The socioeconomic decile indicates the socioeconomic status of the school's catchment area. The school curriculum retains a strong focus on the foundation skills of literacy and mathematics. The current student roll is 587, and 27% of the students are identified as Mori. Hamilton Christian School does not have a school hostel. It is important to understand that decile ratings and the Equity Index which will apply from 2023 are for funding purposes only they are not an indication of the performance or quality of education delivered at a school or kura. Senior leaders will need to continue to evaluate the consistency and effectiveness of the te reo Mori programme. Trustees receive detailed reports on student achievement during the year, and are guided to set appropriate annual progress targets where improvement is a priority. Melville Year 7-13 College (Proposed opening date: 2024-01-01). The school was opened in January 2003 and was built to cater for the rapid residential development in the area since the late 1990's. . Premises and equipment: The board of Hamilton Christian School continue to provide and maintain buildings and facilities appropriate to support school programmes and operations. As part of the ongoing review of curriculum, it would be beneficial to develop a cohesive, school-wide plan for teaching and learning. Decile ratings are based on Census data for households with school-aged children in each schools catchment area. Teachers reflect on their practice and share ideas for improvement. The Chief Review Officer has a statutory duty to report on the performance of private schools throughout New Zealand. Private schools charge fees to its students for tuition, as do state and state integrated schools for tuition of international students.[3]. Section 35I of the Education Act 1989, requires the Education Review Office (ERO) to review fully registered private schools, and to report to the Ministry of Education on whether each school continues to meet the criteria for full registration. 5. Practical information about education for parents and carers. The higher funding for lower decile schools is for extra resources to support their students' learning . They are providing effective programmes for learning, and students make very good progress as they move through the school. However, a decile doesn't indicate the overall socio-economic mix of the students at a school. Before the review, the board of trustees and principal of the school completed the ERO Board Assurance Statement and Self-Audit Checklists. . Well-analysed, school-wide achievement data, especially for senior students, indicates high levels of achievement in the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA). The lower the schools decile the more funding it receives. This shows that Mori students are progressing and achieving at levels comparable with other students in the school, providing Mori students with an extensive range of curricula and extra curricula learning opportunities, reflecting Mori cultural values throughout the school, developing a Te Rapa Mori curriculum resource. The socio-economic decile ratings of these 21 high schools in 2022 range from 2 to 10. The Miro hub is a mix of single cell classrooms and a collaborative space for 3 classrooms upstairs and downstairs. This page is not available in other languages. The school is well placed to sustain and improve its performance. It closed at the end of 2007. Staff model the school vision and values. the lower a schools decile rating, the more funding it gets. The school has attested that it complies with all aspects of the Code. The primary in Wellington is overwhelmingly pakeha, which isn't . This review report was prepared in accordance with standard procedures approved by the Chief Review Officer. The higher a schools decile rating, the more well-off the families of students in that school. Decile 1 schools are the 10% of schools with the highest proportion of students from low socio-economic communities. The school is located in the north eastern suburbs of Hamilton, and there is an enrolment scheme in place. ERO will support the school in reporting their progress to the community. The school caters for students in Years 9 to 13 (ages 12 to 18). The school's gender composition was 85% male and 15% female, or 72% male and 28% female once the boys-only Years 9 and 10 are excluded. The school values are consistently promoted throughout the learning environments, and this underpins a culture of mutual respect and positivity amongst students and adults. A culture of ongoing self review is integral to school operations and is improving overall programme effectiveness. Hamilton Christian School does not have a school hostel. . The Church College of New Zealand closed in 2009. This page was last edited on 21 September 2022, at 00:11. The continuing levy is comprised of 5.4 mills for current operating expenses and 1.5 mills for general permanent improvements. At the time of this ERO review there were five international students attending the school. Composite schools serve students from Years 0 to 13 (ages 5 to 18). Factors that support this are summarized below. Hence about 10% of schools are grouped within each decile; for example there are approximately 10% of New Zealand schools grouped in the decile two category and so on. refocus our inquiry model with an emphasis on Task Verbs and Tools and the Learning Assets. The school has well-developed processes for recognising student success and achievement through such systems as Citizenship with Excellence, and the Leadership and Incentive Awards. Ross Local School District has a five-year, 9.44 mill tax levy on the ballot to avoid deficit spending. Schools in the Rotorua District that are located in the Waikato region are listed at list of schools in the Bay of Plenty Region. Winton Woods City School District has a five-year, 6.21 mill emergency tax levy on the ballot. Based on the decile ratings of high schools in NZ, the top high school in Hamilton with intermediate is Te Kpuku High. There are high expectations for student behaviour and for their contribution to the school community. The Mnuka hub is a collaborative learning community where our new entrant classrooms work/learn together in an open space. The board maintains a positive working relationship with the principal and senior leaders based on mutual trust and confidence. Forest Hills Local School District has a 6.9 mill tax levy on the ballot for general and permanent improvement purposes. Engagement with the Mori community: The school has continued to maintain positive partnerships with the schools Mori community. International students benefit from the holistic Christian curriculum and high levels of empathetic pastoral care. New Zealand schools and kura have decile ratings that help determine how much government funding they get. Schools in the Waitomo District and Taupo Districts that are located in other regions (namely Manawatu-Wanganui, Hawke's Bay and Bay of Plenty) are listed here. These practices include: These initiatives show the value the school places on increasing students awareness of the bicultural perspectives of Aotearoa New Zealand. [5], The school has eight school houses: four for day boys, three for boarding boys, and one for girls. Currently the school is reviewing its curriculum and enriching this through the integration of aspects of The New Zealand Curriculum. School leadership has identified and ERO agrees that the priority for continuing development is the full implementation, and ongoing review, of the unique Te Rapa curriculum. The district is hoping to avoid an operating deficit with this renewal of an existing levy. Information is collated, analysed and interpreted at school wide and classroom level. [2] A state integrated school is a former private school with a special character based on a religious or philosophical belief that has been integrated into the state system. ERO, trustees and principal have identified the following areas for continuing development: There are good systems in place for the schools managing body to be assured that its other statutory obligations are meet. student involvement in the arts, cultural and sporting activities that further enhances their sense of belonging and engagement. The top high school in Hamilton without intermediate is Waikato Diocesan School For Girls. School roll. It is important to note that neither Deciles nor the EQI are measures of school quality. 10. The same data indicates that student achievement levels in writing are above national averages and comparable to similar schools. students engaging with the inquiry model and increasing their ability to question, seek answers and share new knowledge, students increasingly using the five Learning Assets (of the inquiry model) in all curriculum areas. The school has developed general goals that include: The Te Rapa School Curriculum supports the school vision for students to be lifelong learners who reach their individual potential and contribute positively to society. The school has a very positive reporting history with ERO, and responded constructively to the recommendation in the previous ERO report to continue to review the Te Rapa School Curriculum. There is a well-developed Mori Curriculum and Action Plan. Here is a list of intermediate schools in Hamilton City, New Zealand. The schools managers have attested that they comply with the provisions of section 35G in respect to their being fit and proper person(s) to manage the school. School community: A notable feature of the school is the reciprocal partnership between the school and its community. Epsom Girls . Designated staff members maintain close contact with international students, their families and home-stay carers. A schools decile measures the extent to which the schools students live in low socio-economic or poorer communities. Decile 10 schools are the 10% of schools with the lowest proportion of students from these communities. School sector: Non-government: School type: Combined school: Decile: 9: High school rank: No.68: Address: 4 North City Road, Rototuna North, Hamilton The school provides a safe and well-ordered environment for students and staff. . Te Rapa School is a large primary school providing education for students in Years 1 to 8. A decile is a statistical term, meaning that a group or population has been divided into ten equally sized groups, giving ten deciles. to help identify the effectiveness of inquiry learning for Mori and Pacific learners. This page was last edited on 29 January 2023, at 02:50. The schools mission statement states it will engage, challenge and nurture learners to reach their potential through collective wisdom and best practice. B. Williams who donated funds to build the boarding house. Since the last review in 2007, there has been stable leadership and staffing, and significant ongoing property development. EROs role will be to support the school in its evaluation for improvement cycle to improve outcomes for all learners. Xenia Community City School District has a seven-year, 0.5% income tax proposal on the ballot. The data uses household measures such as income, parents on a benefit, occupation, education, and household crowding. a boarding house founded in 1963, named after A. Rototuna Primary School is situated in the North East of Hamilton. The lower the school's decile the more funding it . The areas identified for improvement in the 2007 Education Review have been effectively addressed. Deciles are used to provide funding to state and state integrate schools. He is effectively supported by the senior leadership team. A feature of the school is the high proportion of students able to experience positive involvement in Mori cultural groups. . These programmes are well managed and delivered. Staff demonstrate a shared commitment to the schools mission and values. ERO and the school are working together to evaluate how effectively the use of Inquiry Learning Model has improved student outcomes. Last reviewed: 19 May 2022Has this been useful? The achievement levels of Mori students have shown improvement since 2013, and are now only marginally below non-Mori students in the school. analysing Mori student achievement in literacy and mathematics. The socio-economic decile ratings of these 37 primary schools in 2022 range from 1 to 10. This would cost a homeowner $182 per year on a $100,000 home, for five years, according to the county auditor. Before the decile 10 Rototuna Junior High opened, the only intermediate zoned for the northern suburbs was Fairfield Intermediate. This would cost a homeowner $488 per year on a $100,000 home, according to the county auditor. The district serves students in Hamilton County. Teaching and learning: The committed teaching staff work collaboratively to provide targeted learning opportunities for individuals and groups of students. Student progress on support programmes is carefully monitored and reported to the board using a wide variety of appropriate assessment tools. The socio-economic decile ratings of these four intermediate schools in 2022 range from 3 to 5. Decile 1 schools draw their students . Mori students have many opportunities to experience leadership opportunities, and cultural giftedness is included in the criteria for identifying students for extension programmes. During this time staff, parents and students contributed to a shared understanding of how the school community can foster and nurture learning for the 21st Century. A schools decile is in no way linked to the quality of education it provides, This Profile Report was written within 18 months of the Education Review Office and, You can find a copy of the schools strategic and annual plan in, help identify the effectiveness of inquiry learning for, EROs role will be to support the school in its evaluation for improvement cycle to improve outcomes for all learners. The school is extremely well resourced for . Based on the decile ratings of primary schools in NZ, the top contributing primary schools in Hamilton are: The top full primary school in Hamilton is Southwell School. Find schools in New Zealand(external link). Governors and school leaders consulted widely in the recent development of the vision and values document that is shared and accepted by their community. School leaders and teachers are increasingly involving parents as partners in their childrens learning. 1 School deciles range from 1 to 10. Edgewood City Schools has a 1% income tax on the ballot for current expenses. Phil CowieDirector Review and Improvement Services (Central)Central Region | Te Tai Ptahi Nui, The Education Counts website provides further information about the schools student population, student engagement and student achievement. Kahikatea, Kowhai, Rata, Totara, Rimu and Tawa hubs have 4 classrooms and a shared community space. Relationships between staff, students and their peers are friendly and inclusive. Senior leaders will continue to review aspects of their quality assurance and performance management, so that they can be assured about the consistency and effectiveness of teaching programmes. Mori student achievement is monitored, reported to the board and shared with whnau at meetings each term. Deciles are ratings used by the Ministry of Education to work out some of the funding for schools. The school is a signatory to the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students established under section 238F of the Education Act 1989. The next Board of Trustees assurance that it is meeting regulatory and legislative requirements will be reported, along with the Te Ara Huarau | School Evaluation Report, within three years. Practical information about education for parents and carers, Getting involved in your child's early learning service, Early learning in New Zealand information for migrants, Different kinds of early learning services, Getting to and from early learning services, When your child requires learning support, Complaints about your early learning service, What your child learns at early learning services, The importance of talking, reading, drawing, counting, Different types of primary and intermediate schools, Enrolling and starting your child at school, Making sure your child attends school every day, Things to know about your child's teacher, Stand-downs, suspensions, exclusions, expulsions, Progress and achievement at school and kura, Digital Technologies and Hangarau Matihiko curriculum content, Ideas to help with reading, writing and maths, Helping your child develop key competencies, Enrolling and starting at secondary school, Boarding allowances: information for parents. The deciles of all schools were last revised using information from the 2006 Census, and may occasionally change for some schools between Censuses as schools open, close and merge. The number of students achieving endorsements and University Entrance passes compares favourably with other similar schools. [6] The Ministry of Education institution number links to the Education Counts page for each school. Loveland City School District has 4.9 mill, continuing tax levy on the ballot for current operating expenses. Classrooms are settled and productive, and the ERO review team observed high levels of engagement and enjoyment in the learning programmes. Deciles are used to provide funding to state and state integrate schools. There has been considerable investment in computer technology to enhance the curriculum. Parents continue to show strong support for their childrens learning, and school activities and events. St Paul's Collegiate was founded by the Anglican community including the parents of some Southwell School students, but today only a small proportion of St Pauls students are former Southwell students. Students are encouraged to realise their academic potential in a safe and supportive learning environment. This would cost a homeowner $154 per year on a $100,000 home, according to the county auditor. School-wide achievement data in 2010 indicates that most students are achieving at or above national expectations in aspects of literacy and mathematics. The school is this year asking parents for a $460 school donation plus an . [5] The roll of each school changes frequently as students start school for the first time, move between schools, and graduate. They provide guidelines and support for school operations and practice, and effective recognition of achievement and success. Senior leaders have high expectations of staff and students. Teachers have many opportunities for professional development and priority has been given to strengthening inquiry learning practices and the effective use of student achievement data to support learning. As of October 2022, the Te Rapa School Board of Trustees has attested to the following regulatory and legislative requirements: For further information please contact Te Rapa School Board of Trustees. During this review the school was undergoing a considerable remedial property programme resulting in disruption to some classes. The socio-economic decile ratings of these 37 primary schools in 2022 range from 1 to 10. Stable school leadership and staff help to maintain a positive school culture that has a strong emphasis on values and citizenship. The principal is proactive in fulfilling his role as professional advisor to the board. The next public report on EROs website will be a, Director Review and Improvement Services (Central). The principal has developed a robust appraisal process for staff. The school provides high quality education in Years 1 to 8 students. Here is a list of Catholic schools in Hamilton City, New Zealand. Te Rapa School is a large full primary school providing education for students in Years 1 to 8. The school has attested that it complies with all aspects of the Code. The decile one schools' average totalled $7500 per student while the decile 10 schools' amounted to about $8600. They are supportive, caring and affirming, respect their students and know families well. a boarding house founded in 1961, named after Sir Percy Sargood, whose Sargood Trust donated funds to build the boarding house. These students receive one-to-one tuition in English and are well supported to become actively involved in the life of the school. In-depth consultation, an open door policy, approachable personnel and regular newsletters enable parents to be well informed and involved in school life. ERO is likely to carry out the next review in three years. Pwhiri, te wiki o te reo Mori and Matariki are all important aspects of school celebrations and rituals. St Paul's Collegiate School is a private (independent) Anglican secondary school in Hamilton, New Zealand. [4][5], The school won the Maadi Cup and Springbok Shield in 2002 and 2003 for rowing. Teachers deliver a sequential programme of instruction in te reo Mori for all students. The boards ability to oversee and evaluate student progress and achievement will be strengthened by a general review of assessment. On the basis of the information obtained during the review, ERO considers that Hamilton Christian School meets the criteria for registration as a private school set out in the Education Act 1989. how good is the russian military, invercargill shooting 14 dead,