When interviewed by reporters about sentencing, Ramirez said, Big deal. On a warm day in April 1988, Teresa, 15 at the time, was walking home when she caught the eye of Black, who was parked in a van by her house. "I don't like being told what to do," Billy said. 25-caliber handgun and raped his. The girlfriend's bedroom, he says now with a laugh, was a lie to appease the people back home. Billy lives surrounded by 1985, blurting constantly to anyone who will listen that he was shot three times in the head. On Saturday night, Aug. 24, 1985, Billy was up late in the garage. ]]> you hear the barrage of jokes. 1 hour ago, by Victoria Edel In 1985, a 16-year-old teenager named Whitney Bennett really did survive an attack by the Night Stalker in Los Angeles. It was her testimony that helped convict Ramirez of his crimes during his trail and ensured that he received the death sentence. AP Sometimes the tiniest decisions change the course of our lives forever. Fitness Motivation. He ran down the street as the group pursued him, with neighbors callingout"El matador" ("the killer"). Ramirez, who often used the household's items to attack his victims, went looking for a knife in the kitchen. On July 5, 1986, the killer broke into Bennetts home and brutally attacked her with a tire iron. The suspect had bad teeth. He ended up dying in prison of natural causes at the age of 53 before the execution could take place. He said one was his fault, and the other wasn't. Though badly wounded, she survived. Pichushkin spied Maria and, noting her obvious state of despair, struck up a conversation with her. Bill Carns sits on his bed at his home in Bismarck, N.D. On Aug. 25, 1985, Carns was asleep in his Mission Viejo, Calif. home when 'Night Stalker' Richard Ramirez climbed through an open window, shot him with a. While notorious lady-killer Ted Bundy was on the run in 1978, he decided to break into a Florida State University sorority house. By that point he had been on death row for over 23 years. While Bryan Hartnell was attending school at Pacific Union College in San Francisco in the late 1960s, he had no idea that his bright future would forever be scarred by one truly horrifying day. "Who can tell me what year was the War of 1812? He sometimes takes his one good hand off the wheel. Where Was 'John Mulaney: Baby J' on Netflix Filmed? 'How I escaped the house of horrors': Birnie victim Kate Moir recalls surviving serial killers#7News #Yahoo7https://t.co/uGQOjTn7x7 pic.twitter.com/7EG0J3e4GN, 7News Yahoo7 (@Y7News) February 8, 2017. 'Succession' Season 4 Episode 6 Recap: "Living+", 'Succession': Tom and Shiv's "Bitey" Game is the Horniest, Most Effed Up Thing Theyve Done Yet. If his girlfriend made him food that he didn't like, he would say, "How am I supposed to eat this (expletive)? In 1989, the then 16-year-old had left her bedroom window unlocked in her home in Sierra Madre, California. Its me! His reign of terror only lasted from June 1984 until August 1985. Over the next five hours, she was repeatedly raped and assaulted by him, losing consciousness twice during the attack. : Richard Ramirez's father blames drugs for son's trouble. After killing him, he raped his wife Lillian while he ransacked the house. June 1, 1985 Mable "Ma Bell" Bell, 83, and sister, Florence "Nettie" Lang, 80, Monrovia. Other survivors include sisters Mabel Bell and Florence. The breath of Ramirez was so foul that his rape victims report nearly gagging at its smell. 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"I'm a human tee," he would say with a laugh. After Richard Ramirez was arrested, multiple forensic dentists took casts of his teeth. It took years before Leungs tragic death was traced back to Ramirez. Larry Flynt is famous as the outspoken and flamboyant publisher of Hustler magazine and the creator of a business empire. Life seemed to be as good as it could get for Billy Carns. Bettmann. Though Larry Flynt, who was left in constant pain, could have understandably wished to see his assailant die, he actually lobbied for Franklins sentence to be commuted to life in prison due to his stance against the death penalty itself. It was a couple of weeks before Billy knew what hit him. Read more: The Ripper on Netflix: When did Peter Sutcliffe meet wife Sonia and why did she stay with him? Most serial killers look for a certain commonality in their victims. In the basement of the hotel where he was living, he raped and beat the child before eventually stabbing her to death and hanging her body from a pipe. Hearing of her situation, Pichushkin offered her a chance to earn some additional money, telling her that he had stashed some stolen cameras in a well in nearby Bittsevsky Park and that he would give her some to sell. And she worries about the batteries. This has left Steward torn between her belief that the death penalty is wrong in all cases, and her personal understanding of her fellow victims pain. Dean Corll and his younger accomplice, Elmer Wayne Henley, were responsible for the murders of 29 young boys, all lured into Corlls clutches for the purpose of satisfying his sadistic sexual urges. March 27, 1985 Vincent Zazzara, 64 and his wife Macine, 44, Whittier. But he seems incapable. She smashed a light over Hendys head and ran from the trailer wearing only a dog collar around her neck. She was rushed to the hospital and, thankfully, survived her attack. "She did the right thing," said Billy's sister, Linda. The sheer number of attacks and the attendant police and media pressure forced him to soon moving his hunting ground from Los Angeles to San Francisco On Aug. 25, 1985, Carns was asleep in his Mission Viejo, Calif. home when 'Night Stalker' Richard Ramirez climbed through an open window, shot him with a. Ramirez, the devil-worshipping serial killer, was convicted of 13 murders and 11 sexual assaults among 43 felony counts. However, something inside Henley finally broke, and instead he turned the gun on Corll and shot him dead, saving the lives of all the captives. Carns shows where one of the three bullets fired by Ramirez entered his head, in Bismarck, N.D. There he was captured and beaten by a group of residents. (Getty Images). Her trust was finally broken when Henley told her that he would have to shoot her before the ordeal was over. As he was leaving, he saw a group of elementary schoolchildren. A footprint left at multiple crime scenes left a clue to his identity, but victims who survived Ramirez's attacks help paint a clearer description. Her life, since Billy's father died several years ago, has been devoted to Billy. However, DNA has tied him to an earlier murder that of nine-year-old Chinese-American girl Mei Leung in his basement in San Francisco. In court, he was sentenced to 13 counts of murder, five attempted murders, 11 sexual assaults, and 14 burglaries. Before being chained up like an animal, Brown watched the love of her life die after a shot to the head. Ive killed people before., After Ramirez died in 2013, survivor Sakina Abowath said to the Denver Post: Ive been waiting for this news for the longest time.. Moir was convinced she was going to die. And an open living-room window. Sign up for FOX 11s Fast 5 newsletter. What is not commonly known is that Mr. Flynts assailant was a serial killer who was tried and convicted for eight murders across the United States between 1977 and 1980, though he claimed to have killed a dozen more in an attempt to start a race war in the country. Billy has batteries. "It's a blessing," said Ken Knodel, the brother-in-law, "that he doesn't remember everything he says.". The following is a list of Richard Ramirez's victimsfrom the book "Night Stalker" by Clifford L. Linedecker. One woman has reported that he took her from her home when she was a child, raped her, then sent her back to her parents. Ridgway picked up and killed at least 15 more women in the same area along the Pacific Highway South where he attacked Garde, and her description of him at least gave them something to move on. Murder, robbery, burglary, rape. As for Whitney Bennet, she was left with permanent scarring from the attack and had to undergo extensive cosmetic surgery. A stolen car a key witness saw the suspect driving included Ramirez'sfingerprint. The Ripper on Netflix: When did Peter Sutcliffe meet wife Sonia and why did she stay with him? Burroughs sent him all over the United States to help companies with their computer problems. Whitney Bennett survived an attack by the "Night Stalker." Sometimes the tiniest decisions change the course of our lives forever. She was caught in the current, and only by swiftly removing her jacket and boots did she manage to place her hands and feet on the sides of the drain and stop her further descent. Thankfully, the years that passed healed his woulds not only physically, but emotionally as well, and Bryan is now a probate attorney and is married with a family of his own. Unbelievably, the police refused to investigate the incident and forced Maria to sign a statement saying that she had fallen down the well herself. He hit her over the head, knocking her unconscious. Attempted murder, burglary. He was sentenced to the death penalty in 1989. One of his first communications with his mother was a strange note: "I want to swim by myself," he wrote on Sept. 9, 1985. "The Bible says, 'Love thy neighbor,' " she said. 5,466, This story has been shared 3,785 times. He was sentenced to death for his crimes. Another boy, Tim Kerley, was waiting in the car for them and the three drove away to what Williams thought was safety. (FOX 11), These sunglasses were found inside Richard Ramirez's locker at the Grey bus station in Downtown Los Angeles after his arrest. But the strangest thing about the new Billy is his sense of humor. Brown was forced inside the shipping container for most of the time during her three-month captivity, except for when Kohlhepp took her for walks. He had found storage space in the attic, and he was attaching a swinging ladder for easy access. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. He simply but viciously beat Whitney Bennet with a crow bar but, unlike six of his other victims that month, she survived. Robert Black was a convicted child murderer and pedophile who claimed four young victims in Scotland between the 1970s and 1990s. Despite Flynts best efforts, Joseph Franklin was executed in November 2013. It was through that window, about 12 hours later, that Night Stalker suspect Richard Ramirez allegedly entered the Bennetts' remote Sierra Madre home and severely beat Whitney Bennett with. July 7, 1985 Joyce Lucille Nelson, 61, Monterey Park. In 2001, Ridgway was finally apprehended and sentenced to life in prison. "What does an astronaut put in his sandwich? Young Whitney Bennett could not have known that leaving her bedroom window unlocked before she went to bed on the night of July 4, 1985 would lead to her being viciously attacked. The problem was, the man wasnt a police officer; the man was sexual sadist David Parker Ray. The woman stayed on the phone until police arrived and rescued her. Richard Ramirez, also known as the "Night Stalker," attacked Whitney Bennett in her family's house in Sierra Madre, California, when she was just 16 years old. He was 53-years-old. He is now before the true judge, the judge that sees and knows all things. Ramirez punched her in the stomachand secured the car's keys. "It should have been 28 years ago," Anne Carns said Saturday. These are the lucky onesthe victims whose strength, bravery, and will to live was stronger than the evil that attempted to take their lives. ( Source) When he got home after the second accident, he couldn't tell his mother what happened. Some of the families of his other victims are understandably shocked by her decision. While Ramirez's death brings closure, her son will never be able to move past Aug. 25, 1985. A shoe print left at the. When you walk into Billy's house, it's hard not to notice the batteries. Thats the last thing she remembers from that morning. They raped the young girl for hours, forced her to smoke weed and take showers, and they shackled her to their bed. Stabbed and mutilated. Like many brave victims recounted in this list, Tali Shapiro later testified against her assailant, helping to convict him. In the basement, on the guest bed, rests the pillowcase with the bullet hole made by Ramirez's gun. We ask that you respect our sorrow and grief.". These are the stories about thosewho have. July 5, 1985: Whitney Bennett, 16 was attacked while sleeping, but as Richard tried to strangle her with a phone cord he saw sparks come off it which made him think Jesus was saving her and. Beaten to death. banshee queen (@missvault101) March 13, 2013. This innocent mistake would lead her to a night of pure horror and a lifetime of suffering. Carns shows where one of the three bullets fired by Ramirez entered his head, in Bismarck, N.D. While examining the crime scene, police found another. Read his entire macabre story in The Chessboard Killer at Amazon.com! Then Henley reached for the phone and called the police. He wanted to play in the marching band, so he took up saxophone. His sentence was later overturned by the Supreme Court in 1972 and he was given eight consecutive terms of 50 to 150 years. He died of a heart attack in prison in 2016. Together, they crept out of the house. July 5, 1985 Whitney Bennett, 16, Sierra Madre. richard ramirez whitney bennett survivor. In 1985, Ramirez attacked Maria Hernandez, shooting her in the face. Ramirez also raped or terrorized several people who survived, including 22-year-old Maria Hernandez, 16-year-old Whitney Bennett, Chris and Virginia Peterson, 30-year-old Bill Carns, 56-year-old Lillian Doi, 83-year-old Mabel Ma Bell and her disabled sister 81-year-old Florence Nettie Lang, 42-year-old Carol Kyle, 63-year-old Sophie Dickman, Somkid Khovananth, 27-year-old Sakina Abowath, and 29-year-old Inez Erickson, 29. Whitney Bennett survived an encounter with Richard Ramirez. So he told Burroughs he was leaving. He was such a nice guy.". He simply but viciously beat Whitney Bennet with a crow bar but, unlike six of his other victims that month, she survived. But he extended as far north as the Bay Area. Right off the bat, American Horror Story: 1984 introduces us to not one but two villains: Mr. Jingles and the Night Stalker. Ramirez also left her with brutal injuries that required 478 stitches. It was at this point that she began to get an odd feeling about the man she was with, so as a precaution, she asked to see his identification, which he agreed to. On July 5, 1985, Ramirez entered the bedroom of 16-year-old Whitney Bennett. Is The Nurse On Netflix Based On A True Story? What Time Does 'Yellowjackets' Season 2, Episode 6 Air On Showtime? When he returned to Los Angeles, a group of elderly Mexican women identified him, which caused Ramirez to flee. At one point, one of her friends was being assaulted on the bed directly above her. Billy and his mother kept a regular phone-calling schedule in 1985. 1,988, This story has been shared 1,874 times. Thankfully, police received a tip to search Koelhepps property, and they discovered the missing woman as she frantically screamed from inside her prison. Netflix has previously released features on Ted Bundy and Ted Kaczynski. "I don't think anything of it," she said. The second home was about a mile and a half away from Romero. 1,607, This story has been shared 1,479 times. Once they reached a spot that was relatively secluded, Gary Ridgway attacked her and tried to strangle her to death from behind. Some had assumed the pair ran off together, while others knew something was wrong. Damien B. is a part-time writer and basketball lover who is interested in history, politics, crime, and, of course, basketball. 25-caliber handgun and raped his girlfriend - part of a statewide crime rampage that still conjures terror in the minds of California residents who lived through it. He pulled out a telephone cord to strangle her to death, but sparks began flying. Aug.8, 1985 Elyas Abowath, 35, Diamond Bar. He started piano lessons when he was 5. Though wary, she approached his car. I'llsee you in Disneyland.". But Ramirez wasnt executed. FOX 11's Gina Silva and Phil Shuman got a chance to look through evidence, photos and artifacts gathered during the Richard Ramirez investigations, a convicted serial killer known for terrorizing California in the mid 1980s. This jacket was found inside Richard Ramirez's locker at the Grey bus station in Downtown Los Angeles after his arrest. Night Stalker on Netflix: Viewers excited for new serial killer documentary on Richard Ramirez. It's Me, Margaret' Streaming on HBO Max or Netflix? Billy didn't like being a troubleshooter. It was Corazon Atienza who opened the door to her apartment on the night of July 13, 1966, and unknowingly allowed brutal mass murderer Richard Speck into her and her roommates lives. This time, the attack was fatal. His first known victim was 79-year-old Jennie Vincow, who he sexually assaulted, stabbed and brutally killed during a burglary at her home. When Ramirez fled, the girlfriend was able to untie herself and run across the street to the home of Roger and Sandy Bradshaw. During the trial in 1989, a female survivor said that after Ramirez had raped, beat and robbed her, the Night Stalker told her: I dont know why Im letting you live. While riding in his vehicle, she offered him sex in exchange for $20, figuring she could use the money to buy weed when she got home. She even wrote goodbye letters to family. ", He studied engineering at North Dakota State University, joined fraternity Sigma Alpha Epsilon and hosted "The Wild Bill Show" on a local radio station ("1360 on radio row," he says in his radio announcer voice). But not all his attacks were sexual. July 20, 1985 Max, 68, and Lela Kneiding, 66, Glendale. As quickly and randomly as Ramirez rose to infamy, he was taken down. After 40 years of silence, Rhonda Williams decided that enough was enough and finally worked up the courage to tell of her twisted involvement with one of Houstons most notorious serial killers. A shoe print left at the scene of multiple murders helped detectives link the Night Stalker to numerous cases. Her cries were heard by her neighbors and her waking nightmare came to an end. Williams survived her night of horror thanks to the conscience of her friend, and although he was jailed for a short time, she made a promise to him to remain silent about her ordeal from then on, only to speak about it publicly four decades later. This kicked off a terrifying spree around California, which lasted from the summer of 1984 to the summer of 1985. Rape, sodomy, oral copulation, burglary, sex charges, robbery. "Thank you, Richard Ramirez," she has said thousands of times, "for using a small gun. July 5, 1985: Whitney Bennett, 16, survived after being beaten with a tire iron by Ramirez. Her assailant made off with her jewelry but left behind a bloody shoe print. At trial, they testified that nine of Ramirezs teeth were decayed and that he was missing several teeth from both his lower and upper gums. He wore a distinctive jacket. Streaming Schedule, Season 5, Part 2 Debut Info, 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. All rights reserved, Night Stalker: The Hunt for a Serial Killer, Stream It Or Skip It: Indian Predator: The Diary of a Serial Killer on Netflix, The Second Installment In The Indian True Crime Series, Stream It Or Skip It: 'Indian Predator: The Butcher Of Delhi' On Netflix, A Docuseries About A Serial Killer Taunting Delhi Law Enforcement With Dismembered Bodies, The 10 Best True Crime Documentaries of 2021, The Best True Crime Documentaries On Netflix, 'Jackass' Star Bam Margeras Brother Claims Hes Dying Amid Alleged Drug Addiction: There Is Nothing I Can Do About It, Egyptian Government Says Cleopatra Had "White Skin" In Response To Netflix Documentary Casting Controversy, Fans Claim 'American Idol' Judges Are "Losing All Credibility" After Being Too Soft on Contestant, Where to Watch The 2023 Met Gala: Start Time, Theme, Live Stream Info, Woody Harrelson Ignored Internet Backlash About His 'SNL' COVID Monologue: "I Don't Look at That Sh", Stream It Or Skip It: 'The Nurse' On Netflix, A Danish Drama About A New Nurse That Suspects That A Colleague Is Killing Patients, Tom Sandoval Admits to Lying About Raquel Leviss Sleepover in New 'Vanderpump Rules': "I Fully Was Going to Tell Ariana". May 30, 1985 Carol Kyle, 41, Burbank. 1,479, This story has been shared 1,272 times. Ramirez's booking photo. Thank you, Richard Ramirez, for sparing the life of my son.". March 17, 1985 Veronica Yu, 30, Monterey Park. Night Stalker: The Hunt for a Serial Killer dives into the chilling crimes and criminal investigation of Richard Ramirez. Billy was rushed to Mission Hospital. Teresa Thornhill was one of the few known survivors of his attacks. She was only brought in to identify her attacker much, much later when he was finally apprehended under suspicion of 48 murders. Ramirez would often draw pentagrams on the bodies of his victims, and he would demand that they swear on Satan. This happened in the midst of the Satanic panic of the 1980s, something that was repeatedly emphasized during Ramirezs trial. Jamie founded Listverse due to an insatiable desire to share fascinating, obscure, and bizarre facts. (Michael Goulding/The Orange County Register/AP). Homeless hero, Tracy Edwards, escaped Jeffrey Dahmer's clutches in 1991. 13,008, This story has been shared 7,686 times. During this stage in true crime, its rare for a documentary to cover a major, rarely-discussed case. On July 5, Whitney Bennett, then 16, was attacked with a tire iron in her parents home in Sierra Madre. It was on March 6, 1978, that both Mr. Flynt and his lawyer were shot by Franklin, who confessed in prison after being sentenced for another shooting in which he received the death penalty. (FOX 11), Full True Crime Files Report: Reflecting on the reign of terror left by the Night Stalker. When the police arrived at his door, Alcala tried to stall them by claiming that he was in the shower, forcing them to kick the door in. She had little choice but to let go. Most people remember the names of infamous serial killers. Kala Brown and her boyfriend, Charles Carver, went missing on August 31, 2016. Carter went on to rape and strangle five other women throughout California over the next 18 days, and it was Stewards testimony in part that helped prosecutors ensure that he received the death penalty for his crimes. Franklin, a member of the Ku Klux Klan and a neo-Nazi, spoke of being at war. Flynt was a direct contradiction to Franklins highly religious beliefs and his moral stance against pornography, particularly the interracial depictions that were featured in Hustler at the time.