apex specialist superbadge challenge 5; apex specialist superbadge challenge 5. Various trademarks held by their respective owners. Build complex business logic using advanced Apex and Visualforce programming techniques. Inventory managers try to balance supply and demand for New Millennium Deliverys products. Work fast with our official CLI. HowWeRoll needs you to automate their Salesforce-based routine maintenance system. Apex Code Development (89925) General Development (54742) Visualforce Development (37153) Lightning (17624) APIs and Integration (16788) Trailhead (11585) Formulas & Validation Rules Discussion (11181) Other Salesforce Applications (8014) . The previous developer created a Visualforce page, OrderEdit, to facilitate this, but was not able to complete its controller extension. For me, the Product2Extension class was not adding a new Product2 in the Save() method. After investigating the issues that Sam raised, youve made notes on resolving these issues: The business logic to derive the value of the Quantity Ordered field is not only faulty, its also inefficient. I'm getting the following error onAdvanced Apex Specialist Superbadge - Step 5. In addition to being critical for quality assurance, Apex unit tests are also requirements for deploying and distributing Apex. Showcase your mastery of business process automation without writing a line of code. When Renee LaFleur was in culinary school, she interned with one of the worlds most esteemed chefs, whos renowned for his gourmet food truck with outdoor pop-up seating. Youre a seasoned developer, and you know that all code must be tested thoroughly. Are there any canonical examples of the Prime Directive being broken that aren't shown on screen? The staff at New Millennium Delivery needs to be aware of any inventory that is running low. Hi all, Don't forget to ensure that the test methods dont (and cant) use live data. Ensure that it requeues itself when it has more Announcements to post than limits allow. Superbadge- Ensure that product2Controller is still working as specified in the earlier challenge. Various trademarks held by their respective owners. thanks Vivian, I had the same issues as you listed. Note: Normally, wed use the @isTest annotation on the TestDataFactory class, but then you couldn't call the methods from your business logic and we couldn't call the methods to ensure they work properly. thanks Vivian that debug help a lot that works for me. If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. Salesforce Trailhead Superbadge: Apex Specialist Solution Challenge 1: Automate record creation STEP 1: Create a new Trailhead Playground Install the unmanaged Package Rename Case to Maintenance Request and Product to Equipment STEP 2: Automate record creation using Apex Trigger Update the trigger MaintenanceRequest: These repairs address a variety of technical difficulties, from a broken axle to a clogged septic tank. Am unable to achieve code coverage for Product2Helper and AnnouncementQueueable class as announcement are not getting created. Check out who got the most points on Advanced Apex Specialist. VASPKIT and SeeK-path recommend different paths. Review the Product and Schedule Objects ERD, Update the Product Family field on the Product2 sObject to only have the following values: Entree, Side, Dessert, Beverage, Update the Product page layout to include the Initial Inventory, Quantity Ordered, and Quantity Remaining fields. For instance, if there are only 15 of a type of dessert left in inventory, they want to be alerted. You may recall from the Apex Testing module that testing is the key to successful long-term development and is a critical component of the development process. 0 forks Report repository Releases No releases published. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. If so, you would want to move them into a different class than the TestDataFactory. Completed at. Sam correctly identified that draft orders prematurely decrement inventory levels. Learn more. This completely separate system needs to sync on a regular basis with Salesforce. Their tagline is, We have great service, because thats How We Roll! Their rental fleet includes every style of camper vehicle, from extra large, luxurious homes on wheels to bare bones, retro Winnebagos. Use integration and business logic to push your Apex coding skills to the limit. Renee has asked you to ensure that each method has the minimum 75% code coverage required to be deployed, and that new and existing unit tests do not use actual customer data. Loop through the rows in the productsToInsert list and populate the values of the first 5 records, and then simulate clicking the Save button. Looking for job perks? Install this unlocked package (package ID: 04t6g000008av9iAAA). From speaking to Sam, a sales rep, Renee learned that there are issues entering new customer orders. While it works well in the real world, it's not as easy to assess programatically, so stick to doing these challenges in the order provided. Inventory managers told Renee they want to know when inventory is starting to run low. The Products available for use on the page will be the entire set of all Active Products that Millennium Delivery sells. Refer to the Apex Specialist Superbadge: Trailhead Challenge Help document for detailed resources and documentation. Resources. Thats where you come in! Please Complete the GetInventory method in ChartHelper to correctly calculate the aggregate of active products that have a positive Quantity Remaining, ensuring that the result is correct for all users. If you don't get the complete picture of super badge, you can jot down the requirements and connect them (like a process flow diagram). Next, complete the AfterUpdate method so that it uses the PostAlerts method when you determine that a Products Quantity_Remaining__c field has dropped below the threshold value captured in the custom metadata records you created previously. Completed By. Mayur, I suppose annotation is very impotant for that step, so make sure that you have : @isTest (seeAllData=false) private class OrderTests{@isTest private static void OrderUpdate_UnitTest(){}} Pay attention @isTest private static void for every test method. Create a new method titled Product2Trigger_UnitTest in Product2Tests that tests the logic when a Products Quantity Ordered value is updated. How to create a virtual ISO file from /dev/sr0. Also expose the logic for other uses in the org. I am stil stuck at this error after trying out suggestions here. A String used to populate picklist values in Visualforce Pages. Salesforce Author Apex option not available under Administrative Permissions section, How to create List collection with different SOQLs in APEX, Connection error while creating linked service in ADF with salesforce, Uploading image using VF page and Apex to S3, Salesforce API via postman error INVALID_SESSION_ID, when clicked on button "reschedule scheduled service" spinner keeps on loading. Hardcoded value of the Standard Pricebook Id, An Id used to create Orders and PricebookEntries in business and test code. 28 April 2023 . Note: Normally, we would recommend doing a query and using, Data binding with Apex classes in Visualforce. Why can't the change in a crystal structure be due to the rotation of octahedra? A String used to display user friendly error messages on Visualforce pages. If you are not familiar with the data model for standard objects related to Product, review it here. Because you want the Product and PriceBookEntry records to be associated with each other, implement and use an inner class named ProductWrapper, with the following attributes: pricebookEntryRecord of type PriceBookEntry. I figured this out.I hadn't realised that the query was prebuilt as a static list at the beginning of the class. I would recommend you to follow the blog rather than looking into the code. Why do men's bikes have high bars where you can hit your testicles while women's bikes have the bar much lower? New Millennium Deliverys customers love some foods so much that products frequently sell out quickly. See Salesforce DX Project Configuration in the Salesforce DX Developer Guide for details about this file. Start by creating a Chatter group named Inventory Announcements and give the group this description: This group is for New Millennium Delivery employees to receive inventory announcements. Go back to the TestDataFactory Apex class and create a new method with the following signature: This method should perform an assertion that verifies that updatedProduct's Quantity_Ordered__c field is equal to the sum of the originalProduct's Quantity_Ordered__c field and the value of qtyOrdered. Without routine maintenance checks, the rental fleet is susceptible to avoidable breakdowns. The sfdx-project.json file contains useful configuration information for your project. Hi, I have made multiple attempts to consolidate my code, but I keep getting the same error. Click Create Data to generate sample data for the application. In addition to service requests for broken or malfunctioning equipment, routine maintenance requests for vehicles have grown exponentially. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. After reading about the ConnectAPI, you realize that a Chatter Announcement is a better fit than a FeedItem post because an announcement acts more like an alert, in that it is timely and it expires. Write a class that makes a REST callout to an external warehouse system to get a list of equipment that needs to be updated. As a reminder you should have already modified the Product Family picklist to only have the following active values: Create two custom labels with the following attributes: Note: If you make a mistake when first creating a label, we recommend deleting it and recreating it from scratch. Complete the Product2Extension_UnitTest in Product2Tests. My Blog explains about the steps for completing this super badge. So far 424 people have finished it Ensure you have 75% or higher test coverage on Product2Trigger and OrderTrigger triggers. Coachmen Apex Ultra-Lite travel trailer 215RBK highlights: Easy to tow so you can get up and go! Its your blueprint to programmatically automate the support and maintenance side of their business. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. Completed By. to use Codespaces. Next, test the Save button. Play all Shuffle 1. This setup makes it simpler to delegate actions and extend the app in the future. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. First, create a method that can be used by test methods to verify that the Quantity Ordered field is correctly updated on Products when Orders are activated. This ensures that the business logic is modular and reusable. What was the purpose of laying hands on the seven in Acts 6:6. However, you also notice that the class isnt finishedit has method names but no actual logic. For your negative test, assert that no work orders were created. You may recall from the Apex Testing module that testing is the key to successful long-term development and is a critical component of the development process. The RV community is increasing exponentially across the globe. Now, you'll have to map to what needs to done. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Along with this increase in their rental stock comes an inevitable increase in equipment failure. Please help suggest what I am missing here: I was stuck the original error for a long time. You know that a low inventory value should prompt an announcement to be posted to the Inventory Announcements Chatter group, so an Apex trigger must be used. For now, dont worry about changes that occur on the equipment record itself. There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. They want the chart to show them the Quantity Remaining of each Product Family. to use Codespaces. Youve determined that a Chatter group is an easy way for employees to opt-into receiving these notifications. Select all the class tests and run them (all the percents will be refreshed together). Ignoring those best practices affected the rest of the development processRenee wants you to fix this. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. sign in Please first complete the prerequisites and the challenge for Apex Specialist will be unlocked. Actions to Earn This Superbadge Automate record creation using Apex triggers Modify AnnouncementQueueable to implement the Queueable interface and call its postAnnouncements method. Duration. Use App Launcher to navigate to the Create Default Data tab of the How We Roll Maintenance app. Additionally, the trigger definition should list only the necessary trigger events. To test this, include a positive use case for 300 maintenance requests and assert that your test ran as expected. http://www.appperfect.com/services/salesforce/. Renee requested that the previous developer create the initial version of the application in just a few short weeks in order to so it could debut at a local food and wine festival. Note: Test Coverage is a requirement for deployment and a great way to ensure that your code is not failing. Ensure that your code operates as expected in the scheduled context by validating that it executes after Test.stopTest() without exception. Here is the updated code: Hi, I am facing issue with test coverage of Constants class.it shows 62%It shouldautomatically be covered by testing other classes except for this line of code becauseit cannot beexecuted in testing context--->, "Ensure that you have at least 12 products created and that OrderExtension is still working as specified in the earlier challenge.". Various trademarks held by their respective owners. Verify that the button worked by asserting that only 5 products were saved. Also assert that a scheduled asynchronous job is in the queue. Now, you need to fix the business logic such that only successfully activated orders impact inventory levels. Based on an analysis of the last few months of order data, Renee has determined the inventory threshold values for each of the Product Families. Rename the tab/label for the Case tab to Maintenance Request. Figure 1.1: The OrderEdit Visualforce Page. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. You cant activate a draft order unless you have a line item, and you cant have a line item unless you have an order saved in the system. Work fast with our official CLI. Assert that the size of the productsToInsert list is equal to the DEFAULT_ROWS constant. To help inventory managers find products faster, complete the SelectFamily method so that it limits the Products displayed to only those with the selected Product Family. Synchronization ensures that HowWeRolls headquarters (HQ) knows exactly how much equipment is available when making a maintenance request, and alerts them when they need to order more equipment. Advanced Apex Specialist [12 - 16 hrs] Its pre-requisite Modules: Apex Specialist Superbadge Data Integration Specialist Superbadge Lightning Component Framework Specialist Superbadge PROJECT: Build a Conference Management App [3 hrs 40 mins] Contribute to pthakkar92/Advanced-Apex-Specialist-Superbadge development by creating an account on GitHub. On what basis are pardoning decisions made by presidents or governors when exercising their pardoning power? Now that youve created a Salesforce DX project, whats next? Youll also integrate Salesforce with HowWeRolls back-office system that keeps track of warehouse inventory. Advanced Apex Specialist --- Step 4: Create the Test Data Factory Advanced Apex Specialist --- Step 4: Create the Test Data Factory Hi,everyone I working on Advanced Apex Specialist --- Step 4: Create the Test Data Factory todayand I continuously got the Error as below Advanced Apex Specialist Superbadge - Step 6. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. When the Add button is clicked, an additional set of rows should be added, so assert that the size of the productsToInsert ** list is double **DEFAULT_ROWS after the button is clicked once. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. That is, once the inventory level of a particular product has dwindled down to the threshold of the products associated Product Family, they want a notification. To meet this need: Update the Visualforce page so that each column header displays the current field label. Therefore, all maintenance requests are processed during HQs normal business hours. I had even included private access mofifier in test class but I missed it in test methods. There is a full interior kitchen, plus an outdoor kitchen that is perfect for breakfast outdoors. jain-sahil/sfdc-advanced-apex-specialist-superbadge. Readme Stars. @Priyanka Kumar 6 L: Your solution of adding private to test method really worked for me as well. Nothing to show {{ refName }} default View all branches. Remove the Contract Number field from the Order page layout if it is currently there. This repository is for solving all the problems in the way of earning this superbadge. Please Modify Product2Helper to use the INVENTORY_ANNOUNCEMENTS constant instead of "group name" to ensure consistency in the app. When a gnoll vampire assumes its hyena form, do its HP change? sign in Could a subterranean river or aquifer generate enough continuous momentum to power a waterwheel for the purpose of producing electricity? This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Please add this variable in Constants Classpublic static final String INVENTORY_ANNOUNCEMENTS = 'Inventory Announcements'; had the same error message as the thread opener. Could not load branches. New Millennium Delivery stores its data in standard Salesforce objects, including: Accounts New Millennium Delivery's customers who order food, ProductsThe different meal items available for purchase, Pricebook Entries The prices of meal items, Order Items Products included in a customers order. Please This new request's Type should be set as Routine Maintenance. With the exponential increase in RV popularity worldwide, HowWeRoll is supplying hundreds more luxury and economy vehicles around the globe. A few of these constants will take advantage of custom labels. Ask Question Asked 2 years, 11 months ago. Yes adding the PageReference pageRef = page.Product2New; will resolved the above issue. If an error occurs during save, a savepoint should be rolled back and a friendly error message should be displayed on the screen. Calculate the maintenance request due dates by using the maintenance cycle defined on the related equipment records. Your predecessor found some code on the Salesforce Developer Forum and created the legacy AnnouncementQueueable Apex class. However, inventory managers have provided feedback that the page slows down data entry and doesnt give them all the information they need or want. The system should make the calculation efficiently using lean code, and correctly aggregate the Quantity Ordered. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. As mentioned previously, the huge wave of maintenance requests could potentially be loaded at once. Automate record creation using Apex triggers, Synchronize Salesforce data with an external system using asynchronous REST callouts, Test automation logic to confirm Apex trigger side effects, Test integration logic using callout mocks, Test scheduling logic to confirm action gets queued, Apex Specialist Superbadge: Trailhead Challenge Help document, Install a Package or App to Complete a Trailhead Challenge, help article relating to superbadge challenges. This method should just call the InsertTestData method in the TestDataFactory class. While its great for business, the current service and maintenance process is challenging to scale. The updated page should allow an inventory manager to create multiple products at once and enter an associated Unit Price for each product. master. Review the help article relating to superbadge challenges for more information about credential security. Max Score. sign in Your class maps the following fields: Use the warehouse SKU as the external ID to identify which equipment records to update within Salesforce. I am also stuck at the same point, challenge 9. The more recent Apex and Visualforce code implemented by the previous developer doesnt have the minimal required test coverage, and therefore cant be deployed. A minor scale definition: am I missing something? Salesforces platform, including Apex and Visualforce, is the technology that drives New Millennium Deliverys business. Note that inventory managers should be able to enter as many products as they need to, and should be able to add multiple rows to the table with each click of the pages Add button. Various trademarks held by their respective owners. This package contains the schema and code needed to complete the challenges. Renee wants this method to also be available for use by Lightning Components. Youll be working with the following standard objects: This section represents the culmination of your meetings with key HowWeRoll stakeholders. . but still getting the below error.Could you please help me here ? Are you sure you want to create this branch? Only entries on the page that have all fields populated should be saved; other entries shouldnt be saved. The previous developer had unsuccessfully attempted to do this. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Am still facing code coverage issue for below classes: I was able to resolve all issues and achieve the superbadge. If you have trouble installing this package, follow the steps in the Install a Package or App to Complete a Trailhead Challenge help article. For those who faces issues with challenge, here codes used to validate Challenge 9. Apply best practices and be careful to ensure every test method is using the proper access modifier. What differentiates living as mere roommates from living in a marriage-like relationship? How to get Apex class that implements the Schedulable interface? Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, Advanced Apex Specialist - Please ensure that the Select One label was created. Renee has asked you to create new unit tests. A list used to populate picklist values in Visualforce pages. Renee has asked you to create new unit tests. There are two kinds of people in this world: those who would travel in a recreational vehicle (RV) and those who wouldnt. Languages. I would recommend you to follow the blog rather than looking into the code. Thankfully, HowWeRoll has an amazing RV repair squad who can attend to any maintenance request, no matter where you are. https://techevangel.com/2018/06/01/superbadge-advanced-apex-specialist/. After reviewing the existing code in the product2Helper class, you realize that it too can benefit from your constants class. This unit test should simulate a users visit to, and interaction with, the Product2New page and test that it behaves as expected. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Name. My Blog explains about the steps for completing this super badge. The U-shaped dinette slide will not only be a favorite spot to dine and play games, but will also double as additional sleeping space. I've gone through every step successfully but am banging my head against the wall with step 8. Points. Getting the same issue :Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong: Facing the same issue in Step 5. 3) Draft ordersorders that are in-flight but not yet activateddecrement available inventory prematurely. 'Apex Specialist' is one of the superbadges of Salesforce trailhead(A New Approach to Learning Salesforce). Its your job to ensure theres an easy way for inventory managers to determine the food most ordered by each customer so that they can offer the benefit of personalized customer menus. Next, go back to the orderTests class and ensure its test methods dont (and cant) use live data. If, at any time, the user clicks the Cancel button, none of their changes should be saved. I was building my own query. I am trying and I am facing error and my Order classes are not getting code coverage. Copyright 2000-2022 Salesforce, Inc. All rights reserved. Ensure you have 75% or higher test coverage on Product2Extension and OrderExtensionclasses. Case newCase = buildCase(vehicle.Id,'Electrical','DummyFAIL_'+i_fail); id equipmentId = equipment.Id; case emptyReq = createMaintenanceRequest(vehicleId,equipmentId); update secondList; This query will return all completed batch, future, and queryable jobs that were completed today. About. The callouts JSON response returns the equipment records that you upsert in Salesforce. Work fast with our official CLI. The GetFamilyOptions method should use both the SELECT_ONE and PRODUCT_FAMILY constants to generate the picklist options. Learn more. The employees who take orders at New Millennium Delivery need a page that provides a streamlined process for saving orders and order items. Rename the tab/label for the Product object to Equipment. Although the entire HQ office uses Salesforce, the warehouse team still works on a separate legacy system.
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