[45] Schumer has appeared on The Daily Show seven times. Cummings advised then-Senate Judiciary chairman Grassley on legal and policy issues related to constitutional, civil rights, criminal, and administrative law. WebSenate Majority Leader Schumer's website We are the Senate Democratic Majority Senate Democrats believe we can and should make life better for families across our nation, and "[124], In August 2018, in response to Trump's charge that American Jews who vote for Democrats are "disloyal", Schumer tweeted, "When he [Trump] uses a trope that's been used against the Jewish people for centuries with dire consequences, he is encouragingwittingly or unwittinglyanti-Semites throughout the country and world. Chuck Schumer's comments on the retirement of Justice, Elected and appointed statewide political officials of, Srpskohrvatski / , Statement about Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch, Pub. Cummings earned his law degree from the University of Virginia School of Law, and his undergraduate degree from Brigham Young University. A resolution to make effective appointment of Deputy Senate Legal Counsel. Senator Tammy Baldwin Helps Introduce Background Check Expansion Act To Reduce Gun Violence", "Dems urge White House restraint on whistleblower", U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Votes > Roll Call Vote, "U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Votes > Roll Call Vote", "Schumer Offers Middle Ground on Health Care", "Schumer: GOP healthcare proposal like giving 'cough medicine' to a cancer patient", "Schumer: Republicans should throw their health bill 'in the trash', "Schumer wants all-Senate meeting on healthcare", "Schumer on GOP healthcare plan: 'I think it's 50/50', "TERROR IN OKLAHOMA: IN CONGRESS; Anti-Terrorism Bill: Blast Turns a Snail Into a Race Horse", "Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) Chairman, Democratic Policy Committee (since January 1999)", "NY City transit, ports to get $200 mln in security funds", "Schumer: New York to Get $18M in Security Funding", "Schumer, Boehlert, vow to fight Bush's FIRE grant restrictions", "SCHUMER PUSHES BIPARTISAN LEGISLATION THAT WILL HELP CHILDREN OF FALLEN COPS, FIREFIGHTERS, AND EMTS PAY FOR COLLEGE; SENATOR SAYS BILL SHOULD PASS IMMEDIATELY", "SCHUMER ANNOUNCES SENATE PASSAGE OF $1 MILLION IN 2019 FUNDING FOR CRITICAL NATIONAL FIREFIGHTER CANCER REGISTRY AS PART OF HHS APPROPRIATIONS BILL; SCHUMER-BACKED REGISTRY WILL HELP RESEARCHERS TRACK, TREAT AND EVENTUALLY THWART CONNECTION BETWEEN FIREFIGHTERS AND CANCER", "Timeline: The rise and fall of immigration reform", "Chuck Schumer Plans To Kill Arizona Immigration Law If Supreme Court Backs SB 1070", "Sen. Schumer says DACA deal must be part of 'must-pass' spending bill", "DACA-wall talks 'starting over,' Schumer says", "Chuck Schumer: Trump, you broke DACA, now fix it", "Schumer warns 'House moderates' against immigration compromise bill", "US bank IndyMac seized amid intensifying crisis", "Microsoft Word Final Report IndyMac MLR _2-26-2009_.doc", "Treasury's Watchdog Reviewing Backdating of Capital at Thrifts", "Schumer Deflects Blame to IndyMac, Regulator", "Schumer: Don't blame me for IndyMac failure", "How Chuck Schumer Caused the Second Largest Bank Failure in US History", "IndyMac bank crisis signals new takeover era", "Schumer Ripped IndyMac as Democratic Donors Probed Books", "Regulator Let IndyMac Bank Falsify Report", "Irregularity Is Uncovered at IndyMac Bank", "Rush Limbaugh Program Transcript, Dec. 22, 2008", "Schumer backs federal effort to decriminalize marijuana", "US senate minority leader Chuck Schumer introducing bill to decriminalise marijuana across country", "Schumer Introduces Marijuana Freedom And Opportunity Act New Legislation Would Decriminalize Marijuana At Federal Level", "Here Are The Full Details Of The New Federal Marijuana Legalization Bill From Chuck Schumer And Senate Colleagues", "Majority Leader Schumer, Senate Finance Committee Chair Wyden And Senator Booker Release Discussion Draft Of Cannabis Administration And Opportunity Act, Legislation To End The Federal Cannabis Prohibition And Unfair Targeting Of Communities Of Color", "Schumer's legal weed bill is finally here", "Schumer Declares His Support for Same-Sex Marriages", "Schumer Comes Out For Gay Marriage (Updated)", "Paterson Sidelined in Push for Same-Sex Marriage", "Student Loan Forgiveness: 'We're Going To Win' Says Top Democrat, As Poll Shows Broad Support For Debt Cancellation", "SCHUMER TO INTRODUCE LEGISLATION TODAY TO LIFT PORTFOLIO CAPS AND LOAN LIMITS FOR FANNIE MAE AND FREDDIE MAC", "Top five US subprime lenders asked to testify-Dodd", "Schumer Offers Bill To Regulate Mortgage Brokers", "In Opposing Tax Plan, Schumer Breaks With Party", Earth to Fiscal-Cliff Pundits: $250K Does Make You Rich, "Senators seek crackdown on 'Bitcoin' currency", "Senators Charles Schumer, Joe Manchin discuss targeting bitcoin, "Protesters take anti-SOPA campaign to Manhattan offices of Schumer and Gillibrand; 'The future of the NY tech community is in jeopardy,' the group states", "Geeks Converge on NYC to Protest Anti-Piracy Bills", "Manhattan SOPA/PIPA Protest Blankets Block Fronting NY Senators' Offices", "Senators push for Facebook password request probe", "Delay, Deny and Deflect: How Facebook's Leaders Fought Through Crisis", "Transcript: Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter on 'FNS', "Transcript: Newt Gingrich, Senator Charles Schumer on 'FNS', "March 11: Schumer calls on Gonzales to resign", "YouTube Schumer Calls For Gonzales' Resignation", "Schumer Says It 'Makes Sense' To 'Strangle [Gaza] Economically' Until It Votes The Way Israel Wants", "Chuck Schumer On Gaza: 'Strangle' Them Economically", "What Happens When Senator Chuck Schumer Doesn't Like the New Bike Lane? "His legislative and executive branch experience will be valuable to clients navigating issues on Capitol Hill across a wide range of industries.". Charles Ellis Schumer ( / umr / SHOO-mr; born November 23, 1950) is an American politician serving as the senior United States senator from New York, a seat he has held Reich said Schumer gave the bank a "heart attack", saying, "Would the institution have failed without the deposit run? A resolution to make effective appointment of Senate Legal Counsel. chris_zeltmann@schumer.senate.gov: Tandeep Sawhney: Staff Assistant: Staff Assistant: District Office 1: 780 Third Avenue New York, NY. He ranked fourth on the list of the Cummings is a Congressional policy advocate who also served as chief constitution and crime counsel for the Senate Judiciary Committee when Grassley was the ranking member of the panel. The plan would have called for turning over custodial and utility work to a Georgia company. On the Joint Resolution H.J.Res. On Thursday, April 13, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) announced his work with stakeholders on a new legislative framework to regulate artificial intelligence (AI), combined with bolstered oversight efforts. Student Services. Disapproving the action of the District of Columbia Council in approving the Revised Criminal Code Act of 2022. For Sinema to do so, according to Chuck Coughlin, a prominent Republican consultant in Arizona, she needs 20 to 25 percent of Democratic voters, 25 to 30 percent Box 61470 Boulder City, NV 89006-1470 --or--500 Fir Street Boulder City, NV 89005-2403: 702- 293-8411 Fax: 702 He was the third-ranking Democrat in the Senate, behind Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Majority Whip Dick Durbin. [243], In March 2009, Schumer announced his support for same-sex marriage, noting that it "was time". Democrats and Republicans might have to agree to disagree, which happens to be a good first step in building bipartisan consensus. A bill to amend title 49, United States Code, to ensure that a child can sit next to a family member on a flight at no additional cost. In 2006, NPR reported that Schumer and Senator Lindsey Graham were highly critical of the trade imbalance between the U.S. and China, and its alleged cause of Chinese currency intervention. I am pleased to share the exciting news that U.S. Senate Majority Leader Senator Chuck Schumer and our own Brooklyn U.S specialties and subspecialtiesmany of them ranked as tops in their fieldscomprise Downstate's staff. 9/11 Responder and Survivor Health Funding Correction Act of 2023. [269], In June 2010, while speaking at an Orthodox Union event in Washington D.C., Schumer made comments about Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip that were later criticized. He replied: to reopen negotiations on the climate reconciliation package and pass climate legislation. He served as the lead Senate Republican negotiator of the First Step Act, the most significant federal criminal justice reform package in more than 40 years, which was signed into law in December 2018. [238], On July 14, 2021, Schumer, along with Senators Ron Wyden and Cory Booker, released for public comment a comprehensive federal legalization bill known as the Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act. [9][10] He and his family are Jewish,[11] and he is a second cousin, once removed, of comedian Amy Schumer. A resolution establishing a Committee to Inform the President of the United States that a quorum of each House is assembled. Senator Charles E. Grassley of Iowa, the most senior member He served as Vice Chair of the Democratic Caucus in the Senate from 2007 to 2017[3] and chaired the Senate Democratic Policy Committee from 2011 to 2017. Chemical Engineering. In the end, the FTC put ten companies on notice and identified a total of 140 scams. [212], Schumer supported continuing to fully fund the FIRE Grant program[213] the Federal Emergency Management Agency administered. Washington, D.C. Today, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) announced long-time Senate aide Sonceria Ann Berry will serve as the 35 th Secretary of the Senate, effective March 1, 2021. [71] In a Senate floor speech, Schumer called for a "impartial and independent" investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, announcing that the Democrats had agreed that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein not be able to appoint a special prosecutor for an investigation into Russia's meddling; that Comey meet with the Senate; and that Rosenstein and Attorney General Jeff Sessions meet separately with senators. Web29. A BILL To protect a persons ability to determine whether to continue or end a pregnancy, and to protect a health care providers ability to provide abortion services. [271] He then criticized the Palestinian citizens of the Gaza Strip for voting for the Hamas militant organization, calling on Israel to "strangle them economically until they see that's not the way to go", while also stating that Israel should continue providing "humanitarian aid" to Palestinian civilians. Six staffers were reportedly arrested in Congress on Monday afternoon for staging a sit-in at Senate majority leader Chuck Schumers office and protesting about a lack of legislative action on the environment. [274], Schumer is noted for his love of cycling in New York City, especially around his home in Brooklyn. Schumer also said he believed the federal government had the authority to order the immediate production of generic ciproflaxin to expand the government stockpile of the drug. Map of Regions Schumer said he wanted "a level playing field for competition". Here are some of the actual bipartisan things that have happened so far in Bidens first 100 days: Lawmakers unanimously passed three bills Of the 11 bills the The congressional staffers and activists had started the demonstration earlier on Monday, with 17 staffers sitting in Schumers office to demand that he reopen climate negotiations, according to Saul Levin, a policy adviser for the progressive congresswoman Cori Bush. 22 to S. 316 (No short title on file) RC# 67, On the Amendment S.Amdt. They say its demonstrated by support from Republican voters, like the $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package he signed in March that received zero votes from Republicans in Congress but was supported by 41% of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents, according to Pew. A resolution notifying the President of the United States of the election of a President pro tempore. We confirmed a historic number of federal judges, lowered drug costs, & created more jobs in the first two years In January 2021, Schumer became Senate Majority Leader, the first Jewish leader of either chamber of Congress. Here you will find contact information for Senator Chuck Schumer, including his email address, phone number, and mailing address. Senator Charles Ellis Schumer is an American politician. He is a senior U.S. Senator from New York under the Democrats since 1999. He has been the Senate Majority leader since January 2021. [122], In March 2017, Schumer released a statement calling on Trump to apologize for claiming the Obama administration had wiretapped him during his presidential campaign. A bill to direct the Federal Trade Commission to prescribe rules prohibiting the marketing of firearms to minors, and for other purposes. Puerto Rico Nutrition Assistance Fairness Act of 2023. It was a spinoff from the old Countrywide, and like Countrywide, it did all kinds of profligate activities that it never should have. Less than an hour later, Mr. Schumer was meeting with Mr. Trump over cheeseburgers in the presidents study next to the Oval Office. A bill to prohibit discrimination against individuals with disabilities who need long-term services and supports, and for other purposes. At a private dinner with gay leaders on March 22, 2009, Schumer said he not only supported same-sex marriage, he also backed a full reversal of DOMA. Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-NY). Lower Colorado Basin Regional Office P.O. Apr 25. Schumer (Democratic Party, Working Families Party) Schumer paid his congressional staff a total of $3,406,655 in 2011. What's happening: Billionaire businessman Elon Musk visited the Capitol on Wednesday and met with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, according to Schumers office. WASHINGTON, May 1, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Aaron Cummings, former chief of staff to Republican U.S. [67] An identical bill was introduced in the House but did not pass. [63] A coalition of consumer groups supported the legislation and Schumer told reporters that its enactment would reduce prescription drug costs by over 60% per prescription in addition to saving consumers $71billion over the next decade. He also voted for measures to help increase the efficiency of peacekeepers serving in Darfur. [203] After the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) showed the American Health Care Act would cause millions of Americans to lose health coverage, Schumer said, "Republicans in Washington and the president should read this report cover to cover, throw their bill in the trash can and begin working with Democrats on a real plan to lower costs for the American people. [2] Schumer is the longest-serving senator from New York, having surpassed Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Jacob K. Javits in 2023. Congressional staffers and activists staged a sit-in at the office of Chuck Schumer, the Senate majority leader, on Monday. A bill to amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to establish a minimum salary threshold for bona fide executive, administrative, and professional employees exempt from Federal overtime compensation requirements, and automatically update such threshold each year, and for other purposes. Though acknowledging Trump's populist campaigning style, Schumer said Trump "governs like a pro-corporate, pro-elite, hard-right ideologue". [270] He pointed to statistics to show that the Palestinian citizens of the West Bank were experiencing "economic prosperity", crediting this to their government's cooperation with the Israeli government on combating terrorists. Under his leadership, the Senate confirmed the most federal judges during the first two years of any presidency since John F. Kennedy's, and the most diverse slate of federal judicial nominations in American history,[7] including Ketanji Brown Jackson, the first African American woman to serve on the Supreme Court. At the time, Schumer was the chairman of the Immigration, Refugees, and Border Security subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Senator Charles Ellis "Chuck" Schumer has dedicated his career to being a tireless fighter for New York. [137], In response to The American Prospect's Day One Agenda,[138] Schumer announced a new stance on eliminating student debt. Schumer has also aggressively pushed to end the practice whereby customers can be charged two ATM fees, one by their own bank and one by the bank that owns the ATM, if the ATM is outside their bank's network. [152] In May 2018, after Trump signaled his willingness to ease sanctions on ZTE in a bid for a trade deal with Beijing, Schumer observed, "This seems to be an area where Democrats and Republicans in the House and the Senate are coming together and telling the president, you've got to be tough on China, you have to have your actions match your rhetoric. 2000bb-4. RESOLUTION Honoring the life of David Ferdinand Durenberger, former Senator for the State of Minnesota. In response, Schumer said the provision was a compromise with Henry Hyde and other colleagues and that it was opposed by people who did not properly read the law. Schumer hires Warren antitrust staffer as new chief counsel Evan Turnage is set to join Schumers office later this week, Turnage confirmed on Wednesday. [89] Senator Josh Hawley called for Schumer to be censured. In March 2018, Schumer said the bipartisan legislation sponsored by Bob Casey and Pat Toomey would assist the children of deceased first respondents afford college by increasing the availability of Pell grant funding. A resolution recognizing the 202nd anniversary of the independence of Greece and celebrating democracy in Greece and the United States. pic.twitter.com/wjXnHfTQqn. Both bills, S.455 and S.684, passed the Senate. [288] In 2018, Jessica gave birth to a son, making Schumer a grandfather.[289]. "[182] On June 10, the East European Coalition sent Schumer a letter about his article, writing, "As a supporter of democracy for the nations of Eastern Europe, which suffered greatly under 'Russian hegemony over Eastern Europe', your suggestion that these nations be used as bargaining chips in order to appease Russia is troubling, inexplicable and unacceptable. A bill to require the Consumer Product Safety Commission to issue a consumer product safety standard for portable electric heating devices, and for other purposes. 27 RC# 79. [255] One opinion website said the senators wanted "to disrupt [the] Silk Road drug website". Schumer has been awarded several honorary degrees in recognition of his political career. A member of the Democratic Party, Schumer has led the Senate Democratic Caucus since 2017 and has served as Senate Majority Leader since 2021. Chuck Schumer (Democratic Party) is a member of the U.S. Senate from New York. 103-141, 107 Stat. [286], The Schumers have two children, Jessica and Alison, both graduates of their father's alma mater, Harvard College. [167][168], Schumer is a co-sponsor of a Senate resolution expressing objection to the UN Security Council Resolution 2334, which condemned Israeli settlement-building in the occupied Palestinian territories as a violation of international law. Schumer, Former Rep. Chuck ( D) - Ran for Senate Index of Sen. Chuck Schumer's staff, past and present Abdelhaq, Yazeed Talal Abel, Jason A. Acharya, On Passage of the Bill H.J.Res. A resolution to authorize testimony and representation in United States v. GossJankowski. affairs. [110] Schumer is also seeking a ban on the use of cadmium, a carcinogen known to impair brain development in children, in toys and children's jewelry. He backed his position, saying: "States like Arizona and Alabama will no longer be able to get away with saying they are simply 'helping the federal government' to enforce the law when they are really writing their own laws and knowingly deploying untrained officers with a mission of arresting anyone and everyone who might fit the preconceived profile of an illegal immigrant. A bill to regulate assault weapons, to ensure that the right to keep and bear arms is not unlimited, and for other purposes. [60], In November 2017, Schumer and Senator Kirsten Gillibrand announced $1,908,486 in funding for Head Start and Early Head Start programs at the Community Action Organization of Erie County, Schumer saying the federal funding would yield "real results to young students in Western New York by providing them with the resources they need to succeed both in and out of the classroom". In May 2018, Schumer called for Kim Jong-un to be removed from the commemorative coin memorializing the 2018 North KoreaUnited States summit, calling Kim a "brutal dictator" and offering the Peace House as a more appropriate alternative. [70] In May 2017, after President Donald Trump fired Comey, Schumer told reporters that they were aware the FBI had been investigating whether the Trump campaign had colluded with Russia and pondered whether the investigation was "getting too close to home for the president". [195] In response to a question at a debate during his 2010 reelection campaign, Schumer denied having a handgun or a permit for one. Twenty-nine unions and labor groups are backing Schumer, the campaign announced, including 1199 SEIU, District Council 37, Teamsters Joint Council 16 and the the New York City and New York state Building Trades Council. [225], Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS) director John Reich immediately blamed IndyMac's failure on the letter's release. He called on Trump to change course and said Americans would be aware that he was behind the prevention of Congress from settling the matter. Then serving on both the Senate Banking and Finance Committees, Schumer was in a position to block attempts to tax their financial gains at the rate other taxpayers pay for income. WebUnlock Staff Directories with a LegiStorm subscription See at a glance whos who in member offices, leadership offices and committees. RESOLUTION To constitute the majority partys membership on certain committees for the One Hundred Eighteenth Congress, or until their successors are chosen. . RESOLUTION Honoring the life and legacy of the late James George Abourezk. [64], In October 2001, during a press conference, Schumer stated his desire that generic ciprofloxacin be available for government use. [224], A Treasury Department's Inspector General audit found that the primary causes of IndyMac's failure were associated with its business strategy of originating and securitizing Alt-A loans on a large scale. H ouse Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) challenged his Senate counterpart to bring a clean debt ceiling bill to the Senate floor. A resolution informing the House of Representatives that a quorum of the Senate is assembled. He advocated that Trump stop tweeting to better focus on working on behalf of the United States and said Trump had "severely damaged his credibility" by promoting conspiracy theories. What's happening: Billionaire businessman Elon Musk visited the Capitol on Wednesday and met with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, according to [281] Schumer later apologized for the comments. [130] Republicans argued that the Democrats were attempting to use the votes on this bill and the issue of equal pay as political issues in the 2014 midterm elections. Prior to service in the Senate, Cummings was a litigator in private practice, and served as COO and general counsel for a major charitable foundation. In 1998, Schumer was elected to the Senate, defeating three-term Republican incumbent Al D'Amato. [39] Bob Dole once quipped that "the most dangerous place in Washington is between Charles Schumer and a television camera";[40] Barack Obama joked that he brought the press to a banquet as his "loved ones". Schumers office did not respond to an email seeking comment. [248], After the March 2007 meltdown of the subprime mortgage industry, Schumer proposed a federal government bailout of subprime borrowers to save homeowners from losing their residences and to shore up communities that were seeing neighborhoods destabilized due to foreclosures and the resulting decreases in neighboring home values. [59] Along with his House and Senate colleagues, Schumer successfully worked to kill a Bush-era privatization plan for custodial and utility workers at the United States Military Academy at West Point. [112], Schumer has championed college tuition tax credits, calling for and passing a $4,000 tuition tax credit for students as part of a host of tax credits and cuts passed to stimulate the economy in the 2009 American Reinvestment and Recovery Act. to Share Facts", "Conservative media focus their criticism on Schumer, Democrats following Trump's firing of Comey", "Dems once critical of Comey line up to denounce his firing", "Schumer demands assurances on Russia probe after Trump fires FBI chief", "Schumer: GOP attacks on FBI 'delusional,' 'paranoid', "White House bars Dems from Nunes meeting on probe", "Schumer, Pelosi: Include us in FBI informant briefing", "Schumer: 'What kind of justice will John Roberts be? He is the first New Yorker, as well as the first Jewish person, to serve as a Senate leader. But Schumer said Roberts's "compassion and humanity" was questionable, and objected to the Bush administration's refusal to show documents Roberts wrote during his tenure as deputy solicitor general and to Roberts's refusal to answer many questions the committee asked him. Congressional Tribute to Constance Baker Motley Act of 2023. "[173][174] He had previously accused Trump of "indecisiveness" for his delays in implementing the move by waiving the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995, as previous presidents had done. "[95], Schumer's committee assignments for the 118th Congress are as follows:[96], Schumer is pro-choice, and has a 100% rating from NARAL Pro-Choice America,[99] even though he received some criticism for attending a gala in 2007 hosted by Efrat, an organization that seeks to reduce abortion among Israeli Jews. [19][23] In preparation, Schumer "set about making friends on Wall Street, tapping the city's top law firms and securities houses for campaign donations. [126] When the Senate reconvened after the Capitol was secure, Schumer gave remarks, calling it a day "that will live forever in infamy". [258][259] Some demonstrators complained that the bill had originated with wealthy campaign contributors who would reward legislators for passing the bill. (Earlier on Monday, Manchin announced he had tested positive for Covid-19 and was working remotely. RESOLUTION To authorize testimony and representation in United States v. GossJankowski. Unfortunately, by abstaining on United Nations Resolution 2334, this administration has not followed in that path. He has been called an "incorrigible publicity hound". [285] Schumer and Weinshall live in Park Slope near Grand Army Plaza. Electrical & Computer Engineering. A resolution honoring the life and legacy of the late James George Abourezk. Schumer chaired the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, part of the Democratic Senate leadership, with primary responsibility for raising funds and recruiting Democratic candidates in the 2006 Senate election. To take a step back hurts our economy, our job growth and middle-class and working people. On December 22, 2008, The Washington Post reported that the OTS regional director in charge had been removed from his position for allowing IndyMac to falsify its financial reporting. [31][32], After the 2016 presidential election, Schumer opined that the Democratic Party lost due to not having "a strong, bold economic message" and called on Democrats to push for reforms in the affordability of college and trade laws.[33]. Leadership Bios [136], In his book released in March 2010, No One Would Listen, Bernie Madoff whistleblower Harry Markopolos passed along an unsourced claim that Schumer called the SEC for information about the Madoff investigation. He served nine terms in the United States House of Representatives from 1981 to 1999, first representing New York's 16th congressional district before being redistricted to the 10th congressional district in 1983 and 9th congressional district 10 years later. On the Joint Resolution H.J.Res. Schumer said, "China has stolen millions of jobs and trillions of dollars [but] administrations from both parties haven't been strong enough to fight back. The 9/11 Commission reported that, despite recent alliances with the U.S., the UAE had strong ties to Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda before the 9/11 attacks.