Strange or what? I originally saw this image in a video, but I can't find it now. I found this on the promotional website at the time, a sort of whats on guide for Paris. Throughout the years he was kind of stigmatized by the media. I myself listened and could see exactly what people were talking about. MJ was Burned during the Filming of the Pepsi Commer. Bowman said Dave suffered from PTSD because of what happened to him and took anti-depressants as well as pain meds. So much for being your own man, Dave. These are all plausible questions right now as you have probably spent some time rewatching the interview and listening very closely. I remember when the album came out, a lot of his die-hard fans were going nuts on Twitter saying they could tell the vocals on these three songs weren't MJ's. The "Dave Chappelle" you see today is his replacement. 'It would be devastating to discover that is the way he passed. What do you think? Go back and watch old interviews of him in 2006 on Oprah and . Following an argument with Dave's mother Marie, Charles Rothenberg gave his young son a sleeping pill, doused the bed in their Buena Park, California motel room with kerosene and set the bed, the room and Dave on fire. All of this information is still on the originalpage on this website but it is a bit messy so I am doing it again here. Humanitarian. 'But there were times when he openly admitted to taking more than the prescribed dose to cope. 'Many people don't know that Dave worked closely on Disney's Captain Eo film co-creating the visuals with the star. Suspicious minds or is there something in it? The build, mannerisms, clothing and silhouette of this person is very similar to MJ. Michael Jackson 1980-1990. The boy used to be called David Rothenberg but he changed his name to free himself from his fathers name and criminality, as he put it,after his father had committed an abominable crime he doused him with kerosene when the boy was asleep, set him on fire and burned 90 per cent of his six-year-old body. People say it's just her voice with autotune, which is possible, but it would be a bit of a weird thing to do. The King of Pop. Remember she has lied to you about her fathers death as much as CNN have, she is not innocent in all of this. Look at the sun behind her head and the finger pointing up, where have we seen that one before? 'We have a pending toxicology, micros and police investigation we haven't ruled on the cause of death yet.'. The impersonator's performance has sparked comparisons to Michael Jackson. Dave Dave/David Jordan Robinson, 1976 618 - 2018 715 1983 David Charles Rothenberg [ ] 6 [1] Link to video of the party:, 7. Enchanted LifePath News, Articles, Reports, Educational Films, Live Streams, Videos, Podcasts, Live Streams, and more. Link to article containing an example of one of the photos:, 12. Link to Believe 26 Facebook:, 8. The Mali one may be real because I imagine the place to be pretty nuts, but it is in countries tucked out of the way that they perform some of the biggest hoaxes and I do have evidence of that just not for todays topic. Others have said it had something to do with heat exhaustion because it was so hot on the day he died. "I am happy to have been his friend for all these yea. She is steeped in the occult also, she follows mystery teachings, those she pretends to be speaking out against. I just want to have a light-hearted, tin-foil hat discussion and pick apart some of the spooky and weird stuff I've heard. Did Michael Jackson disguise himself as Dave Dave? Michael Jackson still alive. Michael offered a lot of emotional support for me. Michael saved his sisters husband from suicide,, He made headlines when King of Pop Michael Jackson became close friends with him, even employing him as part of his staff in the 1980s. 'I had a lot of admiration for Dave. 'And it was amazing that he could sculpt and paint like he did given his fingers were so badly damaged. Charlotte is daddy's double! Dave was a close friend of Michael Jackson, who met him after the boy survived a 1983 attack that left him with burns over 90 percent of his body. and our Permalink, Picture 1 of 24. SEE THE LIGHTS ALL AROUND THE RED TOP BALCONY FEATURE MISSING FROM THE IMAGE BELOW? I don't mean to offend anyone with this. Welcome to the broken crucifix. It was dismissed as a dumb hysterical fan conspiracy and was completely denied by the record company. As always you can unsubscribe at any time. What a demon dick hungry little witch. Out of all the horrible myths and conspiracies about Michael, this is by far one of the most disgusting ones. On the tenth anniversary of his death, we look at some of the conspiracy theories surrounding the disgraced king of pop. He was at the opening of Lego Land in California in 1999. But I finally wanted to identify myself, he said. Dave's friend Bowman said Jackson treated Dave like a younger brother and always invited him to Neverland for days on end. There was also the incident where his family held a gathering to honour him on what would have been his birthday after he died, and there was a "mysterious figure" clearly in disguise with their face covered, spotted and photographed at the party from outside. Says Mo: At first we started investigating Michaels death as it was a gut feeling we both had. David survived, with third-degree burns across 90 percent of his body. He put people at peace, he brought people together. Last year, on the 15th of July, Dave Dave died of pneumonia. Another took to Twitter to claim: This is Michael Jackson.. Do you think I am making this up as I go along, well here you go here is a nice treat to help the point I am making feel that little bit more visual, it is a company who specialises in stunt and corpse dummies, and for a couple of hundred pound and upwards you can buy one of these and go staging fake media hoaxes and tart them up as international terror events. Still, I do despair, anyone who grew up forcibly wearing masks and blankets on their faces in public is possibly forgiven for having some disastrous daddy issues. Look at the dust, the New York-like Skyline, mirrored in the duality as above so below reference in the black and white masonic floor, 911 was the hyper event that pulled this fake vial over our eyes back in 2001 anyway, so let me remove that vial for you, you only have to go looking for answers, you will always find more questions. ', He made numerous TV show appearances over the decades including and Larry King and Leeza (pictured), New York City Mayor Edward Koch with 12-year-old Dave Dave in City Hall 1988. Dave - who made global headlines when he suffered burns on 90 per cent of his body after his father set him on fire as a six-year-old - was rushed to hospital after paramedics were called to an apartment complex near McCarran International Airport on July 15. Bowman, who has known Dave for 20 years, added: 'Dave was a special human being, who had a lot of talent. He gave me a lot of advice, he showed me a lot of things about the world. Fast forward to the death of Michael Jackson and Link to an article about the songs:, Links to the songs: , , Something went wrong, please try again later. It's better to have a little sugar than any sweetener at all, says Gut Health Guru Dr Megan Rossi. He also had a great sense of humor and never wanted to bring up the fact that he was burned; he just wanted to be treated normally.'. Michael Jackson alive conspiracy fans are convinced footage of an impersonator on stage is actually his clone. He then poured kerosene on the bed he was sleeping in and set it alight. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Our relationship started with a hug. It has been quite refreshing to revisit some of the insults to our intelligence as they deny us of what we see with our own eyes. The comments below have been moderated in advance. You probably feel slightly insulted by that video now, just moralistically insulted at the very least. IS THE TOP PICTURE A SET A PROP WITH FAKE BLOOD SPREAD AROUND IT? Michael Jackson holds his eight-month-old son Prince Michael II over the balcony of the Adlon Hotel, Berlin, Germany in 2002 Getty Images Michael Jackson and James Brown perform at the 3rd Annual . Bowman became friends with Dave after honoring him with the LA Music Awards Music Video Director Of The Year in 1996. in his own words and in words of those, who knew him. Link to an image showing flights and statuses 25th June 2009: And yet, that doesn't stop certain members of Michael Jackson's fanbase from refusing to accept his passing, just as fervently as they refuse to accept the many allegations of child sexual abuse against him. He then met Michael Jackson at Neverland. Dave Dave is really michael jackson?#michaeljackson Continue with Recommended Cookies, Video: Michael Jackson Is Alive MJ Watched His Own Funeral In Disguise As Dave Dave On CNN MJ Death Hoax. Or by navigating to the user icon in the top right. He then met Michael Jackson at Neverland. He went on to amass a criminal record for robbery and other crimes, eventually being sentenced in 2007 to 25 years to life in prison in California. In an exchange of emails, Souza asks for the copy to be non-mocking, factually correct and for the Sun to prove that it is not tabloid trash. US tech billionaire's son Matt Baszucki found the low-carb/high Could a hormone spray reignite your love life? The interview is an eye-opening WTF moment that cant be missed. Si vous ne souhaitez pas que nos partenaires et nousmmes utilisions des cookies et vos donnes personnelles pour ces motifs supplmentaires, cliquez sur Refuser tout. The Gloved One. Hes really had an impact on my life not because he is a celebrity. And throughout the years he never let me go. In 1996 he told us: Determined to lead a normal life, David Rothenberg studied at the University of California at Los Angeles and will go to a New York film school next year to pursue a directing career. Another close friend, Al Bowman, says news of his death has shocked his close circle because Dave seemed in good health and was expanding his art collection. Unlucky for the media hoaxers. Here are some serious questions, these are the vital points the idiots on the news flat out fail to hit on when making simple observations of the footage and images released and caught on social media during the multiple events around Paris that night not just the Bataclan. THE BLOOD IS SPREAD AROUND IN THE SHAPE OF A 6 OR HEART. BLOOD ON THE DANCE FLOOR? Paris, just like the rest of Wackos kids, has been subject of lifelong, is she or isnt she, Michaels child speculation. Dave Dave's eyes also look darker than normal in the interview compared to other appearances. Dave, the burn victim who was set on fire by his father whom Michael befriended, was giving an interview. Did Michael Jackson fake his death? So, 5+6 =11, the 156 is 1 and 11 and the 209 is 11! The event was loaded with 9/11s. Sorry for the further head fucks but for my next points to make sense I need people to know that Christmas day is not Jesus Birthday, Jesus Birthday was on September 11, which is why we seen the 9/11 attacks and the references to the beast of Rev: 911. There was 3 weeks and 6 days between the tribute night and the Blood On The Dance Floor attacks, 36 represents another cube, if you add all the numbers up from 1 to 36 on a 36 square board, or casino table for example, they add up to 666, 36 is also 666 as 3 6s is 666. Another video also emerged from the same gig on February 1 and was posted by user Okom. Here is some more evidence that it is quite common knowledge that this logo is a satanic symbol associated to witchcraft. Michael was like a father to me". I think out of shadows 2? ", It's been almost two years, and no news of The Second Coming has been forthcoming, but on the 19th of June, 2018, a further post by Erhardt shared a photo showing the legs of a man dressed in Jackson's trademark short black trousers and white socks. WE SEEN 1 DOOR THE IN FOOTAGE? Weeks before the Friday 13th attacks there was a Michael Jackson tribute night at the Bataclan, it was on October 17, 2015. The father fled. Journalists. Since his death, it's estimated that Jackson has earned in excess of $2 billion. Vous pouvez modifier vos choix tout moment en cliquant sur le lien Tableau de bord sur la vie prive prsent sur nos sites et dans nos applications. Dave Chappelle is a clone. There are tons of newspaper reports about Michael Jackson still being alive so this is another one worth looking at. Why do I believe hes alive? Dave became globally famous for surviving an horrific attack by his father aged six in 1983. No, not David Cameron and his clone Nick Clegg. Miraculously, Dave defied the odds by surviving even though 90 per cent of his body was burned. There's also the weird appearance of his friend Dave Dave who was interviewed by Larry King on TV after MJ died. 'He went through life with a smile on his face. He should be honored for his contribution to humanity and the art world, he was an inspiration to others who had much lesser issues.'. This means that we may include adverts from us and third parties based on our knowledge of you. | TrackBack | New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Dave Dave was on the news talking about MJ and kind of sounds like him. I mean, people are utterly insane. Archived post. "They get annoyed. This duration between the two events took up 7.4% of the year. The 42-year-old spent his final years painting and sculpting and even had his own art show (pictured). But why would Michael pretend to be someone else? This is the front cover of Rolling Stone magazine she is lording herself to the masses on here. There are tons of people in the comment section, even FANS, who . Speaking of prior knowledge of future events get your head around this corker, the symbol of the Pray for Paris campaign was a peace symbol. Michael Jackson apparently paid scientists to clone him before his death, according to a new interview with biographer, Michael C. Luckman. Dave, who was born David Rothenberg, died on July 15 at Sunrise Hospital in Las Vegas, Clark County Coroner John Fudenberg said Wednesday. Michael Jackson reached out to him and took him under his wing and gave him emotional support through the ordeal. He opened up his arms to me and accepted me as a very good friend of his. "He was too smart not to be able to work a way out of his financial problems. It was shared by Mr_Joyy Production to on February 2, with the caption: Michael Jackson Alive Back?, In the YouTube description, he added: This is clone Michael Jackson. Comparative video that shows scary similarities between Dave Dave and Michael Jackson.It doesn't intend to prove anything, it's just a comparison.Comment wha. dave dave: michael jackson clonesr latch using nor gate truth table. Your email address will not be published. FILE - In this undated photo, David Rothenberg, right, who was set on fire by his father in an Orange County hotel room is shown with his mother, Marie Rothenberg in California. I was about 7 years old at the time. He opened up his arms to me and accepted me as a very good friend of his. The logo on Michael Jacksons shirt in the video came back again to make more sense than previously thought when we had another terror incident on the news just one week after the Paris attacks On20 November 2015, when Islamist militants reportedly took 170 hostages and killed 20 of them in a massshootingat the Radisson Blu hotel in Bamako, the capital city ofMali. Michael Jackson impersonator Wang Jie has been called a "clone" of the King of Pop after footage surfaced from one of his performances, Don't miss a thing! He is going to school in Utah, and he is studying to be a lawyer. but the real michael calls him self dan. Jackson died of cardiac arrest ten years ago tomorrow, on the 25th of June, 2009, after his personal physician, Conrad Murray, administered a dose of propofol intended to help the singer sleep. Including why the official Michael Jackson Twitter page (probably him anyway) thought the day of the Bataclan attacks was a good day for an MJ dance off. so 6 becomes 33, and that of course is a master number so we stick. Dave took her drawing class when he was at UNLV. The earliest alleged post-death sighting of Elvis Presley was on the 16th of August, 1977 the day of his death when a man calling himself "Jon Burrows" (the name Presley used to check into hotels) bought a one-way plane ticket from Memphis to Buenos Aires. He needed to get away. The weirdest of rumours dominated his life, it's not surprising that they continue to do so in death. Although Dave's tragic childhood upset me and many people very much, that was never good enough for him. People are waking up to division and deception, which has naturally created more division between people waking up and people who are asleep. Within hours of the attacks we had landmarks in cities around the world, Liverpool included, lit up in the red, white and blue lights as if they had the lights pre-ordered. DOES IT LOOK LIKE A 140 PERSON BLOODBATH INFLICTED WITH HIGH POWERED MACHINE GUNS AND GRENADES? In fact the more I think about it, this has to be the biggest family of illegitimate liars and impostors to walk the earth since the British Royal family. "You can do anything with computers.". He took me into his life. Of course, Jackson lived his whole life playing with oddness. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. .To explain all of this I am going to go back to how it started, with a thought, I jumped up and thought out loud to myself, as I was taking all the info in regarding the Paris attacks at the Bataclan I suddenly said to myself Paris Jackson. THE LOVE HEART WAS CAREFULLY PLACED TO POINT TOWARDS VALENTINES DAY WHICH IS THE HIGHLY SACRIFICIAL ROMAN LUPERCALIA FESTIVAL REPACKAGED. Dave Dave is COMEBACK 2015 This is Michael Jackson Disquise ??? Moment commuter blasts eco-zealots, Royal superfans camping on The Mall ahead of King's Coronation, Women's rights activists and pro-trans campaigners separated, Cambridge students party in the park during annual celebrations, Russian freight train derails and bursts into flames after explosion, Historic chairs to be reused by the King for the coronation service, Hundreds of Household Division members rehearse for coronation, Braverman: People crossing Channel are 'at odds with British values', 'You motherf***ers don't understand': Bam Margera details 'turmoil', Ukraine drone strike hits major fuel depot in port Sevastopol. ", At the funeral Brian Oxman sat next to Dave and spoke of Daves eulogy as moving, Privacy Policy. Most of his childhood was spent undergoing intensive hospital treatments and having painful skin grafts. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. we must always tell the truth, so Link to Dave Dave on another show:, 6. Dave was a young boy that Michael befriended back in the 80's after Dave suffered excruciating and unimaginable trauma at the hands of his own father. He also confessed that sleeping could be terrifying at times, as he often had horrific nightmares. By flashing subliminal images at you like this you are being programmed to receive the actual meaning and not the meaning you think you are getting fed at face value. EXCLUSIVE: High-ranking Met Police officer on 100,000-a-year who was found to be a regular user of Police hunt for Brixton killer after woman in her 30s is stabbed to death in broad daylight near O2 Academy. Everyone knows the striking statue of Jesus known as Christ the Redeemer which stands 30 meters (98ft) above Corcavado Mountain in Rio. Freelance Investigative Journalist & Presenter. Sure, you are as blinkered in your own desire to be right, but, then, you know the truth. Dave Dave's eyes also look darker than normal in the interview compared to other appearances. Liverpool's Number 1 Alternative News Platform - Est. Emergency crews attending the address - which wasn't where Dave lived - took him to Sunrise Hospital & Medical Center where he was later pronounced dead. There are tons of people in the comment section, even FANS, who geniunely believe that this was Michael DRESSING UP AS DAVE. IS Michael Jackson alive and billing himself as Dave Dave? He then appears again after his alleged death watching his own funeral live on CNN dressed up in disguise as burns victim, Dave Dave, who they say is formerly known as Dave Rothenberg before he changed his name because his dad set him on fire in the house. I was told I have Jesus birthday written all over my life because he was born on 9/11 with 111 days left until the end of the year. By signing up, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy & to receive electronic communications from Vice Media Group, which may include marketing promotions, advertisements and sponsored content. Father. In the story, Sloan says Mo is 40. I wonder if half of the idiots have got such a good memory because I can pull stuff up on them all year me. claims Dave Dave is Jackson. Cookie Notice It was founded on April 25, 1979. Cancelled? That he tried to buy the bones of Joseph Merrick, more commonly known as The Elephant Man. This is not who Michael was, and people need to know that. It was also the first time I spoke out against public perception as I was astonished to see whole world of social media turning into France Flags. We use your sign-up to provide content in the ways you've consented to and improve our understanding of you. Fans don't believe North West, nine, organized lavish pre-Met Gala gift for mom Kim Kardashian: 'What 9 year Melting the ice queen's heart! I didn't get a chance to learn how Sarah believes his passing ties into Jackson's supposed plan for life after death, as she stopped replying to my messages. POSSIBLY A RE-SCALEDSTUDIO SET UP OF THE SECOND IMAGE. Is Michael Jackson alive? I challenge you to watch this without laughing and if you do laugh, or find it weird, please share the article subscribe tohttps://EnchantedLifePath.comfor new content notifications. During the Larry King interview, people noticed that his voice and mannerisms are eerily similar to Michael. Required fields are marked *. The American singer Akon a man who, it should be noted, once questioned the existence of "blood diamonds" concurred he thought the same. There was a tap on my shoulder. The past few weeks have been heavy for Michael's fans, so I thought I might lighten the mood a little. AND WHERE ARE THE OTHER 1400 PEOPLE SUPPOSED TO OF ESCAPED FROM? It was a Friday, yep Friday 13. Sadly,. He released the song Blood On The Dance Floor, on March 21, 1997.