The broad and inclusive understanding of culture is that there are various factors that define a peoples culture. In rural communities of most African countries, people live in relatively small villages. >> /F1 37 0 R The proponents of multicultural theory have advanced varying assumptions to complement the identified gaps, three of which are illustrated herein as advanced by Laungani, Repetto, and Sue and colleagues. Her counsel is binding, and it cannot be disputed or challenged. All these views are correct. They are an avenue for sharing information on traditional knowledge, customs, and practices that are acknowledged as essential and worthy perpetuation for the common good of the society. 36 0 obj A general understanding to be drawn from the foregoing fundamental assumptions of multiculturalism can be explained twofold. Open Access is an initiative that aims to make scientific research freely available to all. >> Counselling has been developed for over 200 years and continues to evolve to adapt to modern societies: people of all ages, gender, sexual status, religion, cultural backgrounds, have all dealt at some point in their lives some psychological and behavioural issues that may be /Rotate 0 30 0 obj Lack of Culturally Appropriate Counseling Skills With the incre uhasing threat Society exists, and exerts credence, where people behave and interact with one another based on mutual recognition, acceptance, and respect, and culture plays a significant role in the sphere of social life, as it is central to the development of any human society [4]. Online therapy >> The words traditional and indigenous are used in the context of the original experience of the sacred, cultivated by the African people, and the concrete expression of that experience within the different ecological and socio-historical settings [9]. In contemporary society, increasing importance is being placed on how culture, ethnicity, and gender affect communication styles. 13 0 obj Advantages of Email Counselling and Online Therapy in General Emotional Memory Management: Positive Control Over Your Memory Pennebaker Inventory of To date our community has made over 100 million downloads. /Contents 99 0 R It also enhances their ability to perpetuate traditional systems of knowledge and sociocultural values, customs and practices over successive generations for the common good of society. Most people globally practice some forms of traditional counseling, based on their sociocultural context, and the nature of presenting problems. >> WebEven with the emergence of modern Guidance and Counselling, Traditional guidance and Counselling still plays a vital role in society. /Rotate 0 /Rotate 0 >> WebTraditional counselling applies indigenous forms of helping people experiencing various problem situations and those that wish to take a transitional commitment such as initiation at puberty and marriage or are aggrieved through loss of a beloved one due to physical illness, injury or accident. /MediaBox [ 0 0 595.22000 842 ] The interaction can be for one counseling session only, or can be for several sessions, spread over a period of time, depending on the scope of the problem and the nature of its representation. /Type /Page The multicultural theory is essential in counseling and working with people from different cultural backgrounds, irrespective of their continental affiliation or ethnicity. Its based on principles of collaboration, unobstructed discovery, and, most importantly, scientific progression. /Rotate 0 A successful marriage is not only measured on the basis of fundamental aspects of stability, longevity, and prosperity, but also on the number of children born. >> With online therapists who are not affiliated with a network, the process varies depending on the therapist and potential client. << endobj endobj Learning New Skills and Building Your Career. Values are an enduring belief that a specific end-state or mode of conduct is preferable. The advantages are: i) Affordability - it is way cheaper compared to traditional therapists visits which on average cost $60 per hour. 7 0 obj /Filter /FlateDecode WebExplains that omaha integrative care's licensed mental health therapists practice traditional counseling and integrative psychotherapy. Indigenous ways have existed for the whole of human creation, and they aptly connote traditional ways of doing things, based on traditional systems of knowledge and cultural practices. Teen therapy /MediaBox [ 0 0 595.22000 842 ] The search process can be short as well. The effects of globalization, acculturation and social integration all bear testimony to this observation. Those who live in rural areas simply /Font << 24 0 obj /MediaBox [ 0 0 595.22000 842 ] WebRelated to Traditional Counseling. /OP false /Rotate 0 Between these two broad schools of counseling stem derivative approaches, such as adolescent counseling, careers counseling, child counseling, couples counseling, and psychosocial counseling. The commonly practiced traditional counseling approaches or methods are: marriage counseling, pastoral counseling, adherence counseling, initiation counseling, family counseling, community counseling, and bereavement counseling. /Resources 70 0 R << On the other end of the price spectrum, online therapy can be much lower for a week for unlimited communications. For instance, most Africans, in both rural and urban communities, especially relatively poor people who cannot afford the cost of modern medicine and transport costs to sparsely located health facilities, generally use traditional healers for their primary health care needs. If the thought of meeting someone in-person or seeing them face-to-face for the first time makes you nervous, online therapy is for you. /Resources 88 0 R 33 0 obj All the personal and sensitive information of patients is stored on internet sites or devices. 22 0 obj /CapHeight 656 >> /Resources 121 0 R The advantages and disadvantages of group therapy must be addressed on an individualized level for them to be effective. The process of initiation is based on a prescribed set of rituals to start a new phase in life, and it involves transformation, progression, and maturation [21]. Ideally, the technology becomes transparent, so it simply serves as a tool for communication, without requiring attention in and of itself. Multiculturalism is a concept that broadly acknowledges the importance of demographic variables, ethnographical status, social status, and sociocultural affiliations of the people in any human society worldwide. Culture is complex, dynamic, and bears both overt and covert differences which are unique to each human society. /StemV 0 An overarching theme in most of these advantages is communication, expressing emotions, changing dysfunctional paternal and dealing with major life changes. Terms of use For those who disclose they are are going to therapy, there is the risk of supervisors or co-workers judging or not understanding. /MediaBox [ 0 0 595.22000 842 ] May be too much homework for some families (journaling, thought recording). The initiation rituals at puberty are more pronounced for girls than boys, primarily because of the physiological implications and gender role responsibilities that separate girls from boys. << endobj The plasticity of human behavior, that is, a persons ability and capability to learn from experience, adapt to new environments, and to be influenced by situational factors and duration of exposure, can all lead people to transcend their own culturally embedded boundaries. This yields the notion of totems and rituals, ancestral religion and customs, and special shrines which serve as places of intimate personal memory and repositories of traditional knowledge, although ritual practices are much more diverse and fluid. Sometimes it relates to information-giving only. At the premarital stage, the focus is on the dos and donts of married life, family responsibility, and parentingmore of an induction process to enhance social competences and skills in readiness for marriage. /Parent 1 0 R UNITED KINGDOM. Talkspace Self-Guided app, Find a therapist The institution of marriage represents the behaviors, norms, expectations, and values, that are associated with legally, socially, and culturally-recognized marriages between a woman and a man. Here are a few therapeutic approaches that are difficult or nearly impossible to conduct online: As we mentioned earlier, in-office therapy typically costs between $75 and $150 for a 45-60 minute session. >> /FontStretch /Normal It recognizes that both counselor and client identities are formed and embedded in multiple levels of experience (individual, group and universal) and context (individual, family and culture). Licensee IntechOpen. endobj Each culture has something of value to offer or learn from another culture in contemporary society. /Resources 108 0 R Cons of CBT for families: Each individual must commit to being open and examining their own behavior. Insurance coverage /Parent 1 0 R /Contents 85 0 R Besides, it is a cultural expression. You dont need to change your schedule. Our team is growing all the time, so were always on the lookout for smart people who want to help us reshape the world of scientific publishing. 39 0 obj Depending on severity and complexity of the problem situation or social issue at hand, it may be referred to the village headman/woman, prior to referral to either the village committee or the zone committee. /Type /Page /Parent 1 0 R Our goal at Talkspace is to provide the most up-to-date, valuable, and objective information on mental health-related topics in order to help readers make informed decisions. /Type /Page >> /Rotate 0 Do you value tradition more than convenience, in-person interaction more than price? Children are the adornment of a home, an investment for the couple, and the lineage of the family. Religious leaders are representative shepherds of God, responsible for the caring for people on earth. /BG2 /Default >> /ToUnicode 41 0 R Counseling may have the following advantages: Peace of mind Counseling changes ones thoughts and brings peace of mind. /Rotate 0 /Contents 103 0 R Theoretical framework of traditional counseling. /Type /Page The Cost of an Office Sometimes to make a lot of money, you need to spend a lot of money. This development is necessitated by the demands of schooling, innovations to traditional practices, and commercialization, among many factors at play. The belief and value system may be influenced by four factors: syncretism, totemism, universalism, and culturalism. The word spirituality is sometimes used interchangeably with faith or religion. /Type /Page >> 2)For better personnel development. >> When behavior changes are disconcerting, especially during pubescence and senescence, for instance, they affect attitudes toward the changes unfavorably. 1) To develop in students an awareness of opportunities in the society through relevant and useful Isolation of the initiands (both girls and boys being initiated) at puberty, whether for a few hours, days, weeks, or months, is unique, and it is practiced in both rural and urban communities alike. All these aspects contribute to the determination of how a person ought to act or react when confronted with problem situations. This analysis of traditional counseling has a global interpretation and application as well. Articles contain trusted third-party sources that are either directly linked to in the text or listed at the bottom to take readers directly to the source. The symbolic logic regarding the primary function of rituals is that it applies to both girls and boys, and the socialization process starts during childhood and reaches its climax in the initiation rituals at puberty and marriage. /Rotate 0 These values are instrumental in shaping peoples beliefs and attitudes. Take our free mental health test, It Wont Make You as Much Money as In-Office Therapy. Therefore, multicultural theory can adequately inform the theory and practice of traditional counseling, when the Afrocentric perspective is integrated. An elaboration of the various modern counseling models and orientations is outside the scope of this chapter. Traditional healers offer adherence counseling that focuses on advice and guidance related to taking the herbs, or actions contained within the rituals. Communication, as a medium of dialog, is at the center of the process of traditional counseling, all other elements stem from, and revolve around it, and it is multidimensional. << /CropBox [ 87.12000 246.96000 508.10000 842 ] /Contents 34 0 R /CropBox [ 87.12000 246.96000 508.10000 842 ] Its an issue of preference as well. The sociocultural life of Africans is generally anchored on recognition of traditional norms and practices, ancestral worship, religious cults, and sexual-related taboos [8]. /ItalicAngle 0 /CropBox [ 87.12000 246.96000 508.10000 842 ] Modern counseling evolved and changed rapidly during the 20th Century, and contains within it a variety of different themes, emphases, practices, and orientations [1]. << Spirituality differs from private belief, because it bears a public aspect that ultimately unifies people into a religious brotherhood or sisterhood, a religious family, and a religious community. There are many other aspects of life in which rituals are performed, or whose attendance and practice is based on some procedure that is ritualistic. Some of the issues that multiculturalism set out to address, although primarily referenced in the Euro-American context, have some relevance to the African context as well. Its much easier to gain skills and keep them updated. /Type /Page There is direct observation of what people do, and how they behave, and quite often, direct action is taken to deal with social deviance through scorn, censure or exclusion, or in extreme cases, court action. To decide which is best for you whether you are a potential client or therapist try weighing the pros and cons in the context of your life. Many people dont want to wait a week to chat with their therapist. Mental health library People in different cultures and societies globally have distinct ways of assisting those experiencing social, psychological, behavioral, emotional, familial, spiritual, and physical, problems. 3)To prevent chronic << The interpretation and experience of these extrasensory phenomena is common among many cultural and tribal groupings in Africa. /Resources 123 0 R /Contents 81 0 R It greatly contributes to the stereotypical orientation that promotes the hegemony of men against the submissiveness of women. /Resources 106 0 R Ruminate on how each pro and con meshes with your preferences and needs. The most notable features are the chieftaincy, village headship, tribal clanship, extended family systems, initiation rites, totems and rituals, ancestral worship, religious cults, witchcraft, and social and traditional ceremonies [8]. Because in-person psychotherapy has existed for more than a century, there are hundreds of institutions and methods of becoming skilled in practicing it. The person understands how to take his life forward and how to involve himself in other people. They are the repositories of traditional knowledge, the embodiment of cultural competences, the experts in social skills, and the cherished models for emulation at the community level. Inadvertently, any form of counseling is multicultural in nature, essentially because of the sociocultural plurality and diversity of the people involved in the counseling interactions. Imagine paying a second rent or mortgage. Some clients need body language and vocal tone to effectively communicate with a therapist. Does not address deeper generational issues. endobj 8 0 obj The process will take a little longer if the network requires health insurance, but it should still be quick compared to traditional therapy. Multiculturalism recognizes the multiplicity of subcultures which differentiate, for instance, one tribal grouping or clan from another, and one society from another. << /FontName /AALBCM+Sentinel-Book It is widely accepted that when people migrate, they do not leave behind their cultural norms and values but carry these as inherent elements that constitute part of their cultural identity and social entity. The benefits determined to be enjoyed from these interventions were improved states of happiness and decreases in depressive symptoms. >> In the African context, initiation rituals are performed at the premarital stage and during the wedding ceremony. /Widths [ 178 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 361 361 500 500 214 366 214 500 558 448 545 523 554 514 532 521 532 532 218 500 500 500 500 500 500 672 628 675 704 657 500 500 772 384 500 717 606 500 767 500 609 500 677 572 670 734 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 483 526 472 535 476 334 469 556 300 500 522 284 839 568 512 539 500 405 433 350 551 494 752 500 489 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 787 ]
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