Health & Wellness Center, AASA Year-Round Advertising Opportunities. ZoomQ allows guardians to control who can pick up children and to initiate pickups creating staffing flexibility for schools. Efficiently conduct device audits with smart scheduling and versatile verification tools. Recorded ISTE content will be available post-conference for six months. Have you ever thought about becoming a principal? Hosted by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD), it is open to both teachers and administrators. TCEA also helps K-12 professionals earn tons of CEUs. Get the information you need and the conversations you need MORE! English and Creative Writing Scholarships, Alternative Graduate Programs for Psychology Majors, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, International Confederation of Principals, 2017 Conference on Educational Leadership, School Administrators Association of New York State, New Jersey Principals and Supervisors Association, 2023, a Red Ventures Company. This three-day conference will take place in hybrid format, with the majority of sessions taking place in Hershey Lodge. Each member is itself a major organisation that supports the professional development and work of school leaders. Cambridge Schools Conference online. is an advertising-supported site. 4909 Cutshaw Avenue | Richmond, VA 23230-3605 | 804.355.2777. IDEAcon is one of the Midwests largest ed tech conferences. North Dakota Council of Educational Leaders. WebThe Association of California School Administrators is the driving force for an equitable, world-class education system, and the development and support of inspired educational leaders who meet the diverse needs of all California students. This conference also includes new session types to select from, including interactive lectures, panels, poster sessions, playgrounds, roundtable discussions and pechakucha presentations (20 images for 20 seconds each). You may also have the opportunity for increased salary, depending on your school district policy. Where do you stand? The 2017 event will also look closely at neuroscience topics. The Kentucky Association of Elementary School Principals is dedicated to leading and serving school leaders at the elementary and middle school levels. Where: Kalahari Convention Center in Wisconsin Dells, WI. Bookstore: (240) 646-7052 Incident IQ integrates with leading SSO providers, allowing easy access to the Incident IQ platform. In this workshop participants will be given some more tools for their toolbox on how to have conversations when the stakes are high. Professional Development brought to our members at a time when life isn't as hectic, Summer! Whether youre interested in advocacy for your local school district, professional development, the collaborative aspect of these events, or just getting the most out of expert presenters, theres something for everyone. Nicole was nominated by Mr. Ronald Sudmyer, Assistant Principal and the school community echoed his sentiments of Nicole being one of those people you wish you could clone and so are the outcomes of her achievements. It has over 40 members, made up of school leadership associations. The Interview Chair: Strengthening school cultureand remembering your why. By clicking any link on this page you are giving your consent for us to. Head to WASA's site for registration. The next Principal Development Institute will be held on February 1821, 2024. Where: Savannah Convention Center in Savannah, GA. GAMEIS conference is hosted each summer and invites Georgia educators, K-12 technology leaders, and high-profile keynote speakers to come together and discuss relevant and current trends or challenges facing K-12 education technology. Even if you feel confident in your skills as a principal, attending one of these conferences can help you feel even better about your skills. Have you ever thought about becoming a principal? After you register with UAESP on line, you will receive an email. Drop by the onsite registration table to join. NDSAA-Middle Level Student Council Conference. March 28, 2018 National Principals Conference When school leaders from all levels come together to collaborate across the education continuum, all students benefit. The Massachusetts School Administrators Association is pleased to announce that Mrs. Nicole Bottomley, Principal of Holliston High School has been selected as this The CITE conference is dedicated to the K-12 IT professionals who are supporting hardware, software, help desk, data, WiFi, providing training, and installing and maintaining IOT used in schools. Friends of Education Award. NDSAA - North Dakota Student Activities Association - Student Council Conference for the junior high students (approximately 6-8 grades). NAESP Conference July 10-12, 2023 Give Yourself a Chance: Keeping time, resources, and opportunity at the heart of leadership. For teachers, principals, administrators, and other educators. Come to the NDCEL Aspiring Principal's Conference for networking and to have all your questions answered. Crucial Conversations is a 2-day workshop that has been very popular for school and district administrators. Once an event is approved, get ready by building workflows that automatically send preparation tasks to the appropriate teams. This conference provides principals with the chance to talk about the issues they have in schools and to get feedback from others in the profession. Read all news as it relates to King Philip Regional School District. Proposal to Present Form Exhibitor Information The Assistant Principals conference will be November 17, 2023, at the JW Marriott, Indianapolis. Incident IQ is a service management platform built, What's New in Incident IQ: March 2023 Enhancements, Now Available: Mobile Push Notifications and New Left Navigation. Secondary principals know that it takes a team to accomplish goals. Reliably track part usage and labor costs down to the individual work order. Education conferences arent just a way to take a well-deserved break and leave the classroom behind for a whiletheyre where the K-12 community comes together to develop professionally, network with other K-12 professionals, and forge relationships with potential vendors. The National Alliance of Black School Educators (NABSE) is the nations premier non-profit organization devoted to furthering the academic success for the nations children particularly children of African descent. The mission of the conference is to provide a safe space for leadership and professional development and networking for people of color and allies of all backgrounds in independent schools. WebExperience the Innovative Schools Summit the nations top K-12 education conference that brings together internationally recognized thought leaders, administrators, teachers and 180 Columbus, Ohio 43235-6484 Times Meetings begin at 10:00 a.m. and usually end after lunch (provided by OASSA). PETE&C is a Pennsylvania statewide event that provides quality programs focused on technology in the educational field. There are four ways to join KAESP. Districts can customize their Incident IQ login page, tailoring the look, feel and login options that suit their needs. WebUpcoming Programs & Events Apr 27 NPSS x AASA Districts in Action Webinar Advocacy & Policy, District & School Operations Join NPSS and AASA for an exciting webinar featuring a panel of district leaders from across the country as we discuss our District Partnership Toolkit and best practices for applying this in your community. National Principals Conference. WebAttendees in 2022 0 Educational Speakers Inspire, innovate and lead greatly Visit the AASA Website Our conference is designed to provide you with the latest insights, strategies, and best practices to help you lead your school district to success. Get learning devices in student hands quickly with advanced tools built to handle K-12 deployments. Numerous "Best Paper" Prizes to be won! JAESP board members presented each winner with an award at their school and they were invited to a special breakfast with Superintendent Anthony Godfrey. The School of Pacific and Asian Studies (SPAS) and the Department of Asian Studies at the University of Hawaii at Mnoa (UHM) invites proposals for papers, performances, and panels that seek to move beyond the traditional regions of Asia for the 34th annual Asian Studies Graduate Student Conference, held in-person at the Center for Korean Studies on the UHM campus in Honolulu, Hawaii, on April 2728, 2023. Since 2010, K-12 IT leaders have rallied at the Jamf Nation User Conference (JNUC) for community presentations, deep-dive education sessions and expert product insights. Keep an eye on support trends and response times with detailed analytics. Where: Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center Hotel in Schaumburg, IL. Having these tools will improve dialogue and engagement, create behavior changes, and help build high performance and culture. A key skill that you need when working as a principal is the ability to lead others. Oversee preventative maintenance projects with easy-to-use, customizable workflows. The 2017 fall conference uses the empower theme and hopes to empower administrators to take back their schools. The cost is $300.00 or 325.00 if requesting electricity. WebFebruary 1821, 2024 | Location is TBD. This 4-day conference includes keynote speakers and hundreds of high-quality educator-led sessions focused on developing student success, building relationships, and integrating tools to foster academic achievement. Event SponsorSchool of Pacific and Asian Studies (SPAS), Mnoa Campus, More Information808-956-6085,,, Presentation by Winners of Library Treasures Scholarships, AY 2022-2023, Yoga for Stress Relief: All Levels Yoga Class,, 34th annual Asian Studies Graduate Student Conference, equal opportunity/affirmative action institution. The Board of Education on May 19, 2022, voted to hire Keith T. Hayashi to lead Hawaii's public school system as superintendent for a term to begin July Welcome to the Kentucky Association of Elementary School Principals Home Page! These conferences let you mingle with other principals working in the same type of school as you and pick up tips on dealing with problem students, helicopter parents and school boards. VIDEO: Cambridge Schools Conference highlights - September 2022. We heard from MANY that being out of the building at that time in early August is so difficult for all principals. Looking for an independent school in your area? Keep tabs on every device district-wide with an unrivaled level of detail. NAIS members receive a discount on registration for this event. The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award, Cambridge Professional Development Qualifications, Online Learning professional development. The schedule was fully adopted in the 2021-2022 school year and will continue to be evaluated for improvements in the coming years. This 57,000-member association is led by a grassroots board of directors, and the conference features specialized conference tracks for CTOs, tech directors, and network and IT support specialists in K-12. HR Service Delivery helps K-12 districts: Get out of your inbox, keep everything organized, and automatically assign tasks to the right employee or department. Fax: (508) 384-1006. Come to the NDCEL Aspiring Principal's Conference for networking and to have all your questions answered. Our Cambridge schools conferences are an opportunity for teachers and school leaders from different countries and contexts to share knowledge and discuss common challenges in education. Professional Learning Community Summit. How can networks be established, thickened, broken, and re-established again? SIS integrations provide valuable data throughout the support process. This event will challenge all educators to meet and lead their students in the 21st century with a focus on the symbiotic relationship of learning environment design, digital learning systems, and rethinking traditional lesson design as the essential components to launching a personalized 1:1 learning environment. Learn how to have those difficult conversations when someone does not do what is expected on them and have them change their behavior. For more than four decades, the ISTE conference has been recognized as one of the worlds most influential education events. Finding Our Lanes: A process for building a trusting principal-counselor relationship. KAESP is an affiliate of the National Association of Elementary Schools Principals (NAESP) and the Kentucky Association of School Administrators (KASA). Cambridge University Press & Assessment 2023, We use cookies. Does your school need a product or service? Education Bills for the 2023 General Assembly Session. This conference takes place October 27-29, 2017 in Orlando, Florida. and registration is through ED311. See a breakdown of key metrics and team performance with detailed analytics. It also includes several workshops. MAEMSP Past Conference Materials. ILLINOIS PRINCIPALS ASSOCIATION 2940 Baker Drive Springfield, IL 62703 (217) 525-1383 (Main Phone) (217) 241-2648 (Membership) (217) 391-0848 (Prof. NAIS Trend Report Webinar: What is Reasonable? National Principals Conference; AASA Women in School Leadership Forum; AASPA 79th Annual Conference; SAANYS Annual Conference; Scheduling time to attend Attendance also comes with a 1 year aspiring leader membership to NDCEL which entitles you to an additional broad range of benefits. 2017 Conference on Educational Leadership. Where: Georgia Int. With sessions on tech tips and tricks, SEL, equity, diversity, and inclusion, educational leadership and coaching, personalized learning, and so much more, theres a little something for everyone. Visit the website for more information! However, you do not have to attend Crucial Conversations before you take Crucial Accountability. February 7, 2022 by UTR Conf Staff Conferences and summits have long been popular means of bringing like-minded people together and learning from them. Support Flows provide schools with workflows built around popular learning applications. Back To Top 4909 Cutshaw Avenue | Richmond, VA 23230-3605 | 804.355.2777 Copyright 2022 Virginia Association of Secondary School Principals, Inc. Check out the ways on our Join Us page. KAESP wants to introduce you to a new KAESP Sponsor. This event provides a deep dive into their job description, an opportunity for attendees to network, receive professional development specifically for their career track, solve issues as a collective, and have community in their work.