Be A Contributing Author For Four Grainer, Dr. April Hayward - Diamond Producers Association Total Clarity Report, Georgia Jewelers Association Convention - Recorded Live, Jewelers Vigilance Committee - U.S. State Department Gets Tough On Sourcing, Liz Stamm - Director of Business Development for Virtual Diamond Boutique, Shane O'Neill - Vice President of Fruchtman Marketing, Ben Janowski - Founder of Janos Consulting, Yancy Weinrich - Senior Vice President of Reed Exhibitions, Susan Wheeler - Jewelry Designer & Founder of the Chicago Jewelry Conference, Monica Stephenson - President of Anza Gems & iDazzle, Toby Pomeroy - Mercury-Free Mining Challenge, Avi Krawitz - Senior Analyst & News Editor, Rapaport Group, Jewelers Vigilance Committee - 2018 FTC Jewelry Guides, A.J. After two years of exploration, I am ready to go into serious mechanized mining in the gem business in Madagascar. Ron LeBlanc and his team of gem hunters travel to Thailand in search of a perfect pair of rubies. When you deal with professional the world becomes symmetrical and when you deal with fools the world becomes asymmetrical. He's got $30,000 and just 1 week to find a flawlessly matched set of mega-carat sapphires. Ron LeBlanc: The business challenge I had was a revolution in Madagascar, and at the same time the world international community was collapsing. They are also used for stats, social media, quality assurance etc together with our partners By continuing, you accept the use of cookies. Ron is hunting the fabled padparadscha -- a truly unique pinky-orange sapphire. And there are always mentors around, as well as circumstances, but when you are aligned with your destiny and your passion you are always fortunate. I am a low functioning polymath and I have done a lot of things: Ive been in bars, restaurant and I have been in the aesthetics business for a long, long time. Ron discusses heating of tanzanite, how it can occur naturally and how it changes the gemstone colour. Ron LeBlanc and his team of gem hunters search the slopes of Mount Kilimanjaro for a rare blue jewel with a skyrocketing price tag. What do you observe most people in your field doing badly that you think you do well? It is in 140 countries but not Ontario. I am Avil Beckford, the founder of The Invisible Mentor. And the new Darwinian imperatives are not just survival of the fittest but survival of the most cooperative. Ron LeBlanc's Ethiopian Opals, Before and After 43,663 views 7 years ago Here opal cutting and polishing master Bennie Ulibarri of Gemshow Lapidary shows a tray of rough opals received from. Their team consists of Ron LeBlanc and Diane Robinson, hosts of the Travel Channel's Gem Hunt. As a nave young man traveling in Morocco in the 1970s, Ron LeBlanc was fleeced by a merchant outside the Kasbah in Casablanca when he bought some worthless stones. My days are different because of the responsibilities of running a mining company in Madagascar. Ron relays great stories of what it's really like to hunt for rare gems. Ron LeBlanc: I havent really been disappointed. The nerdy geologist Bernie is pretty cool, his passion for geology really shines through (except when dealers discuss the metaphysical properties of the mineral kingdom- then his ignorance really shines through). The interview portions seem forced and overly theatric, especially the woman, Diane. Cool show, worth watching. I also have a cutting stone factory. Because it is appointment only and located in a private social club, the address is unlisted. Follow them on their adventures to remote and exotic locations as they search for the perfect gemstones.ron@gemhunter.com416-458-3069, Ron LeBlanc The Gem Hunter Chronicles of Tanzania. What lessons did you learn, and how did it contribute to a greater success? Considering Being A Guest On Inside the Jewelry Trade Radio Show? Three gem buyers scour the globe looking for precious stones to make them rich. Ron LeBlanc and the gem hunters visit Myanmar's Mogok Valley. Ron LeBlanc and his team of Gem Hunters travel to Thailand in search of a perfect pair of blood-red rubies. Ron LeBlanc, co-host of Travel Channel's Gem Hunt series, returns to Tanzania to reconnect with his contacts and buy tanzanite. Likes from our page are n I think girls in Romania are throwing Spanx at the TV.. 75%. Most people dont understand that you need to have an economy of scale, you need to do things big enough to be able to afford to realize your potential. He went on to study at the prestigious Gemological Institute of America and upon completion of his studies . Persuading Customers When They Ignore Marketing, Bryan Eisenberg -, Buyer Legends. Their team consists of Ron LeBlanc and Diane Robinson, hosts of the Travel Channel's Gem Hunt. Living in a small town, the world appears big and exciting. I have a sapphire mine and land bank in Madagascar. Ron Leblanc Business Development , Motor coach and transportation division at Lettrage Turgeon , Graphic Solutions Capitale . I was traveling with a friend and he later said I hope you didnt pay more than $5 for that crap. Id bought these gems which turned out to be valueless and worthless, and I said to myself that Id never be fooled again. They start their hunt in the Western border town of Mae Sot, where Myanmars best rubies first hit the international gem scene. For instance, As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. It was a big thing in my life to leave that small town. 3. What are five takeaways? Its like being in Never Never Land; I could never afford the $10,000 gem-encrusted clutch made in stingray. Ron's Blog Next Next Gem Hunter Worldwide Inc., +1 more Gemological Institute of America Lingerie and a gold credit card is all you need, LeBlanc says. Whats one core message you received from your mentors? Not so much the emerald gold lace cuff for $3,500, though the emerald is the size of a gumball. Which resources (books, movies, training etc.) I cut the cost down radically. Sign in to rate and Watchlist for personalized recommendations. Now we are dealing with bigger mines that have dominion over the product so that we can begin to have stable pricing. Because I have raised most of the funds privately, I feel like I have to lead many things personally. In my particular business in Madagascar you have to be awake all the time. In this gem of a show, we sit down with master storyteller Ron LeBlanc who is the veteran gem dealer, treasure hunter, and expert negotiator of the popular television show, "Gem Hunt" on the Travel Channel. When I got into another life, I felt that business was easy because the courage that I applied to my nefarious world could be applied to the world of business. If you do not have the best people you are not going to succeed in a difficult industry. Ron LeBlanc and his team of gem hunters travel to Sri Lanka, the jewel box of the Orient in search of the rarest sapphires and fabulous blue moonstone. I could happily live there: 3,000 square feet, complete with full kitchen, exposed brick walls, windows left cracked for an industrial vibe, crystal chandelier, stained glass and a Georgia OKeeffe skull painted with a thunderbird.  You get a rare chance t. In each episode, viewers will follow veteran gem dealer Ron LeBlanc, geologist Bernie Gaboury and jewelry maven Diane Robinson as they travel to remote regions of the world in search of gemstones they can turn into a small fortune. The show follows gem dealer Ron LeBlanc, jewelry expert Diane Robinson, and geologist Bernie Gaboury, as they maneuver through mines, markets, and tense negotiations in search of the worlds biggest, brightest, and most profitable jewels. Ron LeBlanc: The most important business discovery Ive made is really about myself, and that is to grow, you have to be collaborative these days. Ron LeBlanc and his team of Gem Hunters head to Nepal in search of rare tourmaline and aquamarine stones that are known to be hidden in the Himalayan Mountains. The Gem Hunters are trying to fulfill a lifelong dream in Sri Lanka. Ron LeBlanc and his team of gem hunters travel back in time to ancient Ethiopia in search of a newly discovered opal, the Ethiopian Welo opal, which promises to make them a small fortune. If you had to start over from scratch, knowing what you know now, what would you do differently? Operating under the governments radar, the team is tailed by an agent intent on making sure they leave empty handed. Hello there! Ron needs to chill out on the silly clothing accessories. Number of salespeople on floor:Two, owners/designers Ron LeBlanc and Diane Robinson. Ron LeBlanc Gemologist at Gem Hunter Worldwide Inc. Toronto, ON. Whats one of the biggest advances in your industry over the past five years? The Gem Hunters travel around the world on the hunt for rare gems straight from the source. Ron LeBlanc and his team travel to Vietnam to score some high rolling rubies. Its the inflexible drive to ensure that this company, despite all the odds, turned out alright. They have to get the stones and get out. Zambia is famous for its emeralds, and their color and clarity are perfect for the North American market. Remember when we walked two hours to a mine in Madagascar? Robinson recalls, referring to an amethyst courtesy of Rasta Joe in Madagascar. Ron LeBlanc: I am a 58-year old Canadian and the Chairman of Madacana Holding Inc, a fairly major player in the gem business in Madagascar. Considering Being A Guest On Inside the Jewelry Trade Radio Show? Ron LeBlanc and his team of gem hunters head to Madagascar chasing rumors of a new but dangerous gem find in the country's north. Ron LeBlanc Gemologist at Gem Hunter Worldwide Inc. Toronto, ON. I was in Morocco and bought a bunch of gems as gifts. A sneak peek at Travel Channel's Gem Hunt, which airs Tuesdays at 10/9c. Ron LeBlanc and his team of gem hunters travel to Colombia in search of the world's most valued gemstone, Muzo emeralds. Let's keep the conversation flowing, please comment. Sign-up for MoreReads: Blueprint to Change the World today! The Gem Hunters. Ron LeBlanc is a Gemologist at Huntress based in Ellicott City, Maryland. What are three events that helped to shape your life? Gem Hunter Worldwide Inc., +1 more Gemological Institute of America Ron Leblanc . What's the most important business (or other) discovery you've made in the past year? Tosyali - President of Benchmark Wedding Rings, David Bonaparte - President of Jewelers of America, Drew Lawsky - Show Director of Emerald Expositions Jewelry Group, Edahn Golan - Diamond Research, Analysis & Data, Brandee Dallow - President Fine Girl Luxury Brand Building & Communication, Peter Smith - President of VIBHOR & Author of "Hiring Squirrels", Marion Fasel - Founder of The Adventurine Magazine, Sally Morrison - 2018 GEM Award for Lifetime Achievement, Aleah Arundale - Jewelers Helping Jewelers Facebook Group, Tiffany Stevens - CEO of Jewelers Vigilance Committee, Beth Bernstein - Bejeweled Magazine & Plan B Consulting, Andie Weinman - CEO of Preferred Jewelers International, Jimmy DeGroot - The Jewelry Marketing Guy & Jewelry Store Training, Embee Diamond Technologies - Sirius Star The Worlds Brightest Diamond, Laura Stanley - Cutting The Esperanza Diamond At Stanley Jewelers Gemologist, Mike Botha - Cutting The Esperanza Diamond Embee Diamond Technologies, Diane Robinson - Rough To Runway Huntress Jewelry Designer, Todd Reed - Raw Elegance Jewelry Designer, Pamela Froman - Get Crushed Jewelry Designer, Ron LeBlanc - The Gem Hunter Chronicles of Tanzania, Victoria Gomelsky - Editor-In-Chief of JCK Magazine, Linda Carlson - Author of Advertising with Small Budgets for Big Results, Matthew Perosi - CEO of Jewelers Website Advisory Group & Sapphire Collaborative, Ron LeBlanc of Gem Hunt on the Travel Channel Network, Trace Shelton - INDESIGN Magazine Editor-In-Chief, Peg Fitzpatrick - The Art of Social Media: Power Tips for Power Users, Jon Parker - DJP Executive Jewelry Search Consultant, Barbara Palumbo - Gumuchian Jewelry and Blog, Bryan Eisenberg - Waiting for Your Cat to Bark? I felt shamed, and I steered my ambition to understand all things beautiful and aesthetic and decided that I would learn about gems. Ron LeBlanc. I got too arrogant, too prideful and presumed that things were too good for me, and disregarded the ambiance of the market. Buy HD $2.99 More purchase options 4. But its very disappointing that loyalty is so fickle, and one should not presume it in life, but reward it if it comes to you. The Science of Female Shopping, Rob Bates - Senior Editor of JCK Magazine, Laura Stanley of Stanley Jewelers Gemologist - AGS International Guild, Womens Jewelry Assoc, & Jewelers for Children Charity. Ron LeBlanc travels to the gem-rich nation of Madagascar in search of gems. Nov 4, 2022 We are so excited to announce that Ron has written a Holiday Song and it is now live! Theres always a story attached to the gems. Series Follows Veteran Gem Dealer Ron LeBlanc and His Team of Experts as They Navigate Through Mines, Markets and High-Stakes Negotiations in Search of the Biggest and Best Gems RON LEBLANC'S TOP GEM MARKETS IN THE WORLD "For me, the best markets are on the street, battling with the locals. When I am in the field there are production and operations demands on my time. Ron, Bernie and Diane return to their old hunting ground, sapphire rich Madagascar, in search of stunning gemstones reputed to be coming out of a hot new mine in the country's northern region. He's looking for a monster stone, a rock that will cut a 20 carat gem. Ron LeBlanc and his team travel to Colombia in search of Muzo emeralds. You feel as though you are right there in some remote village haggling over the price of a rough cut gem, all the while hoping that it isnt fake,andthat it will survive the cutting and polishing process. 2 Rubies - Vietnam 10/15/13 $1.99 Ron LeBlanc and his team dive into Vietnam's gem underworld for rubies. Ron LeBlanc and his team of Gem Hunters take on gem-rich, yet notorious Mozambique in search of the world's best aquamarine. Essentially, Gem Huntfollows a team of modern treasure hunters on their search for the worlds most precious gems. Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates. Ron LeBlanc and his team of gem hunters travel to Brazil, home to Imperial Topaz - a stone so rare it's only produced by a single mine in Ouro Preto. Follow them on their adventures to remote and exotic locations as they search for the perfect gemstones.ron@gemhunter.com416-458-3069, Ron LeBlanc The Gem Hunter Chronicles of Tanzania. Matthew Tratner - Director of Membership and Sales for Jewelers of America, Michelle Graff of National Jeweler - Brands vs Non Brands, Jewelry With A Cause, & 10x Blog, Matt Stuller - Legendary C.E.O. LeBlanc has been a gemologist since 1980, running around the planet buying gems. His eureka moment was in 2004 when he picked up pink sapphires in Madagascar. But before they can get their hands on the prized stones, they have to negotiate through infamous cartels. Follow them on their adventures to remote and exotic locations as they search for the perfect gemstones.ron@gemhunter.com416-458-3069, Ron LeBlanc The Gem Hunter Chronicles of Tanzania. LeBlanc has been a gemologist since 1980, "running around the planet buying gems." His eureka moment was in 2004 when he picked up pink sapphires in Madagascar. It is like gaining entre to a booze can. Top subscription boxes right to your door, 1996-2023,, Inc. or its affiliates. Series captures all the intrigue, jeopardy and rewards of the world's gem trade, every step of the way. They start their hunt in the Western border town of Mae Sot, where Myanmar's best rubies first hit the international gem scene.
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