These mostly are fictitious foreclosures (clouded titles) hold the homeowner hostage by extortion (pay or seize inflated/illegal debt). Judge Gunderson was one of the most PREJUDICED and CORRUPT judges Ive ever had the pleasure of getting rid of. Ill be filing another JQC Complaint against her shortly, as well. They dont care that these mortgages wouldnt have been available in the first place if the banks hadnt found a way to sell oregano as weed to pension funds and insurance companies. In an ethics hearing, Jacobs was found guilty of impugning the integrity of the courts; the referee will send a punishment recommendation to the Florida Supreme Court this month. Daily Business Review honors attorneys and judges who have made a remarkable difference in the legal profession in Florida. It impacts people likeMrs. Marie Williams-Jameswho never missed a mortgage payment but Bank of America foreclosed on her anyway andMr. and Mrs. Simpsonwho were working on a mortgage modification when the Judge refused the banks motion for continuance and forced the Simpsons into a fraudulent foreclosure judgment. Broward foreclosure Judge Andrea Gundersen is running for reelection with the motto "experience matters." Primary voters just have to figure out if her experience is good or bad. The issue of fraudulent foreclosures must be resolved before this new crisis begins. IT HAS BEEN HORRIBLE. An Incredible True Story. Jacobs conduct violated not only the Rules Regulating the Florida Bar and the Rules of Appellate Procedure, but the most elementary norms of civility and professionalism. Kowalski has seen hundreds of cases like the one hes presenting this morning. (Well, more than two, actually, but lets just stick to the two big ones.). And, on the most basic level, the loans had to actually exist. Gundersen has the police and teachers unions, reliable vote-wranglers in Democratic Broward. (the Federal Task Force) wants to hear from victims that suspect foreclosure fraud, my foreclosure and eviction is currently under investigation. Fraudster Francis Santa Was Sentenced to 88 Months for Conspiracy. About Andrea I. Gunderson Practice Areas Questions? Box 23763 Any judge who takes advantage of pro se litigants, and allows lawyers to do the same to unrepresented parties, cannot be trusted and must be kicked off the bench. Instead, Soud gives Kessler 25 days to come up with better paperwork. She didnt even give me a chance to speak. Ill wait. Had these transfers been done legally, the actual mortgage note and detailed information about all of these transactions would have been passed from entity to entity each time the mortgage was sold. Because if you see one of these scams, you see them all. Its eerily quiet on the docket. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); If you believe in the value of watchdog journalism please make your tax-deductible contribution today. Kowalskis current case before Judge Soud is a perfect example. Forward-looking statements involve a number of assumptions, risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially., LawsInTexas (@lawsintexasusa) November 4, 2021, Coopers file contains a total of $371 in fees for process service, including one charge of $55 for an attempt to serve process on an unknown tenant.. P.O. There is a new foreclosure crisis looming due to the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. All that matters is that a bunch of deadbeats arent paying their fucking bills. A year ago, the nonprofit watchdog Floridians for Honest Lending (FHL) reported Gundersen always rules against homeowners who try to fight foreclosures that rely on illegal robo-signed documents. These are bank stooges. Someone previously told me by their Attorney that he is easily bought off with cases of booze! In fact, FHLs review found that in Broward county, 217 of the 219 foreclosure complaints filed in 2019 that included fraudulent rubber stamps were assigned to Judge Andrea Gundersen. Who would pay $50k to make $500k at a foreclosure sale? But Coopers house is owner-occupied she doesnt even have a tenant, she tells me with a shrug. These forward-looking statements may be identified by a reference to a future period or by the use of forward-looking terminology. The hearings, they said, arent exactly public. Judiciary misconduct known as abuse of discretion resulting in THE ABUSE OF HOMEOWNER RIGHTS is more than commonplace, it is the MODUS OPERANDI of these kangaroo courts. Just dont know where to start. Judge Gundersen is running for re-election in 2022. Then sold to different banks. Which wasnt exactly the kind of modification she was hoping for, given that her original monthly payment was $840. We are in the midst of a period of capital markets volatility and experiencing significant changes within the mortgage lending and servicing ecosystem which have magnified such uncertainties. The foreclosure lawyers down in Jacksonville had warned me, but I was skeptical. In the past, actual results have differed from those suggested by forward looking statements and this may happen again. Thank you for this well-researched and written report and for amplifying the issues!!! Now all of this the obviously cooked-up documents, the magically appearing stamp and the rest of it may just seem like nothing more than sloppy paperwork. A conviction of a crime can have debilitating and permanent consequences. She was in familiar territory, having practiced family law for 23 years. Judge Gundersen graduated with her B.S. Video: Bob Graham on Unanswered Questions of 9/11, please make your tax-deductible contribution today. Video: Bob Graham on Unanswered Questions of 9/11, Judge Gundersen ignores tainted bank documents to justify foreclosures Attorney Motion News, Judge Gundersen ignores tainted bank documents to justify foreclosures - Florida Bulldog | Bible Prophecy In The Daily Headlines, Broward judge ignores tainted bank documents to justify foreclosures, watchdog report charges | Livinglies's Weblog, Judge Gundersen ignores tainted bank documents to justify foreclosures - Florida Bulldog - - Daily Tips and Articles, please make your tax-deductible contribution today. THE COVERUP is worse than the crime. I should have never been in this position. Weve got to get her off the bench. When I went to sit in on Judge Souds courtroom in downtown Jacksonville, I was treated to an intimate, and at times breathtaking, education in the horror of the foreclosure crisis, which is rapidly emerging as the even scarier sequel to the financial meltdown of 2008: In Las Vegas, one in 25 homes is now in foreclosure. Join Daily Business Review now! Florida. Billionaire Warren Buffett and his Berkshire Hathaway fund, which happens to be a major shareholder in Wells Fargo. Instead the $25 billion got swept into general funds and fc mills and judges worked out a lucrative home theft RICO dance, ignoring forgery and perjury and fatally broken chains of title (see statute of frauds etc)and now its claimed somebody like Bruce can impugn their integrity? 954-603-1351, Florida Bulldog On Aug. 23 theyll decide whether they want Gundersen, 66, to continue presiding over Broward County residential mortgage foreclosures. LT: FMCE 11007595 (41) , APPEAL CASE: 4D12-2599. But in actual practice, the banks were often committing securities fraud (because many of the mortgages did not match the information in the prospectuses given to investors) and tax fraud (because the way the mortgages were collected and serviced often violated the strict procedures governing such investments). They were issuing this credit specifically to sell the loans off to the big banks right away, in furtherance of the larger scheme to dump fraudulent AAA-rated mortgage-backed securities on investors. LIT aint about to sit back and watch that happen. Andrea is very knowledgeable on the law and I believe she will be a fair and impartial judge. It penetrated all the way down to the individual consumer, who in some cases was a knowing accomplice in the bubble mess. Once out of sight of the judge, she shows me her file. She was elected to the Circuit Court in 2016. Unfortunately, the banks reckless greed left millions of properties with mortgages and promissory notes corrupted and the chain of title on those properties broken, putting trial court judges in an uncomfortable position of either taking the banking industry to task for these forged documents or kicking a family out of their home. Andrea Gundersen is a judge who sits in the Broward Circuit Court. Soud simply continues Coopers case, telling Kessler to get his shit together and come back for another whack at her in a few weeks. Gundersen handled 217 of the cases in Broward, closed 126 of them and never once ruled for a defendant homeowner. The bias of the Judiciary NATIONWIDE against homeowners in support of THEIR OWN BANK STOCK HOLDINGS HAS BEEN SHOW TO BE CANCER IN THIS COUNTRY! I would say its pretty close to 100 percent,. Mark, you still got some?. Andrea Ruth Gundersen. Andrea Ruth Gundersen is a judge for the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit Court in Broward County, Florida. Due to my imminent death, being hospitalized and recuperating, they file the fraudulent petition to gain my finances. But frequently, the loans in the trust were complete shit. The clients have referred Judge Gundersen to the Judicial Qualifications Commission asking that she be removed from the bench. I've known Andrea Gundersen for many years and she will make a fine judge. Miami-Dade judges who look to the Third District Court of Appeal for guidance on how to deal with foreclosure fraud may see the Bruce Jacobs problem instead. Your information will NEVER be shared or sold to a third party. The banks then dumped hundreds or thousands of home loans at a time into tax-exempt real estate trusts, where the loans were diced up into securities, examined and graded by the ratings agencies, and sold off to big pension funds and other institutional suckers. One more important point, I am proudly part of BREC as a Committeewoman that Endorsed (among many other glowing endorsements) LAUREN ALPERSTEIN, who successfully beat disgraced Andrea Ruth Gundersen removing her from the Bench! They have the choice of replacing her with Lauren Alperstein, 38, a well-connected divorce and family lawyer from the prominent Boies Schiller Flexner law firm. There are no faces involved here, just beat-the-clock legal machinery. I think she just follows the law and wherever that falls is where it falls, Angione said. It isnt Indonesia. Two Florida Foreclosure Lawyers Matt Fuqua and Clay Milton Commit the Most Abhorrent Act. To create the appearance of paperwork where none exists, the banks drag in these pimply entry-level types an infamous example is GMACs notorious robo-signer Jeffrey Stephan, who appears online looking like an age-advanced photo of Beavis or Butt-Head and get them to sign thousands of documents a month attesting to the banks proper ownership of the mortgages. The dates arent the only thing screwy about the new documents submitted by Bank of New York. Patti Parker, a local attorney in Jacksonville, tells of a woman whose home was seized by Deutsche Bank two days before Christmas. But instead of offering loan modification, the banks lawyers are in their fourth year of doggedly beating her brains out over minor technicalities in the foreclosure process. Thus, when Soud tells Kessler that hes dismissing the case, he hastens to add: Of course, Im not going to dismiss with prejudice. With an emphasis on the words of course.. I could not ask for a better litigator. The key here isnt this individual judge its the notion that these hearings are not and should not be entirely public. Thats the evidence right there.. Upon that review, FHL found 369 foreclosure complaints were filed with rubber-stamped blank endorsements with signatures ofDavid Spector,Laurie Meder,Michele Sjolander, andCynthia Riley, whose names became synonymous with the robo-signing scandal. The ethics committee needs to investigate why BRENDA D. FORMAN failed to mention to her daughter convicted in 2016 about 3 months PRIOR to Broward County electors put her in office. If they were advertised as nice, safe, fixed-rate mortgages, they couldnt turn out to be high-interest junk loans. The initiative, dubbed . Andrea's ethical standards are a cut above the rest. From 2000 to 2006, there was a total of 1,031 affidavits of lost summons here in Duval County; in the past two years, by contrast, more than 4,000 have been filed. In the end, the agencies gave large chunks of these mortgage-backed securities AAA ratings which means credit risk almost zero.. They didnt feel like they had a fair shake at presenting their evidence.. There are other types of grift and outright theft in the file. It describes how she sometimes orders boat-rocking defense lawyers to pay their wealthy adversaries attorney fees. It started back in 2006, when he went to Pennsylvania to conduct what he thought would be a routine deposition of an official at the lending giant GMAC. Coopers case perfectly summarizes what the foreclosure crisis is all about. Kessler then drops three greenish-brown files in front of Judge Soud, who spends no more than a minute or two glancing through each one. After the reversal, during the following hearing Readers should bear these factors in mind when considering such statements and should not place undue reliance on such statements. Record your own trail from the Wikiloc app, upload the route and share it with the community. Candidates. For most people, the former bit about homeowners not paying their damn bills is the important part, while the latter, about the sudden and strange inability of the worlds biggest and wealthiest banks to keep proper records, is incidental. When the number history notes that the homeowner has missed three payments in a row, it has no way of knowing that the homeowner was given permission to stop making payments. Gundersen said the criminal case covered that incident and the other threats were too remote in time or did not show the wife was in imminent danger, as required to justify the injunction. Find a member of the public who has dealt with the courts and has ANY confidence in them or their legitimacy. #JustSayNo to civil servants of the government receiving protection normally assigned to @POTUS, Watch the video, made for the purpose of public interest as congress aligns with ochlocracy. Right Judge? Candidates must have general We are seeking an attorney to join our commercial finance practice in either our Stamford, Hartford or New Haven offices. Consulting Magazine recognizes women leaders in technology across three categories Leadership, Client Service and Innovation. . Attorney Zulu Ali Renamed Top Ten Criminal & Immigration Lawyer by Attorney & Pr PVA Cal San Diego to Support Paul Ehline Motorcycle Ride Lytle Creek, SEDA Experts Expands its Forensic Accounting Expert Witness Practice. CFPBs counsel are the same. How can you fight a neverending fraud supported by our government and campaign donations by banks and lawyers? Her critics say a Broward resident whos about to lose their home and isnt a deadbeat can expect no show of mercy from Gundersen. Find the best trails in Albiez-le-Jeune, Auvergne-Rhne-Alpes (France). Fucked-up as everyone knows the state of Florida is, it couldnt be that bad. says Kowalski. Shes amazing and shes exactly who we need and get GUNDERSEN GONE. Soud sighs. On the other side of the table are the plaintiffs attorneys, the guys who represent the banks. Foreclosure lawyers told me one other thing about the rocket docket. You can email me at: DO YOUR homework! Compass includes access to our exclusive industry reports, combining the unmatched expertise of our analyst team with ALMs deep bench of proprietary information to provide insights that cant be found anywhere else. Within weeks, Gretchen Morgensen of the WSJ wrote a series of articles on the fraud and abuse by the banks. Do society a favor and vote her out of office; she is clearly not judge material. Southern Florida Judge Orders Retrial for Fraud by Prosecutors. Thank You for fighting for our Constitutional Rights! If Gundersen is re-elected August 23rd, we are screwed because obviously the JQC hasnt done their job.shocking!!! Floridians for honest lending has contacted me about my case, they have a direct line to the law makers that want to hear from us. But in reality, its the unpaid bills that are incidental and the lost paperwork that matters. The underlying crime is so pervasive, we simply cant admit to it and so we are working feverishly to rubber-stamp the problem away, in sordid little backrooms in cities like Jacksonville, behind doors that shouldnt be, but often are, closed. 0:03. If there was a real client on the other side, maybe they could work something out, says Charney, who is representing Leonard. I was evicted in the most terrific and traumatic way. As is typical in many foreclosure cases, Cooper is being charged by the bank for numerous attempts to serve her with papers. In fact, the husband did scream something as he sped away, the Fourth District opinion said. The way the banks tell it, it doesnt matter if they defrauded homeowners and investors and taxpayers alike to get these loans. It is also your privilege to not talk to him if you want.. Find me. The loan was not only late, it was already in foreclosure which means that, by definition, whoever the investors were in AE 2005-HE5 were getting shafted. from falsifying income statements to making grossly inflated appraisals to misrepresenting properties to home buyers. These banks robbed investors and conned homeowners, blew themselves up chasing the fraud, then begged the taxpayers to bail them out. Really? Required fields are marked *. She held an Emergency In Person Hearing to Evict me from my home over the 4th of July weekend via ZOOM and WITHOUT ME, needless to say, she denied my request. The Florida Bar disbarred our lawyer too, mainly because he kept winning and pissing off judges statewide. What she did in my case not only BREACHED the Florida Code of Judicial Conduct, it was OUTRIGHT ILLEGAL as well! Its meEdward Crespo, the pro se litigant who HOLDS THE RECORD in the 17th Judicial Circuit Court for DISQUALIFYING the MOST circuit and county court judgesEIGHTso far! Having unloaded this diseased cargo onto their unsuspecting customers, the banks had no incentive to waste money keeping proper documentation of all these dubious transactions. Dynamically explore and compare data on law firms, companies, individual lawyers, and industry trends. Dan Christensen To sell the loans, the banks often dumped them into big tax-exempt buckets called REMICs, or Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduits. These unopposed cases are the ones the banks know theyll win which is why they dont sweat it if they take the occasional whipping. For example, stacks of mortgage loans originated by the notorious Countrywide bear the signatures of three bank executivesif the papers were legit, a trio that could boast of superhuman powers. For starters, the assignment of mortgage is autographed by a notorious robo-signer John Kennerty, who gave a deposition this summer admitting that he signed as many as 150 documents a day for Wells Fargo. $31,907 Total Contributions. All told, some 820,000 Americans have already lost their homes this year, and another 1 million currently face foreclosure. Thefraudulent rubber-stamped blank endorsements are used to establish standing and the banks right to foreclose on homeowners, the same homeowners that were sold predatory loans and pushed into foreclosure with unethical servicing practices. But the FHL report based on 2019-2020 South Florida court records shows that illegal robo-signing persists. They told me the state of Florida had created a special super-high-speed housing court with a specific mandate to rubber-stamp the legally dicey foreclosures by corporate mortgage pushers like Deutsche Bank and JP Morgan Chase. Lets leave aside for a moment that Charney never said a word to me about speaking to Cooper. Data through 12/31/2022. Add into the equation the fact that some of these big banks were simultaneously betting big money against these mortgages Goldman Sachs being the prime example and you can see that there were heavy incentives across the board to push anyone in trouble over the cliff. The process servers cover up the crime using the same tactic as the lenders, saying they lost the original summons. Mar 2010 - Nov 202212 years 9 months. Watch the movie The Big Short to get the flavor of what happened in 2008. These arent judges. During that time the bankers got the Florida legislature to end the Statute of Limitations for banks which allows them to refile after losing over and over. And thats why most people in this country are so ready to buy that explanation. She lost and hopefully we never hear from her again and those that read this, vote for people that can at least pay their mortgage. The Third District Court of Appeal in Miami tabled the case. Akerman lawyers were quick to note the fact that Third District judges have twice accused Jacobs of ethics violations. In other words, the bank foreclosed on Cooper three months before it obtained her mortgage from a nonexistent company. We cannot continue to allow fraud in our justice system for the convenience of the banking industry and at the expense of homeowners American Dream. This practice of filing false documents was documented by60 Minutesin 2011 and was part of thecomplaint filedby the 49 State Attorneys General. D. Keith Johnson, the head of Clayton Holdings, was so alarmed by the findings that he went to officials at three of the main ratings agencies Moodys, Standard and Poors, and Fitchs and tried to get them to properly evaluate the loans. I am in Jasper County Indiana and have been fighting Bank of America N.A. The Judges are corrupt, plain and simple. Fort Lauderdale, Fl. Each complaint filed by the banks attorneys is linked in the second column. But in a profound expression of the states reflexive willingness to side with the bad guys, the police made no arrest in the case. The moral angle to the foreclosure crisis and, of course, in capitalism were not supposed to be concerned with the moral stuff, but lets mention it anyway shows a culture that is slowly giving in to a futuristic nightmare ideology of computerized greed and unchecked financial violence. Early voting has begun and goes to August 21st, in person voting is August 23rd. Why didnt the media bring this up? At no time is there a human being looking at the entire picture. Another judge might have started working on a foreclosure case in 2019, while Gundersen was still in family court, but her name was on the crucial ruling for the lender. The reason may be unrelated to her job performance, however. Personally, I think these Judges should be indicted for collusion and racketeering. Monika was arrested by the US MARSHALLS in October 2022, she just amped up her game quite a bit. Andrea Gunderson is an attorney serving Albuquerque, NM. I have finally received a response to my BSO EVICTION ORDERED BY GUNDERSEN, for copies REQUIRED for BSO to evict homeowners. Judges like Gunderson who DONT play by the rules, should not only be removed from the bench, but disbarred as well! On one side of the table sits James Kowalski, a former homicide prosecutor who is now defending homeowners. Each attorney is granted unlimited access to high quality, on-demand premium content from well-respected faculty in the legal industry along with administrative access to easily manage CLE for the entire team. I spent 3-1/2 months in a foreign hospital (2011-april 2012) and the decree was done June 5, 2012). They wanted me to pay $1,000, she says. In fact, more than 90 percent of the cases that go through Florida foreclosure courts are unopposed. That is exactly what Andrea "Drea" Gunderson made of her jail time. Its early on a sunny Tuesday morning when I arrive at the chambers of Judge Soud, one of four rotating judges who preside over the local rocket docket. Terrified, the woman locked herself in her bathroom and called 911. Terms of Service. The land has been in my family for four generations, she tells me later. The first reason is: It simply isnt true. Now the banks are using all available means, including robo-signing and other abusive tactics, to tap into the enormous value of outstanding mortgage loans, according to Wagner. Consistent with the numbers, Gundersen treats bank lawyers much more courteously than homeowners lawyers who challenge suspicious documents, according to the report. 73 records for Bruce Gunderson. Floridian for Honest Lending is a project of Opportunity For All Floridians, a 501c4 non-profit organization. Ocwens counsel at Goodwin Law are rogues. Lauren Alperstein, a family law attorney at Boies Schiller Flexner, will take on incumbent Broward Circuit Judge Andrea Gundersen in the primary elections Aug. 23. In one case handled by Jacksonville Area Legal Aid, a homeowner refinanced her house in 2005 but almost immediately got into trouble, going into default in December of that year. Incumbency is powerful, but it leaves a paper trail. Not only by Judge Gundersen but Jade Silver esq absolutely horrible. In a great deal of these cases, in fact, the homeowners would have a pretty good chance of beating the rap, at least temporarily, if only they had lawyers fighting for them in court. I have also asked that in addition to the servicers involved in my case being investigated, that all the attorneys and the judges as well; as they are all co-conspirators and its got to stop! "We're all going crazy in. FACING THE TURNCOATS Banker ommission of material non-disclosure AB RULE 1122 manufactured documents. Your information will NEVER be shared or sold to a third party. The two Group 9 candidates will compete in the election held on Aug. 23. Don't miss the crucial news and insights you need to make informed legal decisions. Released in May, the report got scant attention until Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Beatrice Butchko took the dramatic step of holding Bank of America, the Bank of New York Mellon and their lawyer in contempt for failing to answer questions about possible fraud in a foreclosure case. After all, what does it matter if the bank has lost a few forms or mixed up the dates? It was Buffetts vice chairman, Charles Munger, who recently told America that it should thank God that the government bailed out banks like the one he invests in, while people who have fallen on hard times that is, homeowners like Shawnetta Cooper should suck it in and cope.. Who is Catalina Azuero, a Liar Lawyer at Goodwin Procter LLP? Andrea 'Drea' Gunderson As it's often said, there ain't nothing to do in jail but to pass the time and often that time is passed through dramas and complications. In another case that made headlines in Orlando, an agent for JP Morgan mistakenly broke into a womans house that wasnt even in foreclosure and tried to change the locks. Thank you for your trust, belief and support in our conviction to help Floridian residents and citizens nationwide take back their freedom. These special foreclosure courts were established in July of this year, after the state of Florida budgeted $9.6 million to create a new court with a specific mandate to clear 62 percent of the foreclosure cases that were clogging up the system.
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