In addition to this we work closely with neighbouring public car parking facilities to further facilitate a safe journey to and from the College. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of Robert Gordon's College, and shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes. We also accept Childcare Vouchers applicable towards Nursery fees. We are fully committed to helping pupils make healthier eating choices by making fruit and vegetables clearly available and keeping the amount of fat, salt and sugar we use to a minimum. SC013781. Neither does Robert Gordon's College assume any legal liability for any direct, indirect or any other loss or damage of any kind for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, product, or process disclosed herein, nor freedom from computer virus, and do not represent that use of such information, product, or process would not infringe on privately owned rights. Gown Hire. Learn More. School Term Dates 2022-23. Admissions for places will be allocated with the priority (1) Full time pre-school, (2) Full time ante pre-school, (3) Part time (morning or afternoon) pre-school and (4) Part time ante pre-school (morning or afternoon). Last Day of Term- Wednesday 27th March 2024(Day students leave at 12.00pm, Boarders leave at 12.15pm), Inset Day -Monday 15th April 2024 (boarders return between 7.00 and 9.00 pm) Download. Exeat- Friday 8th March/ Saturday 9th March / Sunday 10th March 2024(Day students leave at 3.35pm, Boarders leave at 4.00 pm on Friday) Inside the school gates controlled access is in operation to ensure there is a safe environment for pupils to play and move around the campus. Parade & Fun Day- Saturday 7 June 2025 This will take you to CELCAT Calendar. Parade- Sunday 13 October 2024 Registration forms will be made available in June each year for the following August session. A cashless system operates where cards are provided for every pupil and parents/guardians top up accounts and view transaction history via an online portal. Exeat- Friday 3rd/ Saturday 4th/ Sunday 5th May 2024(Day students leave at 3.35 pm, Boarders leave at 4.00 pm on Friday) The Academic Calendar may be subject to review by Academic Council. Sunday 25th February 2024- Parade & Chapel Service Robert Gordon's College is a member of the Scottish Council of Independent Schools - SCISwho promotechoice, diversity and excellence in Scottish education. Robert Gordon University Academic Calendar 2022-23, Teesside University Term Dates 2022/23 : September Intake, Aber Uni Term dates 2022-23, Closed Days & Public Holidays, Wrexham Glyndwr university term dates 2021/22 & terms dates, University of Manchester term dates 2022/23: Holidays. Public buses travel through the City Centre with stops within a few minutes walking distance to the school. Monday 4th September. Inset- Wednesday 4 September 2024 Download our College Term Dates for 2023-24. Parade - Sunday 11 May 2025 Half term. GORDON'S HONOURS PROGRAMME; Join Us. Saturday 21stJanuary 2023- Whitehall Parade (for Y9 and Y11 students) 12.00 pm Memorial Weekend- Saturday 21st / Sunday 22ndJanuary 2023 ** Senior Wait is available for Junior School children with siblings in the Senior School to be supervised until the end of the Senior School Day. We're constantly innovating, creating new ways of thinking, different ways of learning and better ways of teaching. Download. Navigate to the RGU term dates Portal at; You will be directed to the RGU term dates page; Copy the RGU term dates; Open Microsoft office or Launch Google docs; Paste the Copy document; Click on the Save button to save a copy of the Rgu terms dates on . Our courses encourage and support your creative development, imagination and ideas which can be applied within the fashion, or a related creative, sector. This course has one study option Mode of Attendance On Campus Mode of Study Full Time Start Date September Course Length 3 years What You Will Study Teaching & Assessment Placements & Jobs Fees & Funding Have a question about the course? Gray's School of Art at Robert Gordon University (RGU) is to host a series of new LGBTQIA+ community events in Aberdeen city centre in the run up to Grampian Pride. Sunday 16th October 2022- Harvest Festival Parade & Chapel Service By using this site, you acknowledge that you accept and will be bound by the terms hereof. Some of the cookies are used for analysis and marketing purposes. Here are the term dates for this year and next year. Robert Gordons College is an independent co-educational nursery and day school in the heart of Aberdeen for children aged 3 to 18 years. Learn the importance of cyber security both as individuals and a profession by exploringcommon cyber security risks, including web application security risks and malware. The campus is well served by public transport and is a short walk from Aberdeen bus and train stations. Some of the cookies are used for analysis and marketing purposes. Exeat- Friday 17th November/ Saturday 18th November / Sunday 19th November 2023(Day students leave at3.35 pm, Boarders at 4.00 pm on Friday) SCISprovide parents with impartial information, advice and guidance, as well as keeping independent schools abreast of educational developments, training opportunities and legislative change thus enabling the independent school sector to make a worthwhile contribution to the development of education in Scotland. Our friendly and welcoming team provides a safe, caring and fun environment where children have a great time playing outdoors and indoorswith their friends. For the best experience, you should use a browser that supports JavaScript. Every effort is made to provide accurate and complete information. Many children enjoy the daily commute with their friends which allows parents the comfort that their child is safe and well looked after. Boarders' Travel Day. All senior school pupils, all new junior school pupils and second form at 8.30am; rest of the junior school arrives at 11.00am. Our programmes have been developed in close consultation with industry, offering internationally recognised standards of education. Holiday Campsare situated in the Pavillion at Countesswells. Year Group Start End Break Lunch; . We encourage our school community to travel safely at all times, respect the local traffic requirements and consider the travel options that work best for your family. Exeat- Saturday 21 June/ Sunday 22 June2025(Day students leave at 3.35 pm, Boarders leave at 4.00 pm on Friday) Nursery sweatshirts and polo shirts are available to order from Robert Gordon's College. Families will need to budget for the purchase of Nursery sweatshirt(s) and polo shirt(s). Sunday 14 July, L6 & U6 boarders to depart by 12:00. Families can enrol for ante pre-school and pre-school either year round (48 weeks) or term time (37 school weeks). University closure days Foundation Undergraduate Postgraduate We offer a variety of law courses, whether you have a background in law or no formal legal qualifications, our specialist law courses will lead you on to a range of careers in the legal profession. Half Term Begins (1 week)- Friday 14 February 2025(Day students leave at 3.35 pm, Boarders leave at 4.00 pm) Sunday 19January 2025- Guildford Cathedral Memorial Service (for all students) 11.30 am Then simply scroll through the calendar weeks using the arrow keys. You can find term dates for academic years 2022/23 and 2023/24 below, including any University closure days. These representatives are a friendly face and ensure the agreed drop off and pick up arrangements are in place between families and the school. spring term 2023 . SC013781. You can scroll between the weeks for example by using the arrows at the top left of the screen. Inset- Tuesday 5th September 2023 (new boarders arrive between 4.00 and 5.00 pm) Whatever your career goal, our postgraduate architecture, construction and surveying degrees will help you build the expertise that employers are looking for. First Day of Term - Wednesday 4th January 2023 Memorial Weekend - Saturday 21st / Sunday 22nd January 2023 Half Term Begins (1 week) - Friday 10th February 2023 (Day students leave at 3.35 pm . For more information and bus times visit, Aberdeen Rail Station has frequent services from various areas through North East Scotland and the rest of the UK. Summer 2023 - Postgraduate Autumn 2023 - Undergraduate and Postgraduate RGU CELCAT Calendar. However, if you still wish to access your calendar for your groups, you can do so via Timetabling on RGyoU. Exeat- Saturday 28 September /Sunday 29 September 2024(Day students leave at 3.35pm, Boarders at 4.00 pm on Friday) Following the launch of this catering servicein August 2015, Inspire Catering has continued to achieve the HealthyLiving Award. Develop your skills and personal development within a constantly changing healthcare environment with a postgraduate qualification. Park and Stride is popular with families who utilise the on-street parking zones and public car parks located nearby. Saturday 18January 2025- Whitehall Parade (for Y9 and Y11 students) 12.00 pm Half Term Begins (1 week)- Friday 9th February 2024(Day students leave at 3.35 pm, Boarders leave at 4.00 pm) Professor Robert S. C. Gordon Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics Home About About overview Contact us Staff List Governance of the Faculty Governance of the Faculty overview Governance at MML Faculty Board Faculty Board overview Board Overview Membership and Contacts Student Engagement Staff-Student Liaison Committee The MYRGU app is the easiest way to view your individual timetable up to 4 weeks ahead. 195 were here. New Student &Y12 Induction Day - Wednesday 4 September 2024(existing boarders return between 7.00 and 9.00 pm) Academic Calendar Download the ICRGU Academic Calendar here: 2023/2024 Calendar. These times do change and are limited to the beginning and end of the day. School buses operate from a number of locations within the City and Shire. Public Holiday- Monday 5 May 2025(boarders return between 7.00 and 9.00 pm) We are proud to cater to our international community and are able to offer vegetarian and Halal options as well as support specific dietary requirements/allergies. These cookies are essential in order to enable you to move around the website and use its features. Each of our school buses has a member of staff or representative from First Group to accompany the children to and from school. First Day of Term - Tuesday 16th April 2024 spudType : "searchlabeled" }); Gain the skills to lead, innovate and adapt when you invest in your future with a business and management postgraduate degree. We are proud to cater to our international community and are able to offer vegetarian and Halal options as well as support specific dietary requirements/allergies. To see your timetable before the start of Semester 1,use the RGU CELCAT Calendar. Instead you can login to CELCAT Calendar and look at the events you have been personally assigned to. Half day (Session 1 and Session 2). Exeat- Saturday 25January/ Sunday 26 January 2025 (Day students leave at 3.35pm, Boarders leave at 4.00 pm on Friday) No part of this website may be reproduced, transmitted or copied in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the Information Officer(select Data Privacy), Robert Gordon's College. Local service bus routes are also closely situated to the campus. Robert Gordon, an Aberdeen merchant, made his fortune in 18th century Poland trading from the Baltic port of Danzig, (Gdansk). The College follows the Scottish curriculum and from the earliest age children are used to active interdisciplinary learning in the class, building confidence through participation. First Day of Term - Thursday 5 September 2024 Saturday 27th January 2024- Whitehall Parade (for Y9 and Y11 students) 12.00 pm Last Day of Term - Friday 15th December 2023(Day students leave at 12.00pm, Boarders leave at 12.15pm), Inset- Monday 8th January 2024 (boarders return between 7.00 and 9.00 pm) Sunday 12th November 2023- Remembrance Parade A Scottish charity, registration No. You may also view your timetable for the whole semester, and the semester ahead once it becomes available from MYRGU. RGC Online scholarships for young talent supporting growth of Scottish tech sector, RGC Online students from across Scotland meet in Aberdeen, Teachers support Computing Science advanced across Scotland #UpskillWithSTACS, Global tech experts partner with Robert Gordons College to support growth of the Scottish tech sector, Mr Macpherson to chair panel session at Tech for Good Summit 2023, MIT Global Teaching Excellence returns to RGC Classrooms, Former pupil takes clinical programme global, Former pupils return to talk about their careers in Computing Science, Blog: MIT students share their experiences of gender bias in STEM for IWD, MIT Students return to RGC to share global teaching excellence with pupils, Blog: Growing a business is in my nature, my DNA Erland Rendall shares his entrepreneur story, Robert Gordon inspired me to make one idea a big one Highlights from Founders Day 2021, Robert Gordons College announces RGC Online to prepare students for a future in technology. Gray's School of Art students can access timetables for their stage of study via Blueprint. The Higher Applications of Mathematics course focuses on developing the mathematical and analytical skills required in society and for the future workforce. Last Day of Term - Saturday 1st July 2023after the Annual Parade & Prize Giving, Inset- Monday 4th September 2023 Your web browser does not support the