The plan allows coverage for your legal opposite-sex spouse and/or your child(ren) (biological,adopted, step or foster) from birth to the end of the month that your child attains age 26. However, you must request enrollment within 60 days after your or your dependents coverage ends under Medicaid or a state childrens health insurance program. When you use Davis Vision providers, you receive higher benefits. eligible as determined by the archdiocese. Please contact the Archdiocese of Boston Benefits Office at, or 66 Brooks Drive, Braintree, MA 02184, to submit a request. Human Resources Benefits Hotline: 713-652-8265 Fax: 713-654-5763 BENEFITS AT A GLANCE This link leads to the machine readable files that are made available in response to the federal Transparency in Coverage Rule and includes negotiated service rates and out-of-network allowed amounts between health plans and healthcare providers. AOD Payroll Deadline Calendar. Fax: 617-779-4567, Categories of Archdiocesan Clergy Accused of Sexual Abuse of a Child. You can see a board-certified doctor by secure video, phone, or mobile app who can treat non-emergency conditions such as allergies, asthma, cold/flu, ear or respiratory infections, and nausea or vomiting. Associate Director of Employee Benefits If you do not submit an Enrollment Form within 30 days, the delivery will be covered but any other expenses for the child will not be covered. Please see the Benefit Guide for additional information. The cash value builds tax-deferred. The Personal Choice HDHP plan includes the $75 Vision program that provides benefits for exams and eyeglasses or contact lenses. This link leads to the machine readable files that are made available in response to the federal Transparency in Coverage Rule and includes negotiated service rates and out-of-network allowed amounts between health plans and healthcare providers. 3. 973-497-4125 American Heritage offers a variety of checking accounts and digital services to meet your needs and fit your lifestyle. The hardest part of my job was the pay. Each member of your family can choose a different PCP, and you may choose a pediatrician for your children. The Plan does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.The Plan provides free aids and services to people with disabilities to communicate effectively with us, such as qualified sign language interpreters and written information in other formats (large print, audio, accessible electronic formats, other formats). Failure to provide timely notice of loss of eligibility will be considered intentional misrepresentation. IMPORTANT FOR THE KEYSTONE POS OPTION: Benefits will be paid at the lower Self-Referred level if you do not choose a PCP. Take time to think about the futurewhether thats next year or 30 years from now. Health Savings Accounts (HSA) under Benefitfocus. Other limits may apply to Critical Illness or Voluntary Accident insurance. For eligible employees, the parish/school location pays $1,802. Benefit-eligible employees must enroll or decline coverage within the first 30 days of employment or change to benefit-eligible status.
This is whole life insurance that pays benefits to your beneficiaries if you die AND builds a cash value. Click Continue and follow the easy steps from there. Contact your State for more information on eligibility. To contribute and manage your account, you need to enroll. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form by any means without
spouse (marriage certificate must be made available upon request); unmarried dependent children under age 26 for Medical coverage; Dental coverage may continue up to age 19 (or 26 if a full-time student); and. These plans include: a preferred provider plan (PPO) and two HMO Plans (HMO IL and Blue Advantage HMO). Although were doing our best to serve each of our participants in a timely manner, wait times are longer because our call volumes are higher than normal. option to enroll eligible dependents for medical, vision, and dental
CO Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program (FAMLI) Manual Check Instructions. The IRS sets a maximum contribution for each calendar year. To make a change to your medical or dental benefits or flexible spending account, you must experience a qualifying life event in accordance with IRS regulations. We hope you will stay safe as we work through this challenging situation. 224 0 obj
Or, go to the nearest In-Network urgent care center. Medication can be prescribed if indicated. Chapter 4 - Catholic Identity and Religious Ed, Chapter 12 - Cocurricular and Enrichment Programs. Plan Administrator - Lay Benefits Director of Employee Benefits All or part of the benefit is paid for certain serious injuries that occur within one year of a covered accident. If you or your dependents are already enrolled in Medicaid or CHIP and you live in a State listed below, you can contact your State Medicaid or CHIP office to find out if premium assistance is available. Employees who worked for employers with more than 50 full-time employees will not receive a 1095-C form if they worked less than 130 hours for each month in 2022 and did not enroll in an RCAB Health Plan . For more detailed information about the benefit programs sponsored by the Archdiocese, please visit Before you enroll or change your elections, we encourage you to review the Benefits Guide and this website carefully. Benefits may not be available if you have a pre-existing condition. Employee Contributions Benefit eligible and non-benefit eligible employees may elect to enroll in the pre-tax employee contribution plan by contacting T Rowe Price at 800.922.9945 or accessing your online account at. The Archdiocese also sponsors a retirement plan for archdiocesan priests that provides a monthly income to them in their retirement years. ATENIE: Dac vorbii limba romn, v stau la dispoziie servicii de asisten lingvistic, gratuit. Review your current benefits and coverage levels: what make the most sense for youand your family? Llame al 513-421-3131. If you are waiving medical coverage during annual enrollment, you MUST return an enrollment form to certify that you have other medical coverage. a loss of coverage from a governmental or educational institution program. Phone: 215-587-3910Fax: 215-587-3572Email: [emailprotected], ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: Jay Wieckowski, M.S. With healthcare costs escalating year after year, the Archdiocese strives to provide the best possible coverage at affordable prices. It is our goal to give eligible employees a resource to understand the benefits available to them and how to use those benefits efficiently. Accounting Questions: After working in the Archdiocese for 15 years, I left making $30,000. The Archdiocese of Cincinnati Healthcare Plan (the Plan) complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. Your Dental Plan election is separate from your Medical Plan election. Prostheses and the treatment of physical complications for all stages of a mastectomy, including lymphedemas (swelling associated with the removal of lymph nodes). The Office of Human Resources directs the development and administration of Human Resources policies and programs (employee recruitment, background screening and retention, employee performance evaluation and performance improvement efforts, management training, and employee compensation and benefits) in order to maximize employee effectiveness in support of the mission of the Archdiocese and . Each of the welfare benefit plans described in this summary is intended to be a church plan as defined under 414(e) of the Internal Revenue Code and 3(33) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (ERISA) which has not made an election under 410(d) of the Internal Revenue Code to become subject to ERISA, and as such, is exempt from the requirements of ERISA. Review the pages of this website to learn more about your benefits. Fit From Faith promotes wellness for Priestly, Religious and Lay Ministry and was developed by Lindsay Fullerman in conjunction with St. Charles Borromeo and St. Mary Seminaries in the Diocese of Cleveland. These employees are eligible for the following benefits also detailed in the document 2023 Summary Benefits for Full Time Employees. Download the IBX Mobile App for your iPhone or Android! This section reviews who is eligible and how to enroll. If you insure your family, the cost is slightly higher.If you die in a covered accident, your beneficiary receives 100% of the coverage amount. You may borrow against the cash value for various needs, such as childrens college, paying off a mortgage, or supplementing retirement income. The lay employee and priest plans are administered by a board of trustees. The Archdiocese partners with American Heritage Credit Union to offer employees membership in a credit union that is ranked one of the best in Pennsylvania. 2024 Holidays & Holy Days Observance Schedule. MDLIVE is a convenient option when its not possible to visit your doctors office, retail clinic, or urgent care center. Plus, its more cost-effective than visiting the ER for an illness thats not an emergency. 4. With up-to-date claims and coverage information, lifestyle improvement programs, and relevant health information, makes it easy to manage your benefits. Disability coverage protects your income when illness or injury prevents you from working. God calls the Catholics of the Archdiocese of Baltimore to be a welcoming, worshipping community of faith, hope, and love. The Benefit Guide provides additional details on the two plans. The 2023-2024 plan year medical/prescription premium for single coverage is $813 per month. They do not include all of the terms, coverage, exclusions, limitations, and conditions of the actual contract language. You can add pre-tax contributions. You may have concerns about the economys reaction to the coronavirus and how it affects your plan account at Vanguard. Because your Cafeteria Plan employee contributions and FSA contributions are made on a pretax basis, it is important that you make your elections during your enrollment period carefully because you can only make changes during the year if you have a qualifying life event according to IRS regulations listed below.Changes to your Medical, Dental or Flexible Spending Account can be made if preceded by a documented qualifying life event and if they are made within 30 days of the event. Offices Parish Bulletin Gateway Employee Benefits Employee Self Service Career Opportunities Contact Information. 2022, Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. Contact Member Services at the number shown on your ID card if you have questions. About the Archdiocese // Offices // Leadership // Contact // Website Login. Administrative responsibilities for policies, procedures and activities relating to all phases of human resources, Dennis Miller For details, see the Life/ AD&D brochure on this page or call New York Life Group Benefit Solutions at 1.800.362.4462. Human Capital and Systems Manager Eligibility for the Medical, Dental and FSA Plans, Eligibility for Life, AD&D and Long-Term Disability Insurance. Directory of Parishes; Schools. You can access the EAP 24 hours a day either online or via phone, and there is never any need to make an appointment first. Contact Catholic Charities for details on the 403(b) Plan (see contact information below). %PDF-1.5
Enrollment choices and selections are available upon new hire and also during the annual open enrollment period. 973-497-4095 Note: Benefits will not be paid if loss of life is the result of suicide within the first two years of coverage. Also, you may not be covered as an Archdiocesan employee and as your spouses dependent at the same time. Enter the information requested. Be sure to keep your receipts. It does not necessarily fully address all specific issues. Loans against your policy accrue interest and decrease the death benefit and cash value. The HSA is administered by HealthEquity. There is no requirement that your child be a tax dependent. During the year, you may make changes ONLY IF you have a Qualified Life Event as defined by IRS regulations. More information can be found under each menu item listed to the right. If you are happy with your selections, click Accept and Finalize; this will conclude your enrolment. This coverage may pay benefits if you die while you are enrolled and eligible for the plan (the term of the coverage). ,
The Archdiocese also sponsors a retirement plan for archdiocesan priests that provides a monthly income to them in their retirement years.
Variable-hour employees who have worked an average of 30+ hours per week or have taught an average of 15+ classroom hours per week during the prior 12-month measurement period.
Administration of the Archdioceses pension plans, Elena Skinner Your cost is based on a fixed rate for each $10,000 of coverage. In your first weeks of employment, you'll need to complete several employment forms, enroll for benefits and review the policies and procedures of your parish, school or agency. It should not be construed as, nor is it intended to provide, legal advice. Please see the benefit guide for additional information. Archdiocese of Denver Lay Employee' Money Purchase Pension Plan The plan is a defined contribution plan covering all full-time lay employees of the Plan's participating eligible employers, including members of the permanent diaconate and non-canonical religious employees. As a church plan, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati's Health Plan is not subject to federal COBRA coverage. This extended coverage does not apply to Dental or Vision coverage. When you register for, you will have quick, convenient, and secure access to your benefits information, health information, wellness resources and more. See your Benefit Coordinator for more information. INSURANCE When am I eligible? Before you enroll or change your elections, we encourage you to review the information on the available health benefits plans and learn what each plan offers. To enroll, call TriBen at 1.888.264.2147, Option 8. If you do not enroll within 30 days of becoming eligible, you must wait until the annual enrollment period. Administration of the Archdioceses pension plans, administration of the group medical, dental, life and disability programs for parishes, schools and institutions, Maria T. Joyner Bilbilaa 513-421-3131.XIYYEEFFANNAA: Afaan dubbattu Oroomiffa, tajaajila gargaarsa afaanii, kanfaltiidhaan ala, ni argama. 973-497-4089 For details, see the information in the Voluntary Protection Benefits section of this page. Free Money Your employer will contribute (see Employer Contributions). Associate Director of Pensions The following events qualify for a change in coverage: When adding a new baby to the plan, you must call BAS/MyEnrollas soon as possible with theSocial SecurityNumber to ensure Anthem does not drop the baby's coverage. See the Plan Summary Chart for more. Schedules for regular full-time employees vary throughout the archdiocese, including 35, 37.5, and 40 hours per week, depending on the needs of the location. Benefits will become effective the first day of the month following date of hire. If you were employed prior to 2014 and a participant in the Lay Employees Retirement Plan, you may have earned a benefit. benefits. You can learn more at employee benefits are determined by federal and state law. LOSS OF MEDICAID OR CHIP COVERAGE: If you decline enrollment for yourself or for an eligible dependent (including your spouse) while Medicaid coverage or coverage under a state childrens health insurance program (CHIP or SCHIP) is in effect, you may be able to enroll yourself and your dependents for Medical coverage if you or your dependents lose eligibility for that other coverage. If you elect this coverage, you pay the full cost. ENROLLING IS EASY! The cost is based on your age as of July 1 and the amount of coverage. 973-497-4092 It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. The IRS determines what expenses are eligible. a change in your marital status (such as marriage, divorce, legal separation, or annulment); a change in your dependents for tax purposes (such as birth, legal adoption of your child, placement of a child with you for adoption, or death of a dependent); certain changes in employment status that affect benefits eligibility for you, your spouse, or your child(ren) (such as, termination of employment, start or return from an unpaid leave, a change in worksite, change between full-time and part-time work, or a decrease or increase in hours); your child no longer meets the eligibility requirements; entitlement to Medicare or Medicaid (applies only to the person entitled to Medicare or Medicaid); a change to comply with a state domestic relations order pertaining to coverage of your dependent child; eligibility for COBRA coverage for you or your dependent spouse or child; a significant increase in the cost of coverage or a significant reduction in the benefit coverage under your or your spouses health care plan; the addition, elimination, or significant curtailment of coverage; change in your spouses or childs coverage during another employers annual enrollment period when the other plan has a different period of coverage; and. This surcharge can be waived if it is determined the spouse and/or other parent is not eligible for other group health plan coverage. Benefit options and waiting periods vary by location. If you live in one of the following States, you may be eligible for assistance paying your employer health plan premiums. In this case, however, the Archdiocese will require the employee to pay 100% ofthe cost of the spouse or dependent coverage. You may change your PCP at any time by calling the Member Services number on your ID card or online at Note: Tax penalties apply if you contribute too much. A record of the employee's
To be eligible, you must have been covered by the Plan at the time of your termination of employment and your termination must not have been on account of gross misconduct. These exclusive discounts from leading, national brands are included at no cost to you. This $15,000 Life Insurance benefit is provided at no cost to you and is in addition to any Voluntary Life Insurance benefit to which your beneficiary may be entitled. Rest assured that our operations continue as usual and that, if you need to reach us, our Participant Services associates continue to be available to take your calls. If you enroll, your dependents also may be eligible for Medical, Dental, and Freestanding Vision coverage. If no election is made, employees must wait until the next annual enrollment or qualified life event, whichever occurs first. Family coverage is available to include the spouse and children, but with a surcharge if the dependents have other group health plan coverage available to them. Your Benefit Coordinator can tell you if this coverage is available at your location. The HSA is YOUR account. Full Time Employee Benefits Summary Benefits Contact Information Summary of Benefits ALL PLANS - Eligibility, Mid-Year Changes, Termination DENTAL - Delta Dental Plan HEALTH - Medical, Prescription & HSA/HRA HEALTH - Flexible Spending Accounts HEALTH - Vision/eye exam coverage Wellness Form and Maternity Care Disability Benefits or call 1.866.444.EBSA (3272). With healthcare costs escalating year after year, the Archdiocese strives to provide the best possible coverage at affordable prices. Fill in a ticket below to be entered into the open enrollment raffle! While you are totally disabled, the Plan will replace up to 60% of your monthly earnings up to $9,200 per month. Contact Info:CONCORDIA PLUS DHMO OR CONCORDIA FLEX PPO DMO: 1.866.357.3304PPO: Elite Plus network 1.800.332.0366, Contact Info:AETNA DMO OR PPO (PPO II network) 1.877.238.6200. Pre-certification review is designed to ensure that all the services you receive are medically necessary, appropriate, and cost-effective. , . 513-421-3131ATTENZIONE: In caso la lingua parlata sia litaliano, sono disponibili servizi di assistenza linguistica gratuiti. the written permission of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles; address reproduction requests to
And because uses the strongest encryption methods available, you can rest assured that your personal information is secure. The website includes videos, calculators, FAQs, and narrated presentations about how HSAs work and how to use your account. If you become disabled, the benefits you receive are not taxable. See below for information and links to download affidavit letters. The 2023-2024 plan year medical/prescription premium for single coverage is $813 per month. endstream
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<. Enroll in the secure website,, where employees can find more resources and information, enroll in benefits, make changes or waive coverage. You pay the full cost (separate enrollment form required). If you elect this coverage, you pay the full cost on a pre-tax basis. Your change must be consistent with your life event/status change. Please enable scripts and reload this page. The Dental Plan options include two dental maintenance organization plans (the Concordia Plus DHMO or the Aetna Dental DMO) and two preferred provider organizationplans (the Concordia Flex PPO or the Aetna Dental PPO)., Christiane Mendoza 973-497-4100 This coverage is provided through New York Life Insurance Company. Dual CoverageIf you and your spouse both work for any Archdiocesan parish, agency, or other institution, only one of you may enroll your children. First year teachers in in the public schools make MUCH more. Contact Member Services for a copy of the current Preferred Drug List. The Archdiocese offers the following two medical plans. chosen to refuse must be kept in the employee's medical file.Many
Employees who work for more than one parish, school or agency of the Archdiocese, and whose schedule when combined equals or exceeds 26 hours per week for 8 or more months of the year, are considered benefits-eligible even if they do not work sufficient hours to be considered benefits-eligible at any one location. Surgery and reconstruction of the other breast to produce a symmetrical appearance. 973-497-4239 The current contribution is 4.5% of your eligible pay, and the amount will be announced each year. The Archdiocese of Baltimore and Catholic Charities offer a comprehensive benefits package to benefit eligible employees. This section provides a brief overview of the 403(b) Retirement Plan. Fax: 617-779-4567, Kerri Shorter All of the options are provided through Independence Blue Cross (IBC) or Keystone Health Plan East. STD coverage is portablethat means you can continue coverage if you leave your employer by paying premiums directly to Unum. For other issues that require attention, such as strains or sprains, fevers, earaches, and sore throats, consider calling your doctor or using the Telemedicine service described below. Here are key facts to know about this coverage: For details and to enroll, contact Legacy Benefits at 215.441.6554 or 609.412.4165. Earn an extra $200** by setting up a direct deposit of $500 or more per month and use your debit card 25 times or more within the first three months.
If you have never completed a beneficiary form or have changes, please take the time to complete the form, sign and date it, and return it to your direct employer. See the Plan Summary charts and read the carrier booklet for your option for details. An EAP is a free service that provides access to counselors and resources to help employees and their household members with everyday problems and questions. Your well-being is important. For details, see IRS Publication 502 at Generally, when you receive In-Network PPO care, or when your PCP provides or coordinates your care, your doctor/PCP or the hospital will handle any pre-certification for you. The Archdiocese of Cincinnati offers continuation coverage to employees and their covered dependents who lose coverage under the Plan as a result of their involuntary termination of employment. Any change in the status of other available Group Health coverage during a plan year may be considered a Life Event and changes the waiver status for dependent surcharge during the plan year. Contributions begin following quarter end, i.e., mid-October for July 1 participants and mid-April for January 1 participants. The Archdiocese offers three medical benefit plans to benefits eligible employees that are administered by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois. Rufnummer: 513-421-3131: . This is called a special enrollment opportunity, and you must request coverage within 60 days of being determined eligible for premium assistance.
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