Degasi Voice Log #8 - Risk Taking. I think she meant it literally. What Can We Learn From the Hive Mind of Strader VI? My one task now is to keep us alive, as comfortably as possible, until the insurance company arranges rescue. Deep Grand Reef It is something that only needs to be made once by using the fabricator and its ingredients are as follows: Increased batchLoadRings on highest quality level for enhanced view distance. cluster can now be scanned, fixed an issue with kelp vines lighting up near by terrain, Told us we'd see a lush payday. The core of your base. Venture deeper and further to find rarer Degasi Voice Log #9 - Disaster. The path runs around the outside of the island, just stay within sight of the water and follow the paths to find it. Fix the creepvine seed The path runs around the outside of the island, just stay within sight of the water and follow the paths to find it. Grand Reef. We're sick! PAUL: I suppose the executive decisions would be better left to someone with your extensive experience of hitting people in the face? changes. When you get to the trail, take it southeast to the tunnel. She shrugged and said my theories were good. PAUL: We NEED her. Also explicitly disable saving during the ending worry, be happy. Fixed chest ugly geo during side The ocean teems with life; strange and wonderful sea creatures abound, but beware! Whoops, forgot to check in the actual, you know, change that I made to add the final zinger The kid's not so bad - he's even useful - but I swear everything that comes out of his father's idiot face is a narcissistic lie. Click on the clip mapping tab and then "rebuild all" that will fix it. monetisation, Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system, Processor: Intel Haswell 2 cores / 4 threads @ 2.5Ghz or equivalent, Graphics: Intel HD 4600 or equivalent - This includes most GPUs scoring greater Then I thought I saw a light, deep below me. <3, fixed crazy vertex animation on reefback grass (now has a subtle wave effect), changed shader on reefback grass to fix blocky shadow issue, updated jump animations to avoid clipping of legs through the ground. Thank you OatBran, the RebuildAll worked. Fix not freezing oxygen consumption when freezing stats. (Lukas). added disable emissive on story to misc props in gun, Fixed Cell level on Aurora Hall and You see an off switch around here, Chief? #15 base and gun, Fixed start screen playing sounds that would cut out when the main menu appeared, Main menu highlights improved, wooo hooooooo yaaaaaaaaaaay. I'll raid the indoor growbeds before I leave. vent in safe shallows, adjusted some entity spawn near water surface in safe shallows, Whilst living here they realized that they were infected with some kind of disease and intensified their studies of local wildlife. (Vyacheslav), Fixed enzyme clouds healing the player too much. forests, in wait of prey leaving the safety of the shallows. There's something down there. ok REALLY fixed the forcerocketready cheat this time. (Michael), Merged updated translator credits. These conniving, corporate, bourgeois, inbred, incompetent, self-absorbed jerks don't have a damn clue! terminal 01 in gun, fixed entity spawns intersecting props, fixed many collision issues in Certainly it's not all friendly. Deep Grand Reef Jellyshroom Cave Floating Island, also known as the Degasi Seabases (best location) As mentioned earlier, the tools you need are a knife, a scanner, and fast transport. All that matters is: do you got something better? 2 Creatures - JellyRay and Crabsquid. Fixed Prawn Suit stuck issue in Dissection Room in Prison, Fixed collision alignment in pieces, Added water surface brightness effect to simulate pupil adaptation, sound for dropping breadcrums with the divereel, reverting unityproj files back to previous revision (accidental checkin). system status // On the ground in front of the "Cargo Bay 3" sign, In the cargo bay, on the ground in front of the lift, In the locker to the left just after entering through the Locker Room Door, In the locker straight ahead after entering through the Locker Room Door, On the bar in the Canteen, in the Living Quarters above the Prawn Bay, In the locker in Cabin 7, in the Living Quarters above the Prawn Bay, On the ground in Cabin 4, in the Living Quarters above the Prawn Bay, On the bed inside Cabin 1, beyond the door, On the bed inside the Captain's Quarters, beyond the door, Note: Message is recorded in your voice log but there's nothing of use for your databank, Inside Wreck 4. Shrooms, fixed floating terrain, fixed terrain hole in floating island players could get mountain caves, slightly reduced gloss value on exterior pieces of base to reduce mirror-look in strong Like damn queens. configurable amount of time and reminds them of it. This article is about the Degasi Seabases. credits, added replacement mesh for bulbo tree sample, "- unload the CrashedShip scene on Rocket launch, - tweak the model orientation of the emperor telepathy FX". Some of these PDAs will add a signal showing the location of the next base. Contains: 3 Minifigures - Paul Torgal, Bart Torgal, Marguerit Maida. Do you understand me? Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Adjusting max depth and priority multiplier for peeper breach behavior. Dart112 2 yr. ago. TC sync functionality and pickup sequence. The player has to discover Degasi Seabase on the Floating Island. entry, fixed gun exterior culling, Moved upper data box in wreck 1, Adjusted atmosphere Fixed air bladder animations and added first use anim. Go around it and keep going straight, all the while ascending and you will see the base, but you will need your Seamoth's lights on and Crabsquids hate light so you'll want to be careful about where you get out of your Seamoth. I can't see the sky. In the Observatory, there is a chair and a desk with an abandoned PDA on it. Hard to find for sure. You hunt the seamonsters. The room also contains wall planters. Maybe. In this part of space that could be months, or even years. PAUL: I have had it with you risking our lives! On the one hand, that is the coolest thing I have ever heard. Fixed pops for sprint anims and reduced sliding. ConstructionObstacle. It is advisable that the player brings appropriate tools and equipment while exploring these abandoned bases, as hostile creatures are often found nearby. BART: I don't know yet. Repository The only way to tell whether you are heading in is to watch the change in background color from a dark deep blue to a lighter turquoise color. ), minor railing adjustment to prevent rocketmagedon, adjustment to to the rocket door closing cinematic to prevent chaos. Fix kelp seeds preventing swimming/driving through kelp forests. Add a notification for taking a screenshot. infect console command 'amount' argument is now optional. Grand Reef Tab Biomes Type Surface Depth Range 150 - 500 meters Temperature Range 13.5C-16.1C Biome ID grandreef smokers Harvesting Nodes Limestone Outcrop Sandstone Outcrop Shale Outcrop Point of Interest Large Wrecks -284 -250 -850 -865 -430 -1420 Thermal Vent Clusters -375 -203 -729 -979 -393 -1372 -447 -350 -1264 Grand Reef Caves Entrance Through the other entrance, there is an Alien Containment and two Observatories. Something that shouldn't be. but keep an eye out for the deadly Stalkers. There are two in an upper portion of the wrecked base on the lower part of the island and another lying along a pathway northwest of that area. increase. Co-evolution gives me the fuzzies. Fixed creatures being able to attack the player through walls, bleeder punch sound and looping sound for reel nodes. I have checked and can't see any missing or out-of-place geo, but ideally ~fin. The player must discover the Degasi Seabase in the Jellyshroom Cave. She says the weather's going to turn. Also fix the Cyclops getting frozen in It can shoot out an EMP blast to disable electronics temporarily. You want to forfeit your emergency pay to take a swim, go ahead. I pay Maida a fraction of what I pay you, and you a fraction of what I pay me. Go to the Floating Island 2. lost river under bones, Adjusted Atmosphere Volumes and materials inside of gun, adjusted collision on mushrooms Fix postprocessing effects being the defaults despite what's configured when starting a Came out of nowhere. it is pretty far into it, you have to go down through a hole type thing thats kind of like the entrances to the jelly shroom caves. Now I wonder whether I saw anything at all. The kid can't kill this disease without fish to study. I'm the one doing the heavy lifting. PAUL: The biometrics would have warned us if we were sick. In this Subnautica guide I will be showing you where to locate the third and final Degasi seabase within the Deep Grand Reef. swims when holding some items, - Dive reel iteration -- fixed up animations and deploy positions, - Signal pings now visually disable when getting close to them, Hooked up new crafting menu and fabricator sounds, Fixed shoulder issue during sideways swims. planet alive? sequence as is done for the intro rather than rely on the cinematic to block it. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! showing a small gap), changed mesh used on basemoonpoolhatch to one that has the correct lightmap UVs (fixes A fast prey fish encountered in large schools in shallow waters. BART: Just can I have some quiet? So I started looking for a natural substrate that would strengthen the glass we have, and those stalker teeth we've been finding fit the bill - only, well, we needed more. PAUL: He means you're being reckless. capable of dissolving even synthetic fibers. Fixed Type.ToString Paul observed Marguerit fighting the attacking Leviathan after being thrown clear of the habitat, the old man dying shortly after. Also fix the torpedo arm causing There's one that's 90% eyeball Snakes twice the length of a habitat compartment. To get you started on warping, here are the coordinates of the biomes, the Aurora, and Degasi Seabases in Subnautica. How to obtain: pda spawn, Adjusted the entry and exit volumes on Lava base, Fixed exo stuck bug in lost river base timecap first use look fixed orientation, slight hitch fix, Fixed saving during cinematics in hardcore mode.". PAUL: We're already 200m below sea level! Should fix premature gun deactivation animation issues. *Sound of habitat rupturing and water pouring in*. 13, "Fixed Grass intersecting into wreck parts for Grass wreck 14, adjusted floating entity The Grassy Plateaus hide both Equipment? The Deep Grand Reef is considerably more dangerous than the Grand Reef as it is home to many Crabsquids, capable of disabling electrical devices such as Flashlights, seabases, and vehicles for a short amount of time. You may be looking for. PAUL: What?!? I just cannot damn tell whether it's the stupidest idea I ever heard, or my only hope. MARGUERIT: No building materials nothing left of the ship And your kid says we're gonna starve without more growbeds. (Michael, Kiel)", Merged spawn rate changes for sandsharks and biters. Inside the Multipurpose Room there is an abandoned PDA on the Desk and a Purple Tablet beside it. How to obtain: I don't think things went as smoothly as she made out. going above water surface in safe shallows, Fixed bash animation not playing for some tools. ?????@??S???~?y???????1??K??1?~?^?????? I'm just doing it because it's fun. MARGUERIT: It ain't always they oblige in coming in alive. I'm going deeper, I'm gonna find what shot us down, and I'm going to tear its damn heart out. Screw the contract. fixed geometry gap on door trim. entire aurora. Receive a newsletter when Subnautica receives an garbage in profiler tags. Behind the Alien Containment is a ladder, which leads down to a lab containing the last Abandoned PDA. Life is good, man. modular wreck from lighting exterior, adjusted the material for lab counter, adjusted MARGUERIT: You see, Chief? If you're a new player or simply want to preserve the mystery, do fixed collisions on rocket platform. Privacy Policy. Ive been wandering through the DGR but I cant find the seabase. MARGUERIT: People. BART: It's not even scratched. That was a quit, reload, and try again. Cyclops: sonar ping hides visual elements when at lower LOD. fixed intersecting props in aurora, PDA in wreck 6 can now be picked up, fixed sky Descend into the depths of a vast underwater world filled with wonder and peril. It's easier to find by coming back out from the lost river to the grand reef, than trying to head in. You only technically need the scanner but having the other things will make the process faster and more convenient. Fixed map room cameras picked by stalker could disappear after save-load, possibly fixed scanning, removed grass from inside of grass wreck 12, removed terrain and entity slots There are a bunch of PDAs on the Floating Island that are easy to miss. The best spot for a base focused on resources is usually at the junction of 3-4 biomes. Adjusted collision on base1 so camera wont clip ceiling, adjusted collision on broken window But I've hauled starwhals to Neptune. I'll post coordinates soon. PAUL: Son, go deal with the plants. in the credits. (Jonas), Tuned time capsule spawn chance. Signs abound that something is not right. Yet another two abandoned PDAs can be found here, one on the desk. gear or run more efficiently. Inside there are two Composite Plant Pots, one with a Chinese Potato Plant and one with a Marblemelon. inside, - Full pass on most VFXFabricating entries in the game, Hooked up RocketBase and Exosuit with save game slot icons, Pass on all teleporter caves for exo suit stuck issues, removed floating sand falls from scanning, adjusted collision in safe shallows wreck 16 for fragment scanning, tweaks to rocket materials to stop the rocket blooming out with new skybaseinterior cubemap You have crash-landed on an alien ocean world, and the only way to go is down. in base1 to prevent players from getting stuck, Fixed an area in the Aurora where players Fixed crabsnakes spawned sun culling on exterior of gun, Fixed OVR not using the headset audio device. Just as its tentacles came within reach, Maida appeared out of nowhere. We take what we can carry and hunker down in a cave somewhere. entity spawns, fixed exo from getting stuck under mushroom, fixed a few more exo stuck MARGUERIT: It's still breathing. MARGUERIT: Look around us, Chief. may change during development, Processor: Intel Haswell 4 cores / 4 threads @ 3.2Ghz or equivalent, Graphics: Nvidia GTX 550 Ti or equivalent, 2GB VRAM, Fixed Cyclops terminal localization. BART: It's an alien bacteria. I want to go to the sea base and was wondering if I can use the Cyclops since there are a crabsquids there which make going with the seamoth a bit risky. The PDAs in the other two bases will point the way. many culling issues, Fixed floating entity spawn, fixed PDA on floating island from being able to be picked up on terms of use. MARGUERIT: Chief. Adjusting avoid obstacle (Lukas), Fixed achievements for Cyclops, Seamoth, and Prawn suit. behind terrain. Only thing that I have found is Torgals 3rd log. Going into the Deep Grand Reef from the outside part of the Grand Reef can be tricky because there are atleast three entrances - one by a wreck, one not by a wreck, and a hole leading down into the cave. frame to get rid of faceted look (only on highest LOD), Fixed empty bases not always being destroyed. This planet won't cause us any new problems. If this video helped you find this Degasi Sea Base, be sure to leave a like for more videos like this one. I think there are two on two separate platforms (with crates and boxes on them). BART: It's true, father. getting player walks from branch it wasn't intended to be a part of. plates are host to a variety of marine life. Then make yourself useful and pass me that hardened blade. All This will then contain more PDAs with more info on the survivor's situation, a PDA containing coordinates for the next Seabase, and a data box. Removed dark blue tint to the fog in jellyshroom caves. exterior reflections, "Fixed up locational logs hinting at presence of lost river and lava castle bases, Updated emperor and sunbeam subs for new VO, Added radsuit log and ency entry after aurora explosion, to match unlocking blueprint", Fixed stack overflow in FPSInputModule.BubbleEvent, fixed some cinematics not working properly after loading a saved game. secrets and dangers. Fixed bleeder suck blood sound and effect playing after it being detached with prop cannon. Not in time. connectors of constructing ghost bases not being re-attached when loading a save. youtube & twitch reflection on glass in jelly shrooms abandoned base, fixed double PDA spawn in Jelly Shrooms Ok so in the jellyshroom base, in a multipurpose room, on top of a locker. The first seabase built by the Degasi crew, consisting of one main base in the center of the Floating Island with two small observatories on each of the peaks. Fix quitting to desktop via the unsaved game warning returning to the main menu rather than PAUL: You KILLED that thing? fish, or simply swim as fast as you can to avoid the gnashing jaws of roaming predators. squat animation on land. Bart escaped and returned to the original base on the Floating Islands, where he recorded one final log. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, The cinematic trailer depicts Bart buildinghimself an underwater base after the loss of the Deep Grand Reef base, which appears to located in the, Marguerit's "then you build a bigger boat" is most likely a reference to a classic line from the movie. MARGUERIT: Come on then, what's it gonna do? Cyclops & Base scripts now leverage BehaviourLOD to do less work when far / off-screen from One of these small outposts contains a Data Download which guides the player towards the Main Habitat via a signal. (Igor), Fixed creatures escaping from large aquarium. Swapped yes/no buttons so that yes always comes first. A spotlight can be found near the entrance. On this bed is a Data Box containing the Swim Charge Fins blueprint. fixed skyapplier issue on deepgrandreef abandoned base, fixed skyapplier issue on abandoned jelly shroom base, Re-enabled the console for the Chinese market, muting fabricator closing sound while u climb out of the pod. decreased emissive on underneath of lifepod, was too bright before. 425 - 630 meters Edge of sparse reef bordering sea treaders path/grand reef would be a great spot in that area. There are three such bases found within the game world, two of which have several sub-bases in their surroundings. Look out of the window. You can search for a place using a city's or town's name, as well as the name of special places, and the correct lat long coordinates will be shown at the bottom of the latitude longitude finder form. the other way is if you coming from Extreme weather conditions and a lack of resources caused tension among the group, forcing them to leave the habitat and set up a new one in the Jellyshroom Cave. ^And at least one on what I guess were storage platforms down there, farther from the base. ImperialBoss 5 yr. ago You have to find the PDA that contains the Signal. Promise. Precusor_OrangeKeyTerminal.prefab, Precursor_PurpleKeyTerminal.prefab, Now I've fixed it and it works again. theres 3 ways to get to it, the base is located inside a massive cavern in the middle of the grand reef, it has 2 entrances one in the grand reef are under the floater island and the one in the other (slightly safer) grand reef near the Crag Zone, the area is full of warpers and crabsquids so sail carefully. "Changed the game to use a default resolution that matches the monitor's aspect ratio, Marked resolutions in the options screen that match the monitor's aspect ratio with a *", adjustment to short connector on moonpool water level, Fixed floating loot in jelly shrooms, fixed entity slots inside platforms in jelly shrooms,