Neighbors say police activity at this house is frequent, but no one recognized . We have a crew on scene and will have more information when it becomes available. The Downey Police Department reminds drivers that DUI Doesnt Just Mean Booze. If A report released earlier this year by the Governors Highway Association (GHSA) projected that pedestrian deaths in 2019 reached the highest point in more than 30 years. A 2018 observational survey by Fresno State and the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) found nearly 5 percent of California drivers were using their phone illegally behind the wheel, either by talking on or using their phone without a hands-free device. Parents play an important role helping teens stay safe behind the wheel. If you ever see a suspected drunk driver on the road, call 911. the past five years. While medicinal and recreational marijuana are legal, driving under the influence of marijuana is illegal. Understanding the rules of the road using all modes of transportation helps ensure we all get to our destination safely.. Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. year The Downey Police Department investigated 157 DUI collisions which resulted in Downey, CA 90241, Created By Granicus - Connecting People and Government. The Downey Police Department will conduct a bicycle and pedestrian safety enforcement operation during the month of June aimed at keeping people who need to go out to exercise or run essential errands safe. month of June looking for drivers suspected of driving under the influence (DUI). Per mile driven, teen drivers are nearly four times as likely to be involved in a crash as drivers in all other age groups. Allow motorcycles to always use the full width of a lane. is legal, the practice is not encouraged at high speeds in free-flowing traffic. Due to COVID-19, the state of California is asking residents to avoid large gatherings for the holidays to mitigate the spread of the virus. Throughout the month of December, officers will be looking for violations made by bicyclists, drivers and pedestrians that put roadway users at risk. Anyone who sees a drunk driver should call 911. These violations include speeding, making illegal turns, failing to yield or provide right of way to bicyclists or pedestrians, or failing to stop for signs and signals. In this day and age, it is natural instinct to answer the phone or read a text, but the focus for drivers should be on the road. Legal Notices. Obey traffic laws, use hand signals, use lights at night (front white light and rear This Friday and Saturday, as well as every other Friday and Saturday in the month of Officers will be looking for signs of alcohol and/or drug impairment, with officers checking drivers for proper licensing. To protect you and your family, we want to make sure everyone is following rules that keep them safe.. and avoid darting between parked cars, make eye contact with drivers and wear bright , New Polic. In 2016, 426 people killed in crashes across the state were unrestrained. Look for pedestrians when backing up, turning at intersections or entering/exiting shopping centers. The extra enforcement effort is part of a national campaign, Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over, with the goal of stopping suspected impaired drivers who put others on the road at risk. keeping the public safe when they need to run essential errands. BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY OPERATION PLANNED FOR JULY. Always follow directions for use and read warning labels about driving or operating heavy machinery, which includes driving a car. Same goes for car seats. Downey Police Department - Government Agency | Downey CA About Downey Police Department. The Downey Police Department reminds the public that impaired driving is not just from alcohol. Buckling up only takes a few seconds and is the best defense in the event of a crash, This week (Oct. 18-24) is National Teen Driver Safety Week, and the Downey Police Department is encouraging parents to discuss the importance of safe driving habits with their teens as newly licensed drivers. Only cross at marked crosswalks or intersections with a stop sign or signal. pedestrians in crosswalks, failing to stop for signs and signals or any other traffic the Downey Police Department recognizes the need to protect the public by looking for The Downey Police Department will be out throughout themonth of May looking for drivers suspected of driving under the influence (DUI). The Downey Police Department reminds the public that impaired driving is not just from alcohol. Always use a designated sober driver a friend who is not drinking, ride-share, Helmets are required by law for anyone under 18. If youve been drinking or taken drugs that impair, make the right choice by finding a sober driver or alternate transportation to take you places.. Do your research and understand the potential side effects of certain drugs. The Downey Police Department will be conducting traffic safety operations throughout the month of September focused on the most dangerous driver behaviors that put the safety of people biking or walking at risk. Everyone should be mindful that if youre taking medication whether prescription or over-the-counter drinking even small amounts of alcohol can greatly intensify the impairment affects. At 30 mph, a driver needs at least 90 feet to stop. month of August looking for drivers suspected of driving under the influence (DUI). BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY OPERATION PLANNED FOR MARCH. Pedestrian fatalities are up nearly In California, the fine for a seat belt violation is $162. Try to avoid blocking the crosswalk when making a right-hand turn. preferably with a stop sign or signal. While medicinal and Administration. If you plan to have a drink or two, choose a sober way to get to and from wherever you are watching the game, Downey Police Chief Leslie Murray said. 33 percent from 2012, and the number of bicyclists killed are up nearly 25 percent over Wear appropriate gear like leather clothing, boots with nonskid soles and gloves. enforcement operation aimed at educating bicyclists, drivers and pedestrians on traffic To protect you and your family, we want to make sure those that are out are following rules intended to keep them safe. The Downey Police Department will be out throughout the month of September looking for drivers suspected of driving under the influence (DUI). Avoid Distractions:Cell phone use while driving is illegal. Bicycle and pedestrian fatalities are rising at an alarming rate. Motorcycle riders are 28 times more likely to die in a crash than vehicle occupants. Patrols targeting violations of Californias hands-free cell phone law and vehicle code violations by drivers, motorcyclists, bicyclists and pedestrians that put other roadway users at risk. So if you plan on drinking or taking drugs that can impair, play it safe and have a designated sober driver. These violations include drivers speeding, making illegal turns, failing to yield to pedestrians in crosswalks, failing to stop for signs and signals or any other traffic violation. Driving sober is your safest bet. The Downey Police Department will roll out a police traffic services program to deter dangerous and illegal driving behaviors that increase the risk of crashes in the community. Patrols targeting the primary causes of crashes: Speeding, improper turns, running stop signs or signals, right-of-way violations and driving on the wrong side of the road. Although lane splitting is legal, the practice is not encouraged at high yield to drivers who have the right of way. BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY OPERATION PLANNED FOR AUGUST. Robberies . Additional officers from the Downey Police Department will be on patrol during weekend evenings throughout the month of March, and specifically on St. Patricks Day, March 17th, looking for drivers suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY OPERATION PLANNED FOR NOVEMBER. WTOP delivers the latest crime news and crime reports in the Washington, D.C. region. Stay at home or find a sober driver to take you home.. Funding for this checkpoint is provided to the Downey Police Department by a grant As of the 2020 census, the city had a total population of 114,355. Be courteous and patient. and the Downey Police Department recognizes the need to protect the public injury collisions involving bicyclists and pedestrians. This also includes drivers who do not secure children in child safety seats. These violations include drivers speeding, making illegal turns, failing to yield to pedestrians in crosswalks, failing to stop for signs and signals or any other traffic violation by bike riders or pedestrians. For the safety of everyone walking or driving, The Downey Police Department will have additional officers on patrol throughout the month of September specifically looking for violations made by drivers and pedestrians that make roads unsafe. DUI checkpoint locations are determined based on data showing incidents of impaired driving-relatedcrashes. 10911 Brookshire Ave
Make eye contact with drivers. If you plan on drinking or taking medications that may impact your ability to drive safely, Of course, it would be much more efficient if . The choice is simple: Dont drive impaired., Drivers caught driving impaired and charged with a first-time DUI face an average of. violations made by bicyclists, drivers and pedestrians that make roads unsafe. Wait for pedestrians to cross the street. phone, and be courteous and patient. Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. People walking should only cross the street using crosswalks or intersections, This Friday and Saturday, as well as every other Friday and Saturday in the month of Always follow directions for use and read warning labels about driving. As friends and family plan vacations during the final days of summer, the Downey Police Department is reminding everyone to stay safe by always choosing a sober way to go. Some prescription medications and over-the-counter drugs may interfere with driving. Downey, Warren runners win big at track & field meet. Just because theres less traffic doesnt mean traffic rules go out the window, Chief Dean Milligan said. Bike riders will be stopped when riding on the wrong side of the road, not complying with stop signs and signals, or other violation of the same traffic laws that apply to them as drivers. No matter who you are rooting for on Super Bowl Sunday, we are all on the same team when the game ends so remember to go safely. None of these things are worth risking your life and the lives of other drivers and passengers over.. Downey Police Department Holding DUI / Drivers License Checkpoint May 14, 2021. during the month of September making sure drivers and passengers are wearing their These violations include drivers speeding, making illegal Speeding is a risky behavior that increases the chances of serious injury or death in a crash. To protect you and your family, we want to make sure those that Not only does driving under the influence put yourself and others on the road at risk, but it also hurts financially; attorneys fees, fines, court costs, insurance rate hikes and car repairs can reach $15,000 or more in California. CHP uses PIT maneuver to end wild chase near Downey. Make it easy for drivers to see you wear light colors, reflective material and carry a flashlight, particularly at dawn, dusk or at night. Californias public health guidance advises to limit mixing with people you dont live with as much as possible to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. When out, please remember to practice physical distancing measures when feasible, staying at least six feet apart from others. Police Activity Daily Primary Publishes The New Police Dash Cam, , Police Officer Involved Shooting, Police Officer Body Camera footage releases. Bicyclists must travel in the same direction of traffic and have the same requirements as any slow moving vehicle. We want everyone to be as safe as possible, especially when they are on the road, Downey Police Chief Dean Milligan said. Hosting a party? Motorcycle riders are more vulnerable and have much less protections as those in vehicles do, which is why it is critical for drivers to be mindful of those on two wheels.. A former railway town, its old station is now a school. Make eye contact with drivers. Downey Police Department Encourages Parents of Newly Licensed Teens to Discuss the Importance of Safe Driving, National Teen Driver Safety Week is Oct. 17-23. Children under the age of 2 must ride rear-facing or until they reach 40 pounds or 40 inches in height. To protect you and your family, we want to make sure everyone is following rules that keep them safe.. Keep your lights on at all times, even during the day. Throughout the month of July, officers will continue to focus their efforts on drivers that are talking, texting, using an app or any other action on their phone that is not hands-free and violates Californias cell phone law. Pedestrian fatalities are up nearly alcohol. For more information on the program or to help start a group in your area, please call the Police Department's Neighborhood Watch Coordinator, Stephanie Arroyo, at 562-904-2374, or email your requests to These violations include drivers speeding, making illegal turns, failing to yield to pedestrians in crosswalks, failing to stop for signs and signals or any other dangerous violation. We want to keep our roads safe for all travelers, so we will have zero tolerance for drunk or drugged driving.. We want everyone to be as safe as possible, especially when they are on the road, Downey Police Chief Leslie Murray said. Bike riders will be stopped when riding on the wrong You should give them a call at 5629042357 before you go. The Downey Police Department will conduct a driving under the influence (DUI) checkpoint on August 19, 2022 from 8:00 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. at an undisclosed location. The Downey Police Department reminds the public that impaired driving is not just from alcohol. Schools are encouraged to register at as a way of tracking participation and showing support for active, healthy, and safe transportation. Dean Milligan said. The Downey Police Department will conduct a driving under the influence (DUI) checkpoint on June 24, 2022 from 8:00 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. at an undisclosed location. In 2016, 138 bicyclists and 867 pedestrians were killed on California roads. Studies of California drivers have shown that 30 percent of drivers in fatal crashes had one or more drugs in their systems. Walking impaired can also be dangerous, so have someone who is sober walk home with you. alcohol. Throughout the month of September, officers will be looking for violations made by bicyclists, drivers and pedestrians that put roadway users at risk. Drivers should wait for pedestrians to cross the street, avoid distractions like using a cell The safety of bicyclists and pedestrians remains a top priority for the Downey Police Department. Dont assume they see you. The top primary crash factors for motorcycles are unsafe speed, improper turning, right-of-way violations, driving under the influence and unsafe lane changes. Bicycle and pedestrian fatalities are rising at an alarming rate. side of the road, not complying with stop signs and signals, or other violation of the Just because theres less traffic doesnt mean traffic rules go out the window, Chief DUI checkpoint locations are determined based on data showing incidents of impaired driving-related crashes. need to go out to exercise or run essential errands safe. The Downey Police Department will conduct a bicycle and pedestrian safety enforcement operation during the month of September aimed at keeping people who need to go out to exercise or run essential errands safe. If theres a bike lane, use it, unless making a left turn, passing, or approaching a place where a right turn is allowed. Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. August, officers will be looking for violations made by bicyclists, drivers and pedestrians Wear bright clothing during the day and use a flashlight when walking at night. You will find information on our Field Operations, Administration, and Investigative Divisions, as well as hiring and other important information regarding Downey PD. This St. Patricks Day (March 17), the Downey Department will have officers on patrol looking for drivers suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. Traffic Safety through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Bicyclists must yield the right-of-way to pedestrians within, Children should be as safe as possible when riding in the car, and one major, way to do that is to make sure they are secured in the correct car seat., The Downey Police Department will be conducting traffic. The Downey Police Department reminds the public that impaired driving is not just from motor homes. operating heavy machinery, which includes driving a car. Live Feed Listing for Los Angeles County. Officers will be looking for signs of alcohol and/or drug Funding for this program is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Funding for this checkpoint is provided to the Downey Police Department by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Find how many recent quakes there were, report a quake if you felt one! September is Pedestrian Safety Month and The Downey Police Department will join law enforcement agencies across the state to educate the public on how to be safe when walking or driving. The Downey Police Department is committed to keeping our community safe and encourages everyone to stay in for the night or use a designated sober driver if you have alcohol, marijuana, prescription, or over-the-counter drugs that may impair. GO SAFELY, CALIFORNIA: SEPTEMBER IS PEDESTRIAN SAFETY MONTH. Bicyclists must travel in the Be courteous and patient. These violations include drivers speeding, making illegal turns, failing to yield to pedestrians in crosswalks, failing to stop for signs and signals or any other dangerous violation. Always wear a DOT compliant helmet and protective gear like gloves and leather clothing. While the COVID-19 pandemic is requiring residents to stay home as much as possible, Downey man federally charged in fentanyl death of 17-year-old girl Police make 3rd arrest in shooting death of Monterey Park officer Monterey Park officer killed: Suspect ordered to remain. If you have an important phone call or need to reprogram your navigation system, pull over to a safe parking place. of transportation helps ensure we all get to our destination safely. Additional officers from the Downey Police Department will be out on patrol during the month of November looking for drivers suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. In California, alcohol involved collisions led to 1,155 deaths and nearly 24,000 injuries in 2014 because someone failed to designate a sober driver. when they are out. Walking to school is a great way to not only stay active, but also practice safe walking behaviors, Downey Police Chief Dean Milligan said. Under Californias zero tolerance law, any driver under 21 cannot drink any alcohol and drive (blood alcohol concentration of .01% or higher). safety operations throughout the month of July focused on the most dangerous driver behaviors that put the safety of people biking or walking at risk. Prescription drugs, over-the-countermedications and marijuana may also impair. E-EDITION. with the goal of stopping suspected impaired drivers who put others on the road at risk. At least one Downey Police Department patrol vehicle was struck by gunfire during the chase, investigators said. Always follow directions for use and read warning labels about driving or Understanding the rules of the road using all modes same traffic laws that apply to them as drivers. Downey Police Department
Some prescription medications or over-the-counter drugs may interfere with Make the right choice by not driving impaired so everyone is able to enjoy the holidays.. Make the right choice by not driving impaired so everyone can have a safe holiday.. Take a taxi, ride-share or public transportation. Since 2009, the number of pedestrians killed or injured on California roads has increased dramatically, accounting for nearly 25% of all roadway deaths. are out are following rules intended to keep them safe.. In addition, The Downey Police Department will hold a DUI/Drivers License checkpoint on December 20, 2019 from 9:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. at an undisclosed location in the city of Downey. Distracted driving is a dangerous and illegal behavior and The Downey Police Department is working to deter drivers from doing. That text, phone call, email or social media post is not worth the risk to yourself and other people on the road.. Pedestrians are more and more at risk on the road. Ceci Partridge December 02 Wearing a seat belt is your best defense on the road, Downey Police Department Chief Milligan said. Californians Encouraged to Buckle Up on Every Trip, Nov. 16-29 is Click it or Ticket Seat Belt Enforcement Campaign. August, officers will be looking for violations made by bicyclists, drivers and pedestrians The danger is clear so before you head out for a party, make sure you have a safe way to get home.. Police are asking that citizens. Funding for this program is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. To keep you and your family safe, the Downey Police Department offers the following You will find information on our Field Operations, Administration, and Investigative Divisions, as well as hiring and other important information regarding Downey PD. going places without the same protections as drivers. To learn more about state laws for different traffic safety issues, visit the Governors Highway Safety Association website. Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Operation Planned for the City of Downey. Downey, Calif The Downey Police Department is joining law enforcement agencies, public health departments and other community organizations to raise awareness about the importance of keeping children in the correct car seat for their age and size. laws, rules and responsibilities. Downey Police Department offers the following tips to parents and guardians for starting conversations about safe driving with teens: Additional officers from the Downey Police Department will be out on patrol during the month of October looking for drivers suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. 5,032 were here. BICYCLISTS Do not walk or run into the path of a vehicle. Funding for this DUI operation is provided to the Downey Police Department by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), speeding was a factor in 43% of all teen driver and passenger fatalities from 2015 to 2019, compared to approximately 30% of all traffic deaths among adults 20 and older. These violations include drivers speeding, making illegal turns, failing to yield to pedestrians in crosswalks, failing to stop for signs and signals or any other dangerous violation. Of the drugs, marijuana was most prevalent, at 7.4 percent, slightly more than alcohol. If you plan on drinking, plan for a ride home with a sober driver, Downey Police Department Chief Dean Milligan said. In 2016, 138 bicyclists and 867 pedestrians were killed on California roads. The primary purpose of checkpoints is not to make arrests, but to promote public safety by deterring drivers from driving impaired. The Downey Police Department will hold a DUI / Drivers License Checkpoint on September 24, 2021 from 8:00 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. at an undisclosed location within the city limits. Stay off the phone. View all arrests reported by Downey Police Local Crime News provides daily updates of arrests in all cities in California. risk. Distracted driving comes in many forms, but cell phones remain the top distraction. If drinking is part of your plans, plan on designating a sober driver and find a safe way home, Chief Dean Milligan said. seat belt. Funding for this program is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Helmets are required by law for anyone under 18. The fine for not securing a child in Understand Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) Laws: For the first 12 months you have a license or until the age of 18, no passengers under 20 years old are allowed unless a licensed parent, guardian or other adult 25 years old or older is in the car with you. In 2019, the Downey Police Department investigated 3 fatal and 97 Never Drive Under the Influence: All teens are too young to legally buy, possess or consume alcohol. Officers will also look for pedestrians who cross the street illegally or fail to yield to drivers who have the right of way. Be prepared to stop for pedestrians. of fun that doesnt involve a DUI: In 2016, 138 bicyclists This includes talking, texting, or using an app. by looking for violations made by drivers and riders that puts the public at further The Downey Police Department is reminding fans attending Super Bowl watch parties to get a safe ride home after the game. drivers who have the right of way. 33 percent from 2012, and the number of bicyclists killed is up nearly 25 percent over It starts with practicing good habits like wearing a seat belt, staying off the phone and following the speed limit.. Dean Milligan said. Report drunk drivers Call 911. safety operations throughout the month of May focused on the most dangerous driver behaviors that put the safety of people biking or walking at risk. Streaming: Los Angeles County Sheriff Department: Dispatch Channels: Lakewood Norwalk East Los Angeles Compton Industry Downey Fire Department: Dispatch Admin Tactical California Highway Patrol: South LA (white) East LA (yellow) Facebook URL: Radio Used: RadioShack: Pro-2050