Try and ensure that your Mini Labrador maintains a quality diet and eats a dog food specified for his age, weight and activity level. Great point in directing people to consider an American Lab if they want a smaller framed Labrador. Although you associate dwarf Labradors with short legs, they can also have abnormally formed skulls. The Mini Labrador is exactly what it sounds like it is a Labrador Retriever that is considerably smaller than the size of a standard Labrador. My 4 y.o. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Labrador Site is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Labrador Retriever Life Span How Long Do Labs Live? No Lab with the gene should be bred to another with it, as they could result in the puppies having dwarfism. Labrador Retriever Mississippi. Have both male and female lab puppies. Fox red is the legitimate and recognized deepest shade of yellow, and has been in the breed since before Labradors were first registered as adistinct breed in 1903. One with their perfect personality in a miniature Labrador body. Hell be a joy to be around and a wonderful addition to your family. She is a Perfect lab, no sign of dwarfism just small. For this reason, a Mini Labrador is not actually Mini at all it is what is known as a Dwarf Labrador. I just wish I could make more of her to last my lifetime but will not. Please provide some specifications so that a person can tell if their dog can possibly be considered as a miniature lab, dwarf lab, etc. Large breed dogs are not only more expensive to own, but they also take up more space, require more time and commitment when it comes to care, and often have a shorter lifespan than their smaller-sized counterparts. However, hopefully the information we have shared today will help put a stop to people deliberately breeding dogs which have genetic conditions. Miniature Pinscher Montana. That said, there are times that a runts condition is due to underlying congenital issues that will lead to this puppy being a smaller than average adult. Disproportionate leg and body lengths, such as seen to an extreme scale in the Dachshund, can also result in spinal problems and painful movements. While there technically is a dog that exists that is sometimes called a Mini Labrador, this dog is highly controversial and not recognized by any major breed club or organization. There is a big different in a Labrador that is a dwarf and one that is just small. We provide advertising for dog breeders, puppy sellers, and other pet lovers offering dogs and puppies for sale. While he sheds year-round, the Mini Labrador sheds heaviest twice a year during the shedding season in Spring and Fall. Also known as the Toy Lab, Teacup Lab, or Canoe Lab, the Mini Labrador is simply a Labrador Retriever that is around 20 to 40 pounds lighter than his regular Lab counterpart and about 2 to 6 inches shorter. lap puppy to 68lb.s 4 weeks later. And left holes in our hearts! Jake passed in Jan 2009, 3 days before his 14 birthday, age related. Hybrid vigor is the theory that crossbreed dogs and mutts may actually be healthier than their purebred counterparts due to having a wider genepool. Their dogs are all championship grade. Over-bathing your Mini Labrador can lead to skin and coat issues. If youre brave enough to trim your dogs nails on your own (its not that hard, once you get the hang of it), we recommend investing in the above nail clippers by Gonicc. Genetic testing is becoming a much more utilized tool by Lab breeders than before. Find Labrador Retriever puppies for sale The Labrador Retriever is the most popular dog breed in America. With that in mind, it can be difficult to pinpoint all of a Mini Labradors potential health issues if he is a crossbreed, as this will depend on the type of mix he comes from. The Australian Shepherd Lab Mix Your Ultimate Breed Information Guide $700. Other popular Lab mixes that could make what you might consider a Mini Lab would include Corgi Lab mixes and Mini Labradoodles. Weight: Around 30 to 40 Pounds. That said, the American Labrador, which is bred as a working dog, may weigh less and be a little leaner than an English Labrador. This defect can lead not only to several unique physical deformities in a Labrador Retriever, but it may also lead to a number of serious health issues. I hope that you will decide that a full sized Labrador is worth the loss of space on the couch, in exchange for the love and devotion they will give you for the next ten years. So smaller than average Labs can be found. Best. Both were awesome. My Lab mix of 14 years was a small girl. But is this petit version of the countrys most coveted canine really all hes chopped up to be? Certainly small Labs sometimes occur in a normal litter and that is fine, no problems there at all. As you can see, they are quite low maintenance and only require a brush every now and then. Dwarfism is a genetic condition that is known and documented in Labradors. Thank you for mentioning that Labradors puppies could grow up quite boisterous and smelly. The Golden Labrador is a designer dog breed that originated in the United States. The Lab's short yet dense, weather-resistant coat comes in classic black, chocolate, or yellow. It may also save you the shock of finding out that your miniature Labrador Retriever full grown is not a miniature sized dog at all! They may also suffer from brachycephalic airway syndrome due to their abnormal skull development. Labrador Retrievers are naturally energetic dogs. Interestingly, the dwarf Lab might not even have legs that are immediately noticeable as short. Both female and male Mini Labs can grow around 20 to 22 inches (51 to 56 cm) and can weigh between 30 to 50 pounds (14 to 23 kg). If you would like to know more about the Labrador, then have a look at this in-depth article for more information. Some of us are tall, with broad shoulders and thick legs. Labrador Retriever Puppy for Sale in LOWVILLE, New York, 13367 US Nickname: Litter of 13 Adorable, family raised lab puppies. Whether dwarf or English, she was my baby and my world and she is gratefully missed. If you come across a Mini Lab breeder, there are a few things you should consider. First, we will have a look at the appeal of the full-sized Labrador. Purebred Labradors are known to be awesome family pets. Learn More about Labrador Retriever Puppies for Sale. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Mutating natural creation is not a good thing. Above is a 15 month old standard labrador (Chocolate Left) 55-60lbs next to one of our miniature labs 15 months (right merle) 34lbs, The Miniature Labradors are really no different when it comes to temperament, looks and being family friendly. The other option is to buy a Labrador mix, who is crossed with a smaller breed of dog. Would like to hear your thoughts on people who advertise Fox Red or Silver Labs. My toddler is just determined to play a little too rough for a dog this size. These are known as SD1 and SD2. The breed may also have white markings, for example, on the chest. Lab puppies that stay really small do so because they are undernourished, ill or have a disease. Any breeder that cares about the breed would refrain from breeding dwarfs whenever possible because of the health problems genetically linked to dwarfism such as painful joint problems and blindness. What the dwarf genes produce is a short legged Labrador, not one that is a completely miniature Lab. These dogs must be neutered and never bred. In order to understand hybrid vigor, it helps to understand the breeding of purebred dogs like the Labrador Retriever. My 14 month old red boy is just over 50lbs perfectly proportioned from working line fed a salmon based diet very fast and wouldnt change a thing. Puppies are raised in the home on our beautiful farm fully equipped with children, creeks, horses, chickens, streams, pools and vacuum cleaners. We have touched on some of the issues that so called miniature Labradors are likely to encounter. He is more compact than his larger-sized counterpart, easier to travel with, and requires less routine exercise. Any type of dwarfism can cause additional health problems to the animal. First, the Labrador could have inherited the genes which lead to dwarfism from its parents. I asked for the smallest pup in the litter -breeder known for hunting. Find your new puppy here! The Saint Berdoodle Your Ultimate Breed Information Guide We recommend investing in interactive puzzle toys and slow feeders to keep your Mini Lab engaged and challenged. Rhodesian Ridgeback Price Guide How Much Is A Rhodesian Ridgeback? They are loyal, fun loving, friendly, and outgoing. Afghan Hound Missouri. Malamute vs Siberian and Alaskan Husky: Whats the Difference? I have two female canoe labs in my kennel at this time. Since the Mini Labrador is still considered a Labrador, its important to know that he can be prone to any of the same health issues as his Labrador parents, which weve listed below. Large-breed dog kibbles are fortified with supplements for healthy joints and heart and arent too high in fat since special precautions should be taken to prevent obesity. Refrain from using negative reinforcement techniques like scolding during training, as this can hinder your dogs ability to learn and even damage your dogs relationship with you. They are a bit smaller so they take up less space! Thank you for the information! Small Labradors who are simply at the lower end of the normal spectrum can be found from reputable breeders, and they are a good option if you want a Labrador temperament in a slightly smaller package. But Is There Really Such A Thing As A Mini Labrador? Like all dogs, the Mini Labrador should be trained and socialized at an early age to prevent behavioral issues. If they are not standing next to a Lab without dwarfism, this condition can pass by most casual onlookers. The Lycan Shepherd Your Ultimate Breed Information Guide I breed for Health and temperament.The canoe labs we are breeding are not mutants.So yes Martha, there is such a thing as Canoe labs. Labrador Retriever Puppies Females Available 4 months old Diane Jezewski Goodells, MI 48027 STANDARD AKC Champion Bloodline Labrador Retriever Puppies Males Available 14 weeks old Donna. Furthermore, breeders who are promoting and selling Mini Labradors may not be the most reputable. Do Miniature Labs Make Better House Pets? His vet changed his food to see if that was causing the problem. Then we will learn the reality of how the miniature Labrador Retriever is bred. As of now, there is currently no breed standard for a Labrador Retriever that recognizes a Miniature size variety. This means that while their legs will be shorter, they will not have any deformities. Is the Flat-Coated Retriever the right canine companion for you? SD1, known as osteochondrodysplasia, causes the dwarf Lab to have obviously bent legs. The Miniature Labrador. If its under 20 F (-6 C) you should offer your furkid a blanket or a warm shelter. However, due to issues with their health, your Mini Labrador Retriever dog might be more time-consuming to take care of. Different types of exercise will be needed if your Mini Labrador is actually a Dwarf Labrador. A Labrador born with dwarfism will need a lifetime of specialized care and attention. However, the stunted bone growth in these dogs also means that their gait and ability to move around freely will very likely be adversely affected. Learn more 903 puppies available 1,501 certified breeders Transportation Location Color We should note that doing this is considered unethical amongst reputable breeders as it is not only cruel to the puppies who end up suffering, but devastating for their future owners. Remember, Dwarf Labradors can suffer from a higher rate of bone and joint issues, spinal issues and chronic pain. Labrador Retrievers are a family favorite and its easy to see why. I think if someone wants a smaller animal there are a lot of choices in other smaller breeds. Try and ensure your dog has positive first time experiences and as many new experiences as possible as he develops. He looks just like his mom apart from his blockier head. First, the dog could be small because it is suffering a genetic disorder, as we discussed above. They get along great with kids and are as loving as they are active. Hes extremely happy, healthy, and active (still runs around the yard and plays). Labs have been on the top of the list when choosing a family pet therapy dogs and hunting companions. There are also currently three known variations of the Mini Labrador, and not all of these variations come from purebred stock. Either way, they are not the breeder that you want to approach. Sadly, since Mini Labrador dogs have grown in popularity, a number of irresponsible people resorted to breeding these unhealthy runts together to produce smaller than average Lab puppies. SD2, known as skeletal dysplasia, causes the dwarf Labrador Retriever to have shorter legs than average. We have just been fortunate to pick up where they have left offwith the Miniature Lab / Labbe / Miniature Labrador Retriever breeding program. How to find a puppy and raise a happy, healthy dog, November 23, 2018 By Penny Berrigan 3 Comments. Is the Great Pyrenees Lab mix a loveable bear-dog?