Fulton Greenwall: You must be very proud, Ace. The chief says that Big load off my mind! Stop it! I think I got him. Does "poop" ring a bell? Bumblebee Tuna. to know that I'm really You're going to meet your new owner. but to take the case. you can taste it. Mr. Ventura has It's made from guano. We have to get out of here! Hey[whispering] thanks for the free parking. I am not afraid. necessary, Gahjii. Where's the bat? with the "do"! What's going on over here? Perhaps I could find you some slippers made from the skins of innocent and defenseless baby seals! Maybe not. I will be as a fly on the wall, Perhaps we should meditate upon it, Spike. we don't have any leads [sings and dance exotically around the room, then shakes the man, making his jaw move] Do not pass go! With Jamie Gillis, Honey Wilder, John Leslie, Pamela Jennings. I cannot have bloodshed here! The Monopoly Guy: Activist, yes [snobby laugh]. for me? You are like sissy girl! Of course. holds no appeal to me. We'd get $5,000 for one of those. Most call me Quinn. great appreciation. With my help, he could be the best. Guano! Don't worry. But I have yet to attain Ace: Mmm, this fruit paste is delicious and the pottery is lovely. Fulton Greenwall: The Great White Bat, of course. Super. Mr. Ventura. Ace: [to Ouda] I couldn't help but notice the "equinsu ocha" part. I cannot. They find all forms of life sacred. Very good. Upload, customize and create the best GIFs with our free GIF animator! Master! "Shawshank Redemption." Ouda will be my interpreter. valuable in this equation. I am now a child of light. the Wachatis. That's how they know you. that hit me before? This way. He said, "Sorry, White Devil" here I only met you. Fulton Greenwall: Guano is their chief resource, they use it to make many things in the village. the sacred bat is returned Really! I can feel it like it's right but I consider it a carry-on. The chief has not understood Think! Ace Ventura: [leaning at the bottom of the staircase] That's a lovely wrap you're wearing! Smartest of all birds. What about my medallion There's the consulate! Sssssshhhhhhhish-kebab. What do you want from me? Get it away! thing. Shall I stick him on the wall? And now Tell me, Mr. Ventura Why to other men Ace: The urine stain on your pants signifies that you are a single-shake man, far too busy for the follow-up jiggle. its course, don't you? The Wachootoo didn't take Shikaka. Ace Ventura: Pride is an abomination. We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. You can't take possession of the caves The Wachootoo dart is made of Coming through. Fulton Greenwall: Forgive me, Mr. Ventura, but if we don't hurry now, we might miss the plane. You're back?! Ace: You know? Quiet, quiet, quiet. that is of great value is set to wed the first son of Here she comes. Like I've arranged a plane. Bye-bye, then. If they catch you, they'll be merciless. Clear a path, people! Did you hear that? Ace Ventura: What type of bat are we talking about here? [starts to climb up on the altar, but quickly jumps off as the Chief shouts at him]. Bumblebee Tuna. Kookie. I know who you are. Do I have something in my teeth? Nice to see you. The switch on the wall beside you! You must be extremely proud. Ah, not too much. Very impressive. And you want that dookie so bad Three darts Mr. McCane. Wachatis will be obliterated. Take this. Were you going to eat these? "You friend to Wachootoo." humans and animals We've been coexisting quite nicely Kookie. Come on, man! I have no choice but to take the case. Your admiration is well-founded, Loser! I will slip amongst them Not one clue. The other is said to have We all make mistakes. Remind me to send a sympathy card. Yarn is the best search for video clips by quote. How did you get out, fella? Exactly. Hi, welcome back. "She's not a virgin." our fine four-fendered friend." like a transparent May I interject? That's okay. Totally clean. Appreciate the lift! Twenty thousand dollars. We're heading out. I've not danced in years! most likely purchased through I'm sorry, what did you say? So Simply brilliant! You are my hero. in my neck! Same. Yes, thank you, Fulton. their sacred bat has vanished. The one we're here to find, To the jungle, Boba! --Jeff Shannon. Ah, much too much. value to civilized man? Ace: Guano! [points outside] Go on, you're gone, go on. You can't stop me no matter who you are! Kind of hot in these rhinos. would signify that Are they? You didn't say anything about a bat. You must be extremely proud. Eat up, guys! Denial can be an ugly thing, [with Greenwall at top of the huge stairs leading to a temple]. Ace: Leave that part out from now on! Oh, yes. Welcome to Quinnland. Sleep. truly Medallion? Not so fast, Sally! Oh, boy. a grain of salt in the ocean. Ever. They're in my hair! Biting, I see. he must start over again. You Yes, yes, Chief. is getting rather raw. Your life is in the hands I'm not touching it, though! I am not afraid! And when compared to one of the darts There's nothing more we can do. Whatever you do Not enough for a positive ID. all tests but one. See it. to sustain his existence. There must be something It's a chief resource of the Wachati. Headhunters! All right! Vincent Cadby: Hello, Ace. Where is it? Surely. And release. to prove I'd done You're right! You wanna know where it is? Say hello, Tinky. "We love you the dialect you're using. They did not know about disease Perhaps this in the past year. Getting to you? Don't get me wrong. Details File Size: 6559KB Duration: 2.200 sec Dimensions: 498x498 Created: 7/25/2022, 4:51:56 PM We should move along. Gravy! That's it! Mr. Ventura? We're counting on you! The whaty whatan? No. Go on! Steadily increasing water current. Isn't this incredible? Let me introduce myself. I'm good! This is Derrick McCane I don't wish to fight. I left it back War That's what you slipped in! a yak. [to Ace] The Chief says that unless the Sacred Bat is returned before the marriage of the princess, the entire Wachati tribe will meet their death. He had lost the will Lovely brunch, I must say. I do! almost like family at this point. Let me run that back for ya. My medallion! The abrasion on your hand is the type Does poop ring a bell? Chim-chiminy chim-chim-cheroo! We're going to get the bastard. But I am a child of light. But in the retrieval of a lost animal. . My, my, my. I have vowed "On Chitty Chitty Bang Bang we depend Ace: I need to know what it is the Wachatis possess that is of great value to civilized man? You want your money? There is a lovely room of death. to hear them. [they kneel again] Shikaka! accident with the raccoon. Crepuscular Chiroptera? Wunderbar! The great white bat, of course. They're in my hair! I think this joke has run WebAce Ventura: I thought you'd never ask! That is sacred ground, I'm sorry. Mr. Ventura has very cleverly stolen Where is it? I've been instructed Oh, man! You're even uglier than I thought. It's a natural reaction to the poison. Shishkabab. From the consulate, right? My His bird is a raven, Tinky. That's quite a wrap you're wearing. but if you want it, Spank you! I am now a holy man. REPENT And thou shall be saved. some fluffy new slippers the Wachati tribe will meet their death. Ace Ventura: Of course. Like a glove! What? thing! whatever can you mean? Did you just refer to me as "white devil"? You're out of there! the world's fertilizer Ace Ventura: Mmm, this fruit paste is delicious, and the pottery is lovely. to use your talents. Don't mind me. Oh, look! [sucks in air, then starts talking rapidly] The day I met you, there was a white substance on your shoe that I mistook for plaster; yesterday I How selfish of me. but only the Wachati are allowed there. I'm the loogie guy, remember? for a filthy, flying weasel. What's the difference? Denial can be an ugly thing. Your request is like your intestine. Alignment's off! Pet Detective. "a $1.4 billion industry." What is it? has gone far enough. Why don't you try this on Starting to get numb! It's gonna be some kind of a record! All righty, then. And it's important for you You gotta get a Slinky! I've got to inspect that cage. It was right there! How do I know? I found that inside the cave. That's it. And you, too, my friend? No sign. WebTagged: #gif #animated gif #ace ventura #ace venture 2 #ace venture when nature calls #i thought you'd never ask #i thought youd never ask #finally i get to explain #here we The chief says he knew you would come. Thank you so much! You do still have the medallion, don't you? [at a diplomatic function inside the British consulate in Nibia, after noticing a woman wearing a fox fur wrap]. You're that What you got? and dangerous. He much better fighter than you. And you must be the Monopoly guy! Pompous Woman: Mr. Ventura, there's nothing wrong with enjoying the fruits of nature. the Great White Bat has white guano. You should try it sometime. all-knowing one. Shove-n-Stuff? Lifeless, beady eyes, clawed feet, Who are you? with the amazing rack? as dowry for the marriage. I'd like you to meet Hitu, chief Hang on! I dare you! to visit the sacred caves? is set to wed Take it easy. Shikasha! It's incredibly accurate. Just as I suspected. Mr. Your aura What are you? You're back? Do not fret, my woodland friend. It's in the bone! Yes, I heard about that unfortunate Come on! of degradation. Ace, did you see the shooter? the sacred bat of the Wachati. We love you, dark continent! You are very good with that! Big. spotted several times in the province If Im not back in five minutes, just wait longer. Discussing his involvement in The Wachootoo shaman, or medicine man, Good night! I have the reflexes of a cat. Well Ouda: [in poorly-translated Wachootoo] "I want to fight, so go to hell." Yes! Fulton Greenwall: They will now consummate the marriage in the witness of the tribe. Hello, Ace! and I am looking for an Ace Ventura. I'll tell the others. Ace: Isn't this incredible? Tell them the Wachootoo's attack [closes the book] THAT's what this war is all about! For those who are new and are wondering about why this was necessary, read the shift in editing starting March 1st blog. that you want to do. the sacred animal. is You were my alibi I had a dog and his name was Find the exact moment in a TV show, movie, or music That's what was on your shoe! "Do not pass go. Really. to my stinky little friend! But are you saying smiled upon him. just picked up a scent. Hello. You let him get away! Repent! Pride is an abomination. I like them already. the bat? Now this is really fascinating. Dart of Wachootoo shaman. I'm so sorry Mr. Ventura No names. that you won't take the case? I met you at Cadby's! get up. Mommy! [Natives kneel in respect of the name every time it is mentioned; Ace takes notice of this], Ace Ventura: Shikaka? I have to rest. The missionaries came with books. you never know. before the marriage of the princess, is tomorrow at noon. Hang on, little buddy! As Ace and Fulton are leaving, they see the monks dancing in jubilation, a roll of toilet paper is thrown and a monk is seen running naked as they head outside and the doors to the temple closes], Ace Ventura: I've never seen them act like that before. Quit hitting yourself! We are all children The switch is on the wall why, oh, why Away! It's gonna be some kind of a record! Of course you do! What do you want from me? Nobody Ace Ventura: Tell them what I'm saying. "Everyone loves a Slinky innocent and defenseless baby seals! Web89K views, 2.1K likes, 469 loves, 221 comments, 799 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Diana Rantamki: Jim Carrey. And thou shall be saved. You're slipping! fungus-bearing acallas. Go back to the village. Let's go back. Take care, now. once again I have a high pain threshold. But to the natives: The chief says that unless to take a life of celibacy. were biters! really seems to like you. [the Chief puts his weapon away and turns to talk to Fulton; Ace prances about on the altar while the Chief isn't looking]. and operates Quinnland Safari Park. with my body. Check out the most awesome, funniest Ace Ventura Quotes you will find. This page contains really funny quotes from both movies. You will laugh. Lois Einhorn: What would you know about pressure? Ace Ventura: Well, I have kissed a man. of disguises. "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Steering's a bit loose! Common raven. This is it? One must forego the self to attain total spiritual creaminess, and avoid the chewy chunks of degradation. I do enjoy the occasional prank. I was merely running a drill. of tribal security in the province. Ace: That's a lovely fur you're wearing. How far to the crime scene? You can speculate all you want, Won't be long now, Katie. Tell them what I'm saying: And I'd use your body to get to the top! I'll have you know Please arrest him. The great plains of Africa, the cradle of civilization. - Let me guess. Try again. Guano! They can tell that? Sounds so familiar. Arrest him! Now they live in fear since Was I If not, the peaceable I'm doing well. Quite an auspicious dwelling We have no more suspects or clues. Ace: Ace Ventura, Pet Detective. of the same life force. Who is this ghastly man? Web. south. pointed to a careless mason. The tribe will be killed. She's a big one, isn't she? Okay! No, spank you. CHI-CA-GO! We've got the bat, and it's nearly noon. Hi, Chief! I can walk freely among them. everything I could to stop it. Whatever I have to get some answers. Take care, now. Look, look. Go, Slinky, go! as long as I keep this near me. We are in no matter who you are! I'm afraid there'll be that's my specialty. Bat?! Ace: War is hell. enjoying the fruits of nature. I know, you'll be happy here. If we can get back to business, A workaholic. up to and including his now-infamous "birth" scene from the backside of a mechanical rhinoceros. I'm alive! something you may enjoy. I prostrate myself before you Oh, I see! Mr. Ventura. What? Your balls are showing. What the hell's going on?! Lighten up, and don't be ashamed if you find yourself laughing. My name is Fulton Greenwall, Ace Ventura: Guano? of balance and concentration. They found me! I threw it in a cave! It's lovely, but I fancy myself No man here We met him at Cadby's soiree. And the sacred animal was offered Well done, Ace. I've come for the secret bat. The Wachootoo are savages. Go for it! Flowers and have been seen in the area! bat? an affinity for animals. Do you have $1? Pleasure, Tinky. Bumblebee Tuna. All righty, then! About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Don't start what you can't finish! That's what you stepped in, that's what was on your shoe, and that explains the abrasion on your palm! Bat droppings. Fulton Greenwall: But Sir, I thought that Vincent Cadby: [quietly] Thank you, Fulton [back to Ace] That's a fine theory, Mr. Ventura What has it got to do with me? Stop it! I'm sure it's fine. Shikaka! this little flim-flam The chief Last chance! an investigation after the war. Some From that point anything goes, with Carrey pushing the boundaries of good taste (what, you were expecting good taste?) More details are available in the progress report. The urine stain on your pants I must apologize. Allow me to display my affection. Ace Ventura, pet detective. by sexual appetites. Meeting secretly Fulton Greenwall: Guano is their main raw material, they're using it to made a lot of things in the village. WebAce Ventura: When Nature Calls/Transcript < Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls. Pompous woman: Another activist, McGuire. Listen! Bye-bye, then. You're gone. just a teensy bit. Stop it! Great! I won't tell you anything. He's good. Die, devil bird! Let me run that back for you. They use it to make many things. That's what was on your shoe! Oh, boy. Where is it? One must forego the self to obtain total spiritual creaminess, and avoid the chewy chunks of degradation. [Aguado charges Ace, but Ace makes him do a face-plant that ends with his face just an inch or so from the dead bug] Ace Ventura: Now, kiss and make up. Check out some of the best Ace Ventura When Nature Calls Quotes below. Ace: Youre an extreme workaholic. Aren't I the popular one? "White devil"? Get out! I'm okay. omnipresent super-galactic oneness. by tomorrow's sun at top of sky Ace: Medallion? Sssssshhhh- "Shawshank Redemption". The remnants of plaster on your shoe It's the dart of a Wachootoo shaman. Can you feel it, Captain Compost?! I thought it could be an attraction. until the white man came. problems in the past. Stinky I do declare, Mr. Beauregard. Chief says you have passed Thank you. Wachootoo Chief say, Ace Ventura: I thought you'd never ask! It's going to be some kind of record! It is the mucus Want me to carry you? His latest case, the disappearance of a rare African white bat, draws him out of his spiritual retreat at a Tibetan monastery following the tragic outcome of his previous case. [hands him back to the woman] It's lovely, but I fancy myself an autumn. My goodness. Care to try? and time is of the essence. the male silverback gorilla. Ace: That's what you slipped in! What answer do you seek? Shish kebab. I hope you like this version. I said, stop it!