Administrative Assistant 15-18. Professor M. Houston Johnson V specializes in the history of the 20th century United States, with an emphasis on aviation history and the New Deal era. Specialty: Managerial Accounting, Accounting, & White Collar Crime 540-464-7017 ERH-331 Aesthetics (Spring 2019, Spring 2021, Spring 2022), ERH-323 Philosophy and Literature. 429 Mallory Hall Colonel Timothy Paschal Williams, The Adjutant General of Virginia OFFICERS OF THE BOARD 2013 - 2014 GEORGE P. RAMSEY '72, President, Huddlestown, Virginia JOHN P. JUMPER '66, Vice President, Spotsylvania, Virginia KIMBER L. LATSHA '77, Vice President, Middletown, Pennsylvania JOHN C. ALLEN '62, Vice President, Coalton, West Virginia 496 New Barracks Human Resources Assistant In order to get cadets using the skills they develop in the classroom, LTC Kendrick led a new 400-level course in the spring of 2019 in which cadets taught an eight-week French course to local middle school and high school students. Jones, H.M. Garraffo, N.R. degrees in Computer Science from AAST - Alexandria Campus, Egypt. The major focus of this work is the structure and stereochemistry of ant venom alkaloids and other formicid exocrine secretions. Crear entre mundos: nuevas tendencias en la metaficcin espaola. Professor Turk McCleskey received his doctorate from The College of William and Mary in 1990 and joined the VMI faculty in 1994. Specialty: Genetics and Molecular Biology His book,Taking Flight: The Foundations of American Commercial Aviation, 1918-1938 (Texas A&M University Press, 2019), explores the federal governments role in promoting the development of commercial aviation between the world wars. 540-464-7240 111 Smith Hall This center is working to train a workforce of students to develop sources of sustainable energy from plant biomass residues., Lab Technician Ed.D. Then, from July 1990 until August 1991, he attended Special Forces Assessment and Selection followed by the Special Forces Qualification Course at Fort Bragg, N.C. Gwendolyn G. Parson, Writing Center Consultant, is certifiedby the Virginia Department of Educationin English/Language Arts., Associate Professor Balasuriya, U.B.R., S.A. Nadler, W.C. Wilson, L.I. As the war commenced, he transferred into the Regular Army, and served as the CFLCC operations chief for the 2003 Liberation of Iraq, the lead strategist and then Special Forces chief of staff for CJSOTF-A, where he developed and managed the special operations supporting plan for the 2004 Afghan Presidential election. Specialty: International Economics, Macroeconomics 208 Shell Hall Specialty: Nanoscale Materials and Nonlinear Optics While here, he was selected for an Individual Augment as the Postal Officer inCharge for all postal operations in Kabul, Afghanistan. Professor Veilleux, J. P., P. R. Moosman, Jr., D. S. Reynolds, K. A. LaGory, L. J. Walston, Jr. 2009. Tumlinson: D.W. Davidson, N.F. Bio. 320 Smith Hall He has previously held appointments at the George C. Marshall Foundation and on the faculties of Washington & Lee University and Southern Virginia University. Williams, M. I., R. D. Birkhead, P. R. Moosman, Jr., and S. M. Boback. Jones, H. M. Garraffo, T.F. During his career, MR. Ballard served as a First Sergeant, Platoon Sergeant, Senior Drill Sergeant, Section Leader, and Team Leader. 131 Old Barracks Clark: A.J. Commandant of Cadets He also works with colleagues to coordinate the weekly French Table and hosted a major regional French conference at VMI in 2015. She comes to us from Blacksburg, where she served as the Student Success Coordinator for the Virginia Tech/Virginia Community College Bridges to the Baccalaureate Program. Specialty: Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Engineering Specialty: The effects of poverty and associated risk factors on children's development with a specific focus on educational outcomes., Accountant, Financial Accounting 303F Maury-Brooke Hall 540-464-7933 139B Old Barracks Daniel returned to VMI in January 2013 and is currently teaching Physical Chemistry. After completion of the Air Forces Intelligence Course, Col. Faust was assigned to the 609 Air Intelligence Squadron (AIS). 540-464-7277 Focusing on how plants partition carbon resources acquired by photosynthesis to produce unique chemistries, I have worked on unicellular algae, parsley cells in suspension culture, tobacco, soybean, and the genetic model, Arabidopsis. West., Police Officer 417 Mallory Hall, Adjunct Faculty Ph.D. - Physics, Old Dominion University Bio. His awards and decorations include the Joint Service Commendation Medal (3OLC), Joint Service Achievement Medal (1OLC), AAM (1OLC), AGCM (5th award), NDSM, ACM-CS, GWTSM, NOPDR, ASR, OSR, NATOMDL, EXW-NCDI and DMB-DWV. R.M.M. Anderson, and M.G. Goen previously held full-time faculty positions at Christopher Newport University, Purdue University Fort Wayne, and Clemson University, teaching courses in human communication and quantitative research. Ph.D. - Virginia Tech degrees in Computer Science from Virginia Tech and M.Sc. He graduated from North Georgia College in 1982 with a Bachelor of Science degree and was commissioned a Second Lieutenant of Infantry. Professor 540-464-7218 Administrative Assistant Director of Financial Aid Instructor Bio, Specialty:Physical Chemistry &Synthesis of Inorganic Complexes for Applications in Electrocatalysis and Renewable Energy. Specialty: Geotechnical Engineering & GIS Before joining the faculty at VMI, she taught at the State University of New York at New Paltz and University of Michigan. Professor - Emeritus University of Virginia Bio, Director of Preston Library He has worked in the Army ROTC Battalion as a Civilian since November 1992 as a State and Federal employee. VMI offers free fitness classes to all employees at lunchtime and after work hours. On a personal level, Tom was a proud artilleryman in the USAR and Virginia National Guard. His most recent publication, Dialectics, Post-Dialectics, and the Democratic Argument of Lysias XII, was published in December 2022 by Argumentation and Advocacy. 619 Nichols Engineering Building Col. Spencer D. Bakich, Ph.D. is a professor in the Department of International Studies and Political Science and is the Director of the National Security Program. He has served in a variety of administrative and supervisory positions throughout the world including Chief, Admin NCO, Army ROTC, Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, VA; First Sergeant, 1109th Signal Battalion, Panama; Chief, Mail and Distribution Center, Fort Clayton, Panama; AG, Personnel Service Center, Fort Dix, NJ; Drill Sergeant, Fort Dix, NJ; USA Chaplin School, Fort Monmouth, NJ; HQ Berlin Brigade, Berlin, Germany; USA Reception Station, Fort Dix, NJ. After leaving PNS, he spent two and a half years with Engineering Design Systems, traveling around the state performing desktop support services for clients. Elise Sheffield has been a part-time member of the Writing Center team for the past five years. and A.B. Foods of bats (Family Vespertilionidae) from five sites in New Hampshire and Massachusetts. Specialty: Urban Economics, Industrial Organization, and Applied Microeconomics 540-464-7313 He is the author of Success and Failure in Limited War: Information and Strategy in the Korean, Vietnam, Persian Gulf, and Iraq Wars (University of Chicago Press, 2014), as well as articles and bookchapters pertaining to strategy and the use of military force. 307 B Letcher Avenue Chem. Holder of the John Biggs '30 Cincinnati Chair in Military History Dadaism and Classicism in The Waste Land. Twentieth-Century Literature, Vol. In 2001, following his initial assignment to VMI, he returned to Ft Bragg as a member of the 18th Airborne Corps, Special Operations Coordination Element. 214 Cormack Hall During the last decade, her department implemented a new interdisciplinary English major., Administrative Assistant, Marine Officer Instructor Bio. 540-464-7242 She also currently serves as the Director of Physical Training for the Summer Transition Program. Col. Newhouse came to the Virginia Military Institute in 2008 after teaching three years at Texas Tech University. Coale oversaw numerous upgrades and expansions to training facilities across Post while serving in this capacity. A. Decarboxylative Allylation and Benzylation of Carboxylic Acids via Photoredox/Palladium Dual Catalysis. 326 Scott Shipp Hall Northeastern Naturalist, 24. Senaweera, S.; Cartwright, K. C.; Tunge, J. Smilie, Bryant, Et Tu, Queen Elizabeth? 23, No. Electrochemical Instability of Phosphonate-Derivatized, RuIII Polypyridyl Complexes on Metal Oxide Surfaces., Daniel P. Harrison, Logan S. Carpenter, Jake T. Hyde. International Recruiting Lead 100 Post Hospital Patricia has extensive international experience. He is a published author of two books and several articles on counterinsurgency and special operations. 2. Her own research has focused on Shakespeare, assessment, and curricular development. - University of Virginia On this tour Major Ellis served alongside several different conventional and SOF US and allied units as a communications enabler. Health and Fitness for Older Adults and Special Populations, SP303WX: SpanishComposition and Conversation (content developed), SP322: Hispanic Cinema (content developed), SP424:Narcos, Hitmen and Religion. More details on the Baja SAE competition can be found here: 350 Nichols Engineering Annex Ph.D. - Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University He is currently the Chair- Designate of the NAFSA (Association of International Educators) Academy, following two years as the Region VIII Academy Coach. at the College of William and Mary, Col. Miller attended the University of Virginia, where she completed her doctorate in English. Associate Registrar for Enrollment and Technology 301 Letcher Avenue 307 Admissions Office - Washington University, Associate Professor 540-464-7989 He joined the VaARNG in March of 1988 and attended OSUT (One Station Unit Training) at Fort Benning, Georgia to be an Infantryman. Assistant Professor English, Rhetoric, and Humanistic Studies, 104th Division (Instructor Training), US Army Reserve 540-464-7476 M.S. Part of Medieval Institute Publications Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Culture series, this volume considers the constant interplay between literature and polemic in sixteenth-century France and how this interaction constructed ideological frameworks that defined the various groups to which individuals belonged and through which they defined their identities. Bio., Executive Assistant Captain Drydens teaching responsibilities are Swimming, Wellness Concepts and Drug and Alcohol Awareness. Jeffs major accomplishments include network wiring for the county schools, acquiring new pc computer standard for VMI, and hardware recommendations for Faculty and Staff. - Georgetown University 540-464-7486 Pritchard, A.B. 540-464-7363 The manuscript is derived from Joness dissertation, which won the 2021 Anne J. Bailey Dissertation Prize from the Society of Civil War Historians and the inaugural Chancellor Distinguished PhD Graduate Dissertation Award from SUNY in 2021. They have three children: Lisa (27), Will (21) and Josh (19). 141A Old Barracks Dallas B. Clark matriculated from Salt Lake City, Utah, with the Class of 1999 and attended VMI along with his brothers (Jordan 98, Ezra 99, Stillman 02 and Lincoln 04) and a nephew (Cannon 17). J. Bio. M.A. Jones is a first-generation college graduate originally from North Texas, where he taught public school before obtaining his PhD. - James Madison University Specialty: Disease Ecology Bio. Ph.D. - Georgia Institute of Technology Capt. Prior to her work at VMI, she held an Albrecht Drer Fellowship at the Germanisches Nationalmuseum in Nuremberg, Germany. "Retirement Pay and Officer Retention," with Jim West, NBER Working Paper #18502, published November 2012, "The Return Characteristics of Diamonds," with Ken Small and Erika Small, Journal of Investing, 22(1), pp 132-143, 2013, "An Examination of Diamonds as an Alternative Asset Class: Do They Have What It Takes to Make a Portfolio Sparkle?" He joined the Army in October 2004 and attended AIT (Advanced Individual Training) at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, to be a Human Resources Specialist. 111C Smith Hall 201 Admissions Office Financial Services Specialist I- Staff Accountant Posted Wednesday, January 25, . 540-464-7508 Ph.D. - Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University He and his wife Tracy were married in May 1987 (the day after graduation). He also served tours in the Directorate of Operations, the Office of Policy Support, and the Counterterrorism Center, as well as external rotations to the Departments of State and Defense, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence., Assistant Professor Dr. Humphries holds a DLS in Interdisciplinary Humanities and International Affairs from Georgetown University, as well as an MA in History from the University of California, Los Angeles, and an MS in National Security Strategy from the National War College. 2016 Kilbourne Hall Lieutenant Colonel Michael B. With regards to the health/wellness aspect, his focus is on the enhancement of quality-of-life factors in older populations. He was awarded his Ph.D. at the University of Virginia where he studied the ability of inorganic compounds to modify the standard organic chemistry of aromatic molecules. Prior to joining VMI, Ruth Ann provided database development and support for NCR computer manufacturing facilities in Columbia, SC and Dublin, Ireland. Coleman has been assigned to the following units: A CO - 116th Infantry Lexington, Virginia; 317th Infantry Regiment HQ Lynchburg, Virginia; USARC Recruiting Command with duty in Staunton, Virginia; 80th Division attached to C CO, 3rd Special Forces Group in Tall AFar, Iraq; 205th Infantry Brigade Fort Ben Harrison attached to Camp Atterbury, 811th Ordnance CO Dublin, Virginia; B CO, 2-319th REGT, Covington, Virginia; A CO 317th REGT, Charlottesville, Virginia; 4-413th ROTC BN, 1st BDE, 104th Division, Fort Knox, Kentucky attached to Virginia Military Institute ROTC. Additionally, Dr. Cartwright is invested in developing the next generation of scientist and sees a high value in teaching within the research lab as well as incorporating hypothesis-driven learning into her courses. They have four children and five grandchildren. 502 Nichols A veteran of 78 months in combat, he has earned two Defense Superior Service Medals, one with Combat Device, the Legion of Merit, five Bronze Star Medals, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, six Meritorious Service Medals, the Afghan Campaign Medal with 2 stars, Iraq Campaign Medal with 6 stars and other awards, Combat Infantrymen and Combat Action Badges as well as the Special Forces tab, Army Parachutist Badge, the Presidential Service and Army Staff Identification Badges, and German and Italian Parachute wings. 406 Carroll Hall C-09 New Barracks M.A.Ed. He has taught courses or guest lectured on international affairs, national security, intelligence, and military history at National Defense University, Columbia University, and American University as well as, in retirement, at VMI, Southern Virginia University, and Washington & Lee University. Williams later served as an executive officer in Troop C, 5th Squadron,15Cavalry Regiment as well as CompanyA, 1st Battalion, 81st Armorbefore attending the Maneuver Captains Career Course. Dr. Jones is an organic chemist with research interests in natural products chemistry and chemical ecology. Prior to her employment at VMI, Laurin worked with the Augusta County Sheriffs Office and the Virginia Department of Transportation. 2006. Bio, Fixed Assets Accountant, Financial Accounting B-7 Old Barracks Her scholarship focuses on the intersections of 19th-21st century poetry and poetics with visual art, the history of the book and book arts, digital technology, and race, gender, and sexuality. 540-464-7889 Staff Directory Members By Category/Department; Name Position Phone Email; Athletics Senior Staff; Jim Miller: Director of Intercollegiate Athletics Lenny Brown: Deputy Director of Intercollegiate Athletics 540-464-7035 540-464-7035: Emily Fulton: Assistant Athletic Director for Operations and Finance/SWA 67, no. virginia military institute athletics staff directory. Virginia State University 1 Hayden Dr. Virginia State University, VA 23806 804-524-5000 Virginia State University 1 Hayden Dr. Virginia State University, VA 23806 804-524-5000 Policies Goens research interests focus on interpersonal and family relationships and their intersections with nonverbal behavior and intercultural contexts. With Iana Konstantonova (Southern Virginia University). He amassed nearly 300 combat support hours in support of Operation INHERENT RESOLVE and Operation FREEDOM SENTINEL. 702 Nichols Ph.D. - NC State University and *R.M. Moosman, P. R., Jr., J. P. Veilleux, G. W. Pelton, and H. H. Thomas. Biography: Dr. Cartwright began her discovery process in chemistry at Sweet Briar College, where she conducted research on the development of natural product inspired pro-drugs. He also serves as the book review editor for the Journal of Military History. 467 Scott Shipp Hall Captain Becks personal awards and qualifications include two Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medals, Expert Rifle Qualification (2nd Award), Expert Pistol Qualification (3rd Award), and a Brown Belt in the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program. Professional Engineer Virginia Native Plant Society Upper James River Chapter Newsletter, Spring 2011, pp. 427 Scott Shipp Hall 716 Nichols Bio. Schablik's military and civilian education includes the Cadre Faculty Development Course, Combat Lifesaver Course, Master Educator Course, Unit Prevention Leader, Basic Combatives Course, Tactical Combatives Course, Advanced Leaders Course, Basic Leaders Course, Manager Development Course, Supervisor Development Course, and the Human Resources Management Course. Bogart had several assignments in Washington, DC, where he was a Special Forces Staff officer on Army Staff, one of the original four officers who established Civil Support for the Department of Defense and co-founder of the InterAgency Board for Equipment Standardization and Interoperability. Before joining the VMI history department, Boonshoft was a post-doctoral fellow at the New York Public Library, taught American history at Norwich University and SUNY-New Paltz, and was Executive Director of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies., Associate Professor Mohamed is the founder of the Cyber Security and IoT lab hosting Mohameds Ph.D. and Masters students' research activities.