a goose hunt, Canada goose hunt for resident geese on Super Bowl Sunday when I first heard this decoy described, and it wasnt an accurate enough description except just to capture my imagination. In addition to the great hunting, the Volanti has convenient access from the entire Bay Area and the Sacramento Valley. You cant use electronic callers. Business inquiries or comments contact Ramsey Russell at Thank you for visiting! Connect with Ramsey Russell as he chases waterfowl hunting experiences worldwide year-round: Insta @ramseyrussellgetducks, YouTube @DuckSeasonSomewherePodcast, Facebook @GetDucks. No crowds. Ramsey Russell: Outdoor Adventures. There ought to be plenty of chickens for everybody. And anybody that cant leave the outside world out of the duck blind really needs to go to another duck blind. Casey Stafford: Basically what were doing is were getting them out of a duck blind. People hunt here. I saw all those racks yall got lined up out in the garage. Yeah. Do you think its more of a California thing or more of a management thing overall for Snow? Ramsey Russell: What changes have you seen since you was a little boy here in California? We offer flooded rice field, dry field goose hunts, flooded timber and marsh hunts. Thats all they want to do is kill ducks. People are passionate about duck hunting. Contact them directly with confidence. Know your pattern, take ethical shots, make clean kills. Voted Best Gym in America by Fitness Magazine. Great Lambertville duck club! I dont believe the numbers have gone up tremendously from when I was a little kid. But thats really the only way to get rid of it anymore. I said, Yeah? he says, I think you guys have got nothing without my whistle. He was convinced he called them all in, man. But the way he said it indicates to me he buys his own ammo, and hes buying Boss Shotshells. More than just the best spinning wing decoys on the market, their ever growing product line includes all kinds of cool stuff. Why are the White-fronted Goose (Specklebelly) Hunting Regulations More Restrictive in this Special Sacramento Valley Goose Management Area? The reason hunters at Colusa National Wildlife Refuge enjoy some of the best public duck hunting in the Sacramento Valley is simple: location. You drive down the highway, theyre on 99, and in that certain stretch between Franklin and Bridge Street, you may see a hundred on the side of the road. Ramsey Russell: Well theres probably a statute of limitations. Everything still has to be the same, you have to have a plug in your gun. You probably dont remember. And I didnt, I see a lot of people, I talked to a lot of people since that, and somewhere along the way in our conversations in the quiet between the volleys this morning, I go, Wait a minute. And thats the only place we are restricted is inside that closure area where we hunted today. And I mean thats how it was back then. The one uncle, Montys passed away now, Ive seen him do it, and Ive seen my other uncle do it, and Ive seen my dad do it. Ramsey Russell: You run an outfitting service. I did something today I always kind of wanted to do. So up until about the mid-nineties, you all didnt shoot specklebellies. Ramsey Russell: And yall dont just duck hunt. He shot eight or nine shells and killed seven or eight geese, whatever it was, out of the air. Im constantly turning it on and off, but it will run four, five days. All my duck blinds, the one we hunted today, like I was telling you this morning, Id already pulled like five hundred decoys this week just because the ducks were starting to not like the big spreads, and were skirting them, but we start the season typically with about five hundred goose floaters at every duck blind and a couple hundred duck decoys. We do a lot of afternoons. We bring to the table over 45 years of duck & goose hunting experience. I could leave him in a blind from daylight till dark. Rest of the Story: MotoDuck, the Original Spinning-winged Decoy. Ramsey Russell: Your son, Cade, is impressive. The beak is longer, definitely longer, the feet are longer. Casey Stafford: If I have heard the origin, I dont remember it, but I do remember the craze. We have a three hundred thirty acre wetland that they own that I manage for them. We have nearly 3,000 acres of flooded rice fields for your waterfowl hunting enjoyment. And it seems like some guys are phasing out and the younger generation I dont see- Its the older guys, the 50, 60, 70, 80 year old guys that grew up hooked on this stuff, and this younger generation, were losing it. But if they really want to have a conservation order and have some effect on these birds, we could help here if they would open this thing up. This check applies primarily to smaller business entities. No matter what, the four of us go duck hunting Christmas Eve day. And I know a lot of people that have asked me to find: Hey, who do I need to hunt with out there? That intrigues a lot of people to come shoot something like that. And he says, Well, Dad, in his little kid voice. Its got to be the right RPM. Casey Stafford: Yeah, you can put people from all walks of life together in a duck blind, and we all have that one thing in common is the love for the duck hunting. I know this from our conversations, but she didnt grow into duck hunting. We got a lot more hunting to do and a lot more good shows coming up. Whether hunting near home or halfway across the world, thats the stuff that matters. And so where we are outside of the closure, Ill leave those goose decoys out till the end. Casey Stafford: Oh, absolutely. Were going to get you one found here and fixed up and send it back. Share your favorite episodes with friends. I pulled on my waders this morning, I got my jacket, got my stuff together while yall were backing off your quad. Bordered by the Colusa National Wildlife Refuge as well as two private natural marshes, this area is a major attraction for the annual migration of waterfowl down the Pacific Flyway. Welcome to an exciting new concept in waterfowl conservation. Ive actually followed him for a couple of years in social media @Marsh_Magic. Theyd throw nails, rocks, bolts, whatever you had down the end of the barrel. Identity Verification (Reverse Phone Lookup) We conduct a reverse business phone lookup to identify records matching the phone number information provided by the business. It spreads the birds out. But I would say that twenty to twenty-four inch blade, I mean it puts off a big flash. Because high-quality Tom Beckbe gear lasts. Was this morning pretty typical for Sac Valley duck hunting? Both my dads parents died. Hunt of a lifetime is a tall order it takes far more than stackwood piles of dead birds to achieve that lofty ideal. I mean she helped me pick up decoys, put decoys out, brush blinds, we did that on the side for money. And its just hard to believe that since this thing came out in the mid-nineties, that till today- Its like I said this morning in the blind. And that big stubble disc pulls dirt over the top of it, and we roll right behind it. Casey Stafford: Everywhere you go. And so there is ground coming out thats changing the Flyway. Flashback Decoy by Duck Creek Decoy Works. I mean when it hit here, it hit hard. If anybody listening wants to plug into you, Casey, how can they plug into you in social media? You look at that motor, and you order you one of them motors. Those blades were spinning, and the fan would draw the air through the greenhouse. And just the way that was refracting light was like a strobe effect. They just sat down and didnt move. Thats the question. And I use it. All for basically the hunting and recreation industry side of things. Casey Stafford: Yeah, we got married and she, I mean basically, knew she wanted to see me, she was going. The Central Valley of California averages 64 km wide by 644 km long and consists of the two lesser valleys, the Sacramento in the north and the San Joaquin in the south. Nearby Wildlife Management Areas and refuges include Dave . The beak is longer, definitely longer, the feet are longer. Voormis growing line of innovative of performance products is authenticity with humility. I dont care what the news and what the negativity of the world says. Ramsey Russell: One of the principal species today, we shot mallards. By the numbers, Ive bagged 121 waterfowl subspecies bagged on 6 continents, 20 countries, 36 US states and growing. I think it was someone just sitting around that said, Well, we dont have any bullets, lets make some.. This refuge is home to millions of migratory waterfowl each year. How have things changed? But in the last fifteen years, the population, its incredible how many. I can tell. Casey Stafford: Well, when I was young, wed go out there- Youve been in a grind of geese, how deafening they are before, especially if you can get in the middle of them. Top duck shot was the shoveler with 81 bagged to go along with 66 GWT. They have a hill ranch, thats seven thousand acres that I manage for them. MotoDuck, the Original Spinning-winged Decoy. Theyre very nice. He shot heavy shot, he shot Kent Bismuth. His oldest sister took care of them. He found it and got mom to order it for him. But when youre in a duck blind, youre just a duck hunter. Reginas first love is bow hunting. Casey Stafford: You get up in the air, a lot of people call it Lake California. But when I walked out that hotel, started going to get my gear together in the van, waiting on you to get there, there were roosters crowing in all directions. I want ducks from wherever to be able to see my decoys and do this, do that. We have blinds with or without water in the rice. If you have never been on a guided duck hunting trip, you are going to have the time of your life. Ramsey Russell: Try that weed eater wire right there. They need to be annihilated. Ramsey Russell: Well I crawled those snow geese back in the day. My understanding, and I dont know for a fact, but my understanding is that was not originally a specklebellies zone, it was a zone created to protect Aleutian Canada Geese, which now the limits ten. Ramsey Russell: Its unbelievable how well- The limit on them is ten and if Im not mistaken, its not just that yall can shoot ten specks or ten Aleutians, whatever. The best thing to get rid of that straw is to get it under water. And I remembered exactly because yall hunt together. USHuntList.combecause the next great hunt is closer than you think. Ramsey Russell: Yeah, but you were telling me youve actually shot some, I mean you do shoot these birds outside the zone. I mean over the years weve had some gems, but Ive had all kinds of people. We were going through little towns like Colusa and your little town right here in Sutter that are just small town, real America man. I said, Well yeah, but where did they come up with that idea? And maybe youve heard something different, but I heard that there were some guys hunting somewhere in Sac Valley, California and from where they were hunting, there was a massive greenhouse somewhere that had a big fan on the side of it. Casey Stafford: Yeah. And I think every one of them got a flocks of chickens in it. The California Waterfowl Hunt Program provides access to 60,000 acres of private land including some of the most prestigious duck clubs in the country to hunters of all ages and abilities. View NEW Full-color brochure online:Ramsey Russells Catalog Contact us to receive a hi-res printed copy. Ramsey Russell: Well my whole point is, and Ill probably say this every episode we do in California: when people think of California, they think of downtown San Francisco, Los Angeles, all these big cities and all the stuff you see on television, Hollywood, and we were as country as country gets today. Do you remember your first duck? Ramsey Russell: Im a daddy. Ramsey Russell: Brought over to the dark side of water fowling. So this morning on the drive out, drinking coffee and whatnot, we drove about thirty minutes to get out there to your place, and you were telling me, Yeah we came by and saw you. I dont know. Well, I sure enjoyed duck hunting with you and your boy, Cade this morning. Ramsey Russell: Larger sub-species. And that was pretty cool. Ramsey Russell: And how old would she have been? And I know as a daddy, its got to make your heart swell too. The high-e hoodie and base layers are personal favorites that I wear worldwide. But tell me a little bit more about your dad and his brothers, did you tell me your granddad passed when they were young? Youve been doing this a long time. Thousands upon thousands of clients Im sure youve had come through your blinds. Three Corners Beer Festival; 05-13-2023 VALLENATAZO PARA MAM JCP; Kane Brown - Drunk or Dreaming Tour; Lehigh Valley Wicked Plant Fest; Cinco de Mayo Festival 2023; Mother . Youve been doing this long and hard, hundred day seasons since you were eighteen years old. I know from the time I was a kid, it changed maybe fifteen years ago, but when I was a kid, we never saw Snow Geese until middle of December. Thats very interesting. I did something today I always kind of wanted to do. I mean theres regular real America type stuff. Casey Stafford: I think back about that all the time, and I honestly cant tell you exactly what it was. And so then people were buying motors here, buying motors there, wed go to radio shack and get remote control car motors and try those. Ramsey Russell: And I said something to Cade this morning: do you use the 10-gauge too? Ramsey Russell: And here in California, Im sure a lot of national origins are represented among those ranks. I remember when we couldnt shoot specks here, and then I remember it being two birds, and then maybe it was four birds. With this we offer multiple properties and multiple blinds at a variety of locations in the Sacramento Valley stretching from north of the Sacramento International airport to south of Richvale. But they will work their way back up North, and those guys will get them good in the green. The club is located in the heart of the Pacific Flyway in one of the finest duck . Casey Stafford: Yeah. Casey Stafford: I know I was in high school when we couldnt shoot them. Its over seven hundred thousand acres of rice production. It was always rural there. Casey Stafford: Im good. Truck, field, orchard, and rice crops are grown on approximately 2.1 million acres; . Do you think theres as many hunters around? Where Cade will hunt anything. Tom BeckbeThe Tom Beckbe lifestyle is timeless, harkening an American era that hunting gear lasted generations. Weve seen the evolution for the last twenty, thirty years, and I just got to tell you, man, we got up this morning. BOOK NOW WATERFOWL BLINDS GALLERY Is that your bread and butter duck? And the only guys flooding were duck hunters. It's adjacent to the Border Tule Duck Club. 511 acres. During the summer irrigation season, some stretches of . Casey Stafford: I do, and I think it helps to get the birds attention. Ramsey Russell: Its exploded. Land Use. May have something to do with all that rice yall got out here. You get over the top of it and look down and all you see is water for miles and miles and miles. Were talking three decades of hundred day season duck hunts. And now that my secrets out Ill tell yall something else: Ive got 3 of them. Casey Stafford: Yeah. We are located in the Sacramento Valley, where thousands of duck and geese flock to natural ponds, riparian lined sloughs, creeks and rice fields. And she got to where she enjoys it. And theres a whole big cycle thats far bigger than a human life span is what Im trying to say. I spend up to 225 days per year chasing ducks, geese and swans worldwide, and I dont use shotgun for the brand name or the cool factor. And when I see young people like him living the dream, that is the American dream at age fifteen, it just makes my heart swell. Sometimes they would come so fast and get to that steel, and theyd hit the water and sit right under it, and the mallards will just sit under there and talk to it. We hunt, we fish, but you get down into San Francisco. Ramsey Russell: Running a six-volt battery on it?