Youre looking at 10-inches of full tang 1095 carbon steel, with a blade nearly as thick as three US quarters stacked together (0.188-inches). For that reason we have listed the most occurring ESEE models and their features to make sure you will definitely be able to make your choice. Was: $119.99. As far as fighting, by the time you're trying to knife someone, they are probably already locked up with you, so I'd rather have a short, sharp blade like the 3 or 4 to stick in their face of throat, rather than a giant blade that is tough to maneuver at that close distance. The great performance of the steel guarantee a life long pleasure. Tip is tougher - at least categorically. TheESEE Junglasis a large machete designed in the Amazon jungle. It took me a walk to my garage to find a second washer of the same size and now everything is perfect. Blade HQ reserves the right to cancel any engraving requests after they have been submitted. Also, do you have any tips on sharpening my Esee knives? You don't need to be in the woods to use this knife; simply opening packaging or peeling an apple works perfectly fine. For all your tactical needs, the knife has a contoured and secure handle that can be used in forward or reverse grips. Box 99 $22.91. - ? That's what I bring. Retention on the Kydex is good, though its absolutely possible to shake 9.5 ounces of knife out of its grip with enough downward thrust. Long and short both knives have their own benefits. would not be with out this on me . YOU TAKE ALL RESPONSIBILITY AND RISKS WHEN USING, HANDLING, OR ARE OTHERWISE ENGAGED WITH ANY OF THE ITEMS, SCENARIOS, OR TOPICS MENTIONED IN THIS VIDEO. I might just have to pick one of these up for a buddy of mine. From small to large, perfect for kitchen tasks or for coarse chopping work. Not really a fan of taking more than the bare minimum out . I used the 6 all last camping season and took it on many hikes and into the country. Actually, the term machete does not do justice to this knife. Tell them you spent $115 on an outdoor blade, and theyll shoot you some pretty strange looks. 4. It all depends on what you are looking for. Filed Under: Camp Knives, ESEE, Fixed Blade Knives, Survival Knives Tagged With: 1095, kydex, Made in the USA, micarta. Best EDC Knives Length of the 5, .20 thick (thinner than 5 but thicker than 6), glass breaker, bow drill handle, firestarter in the handle, kydex sheath. Even more solid than normal ESEE knives. Your email address will not be published. Wilderness Survival, Hiking and Camping Forum. The hand-to-hand comparison comes down to the basics- the overall length of the esse 5 is 11 inches and weighs 16 oz, with 5.25 inches blade length which is made of 1095 Carbon steel, and blade style is Saber.And the overall length of Esse 6 is 11.75 inches and weight 12 oz with 6.50 inches blade length made of1095 Carbon steel and the blade style is full flat grind for maximizing performance. Micarta handle scales. The carbon steel of the blade makes it solid and extremely sharp. This is a fantastic knife that really falls into that perfect size for me. ESEE Laser Strike Fixed Blade Knife. The SK-5 is a better slicer for camp cooking due to the thinner blade lacks the weight for chopping. I find the Esee LS very comfortable even over long use. I have simply narrowed down what I am looking for and would like some hands on opinions from current/past owners. It's on the big side. The LS strikes a good balance (pun intended) between size/weight/and ergos. You're looking at 10-inches of full tang 1095 carbon steel, with a blade nearly as thick as three US quarters stacked together (0.188-inches). He is slightly larger which gives your hand a little more space. The ESEE pocket knives were designed with the same goals in mind as the well-known fixed ESEE knives: simple and reliable. Also, if you wrap the paracord right, you can attach an Izula 2 to the front. This further pushes the Laser Strikes Survival Knife image, though I do have a few qualms. So glad to hear you are enjoying your Laser Strike. I have the Laser Strike and the JG5. $243.00. If your engraving request is deemed unacceptable, your order will be canceled and you will be notified via email. With a blade length of over 16 cm you will have more than enough to work with. Josh Wussow is a freelance writer, reviewer, and the questionable mind behind JourneywindJunk. As and EDC, tactical and survival knife, its my absolute best. Thinking of adding one of these to my fixed blade collection. If your ESEE knife should ever break, we will repair or replace it. They're built for a lifetime! ESEE Knives Cody Rowen CR2.5 Hunting Camping Fixed Blade Knife Leather Sheath (2) 2 product . That does make it the most durable out of the bunch, though. While some knives are designed with hunting in mind, others are mostly intended for food prep and then there are knives designed to excel in tasks like wood work. Would this make a good combat/hunting knife? The blade is made of 1095 carbon steel. The LS has a very unnecessary choil that bugs me. Odinborn Member. It has poor balance. JavaScript is disabled. anorexic skinny mixed with scalloped texture didnt translate well for me. In fact it's .188-inch, or just short of 5mm. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. Great feel, great balance and the micarta is amazing! In a brand known for its rugged offerings, the Laser Strike stands out as a damage-duty champ. I know that a lot of people remove the some of the grip in that area so they can choke up without using the choil. JavaScript is disabled. The Laser Strike ships with a black Kydex sheath setup, including an ambidextrous clip plate and the aforementioned lanyard/washer combo. Ill have to check it out at some point. Its a far cry from the leather of the Camp Lore knives Ive been testing, falling more into the ESEEs number-knife family (3, 4, 5, etc.). Perfect for daily use. This is pretty much essential to get a good edge geometry, because the blank this knife was cut from was extremely thick. The extremely durable powder coating on the blade helps protect against the larger rust susceptibility known to carbon steel. The extremely durable powder coating on the blade helps protect against the larger rust susceptibility known to carbon steel. Posted by Shaf on 1st Oct 2016 This was more of an impulse purchase (often happens when browsing site) as i already have 2 knives which would do the same job and fit the same category (Fallkniven F1 and TOPS Field knife - both exceptional and worth a look if un-decided) Have wanted to jump on the ESEE band wagon for a little while as i had seen good reviews and have read a . A perfect small survival knife. Last but not least: ESEE pocket knives. The great performance of the steel guarantee a life long pleasure. Going back and forth since the Laser Strike is much cheaper and lighter. Ferrocerium fire starting flint and tinder tabs are included inside the handle. ESEE was kind enough to send it to notorious Youtuber and (Im directly quoting him here) big piece of doo doo Advanced Knife Bro, who agreed to send it my way after mercilessly pummeling it. Just purchased one and it is indeed a great knife. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. The handle can be easily removed or replaced, if damaged, using a screwdriver. This warranty follows the knife throughout its life, anywhere in the world. The ESEE-LaserStrike has perfect balance, an incredibly useful blade shape, and an excellent choil. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. So, when the opportunity to sample their Laser Strike model landed in my inbox, you can guess the speed of my reply. See that metal washer hanging from the base of the sheath? Notify me of follow-up comments by email. This blade is offered so you can match it to the custom handle of your choice. This review has been written in German. i am looking for a do-it-all backwoods/camping blade. I wish ESEE made a 5-LS. The ESEE Laser Strike is the big brother of Model 4. I ended up finding a used ESEE 6 that I couldnt resist Congrats on the new 6. See that divot on the right handle scale? For Sale: Custom & Semi Production Knives (Dealer), KnifeMaker's Market: Knives & More for Sale, Wanted: Knifemaker / Craftsman / Related Services, Busse / Swamprat / Scrapyard Knives For Sale, For Sale: Traditionals, Slipjoints, "Old Timey", International (Non-US) For Sale & Trade Forums. ESEE Knives Training T Shirt XL Green TSHIRT-GR-XL. Mainly due to the extra length, full flat grind, and exposed pommel. Now, let me be clear about the provenance of this particular tool. 4. Your email address will not be published. Editor: I recommend purchasing the ESEE Laser Strike at Amazon or BladeHQ. A forum community dedicated to survivalists and enthusiasts. The Laser Strike is such an underrated knife. Blog about food systems, global food sovereignty movements, and agroecology in the UK. . My philosophy is to have a knife on you when you need it and that often eliminates most of the large knives for my activities (backpacking, mountain biking, scouting, bouldering, kayaking, etc.). Click to read. It handles like a much smaller knife. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I am in tune British armed forces, used this now in Brunei, malawi, Somalia, Poland and in the uk. ESEE Knives Laser Strike Black Blade Plain Edge Black Sheath ESEE-LS-P-E, NEW. to 5.5in. The blade is made of 1095 carbon steel. $128.96. Share. EDC pocket knives buying guide by size: what size EDC pocket knife do I need. Emojis NOT allowed. The knife bridges the gap between an . I was recruited to help slice onions, peppers, and mushrooms on a small cutting board, which was probably just as thick as the ESEEs blade. 172.95. Will be removed during engraving process. Trust me when I say that you will not make a bad choice, given your list of entries. 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Read more about theseand other warnings here:Notices and Warnings. The edge of the knife is completely straight for most of its length, helping you to easily sharpen it and the last 1.5 inch curves up to meet the back. ESEE knives are made with absolute attention to detail using the finest raw materials and care during the manufacturing process. This review has been written in French. At the same time, however, it is compact enough to never hold you back. If you want a leather sheath and more traditional styled blade with 1/8" thickness, get a PR4 or JG5. Click to read. This knife was designed and made to be used. This is a great review. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Esee Laser Strike Knife with Sheath at the best online prices at eBay! I have all of the Esee products that you have listed, and like them all, but although the LS is the ugliest of the litter, it is the handiest, best balanced as well. If you want a kydex sheath and a 3/16" blade thickness, get a Laser Strike. Add to Wish List Add to Compare. A quick cleaning and Sharpmaker session were all it took to bring the edge back to shaving sharp. The odd one out amongst the 6,5,4 and 3. the only thing that I've noticed is esee sheaths are superb.other than that if you take a rat knife and add a bowdrill divot and smooth the edge of the scales you have an eseejust sayin, and this "beckerboy" is the same guy that has a thread asking everybody what he should buy after his lone BK2, now all of a sudden he's delivering authoritative lectures on what's what in the world of high-end survival knives. This metal disc acts as a flathead driver, allowing you to remove the handle scales. While Im hardly alone in this enthusiasm, much of the halo surrounding ESEE comes from inside the blade-enthusiast bubble. JavaScript is disabled. The Esee 5 is tempting! And if it's all you have, you don't have to worry - the handle opens up to reveal a small cavity where you can store a fire starter, fishing kit, or whatever you need!