Tel: 01159 728338, Eastwood Angling Centre, 91 Nottingham Rd, Eastwood. It certainly wont hurt. 2022.02.08 Map 14. Season permits: loads of places. Hang on a minute, when I first fished the Trent with my old man we caught the train to Newark Northgate and then walked with our tackle on our backs to Winthorpe. Great piece of work and long overdue. If anywhere typifies the Trent, this is it. Im a lure angler, had a previous life on bait but Im fully converted to the dark side now. In normal conditions you dont need 2.75lb test carp rods and 50lb braid. If you want Bream, go even further down stream to 120s, and fish feeder to the trees on the far bank, huge bags are caught in the summer months, not to sure at this time of year though. BARBEL FISHING ON THE RIVER TRENT AT FISKERTON - VIDEO 58 - YouTube 0:00 / 21:11 BARBEL FISHING ON THE RIVER TRENT AT FISKERTON - VIDEO 58 ukfishingvlog 1.63K subscribers Subscribe. In 1676, despite only having 86 inhabitants, Barton had two pubs! Very well run, it offers secure parking or parking next to pegs, security fenced fishing plus a variety of other waters including the Derwent, canal and lakes, much of which is available round-the-clock. Bobs Island is located in the centre of Newark-on-Trent and only a couple of minutes drive from the A46. Bob map 25 free fishing is gone on Clifton in Nottingham, that belongs now to clifton Grove angling club from last year , day ticket 4 quid , night ticket 8 quid and membership 40 quid, The most comprehensive guide on the trent i have come across. [Please Note: Spring Lakes is a new leisure complex offering day and night fishing tickets. It is like any other barbel river. Night fishing is now members only with the exception that a 35 yard stretch at Carlton Ferry Lane, Collingham NG23 7LZ, controlled by Rob Lee (07740074033). Can you spot the course of the Old Trent? Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. The river upstream of the W&D Campbell is controlled by the Barbel Society.. In 1596 (some say 1600) a flood occasioned a change to the present channel to the West of Holme. The pegs just above the bridge are well known for the big barbel into double figures that live there. To the west we have the old river. All of which would of been impossible without this page. Except perhaps that 30 years earlier, the Trent had a thriving Salmon run. Collectively the clubs listed below manage fishing rights on the majority of the river covered by this guide. Thought not. There were, however, over thirty ferries that operated along its course, and numerous fords, where passage was possible, hence the names Hazelford, Wilford and the village at the bottom of this map, East Bridgeford. from popular Foy's Fishing Lakes, which offers freshwater fishing for a small fee. Updated to include short stretch of Nottingham Piscatorial water adjacent Farndon Power Station. Yaddlethorpe. HELP ME: If you spot an error or omission (and inevitably there will be some to start with!) But theres still a way to go and should always be treated as a draft document. Several sturgeon have been caught from here, the best around 17lbs, I believe. If you happen to be fishing from the west bank around half way along the straight, dont be too surprised if you encounter a snag or two. Classic Trent fishing with all methods although this area still offers some big Barbel and chub to feeder tactics. If the Porky Pig doesnt work then consider a high end distance feeder rod designed for commercial carp. Apparently the river was so low in 1792 the remains could be seen. The colossal specimen, which tipped the scales at exactly 38lb, was caught by kayak fishing fanatic Jason Pardoe, who tempted it on a 10ins Sovereign Bass Harasser lure. He has since expanded the blog to include gear reviews, fishing reports, and even recipes for cooking up your catch. The island between the two weirs (Nabbs Island) is C&RT owned but fishing rights belong to Scunthorpe who do not allow fishing from the island at all (to protect Ladypits to the south of the island). Well done Bob! There is a small stretch running alongside the northern weir bank from ///quilt.oven.whisker to ///minds.magnum.tungsten (use the What 3 Words APP to interpret) between BDAAS/Notts Fed that is also signed by the C&RT as no fishing due to the presence/danger of the weir and height of the bank above the river (from the weir barrier to the west to the exit of the basin on the eastern edge). 6.3K views 1 year ago RIVER TRENT River Trent fishing for quality Roach this week. Youve already found my web site and read the how-to, now find the Ultimate Trent Guide and read the where-to carefully. The riparian rights belonged to a retired clergy from Fiskerton who sadly passed away a number of years ago, so presume the rights have passed to his heirs. A 2-peg (50 yards) stretch at Salmon Farm, Carlton Ferry Lane, Collingham NG23 7LZ, controlled by Rob Lee (07740074033) is new on the guide for 2022/23. Great work Bob. 2020.06.14 Maps 4 and 5. Of course, the success of any guide relies upon it being a live, continuously updated document and this can only work when fellow anglers, club secretaries and fishery owners are willing to participate by sharing their knowledge. There is a short 50 yard stretch at Salmon Farm, Carlton Ferry Lane, Collingham NG23 7LZ, controlled by Rob Lee (07740074033) that can accommodate 2 anglers Monday to Friday/ Friday to Monday. Alas the burden was too great for the bird and it released its grip. He informs me: The stretch above BDAAS/ABF is indeed private, only 3 pegs though before the wharf stretch. Day (only) tickets and Barnsley club books can be purchased for this fishery but the most prolific barbel pegs are currently let out to a syndicate. To get some good action where would you suggest I fished day ticket or which club would you join? The Midland Angling Society have 140 pegs on the River Trent available for pleasure and match fishing producing some of the best fishing and value for money on the river. Indeed Holme was the crossing point to Langford (long ford) but today they are both on the East bank. True or not, the Romans were certainly here. Had a lovely message from Peter Barker informing me the stretch above Beeston Weir (from the last boat moored at Beeston marina to Barton lane where the over flow enters from the Attenborough nature reserve) is owned by W.H Taylor. The fields to the East of the river staged the final engagement of the War Of The Roses in 1487 when 12,000 Lancastrians overcame 8,000 Yorkists and secured the future of King Henry and his Tudor Dynasty. The carp can be caught right under your rod tip in the pads or from the wall which is around 30 metres out. The following articles, written a while ago, still stand the test of time. Fishing for shad, catfish, bream, bass, and pickerel in the Trent River. 2019.03.15: Map 19 updated to include APG. There is a vast network of caves beneath the city, carved out by hand in the soft sandstone rock by prospective dwellers. Link to FB page added. Access is restricted to members only through a locked farm gate and river bank parking is available. Tel: 01159 278859, Matchman Supplies, 4 Ella Rd, West Bridgford. Depending on when you head over the parking is free too. Updated to include Ferryboat Angling Club. How deep is the River Trent at Gunthorpe? Located in Gunthorpe in Nottinghamshire, the fishing lakes are easily accessible from the local road network. The River Trent is arguably the UKs finest coarse fishery and certainly a magnet for barbel anglers from far and wide. Well wrap this dalliance with a nod to Lord Biro. 2023.01.24 Matt Bray has offered a bit of clarity regarding the Derby County water below Hoveringham but it still leaves a gap that I have no information for. The locks on the Dyke are unique in that they were originally built 150 years earlier than those on most other parts of the river in 1773. The maps are provided courtesy of Open Street Map. Echoes of the past perhaps, or dreary forebodings of more strife ahead? Bait Boats and Rowing type boats are being allowed on a trial basis and proper approved life jackets MUST be worn at ALL TIMES whilst in the water, any one seen on the water without a proper approved life jacket will be banned from the club without question. Bridge Tackle Shop, 30 Derby Rd. Tel: NG16 3GH 01773 710775, Gerrys Of Nottingham, 96-100 Radford Blvd. , Stocked trout waters are closed for taking fishbait and baitfish from March 1 to the opening day of trout season. Gravel galore, wide sweeping bends, good depth and flow, stuffed with fish and the chance of a real big one. Theres still a big tidal influence but its manageable with care. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. The river upstream of Cavendish Bridge takes on a character of its own, narrower, wild and untamed with shallow gravel runs, deep holes, fallen trees, back eddies, streamer weed, indeed its a whole different animal and worthy of a project of its own. It would be all over social media before he dried his hair! Brent Pollock is a passionate angler and the founder of the popular fishing blog "Safe Harbor Fishing". Chub, Barbel and Roach make up the majority of catches on this very popular water. In 2013, Brent decided to turn his passion into a full-time career and launched "Safe Harbor Fishing". Gunthorpe lock fishery a blissful way to spend the day fishing's a friendly peaceful. The boundary markers are yet to be confirmed absolutely so please be aware they may be a few swims out either way at this moment in time. At the time BDAA was a rich, forward looking club. Throughout the 16th and 17th Century it became known as the old course. I do like to make this guide as accurate as possible but Im currently struggling to accurately pin down a 560 yard stretch at Conygre Farm at Hoveringham that is controlled by Derbyshire Angling Club. This fishery offers20 pegs of a varying degree with parking behindmostpegs.. Turn off the A46 onto the B6166 (Farndon Road). And of course, if you are completely new to barbel fishing or want to learn from a variety of experts then the finest collection of DVDs ever produced on the subject are available here: Judging by the number of requests I get for information about float fishing for barbel it seems theres a demand, arguably a thirst for information about this technique. Some attribute Isaac Walton with it having 30 species (French: trente). A saltwater license does not give someone permission to fish in freshwater lakes and streams, and vice versa. It . We do not allow fires at any time only for care taking purposes again after being discussed by the committee. North Pond and also the match pond. For example, did you know that the Great Nottingham Cheese Riot took place in 1764 and that the mayor was knocked over by a large cheese? From the challenging tidal reaches near Gainsborough working upstream to Shardlow, the upstream limit of navigation, the text is interspersed with a little history and light relief thrown into the mix for good measure. What a fantastic read and as I am moving up to the Nottingham area from the south soon, It will become an invaluable guide to me going forward. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Long Eaton Victoria AC control two meadows down from Cranfleet Lock. You will have good days and bad days. Twenty pounders have been reported here on numerous occasions. Gunthorpe has been an important river crossing for many years and for boaters on the River Trent, Gunthorpe Lock is a fine destination to stop off for lunch or an evening meal. The company adopted the mammoth as its logo and for many years its lorries with their mammoth symbols were a familiar sight in the district. appreciate all the time and effort its taken you and others Barnsley DAA purchased the Fiskerton stretch of the Trent in the early 1980s (I believe) for what, at the time, was rumoured to be the kings ransom of around a quarter of a million pounds. Now the rivers voice was ominous, for none the fact could blink That it ought not to be audible at all, Since the houses lay a measured mile above the nearest brink, And the railway ran between them like a wall. NG11 7AA. Good work Bob. Theres a railway station 400 yards from the river at Burton Joyce. The run below Beeston weir is prime chub and barbel territory and gets even more interesting above. Tight lines hang fish as are old friend Zyg would say. Please remember the 2 rod Rule on the river and Rod spacing rule on both lakes and river, Rods not to be more than 3 metres apart at the butt from the outside Rods. I have received information from Len Duckworth (NPS Bailiff) that Newark Piscatorial Society has expressed their right to the ownership of fishing rights at this site and are pursuing their claim via the Angling Trust/ Fish Legal department to resolve the matter. The best suited club for you then practically picks itself. NO OVERNIGHT PARKING.NO TRADING IS ALLOWED ON THE SOCIETY LAND. How to get there:- Other high level markings can be found at Girton and on the Trent Bridge in Nottingham. A group of nere-do-wells attempted to wreck the Barbel Society and depose its leader but the campaign proved to be a miserable failure. Interestingly Ive had a very useful message from Dave McCreath, Chaiman of both BDAAS and the ABF, regarding the fishing around Hazelford weir. Unfortunately I cant add anything as my Trent knowledge is now somewhat outdated! Proper barbel country now, popularised but not necessarily as heavily fished as you may have been led to believe. Its not about magic baits or fancy rigs. More info: Matchman Supplies 0115 9140210. If you are in search of Trent barbel, the tidal probably offer the best chance of all for success, not only with numbers but size. Barbel often lurk in holes during the day, calling for fine tackle with small baits in order to tempt them out. 2022.09.08 Notes added regarding rules and access to the Slamon Farm Fishery (Conveyor) at Collingham, plus the 2 bookable pegs adjacent. From 450.00. The cave network has Scheduled Ancient Monument protection equal to that of Stonehenge, making Nottingham Caves a site of vast importance to the heritage of the United Kingdom. Ian Potts, who was on an island opposite the bank at the time, said the fisherman could. Thanks for taking the time to build this, must of been a labour of love! 2022.06.25 Map 25 South bank now controlled by Clifton Grove Angling Club. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". A mysterious sleepy hamlet founded by a Dane named Kati but theres no mention as to whether this was a he, a she, or perhaps even a pioneering non-binary. The upper pegs are average depth but hold big bream to double figures whilst the downstream pegs are shallower and hold big carpand barbel (day tickets available) the water is subject to the closed season. it will help me no end That goes without saying. The name of the village at the southern end of this stretch has changed through history. (So members using boats be warned don't spoil things others). How about the People for the Ethical Treatment for Animals (PETA) trying to get Nottingham to change its name to Not-Eating-Ham? Bob. PLEASE NOTE THE PARKING OF CARAVANS ON ANY PART OF OUR CAR PARK AND ADJACENT LAND IS NOT ALLOWED. Yes, of course there are but you might find other stretches more productive. The riparian rights belonged to a retired clergy from Fiskerton who sadly passed away a number of years ago, so presume the rights have passed to his heirs. The top end is deeper, at 10ft-11ft, but below the flats it's 6ft-7ft and is perfect stick float and waggler territory. Hi Bob, This guide is an attempt to put that information at your fingertips and provide clarity. A prime fishing location. Thank you Bob for taking the time to research and list all this valuable information. I live near Tamworth and was looking at travelling no further than Newark. For fishery limits, rules, prices, how to obtain tickets, match details, etc, for the above mentioned clubs please visit the respective web sites. 140210, Stapleford Angling, 8 Archer Rd, Stapleford. It can accommodate 2 anglers Monday to Friday/ Friday to Monday. Great info bob , I know where to visit next and my next bar of gold , Top man, Great guide! The roadside, Peg 70-ish, won a 960-peg National Championships. With this information that makes it possible . Not surprisingly this was an area prone to flooding in times past. As a teenager I used to walk from Newark Northgate station to the Dyke and to Crankley Point. In 1938, workmen from the Trent Navigation Company were dredging gravel when their progress was stopped by wooden stakes or piles driven into the river bed. Shortly before 1800 an attempt was made to create a canal by-pass running parallel to the Trent around Trent Bridge. This is the spot where notorious kidnapper Michael Sams held estate agent Stephanie Slater in a coffin-like box inside a wheelie-bin for eight days in 1992, demanding a ransom of 140,000. Details courtesy of Andrew Rouse. No. It is a superb match venue with parking at every peg in the top field (Pegs 18 43). Fantastic reference guide as every well produced and full of knowledge and content. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. How different it must gave been in those days when the mode of transport was train, or horse and carriage? Contact in advance is always recommended with the exception of Collingham and A1 Pits. The author of this web site accepts no responsibility for errors or omission. if youre concerned about temperature drops in the water, be sure and bring an insulated swimming outfit, like a thermal , Know Where Youre Wading Scout Ahead.