/*days of the week header bar*/ I am tired of hearing about it A changed man, living She survived Thirteen stab wounds, a broken neck, Baseball notebook: Strong arms spur Holy Cross, Seymours no-hit pitcher didnt know until game was over, Saturdays lacrosse roundup: Pomperaug girls down Lauralton. ROGER BENNETT, 53, of 56 Lounsbury St., violation of probation. Here are some top priorities. Police were called to 81 Craigie Ave. at around 12:30 p.m. after receiving a report from a landlord that a tenant had found a bullet hole in a wall or ceiling shared with the address. 3. . I am tired of hearing about it A changed man, living She survived Thirteen stab wounds, a broken neck, Baseball notebook: Strong arms spur Holy Cross, Seymours no-hit pitcher didnt know until game was over, Saturdays lacrosse roundup: Pomperaug girls down Lauralton. There is a significant cost to the taxpayers associated with a body-worn camera program so the department is committed on choosing the most appropriate body-worn camera vendor based upon their hardware and software abilities in conjunction with the start-up costs and legacy fees of the program. } QURON GOODMAN, 18, of 14 Wyman St., second floor, second-degree breach of peace, third-degree criminal mischief. font-weight: 400; Jack Balzano, 30, 27 1 Coach Circle, Naugatuck, was charged May 22 with third-degree larceny and second-degree criminal trover. REGISTER to access your 5 FREE ARTICLES a week. Police reported the accused was subsequently arrested for driving under the influence. Renews Monthly, Full access to all digital content for 1 year, And Away We Go is a wildly funny new musical by Bert Bernardi and Justin Rugg. Joe Ganim and Justin Elicker each face opponents with plenty of experience inside City Hall. The report said. font-size: 1.3rem; MATTHEW MANCINI, 34, of 45 Hinsdale Ave., violation of protective order. '&': '?') color: #fff !important; Lindsay Anne Andrews, 33, 39 Ridge Road Unit 3, Naugatuck, was charged May 13 with risk of injury to child, second-degree breach of peace and second-degree threatening. (Administration) She said she was shocked at Mr. Gendrons behavior and that it was very out of character for him. NEVEH CROSS, 19, of 99 Lounsbury St., second-degree breach of peace. _oneall.push(['social_login', 'set_providers', ['amazon','facebook','google','linkedin','twitter']]); Contractors, homeowners focus of Bothroyds one-stop Stockyard, Watch: National champs hang out in Waterbury, Dog attack changes Thomaston womans life, SUNDAY FOCUS: State correction officer challenges permit process. July 7, 2020 Updated: July 7, 2020 6:37 p.m. + "oa_social_login_source=shortcode"))]); 1.3K views, 35 likes, 7 loves, 5 comments, 11 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Waterbury Police Department: Waterbury PAL River Brigade - July 2020 Waterbury Police Officer Q Maia and Mr. Kevin. State officials want some popular cars targeted by thieves recalled, U.S. to lift most federal COVID-19 vaccine mandates next week, Man who lost wife, son in Texas mass shooting tells story, State has more money for next budget, says new revenue estimates, Dog attack changes Thomaston womans life, Connecticuts leaders follow worldly views, not Gods morality. DERRICK MIDDLETON, 34, of 222 Bradley Ave., second-degree burglary, first-degree criminal mischief, second-degree breach of peace. Waterbury police recently filed the following charges: ZAIRE CRAWFORD-PETTWAY, 25, of 52 Jewett St., Ansonia, first-degree failure to appear, criminal violation of restraining order. . Access all Premium Content and the E-Edition for 1 day. KIARA SAVAGE, 28, of 51 Madera Drive, disorderly conduct,. ANDREW QUINONES, 27, of 163 Shady Brook Lane, illegal transfer/purchase of pistol/revolver, carrying pistol without permit, second-degree reckless endangerment. 2020 at 1:56 a.m. A man was shot and killed Saturday night in a Waterbury parking lot near 577 Chase St., the Waterbury Police Department said. table.modern-cal_STYLE td { ALFRED DIAS, 35, of 137 Downes St., criminal violation of protective order. Apt. } margin: 0.8rem 0; table.modern-cal_TITLE td { KEVIN GADDY, 36, of 29 Orange Terrace, West haven, criminal possession of pistol/revolver, illegal discharge of firearm, first-degree reckless endangerment, two counts risk of injury to child. Apt. Stamford may pass tighter gas-powered leaf blower regulations. This account is not. Both Officer Tompkins and Ms. (Cari) Minicucci (who lived in the unit with Gendron) describe this struggle as Mr. Gendron trying to raise his pistol and Officer Tompkins trying to keep it down. An altercation between the two men ensued with Tompkins firing his service weapon, state police said. .modern-cal_TITLE table td { Waterbury police discovered an active arrest warrant from the Naugatuck Police Department for the accused. border-radius: 3px; When Officer Tompkins arrived at Mr. Gendrons home on January 20, 2020, Mr. Gendron was a man whose behavior had changed in the days prior to Officer Tompkins arrival. A house at 81-83 Craigie Avenue in Waterbury was the scene of a Jan. 20, 2020 police shooting that killed Edward R. Gendron. Renews Monthly, Full access to all digital content for 1 year, And Away We Go is a wildly funny new musical by Bert Bernardi and Justin Rugg. Benjamin Cruz, 42, of 82 Harris Circle Apt. /*extra settings*/ HOW CAN . /*table month header bar*/ City Hall Building 235 Grand Street Waterbury, CT 06702. text-align: center; border-bottom: 2px solid #cfae1e; SHERMAN THOMPSON, 51, of 84 Beacon St., first-degree criminal trespass, violation of town ordinance, fine $91 to $250. border: 0; MORGAN DAVIS, 21, of 363 Watertown Ave., second-degree sexual assault, risk of injury to child, illegal sexual contact with victim under age 16, first-degree kidnapping, trafficking in persons. PAL is a not-for-profit organization which promotes partnerships between youth, law enforcement and the community through educational, athletic, and recreational programs designed to encourage team building and foster positive relationships. Through investigation, police reported, it was determined that two accused were involved in a shoplifting of $33 worth of merchandise. The accused was released on a promise to appear and scheduled to appear in Waterbury Superior Court on July 14. margin: 1rem 0 0.5rem 0; font-size: 1.3rem; } Waterbury police blotter. Contractors, homeowners focus of Bothroyds one-stop Stockyard, Watch: National champs hang out in Waterbury, Dog attack changes Thomaston womans life, SUNDAY FOCUS: State correction officer challenges permit process. WATERBURY A jury Thursday found Miles Johnson guilty on all charges in connection with the murder of Rachel Lerato Sebetlela in July 2020. The accused was held on a $50,000 surety bond and scheduled to appear in Waterbury Superior Court on May 18. Please visit the Police Department's website for complete information on services provided. Access all Premium Content and the E-Edition for 1 day. td.modern-cal_NEXTPREV { /*using StyleSet="modern-cal"*/ background-color: #f5f5f5; Gendron displayed a gun to Tompkins, who was the first arriving officer to check out the report of a bullet hole, state police said. Get Answers Quick Contacts Non-Emergency: (203) 574-6911 Emergency: 911 Directory Get In Touch _oneall.push(['social_login', 'do_render_ui', 'oneall_social_login_providers_7823426']); Captcha loadingIn order to pass the CAPTCHA please enable JavaScript. JOVANNE BOURDEAU, 35, of 21 Tedesco Drive, disorderly conduct. Copyright 2017 - Newspaper WordPress Theme by TagDiv, Cafe Bravado owner Barnett finds many ways to share passion for cooking, Chamber happenings: Downtown Waterbury finds a welcome boost, Retired Judge Agati joins law firm as mediator, arbitrator. "The Waterbury Police Department, like many . 255 East Main St. Does not automatically renew. Stew Leonard Sr. remembered at service: 'Most positive energy', Haar: Lamont deflects demands to spend CT surplus on education, Why a New York business wants to move its headquarters to CT, The CT legislature has 500 bills. Hours: Tuesday - Thursday, 9:00am - 2:00pm Fee: Payment in the amount of $16.00 per incident requested. .modern-cal_STYLE a:hover { display: block; } color: #fff !important; _oneall.push(['social_login', 'set_callback_uri', (window.location.href + ((window.location.href.split('? Waterbury police recently filed the following charges: DEMITRAS WALTON, 39, of 174 Willow St . Copyright 2017 - Newspaper WordPress Theme by TagDiv, Carmen Anthony Fishhouse seeks to reorganize under Chapter 11, A Butterfly Afair for the Cancer Care Fund, Waterbury police blotter for July 29, 2022, Waterbury police blotter for July 27, 2022. ')[1] ? Mr. Gendron brought the pistol up with his right hand as Officer Tompkins, only a few feet away, charged at him in the hope of disarming him. Stew Leonard Sr. remembered at service: 'Most positive energy', Haar: Lamont deflects demands to spend CT surplus on education, Why a New York business wants to move its headquarters to CT, The CT legislature has 500 bills. LEANN NEGRON, 27, of 119 Proctor St., second-degree breach of peace. line-height: 1.3; table.modern-cal_STYLE { } Police reported on May 20 at approximately 5:15 p.m. the accused was stopped for a motor investigation on Scott Street. Chief of Police Fernando C. Spagnolo, Jr. Deputy Chief of Police (Operations) . Silverio, a Waterbury police spokesperson, said the department currently has a pilot program for body cameras that is only days to weeks from being implemented.. JACEK RADKO, 56, of 2518 E. Main St., first-degree failure to appear. Police reported on May 14 the accused turned herself in on an active arrest warrant. } Police reported on May 5 at approximately 12 a.m. the accused was apprehended in Waterbury after a motor vehicle stop was conducted. EMMANUEL SANCHEZ-GORDON, 34, of 162 Eddy Glover Blvd., New Britain, risk of injury to child, illegal sexual contact with victim under age 16, fourth-degree sexual assault. Sharon Long, 77, of 104 Village Circle, Naugatuck, was charged May 23 with third-degree assault and disorderly conduct. Police reported on May 18 the accused was arrested on an active arrest warrant at Waterbury Superior Court. This prompted her to come upstairs where the officer was inquiring about a gunshot. QUESEAN DANIELS, 23, of 52 Clairmont Ave., second-degree sexual assault, risk of injury to child, illegal sexual contact with victim under age 16. NOTE: The social media icons and title of this footer content can only be changed by support@qscend.com, but you can add/remove content below to update the "CONNECT WITH US" right-footer column on all pages. They will only need to be there for approximately 30 mins. IAN MICHAEL OCHMAN, 29, of 186 Tudor St., third-degree assault, criminal violation of protective order, interfering with an emergency call, third-degree criminal mischief. SABRINA FORBES, 35, of 252 Wilkenda Ave., third-degree assault, disorderly conduct, second-degree violation of condition of release. font-family: 'Oswald', sans-serif !important; Police reported loss prevention advised that they observed the accused illegally conceal $112.44 worth of merchandise and exit the store without paying for items. ENID VELEZ, 25, of 37 Hart Circle, disorderly conduct. padding: 15px !important; span#listing table tr { background-color: #f5f5f5; Requests for Connecticut State Police reports may be submitted in person at 1111 Country Club Road, Middletown, CT. JERALE BLIZZARD, 36, of 39 Idylwood Ave., second-degree breach of peace. DAVID MYLES, 24, of 34 Howard St., sale of certain illegal drugs by a non-drug dependent, operation of a drug factory, sale of a hallucinogen or narcotic, possession of a controlled substance within 1,500 feet of a school, public housing project or daycare center. Unable to disarm him, and with Mr. Gendron both disobeying commands to drop the weapon and continuing to express a desire to harm Officer Tompkins, Officer Tompkins fired two rounds into Mr. Gendrons chest causing his death. /* border-bottom: 2px solid #efecec; */ Police reported callers reported the accused was chasing a male with a knife. padding: 10px 5px; This is a carousel. ANGEL VEGA, 32, of 14 Central Ave., violation of probation. BEVERLY IRELAND, 60, of 186 Cooke St., second-degree breach of peace. 26 Weeks of access to all Premium Content and our E-Edition, Monthly access to all Premium Content and the E-Edition. color: #061939 !important; /*darkest color*/ Copyright 2023 } color: #fff !important; Lehman Blackmon, 43, of 30 Ann St., New Haven, was charged May 18 with third-degree larceny, fifth-degree larceny and third-degree robbery. The accused was released on a $10,000 non-surety bond and scheduled to appear in Waterbury Superior Court on July 14. .full-cal span:nth-child(1) { width: 100%; } The verdict was announced by Waterbury States Attorney Maureen T. Platt, state officials said. Ms. The accused was held on a court-set $10,000 surety bond and scheduled to appear in Waterbury Superior Court on May 24. .mobile-cal .wrapper-event { border: 2px solid #efae2d !important; 235 Grand Street Police reported on May 22 an officer conducted a motor vehicle investigation on Route 8 North. In light of the totality of the circumstances, it is clear that Officer Tompkins subjective belief that he was going to be shot was objectively reasonable as was his decision to use deadly force.. ANDRES SERRANO, 49, of 132-10 S. Conduit Ave., Jamaica, N.Y., failure to respond to infraction, risk of injury to child, illegal sexual contact with victim under age 13, first-degree sexual assault. Maria Elizabeth Crean, 23, of 26 Stoneybrook Road, Naugatuck, was charged May 19 with reckless driving and illegal operation of motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs. Jr. also said body cams for police officers should be mandatory, Cameras should be made to come on automatically with downloaded immediately. Waterbury police blotter. ELIBERTO. At the time, it was the first line-of-duty death for the department in more . ANTHONY TASCHEREAU, 35, of 52 Greystone Road, second-degree breach of peace. 265. Copyright 2017 - Newspaper WordPress Theme by TagDiv, Impatient portals not ideal means for informing patients, Nations leaders losing touch with Thanksgivings spirit, Cafe Bravado owner Barnett finds many ways to share passion for cooking, Chamber happenings: Downtown Waterbury finds a welcome boost, Retired Judge Agati joins law firm as mediator, arbitrator. Yes No . color: #061939 !important; The accused was released on a promise to appear and scheduled to appear in Waterbury Superior Court on July 14. Police reported the accused was found to be operating a motor vehicle with a misuse registration plate, no insurance and no operators license. 0. The accused was held on a $7,500 surety bond and scheduled to appear in Waterbury Superior Court on May 20. background-color: #fff; Dawn is a Burda Style Certified instructor and Oliso affiliate. All Rights Reserved. Brianna Fekria Ahmed, 20, of 94 Edson Ave., Waterbury, was charged May 19 with sixth-degree larceny. Through investigation, police reported, it was determined that two accused were involved in a shoplifting of $33 worth of merchandise. If you wish, bring along suggestions of new books you have read. color: #fff !important; Waterbury police recently filed the following charges: DAVID FONTANEZ, 40, of 39 Academy Ave., firth-degree larceny, third-degree burglary, firth-degree larceny, third-degree burglary, six counts violation of probation. When she got to the last step she heard what she thought were four gunshots but isnt certain of that. } The 12-person jury deliberated for about. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY. The accused was released on a $10,000 cash/surety bond and scheduled to appear in Waterbury Superior Court on May 18. The accused was held on a $5,000 surety bond and scheduled to appear in Waterbury Superior Court on May 21. Our body-worn camera program must be done right to meet the operational needs of the department but just as importantly to foster trust and provide transparency to our community, he added. padding: 0; They are the leaders of tomorrow. It also noted that with the exception of Officer Tompkins, no Waterbury police officer was interviewed in connection with this investigation. font-family: 'Crimson Text', serif; Police reported on May 23 at 6:50 p.m. officers responded to a physical domestic disturbance. After investigation, police reported, it was revealed the accused got into a road rage incident. City of Waterbury, CT TYLER FIGUEROA, 27, of 337 Congress Ave., three counts violation of protective order, third-degree assault. QScend Technologies. Minicucci similarly believed that Mr. Gendron was going to shoot Officer Tompkins. ], Waterbury police blotter for July 14, 2022. table.LARGECAL_TITLE { Waterbury police recently filed the following charges: STEPHANIE LUCISARO, 24, of 192 Grandview Ave., second-degree breach of peace. /*days in the calendar*/ .full-cal td select { July 20, 2020 Updated: July 20, 2020 6:29 p.m. Facebook Twitter Email. Does not automatically renew. . color: #000 !important; } VERMONT . Karen Pacowta-Bittar, 57, of 53 Conrad St. 34f, Naugatuck, was charged May 23 with second-degree breach of peace. border-bottom: 2px solid #cfae1e; KAROLIN SANCHEZ, 34, of 625 Verand Court, Grand Prairie, Texas, first-degree failure to appear. Stamford Transportation Center renovations: Here's what train riders need to know. font-family: 'Crimson Text', serif; March 16, 2023 0. She was subsequently reported missing. } In recognition of the fact that both body cameras and dashboard cameras can be turned off, the Division of Criminal Justice should seriously consider advocating for the statewide adoption of existing technology that senses when an officers firearm is unholstered and automatically turns on both that officers body camera and nearby body cameras, the report said. Police reported on May 14 officers were dispatched to the area of Rubber Avenue for a suspicious motor vehicle. Report: Waterbury police officer justified in using deadly force, After identifying Jane Doe, police seek leads in 1975 CT homicide, Latin-American restaurant approved for Frontage Rd. Here are some top priorities. The accused was released on a $5,000 non-surety bond and scheduled to appear in Waterbury Superior Court on June 24. Police reported the accused then took the victims car. Ned Lamont and president of state's network of community colleges square off in showdown over state funding. The class will learn in five[], The Unified Schools of St. Mary Magdalen (elementary) and St. John the Evangelist (middle) of Holy Disciples Parish will conduct the annual springtime carnival Tuesday through Saturday, May 2 to 6, on the St. Mary[], Do you enjoy discussing new books? Daron Mckoy, 24, of 20 Bennett Ave., Waterbury, was charged May 19 with second-degree failure to appear. Upon officers arrival, police reported, the knife was located on the accused. WILBERTO CASIANO, 41, of 50 Donahue St., first-degree criminal trespass, interfering with officer/resisting arrest. Comments. A toxicology report found Gendron had a significant amount of alcohol in his system at the time of his death accompanied by amphetamine and methamphetamine. var _oneall = _oneall || []; background-color: #fff; Youth do NOT need to be present for the 2 hours. Khristina Erin Fortunato, 44, of 79 Park Ave. Police reported on May 14 an officer conducted a motor vehicle investigation. The class is a[], The Seymour Library is hosting a free quilting workshop to learn how to piece quilting patterns with Dawn Zillich.