Typically, when the Torah is taken out to be read before the community, one person reads the Torah, and that person is surrounded on either side with two gabbaim who ensure that the Torah is being read and treated respectfully and accurately. These lessons and values can strengthen all of our communities. At Temple Shalom, the gabbai invites individuals to lead services, distributes honors, and tries to make services run smoothly. Many baalei kriah, for instance, do additional (silent) practice with the scroll open. 684-93 for examples of format and content. Please review this card and bring it with you to the front of the room when you are called up. Sometimes alternative arrangements can be made upon consultation ahead of time with the rabbi or the gabbai. If your Hebrew is not fluent enough for this kind of spontaneous composition, simply do the middle, personalized part of the blessing in English, and then end in Hebrew. This is coordinated by the Gabbaim. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Floor Gabbai Signup (Click here to go to the SignUp Genius), Audio Files of Calling Congregants for the First Aliyah. This includes synagogues, day schools, JCCs, youth groups, and summer camps. God willing, once the COVID-19 vaccine has been distributed widely, our shuls will be filled with congregants again and our gabbaim will be faced with the usual challenges of deciding who should get maftir and daven mussaf. This is used for calling you to the Torah, and, on Shabbat, for blessing you afterward. During the early part of the service, assign the roles of Gabbai Sheini, the aliyot (those who will be called up and say the blessings for each Torah reading), and Hagbah and Gelilah (Torah lifting and dressing). For shuls without such a system, or if a person is davening in a minyan in which he does not usually daven or simply to prevent leaving out a name inadvertently, some men I know keep a similar card in their tallis bags and bring it up with them to the Gabbai to use in the event they have an aliya. Jews-by-Choice are called up to the Torah as the son or daughter of Abraham and Sarah (ben or bat Avraham vSara). Now that you've mastered the detailed instructions, you can use the Gabbai Quick Reference Sheet as a guide during the service. Step 1: Get called up The gabbai (beadle) announces in Hebrew: "Arise, (your name) son of (your father's name)!" Upon hearing your Hebrew name called, rise and walk over to the bimah (reading platform) and stand to the right of the reader, facing the Torah scroll. A document called the "Gabbai Sheet" serves as a guide to each B'nai Mitzvah service which the Bar or Bat Mitzvah student, tutor and Rabbi Kaiman will use in the Sanctuary during the service. Today, at Anshe Emet, equality, inclusion, and belonging are core values that are expressed in a multitude of ways. When introducing the Torah service, ask if anyone who has not been approached would like an aliyah. Two relevant guides were discovered by the committee: Fort Tryon Jewish Centers all-gender Torah service liturgy and Hadars gabbai sheets. This naming pattern also applies to Jews whose parents Hebrew names are unknown. This is a good way to prevent people from forgetting which aliyah they have. Thank you for joining us today, and accepting an honor in today's service. If the Gabbai doesn't already know your Hebrew name, he will beckon you to approach first, so that you can provide it. You can download the Acrobat Reader from Adobe. I recommend that you edit this into your previous answer and delete this. Why don't I hear HaGomel in shul more often? Various combinations of honorees are covered whether the honoree is a man, woman or a couple. It is customary to say Would you like to be honored with an aliyah? first, so that if the person turns you down, he/she is not refusing to do a mitzvah. Help as needed. A Jew with a Jewish father, but not a Jewish mother, is called up by his/her fathers name only. Keshets blog spotlights this work, as well as the voices of LGBTQ Jews, our families, and allies. Gabbai Playbook (Click here to download pdf). This vitally important work did not cease during COVID-19. Custom to light yahrzeit candle on Erev Shabbos before the yahrzeit, How to deal with the parts of the Torah reading that are pre-empted by the congregation. With the Fort Tryon and Hadar materials as guides, the help of a veteran gabbai, and the skills of a talented graphic designer, new gender-neutral aliyah cards and gabbai sheets were created. store.kehotonline.com/index.php?stocknumber=HL-CHIKM1, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI, Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition. ALIYAH . One of the Gabbaim then hands that person first the binder with the Velcro to wrap the scrolls, then the cover to put on, and finally the Yod (pointer). In 5e D&D and Grim Hollow, how does the Specter transformation affect a human PC in regards to the 'undead' characteristics and spells? A very effective and organized method of distributing the aliyos in shul! Men and women may participate equally in all aspects of the Torah service, but an able-bodied male is usually called upon as Hagbah to lift the Torah scroll from the reading table. gabbaim) is an Aramaic word that means tax collector, but today a gabbai is someone who assists with the reading of the Torah. Certain families maintain a long-standing tradition of being Kohanim (priests) or Leviim (Levites). "Yasher Koach", "Shkoyach", "Yeyasher Kochacha", "Yishar Kochacha", or anything that sounds remotely like that, is a Hebrew blessing for your increased strength; it's used as in "nice job, way to go." My Jewish Learning is a not-for-profit and relies on your help. With regard to the scroll, I find it helpful when I lein if the person getting the Aliya holds the right Eitz Chaym so the Torah doesn't try to roll in on itself, and I have a free hand to hold the yad. Anyone with the appropriate skills can lead services on weekdays, Shabbat or holidays at Beth El. Before the service starts, take out the Torah (ask another person to help you), roll the scroll to the place of the first reading, and remember where that is (which column and where on the column). Chabad custom not to have bar mitzva aliya shabbat morning, asking a cohen whether he wants to perform a mitzva in shul. . There are specific rules as to what needs to be corrected and it should be the responsibility of one person (the gabbai sheini) to be familiar with those rules, and make any and all corrections to the Torah reading. gabbaim) is an Aramaic word that means tax collector, but today a gabbai is someone who assists with the reading of the Torah. Wait for someone in charge (either a Gabbai or the Torah reader) to uncover the Torah scroll and open it. It is intended to be printed and filled in with the names of the people responsible for each part of the service, a few days before Shabbat). Take a good breath before you plunge in! Anshe Emet is a model of how to create a community of belonging. Then use paper clips to indicate donations on Shabbos and Yom Tov. A Jew who does not have a Jewish father is called up by his/her mothers name only. If your Hebrew is not fluent enough for this kind of spontaneous composition, simply do the middle, personalized part of the blessing in English, and then end in Hebrew. Checking the spot: After each aliyah, a gabbai should look in the scroll and make note of where the next aliyah starts, in the interest of moving things along more efficiently. Instruct the Golel/Golelet on taking hold of the tops, since they often start looking around for the cover rather than steadying the Torah scroll. The Synagogue Gabbai Often translated as "warden," the gabbai (or gabba'im plural) helps keep things organized and running smoothly in a synagogue. As part of the experiential Leadership Summit, Anshe Emet leadership customized an action plan for the congregation. By using pre-printed aliyah cards, those called to the Torah could easily indicate which language the gabbai should use. Children preparing for their Bar or Bat Mitzvah can lead the service for taking out or returning the Torah and recite the Ashrei. Depending on the volume level of the synagogue, words might be appropriate too. All of this happening in the middle of prayer service, so some of their prompts may be in an undertone, or non-verbal. During the following Aliya, there may be another book for you to follow along, or you may have to look over the assistant Gabbai's shoulder. Today, It's helpful to know the Brachot before and after by heart but you could certainly read them from a siddur or the cheat sheet most shuls have at the shulchan. How are High Holiday honors distributed? It is your choice how you want to be called up. What you should know before you're called to the Torah. If you (or other members of your family) have a yahrzeit or are celebrating a birthday or anniversary and would like to receive an aliyah, be sure to let the gabbai know ahead of time. . rev2023.5.1.43405. 3 0 obj As the person is sitting down with the Torah, the Golel/Golelet should take hold of the tops of both rollers, then roll the scroll tightly closed. Ta-amodnah bat v bat v etc. On Shabbat and holidays, in some congregations, you will have a chance to bless other people after your aliya. Take the white loose-leaf notebook, the folder of aliyah assignment cards, and the gabbai box of 3 x 5 cards with member Hebrew names and put these where they will be accessible to you. Pause to get a sense (probably non-verbally) from the person/s before you, of what s/he is feeling/experiencing (emotion, tone, etc.) Made in Israel. Know your Hebrew name and your father's Hebrew name. The gabbai is responsible for making sure that all of the tasks listed below get done. Who may go up on the bimah with you for your honor? After the dressed Torah is placed on the table, it is time for the Haftarah if there is one. Hold a bit of your Talit over that spot or touch it to the margin nearby, without contacting the print, then kiss the Talit. 2023 The Times of Israel , All Rights Reserved, Michael Feldstein, who lives in Stamford, CT, is the founder and owner of MGF Marketing, a direct marketing consulting firm. What is the source and reason for saying "Yeyasher Kochacha" or "Chazak Ubaruch"? Some honorees like to be called with the Fathers name only while others wish to use the Mothers name as well. Welcome to mi.yodeya, and thanks very much for the suggestion! At Keshet, we believe that belonging and dignity are core principles of Jewish community. While these spreadsheets are impressive, Im still partial to those gabbaim who use index cards inside an old fashioned file box, and who update their cards by hand perhaps because this reminds me of my youth, but also because it seems to still get the job done just as well as the elaborate computer printouts. We always omit the recessional. Who can participate in the Torah service? 375 Stony Hill Road It is mentioned I think in 'leket hakemach hachodosh' as well as in other places that the family of the one having the aliya should remain standing while he has an aliya while others sit. A "gabbai" (or a sexton) is the person who co-ordinates services, especially the Torah service, on Shabbat and holidays. Questions pertaining to the duties of the gabbai (beadle), who takes care of the day-to-day operations of a shul or Beis Medrash (particularly, in choosing who should lead the various parts of the prayer service). endobj Features a line for the persons full name. Here is the list of miscellaneous documents available: Rosh Chodesh cheat sheet for 5783 (2022/2023) from. The committee then met with several of Anshe Emets most regular gabbaim to discuss ways to implement this significant and progressive change. when calling honorees for an aliyah. @Dan -- as Rabbeinu Mark Twain would have said -- "those who can, lein. In synagogues with the bima up at the front of the room and the rabbi seated up there, go up to the rabbi for a handshake as well. regarding the occasion of the blessing/aliyah, and reflect in in your kavannah, your manner and words. 4 The gabba'im might also announce pages and verses occasionally. Whats the best way to invite community members to choose the most affirming language and communicate that to service leaders? Men are required to wear a tallis/tallit (prayer shawl) when they receive an honor. In the second Misheberach, the Gabbai will pause and look at you for the Hebrew names of your family members (along with their fathers' names). Translate this part into English and conclude, vinomar: Amen. Through the Leadership Project, Anshe Emet was able to select a team of professional and lay leaders to attend a full-day training summit to learn about LGBTQ identities and history, and create concrete strategies for institutional change work. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> For those members and guests less familiar with the blessings, I usually point to the place on the card they will be using. At Beth El, we follow the custom of calling up a Kohen (or bat Kohen) for the first aliyah and a Levi (or bat Levi) for the second aliyah. But even without aliyah cards, those receiving kibbudim can be told about which aliyah they are getting beforehand and if the gabbai does not have the name readily at hand, he can ask him once he arrives at the bima so he can be called up to the Torah properly. If you (or other members of your family) have a yahrzeit or are celebrating a birthday or anniversary and would like to receive an aliyah, be sure to let the gabbai know ahead of time. The following two documents are for making index cards for storing As the person is sitting down with the Torah, the Golel/Golelet should take hold of the tops of both rollers, then roll the scroll tightly closed. . )could be individual or group, could relate to themes in the, Traditionally, to enable the individual honored with an. To create a meaningful experience for the person receiving the blessing and for the entire community, you may wish to familiarize yourself with the Appendix 2: The Art of the Mi-Sheberakh. And those who can't teach, correct the baal kriah.". Visitors to Beth El are generally the first to be offered honors. Assign two of the three aliyot for the Torah reading. Ask the Rabbi to lead if she is present and wishes to do so. Card/IDProtectorsLS851G)werepurchasedandeachcardwas sealed.Theresultisacardthatfitsineitherthewalletortallitbag,is durable,andisfairlypermanent. But God forbid a gabbai accidentally forgets to give someone an aliyah on their yahrzeit week or gives mussaf to an individual who takes a little too long to recite kedusha , and hell never hear the end of it. It's nice to acknowledge family members who are present in the synagogue, your host, if you're a guest, and the synagogue crew. The corners are rounded so that they do not poke you. endobj The remaining fivealiyot always go to Yisraelim (Israelites). A person who is called for an aliyah L'Torah said the closing blessing ( ) instead of the opening one ( . The second job is to announce the chapter and verse of the aliyot subsequent to the first so that everyone will know where we are in the reading. Grasp the right handle with your right hand. May the Merciful One sustain him/her and protect him/her from all troubles and afflictions. An Ashkenazi scroll has two wooden poles, known as "etz chaim"s (or plural, "atzei chaim"). Translate this part into English and conclude. Ask the Gabbai if you're not sure. If the Bima is in the middle, it's not necessary. It is OK to take the time quietly to show the honoree the options. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. )/f If they organize a perfect service without a hitch, no one gives them a yasher koach. In Sephardic synagogues, the Gabbai may be known as a Parnes (rhymes with "car case"). Each institution receives a year of follow-up coaching and consulting to achieve LGBTQ equality. This is coordinated by the Gabbaim. Translate this far into English. Even if the scroll was closed, the reader may pull it open as you're finishing the blessings, to give himself a moment to find his place. And to all those gabbaim in other communities who are back at the bima thank you for making sure our services run as smoothly as they do. 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When you hear this, head toward the bima. If the sick person does not have a severe illness, or the sickness is a continual one (E.G. 1 0 obj If it is a Shabbat with a study session before the service, we go right to the prayers for putting away the Torah. This magnificent aliyah card is an expression of a vision based upon the core Jewish idea that each human being is created in the Divine Image, worthy of dignity and celebration. When our shuls reopened in the summer, they still did not have much of a job, as the baal koreh was assigned all of the aliyot, along with hagba, gelila, and opening the ark. Cover the scroll with the special cover. All of these combinations are covered. , pp. During the repetition, the gabbaim tend to quickly meet to divide up the aliyot cards, confer with each other, and check in with the co-chairs if needed. Ive always felt that being a gabbai is the Jewish version of the old Rodney Dangerfield joke they get no respect. (more info). Whats in a (Hebrew) name? I respond, "If you're so smart, why don't YOU read the next aliyah?" It is considered an honor and a great responsibility to be the gabbai, or one of the gabbaim, in any community. Mi Yodeya is a question and answer site for those who base their lives on Jewish law and tradition and anyone interested in learning more. The Gabbai will say in Hebrew: Temple Beth El uses three variations for names. Ask the Rabbi to lead if she is present and wishes to do so. This manual is designed to assist individuals to perform the function of Gabbai during a Torah service at Congregation Beth Emeth. 19: Weekday calling a couple for 1 st aliyah where neither isKohen using their Father's name 20: Weekday calling Rishon using his Father's and Mother's Name 21: Weekday calling a woman as Rishona using her Father'sand Mother's names 22: Weekday calling a couple for 1 st aliyah where neither is Kohen using their Father's and Mother's names How many people can share an aliyah? Click the link in that email to complete registration so you can comment. You can download the Acrobat Reader from Another way to do this is to ask the previous reader to stay at the table and show the place to the next reader. Find out more about ShulCloud, Music to Our Ears Erev Shabbat Service May 5, Honoring Gwen Sloan's 36 Years at CBE May 20-21, Shabbat calling Kohen using his Fathers name, Shabbat calling Bat Kohen using her Fathers name, Shabbat calling a couple where the man is a Kohenusing his Fathers name, Shabbat calling a couple where the woman is a BatKohen using her Fathers name, Shabbat calling Kohen using his Fathers and Mothers names, Shabbat calling Bat Kohen using her Fathers and Mothers names, Shabbat calling a couple where the man is a Kohen using his Fathers< and Mother's names, Shabbat calling a couple where the woman is a BatKohen using her Fathers and Mother's names, Weekday calling Kohen using his Fathers name, Weekday calling Bat Kohen using her Fathers name, Weekday calling a couple where the man is a Kohen using his Fathers name, Weekday calling a couple where the woman is a BatKohen using her Fathers name, Weekday calling Kohen using his Fathers and Mothers names, Weekday calling Bat Kohen using her Fathers and Mothers names, Weekday calling a couple where the man is a Kohen using his Fathers and Mother's names, Weekday calling a couple where the woman is a Bat Kohen using her Fathers name, Weekday calling Rishon using his Fathers Name, Weekday calling a woman as Rishona using her Fathersname, Weekday calling Rishon using his Fathers and Mothers Name, Weekday calling a woman as Rishona using her Fathersand Mothers names, Shabbat calling for Kohen Aliyah when no Kohen present, Shabbat calling for Levi Aliyah when no Levi present. Yehi ratzon she mekor haHayim yishslah la/lo bracha vhatzlacha bikhol maasei yaldeihah/yaldav. The following categories of members receive honors annually: major donors, patrons, benefactors, and board members, in addition to new members who have joined during the previous year and individuals who have been most active in leadership roles in Beth El in the past year. My Jewish Learning is a not-for-profit and relies on your help. Every time I glance at this question it reads in my mind as "What do I need to know in order to properly. At the appropriate time, the gabbai will instruct, signal, or call you up for your honor, just before the rabbi announces the page where your honor occurs. Move to the right -- next to the assistant Gabbai. Similarly, occasionally a reader may make a mistake or pause to jog his memory. If you wish to lead services, learn how to read Torah or Haftarah, or volunteer to read a specific Torah portion or Haftarah, please contact Rabbi (rabbi@bethelyardley.org). Visitors to Beth El are generally the first to be offered honors. In any case, never make a person feel bad for preferring not to take the honor. Ask the Gabbai if you can make a Misheberach for a sick person (though you may be asked to make an extra donation for this). After the 7th aliyah, before calling up the maftir aliyah, the Rabbi or Service Manager will ask the congregation to stand for the Hatzi Kaddish. (and/or) bat v etc. after a blessing for a simcha, so that everyone can participate in offering blessing. Pronounced: GAH-bye, Origin: Aramaic, literally tax collector, but today means someone who assists with the Torah reading in synagogue.The gabbai usually determines who will be called up to the Torah for an aliyah and also assists with other aspects of coordinating worship. Within the Anshe Emet community, the decision was unanimously in favor of implementing a gender-neutral option for calling up people for aliyot. Place the large card with the Torah blessings where the honorees will see it. On Shabbat and holidays, the gabbai distributes cards for most aliyot during the repetition of the Amidah (Silent Devotion) towards the end of the Shacharit (morning service). In some shuls, so as to be more efficient and minimize the likelihood of mistakes in saying people's names, the Gabbaim have cards for the regular members of the minyan, which will include both the member's Hebrew name (and father's name) and a list of the family members to be included in the Misheberach. Aliyah donation cards. Discussion Thereactiontothealiyahcardhasbeenextremelypositive.Menwho There are aliyot cards for each aliyah, peticha, hagbah, and gelilah which are kept on the bima . Otherwise, return it to where you'd gotten it. This is something for the GABBAI and BAAL KOREI to worry about, NOT You! , pp. The following file was created to save multiple downloads. I am marking this answer as a "community wiki," which means that anyone with 100 reputation points can edit it, so people with experience in other communities can provide their perspective. What should one do if one has a High Holiday honor? Normally, only one person is called up for each aliyah. There is a notion of respecting the Torah scroll by keeping it covered when not in use. You're likely to see other multiples of 18 ($54, $180, etc.) 684-93 for examples of format and content. If you opt to have one, you're generally expected to make a donation to the synagogue. Gabbai Rishon calls them up: (for a woman). If you're directed to close the scroll and/or hold both handles, do that instead. Keshets expert facilitators train participants on concrete strategies and tools for inclusion and participants leave with a robust implementation plan. Some people mention a dollar amount, but the easiest and most discrete option is to simply say "Matanah" (gift). Large-print display of the Hebrew alphabet and, Kabballat Shabbat practice sheet for young. Click on the name of the file, which will call up an audio program on a new page or will open your defalult audio player, and then play the audio file you have chosen. Translate this far into English. Ask the Rabbi to lead if she is present and wishes to do so. At Beth El, the gabbai invites individuals to lead services, distributes honors, and tries to make services run smoothly. Regardless, please don't shove the reader out of the way. Theyll know when there are bar and bat mitzvah celebrations and aufrufs and what additional aliyot might be necessary. The male gabbai should either call out or lead the kaddish derabanan and kadish yatom. If someone says "Shabbat Shalom" or "Good Shabbos", you can respond in kind. When we create spaces that actively affirm and celebrate all people, were living Jewish values in the fullest way and are enriched by the presence and wisdom of all members of our communities. Why did DOS-based Windows require HIMEM.SYS to boot? Cognitive Dissonance and Religious Change in the United States, Committee on Jewish Law and Standards H.M. 35:11 Reading, The Performance of Biblical Chant in Contemporary Judaism, SHAVUOT TORAH Shavuot 5781 May 2021 Table of Contents, A Complete Triennial System for Reading the Torah RABBI RICHARD EISENBERG, Women and Public Prayer: Duty and Dignity, Judaism Revision Jewish Practices the Uses and Importance of the Synagogue, B'nai Mitzvah Student Liturgy Practice Book 2018.Dwd, Now Then, If You Will Obey Me Faithfully and Keep My Covenant, You Shall Be My Treasured Possession Among All the Peoples, Understanding the Shabbat Morning Service, A Special Compilation of Learning Sources for Shavuot Brought to You by the Princeton Community, Calendar of Torah and Haftarah Readings 5779 5781 2018 2021, Policy on Women Receiving Alyiot & Reading Torah All Go up to Make, Cjls Guidance for Remote Minyanim in a Time of Covid-19, Some Rabbinic Sources on Women and Torah Reading Compiled by Elana Sztokman in Honour of Her Daughter Avigayil's Bat-Mitzvah 22 January 2005, 12 Shvat 5765, A Guide to Passover at Beth Immanuel 2020 -5780. This included training for all staff, creating an LGBTQ affinity group, reviewing policies, procedures, and forms, and making changes to rituals, including the design of the gender-affirming aliyah cards that would so deeply affect Jaimie in the future. To create a meaningful experience for the person receiving the blessing and for the entire community, you may wish to familiarize yourself with the Appendix 2: The Art of the Mi-Sheberakh. (This Aliya is generally given to the Rabbi, but just in case). This change is a perfect example of the work that Keshet supports in Jewish communities throughout the country. For those receiving aliyot who are members, take their card out of the gabbai box and affix the stick-on numbers to the cards, to facilitate the calling up by name. See below for the division of aliyot and other honors. In some contemporary congregations, the gabba'im may be known as a "ritual committee." The gabba'im are sometimesbut certainly not alwayselected to their position. Congregation Beth El Special thanks to Dr. Raphael Bortz of Telz Stone, Israel. If ones father is a Levi, the sons Hebrew name includes ben (fathers name) ha-Levi and the daughters Hebrew name includes bat (fathers name) ha-Levi. That depends one the ba'al kriah. Anshe Emet leadership undertook a substantial effort to record and share the preferences of each member. on the fathers side of the family only), not maternally (i.e. Hagbaha and Glila In addition to reminders of the various tasks, instructions and service outline, it includes places to write the names of each of the people responsible for the various parts of the service. <>>> The Torah reader will indicate where the reading will start. Know the Hebrew names of your closest relatives and their fathers' Hebrew names. 687-693. x\8}H+Mtd}P;j%V)H=3,SUd,zbfwOc_z3`^,9{czplBfR6*CKo@vg_3y#[/5vfR}HFk_\+*S0lO(`xAjv/]J-.P>+ z|Asyft(f|YsyY*vh^z[dZ%}}^I. You are responsible for the smooth running of the service, particularly the Torah service. This is usually done between the second and third aliyot. Print two copies, one for yourself and one for the Gabbai Sheini (the second gabbai).