Add questions to your Pear Deck lessons/presentations. Questions or comments? If I posted a map of the library, students could drag their dot in response to questions I ask, such as, Where do you go to turn in books? or Where are graphic novels located?. Pear Deck offers lots of resources for teachers to help in creating and working with presentations. Viewers could place a dot on which event happened first. Make your lessons/presentations interactive by adding various forms of questions. You can also use Pear Deck's pre-made templates to design interactive presentations. Together, were helping students gain personal finance skills using hands-on, real-world applications. 2022.10.21.00898-c7c85f36f75a0f26baf07aff583fa0ea428698ba. Student paced mode is especially ideal to use in flipped learning sessions, remote learning, to differentiate or scaffold teaching, and more. Looking for responses where students show an understanding that as the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere rise, so does global temperature, and as the levels of CO2 fall, so does global temperature. Show more Getting Started with Pear Deck to. Simply hover over the thumbnail to see who is on each slide and who is lagging behind. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. With the Dashboard, you can also leave individual feedback for your students, as well as highlight responses or hide them from the Projector View. They get to control the movement of the slides. Upload your PowerPoint or Keynote lessons to Google Slides and get going! The Pear Deck for Google Slides Add-on Then, go to in a separate tab and join your own Session. Looking for inspearation, support, and Pear Deck tips and tricks from fellow educators? It provides multiple pre-made templates and resources, along with complete lessons. Take a pause, back up, re-explain. Question the class Do Students Need to Have the Add-On to View a Pear Deck Presentation? Imagine if you could engage every student in your class, every day. Tech & Learning is part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Weve made it easier than ever for you to access the tools you need for every powerful learning moment in your classroom in one simple space. Try Pear Deck and easily combine your already created Google Slides with Pear Deck and make this year a little bit more engaged! Have a lesson ready to go, but know it would be better with Pear Deck magic? Then I open Pear Deck and sprinkle in the goodness. In the Pear Deck sidebar, you can select from one of six different ways to ask and have students respond to a question: Pear Deck is an extremely robust tool that provides teachers with multiple ways to engage students in a lesson. Getting started couldn't be simpler: just install the Pear Deck for Google Slides Add-on and use the Be Internet Awesome installer to get your slides and flashcard files. Noticing a lot of wrong answers? Our search led us to a software program called Pear Deck. Innovation Insider Newsletter. The premium plan has the added features: add draggable and drawing responses, immersive reader, add audio to Slides, supports remote and asynchronous work with student paced mode, keep students in sync with locks and timers, share student progress and feedback, and many more. Our team of educators created a library of templates to support learning objectives typically found at the beginning, middle, and end of a class. From the Teacher dashboard, you get to view students work. Using Videos, Animations, and GIFs in your Pear Deck? What is Pear Deck? All spreadsheet exports are saved in the Exports folder located in the Pear Deck folder in your Google Drive. Under "Add-ons" in the top menu bar, click on "Get add-ons". The Projector View syncs up. It was one of the most fun teaching tasks Ive ever had to complete! You an open the Dashboard when you start a new presentation, from your Navigation Bar, or from your Sessions menu: You can change the response layout and sort responses. Pear Deck is 100% web-based, device agnostic, and completely integrated with Google Classroom. Alternatively, you can access Pear Deck library and search for ready-made templates to use in your presentations. Once your presentation is ready, you can present it to the whole class. What a great idea! A sample question gallery, help articles, and a user forum are among the highlights, as well as lots of ideas for teachers to work from. As a school librarian, I enjoy showing my students primary source photos from past time periods. If you do not want to use a Pear Deck template, another way to create a simple activity is to choose one of the question types that Pear Deck provides and insert it into one of your Google Slides. START A LESSON WITH PEAR DECK Once you have opened the Pear Deck Add-on it will appear on the right side of your Google Slides . There is a little bit of a learning curve when you first add on Pear Deck to Google Slides and sometimes it feels like it disappears when you exit, but I promise it's still there when you click that Add On button. Its fun and easy to use. If you see a project you like, please feel free to use the idea. Teachers are a busy bunch, and learning to use new tools can be time-consuming. The system conveniently works with both traditional projectors as well as interactive whiteboards. I was asked by my school district to explore it, then make some tutorial videos. Resources for Mental Health Awareness Month and Every Day. Heres a final, terrific Pear Deck idea. Or, you can assign it as homework assignment for students to work on at their own pace. Watch these Quick Tip videos, and you'll be up and running before you know it. Let students write a long or short response to your prompt. Pear Deck is a freemium service. Student, in alphabetical order, by first name. Be on the lookout! Installing it ensures that videos, animations, and GIFs embedded in your Pear Deck slides play at full resolutionexactly the way they should! The primary ways in which we use Pear Deck include: Before creating a lesson or activity in Pear Deck, you will want to make sure that your students are capable of doing the following tasks: You may want to even create a lesson in which you teach students how to use Pear Deck before you use Pear Deck to teach other content. The second way (for Slides) is to: Search for Pear Deck and click to install it. The Power-up is a free Google Chrome extension. Since Im a visual learner, heres what the process looks like in a video tutorial. Activez-le, puis rechargez la page. ***Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links, which means I earn from qualifying purchases at no additional cost to you. To be clear, this is an add-on that works in Google Slides, making it widely accessible across devices and easy to integrate with current Google Classroom setups. To access it, go to the Chrome Web Store. Students can join the session from any device with a web browser using a unique access code. Get my free online classroom seating charts! BA1 1UA. When needing an answer to a math problem, the teacher could have the problem on display, and students could type in the required number quickly. After this appears wait just a second & then look for this bar below! One great thing about Pear Deck is its Template Library. This is a Pear Deck Text Slide . Get the Pear Deck Add-On for Google Slides. Students answers are anonymous only teachers can access identifiable information. Pear Deck is a Google Slides add-on designed to help teachers create engaging slide show-style content for the classroom and for remote learning. endobj Pear Deck has both a free version with all of the great features discussed and a yearly paid version with even more options! Get ready to power up! In Flipgrid, when students are getting ready to record, have them choose the screenshot option (to the right of the camera button). Think: bell ringers, checks for understanding, exit tickets, and more. Free response questions with short text, long text, or number capabilities. Click on the star next to a name to highlight the response on the Projector View. The anonymity of each student is brilliant, allowing the teacher to see how the class is working, live, and have it up on the big screen if needed, but without anyone feeling shy about being singled out. Pear Deck Takeaways (premium feature) allows you to give students personalized feedback regarding their performance. I hope it simplifies things for you. Click on the Choice button. Pear Deck's premium version offers more tools to help you manage students responses. Create a Flipgrid topic for students to record themselves reading. Using a screenshot of a Google Slides screen, students could add dots or numbers to where they need to go first, next and last to access the Pear Deck add-on. Scroll the Projector View from the Dashboard. Teachers can use it to create interactive lessons in which they see real-time student responses and, in turn, can provide immediate individualized feedback to students. If you insert an image or video into the slide show, you could create a separate slide to follow up with questions. Students could observe a primary source photo, then type in answers to questions such as, What do you notice?. After creating your slides with the Pear Deck ad-on, all you have to do is present with Pear Deck (within Google Slides) and students will join with their session code. With the Pear Deck Add-on, you can leave audio instructions, descriptions, or examples for your students to hear while they read the prompts and respond to Interactive Questions in your Pear Deck Slides presentations. They won't be able to see the takeaways of their peers. Before going any further, Id like to show you how to use Pear Deck with Google Slides. Student responses appear on the teacher's screen in real time, with the option to lock student screens to prevent them from changing their answers. Thats the power of Pear Deck. Real-time view of student learning and understanding. This is a Pear Deck Text Slide . There are two ways to add Pear Deck add-on to Google Slides: The first way is you go to Pear Deck, click on Create presentation and follow the on-screen instructions . An exciting new partnership for financial literacy. Pear Deck supports proven instructional strategies and makes it easy for teachers to create active, collaborative learning environments. . Similar to the library map activity, students could identify various locations in a classroom by dragging their dots. %PDF-1.7 Using Pear Deck with Google Slides allows for a few more options, but Pear Deck does work with PowerPoint. Number Give a numbers-only response to a question, and see the range of student's answers. What was the worst song in the game today? Id enjoy learning about them. Click on the More actions (three-dots) button to remove a response from the Projector View so the class won't see it. Pear Deck supports multiple learning styles. Wgjag|b,1V\$X^[#vXz1Zrou3Y$Mkut.@Y*X 5.o Once you have accessed Pear Deck within Google Slides, you can start to explore what you can do with it and how it can be incorporated into your online lessons. This feature enables teachers using Pear Deck Premium to share Session controls and valuable student insight with other designated educators, including student teachers, special educators, co-teachers, or even substitutes. Lisa Mitchell is a school librarian who likes to use her job as an excuse to stay up far too late reading books and noodling around with tech tools. If you have not already installed it, you will be prompted to install it when you start creating presentations. Identifying and articulating questions we have is an important thinking skill. Get Started with Pear Deck Slides The Five Interactive Question Types Create a Pear Deck Account View All (20+) Cool Things You Can Do Student Paced Lessons Google Classroom Integration Immersive Reader Integration Use Takeaways to Extend your Lesson and Give Students Feedback Reflect & Review View All (20+) Technical & Legal Questions Students can access a copy of their Takeaway in the Share with me section of their Google Drive. Tips & Tricks, By Stephanie Smith Budhai, Ph.D.12 April 2023. To edit the type of question, go back to the "Ask Students a Question" in the Pear Deck sidebar. I always build my presentations in Google Slides. Pear Deck (opens in new tab) is a Google Slides add-on designed to help teachers create engaging slide show-style content for the classroom and for remote learning. Here are some helpful suggestions on how to use Pear Deck in your class: Create interactive lessons and presentations to engage students in learning. To edit the type of question, go back to the "Ask Students a Question" in the Pear Deck sidebar. Create a Google slide show with the photos. Multiple Choice Quickly assess students' understanding. The second way (for Slides) is to: Open a presentation in Google Slides. As an online instructor, one of the key features of Pear Deck is its ability to provide tools that engage students with lessons. What if you could instantly see whos confused and whos ready for more? Presenting with Pear Deck opens up a whole new realm of opportunities for students. These include the ability to filter students answers before they show up on the screen, star answers to show samples on the screen, hide inappropriate answers, and even block disruptive students. Drawing Give students a canvas, a set of drawing tools, and unleash their creativity! To edit the type of question, go back to the "Ask Students a Question" in the Pear Deck sidebar. Catch up on the latest tech innovations that are changing the world, including IoT, 5G, the latest about phones, security, smart cities, AI, robotics, and more. All rights reserved. Were on a mission to help teachers deliver powerful learning moments to every student, every day. More specifically, the post covers the following points: Pear Deck basically adds interactive features to your presentations and lessons making them more engaging and learning-friendly. To use, simply install the Power-up from the Chrome Web Store on the device you use in class. You can either design your presentation from scratch or use an existing Slides or PowerPoint presentation. Using a series of photographs, students could give a virtual tour of a historic site and sprinkle questions throughout, either in text answer format or multiple-choice format. It gives you more insight into how your students are doing, during and after class! I like to give my students a map of the library at the beginning of the year. During your presentation Session Click Start Lesson to present a Session and have students join. You can add a number of question types including multiple choice, open-ended, Draggables, and more. Schools and districts at a custom price: All of the above plus efficacy reports, training, dedicated support, and LMS integrations with Canvas and Schoology. Discover the benefits of bringing Pear Deck to your school or district today. Students could place a dot on which event happened first. If creating engaging activities for your students is a priority, this post is especially for you. A lot of my activities are library-related, but may be adapted to any classroom lesson. What is Pear Deck and How Can I Use it in My Classroom? Navigation Buttons: Use the slide arrows to move through the slides in your presentation. It allows you to connect with your students in real-time.. Student-paced mode allows students to go through a Pear Deck lesson/presentation at their own pace. Menu Close Since I'm a visual learner, here's what the process looks like in a video tutorial. Got to LearnPearDeck for webinars, custom professional development sessions, Knowledge Base help articles and more. In addition, numerous Pear Deck how to videos are available on YouTube. Record your voice directly onto a slide to give it a more personal feel, ideal for when students are accessing the presentation from home. My school district automatically added the add-on to all school district Google accounts. Before using Pear Deck for the first time, you will need to open up Google Slides. 3 0 obj You need to install Pear Deck add-on/add-in in order to create your presentations. Give students a website, and let them explore! Its a great way to do a reading assessment. Since this is Google-integrated, it allows teachers to create or edit presentations right there from within their own Google account. Im so happy to be able to share with you some terrific options for using Pear Deck with Google Slides. Pear Deck was designed by educators to be simple, fast, and fun to use. As you go through students responses you can star those you want to discuss with the whole group. the Student View (which students enter when they join your Session), and t. The Dashboard shows students' names next to their responses and helps you review and evaluate their work. This can be used with elementary map activities. Future Publishing Limited Quay House, The Ambury, You can also access our introductory webinars and more training resources here! Now when you present with Pear Deck, the Power-up magically . Students instantly receive their own feedback on the Student View. Before using Pear Deck for the first time, you will need to open up Google Slides. Multiple choice questions with response of yes/no, true/false, or A,B,C,D. If you create presentations for work using PowerPoint, you might be wondering if Pear Deck can be used with PowerPoint as well as Google Slides. The idea is to offer a digital tool that teachers can use to create and present material to the class on the big screen. From Help Videos to custom professional development sessions, we have everything you need to become a Pear Deck pro. Im always on the lookout for more project ideas. Give a numbers-only response to a question, and see the range of student's answers. Design a new presentation or open an existing one in Slides. Email! Pear Deck makes it easy to add formative assessments and interactive activities to presentations, transforming devices from distractions into tools for classroom connection. Viewers could type in any questions they had about the upcoming school year. Now when you present with Pear Deck, the Power-up magically enables the display of your videos, animations, and GIFs on the projector and student devices. Text Installing the Pear Deck Add-On 2 min 320 views 0 Using instructor-paced mode, teachers can control each deck from their computer, monitor students progress and provide timely feedback. I have a lot of fun with Google slides. For this article, Im going to show you how to present a Pear Deck lesson in real-time when you are with your students. The Power-up is a free Google Chrome extension. This help content & information General Help Center experience. This initiative is made possible with a grant from the Minnesota Department of Education using state funding from Minnesota Statute Section 124D.522. You could also ask specific questions after viewing the video, then have students answer in text form. Plan your questions ahead of time or add questions on the fly during class time. 2010-2023 Educational Technology and Mobile Learning, by Dr. Med Kharbach. Student responses appear on the teacher's screen in real time, even if working remotely. Pear Deck is a tool that allows you to turn your presentations and lessons into interactive learning materials. (Trying to present from your Pear Deck Home or Sessions Menu will cause an error.) Available for free to all Pear Deck users, Immersive Reader helps learners improve comprehension and build confidence in their reading skills. Viewers could be asked to drag a marker to different landmarks in the state and identify the capital city. From the top toolbar select Add-ons, highlight Pear Deck for Google Slides Add-on, and choose Open Pear Deck Add-on. Pear Deck is an interactive lesson platform designed to easily integrate with the classroom tools you already use and built to supercharge student learning. Learn more here. When the student finished, stop the recording and submit it as usual to the Flipgrid topic discussion board. Draggable questions with agree/disagree or thumbs up/down. Free: Offers most of the main feature including creation of lessons, Google and Microsoft integration, student Locks and Timers, templates to use, and access to a Flashcard Factory. * click them to add. You can always create your own custom activity or question from scratch. With the Pear Deck for Google Slides Add-on, you can add the magic of Pear Deck's formative assessments and interactive questions to your presentations. Thats why Pear Deck was designed to integrate with tools you already know and use. Impossible d'ouvrir ce fichier car JavaScript n'est pas activ dans votre navigateur. Read on for the simple, step-by-step instructions and youll be on your way! **Note: You may have to log out of your Gmail account and log back in for the option to appear. In the Dashboard, the answer turns grey when it is hidden. Like Pear Deck, there are a lot of creative ways to use it to engage students. Im also going to show you how you can use the Pear Deck Template Library so you dont have to create all of your slides from scratch. This allows students to work independently both in the classroom as well as remotely. Instructor-paced mode versus student-paced mode? In the Pear Deck add-on, set the presentation to be student-paced and share the link with students in a Google classroom. Want to show a video about the Mars Rover in your Pear Deck presentation? Then ask them what's draining them or taking away energy. ", B- Give students feedback using Takeaways. Similar to the animal research project, each year I have students choose a famous person to learn about. This could be used for matching authors with book titles as well if a bank of author names was displayed. This tool allows you to leave comments for students next to any type of response (Drawing, Draggable, Text, Number, and Multiple Choice) via the Dashboard. Click on Add-ons. When they open their Takeways, students will see their responses and the accompanying slides. What do you already LOVE about Pear Deck?! Create presentations that embed specific questions to test students comprehension and use teacher dashboard to view students responses in real time. If you want your videos, animations, and GIFs to play at full resolution when you present with Pear Deck, install the Power-Up Google Chrome extension. Create a mini presentation by using these pre-made slides. <>/Metadata 107 0 R/ViewerPreferences 108 0 R>> To learn more about what this website has to offer, click on over to theTech Tipspage. 5 Tips for Getting Started With Pear Decks Immersive Reader Feature. Learn how to use Pear Deck with Google Slides and keep your students engaged.
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