Players from all over the world gathered to Differ Ariake, Tokyo Bay, Tokyo to attend the event. The monsters are fairly weak, though, meaning itd be hard to go for the win. In One Ebay Search which quickly shows 3 kinds of results Get ready, cause this is going to be a fun one. The strategy is very outdated, this Deck would of been better a few years ago, but it can at least win some casual games. Decks Home Decks Deck Archetypes Toon Decks The latest Toon type Yu-Gi-Oh! Three Pyramid Turtle is perfect for this Deck. If you want to make this as competitive as possible, the list below is a great base. The Graveyard in the Fourth Dimension wasnt necessary, especially since this Deck only had a total of 3 LV monsters. Giant Trunade was exclusive to this Deck and its a pretty good reprint to have. As for reprints, you got two vanilla beaters in Great Angus and Blazing Inpachi. Beyond Magic, his passions are writing and coaching! Heavy Mech Support Platform for a meh Union Monster you get 2 of. With a fast curve and really solid interaction, this deck is looking to under the competition. It's a never-ending nostalgia trip. Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Chimera was far inferior in the sense it was a 1 tribute card that wanted to tribute the Gadgets for effect, though nobody wanted to do that with Gadjiltron Dragon and its 2 tributes. Card of Safe Return foreshadows how good itll be with Zombies later on. Salvage gives this Deck some solid recovery. You got Harpie Ladies 1-3, with Harpie Lady 1 still being the best one. Join our Premium community, get access to exclusive content, remove all advertisements, and more! Finally, Icarus Attack is a card that does make sense with a bunch of Winged Beasts. Theres a few cards that might feel like weak links if you dont do 3 Structure Decks, but still a ton of good generic cards and Dragon-based cards. Cards Legendary Collection 2 Box, Yu-Gi-Oh! In the game, the player can assemble three Decks and can play Duel Monsters against a variety of computer opponents. These reprints do become less impressive as we get more Structure Decks with them inside, though. Trading Cards Cards: Egyptian God SLIFER Deck, Multicolor, Yu-Gi-Oh! Shifting Shadows is a strange card. Cards Legendary Hero Decks - 5 Ultra Rare | Contains 150 Trading Cards, Yu-Gi-Oh Structure Deck - Yugi Muto - 1st Edition Factory Sealed, YU-GI-OH! Card Database available. Wicked-Breaking Flamberge Baou is solid for boosting a monster by 500 ATK and negating monster effects the equipped monster destroys. The deck quickly became a competitive hit as a counter to the multitude of Extra Deck-heavy strategies that existed at the time. Dinosmasher's Fury Who doesn't love Dinosaurs? Emperor is a Level 9 monster that cant be Special Summoned and upon being Tribute Summoned, you can banish up to 5 FIRE monsters from your graveyard to destroy an equal number of the opponents Spell and Trap cards. 7 August 2005. Dark Coffin makes you want to destroy your own backrow, but you still prefer to go for the opponents. YGOPRODeck Bot. Furthermore you want to start with Rares as Mythics are going to be much harder to stockpile. Riryoku feels unnecessary with your big monsters. Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Now its for the WATER Deck and overall the strategy does seem more cohesive compared to big monsters and burn. . Machine Re-Volt at least gives us a solid way to go out with 12 new cards. Right click and save image or click the button. Entertainment and so much more. Lands should always be your first priority as those are generally going to be the most ubiquitous cards in Standard. has created the first ever Yu-Gi-Oh! You got good reprints for staple-like cards such as Snatch Steal, Mystical Space Typhoon, Giant Trunade, Heavy Storm, Lightning Vortex, Call of the Haunted, and Magic Jammer as well as a card that can be useful with Swords of Concealing Light. purchases made. Gearfried the Swordmaster can be hard to get out in this Deck with only 2 original Gearfried and 1 Release Restraint. Vampire Lady can be a decent replacement until you get to Vampire Lord. This is another Structure Deck while not great, at least has a coherent strategy that works better. Elegant Egotist makes sense at 2 with your Harpie monsters. Guardian Statue is kind of like Golem Sentry, but with worse DEF. Goat Format deck distinguished by its 2-3 Scapegoat, 2-3 Metamorphosis, 2 Tsukuyomi, 1-3 Airknight Parshath (but usually 2), and the presence of many powerful 1-ofs that some other decks don't play: Tribe Infecting Virus, Morphing Jar, and Premature Burial/Call of the Haunted. Dust Tornado is a fine reprint, though Kaiba Evolution had it as well. Contents 1 Competitors 2 Winning Decklists 2.1 Miltiadis Markou 2.2 Jorge Fabian Pina Lizarraga 2.3 David Kretschmer Ceasefire also becomes more accessible. 2 HERO. Ultimate Baseball Kid is another card you get two of and it can be strong with more FIRE monsters on the field. Dragon Duel World Championship 2018,, TCG Duelist Nexus, The Abyss Dragon Swordsoul Yu-Gi-Oh! Levia-Dragon Daedalus is in here since you need it to summon your boss, and its a good reprint from Invasion of Chaos as well as another potential field nuke. Magical Mallet can be a better or worse Reload. 1,855 0 . Harpies Pet Baby Dragon helps round out all of the Harpie monsters. Format is new so Stats will change as time goes on and we will see which deck can hold up in high rated. Azorius Midrange - Budget Standard Deck. Wait, Ido Marcus has been at the World Championship multiple times? Gaia Soul the Combustible Collective is a bigger, yet more fragile, beater compared to your vanilla monsters. Black Ptera can return to the hand after being tribute fodder. Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch is a great reprint in here and gives the Deck some hand destruction capabilities. Call of the Mummy comes in here times three, so you can get some field presence. While Zombies were definitely present in the 2005 Meta, they didn't get a particularly large number of tops, this mostly being due to Shonen Jump Championships at the time only having a Top 8 cut. Tags: Deck ListTournamentWorld Championship. Cyber Dragon Infinity. FREE delivery Tue, May 2 on $25 of items shipped by Amazon. TCG: Egyptian God Decks: Slifer The Sky Dragon, Obelisk The Tormentor, YU-GI-OH! This is hilariously fun. Cards Code of The Duelist Special Edition Deck, Yu-Gi-Oh! Possibly, but I couldnt verify as many of the photos and video from 2005 were too low resolution. Registration for Yu-Gi-Oh! There arent many Ramp decks represented in Standard, but Simic is likely the best of them. The Structure Decks are tournament tough, ready to play with out of the box with powerful hard to find cards. -Upper Deck Entertainment. Goblin Out of the Frying Pan is a very bad Counter Trap, especially around this time without hard once per turns. Cyber Emergency. Reprints include a bunch of big Dinosaurs. Trading Cards: Sacred Beasts Structure Deck, Multicolor, Yu-Gi-Oh Number 29 Master Of Pendulum Structure Deck Card Game, Yu-Gi-Oh! YU-GI-OH CCG: 2022 Holiday Box: Magnificent MAVENS Display (5CT), yu-gi-oh KONMYFI Mystic Fighters Booster Display Box of 24 Packets, Tamashii Nations Bandai Proplica Duel Disk "Yu-Gi-Oh! and up to 300 items at once, or our Amazon Divine Wrath is a fine reprint for monster negation. items for sale, breakninja does earn commissions on any qualifying This deck is already quite budget and competitive so its a great choice if you enjoy tempo decks! Maharaghi is one of the worse Spirit Monsters we have. Card of the Day, Barian Untopia Yu-Gi-Oh! We see some more staples in this Deck like Snatch Steal, Mystical Space Typhoon, Nobleman of Crossout, Premature Burial, Pot of Greed, Heavy Storm, Dust Tornado (x2), Call of the Haunted, and Jar of Greed. If youre looking to make upgrades to this deck, you can check out the list below. Mono Green Aggro - Budget Standard Deck. Jurassic World is a Field Spell that feels like should of been printed in 2002. Blast Magician isnt too great. Vanguard Card of the Day Archive, Saikyo Cardfighter R on Cardfight!! Using the new Oni-Cult Anvil and the many Blood producers, you have a powerful and grindy midrange deck. From the first batch of Structure Decks to a second batch of them released on the same date, we have the WATER and FIRE Decks and for now Ill discuss the FIRE Deck, Blaze of Destruction. The literal and graphical information presented on this site about Yu-Gi-Oh!, including card images, the attribute, level/rank and type symbols, and card text, is copyright 4K Media Inc, a subsidiary of Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. Mesmeric Control keeps monsters in Attack Position for you to run over I guess. Card of the Day, Excise the Imperfect MTG March of the Machine COTD, Needlebug Nest Yu-Gi-Oh! Magics myriad different cards can be overwhelming, and Wildcards are a precious resource that you cant always afford to waste on the wrong decks, no matter how enticing! GOAT Control - 2005 Format!! Harpie Lady Sisters at 2 makes for some bad bricks. Some trading cards Each deck is geared towards best-of-one, and players can now have up to. Chaos Command Magician is a pretty meh Tribute Monster still. 2 Apprentice Magician is also pretty good. I spent hours upon hours making a large amount of budget decks that can be easily made no matter your collection size and the most competitive version of the deck you can make as well! Cards - Yugi Legendary Decks 1 | Genuine Cards, Yugioh Legendary Duelists Magical Hero Booster Box 1st Edition, Yu-Gi-Oh! Throwback Thursday (2008), Tearlaments Perlegia Yu-Gi-Oh! Level Limit Area B is strange in here with a lot of Level 4 or higher monsters, and for some reason you get two of it, but does work with Raging Flame Sprite I guess. Click to Visit:Baseball PlayersHockey PlayersFootball PlayersBasketball PlayersSoccer Players and TeamsFunko Pop! Take advantage of our All All other content 20162023 YGOPRODeck. Tsukuyomi was another card that was good in its time. Reviewing Every Yu-Gi-Oh Structure Deck: January 2005 January 2007, Pojos Pokemon News Archives of Pokemon News. 29 Bids - Patrick Mahomes 2021 Optic Football DOWNTOWN! Chimeratech Fortress Dragon. As fun as this was, Im happy to get the worst era of Structure Decks over with. Official and Trading Card Game tournament, which determined the world champion for the year 2005. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Since ". Here is a download link to all 11 of these YDK files, for those that want to upload these deck lists onto Duelingbook and use them. Pokemon Card Grading Should You Get Yours Graded? Fenrir is an easy Special Summon in a Deck where A Legendary Ocean can turn some 2 tribute monsters into a 1 tribute. Legendary Collection 25th Anniversary Case (5 Boxes), Yu-Gi-Oh! The Dragons Bead is pretty meh. Reprints give us the Dark Magician for your new boss monster. Hieracosphix and Criosphinx arent really the best Tribute Monsters ever. Trading Cards Dragon of Legend Complete Series Deck, Multicolor (083717850663), Yu-Gi-Oh! Spirit Reaper was a useful card to get in here. Gilasaurus gives you a Special Summon to help Tribute Summon your bigger Dinosaurs that you get 2 of. Lady Ninja Yae can be a Giant Trunade for you. Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations, Yu-gi-oh Gx - Starter Deck - Duel Academy Jaden Yuki, Yu-Gi-Oh! Tournament Deck Duelist Placed Archetype Deck Price; 2005 Shonen Jump Los Angeles Zombie/Chaos: Eric Wu 1st Place Zombie $102.06 2005 Shonen Jump Los Angeles Zombie Phoenix: Keanson Ye You got Sabersaurus and Kabazauls for beaters. Wish to support our work? Although not the perfect analog, I would say that Esper Midrange is the best deck thats the closest to this game plan. Control the opponents board, hand, and kill them with whatever creatures you have left over. For reprints, you at least get 3 Giant Rat for some of the best synergy in this Deck. Simply install the extension, and click the button below to export your deck to Master Duel or Neuron! Waboku can be decent for stalling. Vinyl FiguresPokemon CharactersRace Car DriversNewest Card SetsYuGiOh. Card of the Day, Tearlaments Kashtira Yu-Gi-Oh! The first Deck of 2006 and considering how soon we got a Structure Deck to upgrade Red-Eyes, its interesting it took a year to get an upgrade for Dark Magician. This card was listed as "Roboyarou" in the Fusion Deck section of a recorded Decklist. I would of liked more focus on the Harpie archetype instead of random WIND monsters, but at least this gave Konami a reason to make the Simorgh archetype years later. Ultimate Offering helps give field presence. Shield & Sword can be nice, though the change doesnt last and youll be stuck with low ATK monsters. Sand Moth is a card which youll probably never get the effect off. Legendary Collection 4: Joey's World(Discontinued by manufacturer), Yu-Gi-Oh! Dragons Rage fits in well here, especially with 2 copies, even if its another card that wasnt hard to come by. Interdimensional Matter Transporter was at least a good reprint to finally have outside being an Ultra Rare from a Core Set, and this Deck gave 2. From the looks of it, Dino, and dlink are the most popular. Fox Fire is a monster that can revive itself, but is very specific on the conditions about it and it cant even be tribute material. Necklace of Command is an inferior Equip Spell compared to what was out at the time, but it does deal burn when it leaves the field. Pirates Card of the Day Over 800 Reviews! You get two new cards in total this time around. A reprint for Brain Control is pretty good before its errata. Card of the Day, Scareclaw Defanging Yu-Gi-Oh! Finally you got Stronghold the Moving Fortress which was only decent as a Level 4 Trap Monster and not for gaining ATK when you got the Gadgets. Rare Metalmorph is a decent boost for Machines that gives Spell targeting protection. Weapon Change swaps a Machines ATK and DEF where the only cards to benefit from this are probably the weakest links in the Deck. With such a large card pool, it's no surprise HERO decks are one of the best Warrior decks in Yu-Gi-Oh! page. Which of these two classic strategies will win?Edited by HeyBud Team APS Merch: Team APS Playmats: Buy Yu-Gi-Oh Cards: 2nd Channel: Im starting out with the earliest Structure Decks in the games history. Gravity Bind is at two in this Deck to keep your monsters until you get to your Daedalus monsters so they can destroy it later. Ancient Gear Workshop serves as recovery for Ancient Gears. Aqua Chorus boosts same named monsters, which works with Harpie cards. Master Duel Ban List Announced for May 2023, 3 New Cards: Dark World, Illusionist & Synchro. Goat Format tier list! Warrior Lady from the Wasteland is a good floater that gets you to your EARTH Warriors with 1500 or less ATK, basically being a more specific Giant Rat. Molten Zombie could be draw power if you could keep Special Summoning it from the grave. Magical Blast is some weak burn for Spellcasters. Community content is available under. In Yu-Gi-Oh!'s Goat Format, Burn is simply any deck that wins via effect damage rather than attacking. Boot-Up Soldier Dread Dynamo isnt the best card to use the Gadgets with at all. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Azorius is looking to take advantage of all the ETB creatures in those colors to produce an extremely satisfying midrange deck. You get 3 Stamping Destruction, which is fine even though it was previously a common still. Tribe-Infecting Virus makes for a great reprint to destroy opposing monsters of varying types. All Rights Reserved. Well again the strategy is clear, and at least there is the Attack Power to win the game, and it has that in spades. Cards: 2022 Ghost of The Past, Multicolor, Yu-Gi-Oh! Find the trading cards for Dlink, Dino, eld zoo, nd invoked shaddoll dogmatika got the highest win percentage rn. April 2005 Decks. must all have at least one bid. Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning,, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, Van Tyne, Mary. . You get 2 copies of Luster Dragon, which was good to have reprinted outside Magicians Force and Tournament Pack 5. Swords of Revealing Light, while decent, was previously in Yugi Evolution. TCG Duelist Nexus, The Abyss Dragon Swordsoul Yu-Gi-Oh! In this guide, youll find our exclusive curated list of some fantastic budget Standard decks from various archetypes, with a brief explanation of the deck, an upgrade guide, and sample decklists for each one. These are Rares that may see minimal play or only see play in one to two strategies. Cyberstorm Access Premiere Event is on the Horizon! For reprints, you first got a copy of Master Kyonshee, which doesnt compare to Luster Dragon at all. Creeping Doom Manta is fine since it can nearly guarantee its summon by preventing Traps from being activated when summoned. Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon was at least good when Geartown came out, until the Field Spell ruling changed.