Fauna had been fighting cancer for over a year, and it had recently metastasized to other vital organs. [fbl_login_button redirect="https://www.krausefuneralhome.com/obituary/carl-f-hodel/?modal=light-candle" hide_if_logged="" size="medium" type="login_with" show_face="true"], In memory of Carl To use this feature, use a newer browser. So young and so beautiful. As far as a Donahoe box, sure if it still exists and you have access to it happy to take a look. If so, was this GHs type so he could degrade them or did they end up that way because of GH? Thats a difficult thing to ask of an abuse victim. I am now reading BDA and can not put it down. Daria J: Yes, Duncan is my half brother and our fathers first son. Tamar and I shared the same father, Dr. George Hill Hodel. It would be nice if you got back to me thanks, Maddie: Thank you for the condolences. Have no information that George Hodel was involved in that in any way, but no details? F. Preceded in death by her parents Clarence and Gladys, sister Gloria Kloeckner, brother Clarence and brother in law James Wilson. Its finally here! I'm sending love, hugs and prayers to Tracy and the entire family! I do believe she arranged the entire adoption of Fauna. You may request to transfer up to 250,000 memorials managed by Find a Grave. She was the greatest wife, mother and Na-Naw to all her family and extended family. My recollections are somewhat different from what Ive read. Much appreciated. Best, What Tamar did to her is reprehensible. My condolences to Rasha and her sister Yvette, and to and to the rest of Tamars children, Deborah (Fauna II) , Peace, Love, and Joy. Feel free to email me, and, if you want to talk Ill give you my phone number. The physical/sexual abuse occurred in Los Angeles in the summer of 1949 when she was 14. Much appreciated. Please enter your email and password to sign in. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Buckley SFB military Retiree Activities Office (RAO) would like to offer our sincere condolences and our gratitude for Mr. Hodels service to our country in the Navy. I truly connected with the story you told because I too was the victim of a controlling father who molested me and continued on to rape until I left home at age 17. Steve. My prayers are with you and the family. I vicariously think of both you and her as friends. Many prayers to all of the family. The Unexpected 'Saint X' Book Ending Will Likely Divide Hulu Viewers, Keri Russell's Character In 'The Diplomat' Was Inspired By Real-Life Ambassadors, The Real Story Of How 'Gilmore Girls' Got Its Name, The Subject Of Netflix's 'The Nurse' Denies Her Attempted Murder Convictions, Get Even More From Bustle Sign Up For The Newsletter. This browser does not support getting your location. Wishing you well. Los Angeles Mike Hodel ( July 12, 1939- May 6, 1986) Mike Hodel would have been 78 today. Much appreciated. God Bless Greg may he be in a better place! But things may get even more. I am a little unwell. E. As Tamar's half-brother Steve shared on his blog, Tamar died in 2015 at the age of 80. Will be giving my next talk at the South Pasadena Library (a beautiful venue) on November 5, 2015 at 7 PM. He was quick with a joke and knew how to share his sense of humor to make everyone laugh. We all Miss Fauna VERY, VERY MUCH I miss sister talks and lunches most of all. Rest In Peace Fauna Hodel. Guilmette Middle . There are no words I can say to ease your pain. I have often wondered if there was any available DNA evidence and if so, was it properly preserved and ever tested? My older brother Michael died of lung cancer in 1986, at the relatively young age of- 46. She wanted to tell it, but unfortunately that never happened. I hope you get the satisfaction that you are searching for, perhaps a level of peace as well. Thank you Steve and Fauna for sharing your story. The magazine article Tamar that you posted recently was very revealing. Step mom of Brian (Rochelle) Hodel, Tammy (Jack) Maegli, Gary (Diane) Hodel, John Hodel and Kenneth (Laurie) Hodel. He located many WWII MIA graves in Europe and in the Pacific islands. I have read the books you have written Mr. Hodel and was unaware of Faunas story up to about 2 months ago. A few years later when I asked what ever happened to Tamar, I was told in hush hush tones that she was abused by her father. With the addition of Pines character, I Am the Night is taking some liberties in its portrayal of the Hodel familys reported connection to the Black Dahlia case. I Am The Night airs Mondays at 9 p.m. Passed away on February 28, 2022 at age 88. Two daughters, Fauna and Fauna II (Deborah Elizabeth), and three sons, Peace, Love and Joy. Tree of Life-Shangri-LA 1948- Dorothy Bowman 75-Years Later Past and Present Reunited Through Internationally Recognized Artists Vintage Serigraph, The California DOJ Meeting/Briefing with Author on Dr. George Hill Hodel as Zodiac- DoJ Handwriting Expert Analysis Opines, Cannot Exclude George Hodel as Zodiac-Dr. Hodels Full DNA Profile Made Public for Law Enforcement, Los Angeles District Attorney Lt. Frank Jemisons 1950 Black Dahlia Investigation Transcribed Interview of Dorothy Huston Hodel At Santa Monica Pier Residence, Los Angeles News Reporter and LADA Spokesperson Sandi Gibbon-A Remarkable Woman-A Remarkable Career, 2003 LAPD Black Dahlia Briefing Attending Cold Case Detectives Remain Frigid- Head Deputy DA and Chief of Detectives say, Its Solved!. You never know. Echovita Inc is a registered trademark. I am watching the series I Am The Night. Quickly see who the memorial is for and when they lived and died and where they are buried. Sincerely, Pat ONeill, Hi Pat: Thanks for the very kind words. Each childs suffering unique to him or her. Best, Steve. June 1913 | Witter Bynner, Francis Grierson, Harriet Monroe, John Reed, William Williams, Rollo Britten, Helen Le Cron, Frederic Manning, Harrison Morris . Brian L: I have no conscious memory of knowing my father did any criminal acts back. She, a complete stranger did something that my mother never did. It would be interesting to know. Preceded in death by his wives, Rita and Gladys, his daughter, Tammy (Jack) Maegli and his sister, Eleanore Alhf. Just an amazing, gutsy body of work, Steve. Did Fauna ever get any info on who her biological father was or did she even want to know? Stream ad-free or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Amazon.com. Id like to tell you what I know., not for publication, but for your own Information about your sister. After retiring from the Navy, ETC (SS), he and his family returned to the Idaho Falls area to reside close to family. It is an eye-opening story but now reading that it is 95% fiction, I am wondering what parts are true? So sorry to hear of Tamars passing. If so, how did all of the rest of you escape the horrific actions of George Hodel? Save to an Ancestry Tree, a virtual cemetery, your clipboard for pasting or Print. Hodel, DEBORAH WHIFFIN lit a candle. Weve updated the security on the site. I grew up in San Francisco and went to Grant grammar school. Try again later. To add a flower, click the Leave a Flower button. My heart goes out to you and your family, immensely. STEVE HODEL OBITUARY ROANOKE - Steve Hodel, 60, of Roanoke, Ill., passed away at 10:42 p.m. on Friday, July 3, 2009, at OSF Saint Francis Medical Center in Peoria. As her mother, Tamar, my half-sister always maintained, Faunas father is a White Italian who forced himself on me in San Francisco after I was returned after the trial. We have now confirmed through DNA that George Hodel was not Faunas father. I would love seeing the beautiful venue, meeting you a day before a milestone birthday, it will be after payday and my daughter lives in So. to 8:00p.m. Tamar passed away in 2015. Good luck, be well. She followed in her fathers deceitful, psychopathic legacy. Steve, May you rest in peace Greg. Hope to resume work on the Early Years soonest. (His early death was the catalyst for my decision to retire from LAPD and "move on.") Ive been listening to the podcast Root of Evil and my heart goes out to all of you but especially Deborah Elizabeth Hodel. Steve; I want thank you for your books. (Brother of Deputy Chief Thad Brown.) Tamar lived with us briefly in San Francisco, maybe just before the trial, or sometime between the trial and her marriage to Stan Wilson (he visited our house, my mother was a folk singer). Within the next year, his sister Ann Marie was born, and his father passed away. To leave a condolence, you can first sign into Facebook or fill out the below form with your name and email. All photos appear on this tab and here you can update the sort order of photos on memorials you manage. May there be consolation in knowing that there are still people discovering her story each day and that Fauna will continue to have a positive impact in the years to come. Share this memorial using social media sites or email. Is it true that Tamar wasnt a good mother and her children suffered abuse due to her past? I am glad you clarified that. Dear Steve, Did Fauna ever locate her bio-dad? According to Tamar Faunas father was a White Italian in San Francisco. More of their background will be presented in my future book, The Early Years.. Failed to report flower. I am sure my father was similar though on a much smaller scale as your father. By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. She had a wonderful spirit. My deepest condolences go out to all his family and close friends as I am sure beyond a shadow of a doubt they are all grieving his loss at this time. Kim H: Thank you Kim. Proud grandpa of Christain Hodel, Lexie (Joe) Jankowski, Amanda Maegli, Jacob Maegli, Katie Maegli, Leo Hodel, Andy Hodel, Ashley (Jared) Haley, Steven Hodel and great grandchildren Emmett, Austin and one on the way.. Further survived by step-children, Dawn Barber, Daniel Wehrman, Deborah (John) Wiffin and Richard (Melissa) Wehrman; sisters, Helen (the late Edward) Bertram, Louise (Robert) Burg, brother, Walter Hodel, other relatives and friends. There are 254 obituaries and memoriams for the surname Hodel. Funeral Service at 11:00 AM. You need to read the books to get the complete picture. L&K Pickford: Thanks for the condolences. We had a link from Gerry Stober and mes sympathies tous ceux quelle a touch en plein dans lme , Sorry for your loss. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. [fbl_login_button redirect="https://www.krausefuneralhome.com/obituary/gladys-hodel/?modal=condolence-message" hide_if_logged="" size="medium" type="login_with" show_face="true"]. You know I was thinking about the Short murder, perhaps a group of his sick friends all each performed their own twisted desire and fantasy ant the eight burn marks are the brand marks of each individual person, a sort of confirmation.