If both grow mentally, spiritually, and emotionally, the reunion will flourish like heaven. The name Archangel Raphael means "Divine Healing" or "God Has Healed". 3 O seal me now in purity; O speak thy sacred word. #5 How do you tell your twin flame you are twin flames? Let me feel the beam of YourHealing Angels upon me,the light of Your Healing Hands. Appointment or Walk-in Help us O Lord to accept more fully the reality of the archangels and their desire to serve us. Please let your divine light and love heal all souls, hearts, minds, bodies, children and situations through unconditional love. Teach me to increase the flame of peace in my aura. Please help me feel secure and at peace; and fill me with faith so that I may focus on my priorities and enjoy a healthful, happy life. Visualize Archangel Michael as a majestic angel, arrayed in shining armor and wearing a cape of brilliant sapphire blue (the color of protection). Archangel Michael Prayer. Intensify the action of the circle and blue sword, O raise me now, O raise me now; O speak thy sacred word. So, when they come around, they both feel the difference. How empowering it is to know that you and I are One. I pray to the blessed I Am Presence of our twin flames for the sealing of our hearts as one, for the victory of our divine purpose. I ask and accept that I am lifted in this and every moment into Higher Truth. ArchangelMichael, permanently station one of your Mighty Angels ofPower and Protection within my aura and the aura of every person onEarth. I Am an open door to your Ascended Master Immortal Cosmic Christ Love of Eternal Purity coming forth into my being and world, restoring everything to Divine Purity and Balance, opening the way that I may go forth in the fulfillment of the Divine Plan of my life on Earth. All my thoughts, all my feelings, all my words, all the images that I hold inside me, all my reactions, my responses, all my approaches, my interactions it is my desire that everything within me and how I interface with the world around me, my loved ones and others, that all be a state of Love. Who will support uniting my twin flame and me in the physical world. I AM the Violet Fire Transmuting Thru and Thru. Please open my mind and my heart to inspiration, so that I can find the best path and take the best journey possible. Bring the Violet Flame into every cell, molecule and atom of our bodies filling us totally and completely. Please cleanse my heart and soul of all negativity and open me up to all good things. Yes, Lord our God, be merciful to us, Your image, and save your servant . I saw the twin flame prayer for reuniting and felt an urge last night to recite it. You are the doctor and the physician of our souls. Amen., Holy Spirit, The divine of unconditional love, I willingly surrender our love life to you and ask you to guide us in the best way. %PDF-1.4
One is gone. I ask that from this moment on we are both able to commit ourselves completely to our love and our union, in all directions of time, space and matter, in all dimensions and for everyone to see. Angel Michael is just one of the most revered and heroic angles in the Christian and also Jewish scriptures. Show me a better way, I am listening. Writtenby Sarah. Be fully in the present with the one who makes you feel whole, happy, peaceful, and worthy. It is not a person as such, but an energy that can be shared and experienced by two energetically compatible souls. Goddess of Purity, take out of my feeling side of life all disbelief and all belief that things must be difficult and hard. I am tired of being alone, so please help me become a better myself and connect with my twin flame. The right one will see your worth and help you bring out the best in you. Let me appreciate the tender hearts within us all and open my own in the process. Archangel Chamuel is the angel of unconditional love and togetherness. Connection to self ultimately leads to peace and increase the wisdom to allow your twin flame to recognize you in time. From this Oneness, I am calling forth the vibration of Divine Love to fully activate itself within the hearts and minds of every being who has, is or will ever be a part of this beautiful world we live in. How beautiful are You, in Your heaven-made armor. I AM the Violet Fire Restoring Heavens Dream! Release the culture of the Mother unto all on Earth, A renaissance of art and beauty come to give new birth. I will be rid of cellulite, clear of acne, and without darkness under my eyes. Amen. Let love flow through me like the blood in my veins, making life joyous and a true celebration. The artist in me will become more creative, I will be poised and relaxed with a strong voice. Amen. I am sure you have heard about the phrase, you attract what you radiate; so, Yes, Twin flame prayers can bring your twin around you. I believe you can turn things in your favor if you try for it. Please help me to release all anger and fear so that I can attain inner peace. St. Michael is referred to as Archangel in the Epistle of Jude (Jude 1:9). Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. Give this decree to Archangel Michael with Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Angel Michael is one of the most heroic as well as revered angles in the Christian and Jewish scriptures. Amen. The only difference is some people connect instantly; some of us struggle. In holy charity were raised into thy light above. Please surround me with your healing kindness and clear my heart of any negativity. Twin flames are naturally connected at the energy level, such as the same intensity of their chakras. I call upon you to expand my Light that my Light go forth from me each and every day and open doors of opportunity and help me to fulfill my Higher Purpose. Its job is to guard God's beloved people from spiritual and physical harm. I AM the Violet Fire Descending from Above! Before using this Twin Flame Prayer, sit in the silence and imagine him with his bright sword. It is a call that says: "O God, I desire to perform the best service and to fulfill my inner vow with my twin flame. He holds the keys to life and death, healing, health, and strength. I welcome my true essence, my I Am Presence as my only Reality, illuminating the purity of my Soul as my guiding force. Hi, hope all is well. In order to connect with your soulmate, you must connect to your core in the first place. I AM the Violet Fire Of Mist and Flame Supreme. 15 + Powerful Prayers to The Universe for Healing And Manifestations, How to Remove Evil Spirits From Your Home BigBrainCoach, 8 Powerful Catholic Prayer to Help You Sleep and Anxiety, 7 Most Effective Twin Flame Crystals You Must Use for Manifestation, How to Make Friends as an Adult | How to Make Friends in Your 40s, How to Detox Your Body Naturally at Home BigBrainCoach, How to Let Go of Someone Who Hurt You BigBrainCoach, What Does The Bible Say About Gossip | How to Handle Gossip Biblically, Why is Skincare Important | 5 Benefits of Skin Care BigBrainCoach. Please angels help me to become successful, and to be happy and have abundance and help me to keep praying to God so my prayers will be answered. WORDS TO FINALIZE DECREES(From the Summit Lighthosewww.tsl.org): And in full faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest (3x)Right here and now with full powerEternally sustained and all powerfully activeEver expanding until all are holy, ascended in the Light and freeBeloved I Am, Beloved I Am, Beloved I Am. He is not only mentioned in the Bible but also in the Muslim and Jewish texts. Dear Loving God and Archangel Michael, thank you for watching over me and my loved ones [name specific loved individuals]. Goddess of Purity, I Am an open door for Your Great CosmicQualities, Your Great Cosmic Light and Love to come into me and be Lifes Great Correcting Presence. AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity. I ask you to act on our behalf and our personal protection, and for the protection of our love. The important thing is that you pray with faith, because God will grant you what you need. I prepare my heart Copyright 2014 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Ruby love, now keep me free in Venus flaming power. Life is precious, and we must learn to leave people behind who hurt our souls and made us feel unworthy. I pray to you to cleanse my vibration and energy totally of negative beliefs and thoughts. I thank you for keeping the Flame of Peace for all mankind until they can invoke it for themselves. There are chances that you may have more than one twin flame, so dont confuse and wait for others. Saint Gabriel is a messenger for the Good News, I ask him to assist me to clearly hear your voice and to teach me the truth. I AM releasing into the violet-laser light all subconscious blocks in my etheric bodycause, effect, record and memoryfrom this and past lifetimes. Often, we as human minds get into conflicts and find ourselves unable to decide whats wrong or right? Amen.. As the commander of the angelic army, Michael is the devil's direct enemy, and is often depicted triumphing over his foe (usually in dragon form) in various works of art, with spear or sword in hand (via Saint Michael's College ). O Life, be filled with cosmic Love! Unfortunately, it leads to loneliness and sometimes deep depression. Shop the Melanie Beckler store Prayers to St Michael for Protection from Evil &. Amen. The brightest Healer, Violet Flame, Cleanse my spirits, Life journey and forgive me for the wrong I did in the past. I call to remove the human-imposed self-limitations that stop us from the full expression of our twin flame identity and the accomplishment of our original contract with Spirit in service to mankind. Help us, who are made in Your image, send the angel of peace over us, to protect us body and soul. See also Angel Number 111 Twin Flame Meanings. I ask you to eliminate all the differences between my soulmate and me. We love You, dear Prince of Heaven! Amen. Holy Father, you have given us archangels to help us during our journey on earth. I will let Your Healing begin, With God as my Source, Nothing amazes me. Amen. In the name I AM THAT I AM, my beloved Holy Christ/Buddha Self and Holy Christ/Buddha Selves of all lightbearers throughout cosmos, beloved Purity and Astrea, Gabriel and Hope, Serapis Bey and Justinius and the seraphim and cherubim of God, Mother Mary, Igor, Goddess of Purity, Goddess of Light and Queen of Light, Amen Bey, Lady Kristine, Saint Germain and Portia, Padre Pio, Rose of Light, Charity, Surya and Cuzco, Lanello, K-17, Kali, the Buddha Mother and all true messengers of God, all ascended and cosmic beings, legions of angels and archangels, Elohim, Buddhas and bod- hisattvas of heaven, gnomes, undines, sylphs and salamanders, I pray: O Purity, O Purity, O Purity sublime, O purge me now, O purge me now; I AM now divine. In the name of the Christ, I call to the blessed God Presence of each of our twin flames for the sealing of our hearts as one for the victory of our mission to humanity. They have an incredible love for all people and protect us and the earth. Before praying to him, try to find out the reason for your distance from your soulmate. Twin flames, in simple words, are two souls with the same shape, uniting together at the same times, having their own unique identity. I allow you to speak through me, heal with my words and actions and love and light. Holy Angels pray for us. And I accept the alignment of my physical body, one with my Higher Self and attuned with infinite reality, vision and victory now! I invoke the Presence of my Beloved Archangel Michael and all your legions of Blue Angels To cut all bad and all causes of discord and suffering. May he keep at bay and vanquish every evil power, every poison or malice invoked against us by corrupt and envious people. I welcome the purity of these incoming energies without resistance and thank them for their assistance in guiding me home. Amen. Cut me free. Let me feel the beam of YourHealing Angels upon me,the light of Your Healing Hands. I vow to end all toxic patterns and surrender the role I play in them. #4 How do twin flames come back together? From this day forward I give freely and fearlessly into life and Life gives back to me with magnificent increase. I invoke the Presence of my Beloved Archangel Michaeland all your legions of Blue AngelsTo cut all bad and all causes of discord and sufferingand to act on behalf our personal protection,and for the protection of our love, union and purpose. Ruby love, now blaze through me; expand my heart this hour. Let God direct your path and strengthen your love life as its meant to be. As One Heartbeat, One Breath, One Voice, and One Energy, Vibration,and Consciousness of Pure Divine Love I InvokeArchangelMichaelandhis Legions of Power and Protection. In this channel that was given by Archangel Michael to a private client, he explains that the Twin Flame is an energy that is found primarily within you, and then can be experienced in the outer or manifest world. There is no doubt that God has made someone for every one of us, and we are meant to meet. Where I have faltered in the past, please show me the way to stand in the right place for fortune to find me. I AM releasing into the violet-laser light all subconscious blocks in my mental bodycause, effect, record and memoryfrom this and past lifetimes. Mighty Archangel Michael, I ask you to bless me with your light and protection through my day. Ill be more loving, gentle, patient, and in tune with others and myself. Let it be done according to Gods Will. Good comes to me through unexpected avenues and God works in a myriad of ways to bless me. Astrea, with great clarity,I claim a new identity,etheric blueprint I now see,I co-create more consciously. }IE5~2l7@RT*==RJxs&l"NZ&UG)m Goddess of Purity, I call upon Your Angels, I call upon Those Angels of Cosmic Christ Blue Lightning of Indestructible Purity and Power to descend into my life and release their Cosmic Powers in, through and around me that just love to silence all discord, density; all appearances and all qualities that try to act up in me that are not Love. . Bless me with the right mindset, values, and patience to have the best experience with him/her for a lifetime. In order to connect to Violate flame, you must cleanse, heal and restore the energy to connect to your authentic self. See him placing his magnificent presence around you, your family, your friends and all those for whom you are praying. Even if you are struggling and your soulmate is unable to connect, prayer will guide and connect you both. It flows through me into lavish expression. I AM the Violet Fire Descending from Above! Whereas he defeated Satan during the war in heaven. I am grateful., God, thank you for the human experience. Music of eternal worlds and chakras spinning round, Rhythm, dance and holy mantra merge in sacred sound. Raise our vibration and frequency of love and light to the highest level possible and conduce us to our ascension in union still on Earth. Inspire nurses, doctors, hospice workers, counsellors, teachers, judges, public servants and all who serve others. I am quite stunnedI met my twin flame and weve been in the danxe of fully connecting hes become distant and withdrawn last few months which triggered my fears of abandonement. Amen., Lord, I have been running away from everybody who cared for me; I feel ashamed of my actions and ask you to forgive me for avoiding my responsibilities. 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