For example, the querysp?? Embrace Quizcore Culture With This Gen Z Fashion Aesthetics Quiz! First recorded in 140050; Middle English, Unabridged To save this word, you'll need to log in. report it to us via the feedback link below. Adjective : (colloquial) Excellent, exciting, remarkable. Adorable monikers for your little muscle man include Zeke. Parts of speech. Axl is a derivative of Absalom, one of biblical King Davids sons. thesaurus. Hudsons story began as a surname for those who made cloaks for a living. Adjective : Adventurous, willing to take on or look for risks; overbold. Adjective : (informal) Possessing uniquely wonderful qualities; very good. thesaurus. Samuel has been among the top 100 American boy names since 1900. antonyms. sentences. Notable namesakes include Nathan Fillion, star of televisions The Rookie. Adjective : Of an object, surface, etc. Aside from being a cute gender-neutral title, Oakley is a popular surname. Adjective : Slippery or smooth due to a covering of liquid; often used to describe appearances. Adjective : Exhibiting social ability or cleverness. You can call your little man Sam or Sammy for short. In the Bible, Jude is a disciple, the author of an epistle, and the brother of Christ. If so, youll find joy in this roundup of beautiful boy names. Smith was once an occupational title describing a blacksmith. Franklin is also a common surname sported by famous men like Benjamin Franklin, one of Americas founding fathers. Adjective : Exceptionally good of its kind. n. Other words you can use are belo for "lovely", formoso for "handsome", and gracioso for "gorgeous". Notable namesakes include Garrett the Great, an Irish diplomat. Your little man will be in good company with many European namesakes, including actors and athletes. Alternate meanings include flat-nosed, giving this title a hint of humor. Tobias refers to Gods goodness, something Christian parents will find attractive. Related terms for handsome- synonyms, antonyms and sentences with handsome. Ace is also associated with passing tests with flying colors. Adjective : (wine) Retaining a portion of sugar. Adjective : Acting in the interest of what is beneficial, ethical, or moral. Parents desiring to share their Greek roots should add Damon to their top picks. Pascal was popular in 1910 but remained a mystery otherwise. Lists. Adjective : Befitting of being adored; cute or loveable. Before transitioning into a writing role, she worked in finance and customer service. Though Finn will remind hearers of sea life, it refers to someone from Finland. idioms. Alternate meanings include philosopher, perfect for the little thinker. Learn more on Carrie claims to be a simple gal despite, at one point, owning $40,000 worth of shoes and thriving on drama, and thats how she ended up with emotionally unavailable, debatably handsome, wealthy Big, who thinks he can cook. Though Dane has Denmark associations, its popular for American boys. Dive into a list of handsome boy names that will make your baby the talk of the town. antonyms. Many hold Cormac similarly to King Solomon, the Bibles wise ruler. On this page you'll find 108 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to handsome, such as: attractive, beautiful, clean-cut, dapper, elegant, and good-looking. Parents hunting for a fun twist on Jacob will adore Jacoby. beautiful applies to whatever excites the keenest of pleasure to the senses and stirs emotion through the senses. August will bring to mind warm breezes and changing seasons. See or try one these examples: joyful sporadically small amount strong wind types of enzyme squishy, spongy, gooey Read about our recent updates or watch this video . Multiple athletes and CEOs claim this traditional Irish title. You can also find references to Tobias in the Harry Potter series. William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 HarperCollins handsome: OneLook Thesaurus and Reverse Dictionary Enter a word, phrase, description, or pattern above to find synonyms, related words, and more. Braxton was once used to describe a geographical location, but it soon became a popular forename. Dudes don't really need to know we're beautiful every day. In the Bible, Simon was an alias for Peter, who later became an apostle and saint. Verb : Precisely; with fine discernment or judgement. At the age of forty-five Monte Irvin was not ill-looking, and, indeed, was sometimes spoken of as handsome. antonyms. Alternate meanings include person of the earth, fitting for the little naturalist. What a fitting name for the good boy that came in a small package. Though Theo is unisex, youre likelier to see it used for little boys. 4 ungenerous, stingy, miserly. Caleb is hailed as a man of bravery and faith, willing to take over Canaan when others didnt have the courage. idioms. Some common synonyms of handsome are beautiful, comely, fair, lovely, and pretty. In Greek mythology, Atlas was a rebellious Titan doomed to hold the worlds weight on his shoulders. nouns. Adjective : (Canada) Of high quality, well done. Mark Reay is a handsome model-turned-photographer who is homeless, living in a secret nest on top of an apartment building. One notable fact about Timothy is that the Bible commends his mother for her part in raising him. Adjective : Having a quantity or amount that is generous or plentiful; ample. Noun : A fruit that is a crossbreed between a grapefruit and a pomelo, originating in Israel. . In the Bible, Elijah was a major prophet tasked with encouraging the Israelites to repent. Adjective : (obsolete) Having or showing good taste; tasteful. Though Gray is a rare forename, pop culture references live on. The Crossword Solver found 30 answers to "lean and muscular 6", 6 letters crossword clue. Synonyms for Handsome. Adjective : (of a building, etc.) sentences. "Beautiful" in Dutch - Mooi Nglish: Translation of handsome for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of handsome for Arabic Speakers. Adjective : Having or exhibiting good taste; aesthetically pleasing or conforming to expectations or ideals of what is appropriate. Grant was originally a pet name given to boys of large stature. adroit and appealing; graceful: a handsome speech. Adjective : Excellent, wonderful; delightful. Though Demitri is a boys name, it has feminine roots. Noun : (dated) A man with a reputation for fine dress and etiquette; a dandy or fop. Adjective : Having a high relish; savoury. Alternate meanings include voice, perfect for the cub not afraid to speak up. Pop culture references include a main character in the hit show Prison Break. Adjective : Elegant, highly stylish or fashionable. Synonyms for handsomeness include attractiveness, gorgeousness, beauty, loveliness, comeliness, prettiness, aesthetics, fairness, esthetics and sightliness. Walker originated in the Middle Ages as an occupational surname. Solomon is a derivative of shalom, a Hebrew word meaning complete peace. In the Jewish culture, shalom represents euphoric peace, where nothing is broken or missing. Nglish: Translation of handsome for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of handsome for Arabic Speakers. synonyms. Adorable nicknames include Benny. August is a derivative of Augustus, a name given to Roman rulers. The handsome Alexander Gilkes is one of the best-connected tastemakers on the art scene. Notable namesakes include John Lennon, an English musician, and member of The Beatles. If youre looking for strong, symbolic biblical names, Zion is your go-to guy! Garrett is a trendy variation of Gerald, referring to someone with iron strength. Noun : A clementine: a small, waxy-peeled orange hybrid cultivar that is easy to peel by hand. A synonym is a word that has close to or means exactly the same thing as another word. Drag this link to your browser's bookmarks bar for a convenient button that goes to the thesaurus: If you use Google Docs, the thesaurus is integrated into the free, If you regularly use the main OneLook site, you can put colon (. Adjective : Able to be depended on for the discharge of obligations incurred; of unimpaired credit; used with for. Adjective : First-rate; of the highest quality; exceptionally good. Ace was popular in the early 1900s, then disappeared until 2006. There are 1492 other synonyms or words related to handsome listed above. Caius is a unique title with a rich spiritual history. Hudson was the bees knees until the mid-1900s, only to experience revival in 1995. nouns. Theo has an academic air, with connections to theologians. Adjective : Wearing clothes too formal or too elaborate for the occasion. a group of letters to unscramble them (that is, find anagrams.) Adjective : Pleasing to the eye; attractive. Surprisingly, Wilder has been a popular name for U.S. politicians like Wilder D. Foster. : reflecting much light; having a high lustre; gleaming, shiny. by putting a colon (. Log in. Timothy went on to become a brave missionary who traveled with Paul. Another word for handsome: (of a building, garden, etc.) Levi is among the trendiest biblical names, though the title debuted on American name charts in 1900. Celebrities like Dave Matthew and Mandy Moore chose August for one of their little boys. Theo was once a moniker for Theodore, but many use it as an adorable standalone title. Adjective : Pleasant to the sight or other senses; attractive, especially of women or children. Privacy Policy. Beau Bridges made waves by choosing Ezekiel for his son. Enter the length or pattern for better results. Parents of Roman descent will love this fun way to show pride in their heritage. Nicknames for your little cherub include Mikey and Mike. How does, (of a man) good-looking, esp in having regular, pleasing, and well-defined features, (of a woman) fine-looking in a dignified way, a term of endearment for a beloved person, esp in, The fabulous Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar recalls a bygone age of wackadoodle comedy. Emmett will catch your eye if youre looking for attractive boy names, a little on the unique side. Parents of darling little boys want their childs name to make a splash, so attractive boy names are a must. Nathan was once short for Nathaniel but is used autonomously in modern culture. Finally, you might like to check out the growing collection of curated slang words for different topics over at Slangpedia. Thaddeus has just one line in the Bible, found in the book of John. The book of Jude is a message to press on amidst hardships. Phrases for Handsome (alternative phrases for Handsome). Adjective : Of a superior type; especially, exhibiting admirable personal qualities. Having stately or attractive proportions or appearance; impressive: 2023 LoveToKnow Media. Adjective : Extremely large; greatly exceeding the common size, extent, etc. The meaning of HANDSOME is having a pleasing and usually impressive or dignified appearance. Synonyms for Handsome Man (nouns). Oakley refers to the mighty oak tree that grows from a tiny seed. Adjective : Resembling fantasies in irregularity, caprice, or eccentricity; irregular; grotesque. Hayes was sporadically popular until 1931, when it went on hiatus until 2009. Milo Ventimiglias character in This Is Us made America fall in love with Jack all over again. When Isaacs mother heard she would have a baby, she laughed with joy and disbelief as she was very old. The fascinating story behind many people's favori Test your vocabulary with our 10-question quiz! synonyms. Someone who is handsome is attractive with a well-proportioned appearance that is suggestive of health and strength. Synonyms for Handsome men. These handsome boy names are ideal for your little prince charming. thesaurus. large, well-made, and with an attractive appearance | Collins English Thesaurus Liberal or abundant. Alternate meanings include son of the ruler, perfect for your little royal. Delivered to your inbox! A synonym is a word that has close to or means exactly the same thing as another word. Youll find Apollo in Disneys Hercules and the Rocky Balboa movies. Adjective : (of a thing or concept) Intriguing, appealing, likely to excite interest. Parents looking into royally handsome names for boys will adore Frederick. The book of Ezekiel speaks of restoration after ruin, an empowering sentiment for believers. Easton has been a top 100 choice for American boys since 2012 and shows no signs of losing steam. Many believe Garrett was a title given to brave soldiers, a fun fact for military families. Adjective : Ample, abundant; generous in quantity. The higher the terms are in the list, the more likely that they're relevant to the word or phrase that you searched for. Adjective : Having a pleasant taste, especially one relating to the basic taste sensation induced by sugar. In Greek mythology, Orion was an elegant giant with smashingly good looks. Adjective : Without fault or mistake; thoroughly skilled or talented. Adjective : Not excessive; acting in moderation, Adjective : (pathology) more than mild, less than severe. Adjective : Magnanimous, lacking arrogance or complaint; gracious. Michael is a powerful archangel in the Quran and Bible, giving this title a hint of mystery. Adjective : Newest (overall, or in some group or state), most inexperienced. Fergie and Josh Duhamel added rock n roll flair to their lives by choosing Axl for their son in 2013. Nonbinary nicknames include Demi. Adjective : Having a substance; actually existing. Adjective : (informal) Being acceptable, adequate, passable, or satisfactory. Adjective : Having the power of charming or alluring by agreeable qualities; enticing. Notable namesakes include Graham Bell, an American astronomer who discovered over 50 minor planets. The restaurant comes to the rescue with handsome wraps for a mere $12. nouns. Harry Potter fans will associate Granger with Hermoine Granger, the series heroine. Learn a new word every day. Wesley refers to serene meadow scenes and wildflowers. In the Bible, Samuel was the long-awaited miracle son of Hannah, whom she dedicated to God. Adjective : Having a pleasant or satisfying flavor; delicious. Adjective : Of objects or things: nice-looking, appealing. Kingston is a fabulous option for the dignified boy who knows his worth. I want to receive exclusive email updates from YourDictionary. definitions. Famous comedian Joe Gatto created a bang when he chose Remington for his son in 2017. Noun : A big and brutish man or a thug; a goon or ruffian. Alternate meanings include creative and wise, fitting for the little artist. To save this word, you'll need to log in. Charming nicknames for your little dictator include Alex. Adjective : (of a gift, etc.) Mateo is most popular in America, Spain, and Sweden. Americans will connect Lincoln to Abraham Lincoln, a former President who issued the Emancipation Proclamation. Parts of speech. Adjective : (film) Having a particular directing style or cinematography. "Hey Handsome" is fine, but I feel like it'd be overdone shortly. Pascal is a derivative of Passover, a fact that will be significant to families with Jewish heritage. Walker will bring to mind physical activity, perfect for the energetic toddler. Teague is a globally rare title, giving your boy all the attention. Reid will inspire visions of crisp nights on the lake. Christians looking for cool biblical titles will be smitten with Jude. Axl is among the most badass handsome man names, forever associated with Axl Rose of Guns N Roses. Picked when small and immature (as in baby corn, baby potatoes). right of it. Sunday school attendees will recognize Gideon as an Israelite leader and military strategist. Adjective : Of higher or the highest quality; splendid. Adjective : Relatively large in scale, size, extent, number (i.e. related words, and more. Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis chose Demitri for their son in 2016, giving it celebrity power. The question mark (?) Adjective : Pleasing or appealing to the senses, especially of a potential romantic partner. Granger is among the newest beautiful boy names and is bound to stay relevant. Noun : (often as a term of address) A person who is much loved. Miles will remind hearers of a long journey, but the meaning has militaristic roots. Adjective : Courageous; displaying heroism. Notable namesakes include Aden Adde, the first President of Somalia. Adjective : (computing) Gradual and non-disruptive. Grant is also a common last name sported by actor Hugh Grant. Adjective : Significant; worth considering. Keane is also the name of an English rock band. Adjective : Displeasing to the eye; aesthetically unpleasing. Trendy, Elegant, Sophisticated Benedict Barrett was once a pet name for a stubborn individual whose inner strength matched their external force. In the Bible, Isaiah was a prophet who predicted the coming of Christ.
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