But, due in large part to the increased number of new-fangled products that are being pushed out into the market by insurance companies each trying to outdo the other these particular annuities can also be extremely confusing. Product features, limitations and availability vary; see the Certificates of Disclosure for details. One of the things we really like is the Athene Agility 10 offers annual and two-year annual reset options: It has a participation rate and capped index crediting strategies as well as a fixed-interest option. 1Lifetime Income Withdrawals may be reduced or may stop if you take Excess Withdrawals from your contract. The Athene Agility 10 has quickly become one of the best-selling indexed annuities and for good reason. If you want your income to start before that then there are better annuities to meet that goal. Retire in 10 Years. Athene Agility 10 Crediting Strategies and Rates, Athene Annuity and Life Insurance Company, Annual Point to Point Crediting Method Explained, Nasdaq FC Index (BOFANFCC) | In Athene Annuities, Fixed Index Annuity Gets Artificial Brain | AiPex Index, 10 Best Fixed Index Annuity Companies April 2023, Case Study: North American Income Pay Pro Annuity, 2-Year No Cap Point-to-Point Index Strategy (Par Rate), 1-Year No Cap Point-to-Point Index Strategy (Par Rate), 2-Year Point-to-Point Index Strategy (Cap), 1-Year Point-to-Point Index Strategy (Cap), Uncapped crediting options available on 4 of the indexes, Annual point-to-point and two-year point-to-point options available for diversification, Innovative AiPex, BNPMAD5, and Nasdaq FC Indexes, Athene is a Strong and Financially Stable Insurance Company, All riders are built-in at no cost (no fees), The hypothetical Rate of return on back-testing is not as good as other annuity products, including Athenes own. To check out the Annuity Gators updated review of the Allianz 222 annuity go HERE. Here's one way to help prepare for life's "what-ifs". Annualized Credited Rate does not reflect anyrider or contract charges. As an additional bonus, fixed indexed annuities can also provide you with the ability to receive a guaranteed income for the remainder of your lifetime (as well as that of a spouse or partner, if applicable) regardless of how long that income may be needed. Hi Craig- Thank you for your message. NOT A DEPOSIT. If you are considering this annuity for yourself, we would be happy to help you understand this product better and get into all of its details. In 2020, Athene scored a 0.34, and in 2019, a 0.51. During the Income Phase, the Benefit Base will continue to grow 175% of the dollar amount credited to the Accumulated Value. 3.75%. Annuities are subject to the terms and conditions of the specific contract issued by the insurer, are not FDIC or NCUA insured, are not bank guaranteed, may lose value, and are not a deposit. List all products in the following category: annuities that write 81-85. While the Agility annuity is often compared with the Allianz 222 fixed indexed annuity, there are several areas where the Athene product comes out on top. American Equity IncomeShield 7 Annuity. We make the complex, simple. We create opportunitiesfor your clients and for you with competitive annuity solutions for accumulation, income, protection and legacy. If Excess Withdrawals, Withdrawal Charges or Market Value Adjustments (MVAs) reduce the contracts Accumulated Value to zero, your Lifetime Income Withdrawal Payments willstopand the rider will terminate. To see a full breakdown of all charges and fees, as well as some of the other tradeoffs you may need to make in order to obtain the benefits from the Athene Agility annuity, go HERE. The even better news is that this isn't the only product that can be used in this manner (e.g., Allianz 222, and Athene Agility). The best annuity for you will be determined by your individual goals and objectives, but generally speaking, Allianz, Athene, and AIG are the best fixed index annuity companies. Annuity Gator, We are looking for a place to park $400k for 7-10 years. Products not available in all . Insurance products may not be available in all states. With timely insights, in-depth product information and client-approved materials, our business-building toolkits are designed to help you and your clients do more. In addition to incurring a surrender charge from Athene, if you make such a withdrawal prior to turning age 59 1/2, then you could also be hit with an additional 10% early withdrawal charge from the IRS. If you plan to turn this portion of your portfolio into a lifetime income stream, Agility 10 is quite possibly the best option available (Allianz 222 also gets consideration). For additional information on how to compare fixed annuities so that you can decide which may be the best one for you, click here in order to obtain our free annuity report. If this is the case, there are better alternative annuities. AnnuityGator. Once you start receiving your retirement paycheck, your Benefit Base will continue to grow by 175% of any interest credits you earn. Please see the Certificate of Disclosure for more information. Retire in 11+ Years. Therefore, it is really important that you first discuss your needs with an annuity professional who can help you with sorting all of the intricate details. We do not manage client funds or hold custody of assets, we help users connect with relevant financial advisors. You can also be sure that you will have an income in retirement for as long as you (and your spouse, if applicable) need it. Insurance companies often issue contracts that are state-specific. 3.25%. Best. Over time, there can be a significant difference between these two figures. The Lifetime Income Withdrawal amount will be doubled if qualifications are met, and the Accumulated Value is greater than zero. This is because these annuities provide the opportunity to receive positive growth when an underlying market index is being tracked and performs well, while also protecting your principal if the underlying index performs poorly. AND, the income increases are locked in, so they can be lost, regardless of what happens in the market.. The cap and participation rates are lower than they are on Athenes other annuity products. Before purchasing any investment product be sure to do your own due diligence and consult a properly licensed professional should you have specific questions as they relate to your individual circumstances. Granted we dont know what the markets will do, but if we did have an extended period where they did not perform, then Athene would give you a higher lifetime income. In order to best support you, we would need some additional information from you. If so, just let us know the name (or names) of the annuity(ies) and our Annuity Gator annuity geeks will get on it. With that in mind, a financial advisor is likely to focus on this best of all worlds scenario when presenting this product to you. Reinsurers may not be licensed in all states. 10%. Annuities are distributed by My Annuity Store, Inc. Due to our experience and longevity in this arena, we have become very good at what we do, and weve actually come to be known as a highly trusted source of annuity information online. Product features, limitations and availability vary; see the Certificates of Disclosure for details. Annuity product guarantees rely on the financial strength and claims-paying ability of the issuing insurer. Not available in all states. Not to be used with the offer or sale of annuities. Best! All names, marks, and materials used for the reviews on this site are property of their respective owners, and not those of AnnuityGator.com. Athene Ascent Pro 10. Quick View. Withdrawals in excess of the free amount are subject to a Withdrawal Charge which may result in the loss of principal if taken during the Withdrawal Charge Period. Values shown are not guaranteed unless specifically stated otherwise. This is where the fixed indexed annuity can come in. One of the biggest reasons that consumers are so interested in fixed indexed annuities (also referred to simply as FIAs) is because these products can essentially offer the best of both worldsor at least it can appear that way. Meaning you want your lifetime income to start at least 7 years or more down the road. Besides Athene Agility 10, Any annuity that you purchase should ideally be matched with your specific situation, in terms of risk tolerance and time frame, as well as when you want your income to start. North American PrimePath 12. Therefore, if you happened to notice if there were any details within this review that should be revised, please let us know that too, and we will be glad to make the necessary updates to it. Please feel free to reach out to us directly, toll-free, at (888) 440-2468. Athene Agility GEN (09/15) NB, Income and Death Benefit Rider IR (06/18) and Enhanced Income Benefit Endorsement EIBR (06/18) or state variations are issued by Athene Annuity and Life Company, West Des Moines, IA. When income is needed, the Agility shines in this area, too, as income payments may increase, based on the performance of the underlying index. Rather than sending the info back and forth via email, it would be best to discuss by phone. Athene USA services customers in all 50 of the United States. If you selected the annual point-to-point crediting option, you would receive 2.25. Allianz 222 Fixed Index Annuity Request Info. (optional). This, however, isnt really all that uncommon, as there are many different annuities, and there many different thoughts about them. ALLIANZ 222/ABC GLOBAL ATLANTIC CHOICE ACCUM. The values show what would happen if the allocations earned interest using current rates in all years. The values show what would happen if the stated index earned indexed interest using current rates for the periods indicated. The Athene Agility 10 Year Fixed Indexed annuity could work for you if you are looking for: This product can also provide an opportunity for individuals who have various health issues (and in turn, who may not qualify for a traditional, standard life insurance policy) to secure death benefit protection through the annuity. What is the most important reason for that score? Our main mission here at Annuity Gator is to help you locate the best annuities available, and to guide you towards the one (or ones) that fit your specific needs and away from the ones that dont. If you are considering this annuity for yourself, we would be happy to help you understand this product better and get into all of its details. Product features, limitations and availability vary; see the Certificates of Disclosure for details. 8 yr. 9 yr. 10 yr. 9% 9% 8% 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1%, Your Benefit Base will continue to receive Interest Credits even while youre getting your retirement paycheck.. If this is the case there are better alternative annuities, just check with us. We would be happy to run an analysis for you to see what type of annuity may be a good fit. So, if youre ready to begin this review, lets go ahead and dive in! That makes it tough to know which one is best aligned with your retirement income needs. AIG (now Corebridge Financial) Total fixed index annuity sales were $79.4 billion in 2022, up 25% from 2021, and 8% higher than the record set in 2019. Additional limitations, state variations, and exclusions may apply. Jason has been a student of annuities since the age of 21 when was an intern for New York Life Insurance Company. If this is your first visit to our website, we would like to formally welcome you to Annuity Gator. This is an excellent annuity but it is really designed for income later. 25% Nasdaq 100 Annual Point to Point with 3.25% annual cap. Additionally, the Athene Agility 10 has a 10-year contract term and I suggest staying in the 5 to 7-year range for accumulation. Please call (855) 583-1104 if you have any questions or concerns. Athene Agility 10. Help clients open doors to retirement possibilities. However, there are a few areas to keep in mind that could cost you, if youre not careful. 6%. 2Fixed indexed annuities are not stock market investments and do not directly participate in any stock or equity investments. Just contact us and we will help you review what annuities would be better for income starting earlier. The Death Benefit Payout Period is currently set to five years and is guaranteed not to exceed ten years. Athene USA is a somewhat newer name for an acquisition of a long-established life insurance carrier that has a century-old track record in the insurance and financial services industry. (And, unlike many fixed indexed annuities, the income rider on the Athene Agility 7 is added at no extra charge). Please feel free to reach out to us directly at (888) 440-2468. This provides you with an enhanced Death Benefit. It also offers a built-in death benefit rider at no additional charge. Contact your back office or the Athene Sales Desk for product availability. If you have been thinking about buying an annuity so that you can lock in tax-deferred growth with your savings, as well as a guaranteed lifetime income in the future, then the Fixed-Indexed Athene Agility 10 annuity may be a viable option for you. In addition to possible surrender charges, there can also be some other fees involved if you own the Athene Agility fixed indexed annuity. This means there are two separate values; an account value and a protected income value. SIPS Maintenance - Oct 2022. Jason Caudill is President of My Annuity Store, Inc. and has distributed more than $1.5 Billion of annuities during his career. As with other fixed indexed annuities, the Athene Agility 10 annuity offers the opportunity for market-linked growth, but without worry about losses in a market downturn. This annuity could work for you if you are looking for: This product could also provide a way for individuals who have certain health issues and may not qualify for a traditional, standard life insurance policy to secure death benefit protection via the annuity. Reinsurance contracts are entered into with Athene Annuity and Life Company (61689), West Des Moines, IA; Athene Annuity & Life Assurance Company (61492), Wilmington, Delaware; Athene Annuity & Life Assurance Company of New York (68039), Pearl River, NY; and Athene Life Re Ltd., Hamilton, Bermuda. However, even though this best of all worlds scenario initially seems very appealing, these benefits can also come at a cost. an interest bonus resulting in a credit of 150% of any interest you earn from your chosen allocations. This product is designed to deliver strong income and growth potential, along with liquidity. But, due in large part to the increased number of new annuity products that are being pushed out into the market by insurance companies each one of them trying to outdo the other these particular annuities can also be extremely confusing. However, even though this best of all worlds scenario initially seems very appealing, these benefits can also come at a cost. This, in turn, can also increase the value of the death benefit if you have chosen the death benefit rider. For a direct comparison of the Allianz 222 annuity versus the Athene Agility 10 annuity, go HERE. MAY ONLY BE OFFERED BY A LICENSED INSURANCE AGENT. While the Agility annuity is often compared with the Allianz 222 fixed indexed annuity, there are several areas where the Athene product comes out on top. To help you decide on the annuity thats perfect for you, SmartAssets experts have reviewed annuities from a wide range of providers. Rather than sending sensitive personal and financial details back and forth via email, though, it would be best to discuss via phone. Prior to committing to the purchase of any type of insurance and/or investment vehicle, it is critical that you do your own due diligence, and that you also talk with a properly licensed professional if you have any questions that relate to your specific situation. Index annuities are fixed annuities and generate fixed income type of returns. ATHENE AGILITY. . We look forward to hearing from you. The FIA products also allow you to get income for life, so you can alleviate any worry about running out of income in retirement. The term financial professional is not intended to imply engagement in an advisory business with compensation unrelated to sales. Technically you could withdraw your free 10% each year but that would not be using this contract to its full advantage. Where the Athene Agility 10 really shines in comparison to the Allianz 222 annuity is that the Agility offers a better participation rate for the income benefit. The Athene Agility 10 is a fixed index annuity with a 10-year contract term. First, the Athene Agility guarantees a higher amount of lifetime income if we had an extended time of poor performance in the market indexes. It was very informative. The S&P 500 without dividends was up 13.4%. P.S If you would like to read more of our Athene annuity reviews here are some links to check out: Thank you. Nothing on this website is a recommendation to buy or sell an annuity. Meaning you want your lifetime income to start at least 10 years or more down the road. In addition, we also realize that the information about annuities can and often does change. But even so, the only way to really know if the Athene Agility 10 annuity is right for you is to have it tested. Please reach out to your financial professional if you have any questions about insurance products and their features. Before we get too far into this review, we do want to be perfectly clear in stating that we believe that annuities can be a very viable financial option for some people provided that they fit in with your other short and long-term financial goals. Hi Robert Thank you for your message. Heres how the annuity might look over a 30-year period. Sometimes it can really help to see first hand how a financial product has been or has not been working out for other investors. Athene has acknowledged this and made the corrections with the third-party subcontractor so that this would not be an issue going forward. My Annuity Store, Inc. All rights reserved. If so, just let us knowthe name (or names) of the annuity(ies) and our Annuity Gator annuity geeks will get on it. This annuity is designed for delivering strong income and growth potential, plus liquidity. Athene passes this test with strong financial ratings and comes in #1 in overall index annuity sales in 2020. 25% PIMCO Tactical Balance Index with 3.1% annual spread. All content is for educational purposes only. 5%. In this case, for instance, there is no added cost for the income rider. You can selectively provide your consent below to allow such third party embeds. It is not a recommendation to purchase or to sell an annuity. Book a FREE consultation. Annuity contracts and group annuity contracts are issued by Athene Annuity & Life Assurance Company of New York (68039), Pearl River, NY, in New York state. Products not available in all states. You should always consult your own financial planning, tax, and legal advisors to determine if a fixed annuity, fixed index annuity, immediate annuity, longevity annuity, or Qualified Longevity Annuity Contract is suitable for your financial situation. The Benefit Base is equal to the Initial Premium, plus the Benefit Base bonus amount. SmartAssets services are limited to referring users to third party advisers registered or chartered as fiduciaries ("Adviser(s)") with a regulatory body in the United States that have elected to participate in our matching platform based on information gathered from users through our online questionnaire. This is an independent annuity product review. Thats where having an Annuity Investigator who loves math comes in. One-Time Checkup with a Financial Advisor, See all Brighthouse Financial Shield Annuities, Americo Financial Life and Annuity Review, Brighthouse Financial Shield Annuity Review, Fidelity & Guaranty Life Annuities Review, Lafayette Life Insurance Company Annuity Review, MetLife Annuities/Brighthouse Financial Annuities Review, Mutual Trust Life Insurance Company Annuity Review, Allianz Index Advantage Variable Annuity, Brighthouse Shield Level Select 6-Year Annuity, Brighthouse Shield Level Select 3-Year Annuity, Brighthouse Shield Level 10 Advisory Annuity. Granted we dont know what the markets will do, but if we did have an extended period where they did not perform, then Athene would give you a higher lifetime income. 4This benefit is NOT long-term care insurance nor is it asubstitutetherefore. In order to read the companys press releases in full regarding this matter, go HEREand HERE. For complete information about the cookies we use, data we collect and how we process them, please check our. Actual values may be higher or lower than the values shown. There are many different factors that you should consider prior to making a long-term commitment to purchasing an annuity. These complaints have centered primarily around administrative issues related to one of the companys third-party subcontractors. I appreciate the annuity review for the Athene Agility 7 FIA. So, if youre ready to begin this review, lets go ahead and dive in! AnnuityAdvisors - Where advisors go for advice - Annuity Financial The more specific and detailed you are, the more likely well be able to help . A 25% premium bonus only applies to Benefit Base, To qualify for the Enhanced Lifetime Income Withdrawals you must be confined to Qualified Care Facility for 180 out of the last 250 days. Allianz 222 Fixed Index; Brighthouse Shield Level Selector; Jackson National Perspective II Lifeguard Freedom Flex; Athene Agility 10 Year Fixed Index; AXA Structured Capital Strategies; AIG Polaris Platinum III; All Annuity Reviews; Blog. Please limit your response to 150 characters or less. These charges are set up as follows: In addition to incurring a surrender charge from Athene, if you make such a withdrawal prior to turning age 59 1/2, then you could also be hit with an additional 10% early withdrawal charge from the IRS. There are no guarantees that working with an adviser will yield positive returns. If the insured has any objections to any of the terms and conditions, s/he has the option to Because of that, annuities that initially might seem exactly alike can actually give you vastly different results. Please call (855) 583-1104 if you have any questions or concerns. But before we get too far into this review, we do want to be perfectly clear in stating that we believe that annuities can be a very viable financial option for some people provided that they fit in with your other short- and long-term financial goals. All transactions are subject to meeting a reinsurers underwriting requirements. If you are using our Services via a browser you can restrict, block or remove cookies through your web browser settings. After the 30-day Bailout Window, all charges may apply. (175% versus 150% with Allianz) this can make a very big difference when calculating the lifetime income. This insurer is rated as the number two carrier in fixed indexed annuity sales, and has been consistently for the past three years. 7%. Because of that, annuities that initially might seem exactly alike can actually give you vastly different results. This is where the Annuity Gator comes in. The Annuity Gator. Income payments may increase each year depending on the performance of your clients chosen index strategies, Increases are locked in and cannot be lost regardless of future index performance, Indexed interest crediting strategies feature indices exclusive to Athene, Initial bonus that instantly boosts the Benefit Base, 175% market-leading stacked growth to the Benefit Base, Benefit Base continues growing after income has started, growing the value of the Rider Death Benefit, Up to 10% penalty-free withdrawals based on Accumulated Value or initial premium, whichever is greater, Enhanced Income Benefit at no additional charge, Built-in Rider Death Benefit beneficiary receives the fullremaining value of the riders Benefit Base in annual payments. Fixed indexed annuity. The guaranteed lifetime income for both the Athene Agility and the Allianz 222 . Jackson National Perspective II Lifeguard Freedom Flex, Independent Review of the Athene Agility 7-Year Fixed Indexed Annuity [Updated December 2020], Athene held nearly $147 billion in total GAAP assets, Athene Balanced Choice Annuity (BCA) Elevate Fixed Indexed Annuity, Athene Ascent 10 Bonus Fixed Index Annuity, Athene Income Select Bonus Fixed Index Annuity, Athene Ascent 10 Bonus 2.0 Fixed Indexed Annuity with Ascent Income Rider Option 1, Athene MaxRate 7 Multi-Year Guarantee Annuity, Athene Ascent Accumulator 10 Fixed Indexed Annuity, Athene Agility 10-Year Fixed Indexed Annuity, Independent Review of the Athene Amplify 2.0 Annuity, Independent Review of the Athene AI Powered US Equity Index, Independent Review of the Athene Nasdaq FC Index, Independent Review of the Athene Balanced Choice Level 10 Annuity, Independent Review of the Athene Ascent Accumulator 10 Fixed Indexed Annuity, Safety of your principal regardless of what occurs in the market, Want penalty-free access to most or all of your money within the first seven full years of purchasing the annuity, Do not intend to use the lifetime income feature of the annuity. stonehill college baseball roster 2022,