In addition, Graves and Co-CEO & COO AJ Kumaran didn't take a salary when sales were down, even canceling a company trip to Cancn, Mexico. The founder, franchise, and food have won countless awards, including "Best Chicken Tenders" from The Fasties the fast food awards show started this year by Thrillist. AMA.". Some church leaders and politicians claim recent LGBTQ progress such as the 2015 U.S. Supreme Court ruling guaranteeing same-sex couples the right to marry is an attack on Christianity. Look at the facts. Fans of reality series "The Secret Millionaire" are now aware of his giving nature, too, after his appearance on the show's first season (via Raising Cane's). After reading all about the humble beginnings of Raising Cane's Chicken Fingers the industrial fishing boats and renovating an old bakery it's hard to imagine something like the 10,000-seat Raising Cane's River Center. Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. Another viral composite photoincludes textthat claimsto be from theLGBT Foundation and showthe words Love is gender and age-blind, and textthatclaims to be from FCKH8 that reads "Some people are child lovers. Get the best food tips and diet advice "I prefer not to comment on touchy issues such as this," the apparently fake Graves said in response to a question about his thoughts on LGBT rights. USA TODAY has reached out to Facebook for comment on Ferraro's remarks. Find startup jobs, tech news and events. More: Supreme Court grants federal job protections to gay, lesbian, transgender workers. Before opening in the capital city of Kuwait, founder Todd Graves and his team spent a good amount of time sourcing products and ensuring that everything on the menu was halal friendly. Rather than speaking up about LGBTQ+ issues only when it is advantageous to them, these companies have taken real steps to ensure that people of all sexualities and gender expressions are celebrated and empowered all year round. Several anti-straight marriage groups have already rallied to support Canes. But in the very early days, the company was streaming toward an even more unusual moniker Sockeye's Chicken Fingers. Which is funny, since the closing time for this location is still 3:30 a.m. Thursday through Saturday (2 a.m. other days). Supreme Court grants federal job protections to gay, lesbian, transgender workers, Acceptance, advancement, but opposition remains, Facebook civil rights audit warns of Trump, voter suppression ahead of presidential election, "Are children at risk for sexual abuse by homosexuals? In 2020, Dudas leadership team put together a press release outlining ways to celebrate pride while social distancing, compiling a list of safe virtual and car events near their offices which people could attend. Raising Canes' CEO had a disastrous Reddit AMA in which he This commitment to quality has led to rapid growth for Raising Canes. Chick-fil-A. The claim: Chick-fil-A donated $1.8 million to anti-LGBTQ groups Chick-fil-A has faced backlash for its donations and those made by executives for years. "Im extremely against this movement. In 2020, RXBAR began a collaboration with The National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) to release a protein bar pack in honor of Transgender Day of Visibility, with all proceeds going toward NCTEs community activism and empowerment initiatives. Most college students would get discouraged from such a bad mark. Cane's Sauce is careful to follow the old fast-food troupe vats of it are made using a secret recipe. Or that's what home cooks can shoot for when whipping up a home-kitchen batch. But those award-winning fingers don't do it alone. Graves founded Raising Cane's, a chicken-finger chain that is quickly expanding, in 1996. Supportive administrators can support this work by addressing families directly. Kazoos HR and culture team collaborated on building a 2020 Pride Month calendar so that employees could celebrate even while working remotely. Most recipes call for the same five ingredients: mayonnaise, ketchup, Worcestershire sauce, black pepper, and garlic salt though it's easy to find online debates arguing instead for garlic powder. In fact, the top spot was nabbed by Raising Cane's Chicken Tenders with a 25.9 percent growth in sales over the course of a year. What To Know About Raising Cane's, And Is It Healthy? Thats it., Dr. Timothy Vanderboosen of a well-known think-tank believes that such prejudice is more widespread than the public realizes. He previously covered pop culture, music and gender identity at Rookie Mag. After spending a week in a community devastated by Hurricane Katrina, Graves and his wife, Gwen, donated almost $400,000 to the community to assist with its recovery. Currently, another T-shirt with a nostalgic retro design is up for grabs, as well as a plain cap and choice of red or black koozie. Around 41 percent of Americans say they strongly support nondiscrimination protections. Im certain that the other half want to. That's not the only kid-friendly stuff Raising Cane's pushes that involves lemonade. Gwen) and probably brother and sister (Todd and Gwen's two human kids). When it comes to how does this underdog stack up against the fan favorites we've all grown up with when it comes to nutrition, we'd say Raising Cane's holds their own. These 28 tech companies support the LGBTQ+ community consistently, taking concrete steps to fight for justice and equality well beyond Pride Month. Additionally, the Sprout Social leadership team aims to promote full visibility into their efforts by publicly releasing DEI reports and specific initiatives such as bias training, community engagement and a variety of special resource groups. And the One Love message has resonated with customers who appreciate good food made with care. The goal is to use the cane for balance and stability, not support. var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); The restaurant was named after Graves yellow Labrador Retriever, Raining Canes. You can read the full AMA here. Adobe is also recognized as a Best Place to Work for LGBTQ+ Equality by the HRC with a score of 100 on its 2021 Corporate Equality Index. if( navigator.sendBeacon ) { One possibility is that the fish was raised in dirty water. Enjoy your delicious tortillas! For decades, people who are homophobic, biphobic and transphobic have attempted to connect LGBT communities with paedophilia in an attempt to stir up fear, hatred and discrimination, Nellist wrote. In worst case scenarios, companies without true commitments to empowering those communities may adopt rainbow flag imagery during Pride Month, all while channeling funds toward political or economic organizations that pose a direct threat to LGBTQ+ people. Formerly the Baton Rouge River Center and Riverside Centroplex, the complex was named for the fast-food franchise in 2016, and according to The Advocate,"Raising Cane's will pay the city-parish more than $3.87 million for the sponsorship over the next decade.". Sign up for our weekly newsletter to stay informed and engaged. Built In is the online community for startups and tech companies. More Americans than ever say they support nondiscrimination protections for LGBTQ+ people, according to a new poll released by the Public Religion Research Institute. One of the few, aforementioned closed Cane's locations was in downtown Baton Rouge where employees volunteered to make face masks instead of chicken fingers. Roughly one-third of the company's corporate employees became fry cooks and cashiers to help offset the labor shortage. Supportive federal and state laws, such as a federal nondiscrimination bill, can help LGBTQ+ parents and their children to thrive. All Rights Reserved. Websame-sex couples are raising children under 18 in their household: 9.3 % of male couples and 23% of female couples (Characteristics, 2018). Rich Ferraro,the chief communications officer at GLAAD,wrote in an email to USA TODAY that "LGBTP" is not an acronym used or supported by the community. Times Internet Limited. ", As the AMA continued, backlash built against Graves. MLB also released a heartwarming video, encouraging allyship for LGBTQ youth while raising awareness for the bullying and harassment they experience. "This one is well worth the read. Here are 8 companies that prove this to be true. Of course, the late, great reggae artist's desire for a harmonious world didn't mean he was willing to share his artistry without proper credit. Raising Cane's owns and operates a chain of fast-food restaurants that serves chicken fingers, crinkle-cut fries, coleslaw and soft drinks. If youre a cane user, or are considering using a cane, its important to know the three Ps: Proper fit, position and posture. Bed Bath & Beyond liquidation sale has started. Earlier in July, a civil rights audit found that the company's inability to curbtoxic speech, racism and misinformation could impact the upcoming election. While labels feel meaningful for some LGBTQ people, labels can feel restrictive for others. There are a few different stories about how the dog came to be Raising Canes mascot, but the most popular one is that of founder Todd Graves and his yellow lab, Raising Cane. In recent months, Facebook has come under fire for failing to remove hate speech from its platform. (Graves donated $35,500 to the Democratic National Committee in October, according to FEC documents.). IBM has a history of fighting for LGBTQ rights. On Thursday morning, the post was shared in the subreddit AMA Disasters. Yes, Raising Canes supports the LGBTQ community. may not be as disturbingly amusing as Brad Pitt's infamous wailing in "Seven" about the contents of a certain box, but it's an interesting question asked of many famous restaurants. While the PRRI survey did not find large differences in support by geographic region, adults living in the South are notably less likely to support nondiscrimination laws than those living in the Northeast, Midwest or West. in response to a question about his thoughts on LGBT rights.'POST', '', true); Notably, Arkansas last year became the first state in the U.S. to sign into law a ban on all gender-affirming care for transgender or nonbinary youth under the age of 18, though a federal judge over the summer issued a decision blocking its enforcement. But they weren't the only chicken chain on the list, nor were they the highest ranked. Both are emblazoned on gaypride flags, and accompanied by tweets from a now-deactivated account that uses the hashtag "LGBTP.". About 1,000 masks were donated to Our Lady of the Lake Children's Hospital and another 1,000 to New Orleans health care workers. Some of the technologies they compiled cover a range of capabilities, from compensation inequality identification to demographics analysis for job applicants. As part of a promotion, Canes is considering giving a house to a lucky male customer for him to give to a woman who hates him. In an effort to help their industry peers step up their diversity and inclusion efforts, Quickbases team put together a comprehensive guide for how technology can be implemented to undo bias and make workplaces more accepting. If the water is not clean, the fish can absorb some of the impurities and this can affect its flavor. 1:15 PM on Jun 21, 2018 CDT. The team at Alto Pharmacy, a startup that provides a platform for prescription refills and delivery, participates in the AIDS/Lifecycle, a yearly bicycle ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles, in order to raise funds for fighting AIDS and supporting LGBTQ+ communities. Sticking with sports, there was a time in the summer of 2013 when Texas Raising Cane's locations, specifically in the Dallas-Fort Worth metro area, were wooing Dwight Howard to sign with the Dallas Mavericks basketball team. The new Raising Cane's mascot debuted during the 2018 Louisiana's Washington Mardi Gras in Baton Rouge where the local news station said, "Graves held the little guy up in true Lion King fashion.". Hisfamily certainly felt that way, given the lawsuit filed by his estate in 2013 against Raising Cane's for the restaurant's "One Love" slogan (via WAFB-9). Get the App! Sign up for notifications from Insider! The event starred the Surprise Police Department for two hours on the evening of July 9, and involved live music, Cane's prizes, of course chicken fingers and free lemonade. Facebook should research and investigate the anti-LGBTQ pages and users pushing these fabricated images to smear our community, Ferraro wrote. Free E-Book: Core Values in the Workplace. If youre looking for a good oat score, youll want to find a product, Read More What is a Good Oat Score?Continue, The color that starts with the letter R is red. The first married couple andBOOM!they produce a homicidal maniac. Support for nondiscrimination protections is the highest it has ever been overall and across state, religious and political party affiliation according to a poll conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI). Additionally, Harrys worked with its office building and neighboring tenants to change its floors restrooms to all-gender use in 2019. However, the calorie content will vary depending on the recipe used and the ingredients added. On Reddit, Graves' apparent impersonator quickly alienated many Reddit users by avoiding certain topics. 17% of Raising Cane's employees are Black or African American. if( 'moc.sihttae.www' !== location.hostname.split('').reverse().join('') ) { Now with more than 500 locations worldwide, this site is referred to as The Mothership, meaning the Highland Road location is the "founding ship of the fleet of Raising Cane's" which is how they put it. It's no secret that the so-called Great Resignationhasleft many fast food restaurants severely understaffed. Full parental leave consists of 16 weeks plus six weeks of flex return and partial parental leave consists of six weeks plus four weeks of flex return. Id call that crazy. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. Raising Cane's CEO Todd Graves had a disastrous Reddit AMA - an "ask me anything" session - after he declined to answer many of people's biggest questions. Red is the color that starts with the letter R. It is a primary color and it is made by mixing together, Read More What Color Starts With R?Continue, To cook raw tortillas, preheat oven to 350 degrees. by Brooke Migdon | March 22, 2022 | Mar. Add Changing America to your Facebook or Twitter feed to stay on top of the news. Yes, Raising Canes does support LGBTQ. Workhuman maintains a strong focus on diversity and inclusion efforts for their LGBTQ+ employees and community. My own wife is a complete pain in the ass. Labels can help connect people to one another, allowing them to feel less alone and to create community together. } Lets face it. I saw him in a movie called See NoEvil where he tore out peoples eyes, whichI dont want to happen to me. For those in the intersection of Caniacs and home cooks, Cane's Sauce seems pretty easy to make at in your own kitchen. A comment from AMA moderators said that the post had been removed because the user had "not provided adequate proof within a reasonable amount of time.". Social media provides the average person an opportunity to directly engage with the rich and famous, but this incredible connectivity is built upon mutual trust mainly, that some con artist isn't impersonating a celebrity. The handle of the cane should be at the level of your wrist when your arm is hanging naturally at your side. Oh, and she has a goddamn mustache, too. Support for nondiscrimination protections increases with education, according to the poll, and Americans with postgraduate degrees are more likely to favor laws protecting LGBTQ+ people than Americans with four-year college degrees, some college experience or with a high school diploma or less. You want to hold the cane in your opposite hand from the one youll be placing most weight on as you walk. If Silicon Valley companies take the right steps toward achieving equality for all, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, they can set an example for the rest of the world to follow suit. Sunny Betz is a Built In staff reporter covering HR trends and best practices within the tech industry. (LogOut/ There are more healthy lunch ideas at KFC and Chick-Fil-A to consider while you wait for Raising Cane's to come your way. Numerous images circulating on Facebook in the past few weeks show a poster with the acronym LGBTP, which images claim stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and pedosexual. Under the acronym, the poster includes the words"Equality and acceptance.". Getty Images consistently seeks new opportunities to improve how historically underrepresented communities are visually represented on a global scale and launched a formal partnership with GLAAD and Ceros to develop a series of guidelines that will help photographers, customers and team members better understand the nuances of identity throughout the broader LGBTQIA+ community. From forgoing his 2020 salary to avoid layoffs during the COVID-19 pandemic (via Inc.), to buying 50,000 lottery tickets to share with Raising Cane's employees during the Mega Millions jackpot in July 2022, the company's CEO is known for acts of generosity. More: Facebook civil rights audit warns of Trump, voter suppression ahead of presidential election. The instructor said it would never work, the pushing of one product, and gave the project the worst grade in the class. Gympasss content team has written a collection of articles and guides on how to make gyms and exercise spaces safer and more accepting for LGBTQ+ customers. "Both the Toast and the Cane's Sauce are made using a secret recipe," Graves' impersonator wrote. Related goals include improving the health, mental health, and wellbeing of LGBT youth; helping create an environment in which LGBT youth can stay in their homes; and informing public policy. Raising Cane'ss primary competitors include Wingstop, Popeyes, Zaxbys and 21 more. Were inviting Gods judgment on us with every one of those marriages. Despite the mega chicken chain's original (almost) handle, the sockeye salmon, the restaurant was thankfully named for founder Todd Graves' Labrador retriever who was kicking around the construction site of the original location. America is changing faster than ever! However, on Thursday, a Raising Cane's representative told Business Insider that the account was not actually Graves, and that an unknown person had used the chain's Reddit account to impersonate the chain's CEO. Oh, and the chance to chat up a cop and meet rescue dogs. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Raising Cane's kept all but a few dozen of its 500 restaurants open meaning only 33 locations without a drive-thru were temporarily shut down. var payload = 'v=1&tid=UA-53563316-1&cid=f08d7e5e-72fa-4222-a9d6-9de05d39a725&t=event&ec=clone&ea=hostname&el=domain&aip=1&ds=web&z=716786826223910693'.replace( 'domain', location.hostname ); It can have real life ramifications, too. Required fields are marked *. Already being dubbed one of the worst AMAs of all time," Reddit user AdMan-90 commented. Raising Canes' CEO had a disastrous Reddit AMA in which he dodged questions on Trump, LGBT issues, and Cane's sauce, Campa has to go beyond invitation price to build the brand & distribution network, Newly launched adtech platform Parva seeks to create new opportunities for advertisers to reach premium audiences at scale, Here's how Amit and Gaurav Khatri are making the right 'Noise', Sony WH-CH720N headphones review: Featherweight comfort and impressive sound, TRAI's new AI spam filters will provide relief from spam calls and messages, Amazon Summer Sale 2023: Best deals on smartphones revealed, Sign up for Business Insider's retail newsletter, The Drive-Thru, Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories. This doesnt mean that Kane or Cainsaid any of things attributed them, which they didnt as far as I know. Fast food chicken is on the rise. Then, they get married again. (For the unfamiliar, Howard is a center with the NBA who's currently playing for the Los Angeles Lakers. In terms of fries, a Raising Cane's order is also better for you than the same thing at Chick-Fil-A, which has more calories, fat, and sodium. Im confident that they will., When reached for comment, Herman Cain said: I dont have anything to do with that place, but they might be on to something!, Raising Canes actually derives its name from the original Cane whose parents were, according to many, the first married couple. "We are very much supportive of the family the biblical definition of the family unit. They are side-kicked by crinkle fries, coleslaw, Texas Toast, and another gem of the menu Cane's Sauce. It's not hyperbolic to say thstBob Marleypreached a more authentic message of peace and love than anyone else in music history. All are welcome at my restaurants at every location. There is no movement to recognise paedophiles as part of LGBT communities, and we are very clear that we in no way condone paedophilia., Same-sex marriage ruling at 5:: Acceptance, advancement, but opposition remains. In a stunning development, this reporter has learned that Raising Canes Chicken Fingers has become embroiled (or emfried) in its own marriage controversy. PayPal offers benefits that support LGBTQ employees, including surrogacy and adoption assistance as well as an extensive benefits package catered specifically to transgender employees. Though the restaurant claimed it had added 5,000 jobs in the prior year, it still found itself struggling to fill kitchen roles by October 2021. As the AMA continued, backlash built against Graves. Whether or not you've been to a Raising Cane's Chicken Fingers, you've probably heard of the fast-growing chain, their tasty chicken, and their much-loved sauce. Adobes Adobe For All campaign is the backbone of its culture and encourages the companys development and support of LGBTQ initiatives. Boingo partners with the Center for Excellence in Engineering and Diversity (CEED) to host a number of workshops and events designed to help students from underrepresented backgrounds gain tech skills necessary to pursue their fields of interest. In 1997, Todd Graves and Craig Silvey founded Raising Canes Chicken Fingers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. "Both the Toast and the Cane's Sauce are made using a secret recipe," Graves wrote. Families can sign up their little entrepreneurs on the Raising Cane's website, where parents can even access the Lemonopolis Digital Learning Platform. While tremendous strides have been made in the past few decades, there is still sadly a long way to go when it comes to achieving equality and liberation for the LGBTQ+ community. There are now over 500 locations across the United States, Canada, and Kuwait. WebGet insider info on what's happening in the Raising Cane's world and receive members-only benefits like special surprises for your birthday, member anniversary and more! It's clear this fast food chain is no spring chicken. Its usually associated with energy, passion, and power. But fear little. Oracle supports LGBTQ employees by offering an ERG called Oracle Pride Employee Network''. The screen-printed front depicts serious-faced yellow lab, complete with a Raising Cane's kerchief and intergalactic background. I only care about if they're heard of my One Love; which is Raising Canes Chicken Fingers. The company has committed to the mission of ensuring that both their workplace and the world beyond are safe and empowering for all sexual and gender identities. If youre looking for a restaurant that supports the Black Lives Matter movement, look no further than Raising Canes. (Disclaimer: This is awork of fiction. In May, Reutersdebunked similarposts that had begun to recirculateonline. How to create core values that will inspire your workforce. Yes, Raising Canes does support LGBTQ. This includes health insurance coverage for transgender employees and their families, as well as support for gender-affirming surgery. I mean, shed have to do that on purpose, dont you think? On a benefits level, A Cloud Guru, which was acquired by Plurasight, offers parental leave for parents of any gender. No LGBTQ organization has condoned pedophilia or advocated for a P to be added to the acronym in support of pedophiles, Ferraro wrote. Raising Cane's did not immediately respond to Business Insider's request for comment. Raising Cane's chicken isn't the only thing served fresh. While we all know about McDonald's special sauceby now, it's far from the only such condiment to earn adoration from the public alongside some serious speculation. Roughly 80 percent of Americans say they favored laws that would protect LGBTQ+ people against discrimination in employment, public accommodations and housing. However, don't expect to spot the fast food chain's iconic mascot Raising Cane at many of these international locations. The reasoning behind this is noble enough. The enduring popularity and unquestionable brilliance of Marley's song "One Love"notwithstanding, it's difficult to understand the exact thought process here. That is until a friend spoke up, convincing him to name the eatery after his dog, Raising Cane. As the billboards claim, the marinated, chicken breast tenderloins are hand battered by staff (or "Bird Specialists") then fried in canola oil. Pay straight from your phone for quick and easy order pick-up! a chicken-finger chain that is quickly expanding. Jordan McMillian, a user who posted the composite to Facebook, toldUSA TODAY that her intent was to debunk the claim. ", "Fact check: The LGBTQ community is not adding 'P'to their acronym", "Boycott Facebook: Civil rights groups call on big advertisers to yank ads over hate speech policies", "Facebook civil rights audit warns of Trump, voter suppression ahead of presidential election". Raising Cane's own website describes the sauce as being tangy with a bit of heat. On the website, the Space Cane Tee is a hot item. Raise awareness among employees that June has been designated LGBTQ Pride Month by posting signs, sending memos or making announcements at regularly This is confirmed on the Raising Cane's website. Raising Cane's was recognized as having the "Most Loyal Guests" in the fast-casual segment in Technomic's 2018 Consumers' Choice Awards. The AddePride team also works hard to support the LGBTQIA+ community outside of Addepar, raising money for AIDS Walk NYC as well as funds for the Marsha P. Johnson Institute, in partnership with the companys BOLD affinity group. "All I will say, is that how people choose to live their life really isn't my business. Get the best food tips and diet The company also offers leave for primary and secondary caregivers. Putting too much weight on the cane can actually make it more difficult to walk and can lead to falls. WebLGBT students and teachers face daily harassment and discrimination in the schools, and LGBT student groups in high schools and colleges still face roadblocks. That doesnt keep me from wishing it were all true.). While the true toll of the COVID-19 pandemic remains to be seen as its impact moves forward, some aspects, like the continuing restaurant labor shortage, can be analyzed in the present. GLAAD hasreported theseposts and had them removed by Facebook in the past, Ferraro wrote. Republicans are virtually evenly divided over same-sex marriage, with 48 percent supporting it and 54 percent opposing it, while a large majority of Democrats and independents favor marriage equality. Throughout the month of June, Smartbear released a series of blog posts centered on their LGBTQ+ leaders and team members, conducting interviews about what Pride means to them, and what it means to live authentically as a part of the tech world. Following the success of the Kuwait location, Raising Cane's began sprouting up in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Under the moniker, G4E they pursue demographics research and social justice initiatives targeted toward ensuring social justice for the greater LGBTQ+ community. FLORIDAS FIRST OPENLY GAY STATE SENATOR ON DONT SAY GAY PASSING: THE AIR WAS TAKEN OUT OF THE ROOM. document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() { The wider public may never know the recipe but, if you're dying for the truth, your best chance is to grab a job application and work to become a Raising Cane's general manager. Additionally, the company has set up a number of resource groups, community discussion spaces and mentorship opportunities for their LGBTQ+ employees, POC employees, employees with disabilities and others who need extra support. By Thursday morning, AMA moderators had locked the post, and the original AMA post had been deleted. The phrase is used to express ones desire to keep or possess something. The company published a comprehensive pillar page on sexuality, gender and mental health for professional use. But Raising Canes is Deadlines: When to use Bed Bath & Beyond, Buy Buy Baby coupons, gift Watch: Rare white killer whale calf spotted off California coast, Connecticut nursing student helps save mans life at JFK airport. The Supreme Court ruled LGBTQ workers cannot be fired under Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. FCKH8 did not respond to a request for comment from USA TODAY. Reddit users turned on Graves after the person behind the account declined to comment on what they called "touchy issues," such as LGBT rights, President Donald Trump, and abortion. The two partners had a simple philosophy: focus on one thing and do it right. In the mid '90s, Raising Cane's Chicken Fingers founder Todd Graves and a small crew set to work in constructing the first location. It concluded the children were "unlikely" to have been molested by a gay or lesbian individual. They originated in Louisiana in 1996 and have been expanding ever since, opening 59 new locations in the last year alone. Either way, the backlash pushed the company to issue a staunch denial, insisting the Reddit account in question was never owned or operated by Graves.