steve rogers - c Matt Murdock / Daredevil Fan Fiction This meaning that the teammate who couldn't join was of course Peter Parker, being the rather young super hero. Podrzuci sztuczn pochw w doni, a pniej wskaza ni przyjaciela. He also got into the habit of stealing his friend's food unconsciously. Length: 6430 words
Lead attorney Matt is suspicious of this kid: he's powerful beyond his years, and seems to carry a strange sadness with him. Certain that Dex could be better if he just got the right help, Matt convinces Foggy to take his case - despite pressure from the NYPD, the media, and the rest of the DA's office, and despite the fact that he has a new baby to take care of, and despite the fact that Dex's issues run a lot deeper than first suspected. Length: 974 words
Karen cant think of a better solution, but she also cant shake the fear that getting too close will only break them apart again. Recently, even Spider-Man is starting to feel that way.Because Peter learned how to be a superhero with his Pack at his side. When a very energetic girl with a parasite texts the wrong number. With Bucky's steady hands on his shoulders and Steve's solid voice in his ear.He's not sure how to do this without them. He didn't have to. Notes: Short, but Foggy's snark is fucking transcendant. He can't A book full of my favourite mcu character !! He'd also heard that love was blind. She rubbed his back in long, slow passes while he buried his face in her shoulder. Eigengrau - O cinza intrnseco (do alemo: Eigengrau), tambm chamado de Eigenlicht , luz prpria, luz escura ou crebro cinza, o fundo cinzento escuro uniforme que muitas pessoas relatam ver na ausncia de luz. If I didnt know better, Id say that Frank Castle was admiring me., Frank snorted before leaning closer and rumbling, You aint that far from the truth, Red. Dropping out of college after two years and an unpleasant break-up, Vera needs a change - so when she gets an opportunity to spend some time in US, she doesn't hesitate marvel imagines and oneshots x reader. Alluded mild suicidal ideation. Matt trying to give up being Daredevil; Summary. The Whos classic song Behind Blue Eyes always makes me think of Matt Murdock. Avocadoes: The gang's all here. Please message me ones you'd like to Y/n moves to Hell's Kitchen in an immediate way to get away from her obsessive ex boyfriend. Notes: I read this whole thing with my mouth hanging open and smiling. Matt will finish it with Foggy's own utensils. But it's only polite to hear him out, since he crawled up three floors to ask and all. So suppose a couple of years go by, and while Daredevil has managed to keep his identity a secret . But not for serious reasons. Tags: Humor, Matt Murdock, Foggy Nelson, Karen Page, Steer clear of Karen, Matt whispered, leaning over with one hand on Foggys desk. Note: Fics that are unfinished but actively updated are marked by a pencil. Tags: Secret Identities, Matt Murdock, Foggy Nelson(slight), rescuees, post-10x9. Nor will you find anything pro-Elektra, or nauseating Cinnamon-roll tropes. when god hands frank an answer to an unspoken prayer, he isn't going to let this one be taken from him. ", This was written for the Marvel Rare Pair Bingo Secret Santa for theorderofthetriad I hope you enjoy it <3. Personal take on Season 4/Born Again events. His life is a train wreck. They have a thunder god and a defrosted super-soldier on the team already (two, if Bucky's in the picture), but even so when the stories start coming in of the Devil of Hell's Kitchen at first they assume he's just a Batman type using demonic imagery to terrify the superstitious. megas machos so raros e muitas vezes considerados como anomalias na melhor das hipteses, ento o melhor que alguns podem fazer por si mesmos se esconder.Alguns os tm como preciosos, outros como uma aberrao. Follow Matt and Karen Murdock on their journey of newfound parenthood as they raise their daughter Grace. Coffee? Holy, shit, Foggy muttered. An odd woman with magic is on the loose in Queens, New York. The Avengers. Notes: There's a really, really good reason for Matt to hate hospitals aside from the whole 'vigilante' thing. The plot is in the tags - Karedevil gets back together after Matt gets back from California. Similar to my collection of Sylki one-shots, a series of scenes showing Matt and Karen's relationship from the perspective of those around them. Prompt: A supervillain hits everyone Hell's Kitchen with vision-based hypnosis. And how he took off his mask before he went in to grab him so he didn't scare him? And then they start looking into it more closely. Prompt: Hey, okay, so everyone knows that kid that Matt saved in the hallway fight scene (aka; the greatest piece of television I've ever watched). While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. After helping a friend escape the clutches of an abusive spouse, you end up at the legal office of Nelson, Murdock and Page. It sucks a lot harder for him than the summary implies. This is a combination of both shows, movie, and comics for Matt and just the show for Frank Castle. Wrd nich byo co ciszego, wikszego; co co niejasno pachniao gum i mydem. Suddenly, everyone is breaking into song! His life is a train wreck. Matt needs to let go sometimes, youre there to help him. So what happens when he meets a woman who brings all of the trouble to h Jane Cayce has had a lot on her mind recently, which is hard because she has to have everyone else's thoughts on her mind too. Part 2 - Matt always knew his night job would give him enemies, but never in his wildest dreams he would have thought his day job would too. Foggy has come to expect itand may pay himself a bit more than Matt at the firm to off set the food theft. With Natalia taunting him and Tony cheering him on and Clint watching from a perch somewhere, ever the guardian. Wiem te o tym wibratorze, ktry adujesz pod poduszk. You won't find the stance where Matt should be belittled or treated like an addict for his heroism here. They're transmasc lesbians and in love, Fix-It for Movie: Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021), their love is requited they're just idiots, Luke Cage & Jessica Jones & Matt Murdock & Danny Rand, changing backstories a bit. Prompt: The Avengers believe Matt is a demon. The bad news is Matt's new master is a cruel and sadistic brothel owner and Matt is his new favorite whore. Pouco tempo depois, Matt foi levado para um orfanato. The Avengers needed an extra hand since one of their teammates couldn't assist in the battle. This is just angsty feeling between Foggy and Matt. Matt and Foggy (now newly dating) set a date for, well, a date. At least Matt has help: from Foggy despite his reservations, from Karen who'll cause mostly the right kind of trouble (for once), and from Stick's other ex pupil who was the first to see that there's more to Dex than his crimes. Wow, it's exciting to be a part of a brand-new fandom, isn't it? Mutant Dr. Tai Xavier tries to defeat a zombie horde cropping up in New York City while simultaneously trying to defeat their feelings for Matthew Murdockwho might also be the Devil of Hell's Kitchen Everything and nothing will go right. Now he only has God. She needs Matt to pay her back, but resurrecting his life has left him short on cash too. In this theme, keywords include all text within the rec entry (not just the tags section), as well as a hidden list assigned to each. Matt channels the adorable Olaf one night during a patrol with Jessica Jones. so minimal stick and now jess and luke have the X gene. megas machos so raros e muitas vezes considerados como anomalias na melhor das hipteses, ento o melhor que alguns podem fazer por si mesmos se esconder.Alguns os tm como preciosos, outros como uma aberrao. Just give me a crying, sobbing uncontrollably Matt. The Avengers think that Foggy is Daredevil and is taking his frustrations out on Tony's best lawyer. Recently, even Spider-Man is starting to feel that way.Because Peter learned how to be a superhero with his Pack at his side. Matt's guilty of not exactly taking care of himself and doing bad things, even if in the name of good. Na nieszczcie Foga, nie by do koca lepy i zdecydowanie nie gupi; nie wierzy mu. By the way, if this page looks funky, please tell me. pre-10x9: You-know-who hasn't yet found out about you-know-what. He will just take it mid conversation and drink it. Like ingredients. So, Peter turned to the one vigilante that he knew that would be willing to help. All he knows is that he's lived in New York all his life, fighting and stealing to survive. A world that looks down on him for being an Omega, a world that, if he's honest, he barely even knows how to navigate. Set during Daredevil (2019) #23 Language: English Words: 3,097 Chapters: 1/1 Collections: 1 Kudos: 14 Bookmarks: 2 Hits: 170 Have Mercy On The Sinners And Saintsby anxiouswebhead Fandoms:Daredevil (TV), The Punisher (TV 2017) Mature Y/N L/N doesn't know much about his family or where he came from. Tags: Humor, Matt Murdock, Foggy Nelson, Karen Page, Matt Murdock is a fucking weirdo. Things go sideways somewhere around 1L. Or: why Matts heightened senses and prescription painkillers dont mix. Bonus: Matt doesn't want to compromise his secret identity, so he has to sing along when he's out as Daredevil. Move in together. Nell gets to Columbia through a lot of hard work. Length: 6813 words
-This is my first AO3 fic and at the time of posting it I don't have a definitive ending at the time of posting, please be kind-. Matt cried out as the pain registered with his mind but he soon clamped his mouth shut. With Natalia taunting him and Tony cheering him on and Clint watching from a perch somewhere, ever the guardian. Except for Matt, who is having a very bad day and would like everyone to please stop singing so he can concentrate. Badass Jackson Disoriented by the lack of everything. St. Agnes doesn't like this rule, but there's nothing they can do, it's the law. Post S2, Slow Burn Matt/OC, ///This DD fanfic is also available on Acid is poured on Matt's face, scarring him. In most cases, Matt Murdock is the one seeking out trouble. Thinking about how good theyd look wrapped around my cock.. It's a story about what might have happened between the end of Daredevil season 2 and the beginning of The Defenders. The fight had gone badly, and hed thought he was dying when he had collapsed on that rooftop. marvel ironman steverogers +21 more #7 Venom x Avengers (wrong number)by ErinIsCrying 51.5K1.1K25 When a very energetic girl with a parasite texts the wrong number A poverty-stricken, friendless Peter Parker gets a job as an intern with Nelson and Murdock: Attorneys at Law. The main spell she uses has the ability to make people who have feelings for each other "make love" or rather just confess their feelings. Please consider turning it on! Matt comes home after a rough night. He was shaken from his thoughts of heaven when he remembered. Prompt: So I figure RPS about superheroes is the kind of thing that's really popular on Tumblr within the Marvel universe. A lot of hard work. Mrs. Francine Humphrey has lived in Apartment 6B in a shabby building on shabby corner of a shabby street in Hells Kitchen for as long as she can remember (which isnt theoretically all that long, sometimes, Francine has problems remembering what she had for yesterdays breakfast). The sight in the bathroom made his heart skip a beat. It ends with the earthquake in episode 1 of The Defenders. The fight. Every time he refreshed the page the numbers wavered, going up and down, Holy, fuck! he said just a little louder. Let's fangirl together! Work Search: The other person knew how to react and, almost instinctively, turned with the vigilante, ending up on top of him again.Matt didn't mean to react to the quick change in position, but he couldn't help a soft moan when the half-god's full body weight was on his lap again, a familiar hardness pressing into him.The arousal building up in him was enough of a distraction that Matt didnt notice when Loki leaned over him again until cool fingers touched his ribs.A soft chuckle was the only answer to his gasp. she wont get one because who would she let? So what else can he do other than seek it out to scratch that itch no one except Frank Castle seems to be able to provide. When Talia Ramirez's father, the most celebrated lawyer in Hell's Kitchen, is found dead, Talia is suspected, her rocky relationship with her father betraying her innoce Matt is hurt(as Daredevil) and The Avengers help him but they don't know he's blind..yet. But Foggy tries his best to keep them both on track. Featuring a conspiracy, gunshots, and sensory overload. "He didn't tell Loki what he wanted. Welcome to my Daredevil recs! Rating: PG1
What if that kid sees the lawyer Matt Murdock one day and recognises him as the guy who saved him? open to scenario and character requests, but all chapters will be x reader (usually female sorry) I only recommend Gen, even if a link looks otherwise; 'kinkmemes' apparently include nonsexual prompts- who knew? tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. Daredevil and Hellhound have been protecting the streets of Hell's Kitchen for six months now. It's time for Matt to let the devil out once more but at what cost? eg: Black Widow, Captain America The Hulk, Deadpool, etc. Another reckless night on the streets is more desire than need, but Matts starting to have trouble telling the difference between the two. That's when she meets Matt. Just to hang out and get high. The room still smelled vaguely of sex, clean sheets, Frank, and Matt's shampoo. Secret Identities: Fics that are centered around identity reveal or exploration (sans reveal). Matt spends his last night as a free man with Peter. While Matt doesn't seem to hate his former self's life, he is more focused on Foggy than on getting his memories back. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". I love Matt Murdock; I assume you do too. He's not sure how to do anything.Then he gets his ass saved from ninjas by Daredevil, whose Alpha scent makes his head spin.Then he gets an interview at a small-time law firm where the only Alpha present is, low and behold, Daredevil.Did Peter mention he ends up getting a Pack out of this?He's not quite sure how to feel about that. For DDE 2023 NSFW Prompt #65: With Matt everything is intensefighting, talking, even sex. Length: 2866 words
Nelson, Murdock Attorneys at Law was, to the public, a law firm that represented a rather varied and colorful spectrum of clients, always finding themselves involved with some of the most wild and well-known cases in Hells Kitchen.But how were the two lawyers when they were outside the office? However, Matt is dealing with some first-time anxiety beforehand and it's affecting his work as Daredevil. Thats it just catholic guilt confused feelings nd Foggy wanting Matt safe. Polyamory isn't the easiest situation to navigate though, even for Karen and Foggy. Em uma sociedade onde seres humanos so divididos entre Alfas, Betas e megas a regra clara, no h espao para meios-termos, ou pelo menos para minorias. Foggy is there to witness the whole thing and comforts him of course. The muscles in his neck stood out sharply as he clenched his teeth and stifled any more sound. Trigger Warning: alluded child abuse. The Who's classic song "Behind Blue Eyes" always makes me think of Matt Murdock. He slowly gets himself to take a step, unsure of when he should expect a wall to hit him in the face. main masterlist | series masterlist | next part warnings: angst, death, funerals, pining wc: 2.4k Prologue / we'll never be those kids again five A NWH fix-it fic where Peter makes friends with all the vigilantes in the country, and Nat and Tony find a way to come back to their families. A world that looks down on him for being an Omega, a world that, if he's honest, he barely even knows how to navigate. This page is a haven against Daredevil-shaming. He couldnt feel his body. Covering Matts rent, losing her job, starting a new firm its all adding up to financial disaster for Karen. Foggy is half way through a dish? But not them.Never them. Keep looking at those damn red lips of yours. It all starts when Nelson and Murdock, Attorneys at Law, take on Karen Page as their new client(You need to read part one for it to make sense). Nie wierz ci powiedzia na gos. Matt channels the adorable Olaf one night during a patrol with Jessica Jones. Ctrl+F "Fill" to find the ficposts. "Oh my God." He muttered to himself. She's been investigating The Yakuza for the past 2 months after her client requested her help. Looking for any possible job, She comes across a law firm, Nelson and Murdoc Angels and Demons aren't supposed to fall in love, or in least in this universe they aren't. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Peter Parker & Original Female Character(s), Original Female Character/ Original Female character, Peter Parker Gets Called a Twink bc it's funny (not because it's true), Don't trust my timeline tbh I recreate it as my own, I know nothing about the American Adoption Agencies, Idk if this should actually be Mature but I said so, MattFoggy isn't obvious until later in the book, dubcon aka he is into it but also obligated due to demonic contracs. Can they put their differences aside and team up before Hell's Kitchen tears itself apart? Acid is poured on Matt's face, scarring him. Less Daredevil action, more Dare-dad action. In more ways than one. Well, this story happened on what would have been a normal Sunday to anyone else. Foggy and Matt return to New York. In more ways than one. Summary: Matt and Liesel swore to be best friends forever just like most eight year olds do. Pro bono lawyer Matt Murdock has been helping people and winning cases for the past 2 months after he stopped being Daredevil. It was a private sound, and Matt guessed he was one of few people who ever got to hear it. Bleeding out in his apartment with Foggy wasn't ideal, but Matt isn't in any state to argue with his boyfriend's plan of action. Meanwhile, the Kingpin amasses power again after Thanos' snap, and Daredevil learns that Wilson Fisk is free again. This guy can navigate perfectly in pitch blackness, apparently detect lies, and maybe there are one or two dodgy incidents with holy symbols here and there which lead them to believe that, yeah, he's an actual demon. Tony Stark didn't want to risk anything. For a moment Matt thought he might be in heaven. So he did the reasonable thing and started asking questions. frank becomes a father for the third time. Full of heartwarming family moments as Grace grows up with every chapter. M s Cs Ps, s s s s. Bleeding out in his apartment with Foggy wasn't ideal, but Matt isn't in any state to argue with his boyfriend's plan of action. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (46), Matt Murdock/Franklin "Foggy" Nelson (21), Matt Murdock & Franklin "Foggy" Nelson (11), Matt Murdock/Original Female Character(s) (5), put him on his knees, give him something to believe in, Featuring Peter Parker's Radioactive Semen, Sparks Aren't So Hard To FInd Among Hellfire, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson at Columbia, Also Doesn't Apply But It's Important to Know, The Neurodivergent Taming of Matt Murdock, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, nothing's gonna hurt you baby (as long as you're with me, you'll be just fine), so take your fast car (and keep on driving). Although the spell prevented the multiverse from tearing itself apart, Peters problems are far from over. Daredevil DC AU in which a normal Matt Murdock owns the best caf in Gotham, serving lattes and baked goods to both heroes and villains alike. I also really want to see everyone's reactions to this development. Karen Page is still dead and Matt Murdock is no longer Daredevil.Matt Murdock no longer has his girlfriend, Foggy, or anyone else. Matt is notoriously dense when it comes to his feelings. Length: 650 words
Please consider turning it on! Rating: PG-132
Matt lives in a world where prostitution and slavery (in the form of indentured servitude) are legal. More accurately a caring daddy that takes his well-being very seriously. Requests are open! Both are pent up and satisfied in a way everyone would approve of, if only he could tell it to them all. If there's an aspect of a fic I don't want to spoil beforehand, I put it in the hidden tags so that if you really want to find a specific type of fic, you can still do so. On the exhale he slowly let any breath that he had been holding out and with it any tension he might have been keeping in his muscles. Oh wait Frank Castle is waiting for Matt when he comes back from a night of Daredevilling. Alarmingly, it's about six months after they start working together before anyone figures out the truth. Secrets that'd pull her into the life of her mysterious neighbor and a world she never thought existed. This is especially true when none of them know its an option, despite the fact their practically living it. The urge. After being beaten to an unconcious state by Pointdexter while trying to protect Karen from getting hurt, Matt is hurt pretty bad, broken bones and bruises, ears ringing from the loudness of the gunshots. In general, this list follows common tagging conventions, with some extra additions. Gdyby by lepy i gupi, moe by to kupi, w kocu ze swojej strony mia tylko domysy. This story is the result. The number of people calling for his arrest grows every day, and its not easy to live your life when you no longer exist. Foggy had heard that love was patient. Rescuees (1): Unnamed characters Daredevil saves that make a re-appearance. Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Humor, Matt Murdock, Foggy Nelson, Karen Page, post-10x9, Damn it, Matt! months after Jessica graduates, she founds a band with two of the worst musicians she's ever met. Now he was waking to a world bathed in warmth, held in the arms of Foggy. Length: 2974 words
With Bucky's steady hands on his shoulders and Steve's solid voice in his ear.He's not sure how to do this without them. Written for the avocado server's weekly prompt. Welcome to this week's episode of Welcome to Hell's Kitchen. Ele no tinha famlia para ficar com ele assim que seu pai foi cruelmente assassinado por ter quebrado um contrato. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Its a story about what might have happened between the end of Daredevil season 2 and the beginning of The Defenders. One obvious way to save money? Matt Murdock & Franklin "Foggy" Nelson & Karen Page, Matt Murdock Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Or at least this was canon compliant until She-Hulk and beyond, mentions of past Matt Murdock/Elektra Natchios, their love is requited they're just idiots, Brief Discussion of Post-Partum Depression, I think I need to stop playing with tags until it's too late, Pre-Episode: s01e01 Never Meet Your Heroes (Hawkeye), Pre-Movie: Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021), I'm Trembling, But I'll Protect You (Love V Death) - Part 3, Matt Murdock & Original Female Character(s), Franklin "Foggy" Nelson & Original Female Character(s), Karen Page & Original Female Character(s), 5 Times Foggy, Matt, And Karen Were Oblivious To Their Own Polycule, And 1 Time They Weren't, Matt Murdock/Franklin "Foggy" Nelson/Karen Page, as in there's a baby not as in people have turned into kids, Matt Murdock & Foggy Nelson & Karen Page Friendship, This is a draft wanting to be a bigger story, The Darkest Time With Our Thoughts (Murdocks V The World) - Part 2. Matt Murdock! With their help and the assistance of two Avengers intent on rising from the dead Peter may just be able to find his way in this strange new world. This is the story of one Matt's weekends and the one who he always can and will go back to when he needs it the most.