l\96j economy is reflected in the weak management structure of health services which is commonplace in the various public sector health institutions in Nigeria which has serious implications for health service delivery and currently poses a major challenge to the health sector and the government of Nigeria. the state of governance in Nigeria from 1999 to date. \(\overset{\underset{\mathrm{def}}{}}{=} \), Structure and Classes of the Nigerian Civil Service, Functions of the Civil Service Commission, Continue With the Mobile App | Available on Google Play. Sound organizational structure involves dividing activities into departments, divisions, units and subunits, defining relationships between the heads and other members. In clear terms they are not to be in support of any party or campaign for any political party. Hb```">6{^ @WD@f. Public corporations, the police, the armed forces, etc. 2) Implementation of Policies: Another function of the civil service is to make sure that the policies formulated are fully executed by the government. Since 1999, several states have instituted Sharah law. Although Nigerian women may wield influence and political power, particularly at the familial and local level, this has not always been reflected at the federal level: in the early 21st century, women made up about 5 percent of the House of Representatives and the Senate. In addition to the ICRC Act, the Public Procurement Act 2007 (PPA) also plays a central role in the award of concessions at the level of the federal government . These divisions are known as ministries. a) Resignation - a service year of a day less than five (5) years. Nigeria is divided into 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory, where the countrys capital, Abuja, is located; the constitution also includes a provision that more states can be created as needed. Furthermore, the Ministry of Finance has a good number of parastatals and agencies under it. These relationships allow the working group to turn expert analysis into tangible, actionable policy advice. Specialized services, sometimes referred to as scientific or professional civil services, provide technical rather than general administrative support. 7) Stability: The civil service ensures continuity of government and this makes for stability. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Register or login to make commenting easier. Grants & Fellowships 0000005608 00000 n This ensures the provision of amenities to improve the health, education, social and general life of their people. The political head and chief executive of a ministry is known as a minister or commissioner. These employees are called civil servants. Abstract. The Law requires them to resign their appointment where they are interested in partisan politics. Amid deepening distrust in government and institutions, Nigeria has significant work to do in improving national, state and local security and governance . Traditionally the civil service is contrasted with other bodies serving the state full time, such as the military, the judiciary, and the police. The resulting peace agreement, signed in December 2020, signified their commitment to begin a peace process guided by the state peacebuilding institutions with support from the NNF and USIP. The civil service consists of highly qualified and professionally experienced experts in various fields. b) Withdrawal of service - this is a service of five (5) years subject to a maximum of a day less than 10 years. 2) The Professional Class: They how many recruitment that professionals of different category. The civil Service is a body or department in the executive arm of government saddled with the responsibility of assisting the executive in the planning and implementation of government policies. Your browser seems to have Javascript disabled. In summary, we use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. This also hinders the effectiveness of the civil service in Nigeria. The civil service is characterised by very strict adherence to established rules and regulations; this sometimes causes delays in the implementation of government policies and programmes. hbbd```b`` "A^!_$ ,D "3N`3qZ`hHHGX}XXM!d"S2*fJ0{&(b\6q n However, their regional rather than national focusthe AG represented the west, the NPC the north, and the National Council for Nigeria and the Cameroons the eastultimately contributed to the outbreak of civil war by the mid-1960s and more than 20 years of military rule. A worker in the civil service is called a civil servant. Here we are going to list the 10 major functions of the Civil Service. In 2021, amid deepening public mistrust, the working group harnessed its collective experience and relationships to advance high-level dialogue between major civic groups working for peace across the country and the Nigerian government. These are presented to the ministers and commissioners for consideration and final decisions. These parastatals and agencies include Office of the Accountant General of the Federation Of Nigeria, Federal Inland Revenue Service, Investment and Security Tribunal, National Insurance Commission, Nigerian Export-Import Bank [NEXIM], Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation, Nigerian Customs Service, and Security and Exchange Commission. Since 2007 when the ministry was created, five people have been the Minister of Interior. 4) The Clerical Class: These set of civil servants made up of First School leaving certificate holders and are mostly clerical, officers, clerical assistants and typists. 11 0 obj <> endobj media, not defending any political position either of . Visit The constitution grants all citizens at least 18 years of age the right to vote. Arrivals to Nigeria's 30-some airports totalled 8.8m in 2019, while 8.7m departures were logged. In the United States, all levels of government have their own civil servicesfederal, state, and localand a civil service is specifically that part of governmental service entered by examination and offering permanent tenure. 2) Lukewarm Attitude: Civil servants are often lukewarm claiming that government work is not worth giving the best. h\_%GB'` n(%2%LV[dqDY 'N{\{GeW.-n]v+j5wkQvkgn=k[;C w=VGe]K1;,VvkVwy,iZS6Tf*'53e:M]FTS57v}Ut5V%^=Se.yKn-u+ko|_=_~ow\=~~yxg[Ono7xc\^[57_^\^]:?.?]_\\}{roi'5/U=R_^-S?DLDvrYS=p7lOno?~vjzu3i]Wy~~_|}{G_}xW^^n;^?i[I.VXgo_i.^|G.^\~}sq]8_zs?|z{s}y*feV=i^'3-|u{}m5g/M~rh7>_^.^;DhI^yEy7u(I%vLJLys=HH81E_cA:~q(ZCaHIpzh:.8Qs>[]:n2k^vsOjRRyCIMt,XR>2E}wiSR!v,-[{r@`|m,\=SwhtS`R[w8V:2:Q7-.6TkwC*RUgjrbq%Pfa:_E8l;t|t{TthKB&Y#Iy7+Mz'NIy#N8i-y5#eB/ All names, acronyms, logos and trademarks displayed on this website are those of their respective owners. 0000001517 00000 n Register or login to receive notifications when there's a reply to your comment or update on this information. A part from the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, which is regarded as the grund norm and which creates the public service, there is also the Revised Public Service Rules, 2006 for the public servants to obey and follow. We have provided basic information about the structure of Nigerian Civil Service, its time for us to discuss some important ministries in the Nigerian Public Service. They are state civil service as well as federal civil service. Meaning of Civil Service These services also include public services to the citizens of the country. Find out more about the website on their about page. Permanent secretaries report directly to ministers of each ministry. These services also include public services to the citizens of the country. It is difficult to be neutral because of the political powers to backing the politicians up. Nigeria is divided into 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory, where the country's capital, Abuja, is located; the constitution also includes a provision that more states can be created as needed. These five people include Godwin Abbe (2007 2009); Shettima Mustapha (2009 2010); Emmanuel Iheanacho (2010 2011); Patrick Abba Moro (2011 2015); Abdulrahman Bello Dambazau (2015Present). Blog, The United States Institute of Peace Legal and Privacy Information | FOIA Inquiries, A 2020 public opinion survey found new linkages between COVID-19, instability and conflict, assessing election-related violence risks, outlining pathways to civilian-led governance, After Nigerias Elections: Nurturing the Seeds of Better Democracy, Nigerias Vote Signals Risks: How Its Partners Can Support Democracy, Ambassador Makila James on Nigerias Elections, A Key Election for Nigeria Raises a Rising Demand: Inclusion, Pitched battle to the death: who has the edge in Sudans bloody conflict? This is done to broaden your perspective on public service reform and stimulate your interest in public service reform. public administration, the implementation of government policies. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Government Civil Service Administration Civil Service. Nepotism is the act of top civil servants granting jobs to relatives and friends who do not merit the positions. The sixth section takes a cursory look at the obstacles to good governance and effective public administration and the last section gives the concluding remarks and recommendation. Unless specified, this website is not in any way affiliated with any of the institutions featured. This is different from the private sector where individual operates. Gen. Murtala Mohammed created an additional 7 states in 1976. "Civil Service In Nigeria: Things You Should Know" by Maduawuchi Obialo, Nigerian Infopedia. A civil servant, therefore, is one of a body of persons who are directly employed in the administration of the internal affairs of the state and whose role and status are not political, ministerial, military, or constabulary. so that you can track your progress. 0000001129 00000 n <> Public administration is a feature of all nations, whatever their system of government. A])iK~J[ $qShIY[ZKCVWP-[L`h hRSs}hgAq9AC*C,jJ7 /2h%G9kkPl"8M{D7I9gP+=7ra4?nCf53KhDmncm Kc!91C1r:ub$Qa_tN]*f7yecav$7X^N-zK`$b i=2+1tux2N.X\T6FM5`i#'5NCaPfI;tVu]go5+>d@o]gk-ah]gu1 [~oJ7v{0Uq@qoH#p9 k!HV]ylvO`:QHNvTJqXb Nigeria is the largest economy in sub-Saharan Africa, but limitations in the power sector constrain growth. Yoruba market women exercised significant economic power, controlling the markets in such Yoruba cities as Lagos and Ibadan. Functions of the Nigerian Civil Service 1. we would love to hear from you so others can benefit from it. These are presented to the ministers and commissioners for consideration and final decisions. Their relevant expertise and experience afford them the opportunity of providing dependable guide and information on complex government policies and programmes. For example, the ministry of education, ministry of information, ministry of finance, ministry of works and housing and so on. This paper examines the functions of public service and the code of conduct for public servants in Nigeria with a view to ascertaining the provisions of the relevant laws. ADJ}OKy*cLi2e=2~TF}ZTll7$YHd Nlq+#uC-SjbaM`iU F`[ M #M[zA ]m 7}kZf1Qj01)0/Z+^$ZsKHI@:ph8xyXWgpnw*LK-y4e}L209v]|Ll%@k}7Z ]Us,6leIJIZH0>Y4vT1:\F#M(&+1"=+%MvR(;9h.%*$O5)T5m5@Yj#NW'H"E]]FJLH/V$M>Pa/T&ut\3+*x2V#z.ru'`ke)w$K$wWN5GmIOk)83kw1&[fI.ydWdkoIQoYQDKJEck@4&p)cX/;WL$}Z:UuIW%jh';CsH1-q`k8E~WQi#! Although the states claim that the law applies only to Muslims, the minority non-Muslim population argues that it is affected by the law as well. Christian women, for example, must ride on female-only buses, and some states have banned females from participating in sports. While the economy is projected to grow at an average of 3.2% in 2022-2024, the growth outlook is subject to downside risks including further declines in oil production . document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Organizing and providing relevant educational content, resources and information for students. Email: info@ea-journals.org To gain employment into the federal civil service commission or state civil service commission you must be well connected to either a director-general or permanent secretary or have the funds to pay for jobs. The Action Group (AG) and the Northern Peoples Congress (NPC) were the major Nigerian parties when the country became independent in 1960. It has seen its changes to military regime to democracy era, including the good and bad sides of these regimes. 2. 5) Expertise: Experts are produced in the field of administration this is because they put in Long years of service. We're sorry, but in order to log in and use all the features of this website, you will need to enable JavaScript in your browser. USIP helps governors and state peacebuilding institutions to establish inclusive, cooperative strategies that prevent and resolve violent conflicts; ensure that policies focus on citizens needs; stem the potential for all forms of violence; and allow communities to play meaningful roles in the transition process. Government ministries are headed by ministers at Federal level or commissioners at state level and assisted by directors-general (permanent secretaries), as well as other departmental heads. You must show faith in government. All names, acronyms, logos and trademarks displayed on this website are those of their respective owners. Nigerias latest elections heighten the countrys need for a reset of its democracy. 6 Characteristics of the Civil Service in Nigeria 1) Impartiality: Civil servants are expected to be fair and just to any government in power. Only qualified and competent candidates are recruited by the civil service commission. Connect This paper recommends that there is need for desire and willingness on the part of the public servants to adhere to the public service laws and regulations and not to violate the law. While Nigerias elections energized youth voters and avoided widespread violence, President-elect Bola Ahmed Tinubu won only a plurality of votes. Their political strength is rooted in the precolonial traditions among particular ethnic groups, such as the Igbo, which gave women the power to correct excessive male behaviour (known as sitting on a man). This will enhance efficiency in their areas of performance. 0000005719 00000 n ), Kingdoms and empires of precolonial Nigeria, Controversies surrounding the 2007 presidential election, Nigeria under Umaru Musa YarAdua and Goodluck Jonathan, The 2015 elections and electorate concerns, Recession, fight against corruption, and insecurity, Which Country Is Larger By Population? Structure and Classes of the Nigerian Civil Service, Functions of the Civil Service Commission, Continue With the Mobile App | Available on Google Play. 6) Political instability: Frequent military intervention affect policy-making and implementation. Certain characteristics are common to all civil services. In 2020, USIP officially established a country office in Abuja. USIP also published research mapping state peacebuilding institutions; assessing election-related violence risks; and outlining pathways to civilian-led governance amid the Boko Haram insurgency in Northeast Nigeria. Don't want to keep filling in name and email whenever you want to comment? YL 2nsN_i56{Zb%W`M T0awg They can also serve as advisers to the administrative class where need be. At the inception of the current democratic dispensation in May 1999, the state of the Public Service in Nigeria in terms of public image, value system, operational modality, service delivery was . Under the 1999 constitution, executive power is vested in a president who serves as both the head of state and the chief executive, is directly elected to a four-year term, and nominates the vice president and members of the cabinet. About 70 percent of all Nigerians were still living in farming villages in 1990, although the rural dwellers formed a shrinking proportion of the later force. 1) Impartiality: Civil servants are expected to be fair and just to any government in power. It is the outcome of this study, that The constitution provides for a bicameral National Assembly, which consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate. The civil servants draft and prepare the annual budget and estimates of government ministries, departments and corporations. Civil servants may neither disclose government official secretarial nor speak to the press on government matters, except they are authorised by the minister supervising the ministry. 2BHOe?3,$p/D{%T.rT!V{ In 1996 Gen. Sani Abacha added 6 more states. Since 2019, the NNF has collaborated with state peacebuilding institutions to address conflicts and support local peace processes. Nigerians, nearly one-sixth of all Africans, will choose a new president next week in what may be Africas most consequential election of 2023. Omissions? Nigerias disputed election 12 days ago is raising protest at home and concern abroad over its implications for the strength of democracy in that country and across Africa. 1) Low Incentives: The poor condition of service memorializes workers in addition to slow promotion policy. The civil service is a permanent government establishment and employees enjoy security of tenure. 0000000782 00000 n 0 0000003109 00000 n 3) Budget Preparation: it appears the government really statements of expected income and expenditure. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. ?GP+yCIsz,76fdNvm[O||4|~O#tp)uc&xt[;P&j{,wNq'RZINwY\^)>f 0u3sRT`%y|V{. hb``Pb``:/ Publications At independence the country was divided into three regions: Northern, Eastern, and Western. 0000002840 00000 n The Institute engages a variety of influential figures, empowers citizens and uses its expertise and convening power to inform Nigeria policy in the United States, the region and around the world. Experts in the civil service, especially lawyers, assist the government in the drafting of bills which eventually become laws. stream We're sorry, but in order to log in and use all the features of this website, you will need to enable JavaScript in your browser. 5) Tribalism, Nepotism and Favoritism: These are the three major factors bedeviling the effectiveness of civil service in Nigeria as this leads to the appointments off unqualified personnel into the civil service. 0000000975 00000 n Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree. CONCEPTUAL CLARAFICATION: 3) Anonymity: A civil servant is not expected to review or speak to the press unless authorized about the minister of director-general, this is so because credit of failure of the government on any issue is not blamed on the civil servant but the minister. For discussion of a subject integral to public administration, see government economic policy. Formulation of Policies: The senior administrative and technical civil servants help to formulate the policies and programmes of the government. The functions of the government at the local level were usurped by the state government until 1988, when the federal government decided to fund local government organizations directly and allowed them for the first time to function effectively. 4) Drafting Bills: A bill is a proposal of action discussed in the parliament and later signed to become a law by the president. Thats all aboutStructure of Nigerian Civil Service. United Kingdom, Live Website Developed by Vicon Solutions, Public Service; Code of Conduct Bureau; Tribunal; Civil Service; Parastatals, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License, British Journal of Marketing Studies (BJMS), European Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance Research (EJAAFR), European Journal of Business and Innovation Research (EJBIR), European Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research (EJHTR), European Journal of Logistics, Purchasing and Supply Chain Management (EJLPSCM), Global Journal of Human Resource Management (GJHRM), International Journal of Business and Management Review (IJBMR), International Journal of Community and Cooperative Studies (IJCCS), International Journal of Management Technology (IJMT), International Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship Research (IJSBER), European Journal of Training and Development Studies (EJTDS), International Journal of Education, Learning and Development (IJELD), International 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Global Visibility Award, Best Global Impact Award, GLOBAL IMPACT AWARD -AUGUST 2022: Submit original papers for consideration for the award. How can the civil service in Nigeria grow when employment are not granted based on merits. USIP has a variety of newsletters and announcements with the latest analysis, publications and events. The Nigerian civil service is saddled with various responsibilities. Whatever their precise qualifications, senior civil servants are professional in the sense that their experience of public affairs is thought to provide them with the knowledge of the limits within which state policy can be made effective and of the probable administrative results of different courses of action. Some ethnic groups, such as the Edo who constituted the kingdom of Benin, also gave important political power to women; the mother of the oba (king) played an important part in the precolonial state. This is one factor that has crippled 90% of all ministries in Nigeria today. <> %%EOF State legislatures may pass laws on matters that are not part of the Exclusive Legislative List, which includes such areas as defense, foreign policy, and miningall of which are the province of the federal government. 3) The Executive Class: They are senior executives, executive officers, assistant executive officers etc. The civil service assists the government to generate funds through the collection of taxes paid by citizens and corporate organizations, fines from the courts and duties paid by exporters and importers. The NNF is a group of professional peace mediators trained by USIP to resolve local conflicts through nonviolent means across several states throughout the country. This body has a structure that makes the provision of services possible. 10) Documentation: keeping official records that are relevant the government of the day is a fundamental function of the civil service. It also recommends that corruption and other vices in all sectors of the economy must be tackle by the government for effective public service in the country. The recent national and state-level votes failed to deliver anguished Nigerians the promise of wider voter participation and transparent election results. Unless specified, this website is not in any way affiliated with any of the institutions featured. The Nigerian legal and judicial system contains three codes of law: customary law, Nigerian statute law (following English law), and Sharah (Islamic law). 8) Preparation of Answers To Parliamentary Questions: one of the core functions of the civil service is that various heads such as ministers or director generals in the parliamentary system defend the policies of government through this preparation. In the United States, the elitist class connotations historically attached to the civil service were consciously abandoned or from the early 20th century, with the result that civil servants were recognized as professionals and valued for their expertise. However the civil service are in charge of preparing bills but some experts in the ministry of Justice and the executives present this bill to the legislature. Please send us your opinion or questions via the comment section below so others can benefit from it. Each state has a High Court, which is presided over by a chief judge. The working group is regularly invited bystate and national policymakersto provide recommendations on a range of issues, from inclusive governance and electoral violence tocommunal conflicts between pastoralists and farming communities. Author of. It is always recommended to visit an institution's official website for more information. Recruitment and promotion in the civil service is often based on merit. You must show faith in government. The minister and director-general are politically accountable for the success or failure of their ministry. Projects 124 City Road endstream endobj 12 0 obj <>>> endobj 13 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 1190.55 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 14 0 obj <>stream Nigeria is endowed with large oil, gas, hydro and solar resources, and it has the potential to generate 12,522 MW of electric power from existing plants. Food is an important part of Nigerian life. EC1V 2NX As Africa's most populous country, largest economy and most notable democracy, Nigeria is a bellwether for the continent.