Most subscribers are served by News-Post carriers; households in some outlying areas receive same-day delivery through the US Postal Service. Martin leased the land to John Hartley in 1769. Error! Juneberries Serves as Food Source for Wildlife, Humans. Index. Upon the death of Bennett's father, the original will was recorded first and Bennett and his siblings then recorded the second will that revoked the slaves freedom and directed that they be sold and the heirs divide equally the proceeds of the slave sale. For members. Frederick County early settlers, land grants, land puchasers, some of these were local officials. An early survey was made in 1724 by Charles Carroll. The value of land is higher near the mouth than at the head-spring-- a pecking order of settlement. Borden & James Wood, for 100 acres on West side of Opequon run, South side of Cohongoroota River, now in the Counties of Berkley and Jefferson. Delivered: Adam Eurabough, June, 1780. Isaac 1768 Fairfax issued a grant on June 7, 1749 to Hamblin (possibly Hamilton?). usernames are not allowed. Page 21.--16th May, 1768. The later counties are break-out counties from these two original ones. Stephens City, VA 22655-0143, Phone: (540) 869-1700 It is, in its Situation, very delightful; from it there is a good View of both the North & South Mountain, the first fifteen, and the other thirty Miles Distance. Local archeologist the late Spencer Geasey and his wife Nancy Geasey show a display of locally found Native American spearpoints and arrowheads which they found in Shelter Rock shelter. In 1763-1768 a line was surveyed from the Ohio border to Delaware todays Mason-Dixon Line, the states border. Because of smaller animals, they made smaller tools. Side-lights on . Open to all. Register Spotsylvania County was formed in 1720 Orange in 1734 Frederick was established by law in 1738 but was not organized until 1743 Berkeley County was founded in 1772 Jefferson in 1801 With our four-day Wednesday-through-Saturday home delivery package, you get home delivery of our popular Food and 72 Hours sections as well as the full Saturday-Sunday weekend paper. He died 7 January 1777 of starvation and disease incurred through the intentional neglect in his British captors. Bayliss Ashby b. Most are made of local stone named rhyolite. T.K. Sabetha, Kansas: Ethel W. Albin, 1989. Settlements established in present-day Virginia by 1799: *ORANGE CO, VA can be deceptive. Also commonly known as juneberries, the edible berries attract pollinators and are a food source for native bees and more than 40 species of birds. Those counties in the early 18th century are the early settlements of the First Settlers. Say it once. With the town of Stephens City as its focus, the Foundation seeks to interest and engage residents, visitors, scholars and students in the events, lifeways and material culture of the region. Both claimed to own land where the two states met. Patterson's Creek" is a misunderstood geographical area. He liked what he saw, and after living east of the Blue Ridge for a number of years he eventually chose to settle and build his manor home Greenway Court just west of the Shenandoah River near what would become the community of White Post, eight miles east of Stephensburg, in modern Clarke County. Parker died in 1760, and his widow Elizabeth married second to Thomas McGuire. Hite and Rebecca, of Hampshire) to, Page 251.--7th August, 1746. Greenfield was a County Lt. in the Frederick County militia, with residence in Winchester. This item is part of a JSTOR Collection. Stay informed of daily news & events in your community for as little as $3.25 a week. Initially there were two counties in the early part of the 18th century, Frederick and Augusta counties, both created in 1738 from Orange County. Hazle's Run was named for him. Abraham Johnson bought Rutand's land and built a mill on it, known today as Reese's Mill. There was a war between settlers in Pennsylvania and Maryland. Matthew's (Sr) widow married a Mr. Lindsey. During the Revolution a number of young men from Stephensburg served and died for the cause of American independence. Page 238.--10th February, 1746-7. Obviously, all of early Augusta County would not have been IN the Shenandoah Valley. tract, on Mill Creek, South side of Cohongoroota River, now in the Counties of Berkley and Jefferson, 189 acres on the north side of the Sherando River, 210 acres on southwest side of Opequon Creek, 1,000 acres adjoining Benj. Many changes in the lives of the Native Americans took place during these eras. This ironworks was intended to produce pig iron and wrought bar iron. During the first years of the war, Lewis began to lay out his plan for the lots that would eventually become the town of Stephens City. The trees attractive gray bark lends structure to the winter garden. By joining you get unlimited access to it all.Join now. Lord Fairfaxs maternal grandfather, Thomas, 2nd Lord Culpeper, had secured a patent from King James II in 1688 ensuring that all of the lands between the headwaters of the Rappahannock and Potomac rivers belonged to him and his heirs. Hite settled on the north bank near the headwaters of the Opequon creek in what would later be known as the community of Bartonsville. Same to same (Francis Green and Margaret to. It features several hundred detailed genealogical and biographical sketches of early families of old Frederick County. They slowly moved north by 1722 to New York state and joined other tribes. Stay on topic. 614. These properties are where the city of Frederick is today. With the Take 5 newsletter, you will get latest local news delivered every morning. The late archeologist Spencer Geasey found many artifacts and projectile points under a rock overhang near Myersville. Delivered on Thursdays. Mountains we know today formed Sugarloaf, Parrs Ridge, the Catoctin Range. Aug 2009 ~ All Rights Reserved, Jefferson VA/WV (Charles Town & Harpers Ferry). Changes were gradual in the climate and the resources available. For members. Common names also include smooth shadbush, juneberry and shadberry. Several years later the English did capture the fort. Because of the transitory nature of many of the early settlers, these marriages are the only records that remain. In the lush Shenandoah Valley of Virginia in Augusta (later Rockingham) County, it quickly became a civilized outpost. Teste: John Dunbar, Rlen May, Jacob ( ) Trumbo, John Thomas, Conrad Humble. Maintained by: Don't lie. Fithian left shortly thereafter and joined the fight for American independence. He was schoolmaster in Appenhofen, Germany, his wifes hometown. The counties of today are listed below showing the parent counties. He was a patriot in the Revolutionary War - being a Captain in the Shenandoah County Militia. Johnson was a trader with Indians and an official in the Ohio Company. Your current subscription does not provide access to this content. The first Asians came to America via the Bering Strait about 14,000 B.C. Washington Building First Floor 1100 Bank Street, Richmond, VA 23219 Phone (804) 864-8901 #13 Matthew Rogers Sr. built a house on the east side of the Creek, and received a Fairfax grant for 379 acres on June 10, 1749. In 1773 Robinson sold part of the lot to William Campbell who held it for 13 years before selling to Balson Shelhorn. cures. Get our expert short-term forecast, summary of the weather details and news of any severe weather. A leading journal in early American history and culture, the William and Mary Quarterly publishes refereed scholarship in history and related disciplines from initial Old WorldNew World contacts to the early nineteenth century. Sir Frederick Eden, 2nd Baronet: Fairfax: Albert Fairfax, 12th Lord Fairfax of Cameron: . Beginnings, 1732-1783 Stephens City was chartered in 1758 as the town of "Stephensburgh," but its origins reach back into the early 1730s when Peter Stephens (1687-1757), an immigrant originally from Heidelberg, Germany, built his homestead on land that would eventually become part of the far southern end of the original town. Another prisoner from Stephensburg who died in this same way was Gabriel Stephens, a grandson of Peter Stephens. Search the history of over 806 billion Approximately forty percent came from Germany, including the Grundlers. to Thomas Hood, of Frederick County, 248, 200 acres on Linwill's Creek, Between Josiah Boon and Josiah Davison. To continue reading your local news, please register for free. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. of the other part. Opequon Creekis tributary of thePotomac River. Frederick County, Virginia, Shenandoah Valley Pioneers and Their Descendants. It is also interesting to note that the h at the end of the name of the town was promply dropped by its predominately German-speaking inhabitants. For almost 100 years the population grew on the Eastern Shore and near the Chesapeake Bay on the west. Call 240-215-8600 to cancel auto-renewal. But only the settlements between the two mountain ranges, Blue Ridge and Alleghany Mountains, is considered within the Shenandoah Valley. Please log in, or sign up for a new account to continue reading. Page 280.--12th October, 1765. document.write(""); NOAA- Frederick County Public Schools BWET Project, NOAA- Clarke County Public School BWET Project, CCPS NOAA- High School Biology II: Ecology, CCPS NOAA- High School IB Environmental Science, CCPS NOAA- High School Agricultural Science, CCPS NOAA- High School Fisheries and Wildlife Management, Teacher Training and Professional Development, Ed Programs- Conference Information and Resources. Hit the town with the latest news and events from The Frederick News-Post. Samuel Kercheval, the author and historian, was an early resident of the community. In 1755, Fort Ashby was built on this same site as a protection from the Indians. Fairfax issued the grant on June 3, 1749 for 328 acres. 47: Society of Friends . [1] Approximately 150 mi (241 km) long, it drains the central and lower Shenandoah Valley westward of the Blue Ridge, and Page Valley within the Appalachians proper in northwestern Virginia and the . William Penn traveled to Europe and especially Germany to recruit settlers for the new America. Long was scalped by Indians when he was 55 years old. We see many every Day travelling out & in to & from Carolina, some on Foot with Packs; some on Horseback, & some in large covered WaggonsThe Road here is much frequented, & the Country for an hundred & fifty miles farther West, thick inhabited.. The French and Indian War lasted from 1754-1756. A run each in the first three innings off starting right-hander Drew Minter (Incarnate Word) got him into early trouble while back-to-back home runs by Turner Hill and Maddux Houghton gave West . Robert The Omohundro Institute of Early American History & Culture supports scholars and scholarship focused on the expansive field of early American history. Initially there were two counties in the early part of the 18th century, Frederick and Augusta counties, both created in 1738 from Orange County. George ( ) Gindner and Susanna ( ) to, Page 403.--On a branch of Linvel's Creek called McKoy's Draft, containing 190 acres granted by patent to, Page 177.--2d December, 1766. On its north end, it enters the north fork of the Shenandoah River at Broadway. On your next view you will be asked to log in to your registered account or create an account to receive 6 more articles over the next 30 days.join now for unlimited access. Plus you get access to the ePages, a digital replica of the printed paper, and all of our email newsletters. One such developer, Daniel Dulany, an Irish lawyer and entrepreneur, had a land patent of 7,000 acres known as Taskers Chance. Dulany knew he could not successfully settle his new community on Marylands rough and untamed western frontier with English immigrants only. Sorry, no member giveaways, custom newsletters, linked accounts or ePages access with short-term passes. The library is open by appointment only. Boyce, VA 22620. Some examples will be given in relation to the Cartmells. For several years, Dulany sent inducements to German and Swiss immigrants living in Pennsylvania as well as in Europe to settle on his Taskers Chance parcel. William Smith and Mary, of Hampshire County, to James Thomas, 67, on south side of Timber Ridge on a draft of Linvil's Creek, patented to William Smith, deceased, father of said William, 10th March, 1756, 154 acres. The Allegheny serviceberry is one of the first trees at the arboretum to flower each spring when the delicate masses of white, fragrant flowers appear in mid-April. Also, you can share digital access with up to four other household members at no additional cost. And, as with all of our packages, you get full access to all of our online content, any day and on any device. Notifications from this discussion will be disabled. Frederick County Courthouse 5 North Kent Street Winchester, VA 22601-5037 Phone: 540-722-7208 Frederick County Website Clerk Circuit Court has birth records 1853-1912, marriage records from 1782, death records 1853-1896, divorce records from 1870 probate and land records from 1743 [4] Frederick County, Virginia Record Dates [ edit | edit source] In honor of Arbor Day, the nations tree planting holiday, Blandy arborists and representatives from the Department of Forestry will plant an Allegheny Serviceberry tree at the Arboretum on Friday, April 28. Frederick County births and deaths. Boyce, VA Representatives from the State Arboretum of Virginia at Blandy Experimental Farm have named the Allegheny serviceberry (Amelanchier laevis) as the 2023 Tree of the Year.
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