Step 2.You will see your current APN. I don't know for how long, but it worked. Yoyo Eckmeyer If you agree, why not thank TurboSri. After the firmware is downloaded, clickthe Fix Now button to start the fixing process. We'll need some more details in order for us to better assist you: We'll be patiently awaiting your response. @johnwander, pandana squad ' With no external display, the device is configured entirely from a web interface. But you have to use it with Verizon's service, which is excellent quality, but considerably more expensive than T-Mobile's. 00:25. Improve Your Mobile Signal Strength 6. Your total will be $10 after $49.99 discount (applied automatically). It's just frustrating that this is essentially T-Mobile's only choice. Allow us to take a further look into this for you. Troubleshoot Your Mobile Devices Internet Connection 7. Step 4. Thanks to Alcatel WiFi LINK App you can easily and seamlessly manage and control your hub and routers. Start by visiting the, Your Privacy WebAnswer It's possible that the line might need it's network refreshed. did it work fine before? The button activates a wizard that sets up a secure Wi-Fi connection between the device and the router. Now my devices connect to the hotspot but have NO INTERNET ACCESS. The LinkZone showed uplink speeds from 20 to 30Mbps, while the OnePlus showed uplink speeds more on the 30Mbps side of that range. In use the following DNS server addresses, enter the Google DNS that I posted to you before: The first thing you need to do is turn on the hotspot. Graphics. It doesn't show off T-Mobile's rapidly expanding network particularly well, nor does it work better than using a premium smartphone as a hotspot. 2023 CSC Holdings, LLC. Oddly, you have to set it to 2.4GHz 802.11n or 5GHz 802.11acyou can't have both. Do any other devices on your network have issues? If the above steps do not solve the problem, you may need to reset the LinkZone. When prompted, enter the username and password associated with the router. At a distance of 30 feet, plus a thick wall, the LinkZone 2 only showed 2.79Mbps on a 2.4GHz network. @estergarza, I had this similar problem on my Phone and Tablet and it's actually quite simple to fix. All Rights Reserved. Then, hit Apply. If you have used all your data, you are done. If you click an affiliate link and buy a product or service, we may be paid a fee by that merchant. It connects to T-Mobile's network on LTE bands 2, 4, and 12, and has 3G bands 1/2/4/5. However, you can choose to go the static route and allocate a static IP to your phone. Since they're just lights and not an actual display, they're less useful than they look: the signal light doesn't tell you how strong the signal is, for instance. Imagine your mobile carrier only offered low-end smartphones. Tutorials Troubleshooting Unlock your device Protect your device SIM card & eSIM All device assistance topics. Repeated tech support calls, network setting resets, and factory phone resets do not fix this. What is a hotspot? Check the Network status on Mac: System Preferences > Network > Select iPhone USB. Most hotspots assign dynamic IP addresses to the devices that connected. You can check and verify APN settings on your phone as follows. All Rights Reserved. This hotspot can't access any of that. If you are in an area where there is poor network coverage, you might want to move to an area where there is better coverage. I have a ton of DATA built up and not able to use it o_O It's not just one phone, I ordered a different manufactured phone and even switched SIM card in hopes I can get my internet sharing back form Laptop to Phone. device name: Go to Settings > Personal Hotspot. There are actually two types of hotspots: WiFi hotspots and mobile hotspots. Worked last night but will not work today. Third, your Wi-Fi connection could be weak, especially if youre located far away from the router. I opened my Alcatel, removed the battery and then put the battery back in, closed the back and the TV worked, well, ok, only for about 10 minutes. You can usually find the PIN code next to the WPS button on your router. They support more devices at once than your phone does. Second, you should check to make sure that your Wi-Fi is actually turned on and broadcasting a signal. I will start with the simplest solution, so follow them in order: Restart your LinkZone 2 device Update firmware Check SIM Card Restore default APN settings Reset your LinkZone 2 device to factory settings Restart your LinkZone 2 Use your account information sent to your email to sign in and set up your account. If you purchase something through a post on our site, Slickdeals may get a small share of the sale. WebOn the other device, open that device's list of Wi-Fi options. The MDM9207 can only do 2x10MHz or 1x20MHz carrier aggregation and 64QAM encoding on download, and a single 20MHz carrier on upload. Alcatel Linkzone 2 Connected But No Internet: Solutions 1. We prefer hotspots that also support 5Ghz, like the Jetpack MiFi 6620L on Verizon. You gave rep to aepro | Staff for this post. 3. H2O usually charges around $10/GB, which is on par with T-Mobile's prepaid rates and more expensive than T-Mobile's monthly plans, but sometimes H2O has blowout sales like 20GB for $50. Lastly, if none of the above solutions have worked, then its possible that something is wrong with your router or other hardware. Better yet, theyre incredibly easy to use. If these steps do not fix the issue, then it is best to contact your internet service provider for further support. When you have Wi-Fi but no internet connection, the problem usually lies in your devices rather than your internet service provider. We got nearly eight, but that's because after four hours, the Linkzone dropped to 2G because its service plan ran out of LTE data. Try a Different Device or Wi-Fi Adapter. Some app functions might make your life convenient. Enable the mobile hotspot. The connectivity for the phone itself is working as it should. This plan allows mobile hotspot use, 1gig high speed data with reduced speed for the remainder of my 30 day term. T-Mobile's network has improved by leaps and bounds with time. PC. Press CTRL + Windows + Q. @tjwilson2174 wrote: Yes, my initial High speed data is used; but my devices have always connected at the reduced speed for the entire month of my prepaid term, both usb tethered mode and hotspot enabled.. This sometimes helps fix many issues related to hotspots and it is worth giving a try. It is also possible that the router or modem may be having a problem. This will reset the device and hopefully restore access to the Internet. ipconfig /flushdns This will automatically turn your phone back on after it has been turned off. Phones. Option 2: Open Mobile hotspot settings (Settings > Network & Internet > Mobile hotspot) Turn on mobile hotspot. Until and unless you know how the issue has occurred, it can take even hours to try and fix the issue. Alcatel advertises six hours of battery life. If you agree, why not thank FeistyTerrier1195, Our community has rated this post as helpful. Now my devices connect to the hotspot but have NO INTERNET ACCESS. Was this answer helpful? If you're looking for the ultimate in hotspot performance, Verizon's Jetpack MiFi 6620L has a color touch screen, better battery life, better RF performance, and external antenna ports. Anybody have a solution? While a smartphone can fill the void, there are tasks that demand the bigger screen of a laptop or tablet. Then, hit Apply. Outdoors, where signals were strong, the Linkzone did very welloften, better than the Moto Z. No need to root your Android device and no technical skills required. @yoyoeckmeyer, My alcatel wifi router show me that is no internet availeble. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. It eliminates the need to manually enter a network name and password. Once you are logged in, click on the wifi tab and set up the SSID name and password for your hotspot. Contact Our Support Team to Get Quick Solution >, Fix Hotspot Connected But No Internet on Android, Joy Taylor | Last Updated Apr. But it lacks many features we've come to expect. You can also tether via Bluetooth or USB, but both of these methods are slower than WiFi. Open Settings and tap Wi-Fi & network > Hotspot & tethering > Wi-Fi hotspot. This guide lists the possible ways to get around this issue and to enable devices on your hotspot to access the Internet. Troubleshoot your device How Tos Apps & Accessories Battery, Memory, & Storage Connections & Network Device Specific Support If your iPhonemobile hotspot is connected but has no internet,you can try the following methods: Besides, if youare trying toconnect to your iPhones personal hotspot via USB: It makes no sense to be connected to a hotspot but have no access to the Internet. The microSD slot lets you use an SD card as a shared drive, but it was extremely slow in testing, so we don't recommend it. But the Linkzone's performance became frustrating indoors, where walls blocked and reflected signals. shellay2002, Oct 29, 2018 by 1. With the carrier spreading low-band 5G nationwide and turning on 2.5GHz 5G in cities across the nation starting now, I'd like to think T-Mobile would offer solutions to let their subscribers use all the lanes on its new superhighway. Mobile hotspots solve this problem. When you press the WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) button on your router, it enables you to quickly connect devices (e. g. your laptop or a printer) to your home Wi-Fi network. And, thanks to mobile hotspots, youve probably got one in your pocket right now. Step 1.Head into Settings > Wi-Fi & network > SIM & network > (your-SIM) > Access Point Nameson your phone. Weak or spotty signals can interfere with your devices ability to The hotspot has USB-C and USB-A ports. Overall, pressing the WPS button on your router allows you to quickly and securely set up a connection between your device and the router. First, reset network settings on iPhone: Go to Settings > General > Transfer or Reset iPhone > Reset > Reset Network Settings. raquellujan191, Ester Garza Why are my attachments locked on Cold War. 14 3 comments Best Add a Comment SlimTheShady1975 2 yr. ago Update! This newsletter may contain advertising, deals, or affiliate links. Try Updating Your Wi-Fi Adapter's Driver. There's a single light to show that Wi-Fi is on; three lights showing signal strength; three for battery capacity; and one to show if there are any SMS messages. Quick Guide To Fix Alcatel Wifi Problems Check for intermittent issues? I have successfully connected a Windows 10 laptop and an Android tablet thru my phone for at least 12 months. First, you should check to see if the Wi-Fi or cellular signal strength is weak. This tutorial is about How to fix Mobile Hotspot Connected But No Internet Issue on Android. Reset Your Connection and Your Hotspot 5. My Alcatel clearly shows a connected status between devices and the onboard hotspot. Like your phones apps, your phone itself also stores cache files. Windows. 3. Devices are connected via WiFi but no internet connection. Check That You Have Mobile Data 3. WiFi hotspots arent complicated. Not having internet access is tough, especially in an increasingly connected world. I got four of these when they were a buck each last year. You should now be able to access the internet from your Alcatel Hotspot. Alcatel Linkzone 2 will not work. If the indicator light is not lit up, then your Wi-Fi may be turned off, in which case you should make sure that the power switch is set to on. Alcatel Linkzone 2 Mobile 4G LTE Wi-Fi Hotspot. The Unite has similar RF performance to the Linkzone, but a big color screen that shows data usage and settings. Make sure the password is right. The Linkzone's limited feature set is particularly annoying because T-Mobile has the best hotspot plans for heavy data users. Theyre almost always routers, just like the one you have in your home. I. Internet. Your subscription has been confirmed. Option 2: Open Mobile hotspot settings (Settings > Network & Internet > Mobile hotspot) Turn on mobile hotspot It worked!!! To fix this, you can change the current band for your hotspot, and the following is how you do that. First, you should make sure that your device is connected to the right Wi-Fi network. See if Optimum is available for your home. We look forward to hearing back from you. Sprint, for instance, only gives you 500MB on a one-week prepaid pass. Basically, what you need to do is disable the password for your hotspot. Once its set up, you can tether a device to your phone and use the mobile data network. I have an Alcatel 5059 with a $35 prepaid plan. Thanks Ester, the 24 hour format was off. WebAlcatel's Wi-Fi Hotspots provide a 4G LTE connection between your devices and the internet from any location you choose. Step 1.Launch the Settingsapp, scroll all the way down, and tap System. Which one is a better deal depends on who's running a promotion. How to Free Up Space on Your iPhone or iPad, How to Save Money on Your Cell Phone Bill, How to Convert YouTube Videos to MP3 Files, How to Record the Screen on Your Windows PC or Mac, Read Our AT&T Unite Explore (Netgear AC815S) Review, Read Our Verizon Jetpack MiFi 6620L Review, Avoid the Scammers: 13 Tips for Public Wi-Fi Hotspot Security, How to Rent an eSIM for Your Next International Trip. This is most likely a network problem, not a phone problem, John Wander Mobile hotspots require a bit more to set-up. The first thing to try is to restart your Android or restart your iOS device you're using to establish the mobile hotspot. 2G uses less power than LTE does. At the end of your next 30 days, you might want to up your data plan to 8 gigs. Repair guides for Android cell phones manufactured by ALCATEL. Connect your device to your computer using either an included USB cable or a compatible connection type depending on what your Hotspot supports. Alcatel Linkzone 2 Connected But No Internet: Solutions 1. Access Your Account: Use your account information sent to your email to sign in and set up your account. WebAlcatel LINKZONE 2 | T-Mobile Support Support Mobile Internet Alcatel LINKZONE 2 Popular help Troubleshooting Down with downtime! I opened my Alcatel, removed the battery and then put the battery back in, closed the back and the TV Finally, consider just using the hotspot mode on your phone. Youll want to set a password, especially if youre in a public place. The most likely culprit is a router or modem. The most common issue is usually related to the Wi-Fi network name or password being incorrect. Enjoy Your Service: Insert your SIM card and update your account settings to start using your Boost Mobile Service. Access Matched PDA Code and Download Firmware. 1996-2023 Ziff Davis, LLC., a Ziff Davis company. This plan allows mobile hotspot use, 1gig high speed data with reduced speed for the remainder of my 30 day term. You can check the name of the shared network, ie. If you encounter any issues, go back to the router page and verify that the wifi has been enabled correctly. Our expert industry analysis and practical solutions help you make better buying decisions and get more from technology. With no internet access. Additionally, make sure that you have entered the correct network information and that the network configuration is correct. If you have an iPhone, your hotspot is named after your phone. It worked. We hope the guide helps you sort this issue out so you can enjoy the Internet on all your devices. You may need to enter the network name (SSID) or password you setup in the modems settings. Step 3. Click Connect. The best hotspots also have external antenna ports, to improve signal in rural areas. So the company's hotspots aren't sufficient for primary home internet access, as Comcast says the median usage(Opens in a new window) in American homes is 220GB per month. Select WIFI from the Settings menu. In most cases, when you press the WPS button on the router, it will start broadcasting a signal, allowing any WPS-capable device to connect to the network without having to type in a network name or password. The difference showed up clearly in our tests. Dedicated hotspots don't drain your phone's battery. There was much less difference in uplink speeds. Ask a question! Step 3.Wait a minute and then turn the Airplane modeoption back off. If you are not sure how to go about doing that, the following will help you. did it work fine before? Make sure your phone's internet connection is working. Your vote will help the community find the best deals. WebFind the right plan Netflix on Us HotSpot plans Voicemail Use Mobile HotSpot All plans support topics. Here, we describe some of the possible ways to fix it when the mobile hotspot is not working on your device. Toggle the Wifi Switch On/Off Airplane Mode Reboot the device Forget & Reconnect Check Power Saving Mode Update/Rollback Android OS Update the routers firmware Restart the modem/router Check if any third party app is causing the issue Clear cache storage and Try to restart the device that provides the hotspot and the device that receives the hotspot. If you're experiencing this issue with your laptop, are you able to connect any other devices to your cell phone's mobile hotspot and successfully use the internet connection? Downloadthe latest version of DroidKit on your computer > Launch DroidKit > Connect your Android device andtap on System Fix mode. See if Optimum is available for your home. Approximately how many devices are you adding to your mobile hotspot? Update your devices software to the latest version via Settings System System Update Check for updates. If thats the case, then you may need to contact your internet service provider to have them check the router and diagnose the issue. Have a question about Optimum Internet service? All services not available in all areas. To fix, you have to flush the DNS cache. Try to make sure your computer can recognize your iPhone via USB. All the system issues are fixedand your Android device will be restarted. You can do this on both your host as well as the guest device to check if doing this resolves your problem. Press the Windows + X key and click on Device Manager to update a driver. Still need help? Here are five easy methods to fix your Alcatel Linkzone 2 Wi-Fi router with no internet connectivity issue. Try a Different Frequency Band. The display of third-party trademarks and trade names on this site does not necessarily indicate any affiliation or the endorsement of PCMag. I've been using Tracfone | AT&T for years with HOTSPOT & Tethering with no issues but all of a sudden I cannot use the internet using my phone as a HOTSPOT. the is a network outage or some maintenance work done by the carrier. Once DroidKit detected your device, click the Start button to continue. is a leading authority on technology, delivering lab-based, independent reviews of the latest products and services. The softwarewillmatch the PDA code of your Samsung Device Automatically> Then click Download Now to download the firmware (If there is no matching PAD code, you need to put your device into recovery mode and get PDA code). Simply hold down the Powerbutton and choose Restartfrom the options on your screen. Under "Security," tap None. For instance, here at my home in New York City, 5G Samsung and OnePlus phones connect to 10MHz of band 2; 20MHz of band 66; and 10MHz of 5G band n71. Type the following command and press enter to flush the DNS. That said, there's currently no hotspot that shows T-Mobile's network in the best light. the data speed after your 1 gig is used up is stated on the website as a maximum of 128 kbps. Step 2.Tap the option that says AP Bandand change the band to 2.4 GHz Band. With a OnePlus 8 Pro phone locked to 4G-only mode in the same location at the same time, I was getting 59Mbps. This comment has been rated as unhelpful by Slickdeals users, Our community has rated this post as helpful. To do this, turn off the LinkZone, press and hold its power button for 10-15 seconds and then turn it back on. And, thanks to mobile hotspots, youve probably got one in your pocket right now. The Alcatel Linkzone is small, portable, and affordable. If you do have not already the right solution, it is a good idea to turn your phone off and then turn it back on to see if that fixes the hotspot issue on your phone. ), Make sure that the connected device is connected to the right hotspot. It measures 2.6 by 4.1 by 0.8 inches (HWD) and weighs 5.2 ounces. Boost and T-Mobile both currently give you 10GB for $50. The Linkzone lacks any way to attach an external antenna, which you get on some other hotspots. This on purpose by AT&T blocking tethering or a glitch some where? You may unsubscribe from the newsletters at any time. If you are not sure about this, you can fix the time and date settings on your Android devices as follows. Your Android hotspot uses a certain band and there are devices that only work on a specific band.
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