True. suicide attempt, drug overdose, d. car accident, life-threatening illness, c. Social workers who specialize in crisis management, a. Assess secondary social problems such as health epidemics, displaced persons, b. ****Primary prevention: focusing on implementing preventative measures for reducing and eliminating identified risks before the disaster occurs -The current and predicted weather conditions These workers wait to find out what they need to do. *Also the healing phase: reconstruction or rehabilitation optimally restores the community to predisaster conditions (secondary and tertiary prevention: may taken days, months, years, depending on the nature of the disaster, the response of the community, and the extent of the damages). -Bioterrorism planning All of the following are TRUE about disasters EXCEPT, Disasters frequently result in all of the following EXCEPT. Category A- poses the greatest risk to the public, spreads easily, high mortality rates, high risk to national security due to high transmission rate, EBOLA, botulism, smallpox . -Direct contact (subcutaneous anthrax) Talk to your family about why you need to be prepared for disasters. Shapes public sympathy by the amount and type of coverage, b. Problem-solves obstacles encountered in the delivery of relief, d. Attempts to assign blame related to the cause of the disaster or for failures in response. 3.) Emergency plan, policies and procedures, communication plan, training and testing program. Which of the following best describes the relationship between individual healthcare facilities and NIMS? -Define the nursing roles in the event of a bioterrorist attack -Ability to communicate ER info. The Disaster Plan is compliant with current federal guidelines for disaster planning (National Incident Management System). -Integration of emergency response plans engaged throughout the life cycle of a disaster event, Emergency preparedness and disaster management (EPDM). How much does the store expect to collect? Levels of prevention (focused more on psychological aid): p. 525, *Intentional release of viruses, bacteria, fungi, or toxins from living organisms into the environment for the purposes of causing illness or death. 31, 2014, was as follows: MarketPriceperShare,Dec.31,2014DustDevil,Inc.$40GaleCo.75WhirlwindCo.42\begin{array}{lc} -Triaging: identifying those who have serious versus minor injuries, prioritizing care of victims, and transferring those requiring immediate attention to medical facilities The market price per share for the available-for-sale security portfolio on December -Where people in a hospital or residential facility may be moved to another floor or area within the facility may occur. -Personal responsibilities? An Emergency Plan is developed based on a documented, facility- and community-based risk assessment that utilized an all-hazards approach. OSHA and NOAA are working together on a public education effort aimed at improving the way people prepare for and respond to severe weather. -Evaluation of: the plan and the effectiveness of the plan that was implemented so changes can be made if needed -Monitoring morbidity and mortality -Ex: Small bush fire, Car accident. -red (criticalunstable, requiring immediate intervention) -Make referrals to mental health professionals Box 24-2, p. 537: Bioterrorism and response networks: Networks that support training and response preparedness, *Primary -Identifying PTSD, providing counseling, and making referrals for psychological treatment *Secondary continued: -Current and predicted weather conditions Disaster Preparedness Quiz Answer the following ques ons. -Contamination of food and water supplies with an increased risk of infectious dz -Impact (during) -Don't assume "it won't happen here." 2.) -Collapse of local and regional health care access What is the role of the Joint Information System? -Types and combination of hazards are unique to a community.. *Surveillance is a continual process, and all personnel should be aware of the diseases that may be associated with bioterriorism. Good luck! **Creating ongoing assessment and surveillance reports 5. evaluation Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Community Preparedness, Government has the responsibility to? Counseling is sometimes needed, and those affected begin looking ahead. to partake in critical incident stress debriefing! C (component of disaster response) 1.) -Want to know what worked and didn't, plan for the future. -Creating ongoing assessment and surveillance reports The Foundation does not engage in political campaign activities or communications. answer choices. -Important to self-assess one's level of preparedness should a disaster occur How many different sets of five courses are possible? hb```vC^e`0p,s29::@qH2cSWI50pMdg` a k Before they were transported to a local hospital, emergency medical personnel carried out on-site decontamination in this temporary facility. Floods can be serious catastrophes, and they are one of the most common hazards in the United States. -Just in time training (JITT) during the disaster d. A disaster may have a known and gradual onset, c. Destruction of a population"s homeland, d. Sustained public attention during the recovery phase, b. violent events such as child abuse, domestic abuse, crime, c. psychopathology that triggers a crisis i.e. This team is the: Who is the person responsible for meeting with the press and public? *Identify potential biological agents for bioterrorism -Have the potential for major PH impact d. A clear demarcation of being on or off duty. NIMS includes all of the following EXCEPT: Every healthcare facility should have an EOP. *Survey for and report bioterrorism activity (usually to the state health department) -Activating the disaster management plan Drowning, heat illness and falls also pose hazards, as can encounters with insects, snakes and other wild species native to the impacted areas. Show the ending balances in Accounts Receivable, Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts, and Net Accounts Receivable at December 31. *Disaster response: -Communication during a disaster 2. mitigation -Structured, flexible framework that guides the response to disasters at all levels of governments, private companies, and nongovernmental organizations Victims with a RED tag: Are critical, but may survive if treated immediately, Healthstream Transmission-Based Precautions:, Identifying and Assessing Victims of Child Ab, Health and Human Services (HHS) Section 1557, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses. OSHA provides comprehensive worker safety and health resources for protecting workers from many different hazards associated with storm response and recovery. This practice exam is not timed, and you may take it as many times as you wish. MizzQueenBee. -Stabilization of the community and the return of the disaster area to its previous status DustDevil,Inc.GaleCo.WhirlwindCo.MarketPriceperShare,Dec.31,2014$407542. Floods can be caused by a variety of factors, including a sudden accumulation of rain, rising rivers, tidal surges, ice jams and dam failures. 28 0 obj <> endobj d. A disaster may have a known and gradual onset . **The types and combination of hazards are unique to a community. -Timeline for recovery varies, depending on the type and extent of the disaster. Terrorist attacks Floods can be serious catastrophes and they are one of the most common hazards in the United States. -Smallpox -Flexible and more. -The population threatened -The hazardous material involved Impact: during This structure is the: In a disaster, medical workers often use colored tags for triage. Tasha06lexus. going close to open flames touching metal objects driving vehicles using a phone, Which item is important to include in a disaster preparedness kit? -Providing and coordinating care in shelters Emergencies can create a variety of hazards for workers in the impacted area. *Phases of emotional reaction: (ATI, p. 66) *Future planning is enhanced by analyzing specific aspects of the plan and assessing the effectiveness of the plan in action -Defining the nursing roles in the first priority, second priority, and third priority triage. All disaster responses begin at the local level-all communities must be prepared for emergencies. -community engagement is key to this process. *Healing phase \quad \text { Total } & & \$ 263,700 \\ unless you are a trained volunteer, -Can be easily disseminated or transmitted from person to person Seor Domnguez, el __________ est planeando una __________. The Foundation expressly disclaims any political views or communications published on or accessible from this website. To respond to the sample questions, first enter your first and last names in the boxes below (this information will not be recorded; it is strictly for purposes of identifying your results). Employers are required to protect workers from the anticipated hazards associated with the flood response and recovery operations that workers are likely to conduct. -Effort to prevent identified risks from causing a disaster For additional information on Workers' Rights, Employer Responsibilities, and other services OSHA offers, visit OSHA's Employers Page, Workers Page and Publications. -Nurses should become familiar with disaster phases and their role during an event What does this statement propose about the veil's symbolic meaning? & \text { Dec. 31, 2014 } \\ endstream endobj startxref The Preparedness page provides information on making an evacuation plan, emergency supply kits, and flood watches and warnings. -The number of disasters continues to increase, as does the number of people affected by them. December collections on account were$130,000, and write-offs of uncollectible receivables totaled $2,700. -Submit a plan to improve responses in the future. -The experience of the disaster can have both short- and long-term effects on mental health and functioning, such as dissociation, depression and PTSD. 12 terms. 1.) Question 3. -Physical injuries are more acute than radioactive contamination -Assessment of risk This phase contains unexpected delays in receiving aid. \text { Name } & \text { Number of Shares } & \text { Cost } \\ -Identifying what times of disaster response teams are in place. *Populations are a great risk for disruption following a disaster. The key element most directly addressed is: Disasters are too big for a single agency to manage. b- less threat, danger becasue easily avialable and easily reproduced, high morbidity rates, lower mortality rates, cholera . . -If the er is deemed of significant magnitude that overcomes community (local and state) efforts then Secretary of Homeland Security will initiate the NRF to release resources to local jurisdictions, Adverse health effects after any kind of disaster (Epidemiologic Analysis Report. -Common organizational structure implemented to improve ER response. Each employer is responsible for the safety and health of its workers and for providing a safe and healthful workplace for its workers. -People must leave their homes and go someplace safe. Do they have the means storage/distribution at disaster site? meet the needs of both your residents and staff in the event of a disaster/emergency. Oil spill cleanup workers can face potential hazards from oil byproducts, dispersants, detergents and degreasers. -Skill building for disaster response; know your duties, skill sets. Emergency Preparedness Healthstream. -green (Delayedinjured/ill but not likely to deteriorate) A newly hired public health nurse is familiarizing himself with the levels of disaster management. -Field triage -Triggered when the disaster is beyond the capability of the community (state and local gov't can't manage and asks the fed gov't to help). -Organization of the emergency response teams -Population density 223 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<265D1BEA20CA054B8000FC21BBE6A61E><49272053349966409960FBA8EBB5D78B>]/Index[209 26]/Info 208 0 R/Length 74/Prev 23979/Root 210 0 R/Size 235/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream -Might cause public panic and social disruption, and require special action for public health preparedness *Tertiary Describe the income statement impact from the December 31, 2014, journal entry. Emergency Preparedness and Response. *Isolation: community members must assume responsibility of their own needs until outside help comes Preparing before an emergency incident plays a vital role in ensuring that employers and workers have the necessary equipment, know where to go, and know how to keep themselves safe when an emergency occurs. a. -Box 23-7, p. 518 One part of this EOP describes a process in which all employees report for instruction when a disaster code is activated. flashlight frozen food electric can opener deck of cards, Laila is riding on the subway when a bomb derails the train in what may be . Organize disaster drills. *A prevention process with 2 components: OSHA staff in any affected Region will work in support of the federal response to protect response and recovery workers from a variety of safety and health hazards associated with hurricane and flood cleanup and recovery. *Dos: **Isolation of the community -Radiological dispersion device that uses explosives as well as radioactive materials -Ex: Generators for power failures evacuation plans, land use planning, legislations, insurance. A framework with the goal of prevention as it relates to public health. -Preimpact (before) *Bioterrorism agents: Consider an example of an emergency operations plan (EOP). -Divides the state and territories into 10 regions Vulnerability. -> Be avail to answer questions, ok to say IDK Then click the button corresponding to the best answer for each question. 1.) -Presents a unified response that depends on the federal, state, and local resources working together 2.) This process addresses, in part, The Joint Commission's requirement for six key elements of an EOP. ATI: pg. \hline \text { Dust Devil, Inc. } & \$ 40 \\ Find expressions for z/t\partial z / \partial tz/t and z/s\partial z / \partial sz/s. *This is a very important stage because the effectiveness of the measures taken once the disaster strikes will depend largely on the community's preparedness and plans that are developed here, *Enduring the impact During December, the store made credit sales of $159,000. A team made up of hospital staff and administration coordinates a hospital's disaster response. -Mitigation is an effort to prevent identified risks from causing a disaster. ->Document pop changes regularly to help keep disaster plans up to date *Mitigation becomes a cost-effective primary prevention by focusing on implementation of preventive measures for reducing and eliminating identified risks before the event occurs (preventing identified risks from causing a disaster) -Primarypreparation with bioterrorism drills, vaccines, and ensuring availability of antibiotics for exposures prophylaxis; bioterrorism planning (design a plan, identify the chain of command, set up protocols) *The phase of disaster planning and response that often receives the least attention. OB`M.OYRWQJb@h}>l^clK[ 5h65LgnInK>K w[LM0S[6io+q -Heroic: intense excitement and concern for survival. A new browser window will open, displaying your results, which you may print, if you wish. *Clues of an attack: cluster of cases with unexplained illness, unusually severe disease, multiple outbreaks in a particular population *All response begins at the local level, where the disaster management plan is implemented and responders are deployed. Touching contaminated clothing or objects, -Stay or go, the evaluating factors include the following: -Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers These areas include Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and states along the Eastern Seaboard and the Gulf Coast. According to Reza et al, the number of people who have lost their lives in the 25 largest violent events of the 20th century number: Responsibility for securing the scene, preserving life and treating the wounded is the responsibility of: Which one of the following theories of disaster management informs organizational readiness and response in a disaster? -Early recognition What other location, besides your home, should you store an emergency kit? *Stay or go, the evaluating factors include the following: first priority if donning PPE, then assess the ability of patient to breathe, knowing what to do should those chemical disasters be present, level of toxicity usually determines what you do Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is the role of the Joint Information System?, What is the role of the incident command system?, The best example of a "technological disaster" is: and more. *How much the impact affects community members depends on: population density; extent of damage; preparedness of community; extent of community resiliency; response to the consequences of the damage, and the organization of the emergency response teams, *Facing the consequences of the disaster's impact An Emergency Plan provides the framework for the emergency preparedness program. **flexible, all hazards system that provides a set of personnel, policies, procedures, facilities, and equipment integrated into a common organizational structure that is designed to improve emergency response operations -The Time span involved Referenced: "Do's and Don'ts in Disaster Response" (Harkness & Demarco, p. 431) -Scope and magnitude of response *Risk assessment: all starts at the local level, multidisciplinary approach -Extent of community resiliency Who has the primary responsibility to coordinate relieft efforts, asking for help from other states and fed. Who to prioritze first during a disaster? *Levels of Disaster Management Social workers skilled in crisis management work: According to the United Nations between 1992 and 2000 there were approximately ____ disasters per year throughout the world. Q. -Warnings, preparation, and a disaster plan educating the population about appropriate disaster response. Then click the button corresponding to the best answer for each question. a. The Response/Recovery page provides . Who are the ultimate key starting point for er preparedness? c. Encourage counseling upon deactivation of the emergency response plan. -Droplet or blood contact Emergency prepardness. -Earthquakes, extreme heat, floods, tornados, hurricanes, landslides, tsunamis, volcano eruptions, wildfires, winter weather in NE -Response -Goal: reduce the probability of disease, death, and disability resulting from a disaster What are the four stages of disaster involvement? Why does the young woman on the train feel shame and regret? -People should remove clothing and be referred for decontamination, wear PPE, alert hazmat. -Design a bioterrorist response plan using the most probable biological agent in the local area OSHA is prepared to protect response and recover workers in areas impacted by hurricanes. It is essential that evaluations be conducted immediately to determine what worked, what didn't, and what specific problems, issues, and challenges can be identified. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS QUIZ ANSWERS 1. What is the purpose of disaster planning? -The route of exposure Pre-impact..all steps that can be taken before the disaster occurs Emergencies can create a variety of hazards for workers in the impacted area. Ensure that the public is informed of events. **Human callousness in causation (human-made rather than natural causation) -This framework involves the entire community and is adaptable to every situation. *Disaster recovery: -PPE *In order to contribute to an effective response to a disaster, nurses should know the answers to the following questions: -Nursing is the single largest profession in the healthcare system so many of the first responders in the event of a disaster will likely be nurses. Post impact: after, Planning for disasters involves data collection. One of these elements is safety and security. *Unlike biological agents that require an incubation period before sx appear -Making home visits and reassessing the health care needs of the affected population Please note: Taking these or any sample question(s) is not a requirement to sit for an actual certification examination. **Using the comprehensive data gathered from hazard identification and vulnerability analysis, the probability of adverse health effects due to a specific disaster can be calculated. -Includes measures taken to reduce the harmful effects of a disaster by attempting to limit its impact on human health, community function, and economic infrastructure. Determine (a) the final pressure, (b) the change in the volume of the cylinder, and (c) the change in the enthalpy of the refrigerant-134a. b. What is the role of the incident command system? NameDustDevil,Inc.GaleCo.WhirlwindCo.TotalNumberofShares1,9008502,850Cost$81,70068,000114,000$263,700. Then, make a family emergency plan and practice it with your family. having a plan and not sharing it with anyone. -Includes both individuals and families in the community -The organization of activities used to address the event. The Response/Recovery page provides useful details on the hazards to avoid when flooding has occurred. Disaster Preparedness Checklist for Nurses. 209 0 obj <> endobj endstream endobj 210 0 obj <>/Metadata 9 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/Pages 207 0 R/StructTreeRoot 15 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 211 0 obj <>/Font<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Type/Page>> endobj 212 0 obj <>stream -Tertiary prevention when involving efforts to lessen the impact of a disaster. -Evaluating the area, effect, and level of disaster Schedule 16-hour shifts to allow for greater rest between shifts. -The pop threatened *Disaster planning: It also details hazards that may be present in areas affected by wildfires. -Can be exposed 3 ways: D. Providing stress counseling, B- This process addresses, in part, The Joint Commission's requirement for six key elements of an EOP. The victims are assessed by their presenting condition and then color-coded as to the severity of the case. In these situations, OSHA goals include ensuring that workers receive appropriate training and protective equipment. -Respond quicklythe first 24 hours are critical -Most effective when used as a precautionary measure -Include areal photos, satellite imagery, geographical info. -Reducing risks to people and property from natural hazards before they occur -Increased need to provide mental health services "psychological first aid" for disaster victims and responders. \end{array} -One of the most important aspects How do you think she views her own culture after this event? *Secondary govt? -black (expectant/dead) -Be alert for environmental hazards -Identifying the first responders in the community disaster plan *The warning signs or predictions of disaster that might take place before the disaster Role of the nurse in disaster preparedness: 1.) A family emergency plan is the best way to prepare you and your loved ones for a natural disaster or terrorist act. 4.) -Rehabilitation of disaster victims and the community to an optimal functional level. What are the four core elements of an Emergency Preparedness Program? \text { Gale Co. } & 75 \\ %PDF-1.5 % -Crisis standards of care: enable the health care operations necessary to allocate scarce resources to save as many lives as possible -is the vector that normally carries a specific disease available in the geographical area affected? hbbd``b`Z $[@5`qA+k% gAiH 2xx!b``$( Role of the Nurse in disaster response depends on: -Nurse's experience, professional role in a community disaster plan and specialty training and special interest. An Emergency Plan is developed based on a documented, facility- and community-based risk assessment that utilized an all-hazards approach. Levels of Prevention in Disaster Management, *Primary Any human-made or natural event causing destruction and devastation that cannot be relieved without assistance. -Allow your issues and standards as a nurse to be defined by someone else -Simple dispersal device (airborne, nuclear) -State vs local responsibilities- obtain support from other states and federal government *The response phase is the actual implementation of the disaster plan. This planning information can help you ensure that you are ready to evacuate in an orderly manner before rising waters impact your business or residence, or your evacuation routes. hWk0W%J!VuP%&18.ti`|_:~ $. 1. Importance cannot be underestimated. \hline The Medicare and Medicaid Programs: Emergency Preparedness Requirements requires healthcare providers and suppliers to prepare to meet the needs of patients, clients, and residents during disasters and emergency situations, and strives to provide consistent requirements across provider and supplier-types, with some variations. -Mitigation involves efforts to lessen the impact of a disaster by initiating measures to limit damage, disease, disability, and loss of life among the members of a community. Let z=G(u,v),u=(t,s)z=G(u, v), u=\varphi(t, s)z=G(u,v),u=(t,s), and v=(s)v=\psi(s)v=(s). -Emphasize that the response process is in place and activated -Reconstruction/ rehabilitation to optimally restore the community 2.) -Often represented as a low, medium, high risk Often a rush of assistance from outside the area is present. The answers to the sample questions are provided after the last question. -develop a list of strengths and weaknesses, *PHN's can participate in all phases of disaster management: Week 8 Hematology--- Leukocyte review quizlet, Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition, Daniel F Viele, David H Marshall, Wayne W McManus, Marketing Essentials: The Deca Connection, Carl A. Woloszyk, Grady Kimbrell, Lois Schneider Farese, Data Structures-Chapter 13 Test and Answers.