Related: Does Daredevil's MCU Show Mean Other Marvel Netflix Series Will Return? Daredevil launches with a few new key characters, including none other thank Frank Castle. He's a former Marine and a stone-cold killer, a rather difficult anti-hero character to sell to audiences. Jeri Hogarth gets sick and leaves Hogarth, Chao & Benowitz to start her own firm in "Jessica Jones" Season 2. What is at the core of this rivalry? Still, Castle says Daredevil is just one bad day away from becoming like the Punisher. They couldnt kill off The Joker because The Joker was too popular. In the finale ("A Cold Day in Hell's Kitchen"), Page was kidnapped. Josh Davison is a list writer for CBR, The Gamer, and Game Rant. They both operate in New York primarily, and they frequent the seediest parts of the city. We can also see that it is after the events of AoS S1 because there is a newspaper that has the headline 'Cybertek Settles', referring to the finale of that season. And sure enough, The Punisher premiered in 2017. This means heading into Daredevil Season 3, Foggy's place of employment is still relatively unclear. Find him sharing cool comic art and cute animals on Twitter, @joshdavisonbolt, Daredevil: 10 Things About Make No Sense About Elektra In Marvel Comics, 10 Worst Things Daredevil Ever Did, Ranked, 10 Things Marvel Fans Didn't Know Daredevil Can Do With His Powers. "I think as a man that swore off caring about anything besides his mission and completing it, I think he started to care about her, her well-being, and her opinion," he said. So, The Punisher has landed. However, theres one hint that confirmthe events inPunisherhappen a few months afterThe Defenders Karen Page. In the series premiere of The Punisher, fans meet back up with Frank presumably shortly after Daredevil season 2 ended, with him hunting down criminals in rural Alabama, killing a man in Juarez, Mexico from El Paso, USA, and confronting another in the bathroom at JFK International Airport in New York City. We can assume it is sometime before Age of Ultron, because otherwise Foggy's joke about robots taking over would be really insensitive and mean. The day after his return, he took them to Central Park for a picnic where they were caught in the middle of a shoot-out between the Kitchen Irish, the Dogs of Hell, and the Mexican Cartel. Billy Arrowsmith is a senior editor & administrator on several Wikia sites including the DC Comics Database, the Marvel Database, and the Valiant Comics Database. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The universe also introduced Punisher (Jon Bernthal) who eventually received his own series as well. Daredevil was amazing, and the fight scenes were really impressive.and then Punisher showed up and started ending people in seconds and the ten minute per henchman battles really started to drag. Trump's latest attack addresses DeSantis' overseas trips to the U.K., Israel, Florida's Covid-19 record, and polling support for the 2024 Presidential race. However, he largely wants to see Daredevil stick to the path he's already chosen. The final part of the Punisher's story in season 2 of Daredevil sees him on the hunt for the Blacksmith. Reply Killing isn't just an easy way to deal with the scum of the world; it's part of his philosophy. He has a terminal obsession with the Thunderbolts, the Winter Soldier, Luke Cage, and Hawkman. Despite Frank Castle ostensibly being a side character in Daredevil's story, much of season 2 of the latter character's show is built around him. The actor told Entertainment Weekly at San Diego Comic-Con how he believes the Punisher has changed since the last time audiences saw him. However, Matt has never put the Punisher away for good, and Frank has never killed Daredevil. He does not believe in redemption and does not consider himself a hero. Matt's always tried to keep Daredevil apart from Matt Murdock, and he's never been much one for teams--even if he has teamed up with the likes of Spider-Man, Luke Cage, andIron Fistmany times. So Daredevil's producers decided to make Castle the prominent "big bad" figure in most of Season 2 to flesh out his character, despite Daredevil's main villain being Wilson Fisk in Seasons 1 and 3. As the Daredevil season 3 trailer teased, he's decided it's time to "let the devil out." The last two seasons have really centered on Matt's battle with the urge to fight and even to kill; Daredevil's refusal to take a life was one of the main causes of conflict between Matt and his old mentor, Stick. Were not sure yet how the relationship between Frank Castle and Matt Murdock will play out going forward, but there are a lot of interesting placesit could go if the MCU continues to explore it, and we hope it was interesting for you reading aboutsome of them. Perhaps he wishes to continue being in hiding? Finally,Iron Fistseason 2 is expected in 2019. With that in mind, there is definitely something more going on than just a difference of opinions on how to fight crime. This brings us to. The two briefly brawl before the Kingpin lays out his offer for Castle: he's going to help him get out of jail. In his earliest comics, Batman was a stone-cold killer. Although most of the hour focused on flashbacks to Murdock's past with Elektra and her arrival in New York City, Castle wasn't far from anyone's thoughts. So when does Daredevil Season 3 take place? Fundamentally, The Punisher has a lot of respect for Daredevil and what he does. Throughout the night he repeatedly tricked them by doing things like getting them to fight each other, and eventually releasing the freakin Hulk on them. A subreddit dedicated to the Marvel Cinematic Universe! Join our Fan Contributor Programand share your voice on! Castle and Daredevil even team-up once again, trying to take down one of the Blacksmith's drug shipments. When the second season opened, Castles crime scenes were investigated by Daredevil, and defended by Matt Murdocks law firm. When Matt Murdock wassuspected of being Daredeviland put in prison alongside his worst enemies, The Punisher killed a pimp in front of a cop just to get arrested. The series will see The Punisher take on Jigsaw, who was disfigured in the first season of the. No major spoilers please .. but Im 5 episodes into the Punisher and I love that Karen is playing a considerable role in the series Im just curious if its taking place before the events of the Defenders or after?? This fight youve picked wastes everybodys time. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. He is very hard-working and funny and handsome and you should hire him. "If you watched Defenders, you know why Matt isnt in her life and Foggy really isnt in her life.". There's what appears to be a kind of fantasy or dream sequence involving his family tragedy, and an update as to his current status. Up next for Marvel on Netflix isJessica Jonesseason 2! What's more, it also established his relationship with Karen Page, who will be along for the ride in The Punisher. Then, were hoping forDefenders2, but that has yet to be announced. Upon completing The Punisher season one and the second seasons of both Jessica Jones and Luke Cage, you can then finish Matt Murdock's journey with season three. The Marvel Netflix shows ended when all of them were canceled in 2019. He's seen how committed Matt is to his own version of the same mission, anddefinitely doesn't want to see Daredevil retire. When he does, Castle will have played a role in helping the Kingpin rise to power. Unlike most superheroes who have some kind of code against killing, the Punisher does not arrest criminals or attempt to rehabilitate them. But as the interview went on, Schoonover revealed under her questioning that he was the season's *real* main antagonist, the Blacksmith, who had been setting up Castle to take the fall for his crimes the whole time. This past weekend, our dreams came true with the release of Marvels The Punisher. While it might seem tempting to watch them out of order, binge the seasons of a particular character, or skip a character, this will have a negative impact on the viewing experience. Theyve beaten each other half to death and saved each others lives a dozen times since, but its all right there. 1. Frank Castle may have been introduced in Daredevil Season 2 as a client for a distracted Matt Murdock, but Marvel comics readers and film audiences know the character as a stand-alone entity. Captain America, the Avengers, and even Spider-Man have expressed that they completely detest the Punisher. The final part of the Punisher's story in season 2 of Daredevil sees him on the hunt for the Blacksmith. Foggy Nelson appeared in Jessica Jones Season 2, which appears to take place at least a couple months or so after The Defenders, as Jessica Jones mentions Matt Murdock's death. It's while recovering in the hospital and awaiting trial that Castle meets Murdock outside of the mask when he and Foggy show up to represent him. Although neither of them knew it at first, Murdock was already dealing with his fellow vigilante as a potential client. Castle has his weapons and gadgets, but Murdock is a vastly superior fighter and also has heightened sense. Not only did the case consume his night work, but also his day job. Youre left with two choices. Moreover, consistent with Matt Murdock's MCU appearances, it's been confirmed that MCU Phase 5's Daredevil: Born Again will not be Daredevil season 4. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Matt has also had his life ripped to pieces on the regular and has watched numerous girlfriends figuratively and literally torn apart by the world. It seems likely it takes place at least two or three months after The Defenders. It could be anyone he decided to take the anger inside him out on. Its a constant talking point that The Punisher doesnt actually make any sort of meaningful difference or cause a drop in the crime rate which, again, is insane. Everything changed because of The Joker. Moreover, his time offscreen wasn't spent idle either; he was prepping for the second half of the series. Castle kills Schoonover and takes over his armory, including a bulletproof vest that he spraypaints a skull on. After catching up on the first seasons of Luke Cage and Iron Fist, you should then check out The Defenders miniseries. Only a few things could use a little context, so here are some events and characters from Daredevil Season 2 that might figure into The Punisher. While many of Punisher's stories in the comics are simple about him hunting down and killing various criminals, his role in the MCU has been far more nuanced. We can tell this because of Karen's general state of sadness in her scenes. They are a relic of another age before Disney was doing. Butwhile Season 2 ofDaredevilarguably raised more questions than it answered about The Punishersassociation withthe masked vigilante he calls Red, The Punisher refuses to fill in the gaps. Frank watched his family die in front of him, and Matt never knew his mom and lost both his dad and his eyesight at a relatively young age. Did you know that he'd just gotten back from serving in Afghanistan? Daredevil and the Punisher have a long and bitter rivalry in Marvel Comics. When he didn't show, the rival gangs lost their nerve and began shooting. The Punisher is Frank Castle, originally a Vietnam veteran who became a vigilante after his wife and children were killed by gangsters. The problem is that The Punishers uncompromising nature just doesnt work well with other superheroes, or a superhero universe in general. Famously, when a girl once asked the Punisher why he kills bad people, to see if he wanted to make the world a better place, he simply responded, I hate them. The Punisher is generally regarded to be just as bad, if not worse, than most of the people he kills. The biggest and most obvious reason for what takes place between Frank and Matt is the difference in approach to fighting crime. With his dying words, Matt reminds Frank: Theres always someone under the mask.Having reached the end of his list, and possibly realizing the horrors hes inflicted on otherwise good people, Castle kills the last superhero by taking his own life. To wrap up this article I thought it would be interesting to go through some of the highlightmomentsof Daredevil and Punishers relationship. (She's also one of Matt's many love interests.) Their ideals are the antitheses of each other. Castle's crusade nearly gets him killed by one of his targets in the Kitchen Irish, but Daredevil steps in to help. The Marvel Netflix Universe is expanding once again to include a Daredevil spinoff for Jon Bernthal's version of Frank Castle. Marvel's Daredevil and the Punisher have always had a friendly rivalry that some fans don't get. Fisk, it seems, is more than happy to let the Punisher continue to wipe out his rivals. Hoping to write an expos on Castle's innocence for the New York Bulletin, Page interviewed his old former Marine commander, Ray Schoonover. While fans were worried it meant the Punisher wouldn't be able to lead his own series, he effectively co-starred alongside the Devil of Hell's Kitchen in a story that explored the two vigilantes' motives and morals. The Punisher is Frank Castle, originally a Vietnam veteran who became a vigilante after his wife and children were killed by gangsters. Privacy Policy. But feel free to skip the ninja bullshit. However, Hawkeye saw a return appearance of Vincent DOnofrio as Wilson Fisk, a.k.a. We're breaking it down (as much as we can before the season releases). Afterthe characters impactful introduction in Daredevil Season 2, Frank Castle was granted his very own standalone series. He is an angry man who wants to hurt. All the actors involved were not allowed to appear in a non-Netflix Marvel production for two years after the cancellation. But then, in Episode 7 ("Semper Fidelis"), when Elektra's meddling screwed up Murdock's opening defense statement in Castle's trial, it seemed like their client would stop cooperating. They are a pair of extremes. It can be a chore to figure out exactly how to watch The Defenders, and other Marvel Netflix shows like Daredevil in order. He simply punishes them. He does know what it's like to take a life, but he is thoroughly against doing it. Let this be an end to it. Frank told Daredevil that arresting him would accomplish nothing, since locking him in prison would just surround him with more criminals to kill. An interview with Deborah Ann Woll at Bustleconfirms this: The big thing that stood out to me at the beginning ofPunisheris that shes totally alone. However, Matt has never put the Punisher away for good, and Frank has never killed Daredevil. Timeline Explained. The classy lady is set to return sometime before summer of 2018. It's the elephant in the room that underscores all of Karen's interactions with Frank during The Punisher.She lost Matt, she's not gonna lose someone else that she cares about deeply. The Defenders was originally a project by Marvel Television created for Netflix Originals. Scan this QR code to download the app now. The Joker. Castle's and Murdock's actions are continually played against one another, with both men arguing over the right way to fight the war on crime. While each one breaks the law in their pursuit of justice, Castle's version looks more like revenge. For fans of the comics, the Punisher laying waste to gangs is nothing new, but Daredevil put a slight twist on things as it brought the character into the MCU. Murdock pleads with Castle to respectthe legal system, but ultimately ends up pulling the trigger. Maybe there's more to his military past than meets the eye. They can see how the other operates and have almost certainly longed for it at some point or another. Daredevil is a character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.Created by writer-editor Stan Lee and artist Bill Everett, with an unspecified amount of input from Jack Kirby, the character first appeared in Daredevil #1 (April 1964). Daredevil season 2 portrayed him as a broken person willing to do anything in his quest for revenge. Daredevil has an even stricter no-killing policy than most Avengers. Unlike most superheroes who have some kind of code against killing, the Punisher does not arrest criminals or attempt to rehabilitate them. Its a finite number he would eventually hit the end of. The characters of Daredevil (Charlie Cox), Jessica Jones (Krysten Ritter), Luke Cage (Mike Colter), and Iron Fist (Finn Jones) all received their own series to set up the characters . "At this point she has no friends. Seeing an opportunity to send a killer to take out Matt Murdock, he worked to get Castle out of jail so he could be an asset on the outside. Miller is also known as the man who decided to make Daredevil into a Catholic, famously reasoning, I figured Daredevil must be Catholic because only a Catholic could be both an attorney and a vigilante.. After heading to Rikers, Castle comes face to face with Wilson Fisk, who has been slowly building up his power base inside the prison since Daredevil season 1 ended. It also allowed Marvel and Netflix to test a new version of the character after three successive Punisher movies failed to make much of an impact at the box office. Episode 5, "Kinbaku," (the introduction of Elektra Natchios, Matt Murdock's love interest for the season) is the only one in which he didn't appear. He simply punishes them. Before doing anything else, even via flashbacks, the series has to explain how Matt Murdock survived after a skyscraper collapsed on him in The Defenders. he and Matt Murdock have that in common. In Jessica Jones Season 2, Jeri Hogarth dissolves her old law firm Hogarth, Chao & Benowitz and starts a new one: Hogarth & Associates. Jessica Jones season 1 introduces Luke Cage, while Daredevil season 2 provides The Punishers story. However, there is something more going on here. It's during the build-up to the trial and the event itself that we begin to realize that there was more to the mob fight and the killing of Frank's family. In fact, Daredevil isnt in the series at all. So when Frank The Punisher Castle began showing up in Daredevil episodes, it was only a matter of time before hed get his own show. He's a well-drawn character and it's pretty easy to figure out what he's about. Castle ultimately doesnt care about whether hes saving lives, or making the world a better place. The Punisher Vs. To understand Daredevil, you have to know that Matt Murdock is a Catholic. Mixed developments have made it wholly unclear whether the Defenders' shows are considered canon in the MCU. Its simple. "Karens a real isolated person in New York," Woll says. (Spoilers for The Defenders Season 1! Luke Cage, for example, had a considerable run on Jessica Jones before his own series arrived a year later. Daredevil Season 3 arrives on Netflix Oct. 19. Murdock happened to be a promising young law student when he lost his father, Castle happened to be a traumatized ex-soldier. Nor does it give answers to how long it had been until he woke up in bandages calling for Sister Maggie (as seen in the final scene of The Defenders.) Things eventually fall apart, however, when Castle gets word that someone inside Rikers Island has information on the man who killed his family. "Doctor Strange" technically takes place before and after "Civil War." Some suggest it's good to watch "Ant Man and the Wasp" in between "Infinity War" and "Endgame," which can certainly be done as the events of the sequel technically take place between both films. This means she was still coping with the death of Matt Murdock, who was still assumed dead by this point. While some of the Marvel heroes brought to life on Netflix have launched within their own series, that's not always the approach. That, however, is only the beginning of the character's story. Faefyx Collington (They/Them) is the Perennial Beat Editor and a writer for Screen Rant. RELATED: 10 Worst Things Daredevil Ever Did, Ranked. Honestly, you're good. Frank then reminded him that there was only onerealway to stop The Punisher, and Daredevil knew what it was. The new series will naturally reiterate how Frank Castle went from a family man and military vet to a murderous vigilante, but knowing what the character went through in Daredevil will help to flesh out his arc in The Punisher. That's the thing--despite their deep and unshakable convictions, Daredevil and the Punisher are not incapable of self-reflection. Many of Matt's tragedies happened after becoming Daredevil and some even after his first encounter with the Punisher. If you watchedDefenders,you know why Matt isnt in her life and Foggy really isnt in her life, Woll says. So you can sort of choose your level of engagement here, and jump in to the Netflix Marvel universe wherever you want to. The dude has a bodycount in the thousands mowing down faceless mobsters and street thugs, but put him up against someone in a domino mask and suddenly hes tripping over his shoelaces. After his family was killed in a three-way mafia shoot out, he took out all three mafias by himself. He believes that everyone should put their faith in the law regardless of its flaws and unfairness, because without it, everything would be meaningless and there would be no rules, leading to chaos and anarchy. To understand The Punisher, you have to know that Frank Castle is a monster. A former Marine who served in Iraq, Castle returned home and was given one day with his wife and daughter. From what we've seen of The Punisher so far, that was only the beginning of Castle's troubles. Vincent D'Onofrio isn't confirmed to appear in The Punisher, but there's always a chance. While Daredevil's final season didn't release until October, it likely was set before Infinity War 's spring release and even before Ant-Man. For more information, please see our Despite this philosophical distance, Daredevil and the Punisher often run into one another because they worknear one another. Frank was once a family man and remembers what it was like to have anything resembling a normal life--even one has unstable as Matt's. Including Frank Castle in season 2 of Daredevil was actually a cleverway to introduce the character. Bernthal debuted as Frank Castle a.k.a. This means, in addition to being near one another a lot, Frank and Matt get to see each other handle similar situations in opposite ways. Daredevil and the Punisher have come to blows many times, and neither would be sad if they never saw the other again. But then he got a load of what the guy could do. It's not necessary but Daredevil and Punisher talking is some of the best tv I've seen. It's rare for a Marvel show to start with a chyron update that sets it in time, so it's always a bit hard to tell, but this much is clear: The Punisher certainly isn't beginning long before the events of The Avengers like Iron Fist's flashbacks, nor is it taking place parallel to the other origin stories, the way Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and Luke Cage's first seasons all took place generally in the same span of time. Daredevil, by nature, is a lawyer. He's no Avengers regular though. Hell's Kitchen, once upon a time, was considered one of the dirtiest and most crime-ridden parts of the city, and the fictionalized version of it is Daredevil's stomping grounds. These are all things that Americans have demonstrated repeatedly that we do not care about but in superhero comics the possibility that a hero might kill someone will lead to riots in the streets. Every Upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe Movie & TV Show In Development. The Punisher has always had a difficult relationship with the rest of the Marvel Universe. Frankthinks the system is rotted to its very core, and the Punisher is the corrective for it. Did you know that Frank Castle's wife kids were killed in front of him? The above is the Marvel Netflix shows order as originally released. In a way, that allows Matt and Frank to feel some sense of solidarity with one another, even if they will almost certainly come to blows the next time they meet. Matt sees Frank as a tragic victim of corruption, and a lost soul that he desperately wants to reach. I highly recommend watching it. In the end, Frank comes face to face with the Blacksmith, and it turns out to be Ray Schoonover. The biggest central conceit in all of superhero comics isnt that superpowers are possible, or you can lift a giant object by applying pressure to a tiny point, or even that spandex can look something other than ridiculous. By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. The new season picks up right after The Defenders. The Netflix Marvel shows are on Disney+. Everybody should readPunisher MAX because it is the greatest. This was taken to its logical conclusion in the fan-favorite seriesPunisher MAXby Garth Ennis, a Punisher AU where Castle is shown to age in real time and nobody wears costumes.